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To~m Hee, t~n~ l~n~,ch 2,....1951.
T~ either of the Constables of the Tovm of North An~over:-
In the name, of the Cocmonwealth of ~ssachusetts, you are
hereby~irecte~ to notify and w~rn the inhabitants of North Anaover.
~ualifie~ to vote ~n elections and to~n affairs, to meet in the,
Engine E0use in voting precinct one, Herrimack Portable ~School
in voting, precinct two, the Union Schoolhouse in voting'precinct
three a~ the To?m Hall in voting precinct four. in sai~' North
Annoyer , on ~on~a~. the secon~ Say of ~ch,--19~I, ~t nine o'clock
in ~he forenoon, then an~ there to act upon the following
A~,ticle Qne.
To eleat Ho=er~tor. Town els=k, Town Treasurer,three Selectmen.
three mem%ers of the ~oam& of l~ubli= ~elf~re for one year~ one &ssessor
of T~xes. one member of School =omm-tttee, one m~be= of the Boar~ of
Health. one membe= of the ~oar~ of.Public ~orka, for fJLree years;
&~ghway Su=veyor, a ~ollector of Taxes, amXu~itor. ~ Tr~¢
aha ,five. 0onstahlea~for one year., and any a~ a~ll town officers
re~ulre~y law to be elects~by
All to'be'vote~ for on one ballot~ The polls shall be opene~
a~ n£ne o'clock A.~. ~ sha~l be close~ ~t eight o'clock
After final ~ction.on~the preceding article one. the sai~
meeting shall .stan~ ~ijouzne~by virtue of section A. amt~cle 1, of
the Tow~']~y-Law8, ~o S=tur~a~, Me=ch 14, l~l,&t, one thirty o'clock
~.' H. in the To~n Hall, then an~ there to act upon the following
To elect all other officers no~ require~ by l~w to be elec~e~
by ballot.
,A~,ti~!e Thre,e.
to see ,if the %o~n will vote to accep% the report of the
receipts an~ expenditures as presente~ by ~he Selectmen and Auditor.
Article l~our.
To see wha~ action the town will take as to its unexpenaed
~Own ~eeting ~arch 2~ 1931.
A~ticle Five%
To see what action the town will take as
recommendations of the Finance Committee.
Article Six.
To eee
with the approval
· cf the revenue of
to the
if th~ town will vote mo authorize the Treasurer,
of the Selectmen, ftc borrow money in anticipation
the current financial year.
Article ~e~e,~
To consider the report of~all special committees. ~
~rticle EiEht
~ see
if the town will vote ~o raise and. appropriate'the.
smmof ~wo hundred($200.00)dollars, for the purpose of arranging a-
Christmas lighting program along the lines, inaugurated by the Chamber
of Commerce during the Chris,mas holidays of 19~0, and ~place a commi~t'ee
in. charge
· ~ Article
.To see if the tovm will vote
thousandfive hundred[$9$08.00)dollars,
.Petitioh of the 'Board of Fire Engineers~
A~..~.ti~l~ ~e~
off,he same. Petition of. Eaurice C.. Gasey and~others.
tors~tse and. appropriate nine
for a new ladder truck.,
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum
of money not-~o exceed three thousand.one hundred[S3100.00) d011krs,
for.'~the purchase of an ambulance with full .equipment. Petition of
Alexander E. ~hite and others.
Ar.tic.le. Eleven.
TO see if the town will raise-and appropriate a sum not~in
excess of one thousand two hundred($1200.00)dollarso for the purchase
of a service truck for the Highway Department, by the surveyor, with
the aclvice and approval of the Committee on Roads. Petition of the
Committee on Roads~
.Ay..ticle Twelve.
town will instruct the Chief of Police to
To see if ,fhe
give preference to the duly elected Constables in making assignments
for extra or special duty. Petition of Timothy L. ~cAvoy and others.
Artic.%e Th%~teen..
To see what action the tov~ will take in regard to appointing
a committee to care for the public parks and triangles of the town.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
Meet. - --~rch 2 1931.
~rticle. Fourteen.
T'o see if the tovm will raise and appropriate a sum to meet
obligations, estimated am not in excess of twenty-five hundred
dollars, which may arise under chapter llSA General Laws, entitled~
"Adequate ~ssistance to Certain ~ged Citizens." Petition of Selectmen.
Article Fifteen.
· To see if the tovm will raise and appropriate a sum suffici~nt
for the purpose of providing additional acsomadat~ons· for spectators
at Grogan's Field, upon estimates mo be furnished by the committee
appointed at the last annual meeting to reporZ on the project'.
Petition of the committee.
~rtlc~e. S~xte. en.
TO aec if the town will raise and appropriate a. su~sufficient
to e~uip a swimming place for ~oung people, ~n land of D:, F~tttredge,
lying between. PleaSant Street and Stevens. Pond, nes. r the-old~Oauseway
leading ~from'the s~ree~ to the Gate House., estimated to cost not more
than three thousand~$S000.00)~ollars, and provide a's~m nom in
excess of eleven hundred($1100.)dollars, for supervision of the place
during the ensuing yea~; upon estimates to be furnished by the'~ccmmitt~e
appointed a~ .the last annual meeting mo repots on the project.
Petition of the .committee.
To aee if the town will raise and appropriate a sum not in
excess of nine hundred($900o00~: dollars, to supplemenm payments by the
2ed Cross and certmin insurance companies, for the purpose of c6ntinu~ng
the services of the bedside nurse ~nployed by the nursing committee, of
the Red Cross, the appropriati~ to be expended bi the Board of Health,
as recommended by said committee. Charles A. Appleton and ~hers.
To see if the town will vote to apply the S435Jg?,~receive~
by the Treasurer on account of the Kimball School fire towards paymen~ of
the ~ills outstanding against this ~ccount and raise and appropriate the
sum of $100.79 to pay the remaining balance~ Petition of Town Treasurer.
Town ~eeting 'March
Warrant o
Art i c 1 ei .~ .ine. t e eh.
2, 1931.
by taxation, or by bond
To sea if the town-will vote mo accept the report of the Selectmen,
laying ~abot Road as a town way, in a~cordance wi. th the provisions of
Chapter 82, of~the General Laws.Petition of Raymond H. Twombly and others.
Article Twenty-four.
To see. if the town will vo~e to accept the repor~ of the Selectmen,
layin~ ou~ l~orman Road as a tov,m way, in accordance,with the provisions~
of Chapte= SM, of the Geners~l Laws.Petition of Eugene Boeglin and//thers.
.'.Article Twenty-five; /
2o see if the town will vo~;e to accept the repor~ of the Selecl;men
laying out Buckingham Road as a town ~y,in accgrdance/~ith provieons of
Chapter 82, of the ~ene~al Laws.Petition of Leonard/Firth and others,
Buckingham Road, Cabot Road and Norm~ Road,
town ways, upon report of the Select~en to be
_.Article Twenty-three.
or any of said ways , aa
filed with the meeting.
~o 'see if the town will vote to raise
issue or notes, or in part by one and in part by. another method, the
sum:0f ~fifteen thousand($15,000.00)'dollars, and to appropriate so much
o~ the same 'aa may be required to me~t the obligations of the town,.
incurred and anticipated by vote of the special meeting held ~uly $1,
1930, bywhich the town assumed land damages, no~ in excess of said
amount, arisiug ou~ of the laying out and construction of the proposed
State Highway f~o~ tha Junction of Andover ~nd Peters Streele- northerly
to 0sgood Stre~ near its junction with Sutton Str~at.
Article Twenty.
To see if the town will vote to discontine as a tovrn way(if it
is a.townway) the unused pomtion"of Wood Lane from Andover Stree~ to
a point to the north along lhe lane beyond the place where the new
State Highway will cross it, as recommended by the State Board of Publi~
· orka~Petition of the ~o~ittee on ~oade.
Arti,cle Twe.nty-o.ne.
To' see if the town will rose to instruct the 6electmen, in'conjunction
· with the Committee on Roads, to petition the ~ounty~Commissioners.under
Chapter 28~of the Acts of 1924, for.relief fro~ the obligation of keeping
~ddleton Street in repal=.Pe~ition of the Oommittee on Roads.
.iArticle Twenty-two.
TO see if the ~own will accept the laffing out of Pilgrim Street,
Town ~eeting March 2~ 1931.
Article Twenty-six.
To~eeo if ~e town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of
money aufficient to exten~ the sewer fr~ its pre~nt te~nus on
~ss~huaett~ Avenue, ~o~ ~n~en Avenue to the corner of Sylvan Terr~e.
Petition of Leon~d 0rotes ~d others.
~ticle Twenty-seven.
To aee if the town will raise and appropriate ~ s~ of money'
to exten~ the sewer from l~ssachusetts Avenue to Trinity. Oouz~, ~ distance
of 510 feet~ Petition of Louis E~ber and others.
~tic le Twenty-e fght
To see if the town will raise, and appropriate s~ficien~ mone~
to extend its sewer souther~ ~ong S~tonmt~l Roa~, ~out ~wo bund=ed
feet. Petitio~ of Leon~d ~th and others.
~ticte Twenty-nine.
To aee if ~he town will vote to r~se and appropriate
s~ficient ~ney to extend its. water ~n s~uthe'rly ~ong S.~tons.t~l
Road about two hundred feat. Patitdon of Leonard F~tk and others.
~ticle T~rty.
To aee if the town will vote to lay its ware= main from
~iside Ro~ ~ong~esley Ro~, so-called, -on pl~ of.~ilbur
Comps; ~o .the residence of gunzi0 ~chese., and raise and approprimte
money"to'~pay for the ~.Petition-of ~s. '~ohn Elliot and others.
, ~t~e Thirty-one
~. To see if the town, will vote to extend the water m-in on P~k
S.tree.t fro~ its present te~inus ne~ the Franklin School ~o ~in
Street ~d to raise an~ appropriate a s~ of money suffl~ent, therefo='.
Petitio~ :of the ~d of ~blic Worka..
.... " ~ticle Thirty-two.
To see if the town will vote to ~mend the s~-inch wmter
m~n on ~-bleridge Ro~ from i~s. prose,hr te~nus ne~ the residence
of ~bert ~izh to Salem Street, a distance of fourteen hundred fee~,
mnd will raise and appropriate ~ s~ of money sufficient:therefor.
Petition of the Bo~d of ~blic
~ticle Thir~y-t~e
To see- if the town will vote to r~se and appropriate a
aufficien~ s~ of money to keep ,the lightm of the town lit ~1 night.
Petition' of Alexander M. ~te.and others.
Town, Eeetin~ ~wch Z, 195!.
~arran, t
Article ~hirt2-fou~.
TO see if the to~n will authorize the Police Department to
replace the cement traffic marker at the intersectiom of R. R. Ave.
and ~[iddleeox Street with an overhead light.Petition Police Dept.
Article Thirty-five.
To see if the town will vote .to remmve the beacon light
the junction of Railroad. Avenue and ~iddlesex Street and replace with
an overhead wa~ning light. At it now stands it creates a hazas, d
motorists. Petition of Edwin 2roct and others.
Article Thir ty-s, ix.
To see if the tova~ will vote to install street lights o~ Salem
Stree~ from the residence of ~filliam Phelps to the residence of
~oseph .~-~th~ Petition of. C~arles Pe'terson. and
~1~,t, ic,1 e Thir ty.Jseven.
To see if ~he mown will' vote to install s~ree~ lights on
Eewitt Avenue, on Po~t 1285. Petition of George Deloge and omhera.
Article Thirty-e izht.
To see if the movm will vo~e ~o install a street light on Bay
Etate Road tn front of the residence 'of Eaurice A. Sullivan~
Petition of ~ame~ ~. Daw and others'- "
Article Thirty-nine.
To, see if the mown will rome ~o =alee and appropriate
sufficient money for a surface drain on Elm Street from ~ater Street
to ~n Street.Petitioh of ~Lichael ~. Oonnelly and othe'rs.
Article, ~o.r. ty J
To see if :the town will &ppropriate and raise the sum of
tA~ree hundre~ dolta~s to straighten and widen the very bad bend in the
road on For=eat Street; located about 1000 feet from the residence of
O. W. Paul and others.
To see if the mown will vote to raise and appropriate five
hundre~ dollars mo concrete ~everly Street on the western side from
· Union Street to Perry Stree~;J. lex. H. White and others.
Article Fort~,-two,
~o see if the mown will vo~e to raise and appropriate a
not to exceed five hundred dollars to top dress Fores.t Street with
cinders where needed mo make it safe in mud time. 'Petition of
~rederick Rahs and others.
Town Heetin ~rc~ ~ lg~l.
Article Fort -three.
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate ~a sum of
money, to macadamize the follo$ing streets; Sargent Street, ~elmont Street,
May Street, Horton Street an~ Eodges Street. ~etition of ~ames ~. Smith
and others,
To see if the town will vote to raise, and appropriate, or raise
~y bond issue or otherwise, a sufficienm sum of money to macadamize
Pleasanz Street, between Davis Street and Stevens
Petition of Thomas ~. ~arragher and others.
Article ~ort--fivet
To ac~ on. any othe= busiuess which may legally be considere~
at this meeting.
And you are directed to serve this warran: by posting t~ue and
attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public
places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be pfosted not more than
fifteen days nor less than ~en days before the time of holding'said
Hereof fail no~ and m-ke due return of this warrant with your
doings thereon ~o the Town Olerk, at the time and place of holding said
Given under our hands at North Audover this twenty-sixth day
of Jaaummy in the year of our Lor~ one thousand mine hundredand
Harry O. ~oster,
~ames P.'HainsworthA
Se,leo%men of North Andover.
,Town Meeting ~ March 2~ 193,1.
,,,Officer's Eeturn.
I have notified the inhabitants of North Andover.qualified
to vote in Town Affairs, by posting true and attested copies of {his
warrant, at the Town Hall and at five or,more ~blic'places i~ each
voting precinct; said copies having'been posted not more them fifteem
~ays nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting.
~red L. Sargent
North Andover.~:eb.' 18.1931.
Article One..
At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Yown .of North
And~ve~, Qualified ~o vote in ~lectio.ns and town affairs,convened
in the Engine Housm in precinc~ ~neothe ~errimack Portable Schoolhouse
in p=ec£nct ~wm, the Union School in precinc~ t~ree and the Town Hall
in precinct four, agreeably to the requirements of the foregoing .
w~rra~l;, ~umlness was
on the ballot were as
Arthur P. Ohickering
T[own Clerk
Joseph.. A. Duncan
2own ~reasurer.
~e~ K. Coggina
~fred De~den
· ose~ V.
~ C. Foster
~es E. G~les~le
~em P. H~nswor~
BmrPie Nelson '
~exander E. ~Ite
~raneacted and votes for the
officers named
501 687 605 572
22.5 ~ 151 145 ?B~
51~ 690 586 5~1 2~55
207 209 17~ 1~6 ?42
28, 52 42 14a 265-
124 156 10~ 120
566 409 525. 52.~ 142.5.
254 500 aSO 409 15la
~5~ 528' 22.8 170 1056
281 44? 460 424 161Z
146 22.4 105 75 548
61 43 44 66 214
2,a6 197 195 9~ 721
~SZ 341 418 3~, 14~9
~ghole. number of bal,%oZ~ 309~.
P ~ e c i n c t a T~tals.
1 2 ~ 4
450 6Z7 §~5 512 2.1.44
~76 27~ 201 205' 954
~/~hwa~ Surveyor
Ira D.
&ndy ~. ~lchlun
John H. ~ine~
S~oot ~o~ft~ee ~e~e~
~th~ Robin~o n
~sessor of ~e~
~a~rick ~. D~w
· =e~erick E. 'Redd~
~=~: :Dewey
~c~ *A. Roche
~ohn J. ~0steZlo
Boar~ of ~blic ~e~f~e
~den K.
~fre~ De~rden
~r~ C. ~oster
$~es E. G~le~p~e
~urpie E. Nelson
er E.
Meeting Ma~ch Z~ I931.
A~ticle One.
,P r ,e c t n c t
1 ,.Z 3
s _Totals.
269 336 240~ 246 1091
45, 17 2~ 6 91
34& 497 454 595 1694
6~ 43 32 65 200
6 6 5 5 22
586 Z?~ 224 155 1044'
115 . lOg LSg 127 506
64 -80 fig 11~ ~I§'
489 611 540 ,486 2126<;
'2..%.? 2aa 216 231 '
2~7 250 16~ '202
278 45~ 336 ~2~ 157&
114 16~ 18~ 108 . , 57I,'
~7 55, 62 79
204 169 187 9~ 658
230: 193 18fi P~.~ 821
-P.~* 44~ 51~ 351 ' · 1~
20~ 51G 245
491 1950
191 949
§5 21~,
50 56 59 148' 273
128 167 112 126-
561 ~87 527 314 1589
25? 479 541 584 ,1461
526 50~ 22~ 170 I05~
26~ 450 440 ~99
61 55 4~ 65 224
$ohn H. Fenton
~e~ L. S~gent
~llmce E. Towne
Harold W. ~ning
~u~atine ~. Walak
~o ld* ~o od
~ee ~mrdem_
· o~ ~. Conno=m
~ember. ~a~ of ~e.~lth
~th~ ~. Bo~ner
George B. Brigh~ma-
George O. Eaton
~eetin~ ~arch Z, 19311
Article One&'
P r e c
n c t a Totals:.
3 4
171 405 187 165 92~
357 50Z 390 375' 162.4
501 260 514 199 1074
430 578 251 272 1331
175 ~7 467 267 1256
1147 133~ 1157 106Z 470~
554 660 595 526 2515
19Z 259 165 '191 785
75 68 200 48 59I
25a 458 195 219 lO90
247 215 121 234 815
103 11~ 191 125 5~
6.5 6;?. 49 95 26?
A~ter ~caref~ ~a~l~s. of the coun~made by the precinct
officers,. ~he Board of Registrzrs find thmt the following pe=sons
received the. highest number of votea and were therefore declare& elected.
Date when sworn.
Eo~mtor for one year. A~bu~ P. ~hickering March ~, 1931
Town ~mrk for one ye~ $ose~A. ~nc~ ~c~ ? 19~1
To,vm ~=e~e= for ,one ye~ .~o=~on ~rrie= M~ch 2, 19~1
~ree Selec~n for erie ye~.Joee~V.'~ ~ch ~, 1951
~r~y C. Foste= ~rch 2;1931
~mes P. ~nswor~ ~rch 2,1931
E~hway Su~eyor for one ye~
~ohn H. ~lnes,
S~ool Co.tree ~ember
for t~ee ye~s ~lea T. ~llde
~sess~r o~ T~es for ~ee ye~s.
Patrick P. Daw
Town Audito.~ for one yea=
Member Board of Public Worke
.. for three years.
Jamee ~. Elliott
· illiamE. So~erville
l~arch 3,1931
l~urch 7,1931
Earch ?,193i
~rch 3,1931
March 5,1931
Meeti M~rch 2. 1951.
Article One.
T~cUollector.for one ~ear John J. Costello
Three members ~oard of P~blic Welfare
for one ,ea~.
Joseph V. ?lanagan
Harry C. ~oste:
James p, Hainswor~h
Five Constables for one _ear~ John. H. Yen~on
John J. Murray
Pred L. Sargent
Wallace E. Towne
Date when swo'rn.
March 7,.19SI
~rch 3,1931
Hatch 2.;1931
March 2,1931
March 2,1931
~ar~h'14, 1931
March 3,1931
Tree ~arden for one .ear
~ember Board of Health
,for three .-ears.
Augustine J. Welsh
John. J. Oonnors
George B. Brightman,
March 2;1931
lfarch 3,1931
~arch 7, 1931
~d~TownEeeti- Ma~ch14.1931.
Article 2~
Voted tha~ officials be appointed by the Selec~men. .-
Article 3
Vote~ ~o accept;
Article 4
Voted that.all balances be turned into the treasury with
the exception of balances of bonds or no~es issued, and other
balances stipulated by special acta, except the balance of the
~oard of P~blic Works,Sewer Dept..of $1494.68, and the
School fire balance of $~55.97 .
The Boar~ of Public ~orks' balance of $1~4.68 ~o he applied'-"
to the maintenance and construction of sewers.