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Town Heeting October 24, 1932.
Es~e~ SS.
~.o~muonwea!th of l~assachusq~tts
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
Zn the name of the ~o~muonwe~lth of Eassachusetts ,
you are hereby directed to notify and warn the 2~zabitants of
North Andover, qualified to vote in To~n Affairs, to meet in the
Court Room, Town Building, in said ~orth Andover, on ~onday, the
twenty-fourth day of 0ctober,1932, at eight o'clock P. E., then~.and
there to act upon the following business:
~rticle 1. To see if the town will appropriate an additional
sum of $6000.00, for the current .]~blic Welfare Appropriation by
the t~ansfer of any available funds from the balance of any
appropriation made at the last annual tovm meeting or from any
other available source, to supply a present and prospective deficiency
in th~ original appropriation.
Article 2. To see if the town will appropriat~ an additional
sum of $1500;00, for the current 01d Age Assistance Appropr£ation
by the transfer of any available funds f~om the balance of any
appropriation made at the last annual town meeting or from any
other available source, to supply a present and prospective deficiency
in zhe original' appropriation.
~rticie ~. Tp see if'the town will appropriate an additional
sum of $755.!7, fey the additional premium due on account of an
audit for Compensation and Public Liability InsUrance, by the
transfer of any available funds from the balance of any appropriation
made at the last annual town meeting or from any other available
source, to supply ~ present ~nd prospective deficiency in the
original apprbpriation.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting
true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall, and at five or more
public places in each Meting precinct. Said copies to be posted not
more than fifteen days nor less than ten aays before.thc time of
holding said meeting.
T~in Meetin October 24 195£.
Hereof fail not and make dus return of this warrant ~ith
your doings thereon, .~o the To~n Clerk at the time and place of said
Given under our ~nds at ~orth Andover, this tenth day of
October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
Ham'ry C. Foster.
Ja~es P. Hainsworth.
Joseph V. Fianagan,
Officer's Return.
~orth ~.udover,0ct. 15,1952.
I have notified 'the inhabit&nts of 1,~orthJ~udover,
qualified to vote in To~;mAffairs, by posting true and attested
copies of this warrant at the Town Hall a~ud at five or more
public places in each vo~ing precin6t: said copies having.
been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ~en days
before the time ef holding said meeting..
Constable ·
Town L~eeting .0.c~ober 24, 1932.
Article 1. ~foted: that tk¢ town appropriate the s~ of six
thousaud dollars, which sum is to supply a present ~nd prospective
deficiency in the appropriation made for ~e Public ~elfare
Department at the last annual ~eeting, and t~at this ~mo~t be
taken from surplus revenue.
Article £. Voted: tha~ the town appropriate the sum~f
fifteen hundred dollars, which sum is to supply a pre~ent-and
prospective deficiency in the appropriation ~:~de for 01d Age
~ssistance, at the lzst annu~ ~eetinE, and that this amount
be taken from surplus revenue.
A~.ticle 5 Voted~ that the town ~ppriate the sum of seven
hundred fifty-five dollars and seventeen cents, which s~ is to
supply a present and prospective deficiency in the appropriation
~ade for Insurance at the last annual meeting, and that this
amount be tauten from su~pluc revenue.
About sixty five~ persons were present~.
.A true colby attest:
.TSwn Clerk. -,