HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-11-08State Election November 8, 1932
~ A R R A N T.
Eseex es.
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover~ Greeting:-
In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and
warn the inhabitants Of North Andovor who are qualified to vote for Presidential
Electors, State, District and County Officers, and upon all questions appearing
on the ballot, to meet and assemble in the designated and appointed polling
places in precincts One, Two, Three and Four.
The Engine House in precinct one, the Merrimack Portable School in
precinct two, the Union Schoolhouse in precinct three and tho Town Hall in precincts
four, on ;T~E~DAT, the Eighth day of November, 1932, ag ten o'clock in the forenoon,
to bring into the Election Officers their votes xazaa for Presidential Electors;
Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Secretary; Treasurer; Auditor; Attorney General;
Congressman for the Sixth Congressional District; Councillor for the Fifth District;
Essex District; three Representatives for the Third
Senator for the FourthAOounty Commissioners for the County of Essex and Sheriff
for .the County of Essex; and their votes upon the following queotions:
Question #1.
Law Proposed by Initiative Petition.
Shall the proposed law which defines and legalizes the practice of
chiropractic; establishes a board of registration of chiropractors and defines the
number, m~e of appointment, t~nure, qualification and compensation of its members,
and its powers and duties; provides for the preliminary qualifications, examination,
certification, original ~egistration and annual license of chiropractors and regula-
tion of their'practice, and defines and mode, susJects of and fees for examination,
the mode ~f practice and penalties; and other mat~ers related thereto, which are
chiefly ns follows:
That chiropractic be "the science or practice of locating and adjusting
by hand the malpositions of the articulations of the human spine."
That any person, with one preceding year's residence in this Commonwealth
and with degree from s qualified chiropractic school received at least one year
prior to the date when this law takes effect, may, within ninety days after such
date, be certified by tho board a~ its discretion without examination.
That otherwise no person, except s memoer of the board of registration,
shall practice chiropractic unless, being over twenty-one years of age, of good moral
characte~ and graduated from a reputable chiropractic school after personally attend-
ing courses of at least twenty-two hundred sixty-minute daylight hours given to
persons qualified to graduate from a public high school, he shall qualify by
examination, pay a fee of twenty-five dollars and oe registered and certified;
except that any person licensed in another State maintaining standards equal to
those of this Commonwealth may be registered without examination.
That the examination be scientific and practical in character, in
subjects including anatomy, physiology, symptomatology, hygiene, sanitation,
chemistry, histology, pathology, chiropractic analysis, and the principles and
practice of chiropractic.
That the board may, after hearing, revoke a certificate for cause.
That the board shall make an annual report and shall keep public
records of its proceedings end of the names of persons examined or registered by
it and of the names and addresses of all registered chiropractors, who shallipay
an ann~al license fee, promptly notify ~he board of any change in.address and
furnish such other information as the board may require.
That the board consist of three members, residents of the Commonwealth
for three yenrs, graduates of a chartered chiropractic school having power to
confer degrees in chiropractic, to be appointed by the governor, with the advice
and consent of the council, for a term. of three years.
Tha~ the board'have authority to administer oaths, summon witaeases and
take testimony end adopt rensonable rules and regulations pertaining ~o their
duties, and that they pay into the state treasury fees received ay them, and
that they receive compensation and reimbursement for expenses in such a amounts
as may be annually appropriated therefor not exceeding the amount of such fees,
Penalties are provided for practicing chiropractic without~.holding a
certificate or for using the words "Chiropractic Practitioner", the letters
"D.C.", or any title or letters indicating engagement in such practice, or
for buying, selling or fraudulently ob2aining any diploma or record of registra-
It is further provided.that the present law relating to the registration
of physicians and surgeons and providing peualti~s for the unauthorized practice
of medicine shall no~ be held ~o discriminate against registered chiropracmors;
but no chiropractor, unless registered as a physician or surgeon, may practice
obstetrics, or administer drugs, or ~erform surgical operations by the use of
instruments, or hold himself out as and for other than a chiropractor, which
was disapproved in the House of Representatives by a vote of 50 is tho affirmative
and 151 in the negative and in the Senate by a vo~e of 15 in the affirmative and
21 in the negative, by approved?
question #~.
Law Proposed by Initiative Petition.
Shall the proposed law which provides for an additional method of
nominating candidates for nomination, at the state primaries in September, by
members of political parties, for these offices to be filled by all the voters of
the Commonwealth at a stats election.
It provides that the state conventions of the political parties, in each
state election year, shall be held before and not after the state primaries, as now,
namely, not later than June lSth. In order to elect delegates to such party con-
vemtions, party primaries are established to be held on the last Tuesday in April.
Among other things, those state conventions may endorse candidates for offices to
be filled 8¥ all the voters, and to be voted upon at the state primaries? .Such ~
endorsement places a c~ndidate in nomination, at such state primaries, without the
necessity of filing nomination papers. The name of the endorsed candidate is to be
placed first oa the ballot and against hie name is to be placed the words "Endorsed
by (the name of policital party) convention" in addition to the eight-word statement
now authorized by law. Candidates endorsed by a party convention may accept said
endorsement within ten days, and having so accepted may not withdraw.
It also provides for the election of district members of state committees
and members of ward and town committees at the proposed party primaries in April, as
well as delegates to the state.party conveations, instead of at ~he state primaries
in September, as now.
I~ also provides for the election of delegates to national conventions
(to nominate candidates for President) at the proposed party primaries instead of at
the primaries, now specially held for that purpose, and which existing law reqmires
to be held on the last Tuesday in April (the same day proposed for the proposed
party primaries).
It also provides for certain other new provisions of law and certain
changes in existing laws, relating to holding state conventions and party primaries,
the number and election 'of dele$~tes to state conventions, the'number of members
at large of a state committee, ~nd other matters, which in more detail chiefly are
as follows: ·
State conventions ar~ to be composed solely of delegates eledted a~ the
party primaries, and zhe number is to be one from each v~rd and town and one additional
for every fifteen hundred votes or major fraction thereof above the first fifteen
hundred ~otes cast at the preceding state election in such ward or town for the
p~litical party candidate for Governor, instead of a number now fixed ~y tho state
committee of each party (not less than oeo from each ward or town) and certain members
designated by exiuting law.
The time, for notice to the State Secretary by aldermen or selectmen of their
determination to hold pti.mafias by wards, precincts or groups of precincts, to be March
instead of August 1, as now.
The names of candidates for election for delegates to a state conv~tion and
for district members of a state committee to be arranged individually by alphabet
instead of in groups arranged by lot as now.
Vacancies in the office of delegmte to a sta~e or national convention not
to be filled except in case of a tie vo~e, end then by delegates from the same
district, within ten days, and if no other delegate or if not so filled, then oy
a state commit~ee, rather than solely by the remaining members of the delegation;
and statement of filling of such vacancy ~o be filed wi.th the State-Secretary.
Seating of delegates at state conventions to se in groups by. senatorial
districts, and order of business at said conventions defined.
Voting on candidates, by a convention, to be by roll call, if more than one
candidate for the office, or by groups of delegates unless any member of such group
The number of members a~ large of a s~ate committee of a political party ~c
be fixed by the s~a~e c onventian of a party instead cf by the State committee es now~
The existing provisions .as to preparation and filing of nDmination paper,
objections to nominations, preparation, nmnber, substance, arrangement and form of
ba!lcts, hours during which polls shall be open, opening of ballot boxes, canvass and
return of ~ctes, return and certification of votes, now applicable ~o state primaries
to be applicable to the proposed party primaries.
The power of a state committee to fix the number of district delegates to a
national convention to be continued, but the date, of giving no, ice ~o the State
Correction see page 212
secretary, of such fixation ~o be March 1, instead or, August 1, as now, which wam
approved in the Senate by a vote of 21 in the affirmat£ve and 17 in the negative and
was disapproved in the House of Representatives uy a vote of ~2 in the affirmative.
and 1S8 in the negative, be approved?
~ Question #S.
Proposed Amendmenz to the Constitution of the Gaited States.
Is it desirable that the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the
United States,--
"Section 1. Thc merms of ~he President and Vice President shall end a~ noonOn.the
20th day of January, and the terms cf Senators and Representatives a~ noon on the Srd
day of January, 0£ the years in which such terms would have ended if this article
had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors Shall then begin.
"Section 2. Tho Congress shall assemble at least once in every year,
and suc~ meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by
law appoint a different day.
"Section S. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the
Preeident, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall
become President. Afa President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed
for the beginnin~ of his term, or if Lbo President elect shall have failed to qualify,
then the Vice President elect shall act ns President until a President shall have
qualified; end the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a
~resident elect nor a Vice President ~lect shall have eualified, decloring who shall.
then act as President, or the manner in which one who ~s to act shall be selected, and
such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have
qualified'~.Section A. The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of ~'
any of persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President when-
ever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the
death of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice President~.
whenever~the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.
"Section S. Sections 1 and 2 shall take effect on the l~th day of October
following the ratific,tion of this article.
· "Section 6. This article shall ~ inoperative unless it shall have been
ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths
of the several States within seven years from the date cf its submission,"--be
ratified by the ~eneral Court?
question of Public Policy.
Shall the Representatives in the General Court from the Third Eoeex
District be instructed to vote in favor of the establishment in this Commonwealth
of a system of oompuleory, state-operated unemployment insurance~
Ail to be voted for on one ballot.
The poll~ shell be open at ten o'clock A.M. and shall close at eight
o'clock P.M.
An you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested
copies thereof at the Town ~11 and at five or more public places in each voting
precinct; said copies to be posted not more than fifteen~days nor less than ten
days before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof £ail not and make due re~urn of thio warren; with your doings
thereon at the time nnd place of holding said meeting.
Given under our hands at North And~ver this nineteenth day cf October
in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two.
Harry C. Foster
Jemes ~. 'H~inswort~
Joseph V. Flanagnn
North Andover.
0ffic.er.'.s. Return
~orth Andover, October 26,1932.
~orrection to ~e.inserted on page 10,
on or before the third Uednesday in March, as now.
The power of city and town committees ~o fix the number of members of ward
and town committees to be continued, but the date, of giving notice to the State
Secretary, of such fixetion to be March 1 instead of
Qfficer' s. ~etur.n
~orthAndover,October 2~,1932.
I have notified the inhabitants of North Andover,
qualified ~o vote in State Elections, by posting true and'
attested copies of this warrant az the Tov~ Hall and' at five
or more public places in each voting precinct: said copies
having been posted not m~re than fifteen days nor less than
ten days before the ~ime of holding said meeting.
~allace E. Towns,
State · Electzon November 8 1932.
At a legal meeting off thu ir~bitante of t?:e Town oi' 1Torth
And0ver, qualified to vote ~or presidential Electors, State,.District
and Couu{y Officers aud upon ~ll quostion-~ appearing on the ballot,
convened in ~ne Engine House in precinc~ one,. the Eerrimack Psrt&ble
Schoolhouse in precinct ~wo, ~he Union School in precinct three and
the Town Hall in precinct four, agreeabl~ ko the foregoing, warrant,
business was transacted and vo~es for ~he officers and questions
appearing on the ballot were as follows:
1 2 3 4
908 828.
Total ba!lo~s cast 795 - 978 35091
Candi. da~es~
E~6~o=s o£ Presiden~
Hover and C'~tis (R) ~99 5?8 559 5£2 195g
Reynolds &&ikon(S-P-) 5 1. 5 1 l0
Roosevelt & G~rner[D) 450 546 281 276 1335
Thongs and lI~ure~(S)
Upshaw and Hogan
Blanks 21 18 18 ? 64
Yohn ~. Ball~a (C) ~ ~ ~ 2 9
$oseph B. Ely (D) 42~ 369 290 ~16 1402
Alfred Baker Lewis(S) 38 22 50 11 121
Charles S. 0ra~(S.L.) 22 0 2 1 25
~illiam S. Young~nan(R) 284 557 5~2 468 1851
Blanks ~l ~7 25 50 101
Lieutenan~ Governor
Gasper G. Bacon(R) 285 552 52~ 510 18S8
~orris I. Becker(S.L.) 5 8 7 ~ 24
James V~. Dawson(C) 6 8 . ~ £ 19
~al~er S. Hutchins(S) ~5- ~l &6 l0 ll2
· ohn E. Swift (D) 410 ~5 276 256 1275
Blanks 5~ 56 55 ~6 211
State Election·
~oD_uF. Buck-ley (D)
Frederick W. Cook(R)
&lbert S. Coolidge ($.,)
Eax Lerner (C)
&lbert L. ~aterman (S.L.)
Domenico A.DiGirolsmm (S.L.)
Eva Hoffm~n(C')
Oharles F. Huzley (D)
Francis Prescott
Glen Triable
JUle B~obit (C)
Daniel'T. Blessington (S.L.)
Alonzo B. Cook (R)
David A. Eisenberg (S)
Francis X. Hurley (D)
Attorney General
~okn P. Buckley (D)
Yiaria C~ Correia (C)
Fred E. 0elcher (S.L.)
George E. Roewer (S)
~illiamR.'Scharton (Ind)
Joseph E. Warner (R)
ConEressman SLxth Dist.
A. Platt Andrew
~ames D. Burns (D)
i~ov, ember 8, 1932.
P r e c i n c
i 2 3 4
430 523 26E
!256 554 527
40 29 51
'2 4 2
10 6 3
57 62 55
6 8 5
5 2 5
417 552 281
275 535 515
36 . 25 45
56 58 61
1 4 5
12 8 6
285 527 530
30 22 49
403 346 262
64 71 58
385 319 268
1 4 2
11 5 5
32 22 '~43
2 6 , 5
304 558 532
62 64 53
295 555 548
407 324 255
93 !01 106
264 1279
491 1838
1 9
0 19
55 227
4 23
4 14
254 1304
489 1814
15 115
64 239
3 ~ 11
440 1782
10 lll
508 1319
63 256
2~5 1215
3 10
2 25
10 107
2 15
499 1893
67 246
501 1895
244 1231
83 383
State' Election
Councillor ~2
Eugene B. Fraser (R) 280 550
William G. Hennessey
(0) ~99 ~09
Blanks ll6 !19
Senator Fourth
Essex Dist.
7. Bradfor--~is(R) 256 511
Lot F.Ec~amara
(0) 441 558
Blanks ~8 109
General Courtz_~ird Dist.
George Boothroyd (Ind) 8
Eatherine A.Foley(D) 521 276
James p.H~ins~orth(R)572 590
Thomas ~i (Ind) 9 8
~o~EcWilli~(S) 75 61
Robert V.O,Sullivan ~15 275
Louis ~.Sc~nlon (D) 581
Willi~ ~it~h~(R) 2G7
C~l ~oekel (R) 251 459
Bla~s 408 475
Gouty Co~nissioners
Essex Coun~
-Frederick Butler(R~ 527 560
Lewis C. C~ey (D)
~o~F.~ordon (S)
Robert H.Hitchell(R) 251 469
~ichael T. Ray (D) 265 222'
Leon~d Sp~u!ding (S) 55 18
Bla~ 52~ 381
Sheriff-Essex CounZz
Eic~el A. Landers(D)561 303
Thos.Nichoison(S) 56 30
FramE. R~zond(R) 5!1 565
Bla~s 67 82
I~ovember ~
c i n c t s
5 4
552 484
250 235
126 109
491 459
512 268
105 101
57 10
218 200
628 565
5 16
84 40
195 198
258 255
586 575
578 578
557 469
546 521
219 227
47 18
416 596
175 169
44 16
569 509
247 250
61 19
555 486
65 73
Stat.____~_eElection November
e c i n c t
To tal__.~s .-
Question 31o. 1
197 237 139 724
308 216 308 1014
475 455 381 1771
Question 70. 2
241 188 248 853
144 122 115 464
593 '- ' 598 465 2192
~uestion~o. 3
Qusstion of Public Policy.
Shall the Representatives
in the General Court from
the Third Essex District
be in-tructed to vote lu
favor of the establishment in
this Cmrmonwealth of a system
of compulsory, state-operated
unemplo~nent insurance ?
571 318 357 133Q
69 67 61 239
558 523 410 1940
275 305 202 1054
167 139 '207 600
536 464 419 1855
State Election V0vember 8 1952,
~o the Clerk of the Town of North ffmdover,
Essex County,
the undex~igned registered voters of the Town
of North.Andover do certify that we have reason to believe and do
believe that the records or copies of records made by the Election
Officers of said ~ownfor the office of State Senator in the Fourth
'Essex District, in the State Election held on Tuesday November-8,
1932, are erroneous in .that certain ballots were improperly
counted for J. Bradford Davls'~ one of the candidates for said
· office, and certain other ballots which were cast for LOt ~.
McNmmmra, Jr. one of the candidates for said office, were not
counted for hi, By said officers, and we do believe that a
recount of the ballots cast in said town will affect the elction
of jj Bradford Davis and Lot F. EcNamara, Jr. the candidates for
2 2Lxby Avenue
2 Bixby Avenie
2 Bixby Avenue
2. Bixby Avenue
Patrick J. Casey
Lenora casey
Julia ~. Hi~ingBotham
Mm_~yV. Casey
Mau~lce C. Casey 82 Pleasant Street
James Brierley
C. ~. Eeagan
Santo A. DiMauro
William F. Costello
George Eennedy
Michael W. Costello
· I~ancis J. Costello
Received Nov. 9,1932,
87 Water Street
52 ~ater Street
229Hiddlesex Street
6~ I~aple Ave.
61 lgaple Ave.
63 Maple A~e.
88 Second Street.
at Swo o'clock P..H. Sworn to by Patrick J. Casey
/ /.-~-.~ ~f--~ ..........
~ice of the Peace.
Election November 8~1932o
We the Board of Registrars of Voters of the Town of North
Andover, do hereby certify that the following is the resultof a
recount of votes made by this Board in the office of Senator for
the Fourth Essex , thi~ nin~teenth day of Noven~ber 1932.
,$. Bradford Dmvia
Lot F. McNamara
Q~iginal Count ,R~count
1727 ,1716
1579 1390
Bla~- 40~ 40~,
H. F. Cunningha~
F. Orris Rea
Patrick C. Cronin
Board of
At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the City of Lawrence,Towns of ~ethuen ahd North Andover, all in the County of Essex and Commonwealth of
~assachusetts, qualified to vote as the law directs,holden at their places of meeting, on Tuesday the eighth day of November, in the year one
%hcusand nine hundred and thirty-two, the qualified voters were called to give in their ballots for the election of Three(3) neprescntatives in
the ~eneral Court, Third ~ssex District.
And the votes so given in were sorted~ counted~recorded and declared as the law directs~ and were as foliowst
Lawrence 'Ed~l Lawrence ~ard 2 ~/ethuen
1---2 .... 3 ...... 4
Candidates Pr.
6eorge Boothroyd(Ind) 11
~at~erine Alena Foley(D) 262
~ames ~. Hainsworth(R) 159
Thomas hanni(Ind) 27
John ~c~iiliam(S.P.) 37
Robert Vincent O'Sullivan[D) 256
houis J. Scanlon(D) 345
~illiam ~vhltwham(R) 203
~arl A. ~oekel(R)
81an~s 323
North ~ndover Totals.
1-- 2---3---4 .... 5-----6 Pr. 1---2---3 ...... 4 1---2---3 .... 4 ..... 5
19 15 16 16 10 38 19 1~ 15 114 87 lOS 62 120 8 13 37 lO 729
384 381 169 292 423 521 ?5? ?05 516 594 312 454 39~ ~56 321 2?6 218 200 ?638
~2 394 203 214 242 130 305 201 126 1096 668 ?80 624 960 3?2 590 628 585 8329
107 51 11 ~5 39 268 ?8 24 14 26 23 ?1 30 24 9 8 5 16 906
80 98 47 47 6~ 60 59 26 1~ $~ ig~ lB8 ~ ?~ 73 61 84 40 11?1
369 409 17~ 281 42? 515 ?62 ~06 592 540 3~ IQ~ 384 408 315 2~5 193 198 ~539
395 737 262 441 509 520 819 628 506 631 424 ?23 460 523 381 336 258 233 9131
96 412 210 241 264 182 330 206 '139 1195 853 1029 ?85 1090 26? 463 386 3?5 8?26
113 624 285 305 355 228 386 222 182 1002 611 1086 6?2' 88? 231 439 3?8 3?8 8609
5?6 644 29~ 425 49? 880 826 523 388 1024 8?? 1190 ?08 95? 408 4?3 53? 469 12019
November 18~ 1932,
In accordance with the foregoing returns~ certificates of election were this day issued to the three' persons h~ving the
highest number of votes for nepresentatives in the ~eneral C~urt for the Third Essex ~epresentative District.
Louis J. Scanlon of Lawrence~
~illiam ~hitwham of 'ethuen.
Carl A. ~oekol of -ethuen.
To wit~
A tru.e copy,
Attest= dohn J. Dale¥, City Clerk o~._hawrence.
Douglas Yyler,Town Clerk of methuen.
~eorge H.','lins~a~,Town Clerk ~f Andover.
,, ' ~ J~ph A. Dun~~kk~h Andover