HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-12-22 WARRANT COk~ON~EALTH OF ~SA~HUSETTS. To either of the Constables of the Town of ~orth ~ndover: Greeting:- In the name of the co~uaonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify, and warn the inhabitants'of North Andover, qualified to vote imTown Affairs, to meet in the Court R~om, Town Building, in said North Andover, onThursday, the twenty-second day of December, 1952, at seven o'clock P. E.,then and there to act upon the following business:- Article' 1. To cee if the town will .appropriate an additional sum of five hundred doilars, f6r the current Board of Health %ppropriationby th~ transfer of any available funds from' the balance of any appropriation ms4ie at the last ~nnual Town~eeting or from auy other available source, to supply a present and prospective deficiency in the original appropriation. Request of Board of Health. A~%icle Z. To aec if the tm%rnwill appropriate an additional sum of three thousan& eight hundred dollars, for the current P~blia Welfare Appropriation , l~y the transfer of any available funds from the balance of any ,appropriation made at the last Annual Town Eeetingor from am~ Other available source, to supply a present and prospective deficiency in the original appropriation. Request of the Board of Public Welfare. Article 5. To' see if the town will appropriate an additional sum of one hundred dollars , for the current Tax Collector,s Appropriation, by the transfer of any available funds from the balance of any appropriation made at the last Annual Town Meeting or from any other available source, to supply a present and prospective deficiency in the original appropriation~Requeat of Tax Collector. Article 4. To see if the town will appropriate an additional sum of one..~.hundred dollars, for the current election expenses appropriation by the transfer of any available funds from the balance of any appropriation made at the last Annual Town Eeeting or from any other available source, to supply a present ~n~ prospective deficiency in the original appropriation. Requested by the Board of Selectmen. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each votl~ precinct. Said copies to be posted not' Town Eeeting December 22~ 1932.. ~ARRA~T .. more than fifteen days nor less than ten daye before the time of 'holding said meting Hereof fail not and make due return cf this warrsmt with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk~ at the time and place of eaid meeting, Given under ou~ hands at North Andover, this eighth day Of December in the. year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and t~xir ty-two. Harry O. ~oste=. James P. Hainewortt~, 3'oseph V. ~lanagan. Selectmen of North Andover. North Andover., December 12, 19~2. '0fficer's Return. I have notified the inhabitants of North ~ndover qualified to vot~ in Town Affairs by ps~ing true amd attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more' public places~ in each precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the' time of holding said meeting. ~allace E. T-~ovrne, Con. stable. Article One. Vote& that the. town appropriate an additional s~m of five hundred dollars for the current expenses of the Board of Health, said sum to be taken from surplus reven~e. Article Voted that the town appropriate an additional sum of thirty-eight hundred dollars for the current P~bl~c Welfare and that this~amount be taken fro~ surplus appropriation reve~ue~ Article Three Voted that the ~own appropriate an additional sum of one hundred d~llara for the current Tax ~ollector's appropriation, this amoun~ to be taken from surplus revenue.