HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-09-25Town ~.Ieeti. n~ Aul~s_t_.~, 1933. 241 ~ticle A. Voted: That t~e Selectmen be authorized and empowered in behalf of the town, to sell at either.public or private offering, for such price not leos than one dollar as they find it practicable to obtain, the real property formerly occupied for the purposc~of thb Pond District School; and that the Town Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and ientructed, in the nam~ and behalf of the inhabi~anto of North Andover, to sign, seal, acknowledge and deliver aideed or deeds giving effect to such sale as the Selectmen may make under the foregoing authorization. ESSC~ SS. Greeting:- true copy: Attest: T0[~T I?.~kRR.ANT. C 0~0 ~'~E~-~LTH 0F . ~.LTS SACI-EISETTS . To either of the Constables of the Town of I~orth Andover.~ In the na~e of the Commonwemlth of~l~assachu~etts, you are hereby dired to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to v~te in Town Affairs, to meet ~n the Town H~ll, in ca.id ~orthJ.udover, on Eonday the twenty-fifth day of ~eptember 195~, at seven-thirty o'clock P. E., then ~nd there to act upon the following business:- A~ticle 1. To see if the town wi!l raise and appropriate ~unds, to enable the Board of Public ~orks to extend the Term Water Works System by making the following connections in the lines of main piping, namely: throu~ l~rbleri%ge Road, from Salem Street to the present terminus; through'Chestnu% Street, from Hillside Road to Rea Street; through Herrick Road from present terminus to present terminus;' through Buckingham~oad, from lliddlesex Street to present terminus; ~hrough Columbi~ Road fro~Perley Road to present.terminus; through Perley Road,from High Street to present terminus; through Wiley C~urt, from Water Street to present terminus; through Troy Road , from'~. Thorndike Road to present terminus; requiring a total of 6260 feet of 8 inch pipe ~nd ~00 feet of 8 inch ~ter pipe;. ~nd for that purpose will authorize the. issue and sale at either public or 242 To,,in ~e~tin Se:tember 25 '~?ARR~dTi' private offering of bonds of the town in the aggreg&te sum of fifteen tho~lsand(~l~,000.00)dollars, payable not more ~han ten years from date of issue; said bonds to be in s~ch form, to bear such interest, to be payable, and to be on such ot;~er ~erms and conditions, as ~.~ay be determined by the moating or by thc officers and Boards of the having authority in these particul~rs; and all under an~ as pro.vidcd by Chapter ~, of the ~ener~l Laws or by any special acts of the Commonwealth of Eassachusetts, as possibly afZ'ected by federal legislation, relating ~o 'the subjec~ ma~er, Petition of the Board cf Public Works. Article ~.. To see if the mown will authorize and empower the Board of Public Works, in the name mud behalf of the mown, to execute ...... such contracts. ............ and take....such other action ~s may be necessar~j or expedient to 'secure the approval and financial assistance of the United States, under thc, ~ational Industrial ~e.covery Act Regdl~.tions, in the project, specified in' the above first article of this warrant, Petition of the Board of Public a.ud you are directed to serve this war~'ant by psoting trUe and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and ~.~.t five or sore public places in each voting precinct; said cop~es to be posted nom more than fifteen days nor less than ~en days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail nora and make due re~urn of this warranm with your doings t~ereon, ~o the Town Clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting, Given under our hands a~ ~'~o~'th Andover this llth day of Septembe~ in the year of our Lord one tho,asand nine hundred and ~hirty-thre e. harry C. Foster · J~es P. Hainsworth Joseph V. ~lanagan Selectmen of North ,tudover. A true copy. .~ttest: Augustine J. ~Ymlsh Constable. North Andover, Septembs= 1S, 1953. ~own Eeetinf~ S.eptemb.~er. 2§, 1933. Office.r's Return., North Andover,Sept. 14, 1933. I have notified the i~9~abit~mts of North Andover,qualified to vote in Town ~tffairs, by posting t~ue and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and a~ five or more public places in each votihg precinct; said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said ~esting. Augustine J. ~alsh, Constable. I, Joseph A. Duncan, Town. Clerk of ~orth~mdove=, ~-~.msachusetts, hereby certify that ~t the To~rnEeeting held September ~5, 1933, actiou was taken ~s follows: Article 1. Voted: That for the purpose of enabling the Board of Public Works to make connections in the main pipzng of the water works system'specified in this article of the warrant, the of l~orth Andover.hereby appropriates the s~n of fifteen thousand [$15,000.001dollars, to be raised by 'a loan of said amount; and for the payment of said lo~nhereby provides that the to~n shall issue serial bonds in the aggregate of fifteen thousandi$1O,000.00)dollars, all paYable'within~en .years'from date of issue in such annual in~llments of principal as will extinguish the debt at its maturity, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter forty-four of the ~eneral L~ws of the Go~monwealth of Massachusetts;said bonds ~o be entitled "Town of North Andover Water Loan of 1933;"to be payable to. bearer; to'~be signed by the Treasurer, countersigned, by 'a majority of the Board of Selectmen and by a ~=~ority of the Board of P~b~ic ~orks, mnd under the seal of the town; to bea~ such interest as may be fixe~by the 2reasurer with ~he approval of t~ Selectmen; to be exempt from taxation in Eassachus~tts and so designated ; to be in suc~ units of denomination, to be date~, and in all particulars not herein lawfully specified to be in such aubstance and forz4 as may be determ~ined by the officers authorized to sign said bonds;, all as p=ovided in said chapmer forty-four of the General Law~ or any other laws pertaining to the action herein taken. The vote was unanimouc. Town~eetin Se tember 2~ A~ticle 2. Voted: That the Board of Public ~orx~,by a majority of its memb~rs, .be ~nd hereby are empowered and authorized, in the n~ue and behalf of the Town of Nor.~ .~dove=, to m~ke and entsr~into such contractual =elations with the United States govez'~uent or any agent thereof, in respect to making of connections in the w~ter works system vo~ed in the next preceding article of this warrant a~d the issue of bonds authorized to.pay for the s~e, as will secure ~ssistance from the United Stat~s in p~ying for said p~oject, ~der provisions of the ~ationml Zn~ustria! Recovery Act. Title ~(~blic ~iorks) or other federal law or regulation issued thereunder. ~he rots was unanimous. Voted: T!~t the construction Of w~ter works mentioned in article one of this v~rrant be ~ot undertaken,unless so voted at a later meeting of the town, in the event that assistance is not forthcoming from the'~'ederal Government. true copy, Clerk. Precinc~t-~ficers for 1934., Precinct One. Warden: .~lbert Eitchell Dop. ~arden:Herbert Gray Clerk: ~l.lfred Garneau Dep. Clerk: ~ohn C. Friel Ballot Clerk: ~ohn ~egarty Ballot Clerk: Edward Costello Depo~allot Clerk: Hubert ~ilcox Dep. " " John Yi~rd Inspector: Leo ~urphy Inspector: Dsp. Inspector Republican Republican Democrat ~emocrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Democrat Eary EcDonough ~epublican Edwa~'d EcCarti~, ~one Fred Hawks Republican '~iarden: Dep. Warden: Clerk: Dep.Clsrk: Ballot Clerk: Preciuct T~o. ~erbe~..Ec~ues~eh ~ilfred ~lild ~garet Kane Daniel Doyle Edward Sullivan Ballot Clerk: Pearl Thm~son Dep.Ballot Clerk:Georse Leacock Dep.Bmllor Clerk:~alter Eldridge Inspector:. Ha~ry Eiche~ore Inspector: Reginald deVeber Dep.Inspector: ~ohn Harrington Dep.Inspector: John EcDuffie Hepu$1ican. Republican. ~emoc~at. Democrat Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Republican Democrat Republican Democrat