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Town ~eeting
To either of the Conste. bles of the Tov~n of ~orth Andover:
In the name of the Commom~'ealth of ~assachuse~te, you are
hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of ~orth Andover,
qualified to vote in To~rnAffairs, to meet in the Court Room,
To~Building, in said ~orth Andover~ on Eonday the Sixteenth day
of ~uly 19~4, at seven thirty o'clock P. Eo, then ~nd there to act
upon the following business:-
Article 1. To see if the to~.~ ~ill vote ~o mransfer ~n
amount not in excess of one thousand dollars(S1000.00) from the
mppropriation of 19Z4 for the Welfare Department, ~o be expended
on projects carried on ~ith the assistance of funds received from
the State, under the Federal Emergency Relief Act.
And you are directed to serve this warrmnt by posting true
and attested copies thereof at the To~n Hall, and at five or more
public places in each voting precinct, said copies to bc posted not
more t.h~n fifteen days nor !ess than ten dmys before the ~time of
holding said meeting,
Hereof f~il not zud makc due
your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk,
· holding said meeting.
Given Under our h~nds a~ ~orth Audover, this
· ~uly in the year of
return of this warrant with
at the time and place of
third day of
our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.
Harry C. Foster Selectmen of
~ames P. Hains~orth Eorth Andover.
~ohn J. Hurray
Office='s ~emurn
I h~ve notified the inhabitants of the Tou~ of North Audove~'
qua!ified.~0 vote ~n Tov,..~ AE~s~,b? posting ~rue and attested
copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public
places in each voting precinct; said copies h~ving been posted not more
than fifteen days nor less than ~en days before the tine of holding
szid meeting.
North Andover~duly 5,1954.
Augustine ~. Wa!eh