HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-08-20~o~n ~ee~ing~ ~uly !6,_~!93&.
Under said Article One, action was taken as follows:
Voted: That thc Term authorize the Board of Public
Welfare to transfer an amouut not to exceed ode thousand(S!000.00)
dollars, from the appropriation made for the Welfare Department,
at the AdJourned~Town Eeoting held ]Sarch 17, 19~4, to be expended
on projects carried ou with the assistance of funds received from
the State, under the Federal Emergency Relief Act.'
A true copy,
Attest: '
~er~,~or th Andover. .
~'CrS~TII~G AUGUST 20, 1934.
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the nome of the Conmonwealth of ~assachusetts, you
are hereby directed to notify ~nd w~rn the inhabitants of l~orth
Andcver, qualified to vote in Term'Affairs, to meet in the Court
Room, Town Building, in ~aid North Andover, on MONDAY, the
T~entieth day of August. lg~, at seven thirty o'clock P. E.,
then and thor8 to act upon the fgl!o~iTg business:-
Article !. To see if the to,ye ~ill raise and appropriate
or otherwise provide a s~u of one thousand six hundred twenty-two
dollars ~nd seventy-five cents($1822.?5), to cover the 2crest
Article 2. To nee if the town ~ill raise and a~propriate
or 0ther~ise provide a sum of five hundred dollars(§00.00) for new
fire hose.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting
true and attested copies thereof at the To~n Hall, and at five or
more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be
po~.nq~.~ore th~n fifteen ~y~.~gr less than ten day~ before
the time of holding said meeting.
Town Ee.c.tinE AuEust 20, 195~.
Hereof fail not and ~ke duc return of this warrant with
your doings thereon, to the To~.m Clerk, at the time end ~l~ce of
holding said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, this seventh
day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundre&
and thirty-four.
Harry C. Foster
J~mes P. Hainsworth
John J. Murray
A true
copy attest:
J. Walsh
Officer's Return
I have notified the inhabitants of North ~Andove~
qualified to vote in To~rn Affairs, by posting true and attested
copies of this warrant at the Town H~ll and at five or mo~e
public places in each voting precinct; said copies havingbeen
pgsted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before
the time of holdiug said meeting..
Augu s tine
J. Walsh
North Andover, ~ss., Aug. 9, 1954.
Article 1. Voted to raise and ~ppropriate the sum of one
thousand si~c hundred t~enty-t~o dollars and seventy five cents
to meet Forest Fire Emergency,this s~mount to be included in the
current taz levy.
~rticle 2. Voted to r~isc ~nd appropriatO the s~. of five
hundred dolldre to purchase new fire hose, this amount to be
included in the current tax
About thirty-two citizens were present.
A true
copy attest:
V~ARR A .~T T.
To either of the Constables of the Term of llorth Audovcr,
In the name of the Commonwealth of aacsachusctte, you
are hereby required to. notify and :'am the inhabitsmts of l~orth
~Undover who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in the
E.~ine House in pr~ecinc.t one, the lierrimack Portable School in
· precinct two, the Union Schoo~%ouse
Hall in precinct four, T.HTrRSDAY
September 195~, at ten o'clock
in precinct three and the
the Tv:entieth day of
A. ~., for the following
District Attorney
Clark of Courts
· Register of Deeds
To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the
Eominati;~ of Candidates of Political P~-rties for ths following
Governor for this Commonwealth.
Lieut%nant Gover ,, ,, ,,
~ecreta~'y of the Com~aonwe~-lth " ,, ,,
Treasurer and Receiver ~eneral " ,, ,,
Auditor of the Cmz~onwealth ,' ,, ,,
Attorney General ,, ,, ,,
Senator in Congress ,, ,, ,,
Representative in Congress from the Sixth Congressional District.'
Councillor for the Fifth Councillor District.
Seanator for the Fourth Essex Senatorial District.
Three Representatives in the General Court for the Third Essex
Representative District.
for the Eastern District.
for Essex County.
for Essex ~orthern District.
County Commissioner the County of Essex.
Two Associate 'County Co~uisfioners f6r the County of Essex.
Register of Probate and Insolvency(to fill vacancy) in es:e:: County.
The polls uill %e open from ten o'clock
to eight o'clock P. E.