HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-04-28Party Primary A_Rril 28, 1936. WARRAMT ')93 Cormmonwealth of Massachusetts. Essex ss. To either of %he Constables of I~orth Andover: Greeting: - In the name of the Co~monwealth you~ are. hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of i, lorth Andover~ vlho are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in the Enine House in precinct one~ the b~errimack Portable Ochool in precinct two~ the Union Ochool in precinct three and the To:m hall in precinct four TUESDAY~ the Twenty-Eighth day of April~ 1936~ at twelve o'clock noon~ for ~he follc~wing purposes: To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers f~,r ~he ~rtzes f~r the followir~g offices: Election of Candidates of Political ~", ' Delegates At ~arge to the ~a~onal Convention of the ~emocratic Party. Alter. Delegates At ~arge to National ConventioD of the DEN. Party. Delegates At Large ~o the National Conventicn of %he ~epublican Party. Alter.Delegates ~t ~arge to the "ation~,l Convention of the Eep. ~arty. Dist. D~legates %o the ~ational Convention of ~he Dem. ~arty 6th. Dist. Al~er.Dist. Delegates to the ~ational Con.of the Dem. Party~ 6th. Cong.D~ Dist. Delegates %o %he National Convention of %he Rep. ~rty 6th. ~ " Alter.Dist. " '~ " " ~ " " " " 6th '" ~' PRESIDENTIAL P-MEFERE-%~CE Preference for Democratic Candidate for President of the U. S. " " Republican " " " " " " " Dist. Nember of State Commi'~tee for each political for the Fourth Essex Senatorial District. ~embers of the Democratic To%m Committee. ~embers cf the Republican Zown Uo~ittee. party All the above to be voted for cn one ballot. The polls ~iI1 be open from 12 o~c!ock noon until four o'clock P. bi. And you are directea to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Tov~nnall and at five or more public places in each refine precinct.Said copies to be pos%ed not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not andmake due return of this w?.rrant with your doings thereon~ to %he Tovn~ Clerk:at %he time and place of holding said meeting. G{ven under our hands at ~orth ~ndover:mhe sixth day of A~ril in the year cf our Lord:one thousand nine hundred tn~rty-s~x. Harry C. Foster James P. iS~insworth Xrthur A. Thomson Selectmen el' ~orth ~ndover. 394 Officer's ~{eturn. North Andover~ ~-pril 15, 1936. I have notified the inhabitants of :~orth Andover,qualified to vote in St.~te Primaries: by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the To~m nell and a% five or more public places in each voting precinct; said copies having oeen posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding s~id me~ Augustine j. %?alsh Constable. The following is the result of 'the 6a!!oting:- DEMOCRATIC PARTY Delegates At Large to ~ational CoBv~nt~o~, ~avid I. Welsh of 37 ~ay Street: Fitchburg had Marcus A. Coolidge of 16~ Blossom Street:Fitchburg had James M. Cur!ey of 350 ~amaicaway: Boston: had William J. Granfield of 74 Fark ~riv$: Springfield had Joseph McGrath of 10 ~aspian Way: Boston had ~argaret M. O'Riordan of 14 ~sticou Road: Boston had Elizabeth L. McNamara of 239 Upland Road: Cambridge had Grace nartley Howe of 464 Locust Street?all River had ~?ot Grouoed Timothy E. Carroll of 10 Eighth Street: Cambridge had Alexander F. Sullivan of 92 Wordsworth St.: ~oston: had B!ao_ks had Alternate Delegates ~t Large to ~ati6nsl Convention . C!ementina Langone of 190 ~cr%h Street:~oston had ~ry ~liotis of 272 Foster Street: Boston had Golda R. Walters of 6 Blake Street: Woburn had ~adie H. Mulrone of 48 Terrence Street:Springfield had Louise B. Clark of 92 Pleasant Street: Bridgewater ]~d H. Oscar Rocheleau of 116 Su~er St.:Worcester : had Stanley W. Wisnioski of 254 %Yashington Ave. Chelsea had Julian D. ~ainey of 40 Waumbeck St.: ~oston had Blanks had District Delegates to National Conventdon Sixth ~ist. John E. Donahue cf 40 Quimby ~treet:P~verhill had Michael F. McGrath of 6 ~arpenter ~reet:~alem had Not Grou~d Js3nes D. Burns of 1 island ~ve.: Uuniper roint:Sa!em Louis A. Kotarski cf 80 Washimgton Square~Oalem had Edward E. Sullivan of 74 Sou~h Pleasant St.: l~verhill Blanks had had had Alternate... Dist. De!e,~tes. --__.to r,'atior~l Convention. ~nes H, Sullivan of 83 '"aple ~treet: ~!em had Helen Uarroll of 12 Warner ~treet:Glouces%er had Not Grouped Daniel Graves 67 Prospect ~'~ ~r=et: =!ouces%er had Blanks had 19 18 18 18 4 112 23 21 21 22 21 2O 21 21 102 19 19 2 O 3 25' 2~ 2O 3 Presidentia.__~l Preference Frankl~n-D~'Eoosevelt. A. E.' Smith Chas. E. Couglin Blanks had had had had State Cor~nit%ee Charles U. I'~iorrill Blanks had had ~ele~ate State Convention. John ~snes McDuffie Blanks had had To,~m Conm~ittee l~'~aurice C. Casey Thomas Farragher John J. McDuffie ~r. V~illig~ F. Donahue John J. Thompson V~i!!i~ C. McCarthy Santo A. Dii~[auro Blanks had had had had had had had REPUBLI CA/~ P~-RTY DeleCates At Lar,~e to i'~.ational Convention Charles Fi Adorns of Fairhaven Road: Concord George F. Booth of 6~ meeclmmont St. :Worcester Joseph W. }~artin of Grove St. :North ktt!eboro Allen T. Treadway of i,~ain St. S :. tockbridge Blanks ' had h~d had had had Alternate De!eKates At LarKe to l{atio~%l Convention. Mary Phillips Bailey of 34 Col~bus Ave.:NorthamPton had F!arence H. Lo,eyre of 24 Shattuck Rd.~orwood ~had Wallace Stearns of 60 Charlesgate East{ Boston had Anna C. N. Tillinghast:6 W.~ellevue Ave.:U~nbridge had Blanks had District ~ele~ates to National Convention-6th Dist Edward E. Hicken 38 Mosley Ave.:Newburyport Charles F. Sprague of ~4 Atlantic Ave.:Sw~mpscott Blanks had had Alternate District De!e~ates to ~ational Convention-6th Dis%. Helen A. Patch of 31 Eastern Point Rd.:Gloucester had Helen S. Hovey of ~3~ S. i~ain St.:Haverhill had Blanks had presidential Preferenc~ 2 1 395 3o 4- 28 27 27 28 27 26 2'13 202 19~ 202 621 202 189' 2O9 637 195 2O6 193 20O 323 A. E. Landon had 80 Charles E. Coughlin had 1 Herbert Hoover had 7 F. D. Roosevelt had ~ William Borah had 1 Blanks had 26~ · Party Primary--April 28~ 1~6 State Compri%tee Fourth Essex Dist. Lewis R. Hovey of 43~ S. L~ain St.:Haverhill had J~mes P. ~insworth of North Andover had Bl~nks had D.eleKate to State Convention-i~orth Andover. Edward J. McVey-4 Lorraine Ave. ~ ~ortn kndover had ~enry D RockuYell of 74 Prescott St. :'[orth Andover had Blanks had ~own Committee Arthur A. Thomson~ ~0 harold St. Ernest Smith: 28 Annis Street aennie Bottomley : 92 a~arblehead St. Oscar L. Soucy: 17 Stonington St. J. Ne%vbon ~rye: ~ ~rold St.: WzlZ~ed ,~ld: 242 ~a~n St. Tom F.I.~ram ~'~arbleridge Road Raymond ~riggs Fred McCormack John Longbottcm Js~mes Stewart James P. Y~inswerth Frank Deneu Carl Thomas Scattering Blanks had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had had A true copy of the returns made by the' Election Officers. 2o~ 1 152 lO9 2O9 133 13~ 138 ~3~ 103 102 lO8 lO1 3 2o~o. Joseph ' D~ucan: To%,~ Clerk