HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-06-01A ~ ~ointments made~en--l~. William Cairns ~homas Farragher Frauk~eneau George'Everson Ena~neers ~arch 30 ~arch 31 Harold. TYnin$ William Dryden Thomas H. ~roderick James ~argreaves Oames Cornel! ~'arch 31 ,,lfred P.Desjardin April 3 Pc%er Ritchie sworn 'June . 9 " April 27 "may 1 Special Town Meeting June 1, 19B7. To%wn Warrant Commonwealth of massachusetts. EsseX. ss. To either 'of the Constables of %he Tov~ cf i~orth Andover: Greeting: - In the nom~e of the Common%,;ealth of Nassachusetts:you are hereby diredted to notify and warn the inhabitants of I'~crth Andcver: qualified to vote in Elections and Tov~n Affairs: to meet in %he Engine House in voting precinct OhS the ~errimach Schoolhouse in voting precinct twos the Union Schoolhouse in voting precinct t]~ee and the To%,m Hall in voting precinct four:in said North Andover~ on TUESDAY: the first day of June A. D. 1937, at nine o'clock in the forenoon~then and there to act upon the following business: To elect a Town Treasurer:to fill vacancy. Ail to be voted for on one ballot. The polls Shall be opened at nine 'o'clock A. I~. and shall be clcsed at six o'clock P.M. And you are directed to serve %his warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Tovrn Fmll and a~ five or more public places in each voting precinct. Gaid copies ~o be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten d~ys before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of ~his warm-ant with your doings thereon, to the To~ Clerk, at %he ~ime and place of holdir~.s, aid meeting. Given 'under our hands at North Andover, the twenty-first day of April A. D. 19~7. Arthur A. Thomson James P. Hainsworth Frank Hilton Selectmen of North Anaover,i~ass. Officer's Retuz~n~ A have notified'the inhabitants of ~orth Andover~ qualified to vote in TowaAffairs, ~ypos%in~ true and attested copies of this warrant at %he ToWn~alland at five or more public places in each voti~precinCt;said copies havin~ been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than %eh dsys before the ~ime of holding said meeting. North Andover~ 17, 1937. Augustine J. Walsh, Constable. Special Meetin~Ju~e 1, 19~?. 429' At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Nor%hAndover, qualified_to, vote. in Zlectiona,. convened, in the Engine House,in voting, precinct one,the merrimack Schoolhouse in voting precinct %wc~ Zhe Onion Schoolhouse in vo~ing precinct three and the Town aallin voting precinct four, agreeably to the requirements of the foregoing, warrant~ business was transacted and votes for the candida%es named in the ballot were as follows:- Number-of ballots cast.byprecinc~:~ 400 628 399' 442 1869'' P r e Town. Treasurer(to f~ll vne~.y) ....................... Eclwiu.,:C;'~rcj~m~ ............97 '" 192 178 180 ~fce C~ ~sey 209 . · illi~..~'~ell. 29 ~p M..~il~on a~old -S. S~bo~ 2~ 2F 12 C~rence Riced S~%h ~ 7 6 O B2~ 1 O 0 26 18 32 33 93 2g ?'7 '10~ 198 79 71 18 4 After a careful vanvas of. the. returns.~made by%he mlec%ion Officers of precincts one, two, three and four, maurice ¢. Casey was declared elected . maurice O. Uasey was swor~ into office on June 3, 1937, by %he ~own Clerk. A l~ue copy~ At%est: /~ / Town Clerk. Memorial Day Committee for 19.~7. Martin Casey,chairman. Louis P. Saunders Ralph Carey John D. McRobbie Joseph Tricke%% Clarence Ellis William J. McGee. 430 Precinct Officers appointed by the Selectmen Precinct One. Warden: Clerk: Ballot Clerks:. Albert Mitchell (R) Fernley %£ilcox (R) Alfred Garneau (D) John C.'Friel (D) John~:W.Hegar%y (R) ...... ' Edivard.A.Cos%ello(D) ~Ballot Clerks. James V. Lee (R) ........... Freder~ck. Satois(D) Clerk.__ Baliot C~e~ks ~ Clerk~ De',ut-~ns ectors. Warden: -. De_RumyWarden! Clerk. Ballot Clerks De .ut. Ballot Clerks· Insoec~ors. De Ut'. Ins et%ors lVarden ~lerk Ballot Clerks DeputyBallot Clerks ~nspectors Deputy Inspectors William C-.McCar~y (D) gary McDonough (R) Elizabeth A.' Cunio (DJ Hubert Wilcox (R) Precinct Two. James Tay.lor (R) George. W. Morse (R) Margaret- Kane (D') Dar. iel Doyle (D) Olive Morton (0) George P. Leecock (D) John J.-Roche (D) James Mc Clung Jr(R) Reginald deVebber~ (D) ,John Hay ....... (R) John P,Harring~0n (R) Jo.hn McDuffie Jr. (D) Precinct Three Iiaro-ld Hol% -- - (R~ Frederick' W~Bastian John- B. White (D) Elizabeth- Trombly (D) %~. ,,, L,ouis '~Broadhead (R) .... ' - F. H. 'Bradstree~ (R) Duncan V. Boyle (D) James Hennessy (R) Joseph Gaudette (D) James. E.Murphy (D) Charles Pitman (R) Precinct Four Charles H. Driver (R) John H. Mi-lnes (R) James DeAdder (D) Mary M. Dolan (D) George A. Rea (R) William F. Lawler (D) Fred Whittier (R) Donald Cox (D) Sidney Rea (R) James Dillon (D) Henry G. Schruender(D) Herbert Meade (R) 82 ~ain SDree%. 11 Th~rndike Rd. ~9 Railroad Ave. 39 Main Street. $,:Cla~el~nd~%. 38 BeLmont Street. 2¢ hain Stree~ 60 M~in Street. 23 Cleveland St. ll Sargent St. 3 Railroad Ave. 66 Thorndike Rd. 51 Davis Street. 87 Water Street, 23 Davis Street.· 36 Church Street. 92 Second. Street-- 8.E. Wa~er ~tre~t. 94, Second Street; '13~ ~igh Street. ?1 Water Street. tS Bixby Ave.. 1%% Water Street. 7% ~avis Street 19 Annis StreetL. 22.~rold Street 160 R.R.Ave. 36 Union'Street 8 Beechwood St.-. 97 Beverl~ St~ 9? Beverly St. 3~1 ~iddlesex St~ 227 Middlesex St. 2~ Union St..· -- 19 ~rblehead St. ~0¢ ~ain Street 330 Osgood St.- ~28 Pleasant St. 1 BeaconHill Blvd. 63~ Chestnut St. 26 Phillips-Ct'. 891 G~.'Pond Rd. ~96 Mass·. Ave. Dale Street. 270 Osgood S%~ 339 Osgood St. 59 Phillips Court.