HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-11-07~al Meetin~ November 7 1938. Commonwealth of Massachusetts~ ~ssex SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greeting:- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room,Town Building~ in said North Andover, on Monday, the Seventh day of November, at seven thirty o,clock P. N., then and there to act on the following business:- Article 1. To see if the town will vote to appropriate a sum not exceeding six thousand five hundredI$6500.00) dollars, from any available fund to carry on the Welfare Department. Article 2. To see if the town will vote to appropriate a sum not exceeding seven thousand ($7000.00) dollars, from any available funds to carry on the 01d Age Assistance Department. And you are directed to serve this warrant by,posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of the warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover,Massachusetts, this twenty-fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred thirty-eight. Arthur A. Thomson Selectmen FrankHilton of ..... ~ Sames P. Hainsworth' North Andover. Officer. ts R~turn I have notifeid the inhabitants of the.Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall~and at five or more public places in each voting precinct;said copies having been posted not more'than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Augustine J. Walsh North Andover, October 26,1958. Constable. The meeting was called t6 order by the Town Clerk, the Moderator being absent. The meeting voted to have the Town Clerk serve as temporary Moderator. Article t. It was voted to appropriate the sum of six thousand five hundredI$6500.00) dollars, and that this amount be taken from available funds. Article 2. It was voted to appropriate the sum of seven thousand ($7000.00) dollars, and that this amount be taken from available funds. About fifteen voters werepresent. A true copy, Attest: Town Clerk. 46O COMNONWEALTH OF NASSACHUSETTS. Essex ss. ~o either of the Constables of ~he Town of North Andover: Greeting:- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in elections for State, District and County Officers and upon all questions appearing on the ballot to meet and assemble in their designated and appointed polling places in precincts One, Two, Three and Four; The Engine House in precinct one, the Merrimack School in precinct two, the Union School in precinct three and the Town Hall in precinct four, TUEsDAYt the Eighth day of Novembert 1935 at ten o'clock i~ the~'~orenoon, to bring into the Election Officers their votes for Governor;Lieutenant Governor;Secretary; Treasurer; Auditor; Attorney General;Congressman for the Sixth District; Councillor for the Fifth District; Senator for the Fourth Essex District;Three'Representatives for the General Court for the Third Essex District;District Attorney for Eastern District; County Commissioner for Essex County; Sheriff for Essex County; Register of Deeds Essex Northern District(to fill vacancy); and upon the following ~ , .QUestions Proposed amendment to the ConsbitUtion. Shall an' a~endment to the C0nst~tutibn providing for biennial sessiohsof~the General Court and for biennial budget which is further~ described as follows:- This amendment annuls all existing provision~ of the Constitution and its prior amendments which require annual sessions of the General Court commonly known as Legislature,and provides for biennial sessions in their place. It alsoprovides that the budget of all proposed expenditures of the Commonwealth shall'be so prepared as to cover two fiscal years instead of only one as at present required,--which proposed amendment was approved by the General~Court and a Joint sessions of the two branches held May 27, ~t936~-received 1~1 votes inthe affirmative and llV in the'negative, and in a Joint session of the two branches held May 19, 19~V,received 158 votes in the affirmative and ll2 in the negative, be approved ? ...... Yes .... Ne .... 'Law proposed by initiative petition. Shall the proposed measure which Provides that in any city or town.which accepts its terms,the licensing authorities shall establish free public taxicab stands for the use of all taxicabs and motor vehicles for hire whose owners are licensed within such city or town, and shall abolish all other forms of taxicab stands on any public highway within such city or town,- which was disapproved in the House of Representatives by a vote of 96 in the affirmative and 109 in the negative and in the Senate by a vote of 4 in the affirmative and 33 in the negative, be approved ? Yes-- No--- To obtain a full expression of opinion, voters should vote on ail three questions. (a) ~f a voter desires to permit the sale in this town of any and all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold,he will vote "Yes" on alt three questions. (b) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and malt beverages only to be drunk on and off the premises where sold he will vote "No" on ~uestlon one, "Tes" on question two and "No" on question three. (c) If he desires to permit the sale herein of all alcoholic beverages but only in packages, so called, not to be drunk on