HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-04-15505' In accordance with warrant, a meeting was held 15, 1940, at seven thirty o' the requirements of the foregoing in the Town Hall, on Nonday, April clock. JUdge Cornelius J. Nab°ney presided. The warrant for the meeting was read by the Town Clerk. . The votes under the articles in the warrant were as follows:-. ' Article 1. Voted: that the Town of North Andover take under provisions or.Chapter 45, Section 14, .of the'General Laws of Massachusetts, Tercentenary Edition, by eminent domain ttuder Chapter 79, of ~the General Laws, and acts in amendment thereof, the land known as the Center Playground Tract, containing 5.719 acres, more or less, the'~aid pre~ises being located a~ North Andover Center adjacent to the Center School ~nd being the same referre~ to in instrument dated May 16, 1939, by virtue of. which Eatha~ne C. Wilcox, of North Andover, for consideration of thirty dollars, allowed the Town of North Andover to:~se .the field adjoining the Center School for the snmm~er~nd fall of 1939, as a play field, however the same being bounded and'describe~; said premises appearing on the records of the Assessors for the Town:'of North Andover as the property of Eatharyne.~. Lane; And ~o appropriate the sum of.two thousand ($2000.00)'j dollars,_of.monies heretofore raised a~ the Annual Meeting of the Town for the ~ear 1940 at its adJourned.~own Meeting held MArch.16, '1940, under Article 9. ..And that the Selectm~ of the Town'of North '~Andover~ actingunder the p~ovlsions~ of Chapter 45, Section~.2,~of said General 'Laws, in their capacity as Park Commissioners, shall be .and hereby are authorize~ to do. and perform lall acts necessary or usefUl in carrying out the purpose of this vote. A count of ~ands was taken, forty-nine voted in favor and eight voted against. Article 2, Voted to accept Chapter 403, of the Acts of ~93~, being an act of amendment under Workmen's Co~pensation, %o so extend the terms laborers, workmen and mechanics .as to in'clude, all employees, regardless of the nature of. theirwork or '~uties., but no~ to include members'of .Police or Fire force.." Before the close of the meetingMr..Tucker ~f the Planning Board gave a brief report, of the cormnittee appointed under Article 10, at the Adjourned Meeting held March..16,1940, relative to PUrchase of land.by the:.town, from ~. Stefansky. Abou= eighty persons were present., A srue cody, Town lerk. 506 Esse~ ss. · THE, .. '~ 0MMoNEALTH- -- · ~ARRANT To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greeting: In the na~e of the Commonwealth you ~re hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, who are qualified =o vote in Preeidential Primaries, to meet in the Engine House in precinct one~ the merrimack School in precinct two, the Union School in precinct three and the Town Hall in precinct four, TUESDAY, the thirtieth day of A~rilt 1940, at twelve o,clock noon for-~he following purposes: To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers fo~ the Election of Candidates of Political Parties for the~following offices: 4 ~elegates at Large ~o the.National Convention of ~he Republican Parby. 4 Alternate Delegates at 'Large to the ~ational~Conventton of the Rel~blican Party. .' ' ~12 ~elegates at Largeto tho~'ational Convention of the Democratic Party. 12 Alternate Delegates at Large to the ~ational Convention Of the Democratic;Party. 2 District Delegates to the Nationa~ Convention of.the Republican Party, ,Sixth~ Congressional District. 2 Alternate District~Delegates~to the National'C0n~e~tibn of the Republican Party, Sixth.congressional District. 4'District Delegates tothe National Conv~ntion of~he~Democrati~ Party, Sixth Congressional District. ~ Alternate?District Delegates to theNational Convention of the Democratic P~rty, -Simth Congressional District. District Members of State Committee(one man and one woman) for~ each political party, for the Fourth Essex Senatorial District~. Ten members of the Republican Town Committee. Ten members of the Democratic Town Committee. All to be voted for~Dn one ballot. The polls will be open from 12 noon .until 6 6'clockP.M. And you are directed ~o serve this warrant.by-mposting true.and attested copies of this warrant thereof, at the Town'Hal~ and .4t five or more public places 'in each'voting precinct. JSald copies to be posted not more than fifteen days ~or.less than ten days before the time of'holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due 'rerun of thls.warr~nt' with your.doings-thereon to the ~own ~lerk at the time.and place o~.said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, ~assachusetts, this eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty. James P. Hainsworth Selectmen Harry C. Foster of ........ Arthur .A..Thomson North Andover. Officer's Return I have notified ~he in~aOitants of North Andover, qualified ~to vote in Presidential Primaries, by posting true and attested ~opies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct; said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Augustine J. Walsh, Constable. North Andover, April 16,19~0.