HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-09-17WARRANT · Essex SS. To either of the Constables of the ~own of No~th Andover. Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of ~orth Andover who are qualified to vo~e in Primaries to meet in the Engine House in Precinct One, the ~errimack Schoolhouse in Precinct '£~o, the Union Schoolhouse in Precinct Three and the Town~all in Precinct Four, TUESDAY, the Seventeenth day of September, 1940 at tcn o'clock A. M. for the following purposes:- To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Nomination of Candidates of Political Parties to the following offices:- Governor for this Commonwealth. Lieutenant Governor " " Secretary of the Commonwealth " Treasurer and Receiver General .... " Auditor of ~he Commonwealth " Attorney:~General " " Senator in Congress " " Hepresentative in Congress for Sixth Congressional District. Councillor for the Fifth Councillor District. Senator for the Fourth Essex Senatorial District. Three Representatives in the General Court for the Fourth Essex Hep. Dis=. Clerk of Courts for Essex County. Register of Deeds for Northern District. Tw6'~County Commissioners for Essex County. And for the election of the following offices: Delegates to the State Convention of the nepublican Party. Delegates ~o the State Convention of the Democratic Party. The polls will be open from =en o'clock A. N. to &ight o'Clock P.M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting =rue and a~tested copies thereof a~ the Town Hall and'a~ five or more public places in each vo~in~ ~recinct.~ Said copies to be posted non more than fifteen days/~9~o~S~hV~nsc~lm~e~o~ding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warran~ with your doings thereon, no the Town Clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands at ~orth Andovar~ this thirtieth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nlne~hundred and forty. James P. Hainsworth ~thur A. Thomson Harry C. Foster Selectmen of NorthAudover. ~fficer's Return. I have notified the~.inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in State Primaries, by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct; said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days'before the timg of holding said meeting. '- George Cunningham, Constable North Andover, September 6, 1940. 514 REPUBLICAN .... P~ARTY Precinct 98 199. 199 Governor ~everett Saltonstall, 240 Chestnut Hill Road Blanks Lieutenant Governor Horace ~. Oahill, $0 Arborway Drive,Braintre'e Blanks Secretar7 Frederic W. Cook, 75 Benton Road, Somerville Blank Treasurer ~. Hurley,37 Carruth'Street,Boston Blanks Auditor ~ A. Wood of ll Whittier Street,Cambridge Blanks es, 79 RUmford Ave., Mansfield Robert T. Bushnell, 193 Fuller Street, Newton Wllliam~C. Cr0ssley, 288 Montgomery St., Fall River Edmund R. Dewing, 200 Grove Street, Wellesley Michael A. Fredo, 9 Webster Street, Arlington George W. Roberts, 90 Commonwealth Ave.,Boston Blanks.: Senator in Congress ~enry Psmkman, 2r, 243 Beacon Street, Boston · Blanks ' ' ¢0n~&~sm~n sixth Diet. ~eorge. j. sates, 11 Buffin Street Salem Blanks ' ouncill0~ Fifth'Di~t./ David D. Black, 14 Eensington Pax, k, Lynn William. J. MacI~s, ~ Mason Street, Gloucester Fred Turner. 31 B~wdoin Street, ~awrence Blanks SenAto~.'F0U~th E~ DiS~. .~ankD. ~abcock,4 Nichols Street,Haverhill Blanks. . Representatives in ~e~eral iCourt- F0urt~Essex District. ~arold S. ~edler, 17~.BPoadway, ~eth~en Herbert B. Bower, 12 ~Piedmont. St., Methuen Gordon R. Cannon, 54 Salem Stree=,..Andover J. Everett Collins,SS Summer St~,~Andover Daniel F. Downey, 70 Tenney St~eeSm, Methuen Ralph.W. Emerson, SI. Haverhill. St., Andover Bruno M~ Findeisen,~296~High St~-, Lawrence Robert. E. Hewett, 17. Brown Street, Methuen RalphE. Hill, 25 Central S~., Methuen Samuel Rushton,~104 Brown~St~,.~ethueh Raymond W. Schlapp, 16 Strathmore Road, Methuen Alfred W. J. Taylor, 25 Mass. Ave., Nethuen Blares Olerk'of'CoUrts ]~-~, 41 ~alem Street Andover :Blanks- ' Register of Deeds Northern Dist. Essex. G. HudsonDrlver, ~ Haverhill Street, ~awrence Blanks C0unty'Commissioners.E~sex Count~ ~rederick Butler, 1~9 Lowell Street,Andover James D. Bentley, 15 Beach Avenue, Swampscott Albert William Glynn, 5~ Pa~k Street, Haverhill Tom Long~_orth, 25 Stevens Street, Methuen Wilfred J. Poitras, S West Terrace, '~alem' Henry 0. Silsbee, 2d, S7 Brookline St., Lynn Carl A. Woekel, ~5 Albion Street aethuen Blanks ' 4 191 had had had had had had had had had had had had had ha~ had had had had had had had had had had h~d had had had had had had had had had had ha~ Total 580 107 569 ' 118 574 115 554 153 550 137 112 277 68 66 102 540 147 .572 115 59 172 305 151 55O 157 S76 7O 57' 228 -'~30 ~'7 167 11 81 101 240 2G2 ~S1 856 131 593 94 386 164 83 251 243 213 .Delegates. :' to~., Et.ate. Convention. Tom F. Ingram Warren C, ~owns Richard A. Shellnutt William P. Rockwell Edmund Farrow Oscar L. Soucy Wilfred Wild Arthur A. ~enkins Blanks 100 Marbleridge Road 21 Dudley Street 69 Pleasant Street 655 0sgood Street 56 Saunders Street 17 Stonington Street ~44 Main Street 150~Railroad Ave. Democratic Party Governor ~Paul A. ~ever, 86 Buckingham StreeT, Cambridge Francis E. Kelly, ll?S Morton Street~ Boston had had had .had had had had had had had 447 423 411 455 380 411 446 412 2111 282 515 lg9 62 Blanks Lieutenant Governor John C. Cart, 30 Burnside Street, Medlar · Owen A. Gallagher, 17 Ocean Street, Boston Francis P. Kelley, 43 Emerson Road , Milton Michael Phillips McCarron, 142 Myrtle Street, LoWell Charles E. 0,Nell, ll0 High Street, ~anv~rs' Raymond ~. Willett, Jr. Blanks Secretary A~Vert ~. 'Fish, 4 R~ndel Pa~,i'Boston 'Katherine A. Foley, l? Allyn ~errace, ~av~ence arthur Michael ~cOarthy, liO. High Stree~,~anvers Albert m~ ~orris, 19 Oreenhalge' ~vo., Blanks T~oasttPer Ernest J, Brown, 55 aenmere Road, Medfard Patrick M.~ Cahill, 20 Church Street,Peabody Joseph W. Doherty, 67 Carleton Street, Brookline ~ohn ~. Donahue, 108 Sum~er Street, Somerville ~ohn ~. McGrath, 11 Riverview Street, Boston Blanks - - ~Auditor om~. Buckley, ~6 Pinckney Street, Boston · Thomas P. Flaherty, 9 Lafield Street, Boston William P. H~sband ~r., 49 Raleigh Road, Oelmont Leo D. Walsh, 11~5 Dorchester Ave., Boston - Blanks Attorne~ General John H. Backus,V1 Bonney Street, New'Bedford ~ames Henry Brennan, Thomas M. Burke, ~oseph V.~'Carroll, 154 Clifford Street, Belmont ~eanette C. Chisholm, 15 Mayall Road, .Waltham ~osephFinnegan, 16~ Train Street, Boston ~Oh~-~W. Lyons, 28 E~lsworth Ave., Cambridge Edward A. Ryan, ~4 Dayton Stree=, Worcester Harold~W. Sullivan, 8A Topliff.Street, Boston Blanks ~ena~o.r ~n Congres's ~avid I. ~aleh, ~V 9ay Street, Fitchburg Blanks Congressman Sixth-Dist. James D. Burns,1 Island Ave. Salem Blanks Councillor Fifth District. James A. ~onovan, 12 Ridge Road, ~awrence William G, Hennessey, ~55 Western~Av@~., Lymn Blanks Senator-FOurth Essex Dist. Ro0ert E. Wall, Uptack'Ave., Groveland Blanks had had had had · - had had had had had - had had had had had had had had had had had' ' had'" had, had .had 'had' had. had had had·- had had 21 110 44 57 13 17 5 36 10 224 17 10 .21 16 ·102 49 51 23 41 116 3O 48 46' 23 39 4 46 19 8 5O 245 37 218 67 221 29 32 205 77 51.6 Representatives in Gneral Court Fourth Essex District. Henry J. Morrls,3S Chelmsford St., Methue~ Oswald Lehr John. Costello Louis Scanlon Herbert Bower Blanks Clerk of Courts Essex County Archie ~. ~rost, 41 '~alem Street, Andover James H.~Linihan, 600 Eastern Ave., Lynn James H.:Sisk, 11 New Ocean Street, Lynn' - - Blanks Register of Deeds Essex'Northern District. -~-John J. Cahill, 4@ Exeter Street,~ ~awrence Blanks. County Commis sione~s Essex county '. Josep~ *Oa~uso, 13 High Street, Salem Michael-.F. Conway, 4:Lincoln *Place~ Peabody. Joseph Cussell, 198 Bruce St., '.awrence William H. Hanifey, 521 Humphrey St., Swampscott J. Fred Manning, 59 Leighton Street,-Lyrm Blanks De.legateS'to'state ConVention'. ~lll~am Higgin~otham Michael Shine John :~ Costello *John McDuffy Thomas Farragher A true own" Clerk had had had ,had had had had had had had had had.. had: had had had ha~ had had 194 1 2 1 1 647 1S5 77 16 54 247 21 85 108 41 t02 207 '2 :2 2 ~W'A'R'R:A'N T' coMMoNWEALTHOF MASSACHUSETTS. Essex ss'. *' -' * ........ To. either of the Constablss of the Town of North'An~Sve~: Gr~et'ing':~ 'In the name Of'the* Commonwealth of*Mgssachusetts,~you :are hereby required to no,tify and warn the lnhablt~n~smof*North Andover who are qualified.to vote for Pr'esidential Electors~ StAte, ..... District and County' Officers* and upon all: questions***appeaging on the ballot, tomeet*and assemble in the designated and appointed polling places in precingts One, Two, Three andFou~.; The Engine House in Precinct' One; the Merrimack S&hool- house in precinct Two; the Union SchooLhouse ln~precinct Three and the Town Hall in precinct Four; TUESDAY, the Fifth* day of November 1940 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to bring into the'Election Officers their votes for PresidentiaIElectors; Governer;' Lieutenant Governor;Secretary;'Treasurer; Auditor; Att0rhey General; Senator in Congre~s;~Congressman'Slxth District;. Councillor Fifth Dist~iCt,~ Senator Fourth. EssexDistrict;' three Representatives in General Court for the Fourth Essex District;Clerk of Court~,Essex County; Register of Deeds, Essex Northern District, two County Commissioners ~dr Essex County. ,19~0 ~uestions To'obtain a f~tl expression of opinion, voter should vote on all three qf~th~£ollowing questions:- (a) If a voter desires to permit the sale in this..to~n~'o£ any and all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold, he will vote "~ES" on all three questions.~ (b) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and malt beverages only, to be drunk on and off the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on question one, "YES" on question two, and "NO" on question three. (c) If he desires to permit the sale herein of all alcoholic beverages but only in packages,so called, not to be drunk on premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on question one and two and "YES" on question three. (d) If he desires to permit the Sale herein of wines and malt beverages to he'drunk on and off'the premises where sold and in addition other~alcoholic beverages but only in packages ,so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on question one, "YES" on question two and three. (e) If he desires to prohibit the sale herein, of~any and all alcoholic beverages whether to be drunk on or off the premises~ where sold, he will vote"NO" on all three questions. 1. Shall license~be granted in this town for the sale therein or'all alcoholic beverages(whisky, rum,gin, malt beverages, wines and all other .alcoholic beverages)? 2. Sh~ll licenses be granted in this town'for ~he gale the~at~ ofw-mnes and- malt bevarages(wines' and beer, ale' and ail other ....... malt beverages)? 3.. Shall licenses be granted in this of all alcoholic beverages in pack~ges, on the~premises ? ~NO ~o~n for .the 'sale therein so called, no~ to be drunk NO ~uestion of P~blic Polic~. "Shall the Senator from this~distric~ be instructed to ~ote for the establishment of a lottery ~o~be conducted ~y the Commonwealthr which shall ~e known'as the Old, Age~ssistance Sweepstakes, the net proceeds of which sh~ll provide additional revenue for the Old Age Assistance~Fund"?' -_~uestion of Pu~ilc Pollc~l ... "Shall the' Seanator from this district be instructed to.vote for legislation providingfor ten dollar weekly payments to each recipient of Old Age Assis=ance?" .All'~to 'be voted fo~ on.one ballot. No~ The polls shall be open at ten o'clock A.M. and~ shall at eight o'clock P.M.. And you- are directed to serve this warrant by p~sting ~true and attes=ed copies thereof at the '£ov~ Hall and at five or more public places in ~each voting precinct;said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before~ the time of said meeting. Hereof fail not and~make due re=urn of this warrant ~with your doings thereon at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover this fourteenth .day of October in the year of out.Lord one thousand nine hundred, forty. James P. Hainsworth ~Arthur A. ~homson Selectmen Harry C. Foster of North Andover