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Town Meetlng January 19~
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Esse~ SS.
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
Greeting~ .
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are here-
by directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, quali~
E~ed to vote lu Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room, Town. Building,
in said North Andover, on'Monday, the nineteenth day of January, 1942
at V:30 o'clock P.M., then and there to act on the following business:
Article 1. To see if the town will vote to raise and aPRropriate
the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00), to pay for a two-way radio
purchased by the Police Department, under the emergency declared Dec-
ember 22, 1941. ,
Article 2. ~To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sumof Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00), for the payment of
equipment purchased by the Fire Depart_ment.under the emergency declared
December 22, 1941.
Article 3. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
a sum' of.money not in excess of ThirteenHundredd Ninety-five ollars
($1395.00), for the purchase of the followiu~ items for. the Fire
Department, as recomnended by the Committee appointed by the/P~blic
Safety Committee to investigate the needs of this Department~
1. Spare tires for all apparatus
except %he ambulance, as fol-
0ne--V:50". ~ 20" ReavyDuty,
for the La-~ance pump
0ne-z38" x ~" Heavy Duty~
Tot the White pump
Two--36" x 6" Heavy Duty, for
-the Forest E~r&- Truck
Two--32"J x 6"' Heavy Duty, .for
the Iadder Tru~k -
Estimated cost of above--S400.00
2. Five hnnd~ed feet'l~" cotton
z~bber-liued hose.
(This is in addition to the
five Eundred feet no~ ordered.)
:'3. Renewal of plates and scid in
the storage battery on the Fire
Alarm system.
Approximate cost--S300.00
4. One mile No. 8 hard drawn weather
proofed copper wire for emergency
repairs to'flre alarm circuits.
Estimated cost--$225.00
5. Thirty pairs rubber boots for the
Auxiliary Fire.~ighting force,
Estimated cost $120.~0
Article'S. To ~ee if the town will raise and appropriate or other-
wise provide the sum of Five Eandred Dollars ($500.00), to cover ex-
penses of the Military Police Company, Massachusetts State Guard Reserve
of North Andover, Massachusetts, from January 2, 1942 to ~arch 14, 1942.
End you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and
attested copi~sthereof at the Town Hall, and at five Or more public
places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted note more than
fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said
~ereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your
doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this fifth
day of January, in the year of our Lord cue thousand nine hundred and
Harry C. Foster
Arthur A. Thomson
Joseph M. Ftuneran
Selectmeh"of North Andover
Officer's Return
I have notified the inhabitants ofthe town of North Andover,
qualified to vote in town affairs, by posting true and attested
copies of this warraut at the Town Hall and at five or more public
places in each voting precinct; said copies having been posted not
more thau fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of
holding said meeting.
John P. Harrington
The meeting was called to order at 7:50 o'clock P. M. by the
Moderator Judge C. J. Mahoney and action on the articles in the
was as follows:-
Article 1. Voted: to raise and a~propriate the sum of two
thousand ($2000~00) dollars, to pay for a two-way radio purchased
by the Police Dept.under the emergency declared December 22, 1941.
Article 2. Votedz to raise and appropriate the sum of fifteen
hundred(S1500.00) dollars,.for the payment of e~ulpme~t purchased
by the.~Fire Dept. under the emergency declared ecember 22, 19hl.
Article 5. Voted: to raise and appropriate a sum of money no=
in excess~of thirteen hundred ninety-fiv~ ($1595.00) dollars, for
'the purchase of the following items for the ~ire Department, as
recommended by the committee appointed by the Public Safety Comm.
to investigate the needs of this department.
1. Spare tires for all apparatus oxcep~ the ambula~.ce,
One 7:50" X 20" heavy duty, for the LaFrance pump..
One 58" X.7"~heavy duty for the White Pump.
Two 56" X 6" heavy duty for the.Forest Fire Truck.
Two 52" X 6" heav~, duty for the Ladder Truck.
Estimated cost $400.00
Five hundred feet' 1~" cotton rubber lined hose.( This
addition to the five hundred feet now ordered).
Estimated cost $550.00
is in
Renewal of plates and acid in the s~orage battery on the
Fire Alarm System. Approximate cos~ $500.00
4. One mile No. 8 hard drawn weather proofed copper wire for
emergency repairs to fire alarm circuit. Estimated cost $225.00
5. Thirty pairs rubber boots for the Auxiliary Fire Fighting
Force. Estimated cost $120.00
Article k. The Modera=or ruled that money could not be
appropriated under this article as this Military Police Company
has not as yet been inspected and approved by the ~epartment of
the Adjutant General.
The meeting lasted thirty, minutes. 55 persons were preseht.
A true copy,
Attest: . i ^
Town Warrant
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andove~:
Greetings: -
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,&you are
hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North ndover,
~alified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the
ngine House iu voting precinct one; the Merrimack Schoolhouse in
voting precinct two; the Union Schoolhouse in voting p~ecinCt three
and the Town Hall iu voting precinct four, in said North Andover, on
Monday the second day of March 1942, at nine o'clock in the forenoon,
then and there to act upon the following articles:
Article 1. To elect a Moderator, Town clerk, Town Treas-
"urer, three Selectmen, three members ofthe Board of Public Welfare
for one year, one Assessor of Taxes, one member 6f School Committee,
one member of Board of Health, one member of Board of Public Works
for three'years; a Highway Surveyor, a collector of Taxes, an Audi-
tot, a Tree Warden and five' Constables' for one. year, also a member
of the Planning Board to serve for five years, and to ~ot~ upon any
and all Town Officers required by law to be elected by ballot.
All to be voted~for on one ballot. The polls shall be
opened at nine o'clock A~. and shall be closed at eight O'clock P.M.
After final action on the preceding Article one, the
meeting shall stand'adjourned by virtue of Section'4, Article one
'of the Town By-laws, to .Saturday, March 14th,'19~2, at one thirty
o'clock ?.Mi, in the Town Hall, then and there to act upon the £ollow-
lng arti:les:-
Article 2. To elect all other officers not required by
law to be ~elected by ballot.
Article 3. To see if the town will vote to accept the
report of receipts and expenditures as p~esented by the Selectmen
and Auditor.
Article 4. To see what action the town will take as to
its unexpended appropriations.
Article §. To se~ wha~ action the town will take as to
the recommendations of the finance committee.
Article 6. To see if the town will VOte"to authorize the
Tcwn Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money
from time to time i~ anticipation of the rever~e of the financial
year beginning January l, 1943, and to issu~ a note ornotes there-
for, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may
be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Sec-
tion l~, Chapter 44,' General Laws.
Article ~. To consider the report of all special commit-
Article S. To see what action the town will take in re-
gard to~appolnting a committee bd take care of the public parks and
triangles of the town. Petition of Board of Selectmen.
Article 9. To see what action the town will take with re-
ference to the following proposed By-Law:::
No'-person shall be allowed to place, tttrow,
dump or otherwise deposit poster~, handbills, flyers, advertising
sheets, waste or rubbish in the public streets or ways. ?etlon of
the Board of Selectmen.