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Recount of Votes
December 7,1946
Coolidge, Arthur W.
D~ver, Paul A.
Erickson, Alfred
Votano, Francis A.
Lieutenant Governor
P r e c i n c t s Totals
i 2 § 4
320 672 543 546 2081
365 379 327 288 1359
~ 1 2 1 4
2 3 11 2 19
20 19 21 12 72
.Buckley, Thomas J.
· Wood, Russell A.
McGlynn, Pearl J.
Simmons, Robert A.
351 367 332 296
313 664 . 512 516'
1.2.~v, 5 15 7
1 5 2 1
40 33 43 30
Arthur W. Coolidge
Paul A. Dever'
Alfred Erickson
Francis A. Votano
Blanks-- !~
Lieutenant Goverhor
lost six votes on recount
gained six votes on recount
remained the same on recount
lost five votes on recount
gained five votes on recount.
Thomas J. Buckley
Russell A. Wood
Pearl J. McGlynn
Robert A. Simmons
lost twelve votes on recount
gained eight ·votes on recount
lost two votes on recount
remained the same on recount
gained six votes on recount
~ :!':~' ~ ,Town Clerk'
1946 1946
To either of the Const~'~s of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Mass,chusetts, you are
hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover,
who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Court
Room, Town Building, in said North Andover, on Monday, the twenty-
third day of December, 1946, at seven-thirty o'clock P. M., then
and there to act on the followingbusiness:
Article 1. To see if the town will raise and appr0-
'priate or transfer from the Overlay Surplus Account, the sum of
One Thousand and Fifty Dollars, ($1,O50) to supplement the Old
Age Assistance Appropriation for the balance of the year.
Article 2. To see if the town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from the Overlay Surplus Account the sum of
Six Hundred Dollars, ($$O0) to supplement the Aid to Dependent
Children AOpropriation for the balance of this year.
Article 3. To see'~i£'.the town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from the Overlay Surplus Account the sum of
Seven Hundred Dollars ($V00).,~o supplement the Outside Relief
and Repairs Appropriation for the balance of this year.
Article 4. To see iftthe town will vote to accept
Prospect Street as laid out by the Board of Selectmen on December
9, 1946, for a distance of three hundred and fifty feet southerly
from Chadwick Street.
Article 5. To see if the town will vote to accept Lyman
Road between Massachusetts Aveu{ie and Middlesex Street as laid out
by the Board of Selectmen on November lB, 1946, for a distance of
six hundred_feet, beginning at Massachusetts Avenue.
Article 6. Proposed Amendment: TO see if the town will
vote to amend the Zoning Ny-Laws, by changing the classification
of the property owned by William A. NcAloon, from a residential to
a business area. Said property is located on Chickering Road and
is bounded and described as follows:
A :certain parcel of land at the Junction of
Pleasant Street and Franklin Street, beginning at an in-
tersection at the southerly line of Pleasant Street with
Northerly line of Franklin Street; thence running south-
westerly seventy-seven and 95/100 (VV.9§) feet by the
northerly .line .of Franklin Street to beginning curve of
said Street line; Shence southwesterly still by said
northeEly line of ~'ranklin Streetby a curve of seventy-two
and ~Z/100 (7~.Z~) feet radius to end of said curve, thence
westerly still by northerly line of Franklin Street fifty-
hiue (59) feet more or less to easterly line of Chickering
Road, thence northerly by easterly line of Chickering Road
about fifty-two (5~) feet to remaining part of Lot fifty-
nine ($9); thence northerly by said Lot fifty-nine (59)
thirty-nine (ag) feet more or less to southerly line of
Pleasant Street; thence by said southerly line of Pleasant
Street westerly one hundred and twenty (l~O) feet to point
of beginning.
Article 7. To see if the town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from the Overlay Surplus Account, the sum of
Two Rundre8 and Two Dollars and ~hirty-eight cents (~20~.~8) to
supplement the Annual Town Rep6rts~Appropriation for the balance
of the year.
. Article B. To see~.i£ the town will rmise and
'p~late' or transfer from the Overlay Surplus'Account; the sum of
One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,$00) to supplement the
School Department Appropriation for the balance of this year.
. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting
true and attested copies thereof at t-he Town Hall, and at five or
more public places in each voting pr~ci~ctQ Said copies to be
posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before
.the time of holding said meeting.-
Hereof fail not and make due return~of this warrant
with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk,.at the.time and place
of said meeting. ~ ~.
Given u'nder our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts,
this 9th day of December in the year of o~r Lord one thousand nine
hundred and forty-six.
A true Copy,
Everett W.0o~h6dSe - -:
Officer ' s. Retur~
I have notified the~inhabitants of.the Town of North
Andover, qualified~to vote in Town, Affair,s, by.posting true and
a~tested copies of.this warrant,at thefT, oWn'H~ll gnd at five or
more public places in each voting precfn6t. Said,copies having
been posted no~ more than fifteen days nor less th~n ten days
before the time of holding said meeting.
North Abdover, Mass.,
Dec. 23, 1946.
Everett Woodho~se,
December 23, 1946
' · Article 1. voted to transfer from the 0verlay Surplus
A66ount the sum of One Thousand~and Fifty Dollars,($1,050) to
supplement tbs 01d Age. Assistance Appropriation.
"Art, lois 2. Voted to tgansfer from tbs 0verlsy Surplus
:Account the suE'of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) to supple~entltbe
Aid to Dependent Children.
Article 3. Voted to transfer from tbs Overlay Surplus
-'Account the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700) to supplement
the Outside Relief and Repairs Appropriation.
"Article 4. Voted to ~g6ept prospect Street as laid out
by tbs Board of Selectmen on December 9, 1946, for a distance of
three hupdred and fifty feet southerly 2rom Chadwick Street.
Article 5.' Voted to accept Lyman Road between Massachusetts
Avenue and Middlesex Street as laid out by the'Board of Selectmen
on November 18, 1946, for a distance of six hundred feet, beginning
at,Massachusetts Avenue.
Article 6. Voted ~o amend the~Zonl~g By-Laws, by changing
the classification of the prcper~y owned by William A. McAloon, from
a residential to a business ares. Said property is located on
Chickering Road and is bounded and described as follows:
A certain par. col of land at the Junction of
Pleasant Street and' Franklin Street, beginning at an
intersection at tbs southerly line of Pleassnt Street
with Northerly line of Franklin Street; thence run-
ning southwesterly seventy-seven and 95/100 feet,
(77.95) by the northerly line of Franklin Street to
beginning curve of said Street line.; thence southwesterly
stitl;by said northerly line of Franklin Street' by
· 'atcurve 'of seventy,two and 22/100 (72.22) feet radius
't~o ~end' of said curve; thence w. esterl, y still by northerly
line of Franklin Street fift~ nine (59) feet more or
less to easterly line, of Chickering Road; thence northerly
by easterly line of.C~:ckering Road ab~t flfty-~wo
(52) feet ~o remaini~g~art of Lot fifty-nine (59);
'/"~" : t-h~nce northeasterly'by said Lot fifty-nine (59) thirty-
~ ni~,~(39)'feet more or less to southerly line of'Pleasant
.... ;v,~- - ' ~ St'r'eet: thence'by said'~southerly line of Pleasant Street '
· ... ~ ~e~sterly on~'hundred~and 'twenty (120) feet to point of
Article 7. Voted to transfer f. rom the Overlay Surplus
Account the sum of Two Hundred and Two Dollars and Thirty-eight
Cents ($202.38) to suppleEent the Annual Town Reports Appro-
priation ·
' ' ~r~ic'ie 8. Voted to ~ransfer from Surplus Revenue the
s~ of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500) to supplement
the School Department Appropriation.
A true copy,
Attest: ~V~
Town Clerk.
19 4 ,V 19 4 ~
Essex ss.
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are
hereby directed to' notify and warn the.inhabitants of North Andover,
qualified to v6te in Town Affairs,'to meet in the Court Room, Town
Building, in said North ^ndover, on Monda~,, the twentieth day of
January, 1947, at seven-thirty o'clock P. M., then and there to act
on %he following business:-
ARTICLE 1. To see if the ToWn will vote to amend the zoning by-law
of the Town of North Andover, 1943, bY deleting the words "~hi~kering
Road at Park Street", from Article II, Section 5, sub-section (i)
which reads, "No new licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages of
any kind shall be granted in them following Business Districts, ex-
cepting that licenses now in force may be continued.
Massachusetts Avenue at Middlesex Street
Railroad Avenue at Middlesex Street
Chickering Road at Park Street
North Andover Center
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town. will vote to amend the zoning By-law
by changing the classification of the property owned'by. Edward
Melamed from a general residential to a business area. Said property
is located ou Greene Street and, is bounded and described as follows:
FIRST TRACT:.Northerly by the northerly line of Greene
Street about three hundred and twenty-five (325) feet; westerly by
the Shawsheen River about two hundred and twenty-five (225) feet;
southerly by a llne p~rmll&l~with and two hundred (200) feet south
of the southerly line of Greene Street aboutbtwo hund~ed~and ninety-
five (295) feet; and easterly by the westerly line of a twenty (20)
foot road about two hundred and sixty (260) feet; containing about
60,000 square feet..
SECOND TRACT: Northerly by land now or formerly of
Manufacturers Machine Company about two hundred and ninety-five (295)
feet; westerly by the easterly bank of the Shawsheen River abo%t one
hundred (100) feet; southerly b~ land now or formerly of one Guter-
man about two hundred and sixty-five (265) feet; and easterly by the
westerly line of Elizabeth Road about two hundred (200) feet. The
southerly line of the granted premises is at right angles to Rail-
road Avenue and is the prolongation of the southerly boundary line
of land conveyed to Rose Ellen Hayes by deed recorded with North
Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 380, Page 547. Containing about
41,S50 square feet of land.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of
· Two Hundred Twenty-four Dollars and Fifty Cents (~224.50) for engineer-
ing services on Lyman Road.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of
One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars and Forty-four cents
(~1,359.44) to cover the expense of the snow removal during the
emergency recently declared by the Board of Selectmen.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true
and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and ,t five or mere
public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be~posted
not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time
of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant with'
your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time ~nd place of
said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this
sixth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and forty-seven.
A true copy,
George 'E. Everson,
North Andover
Officer's Return
I have notified the inhabitants.of ~he Town of North Andover,
qualified to vote in Town Affairs, by posting true and attested'
copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public
places in each voting precinct. Said copies havingbeen posted
no~ more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time
of holding said meeting.
North Andover, Mass., January 10, 1947.
George E. Everson,