HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-06-201947 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING .,Tune ~0, 1947 1947 Article 1. Voted to amend the Zoning By-Laws by changing the classification of a parcel cf land from a Residential to a Business District, bounded and described as outlined in the warrant on page 19S. Mr, Ritchie, chairman Of the Planning Board, stated that his Board was unable to make a report under Articles Two and Three of the warrant until further study be given the subject mat~er contained therein. In view of the above information it was voted to strike Articles Two and T~n~ee from the warrant. About thirty ve~ers were present. A ~ue copy, Atte st: Town Clerk. NOTICE The Amendment to the $oning By-Laws adopted by the Town at a special Town Meeting held June 20, 19~7, as outlined and described under Article l, of the warrant for said meeting was approved by Clarence A. Barnes, Attorney General of the Commonwealth on June 25, 1947. It was advertised in the Lawrence Evening Tribune Tuesday July l, Monday July 7 and Saturday July 12,19~7. .~. ....... Town Clerk 195 To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Gree ting: - In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room, Town Building, in said North Ando~er, on Monday the twenty-fifth day of August 19157, at eight o'clock P. M. then and there to.act on the following business :- Article 1. To see if the town will vote to change the classification of the following described premises from agricultural to a business area: First Parcel. A certain parcel of land situsted in North An~over,County of Essex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the East side of the road leading from the house formerly of Ezra Clark, deceased, and bounded by land formerl~ of said Clark Easterly seven- teen(17) rods,eleven(il) links, North easterly twenty four(2~) rods and northerly twelve(12) rods and fifteen links thence still by land formerly of said Clark Easterly in three different courses about forty-three and half(43½) rods to corner by land once of J. D. W. French, thence south-easterly by land once of said French fifty-six(56) rods eleven(il) links to a corner, thence still by land once of said French seventy-two rods(72) and fourteen (14) links in a westerly direction to the above named road, thence northerly by said road twenty-one(21) ro~s~ three(3) links, to a corner to the point of commencement. All corners bounded by stone walls or fences and containing nineteen and a half acres, more or less. Second Parcel. A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, County of ESsex, Commonwealth of l¥~assachusetts,on the east side of Boston Street sometimes called Clark Street and boundedr beginning~at the southwest corner of th~ premises by said street and land once of Susan T. Hackett; thence north by said street to land ~ of George W. Russell; thence northeast by said Russell land as the wa'll now stands to an oak tree at land of J. D. W. French; thence south by land of said French as: the wall now stands to a corner in the wall of said Susan T. Hackett, to point of beginning,containing about twenty-nine acres one hundred and twenty rods. Third Parcel. A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, County of Essex,Commonwealth of Massachusetts, beginning at a point in the east side of Clark Street, so-called,of land now or formerly of one Ezra Clark; thence north 15o west by stone wall two hundred seventeen feet to an angle at the end of the wall;thence north 22° west five hundred sixty-two feet to a stone wall; thence turning north 77o 15" east two hundred six feet; thence north 80o east four hundred twenty-two feet by said wall; thence further north 79° east four hundred sixteen feet,all of the said bounds being by land now or late of Yunggebauer; thence south 8° west fifty-four and 3/10 feet;thence south 51o east one hundred seventy feet; thence south 25o west one hundred forty-eight feet; thence further south 23° 30' west three hundred thirty-six feet by stone wall; thence south 53° west seventy-five and 5/10 feet; thence south 60° west one hundred twenty-two feet; thence south 70° west five hundred and eighteen feet by stone wall by land now or formerly of said Clark, to point of beginning, containing fourteen and 1/10 acres. Petition of Anthony Rogers and others. Article 2. To see if the town will vote to change the classification of the following described premises from restricted residential to a business area. A certain tract of land situated in North Andover on the westerly side of Chickering Road and bounded and described as follows: ~orth two hundred.twenty-six feet more or less by land now or late of Coolidge; south-east three hundred twenty feet more or less by Chlckering Road; and west two hundred eighteen and 5/100 feet by land now or late of ~elamed; being triangular in shape. Petition of George H. Schruender and others. Article 3. To see if the town will transfer to the Water Department Appropriation from water department receipts the sum of thirteen hundred thlrty-five($1335.00) dollars, received from the sale of the booster pump, motor and appurtenances authorized by Article 22 of the 19~7 Annual Meeting. Petition of the Board Public Works. And you are directed to serve this warrant by po~ting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days ncr less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this llth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred forty seven. Arthur A. Thomson Joseph M. Finneran Arnold H. Salisbury Selectmen ~of North Andover. Officer's Return I have notified the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, by posting true and attested copies 'of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted~not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. North Andover, August 15, 19&7. Alfred H. McKee Chief qf Police. .Town Meeting August 25, 19~7. Article 1. As appearing on page 198 was adopted by the meeting by a unanimous vote. ~ Article· 2. D~to some opposition on' this article it was necessary to take.a hand vote in order to get the true sentiment of the meeting. Fifteen voted in favor and seven against and tl~e article was .,'~ad0p~ed. Article 3. It was voted to transfer to the'water department appropriation from water department receipts the sum of thirteen hundred thirty-five(S1535.00) dollars, received from the sale of the booster pump, motor and appurtenances aUthorized by Article 22, of the 19~7 Annual Meeting. Thirty voters were present at the meeting. Attest: Amendments 'to.Zoning By-~-a~s adopted under Art.l, at Town Meeting_ August 25,19~7, was approved by the Attorney General-September 17,19~7 advertised in the Evening Tribune September 25, 24 and 25,1947- Amendemnt to Zoning By-Law adopted under Article 2, at Town Meeting August 25, 1947, was approved by the Attorney General September 9,19~7, advertised in the Evening Tribune September ll, 12 and 13, 1947. .200 1947. WARRANT Commonwealth of ~assachusetts. Essex ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greetings:- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover,qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in t;he Court Room, Town Ouilding, in said North Andover, on Monday evening the twenty-seventh day of 0ctober, 19h7, at eight o'clock P. M., then and there to act on the following business. Article 1. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, not less than one thousand($1000.O0) dollars, to insure school children for injuries incurred in athletic contests and the physical education pro~ram'condn~ ~ .~ ~..~ 2~ol~t~di~r~~ ~ Gene~a~ L~w~,~hap~er ~-~c~o~,~;aph cover ~cnoo& ~ommit=ee. Article 2. To see if the tovm will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of one thousand ($1000.O0)dollars, to be used to excavate the town yard to grade, supply gravel, tar and equipment, and move chain link fence so as to provide proper access to town garages. Patition of Highway Surveyor, Board Public Works, Police ~ept., Tree Warden and Board of Health. · Article 5. To see if the town will transfer to the Police Department expense appropriation from Article ~8 of the 1947 Annual Town Meeting, the sum of three hundred seventy three dollars and ten cents($57~.10) Petition ofAlfred H. McKee. Article 4. To see if the town will transfer to the Police Department salaries appropriation(special officers) from Article ~8, of the 19~7 Annual Town Meeting,the sum of two hundred($200.00)do!lars. Article 5. To see if the to~n will authorize the Board of Fire Engineers to sell the 1954 Buick Ambulance, proceeds of sale to be turned over to the To~m Treasu'rer. Petition of Fire Engineers. Article 6. To see if the town will transfer to the Outside Relief and A~epairs appropriation from the Aid to Dependent Children appropriation, the sum of twenty, five hundred ($2500.00) dollars. Petition of the Board Public Welfare. Article 7. To see if the town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws of said town by changing the classification.of the following proprty from an agricultural to a business District: Beginning at a stake on the north side of Hillside Road, said stake being eleven hundted twenty-eight (1128) feet west of the west line of Salem Turnpike at the centre of a lane now disncontinued,thence northerly by land of ~ow or formerly of one Neal through the centre line of said . discontinued lane five hundred ninety feet (590) more or less to a stake, thence easterly one hundred eleven and one half(lll~)feet more or less ~y ~and.of. Joseph~. Tuvg~n to a stake;thence southeasterly three hundred or=y-emgh~ and 9~/100 (54~ 98/100)feet more or less by land of said ~urgeon~to the. northeasterly line of the new State A~mbw~v ~.o ~ ..... ~ -~--~,~.~ ~ou~er£y .y said ~tate ig~way on~ hundred seventy-nine 78/100 (179 78/~00) feet =o said ~illslde noad, thence westerly by said road one hundred /100 (100 8/100) f~et more or less to the point of beginning two acres more or less. Petition of Francis J. Trombly. Article 8. To see if the toMm will. vote to change the classification of the following described premises under the Zoning laws from agricultural to a business area. A parcel of land located at the intersection of Barker Street and Osgood Street in said North Andover, being bounded and described as follows:- 201 Town ~arrant Starting at a point at the l~assachusetta highway bound on the northerly side of Barker Street at its intersection with said 0sgood Street, thence running northeasterly five hundred ninety and 15/!00 (590 15/100) feet by the northerly line of Barker Street to a point at land land now of said Barker, thence turning and running north- westerly eight 99/100 (8 99/100) feet to a concrete bound at other land of said Barker two hundred forty-two(2~2) feet to a concrete bound in the easterly lthe of said 0sgood Street,thence turning and running southwesterly along the easterly line of said Osgood Stheet one hundred forty-five (1~5) feet to a Massachusetts highway bound, thence still along the easterly line of 0sgood Street south- westerly two hundred twenty-one 85/100 (221 85/19~) feet to a p~In~ begun at, containing twenty-three thousand elgh~2~080)sq~re feet more or less. Petition of Stanley Stefanow&cz.. Article 9. To see if the town will vote to change the classifi- cation of the following described parcels from general residential to a business area:- Parcel One. A parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated on the northeasterly side of ~aseachusetts Avenue in said North Andover, in the County of Essex, and bounded and described as follows:Beginning on said ~assachusetts Avenue at land now or formerly of T. E. Foye, thence running northwesterly by said northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue about two hundred seventy-three(27)) feet to the southeasterly pier of the bridge on said Massachusetts Avenue over the Shawsheen River; thence turning and running northeasterly, easterly and south- easterly by said river about four hundred twenty(~20) feet to land~ now or formerly o~ said T. E. Foye;thence turning and ~uuning .south- westerly~.by said ~oye land about~ two hundred twenty-flve(225)feet to said ~assachusetts Avenue at the point of beginning.Containing about foray-four thousand four hundred(~l~,~00) square feet. Parcel' two. A parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated in said Eorth Andover in the County of Essex and Commonwealth of Mass- achusetts, more particularly bounded and described as follows:~South- westerly by Massachusetts Avenue seventy-three(7)~ feet;northwesterly by land now or formerly of Cahill one hundred twenty-four and 56/100 (12~ 56/100) feet; northeasterly by land now or formerly of Malloy 2~e h~und~ed te~ 57/100 o(ll0.~10q) fset; and southea~eh~by~.Pehry ~ o~ree~ sixty-slx and 50/100 (66 50/100) feet. Parcel Three. A parcel of land with the buildings thereon, situated in said North Andover on the northeasterly side of the Air Line Road so-called, and bounded as follows; Beginning on said road at the southeasterly corner of said lot and land of John Carey; thence north- easterly by said ~arey's land one hundred fifty(150)feet to a point; thence northwesterly ~y land formerly of J. L. Webster by a straight line to and through a maple tree standing near the edge of the Shawsheen River to said river;thence up said river bounding by said river to a line drawn from a point in the northeasterly line of said road to said river, which line is parallel with and one hundred fifty(150) feet distant northwesterly from the northwesterly llne of said Carey, s land and"bound first mentioned; thence southwesterly by said parallel line on other land formerly of J. L. Webster to said,road; thence south- easterly by said road one hundred and fifty(150~ feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John E. Wilson and others. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Oaid copies to be posted not more than fifteen days ~nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the ~ime and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover,Massachusetts this tenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred forty-seven. Arthur A. Thomson Selectmen Joseph M. Finneran of Arnold h. Salisbury North Andover