HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-19Blank ' "pages' haVe..-be~n ~:emoved: ,~ 203 1949. 1948 Commonwealth of Massnchusetts To either of the Constables of the Town of No~th Andover: Greetings:- In the name of the Commonwealth of M~ssachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabit, htr of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room, Town Building~ in said North AndOvev, on ~onday evening, on the Hineteenth day of January, 194B, at eight o'clock P.M. then and there to act on the following business: Article 1. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from any a¥~ilable fund,~, t.he sum 0£ l'llne Thousand Four H~d- red Dollars ($9,400) to be used for ~he Emergency Snow Remowl expense. Petition of Ira carry, Highway Surveyor And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true an~ attested copies thereof at the Town Hall, and at five o~ more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and ~ake due return of this warrant with your, doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meat- lng. Give under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this 'fifth dsy of J~rnary, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hund~ed~ and forty-eight. Arthur A. Thomson Selectmen ,Toseph M. Finneran of Arnold H, Salisbury North 0fficer's Return I have notified'the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, eualified to vote in Town Affairs, by posting tru~ and attested cooler of this warrant st the Town Hall an8 st five or more public places in~ each voting precinct: said copies having been posted not ~ore than fifteen days nor less than te~ days before the time of holding said meeting· North Andover, January 9, 1948. Alfred H. NcKee, f Town Neetiu~ ~anusry 19, 1948. Article 1. Voted to a,pprop~late the sum of Seven thousand eight hundred fifty-four and V8/100 (~,795~.78) dollars f~om available funds to be used for F. mergenc? Snow Removal. ~mber of voters.at ~eeting - fourtesu. Attest: Town Clerk 204 1948 W A R R A N T Commonwealth of ~!asa~chusetts Zsse~ SS. To either of the COnstables of the Town of North Andover. Greetings:- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. you ~re hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of ~orth Andover, Gualified to vote in Town Affairs. to meet'in the Court Room, Town Building, in said North Andover, on Monday evenin, on sixth day of January, 1949, at eight o'clo~w n ~ g'+~ t~e~T~uty., act on the following business: ....... , ~nen ~ne ~ere Article 1. To see if the Town will raise and ~ppropriate or transfer from available f~nds, a sufficient sum of money to the.expense of the snow Removal for the Emergency which was declared on °anu~ry 7, 1~48. Petition of Ira Catty, Highway Surveyor Article 2. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from avai]mble funds, a sufficient sum of money to t~ke care of other snow removal expenses for the remainder of the month of January. Petition of Ira Catty, Highway Surveyor And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true ~nd attested copies thereof at the Town Hall, and at flve or more pub- lic places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. ' Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with wour doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this. Twelfth day of Jannsry, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hund- red and forty-eight. Arthur A. Thomson Joseph M. Finneran Arnold H. Salisbury Selectmen of North Andover Officer's Return I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qu.lified to vote in Town Affairs, by posting true and .treat- ed copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more pdblic places in each voting precinct: said copies having been posted not more .than fifteen days nor less than ten d~ys before the time of holding said meeting. Alfred H. ~cKee Town Meetin~ Jenu.ry 26, 1949 Article 1. Voted to transfer from available funds the sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, for snow remora emergency declared Januawv ~ ~9~m ,~ + ....... ~, under to of January 26, 1948. "~ ' ~ ~' ~ ~u an~ IncLusive of the d~te Article 2. Voted that this article be referred to the Selectmen and Advisory Board, under Chapter 5, of 1948, "An Act author- izing Towns to incur Additional Limbilities for the removal of snow and ice. Number of voters at meeting - twelve. Attest: Town 9rk. ' .... 205 T O'~l N WARRANT COMMO~f, IIEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex sa, To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greetings:- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, ~ualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Engine house in voting precinct one: the Merrimack Schoolhouse in voting precinct two; the Union Schoolhouse in voting precluct three: and the Town Hall in voting precinct four,.In said North Andover on Monday the · first day of March 1949, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. 2o elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, three SeLectmen, three members of the Board of Public ~eiEare for one year: one Assessor of Taxes, two members of School Committee, one member of Board Of Health and one member of the Board of Public Works for three years: a highway Surveyor, s Collector of Taxes, a Tree'Warden and five Constables for one year and s member of the Planning Board to serve five yd~rs and to vote upon any and all Town Officers required by law to be elected by ballot. Also to vote upon the question: "SHALL SECTION:SS B OF CHEFTER 4B OF THE GENERAL LAWS PROVIDING FOR A 48 HOUR WEEK FOR PE~ANENT ~qFMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPART~.NT BE ACCEPTED ?,,1 - ' NO : All to be voted for upon one ballot. The nolls shall be ~pen at' nine o'clock.A.M, and shall be closed at eight o'clock P.M. After final action on the nreceding Article One, the said meeting shall stand adjourned.by virtue of Section 4, ~rtisle one of the Town by-laws, to Saturday, ~rch 13, ].948, at one-thirty o clobk P.M. in the Town Hall, then and. there to act upon the following articles:- ARTICLE. 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. ARTICLE. 3. To see if.the town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ARTICIE. 4. To see what action the town will take as to its unexoended appropriations. ARTICLE 5. To see what action the town will .take as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 6. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, w£th the approval~of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of.the financial year, be- ginning January l, 1949 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, an~-~ renew any note oP notes as may be given for a eeriod of less than one year in accordance with.Section l?, ~hapter 44, General Laws. ARTICLE ~. To consider the report of all.special committees. ARTICLE 8. To see what action the town will take in regard to appointing a committee to take care of the oublic parks, trisngles ,nd.playgrounds of the town. ARTICLE 9. ~o see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the position of Board cf Health Physician and to fix his compensation, in accord,rice with Section 4A, Chapte~ 41, General Laws. - 206 l 4s ~own Warrant ARTICLE 10. To see if the town will vote to suthorlze the School Committee to appoint one of its members to the position o£ School Physici.n and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section SA, Chapter 41, General Laws. AMTICLE ll. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy-eight and 30/100 dollars ($TS.SO). being unpaid bill for the year 1~47, due to Lawrence Plate and Window Glass Company, for repairs to overhead doors in Street Department. Petition of Joseph A. Duncan and others, ARTICLE 12. To see if the town will vote to raise and apnroprlate the sum of Three Hundred ~leven Dollars and Fifty-eight Cents ($311.58) to take c~re of unpaid bills for the year 1947 for the Town Infirmary. Petition of the Bomrd of Public Welfare ARTICLE 13. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars' ($2,000) for the purchase of a Mist Sprayer for control of Insect Pests for use in the Moth Department. Petition of John J. Connors and others' ARTICLE 14. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for the purpose of completing the engineering survey of real estate valuation of the town. Petition of the Board of Selectmen ARTICLE la. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of h~ive Hundred Dollars ($S00) to be used with the present CheVrolet Car to purchase a new police car. Petition of Alfred. H. McKee and others ARTICLE 16. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of gix Hundred Dollars ($600) f,o purchase one thous,nd feet of Forest ~'ire hose. Petition of J~mes H~rgreaves,Forest Warden ART~LE 17. To see if the town will vote to have the Mod- erator appoint a committee to see if~government surplus aerial ladder truck can be procured for this town. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers ARTICLE 18. To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500) to purchase new ladders for Ladder Truck. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers ARTICLE lQ. To see if the town will vote to raise and aporopr~ te the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to repair roof and inside of Fire Station. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers ARTICLE 20. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1B$0) to purchase three units of two way radio for use of the Fire and Forest Fire Department. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers and Forest Warden ARTICLE 21. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eighteen Hundre~ Dollars (~lBO0) to purchase an automobile for use of Fire and Forest ~ire Departments. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers 1948 1948 Town Warrant 20Y ARTICLE 22. To see if the town will'vote to raise and ~ppropriate the sum of Six Hundred Dollars (~600), to be expended under the direction of the Recreational Council, for the instruction and supervision of children upon the playgrounds of the.town. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation'cf the Recreational Council ARTICLE, 23. To see if 'the town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of T~o Hundred Dollars ($200), to be expended under the direction of the Recreational Council for the purpose of purchasing supplies, including handicraft, and other expendible items, for the use of the children, instructors, and. ~.pervisors on the town's playgrounds. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Recreational Council ARTICLE 24. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750) to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Wobks, for the purchase and install- .ation of equipment for the playgrounds of the town, including ohe Heavy Duty Merry-go-round, one six-swing set, one Heavy Duty Senior Wave Stride, and two new bench-type tables. Petition of the Board of S~lectmen upon recommendation of the Recreational Council ARTICLE 25. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- primte the sum of Three Hundred Ninety-five Dollars (~395) as estimated by the Board of Public ~orks, to'be expended under the direction of said Board, for the seeding of an area of the~ playground at Grogan's Field measuring approximately 135 feet by 9S feet, and for the provision of loam, grass-seed, fertilizer, and l~bor for the same. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Recreational Council AHTICIE 26. To.see if the town w~l~ raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds Five Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Dollars ($58~0.00) ~o clean and'cement line water mains in the water wbrks system. · Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 2~. To see if the town ~ill appropriate from avail- ~able funds, the ~um o£ Four ThOusand Ninety Dollars and Thirty-~ne Cents (~;4090.31) being the amount of. water department, rece'ipts in e×ceas of water department operating expenses for 194V to a Stabilization Fund as provided'for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945, with the understanding that it is to be used by the to~n For capital improvements in the water Works'system under the provisions of the ~bove ~ct. Petition of the Bo~rd of. F~blic ~orks ARTiCI~ 28. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate, providM by bond issue, o~ transfer from available ~unds, Six hoUsand Five hundred Dollars (~6500.00) to connec, the water main From Peters Street to Andover Street 8n Turnpike Street so as to provide better domestic supply and fire protection for the Wilson Corner Area in accordance with the recommendation of the New England Fire Insurance R~ting Association. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 29. To see if the town will' raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) for the p~rchase of a new Dump Truck for the use of tho Highway Department. A 1939 Dump Truck to be sold and proceeds to be turned over to the Town Treasurer. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Town Warrant ARTICLE, 50. To nee if the town will raise and ~ppropPiste the sum of-ire Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (1~5,500) for the purchase of ~ ~o.0 Cletra¢ and Cab, same to reolace a 12-year old tractor. Petition of the H~ghw~y Surveyor ARTICLF 31. To see if the town will raise and~pproori~te the sum of 2'wo Thousand Dollars (f~2000) to be used for s sidewalk pro- .1oct: the town to pay one-half of the expense and the applicant to pay the other., half of the cost. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLF 32. To see if t?~ town will raise and aOO~opriste t~e sum~of Ted Thousand Dollars (~;2000) for m~Intenance an any street in town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the ~t,te or County, or both for this purpose; or take any other action iu relation thereto. Petition of th~ Highway Surveyor ARTICL? ~5. ~o see if the town will raj. me. and appropriate the sum of E our Thousand Dollars (~;4000) for the rebuilding of Main Street from the Junction of Main sod Water Streets as far as the money will allow, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, but if not used on said street, money to be used on Moute #1~3, said money to be used in con- ' junction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both for this purpose; or take any other adtion in relation thereto. Petition of tl~e Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 34. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- pr'ia'te a sufficient sum of money for the salaries ~nd wsges' in each town department, except the School Department, to gr,ut s Three Hundred Dollsr ($300) Increase to all full time town employees. Petition of John W. Hegarty and. others ARTICLE. 35.1 To see if the town will raise and aopropriate the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) for the construction of a new raft et the American Legion Bathing Beach. Petition of the Bathing Beach Committee ARTICLE 36. To see if the town will raise and spprooriate the sum of Three Hundred i~ty Dollars ($350) f6r maintenance and expenses of Post 2104, V. F. W. for the year 1948. 'Petition of Martin J. Lawlor Jr. ~nd others ARTICLE 3V. To see if the town will vote to suthorize the ~oard of P,~lic wor~s to purchase for the sum of One Thousand Dollars $1000) the 'so'called Wharfage Lot c~ntaiuing 0.26 (Twenty-six hundredths) acres, situated on the northerly side of Lake Cochichewick and bounded ou the north by Gre~t Pond Road and on the east and west by land of the To~ of Eorth Andover. Petiti6n of Stanley stefanowiecz-snd others ARTICLE 38. To see if the town will Vote to extend ~he street lights from the present loc~tion to the corner of Salem, Boxford and Foster Streets for safety protection. Petition of Francis C. ~oche and others. ARTICLE 39. To see if the town will vote to favor the amend- men~ of chapter 3~0, Acts of 1906, so as to have the duties ~nd services now performed to the highway surveyor, assigned to the Board of Public ~orks, such assignment to become effective in March 19~2 or whenever the present lncumbant of the position of highway surveyor fails to be elected, resigns, or is incapaclted, whichever becomes the eerliest date. Petition of Fred E. Pitkin and others ARTICLE 40. To see if the town will vote to establish a Reserve Police Force from the five duly ~lected constables and to petition the State Legislature to put them under Civil Service Laws. Petition of Cornelius Donovan and others 209, Town'~Warrant ARTICLE 41. To see if the town will accept a.~gift of a twenty foot strip of land along the south side of Dana Street dontsining 5?64 square feet of land, more or less, adjacent to the property of the TOWn of North AndOver, thereby making that tract of land available for Veterans housing, p?oviding a sewer and waker main is installed in Dana Street withou~ cost, to the abutters on ~he proposed wa~er and sewer extensions on Dana street, thereby making 38,400 square feet of l~nd available for five or more house lots, front%ng'on Dsn~ Street. Petition of J. Newton Frye and others ARTICLE 42. To see if bhe town will vote to raise and appro- priate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a suffi- cient sum of money to install a water system on Dana Street from Beverly 5o Msrblehead Street. -- Petition,of J. Newton Frye ~nd others A~TICL~. 43. To see if the town will vote:.to r~ise and ~ppro- priate byebond ~ssde; ~o~tranSfer]from ~a$~abletfunds~ a~uffic~ent]sum Bf~,~on~y':to~instal~ au~;~s~s~emdon~Dana.~StreetFfrom.!.Beverty~.to M~Ble- Petition of J. Newton~Frye and others A~IC~ 44. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate'the sum o~-Two Thousand Dollars $2000) to roll and oil Hamilton Road, Holbrook Road and ~tnam Road for a distance of siz hundred ~600) feet beginning at ~an Road. ' ' Petition of Edwin W. Reinhold and: others. " 'ARTIC~ 45. To see~if-the town' will vo~e b~'raise ~nd priate ~ sdfficient ~m~of money.to install a wa~er system on Pembrook Ro~d, beginning at Lvman.~d for a distance of 550 feet. ..., ., Petition of Joseph J. Sambat~ro and others' .. ARTICLE ~'6. To~see~'~iT~th~to~n will vot'e to raise and appro- ~pri, tes sufficient sum~of money ~to install a sewer system on Pembr~ok Road, beginningi~a'% Lyman~Road~ for a distance of $$0 feet. Petition of ~osepb ~. Sambataro and others ~TIC~ 4~7. To see i~ the town will vote ~o raise and appro- · ~pr~ ~e, prov~d~ ~by~ond~ issue, or..-tr~ns-fe~ro~.av~i-l.~b=te-~nds, a suffi-: .... 'clen~ sum 6f'?money to extend the sewer sys~em 2~0'fee~ from mP~k6~ Street on ~Hemlock Street~. ..... ~ ~ Petl~ion of Ma~io R-~ Cuomo and others ARTIC~ 4~. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and ,'oo~o- p~iate, p~ovide by bond issue, or ~t~ansfer ~from available funds, ~ s~ffi- cient sum of money to extend~the water system 250 feet from P~rker Street on Hemlock Streeb. ' Pebition of Marlo R. Cuomo and others ARTIC~ 49. To see if the 'town will raise and ~pproorlate a~ suf'ficie~t sum- df money for a surface drain on Camden Street. Petition of John Kasheta and others , ~ ARTICIE. 50. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate, or transfer from availabl~ funds, an amount necessar~ to e~tend the wate~ system, for fire p~otectlon, from Boxford Street to Forest Street and then a distance o£. 1700 feet alonE Forest Street~from Bo×ford Street. Petition of John J. Wilcox ~n~ others ~-ARTICL~ $1. To see if the town'will vote ~o raise and sopro- pri~te, ~rovide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a suffi- cient sum of money to extend the water's~stem ~$0 feet on Cet~lt Street from Pebers Street. Petition of Arthur E. Atkinson and others 210 1949 priate, provfde by cient sum of money from Greene street 1948 Town Warrant ARTICLE 52. TO see if the town will vote to rmlse and av~ro- bond issue, or transfer from'available funds. , suffi- to install a water system on ?embrook Road$~running for a distance of 4?5 feet. Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others ARTICLE 53~ To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from~avallable funds, a suffi- cient sum of money, to install a sewer system on Pembrook Road, running from Greene Street for a distance of 4V5 feet. Petition of santo A. DiMauro and others ARTICLE 54. ~To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a suffi- cient sum of money to install a water system on Tyler Road, running from Pembrook Road to woodbridge Road. Petition of Sahto A. D~M~uro and others ARTICLE 55.~ To see if the town will vote to raise and a~pro- priate, provide by bond issue, or transfeb from available i~nds, a suffi- cisnt s~m of money ~o install a sewer system on Tyler Road, running from Pembrook'Road to Woodbrtdge Road. Petition of sshto A. Die'auto and others ARTICLE 56. To see if the town will raise and appropriate s sum of money for water mains of not les~ than'six inches in diameter on Englewood Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Mablin Avenue and deter- mine whether the money shall be provided for by the issuance of a loan or taxation or transfer from available funds in' the treasury. Petition of Salvatore Mammina and others ARTICLE 57. To see if the town will raise a~d appropriate the sum of Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-five ~,16,978) dollars to be added to the Stabilization Fund under Cba~ter 124, Acts of 1945, as crested under Article S6 of the Warra~nt for the Annual Meeting held on March 16, 1946, and aa recommended in the Reeves School Survey. Petition of the School Building Committee ARTICLE5S. T.o see if the town will raise and. appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of constructing and equipping an addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School ando ~he ~tarting, and~If possible the completion, of the Center School .roJect, and to~ determine whether the money shall be' provided by taxation, by ~ransfer from avnilable funds in the %~easury, by appropriation from the stabilization or Post-war Rehabilitation Funds, or by borrowing. Petition of the School Building Committee ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will authorize the School Building Committee, crested under Article Z4 of the Warrant for the Awnu, 1 Meeting. held March 16, 1946, to enter into any 'contrmcm ne,essary for the purpose of carrying out the vote.passed under Article. 58, relative to constructing and equipping an addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School and the starting of the Center School Project. Petition of th~ School Building Committee ARTICLE 60. To see if the ~own will rais~ and a~propriate Five Thousand (~5,000) dollars to be used by the School Building Committee to complete payment for the plans and specifications for the addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School and to provide plans and specifica- tions for the new Center School ~nd any other school buildings, and t° authorize the School Building Committee, if desirable, to borrow funds for plans for new school buildings unde~ Title S, Public Works, Acts of 1944, or take any other action re~tive thereto. Petition of the School Building Committee Town Warrant ARTICLE 61. To see if the town will raise and appropriate :~the sum of'Four Thousand Dollars ($4000) to erect a Permanent War Memorial for veterans of World War IZ in f~ont of the Town Building, consisting of bronze name placques and to purchase a flag pole to be extended from the Town Building. Petition of .the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Permanent War memorial Committee for Veterans of World War II. ARTICLE 62. To see if the to~n will raise and. appropriate 's~he sum of Three HUndred Dollars ($800.00 to be used for the dedica- tion of the Memorial referred tO in the previous article. Petition o£ the Board of Selectmen unon recommendation of the Permanent W~r Memorial Commlt%ee for Veterans of World War II. A~d you are ~irected to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall, and at five.or more public ~$1aces in each voting precinct· Said copies to be posted not more than °fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and'place of holding -said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover this twelfth davy of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand NJ.ne Hundred. and Forty-eight. Arthur A. Thomson ) Selectmen _.:~: Joseph M. Finneran ~- of Arnold It. Salisbury) ~orth Andover OFFICER'S RETURN; ' I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in elections and Town Affairs and upon questions appearing on the ballot, by posting ~rue and a~zested copies of this warran~ at the Tov~ Hall and at five or.~ore public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted no~ more than fifteen days nor less than ~en days before the time of holding said meeting. GeorEe E. Everson, Constable. North Andover, "-ass., February 17, 1948.