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To either of the Constables
of the Town of North. Andover':
In the name of the Commonwealth of Nassachusetts, you are hereby
directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, who
are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room,
Town Building, in said North Andover, on Monday, the twenty-fourth
day of Nay 19~8 at seven-thirty O~Clock P.N., and .there ~o act-
on the following business:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to amend the vole passed
under ~rt~cle 58 of the warrant for the Annual Town Neeting. of
Narch 15,. 1948 so as to read as follows:
VOTED: That the sum of $550,000 be raised'and appro~'~iated
~e purposes of constructing and originallyeq~t~pin$.and-,~
furnishing an addition to the Bradstreet School, and o f,a. grammar
school to serve all areas other than the Thomson and-Braffstre~t
districts, and that to meet said appropriation the su~"5~ $2',000.
be raised in the tax levy of the current year; that the-~sum of
$48,000. be appropriated from the Sale of Real Estate Fund, and
that'the treasurer, with the approval of the selectmen, be and
~ereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $~00,000. and to issue
bonds or note~ of the town therefor, said bonds or notes to be
payable in accordance with the provisions of chapter 44 of the
General Laws, so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more
than 20 years, from the date of issue of the first bond or note,
or a~ such earlier time as the treasurer and selectmen may
determine. Petition of the School Building Committee
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will determine that a Housing
Authority is needed therein pursuant to the provisions of Section
26K of the Housing Authority Law of the Commonwealth of Massachu-'
setts as inserted in Chapter 121 of the General Laws by Chapter 574
of 'the Acts of 1946 and any amendments thereof and if such need is
determined to~_exist to see if the Town will provide for the organ-
ization of .such~an authority and authorize the Selectmen to apooint
four members thereof as provided in said Rousing Authority Law or
to take any other action relative thereto that may be deemed ad-
visable. Petltion of the Board of Selectmen..
ARTICLE' ~. To see if the Town will appropriate the sttm of Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.) for the.use of said Housing Authority.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE-4. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Select-
men to sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of a certain parcel of
land situated on the south side of Dale Street, containing approx-
imately three (5) acres, more or less,'belng bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a point one quate~'(~) of a mile west
of the Town Farm buildings and running in an easterly direction
four hundred twenty-five feet (425) along stone boundaries; thence,
turning and running in a general south~ by southeast course one
hundred ninety (i90)~feet along stone boundaries; thence, turning
and running in a~g~heral westerly by southwesterly direction four
hundred thirty-five (455) feet along stone boundaries; thence,
~urning and running in a general northerly direction four hundred
eighty (480) feet'along stone boundaries to the point of beginning.
All measurements and directions being more or less. This tract of
land is completely surrounded by stone boundaries, so-called.
~. Petition of Edward J. Welch and others.
ARTICLE 5- To see if the Town willaccept Section 54 of .Chapter
425 of the Acts of the Massachusetts Legislature for the year
19~9, which provides for Naval Reservists employed by munlcipali-
ti es to receive their pay while theyare on training duty for a
period not to exceed 15 days. Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICI~ 6. To see if the town will raise and appropriate, provide by
Bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money
to extend the sewer system on Pleasant Street 150 feet southeasterly
from Camden Street. Petition of Mitchell P. Boo tman and others.
ARTICLE 7. To see if the town will vote to change the application or use
of the monies appropriated at the adjourned Annual Meeting of the Town
held March 13, 1948 under Article 5~ of the warrant for said meeting, to
apply as follows: to install a water system on Putnam Road, running from
Greene Street to the residence of Dr. E. Frank McCarthy. Petition of
the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 8. To see if the to~m will vote to change the application or use
of the monies appropriated at the adjourned Annual Meeting of the town
held March 15~ 1948 under article 55 of the warrant for said meeting, to
apply as follows: to install a sewer system on Putnam Road, running from
Greene Street to the residence of Dr. H. Frank McCarthy, Petition of
the Board of Selectmen.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested
copies thereof at the Town Hall, and at five or more publ%c places in
each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more'than fifteen
days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings
thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this Third day of
Nay in the year of our Lord one thousand nine htmdred and forty-eight.
North Andover.
A;true copy, Attest:
North Andover, Mass.
/s/ George E. Everson, ConstaBle.
14, l k8
I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover,
qualified to vote in elections amd to~n affairs and upon questions
appearing on the ballot, by posting true and attested copies of
this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places
in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more
than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding
said meeting.
/s/ George E. Everson, Constable.
~Y 14, 1948.
Opened at 7:50 P.~.
Article 1. It was voted that the vote passed under Article 58 of the
warrant for the annual Town meeting of March 15, 1948, be, and it is
hereby, amended so as to read as follows: Voted, that the sum of $350,000
be raised and appropriated for the purposes of constructing and originally
equipping and furnishing an addition to the Bradstreet School and of a
grammar school to serve all areas other than the Thomson and Bradstreet
Districts, and that to meet said appropriation, the sum of $2,000 be raised
in the tax levy of the current year, that the sum of $48,000 be appropristed
from the sale of real estate fund, and that the Treasurer, with the approval
of the Selectmen, be and ~is hereby authorized to 'borrow the sum of $300,000
~nd to ~su? bonds ~r notes.gl the Town, therefor, said bonds or no '.
~e payao±e mn accoraance with the ~rovisi^ns -~ ~ .... ,.
~aw ~ ~ ~ ~ap~er ~z~ or =ae ~eneral
s, so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more than 20 years, from
the date of issue of the first bond or note, or at such earlier time as the
~ Treasurer and Selectmen may d~ermlne.
The vote was unanimous and ~so declared.
Article 2. Voted that the Town of North Andover hereby determines and
declares that there is a shortage of safe sanitary dwellings available for
families of low.income at rentals which they can afford in the Town of
North Andover.. Than the Town of North Andover hereby determines that a
housing authority is needed in the Town o£ North Andover for the purpose
of providing housing for families of low income. And, that the Town of
North Andover hereby provides for the organization of a housing authority
in the Town of North Andover and hereby establishes such a housing.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
Article 3. It was voted that the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) be
appropriated for the use of said Housing Authority. Vote was unanimous.
In conjunction with vo~e of Article 2 and 3, it was voted for the Advisory
Boards recommendation for the passage of the following resolutions.
1. That i$ proceed only after careful analysis of ~the Housing needs of the
Town's Veterans, and that i~ provide no more housing units than such analysis'
indicates are necessary to alleviate any existing needs of Veterans in the
current·housing shortage.
2. That it enter into such contracts and agreements with th~ Commonwealth,
the Federal Government and other appropriate agencies as may be necessary
to assure that the Town itself will not be called upon at'any time in the
future to appropriate funds for the use of said authority.
3. That it perform its functions with the clear'understanding that it has
been established by the Town at this meeting only because the voters have
been informed and believe that in the event that such a housing project is
not self-supporting, any deficit will not become a liability of the Town,
and that it would not have, been so established had the voters believed that
the Town would ever be requested~or required to assume any of its liabilities.
RESOLVED: That this Town meeting places itself on record as favoring action
by the North Andover Housing ~Au~t~0rit~ to provide housing accomodations for
~Vc~erans of North Andover under the provisions of Chapter 200 of the Acts of
1948, but recommends to said au~hority: (Above 3 items)
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
Articla 4. It was voted that~the Selectmen b~, and they are hereby, empowered
and authorized ~o sell, convey or otherwise de'pose of the property described
in Article 4, for a price of not less than $200.00, to such person, after such
Public notice, and in such manner as they may see fit; and that they be, and
they are hereby, empowered and authorized to execute, in the name and in
behalf of the Town, such deeds or other legal documents as may be necessary
to effect such sale, conveyance or disposition~
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
Article 5. Itwas voted to accept Section 54 of Chapter ~25 of the Acts of
the Massachusetts Legislature for the year 1939, which provides-for Naval
Heservists employed by municipalities to receive their pay while they are
on training duty for a period not to exceed 15 days.
The vote was unanimous and so declared.
Article 6. Unfavorable action voted.
Article 7. Unfavorable action voted. By a hand vote of 12 to l? this
was defeated.
~rticle 8. Unfavorable action voted.
Notion made and seconded to adjourn.
Neetlng adjourned at 8:25 P.N. Approximately 85 voters were present.