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Essex ss.
To either of the Const.bles of the Town of North Andover:
In the nnme of the Commonwealth of ~sss.chusetts, you.~re hereby
directed to notify .nd w~rn the inh.blt.nts of North Andover, cu~lified to
vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room, Town Building, in s.id
North ~ndover on Mond=y evening, the twenty-eighth d.y of Febru. ry 1949,
.t seven-thirty o'clock P.M., then ~nd there to .c~ on the following
~RTICLE 1. To see if the town will~kot~ to ~mend the Town Zoning By-L~w
by chnnging the plot of 1.nd described herein from ~ general residentl.1
to m business district, such .etlon being recuested by the North Andover
Housing ~uthority ~s the prospective DUtCh. set of the plot concerned..nd~,
with the smnction of the Vill.ge Land Co., the present owner of the plot
concerned, for the sole purpose of constructing thereon multiple housing
units which will constitute . Veterans Housing Development of twenty-four
(24) dwelling units in conformity with the reeuirements of, ~nd 8s
.pproved by, the St.te Housing Bo.rd.
S~ld property is loc, ted in the westerly h,lf of the block
bounded by B.ldwin ~treet, Gilbert Street, P~triot Street .nd Francis "
Street and is bounded ~nd described .s follows:- Beginning mt . stone
bound mt the northe.st corner of the intersection of Francis Street mhd
B~ldwin ~treet, thence northerly by the easterly line of B~ldwin Street
192.44 feet to s stone bound .t the southe.st corner of the intersection
of n. ldwin Street .nd Gilbert Street, thence e.sterly by the southerly
line of Gilbert ~treet 290.17 feet to ~n iron pipe~ thence southerly 190.0
feet to ~n iron pipe in the northerly line of Francis ~treet, thence
westerly .long the northerly line of Francis Street S20.V4 feet to the
point of beginning.
Petition of the Bo~rd of Selectmen uponrecommend~tion of
the North Andover Housing Authority.
And you .re directed to serve this w.rrsnt by posting true .nd ~
.ttested c6pies theEeof, mt the Town H~l! .nd mt five or more public p!~ces
in e.ch voting precinct. S~id copies to be posted not more th.n fifteen
d~ys nor less th~n ten days~before the time of holding s.id meeting.
Hereof f.il not, ~nd m.ke'due return of this w~rr.nt with your
doings thereon to the Town Clerk, mt the time .nd pl.ceof s.id meeting.
Given under our h.nds mt NSrth Andover, M~ss~chusetts, this
seventh d.y of Febru.ry in the ye.r of our Lord. one thousand nine hundred
~nd f0rtv-nine. Arthur A. Thomson. ) Selectmen
Joseph M. Firmer.ri. 4 of
Andrew P. Coffin. ) North Andover.
OPFICER'S RETURN. February 17, 19~9
I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North ~dover. qualiffed to
vote in elections and town'affairs and upon questions appearing on the ballot~
by posting true and attested copies of this ~arrant at the Town Hall and at
· five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been
posted not more than fifteen days nor less than tendays before the time of
holding safd meeting.
/s/' George E. Everson, Constable.
SPECIAL TOWN ~ETING. February 28, 19&9 7:~0 P.M.
Article 1. ~LWoted h~ati~the~Town amend the Town Zoning By-Law bY changing the.
plot of land described as above from a general residential to a business district
such action.being requested by the North Andover Housing ~thority as the
prospective purchaser of the plot concerned and with the sanction of the
Village Land Co., the present o~ner of the plot concerned, for the.sole pur-
pose of constructing thereon multiple housing units which will constitute ~
Veterans Housing Development of twenty-four(24) dwelling units in cohformity
with the requirments of, and as approved by, the State Hduslng Board.
Meeting adjourned at 7:[~5 P.M. l! Registered voters were in attendance.
January 20, 19[~9: John J. Willis and Evere~y~. We e duly sworn in
as Regular Police Officers of the Town Of N6~th Andover on this date.
~ssex ss.
To either of
the Constables of the Town of North ~ndover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified
to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Engine House in
voting precinct one; the Nerrimack Schoolhouse in voting precinct two;
thc Thomson Schoolhouse in voting precinct three and the Town Hall in
.voting precinct four, in said North Andover on Nonday the 7th day of ~arch
19~9 at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act upon the
following articlesr
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, three
Selectmen, three members of the Board of Public Welfare for one year; one
Assessor of Taxes, two members of School Committee, one member of Board of
Realth and one member of the Board of Public V~orks for three years, one
'member of Board of Health for one year to fill vacancy; one member of Board
of Assessors for two years to fill v~cancy; a Highway Surveyor, a Collector
of Taxes, a Tree Uarden and five Constables for one year and a member of the
Planning Board to serve five years; and to elect four members of the Housing
Authority, the one receiving thc highest number of votes,to serve for five
years, the one receiving the next highest number of votes, to serve for four
years, the one receiving the next highest number of votes, to serve for two
· years, and the one receiving the next highest number of votes to serve for
one yea~, and that ~emb~r originally appointed by the State Board shall serve
for three years. Thereafter, as the term of a~ member of any su'ch Housing
Authority expires, his successor shall be appointed or elected, in the same
manner and by the same body, for the term of five years, and to vote upon
any and all To~rn Officers required by law to be elected by ballot.
All to be voted for upon one ballot. The polls shall be open at nine
o'clock A.N. and ~hall be closed at eight o'clock
After final action on the preceding Article One, the said meeting shall
stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article one of the Town by-la~s, to
Saturday, Narch 19, 1949 at one-thirty o'clock p.N. in' the Town Hall, then
and there to act upon the following articles:--
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other of Ticers not require by law to be elected.
by ballot.
ARTICLE ). To see ~f the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts
and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen.
ARTICLE ~. To see what action the town will take as to its unexpended
'ARTICLE 5- To see' what action the town will take as to the recommendations
of the Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 6. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer,
with the.approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in
~nticipation of the revenue of the financ%al year beginning January l, 1950
and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew
any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in
accordance with Section 17, Chapter ~]4, General Laws.
ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of all special committees.
ARTICLE 8. To see what action She tovrn will take in regard to appointing 'a
committee to take care of the public parks, triangles and playgrounds of
the town.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the town will vote to authoriz~ the Board of Health to
appoint one of their members to the position of Board of Health Physician
and to fix his compensation, in accordance with 'Section ~A, Chapter hl, of
the General Laws. ' ' ~
ARTICLE 10. To see if the term. will vote to authorize the School Committee
to appoint one of its members to the position of School Physician and to fix
his compensation in accordance With Section b~A, Chapter ~l, General Laws.
ARTICLE ll. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate sufficient
funds to erect on Drummond Playground one open-type shelter and three benches
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreation Counc~i
ARTICLE 12. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate sufficient
funds to purchase and plant one twenty-five (25) foot Chines Elm tree and to
furnish three concrete seats at Orogans Playground.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the RecrcationCouncil'.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of Six Thousand Two Hundred Do~lars ,($6;200) to fffrnlsh afld install
an eight (8) foot high chain link fence, with two ten (10) foot truck
gates and two pedestrian gates, around the present Grogan baseball f~eld.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational
ARTICLE l~~ To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate.the' .
sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800)- the sum of Si× Hundred Dollars ($600)
to be used for salaries of four Playground Instructiors and one Supervisor
for the six-week schedule in the summer'of 19~9; th- sum of Two Hundred
Dollars ($200) to be used for Playground handcraft supplies.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational'
ARTICLE 15. To see if the tovm will vote to repeal all the existing
By-Laws of the town and substitute therefor the "Revised By-Laws of the
Town of Eorth Andover" recommended by the By-Law Committee and made a
part of its final report appearing in the Town Report for 19~8, or to
take some other action relative to said report.
Petition of the ByLaw Committee.-
ARTICLE 16. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of
Selectmen to enter into a lease with Charles Perry, upon such terms and
conditions as the Selectmen may deem advisable, with respect to premises
known as "Town Dump" at the end of Union Street.
Petition of. the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 17. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of
Selectment to accept, in behalf of the town, a gift or a certain portion
of land on Hillside Road, all as outlined on plan of proposed widening of
Hillside Road. North Andover, Nassachusetts, drawn by Ralph B. B=asseur,
February, 19~8,"from H.W. Clark.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 18. To see if the town will vcte to authorize the Board of
Selectmen to sell, convey or otherwise dispose of, Lot #27 located on
Upland Street, deeded to the Inhabitants of North Andover, for'Such
price as may appear suitable; such lot described and bounded as follower
Westerly.byUpland Street, forty-five (~5) feet, southerly by. lot #26,
One hundred (100) feet, easterly by lot #50, forty-five (~5) feet and
northerly by lot 28, one hundred (100) feet containing forty-five hundred
(~5~0) square feet more or less.
Petition of the Board cf-Selectmen.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the town'will vote to sell the tract of land:with
buildings thereon, si~ated on Beverly Street, North Andover, Massachusetts,
and known as the Union School property; and to empower the. Board 6f
Selectmen to arrange and execute such sale on terms most advantagesuss to
~he town, and ~o make and deliver good and sufficient deed or deeds for the
same; provided, however, that the authority granted under.this article shall
Secome effective only after the School Committee has certified to the Board
of Selectmen that the Union School has been vacated and is no longer needed
for purposes of the School Department.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum
of One Thousand Pour Hundred Dollars ($1,~00) for the purchase of one-half
ton plak'up'truck.
Petition of John J. Connote, Tree warden.
ARTICLE 21. To see if. the tov~n will vote to raise and appropriate the sum
of fine hundred fifty dollars (%5~0) for the purchase Of a powered chain
.Petition of John J. Connote, Tr~e Warden.
ARTICLE 22. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and. a~p~oprlate the sum
One Hun~ed Sixty-f~vedDol[ars(and~Thi~.ty-~curaoen~ ~$~65~)~tc t/~ke:,care
of~thegh~p~ld b~ls. for~-~the~:Towne~nfirmary for the year 19~~.
Petition of the Board of Public Welfare.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum'
of One Hundred Sixty-six dollars ($166) to take care of unpaid bills for
the year 19~8 for the Police Departmen=.
Petition of.Alfred H. McKee.
ARTICLE 2~. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a
sufficient sum of money for the salaries and wages in each Town Department,
except the School Department, to grant a Three Hundred Dollar ($500)
increase to all full time town employees.
Petition of Edward ~%~amed and others.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of Six hundred dollars ($600) to be used with the present Chevrolet
car, to purchase a new police car.
Petition of Alfred H. McKee and others.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum
of Eight thousand four hundred dollars ($8,~00) to be added ~to the Police
~epartment Appropriation, To provide for the appointment of three com-
pe~en= and qualified men, under Civil Service Hules, ~o be regular patrolmen.
Petition of Alfred H. McKee and~others.
ARTICLE.27. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate the sum
of One thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) to purchase new ladders for
the ladder truck.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.
ARTICI~ 28. To see if the ~own will vote.~o raise and appropriate the sum
of one thousand ~wo hundred dollars ($1,200) to purchase six air masks as
required by State Law.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineerx.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate the sum
Of one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800) to purchase an au=omobile
for use of Fire and Forest Fire Departments.
Petition of Board of Fire Engineers and Forest Warden.
ARTICI~ 30. ~ To see if the town will vo~e ~o instruct the Moderator to
appoint a com~ttee to investigate the advisability of procuring a new
Ladder Truck for the Fire Department.
Petition of the Board of Fire'Engineers.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of
six hundred dollars ($600) for the purchase of snow equipment for a
Highway Department truck.
· Pet£tion of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 32. To see if the town will raise and appropriate th~ sum of
· ~wo thousand dollars $2,000) to be used for a sidewalk project; the =own
=o pay one-half of the expense and the applicant to pay the other half
'of the cost.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE. 33. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the su~ of
six .thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500) for the purchase of a ~wo and
onerhalf to three =on heavy-duty dump truck chassis and cab with nine
yard enclosed~rubbish body.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
· ARTICLE 3~. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of
=wo thousand dollars ($2,000) for main=enance on any street in Town under
Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction with
any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this
purpo~e;~ or take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of the HIEhway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the ~own will raise and appropriatc the sum of
five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the continuation of the rebuilding of
Main Street under Chapter 90 of'the General Laws, said money ~o~be used
in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County
or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the town will vo=e toraise and appropriate, or
· provide from available funds, the sum of Three thousand dollars ($3,000)
for the purpose of widening Hillside Road in accordance with the plan of
proposed widening of Hillside Road. North Andover, Massachusetts, draw~
by Ralph B. Brasseur, February 1948.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
· ARTICLE 37. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate, provide
by bond issue or transfer from available funds, seven thousand five hundred
dollars ($7,500) to be used to purchase and.install an electric motor,
centrifugal pump and appurtenances to replace the 1906 pump and engine at
the pumping station.
Petition of Board of Public Works. .~
ARTICLE 38. To see if the town will vote to transfer from the 19~8
Stabilization Fund four thousand one mh~l~dred seventeen dollars and eighty-
~Ight cents~.($~,ll7.88) to be used to purchase and install an electric motor
6entrifugal pump and appurtenances to replace the 1906 pump and engine at
~he pumpingstation. ~
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 39. To see if the town will vote to appropriate from available
funds the sum of two thousand two hundred twenty-six dollars and twenty-
seven cents ($2,226.27) being the amount 5f water department receipts in
excess of w~ter department operating expenses for 1948 for the purchase
and installation of an electric .motor, centrifugal pump and appurtenances
at the pumping station.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE ~0. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of Pubiic
Works to dispose of the 1.5 million gallon a day pump and engine installed
at the pumping station in 1906 and used as stand-by equipment since 1930.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE ~l. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate two
thousand dollars ($2 ,000)to place hydrants at the new houses of Edward'
Welch, Dale Street, Francis Cashman, Winter Street, Christian Stoehr,
Salem Street and other necessary locations.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
A~TICLE ~2. To see if the town will raise and appropriate ~rovide b~
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, ten thou~and'd~llars ($~0,000)
to clean and cement line water mains in the water works system.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 43~ To see if the town will raise and appropriate, provide by
~_~s~ ~r.ansfe~ fro~ available funds, four thousand five hundred
~'~ ~$~,~uu) ~o ez~end the sewer eye. rem on Main Street from 281 Main
Street to Davis Street before Main'Street is reconstructed..
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 5~' To see if the ~own will vote =o acsept the provisions of
Chapter 8 of the Acts of 19~8. "An ac= authorizing increases of the
amount of pensions payable to cer~ain former public employees who have been
retired and to beneficiaries of certain retired public employees.
Petition of James J. Maker and others.
ARTICLE 45. To see if the zown will vo=e to accep~ School Street according
to the layout approved by the Planning Board and as adjudicated by the
Board of Selectmen. ·
Petition of James Farrell and others.~
ARTICLE ~6. To see i£ the tov~ will vo~e ~o accep~ Faulkner Road from
from Parker Street to Green Street, according ~o the layout approved by
the Planning Board ~ud as adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen.
Petition of Louis H. McAloon and others.
ARTICLE ~?. To see if the town will vo~e to ex~end the s~ree= lights from
the present location at the corner of Salem Street to Mosquito Brook on
Foster street for safety pro~ection.
Petition of Loring N. Foster and others.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the town will vote~to raise and appropriate the sum
of two thousand dollars ($2,000) to install a fire alarm box at the Junction
of Salem, Boxford and Foster Streets.
Petition of John J. Wilcox and others.
ARTICLE ~9. To see if the town will"vo=e to raise and appropriate a
sufficient amount of money to install a surface drain on Moody Street from
Chadwick Street for a distance of five hundred (500) feet.
Petition of Paul G. Dyer and others.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and fpprcpriate, provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficien~ sum of moDey
to extend the water system on Boxford Street ~o Forest Street and then a
distance of one ~housand seven hundred (1,700) feet on Fores~ Stree~ for
fire protection in accordance with Article 9 of the To~m meeting of
~Iarch 7, 1898.
Petition of Fred Rahs and others.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient amoun~ of
money to install water service on Summit Street for a distance of two
hundred (200) feet from Prescott Street·
Petition of'Harriet G. Brightman and others.
ARTICLE 5~'. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or
provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum
of money to extend the wate~ system on Lorraine Avenue three hundred
twenty (320) feet from Andover Street.
Petition of' Malcolm O. Norwood and others
ARTICLE 53. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or
provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient
sum of money to extend the sewer system on Pleasant Street from Camden
Street three hundred (300) feet toward Stevens Corner.
Petition of ~itchell P. Bootman and others.
ARTICLE 5~o To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate,
provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money
sufficient to extend the sewer system from Part Street, by way of
Chickering Road; to Naln Street, and on Nain Street as far'as the site
proposed for the new Center-Nerrimack School.
Petition of School Building Committee.
~ARTICLE 55. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate, or
provide by bond issue, or ~ransfer from available funds, a sufficient
sum of money ~o extend the sewer system on Putnam Road from Holbro0k Road
~o ~Ifflin Drive.
Petition of Simon Capone~e and others.
ARTICLE 56. To see'if the ~own will vo~e to raise and appropriate, or
provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum
of money~o ex~end the wa~er system on Putnam Road from Holbrook Road
to the residence of Simon Caponette.
Petition of Simon Caponette and others.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the =own will vo~e ~o r~ise and appropriate,
provide by bond issue, or traHsfer from available funds, a sufficienb
sum of money to extend the.sewer system on Putnam Road from Green Street
to Nifflin Drive.
Petition of Leon Beauchesne and others.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or
provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum
of money'to extend the wa~er system on Putnam Road from Greene Stree= ~o
'Nif£1in Drive.
P~tition of Leon Beauchesne and others.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the ~own will vote ~o raise and appropriate, or
provide by. bond issue, or ~ransfer fro~ available funds, a sufficient sum
of money ~o install a sewer eye=em on Sawyer Road for a distance of =wo
hundred forty {2~0) feet beginning at Pembrook Road.
Petition of Joseph J. Samba~aro and others.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the ~own will vo~e ~o raise and appropriate, or
provide by bond issue, or transfer~rom available funds, a sufficient sum
.of money ~o install a wa~er system on Sawyer road for a distance of ~wo
hundred forty (2~0) feet beginning at Pembrook Road.'
Petition of Joseph J. Sambataro and others.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the ~own will vote ~o raise and appropriate,
p~ovide by bond issue, or ~ransfer from available funds, a sufficient sum
of money ~o install a sewer system on Nifflin Drive two hundred thirty
(250) feet from Nassa chusetts Avenue.
Petition of Anthony J. Ventura and others.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the.town will vote ~o raise and appropriate, or
provide by bond issue, or ~ransfer from available funds, a sufficien~ sum
of money to install a water system on ~ifflin Drive ~wo hundred thirty
(230) feet f~om ~assachuse~s Avenue.
Petition of Anthony J. Ventura and others.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the town will vote to r~ise and appropriate, or
transfer from available funds, the sum of six thousand dollars ~$6,000)
for the use of the Public Works Depar~men~ in bringing water and sewer
lines ~o suitable points adjacen~ =o the Veterans, Housing Development
property, and ~o improve approaches ~o the proper~y as may be necessary
to ensure passable ways to parking lot and for utilities a~ all times.
The Veterans, Housing Development, to be built in the area bounded by
Francis Street, Baldwin Street and Gilbert Street, will provide dwelling
units for ~wen~y-four (2~) Veterans and their families.
Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority.
ARTICLE 6~. To see if the =own will vo~e to amend the Zoning By-Laws by
changing the classification of a piece of property~owned by Ethel Freeman
from a residential to a business district. Said proper~y is located at
Andover and Salem Turnpike (Turnpike Street) and bounded and described as
~o~ ~B~i~oa~ ~tp~~ ~ ~h~r~r~h~el~ ~fma~~ ~l~ T~we~s~
n e h i n i eof
end Y
a curve at the Junction of the Salem Turnpike and Andover Street,
thence northwesterly by the easterly llne of Turnpike lll.~ fect to a
point~ thence northeasterly 591.72 feet =o a point, thence southeasDerly
Con't P. 256.
Art. 6~. Con't: 172.0) feet to a point on the westerly line of Andover Street,
thence southerly by the westerly line of Andover Street 207.95 feet to a
point, said point being 187.50 feet northerly from a stone bound marking
the easterly end of a curve at the Junction of Andover Street and the Salem
Turnpike, thence westerly 295.33 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Ethel N. Freeman and others.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the town will vote to establish a ReserVe Police
Force of from two (2) to four (~) men'from those who have duly qualified and
passed the State Civil Service Rules and Regulations~ to become effective
Petition of David F. Roche and others.
ARTICLE 66. To see if the to~n will raise and appropriate the sum of
three hundred fifty dollars ($350) for the maintenance and expenses of
Post 210~, V.F.W~ for the year 19~9.
Petition of Martin J. Lawlor, Jr., ~nd others.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the town will, raise and appropriate the sum of
eighteen thoucand sixty dollars ($18,060) to be added to the Stabilization
Fund under Chapter 12~, Acts of 19~5,'as created under Article'36 of the Warran
for the Annual Neeting held March l~, 19[~6,'and as recommended in the R~eves
School Survey.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of ten
'thousand dollars ($10,000) to be used by the School Building Committee to
obtain plans and/or specifications for 'a new high school'or any other school
building, and to authorize the School Building Committee, if possible, to
borrow funds for the plans for new school buildings under title 5, Public
Works, Acts of 19b~4, or take any other action relative thereto.
Petition of School Building committee.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the town will make an additiona appropriation ~f not
exceeding one hundred and two thousand dollars ($102,000) for the purpose
of constructing and originally equipping and furnishing an addition to the
Brads treet School and a grammar school to serve all areas other than the
Thomson and B~adstreet districts, and will raise the same by borrowing of
otherwise, and ~will p~ovide for different dates and maturities of the
unissued bonds authorized under Article I of the special Town Meeting~
held ~ay 2~, 19~8. ~ '
P~tition of the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 70. To see if the town will authorize the School Building Committee
created under Article 3~ of the ~arrant of the Annual Town Neeting held Narch
16, 19~6, to enter into any contracts necessary for the purpose of ckrrying
outthe vote passed under Article 69, relative to ',constructing andoriginally
equipping t. he addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School and the.starting
of a school to serve all areas other than the Thomson and Bradstreet Districts.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copie~
thereof at the Term Hall, and.at five or more public places in each voting
precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than
ten days before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon,
to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover this seventeenth day of January in
the year of ou~ Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-nine.
ARTHUR A. THoMsoN. Selectmen
AND~{E~ F. COFFIN. North Andover.
OFFICE~{'S RE'lVJ~. February 21, 1949
I have notified the inhabitants of tho Town of North Andover, Qualified to
vote in elections and tov~ affairs and upon questions appearing on tho ballot,
by posting true andattested coples of this ~arrant at the Tovtn Hall and at
five or more public places.in each voting precinct. Said copies having been
posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of
holding said meeting.
George E. Everson.
February 12,