HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-31272 19t 9
Opened at 7:.3o P.M.
It was voted that the sum of eighteen hundred dollars ($1800)
be transferred from the Overlay Surplus Account to the Aid
to Dependent Children Appropriation.
It was voted Shat the sum of eighteen Hundred dollars ($1800).
be transferred from the Overlay Surplus Account to the Outside
Relief and Repairs Appropriation.
Both articles were of unanimous vote.
A total of 18 voters were present.
Meeting adJ°urned at 7:50 P'M'
.i W A R R A N T%/. '' ~ ~ v. '.'
To either of the 8onstables of the Town of North Andover.
· In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
mdireoted to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to
vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room, Town Building, in North Andover
on 'Monday evening, the twelfth day of December, 19~9, at seven-thirty o'clock
P.M., then and there to act on the following business:
-ARTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from available funds, or transfer from Overlay Surplus Account, the sum of seven,
hundred dollats ($700) to supplement the Board of Health appropriation for the
balance of the year.
Petition of the Board of Health.
And you are directed ~o serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies
th&reof, at the Town Hall and a= five or more public places in each voting
precinct. Said copies ~o be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than
~en,%~ays before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof of, fail no~, and make due re~urn of this warrant with your doings
thereon =o the Town Clerk, at the time and place of~said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts,' the twenty-eighth ~ay
of'November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine.
Arthur A. Thomson. Selectmen
Joseph M. Finneran. of
Andrew F. Coffin. ~Board.
Added ~o the~.above warrant, il/29/~9
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Engineers
to use the une~pended balance of Three Hundred Fifty-six Dolla~ and ninety-
eight cents ($~56.98~ which was appropriated under Article #~8 at the Annual
Town~ Meeting on March 19, 1949, ~o replace two additional boxes to be used on
the Salem Street Fire Alarm extension.
Petition of the Board of Engineers.
James Hargreaves, Chief.
I ~have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to
vo~e in elections and ~ov~ affairs, by posting true and attested copies of
this warran~ at the Town Hall and at five or more~ public places in each
voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days
no~ less than ten daysbefore the.time of holding said meeting. ~
North Andover, Mass., December 2, 1949'. '
· /S/ George E. Lverson, Constable. it~/. To~/O~/%~k. '
December 15, 19~9. Joseph J. Muldowney resigned thisdate from thc Advisory
Board and was replaced by Edwin C. Murphy.