HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-05332 ¸'.% 1951 TOWN WARRANT 1951 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greeting: In the name of'the Commonwealth'of Mascachusett~, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of Nc~th Andover qualified?to~v6te~in,,elections~and town~affairs.,~$o.,meet,in the~.,:~. Bradstreet School in precinct one; the Engine House in precinct two; the?ThbmsonoSchool~in~Prectnc~ £hree~-and~the~o~vn-Hatl~i-n~pr~cinct four, in said North Andover on Monday the fifth day of March 1951 at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there ~o act upon the following article: -~ ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town ~reasurer, Three Selectmen, three members of the Board of Public Welfare for one year; one Assessor of Taxes, ~wc members of the School Committee, one member of the Board of Health, one member of the Board of ~ubllc Works for three years, and one member of theBoard of ~ublic Works for two years unexpired term to fill vacancy; a Highway Surveyor~ a Collector of Taxes, a Tree Warden, and five Constables for one year. a member of the Planning Board for five years and a member .of .the'Planning Board for one yaar unexpired term ~o fill ~acancy, and to elect one member of the Veterans, Housing Authority =o serve five years and one member to serve three years unexpired term to fill vacancy. Ail to be voted upon one ballot. The polls?shall open a= nine o'clock A.M. and shall be closed at,eight o'clock P.M. After final action on the precedinE Article One, the said meeting shall stand adJor~ed by virtue of.Section.~, Article one of the Town by-laws, to Saturday, March 17,. 1951, at one-thirty o'clock P.M. in the Tovau Hall, then and there to act upon the~following articles: ~.?? ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by .law ~o be elected by ballot. ARTICLE ~. To see if the ~own will vote to accept the repor~ of receipts and expenditures as presentedby.~theSelectmen. ARTICLE 4.' To see wha~ action the ~own will take as to 'its unexpended appropriations. ARTICLE 5. To see what action the nown will take as to them recommendations of the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 6. To see if the town will vot~ $o a~thorize the~_ Tovm Treasurer, Wi~h~the approval of the Selectwaen, to~ borro~ money from time =o time in anticipation of ~he revenue Of the financial year beginning January l, 1952 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, 'And ~o renew any note or notes as may be given for~a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter ~ GeneraLLaws. ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of all special committees. ARTICLE 8~~ To see if the =own willvote, to authorize the Board of Health ~o anooint one of their members to the Dositlon of Board oD'H6alth~Phys~ian and to fix his compensation, in acc6rdance with Section ~A, Chapter 41, General Laws.' ARTICLE 9'. To see if the town will vote ~o authorize the School.Commi'ttee .~o appoint one of its members ~o the position of School Physician and =o fix his compensation, in accordance with Section 4~~ Chapter [~l, General Laws. 333 Town ~larrant 1951 ARTICLE 10. To see if .the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Eleven Hundred Ninety Dollars ($1190.00). to be used for salaries of playground instructors and one supervisor for the six- week schedule in the summer of 1951 and for Playgrovnd Handicraft supplies. Eight Hundred Port~ Dollars ($840.00) for salaries (two instructors each at Grogan, Drummond and Messachusetts Avenue Play- grounds) and Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($550.00) to be used to purchase supplies. Petition of Recreational Council ARTICLE 11. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Five 'Hundred ~ollars ($500.00) for building and maintain- ing a skating rink, location to be determined at a later-date. Petition of Recreational Council ARTICLE 12. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) for the purchase of approximately ten (10) acres of land on the so-called Sutton Field for future use as a playground and ball pl~ylng. Petition of Recreational Council ARTICLE 15. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriane the sum 'of One Hundred Sixty Dollars ($160.00) to do a wiring Job a~ the'Town Infirmary. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare ARTICLE 1~. To ~ee if the town' will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of. Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.60)' to shingle. one side of r6of at Town Infirmary mai~ building and the~stree= side of the barn ~at the Town Infirmary. Petition of theBoard ~ P~blic Welfare ARTICLE 15. To 'see if the norm will authoriz~ the Moderator to appoint a committe ~o study the organization and administration of the town departments of the town government, including e study and survey of their employment practices, wage scales, and expenditures, for the purpose of ascertaining if more econSmical and efficient methods of operation are possible; ~hat the Committee be authorized to employ such expert assistance as.it may deem 'necessary; and shall report i~s recommendations, with specific plans for their adoption to the next annual tov~ meeting; and tha~ a sufficient sum of money be appropriated for the purpose of this survey. Petition of the Town Manager Study Committee - ARTICLE 16. To see if the town will v~te .to accept the provisions of Chapter 783-approved by the legislature'Augus~t~'16, 1950:' "An act making applicable increaes in retirement ellowances to' those persons retired after ~anuary First, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Six with a minimum allowance." Petition of the Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 17. To see if the town will.vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 820 approved by the legislature August 19, 1950: "An act providing for a~ increase in the annual amounts of certain nensions, retirement allowances, annuities and other benefits, payable ~y the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions, to certal~ former employees end persons claiming under them." Petition of the Board of Selectmen 334 19~l Town Warrant 1951 ARTICLE 18. To see if the town will raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of Forty-five Hundred Dollars ($~50~00) to ~e expended by the Director of Civil Defense, ~ith the approval of the ~oard of Selectmen, for the preservation of health and the protection of persons and property in the town; for the purchase cf equipment, materials, uniforms and supplies; to provide for' the training of its citizens in matters essential to Civil Defense, and for any other purposes authorized by Chapter 659 of the Acts of 195©. Petition of the Committee for Civil Defense Forbes Rockwell, Director ARTICLE 19. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum or'Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to'be used with the present Police Car, to purchase a new Police Car. Petition of Alfred H. ~icKee, Chief of Police ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the unexpended balance of Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($~50.00) from Article #29 of the 1950 Warrant te be used for painting present equipment in the Fire Station. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote ~o accept Holbrook Road, from Putnam Road =o Massachusetts Avenue, according to the layout approved by the Planning Bo~rd and as adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen .... Petition of Alvah G. Hayes and ethers ARTICLE 22. To see if the ~own will vote to accept Hamilton Road, from Putnam Road to Massachusetts Avenue, according to the layout approved by the Planning Board and as adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen. Petition of the Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 2~. To see if the town will vote to accept Pembrook Road from Greene Street northerly for a distance, of Four Hundred Forty-five Feet (~%5), according to the layou~ approved by the Planning Board and as adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen. Petition of the Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 2~. To see if the toM~. will vote ~o acceot Tyler Road for its complete length (between Pembrook and ~oodbrid~e Roads), according to the leyout approved by the Planning Beard and as adjudicated bY the Beard of Selectmen. Pet_t~on of the Board of Selec.~men ARTICLE 25. To see if the =own will raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for the purpose of shaping, grading, graveling and oiling Foster Street,~from ~Iosquito Brook to Winter Street. Petition of Anthony Camasao and others ARTICLE 26. To see if the =own will vo~e to increase the Reserve Police Force from seven (7) to ten (lC) men and have the Board of Selectmen appoint'three (~) o£ thc duly elected Constables who have been elected ten' years or more as Reserve Police Officers, and petition the Massachusetts State Legislature to put the men named under the CI~l Service Laws. Petition of Ra~vmond J. Cashman and others 1951 Town Warrant 1951 335 ARTICLE 27. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred T~enty-flve Dollars ($1,525.00) to be used with the present 19~0 pick-up truck to 0urchase a new truck for the use of the Hi~hway Department. Petition of the Mighway Surveyor ARTICLE 28. To see if the towz, will raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to be used for a sidewalk project; the town to pay o2e-half the cost and the applicant to pay the other half. P~tition of the HIMhway S~rveyor ARTICLE 29. To see if the tcvm will ~nai~e~. and appropriate the sum of hmo Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the p~rpose' of painting and replacing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICL~ ~0. To see if the town will raise and:appropriate ~he sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for maintenance of any street in to~ under Chapter 90 of the General Law.s, said money to be used in conjunction with auy money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or ta~o an!~ other action in relation thereto. ~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 31. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for the rebuilding of Great Pond Road from the Junction of OsgoodStreet as far as the money will a!lo~, under Chapter 90 of the General 'Laws, said money to be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway.Surveyor 'ARTICLE 52~. To see if the town will raise and apDroprlate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000,00) to pipe the ditch at the corner of Railroad Avenue and Massachusetts Avenue for a distance of One Hundred Fifty Feet (T50). This to eliminate a dangerous situation caused by the drainage from Massachusetts Avenue, Lyman Road, Hamilton Road and Rolbrook Road which runs into this ditch. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE'55. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) ~o extend the suface drain on Lyman Road Three Hundred Fee~ (~00) from Pembrook~Road, with 12-inch pipe and two catch basins. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 5~. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from a.vailabe funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Silsbee Road from Herrick Head to Lyman Road. Petition of Hichard S. Hilton and others ARTICLE 35. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by ~ond issue, or transfer from a~ailable funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system o2 Lyman Head from previous terminus to Silsbee Road and Two Hundred Seventy feet (270) on Silsbee Road. Petition of Richard~S. Hilton and others 336 1951 Town ~arrant 1951 ARTICLE 36. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system dn Tavern Road from Bradstreet Road to Woodbridge Road and on Woo'dbridge Road from Tavern Road to Greene Street. Pet~tlon of Louis H. ~caloon and others ARTICLE 37. To see if the town will Vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Wood0rid8e Road from Greene Street to Tavern Road. Petition of Louis H. McAloon and others ARTICLE 38. To see if the town will vote to raise~and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum cf money to extend the sewer system on Putnam Road One Hundred Twenty-five Feet (125) from Hamilton Road. Petition of Als~on H. Arold and others ARTICLE 59. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide b-r bond issue, or transfer from available funds, s sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Putnam Road One Hundred Twenty-five Feet (125) from Hamilton Road. Petition of Alsdon H. Arold and others ARTICLE ~0. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or Orovide by bond issue, or'transfer from available funds, s sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Beacon Hill ~oulevardfrom the present terminus 0nc Hundred Fifty Feet (150) towards ChickerinE Road. Petition of Philip T. ~iller and others ARTZCLE 41. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum ~f money to extend the water system on Beacon Hill Boulevard from the present terminus Three Hundred Feet (500) southwesterly towards Chickering ~'oa~. Petition of John F. Sullivan and others ARTICLE 42. To see if the town will vote to raise and .~appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on · Beacon Hill Boulevard from the present terminus southwesterly to Chlckering Road. · Petition of Pauline M. Blood and others ARTICLE ~3. To see if the town will ~ote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from ~vailable funds, s sufficient sum of money to exter~d the water system from 'Chestnut Street Four Hundred Fifty Feet (450) along Mill Road· Petition of Frayne Bredbu~y and others ARTICLE 44. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Sawyerr. Road from Pembrook Road to Middlesex Street. Petition of Dean A~oss and others ARTICLE ILS. To see if the town wil~ vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from availab&e funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex:end the water system on Sawyer Road TWo Hundred Forty Feet (2~0) from Pembrook ~toad. Petition of Dean Ross and others. 337 Town Warrant 'ARTICLE ~6. To see if the town will vote' to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, er transfer from available · fund, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Pembrook Road and Mifflin Drive Seven Hundred Feet (700) to .Bradstreet Road. Petition of Dean Ross and others ARTICLE ~7.. To see if the town will vote to;Talse and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from availadte funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Pembrook Road and Mifflin Drive Seven Hundred Feet (700) to Bradstreet Road. Petition cf Bean Ross and others ARTICLE 48. To see ~f the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from evailable funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Nifflin Drive Two Hundred Forty Feet (240) from Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Dean Ross and others ARTICLE ~9- To's~e if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Sawyer Road One Hundred Fifty Feet (150)' from Middlesex Street. Petition of Dean Ross and others ARTICLE 50. To see if the town will vote ~o raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the wa~er system on M6ody Street from Furber Avenue ~hree Hundred Feet (500) towards Chadwick Street. Petition of Ceorge F.H. Moody and'others 'ARTICLE ~51. To see if the ~own will raise and appropriate Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) ~o provide a new sand box at Grogan's Field, a storage locker at Drummond Field and a sand box, work tables, benches and seed the entire area a~ the !'Sandbank" playground on Nassachuset~s ~venue ss requested by the Recreational' Council. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 52. To see if the town will raise and appropriate Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) to erect a five-foot woven Wi~e fence along the Massachusetts Avenue side of the '"Sandbank" playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 5~- 'To see-if the Fifty-five Hundred Dollars ($5500.00 mains in the water works system. Petition town will raise and appropriate ) to clean and cement line water of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 5~. To see if the =own will a~propriate from availabie funds, the sum of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Nineteen Dollars and EiEhty-three cents (~7,~19.8~) being the amoun~ of water department receipts in excess of wa~er department operating expenses for 1950 to a Stabilization Fund as provided for by Chapter 12~ of the Acts of 19~5, wi th the understanding that it is to be used by the town for capital improvements in the water works sys.tem un,er the provlsions of the above act. 338 1951 Town Warrant 1951 ARTICLE 55. To see if the town will vote to %ransfer from the Stabilization Fund Eleven Th~sand Four Hundred Sixty-two Dollars and Twenty-six cents ($11,~62.26) to be used to purchase and install a gasoline or Diesel engine power unit at the pumping station. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 56. To see if the sum of Five Thousand Dollars scoop-bulldozer; the town will raise and appropriate ($5,000.00) to.purchase a~tractor- Petition of the Board of Public WoWks ARTICLE 57. To see if the tow~ wilI raise a~fl appropriate the sum of Thirteen Hundred Dollars ($15~0.00) to be used with the present International half-ton truck to purchase a new half ~on truck for the Park and Playground Department. Pe~i~ion of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 58. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide b~, bond issue, or transfer from available funds, Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) ~o make suck extensions of the wa~er main system, under the regulations voted at the annual town meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on Octobsr first, considers most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at the annual meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 59. To see if the town will r~ise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred Dollar~-($15,500.00)~to bo added to the Sta~ilization Fund under Chapter 124, Ac~s of 19~, as created under Article )6 of thc Warrant for the'Annual Meeting held March 16, 1946, and ss recommended in the Reeves' Survey. Petition of School Buildir~ Committee ARTICLE 60. ~To see if the ~own will place a~ the disposal O~m~he School Building Committee for the purpose of completing the _p~ogram of elem%ntary school building, landscaping, and equipping, and any other school-building expenditures deemed necessary by the said School Building Committee, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ~5,000.00) no~ held in the Stabilization Fund created under Articl~ o of the Warrant for the A~ual Meeting held on March 16, 1946,.and having been added to at the Town Meetings of 19~7, 1948, 19~9, 1950 .and'195~. ~ · : .... Petition of Schh01 Building Committee " ARTICL~ 61. To see if thc ~own will vote to raise and :'appropriate, or transfer from available fund~ in the Treasury.. a sum. of mone~ to. be added to.the Stabilization Fund under Chapter 124~ of'the Acts' of 1945, Section 5B of Chapter ~0. Petition of School Building Committee ARTICLE 62. To see if the town will raise and.appropriate, transfer from the ~tabiltzatlon Fund. or otherwise provide a sum not exceed~S~eventeen Thousand Dollars ($17,000.00) for the purchase of two parcels of lsnd~neededfor access to the proposed site of thc new high. school: one parcel of approximately ten acres belonging to ~he'Stevens Estate, and/or the other parcel the adjoining lot on Main Street owned b~ Daniel Valpey of Methuen, or their successors in title; Petition of School Building Committee 339 1951 Town Warran___~t 1951 ARTICLE 63. To see if the town will vote to accept Cotu~t Street for a distance of One Hundred. Sixty Feet (160) from Andover Street, according =o the layout approved by the Planning Board and as adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen. Petition of the Board of Selecmnen And you are directed ~o serve this warrant by posting and attested copies thereof, ak the ~own Hall and at ~ive or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copZes ~o be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the $ime of holding said meetingl 'Hereof, fail no~,.and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, au the time and place of safd meeting. G~ven under our hands fifteenth day of January in the hu~drod fifty one. at North Andover, Massachusetts, the year of our Lord one thousand nine ARTHUR A. THOMSON ) Board JOSEPH M. FINNERAN ) of ANDREW F. COFFIN ) Selectmen A sr~e copy,~ Attest: ............................. Constable North Andover, Massachusetts, ...................... 1951 February 10, 1951 Received from Attorney General. Boston, 'Mass. February 9, 1951- The foregoing amendment to Zoning By-Law is hereby approved. /s/ Francis E. Kelly. Attorney General. 2/12/~1 John Donevan, 283 Middlesex St. 86 Main St. Appcinted Special /1 /51 1/16/ 1 Article ~2 of AnnuaI Town Meeting March 1950 (Sarcione) and Timothy J. l~cCarthy, Police Officers. James Hargreaves appointed Fore ~'ire Warden. Francis B. Kittredge resigned from No. Andover Veterans Housing Commis~sion; effective as of Town's nex= election date. Nov 13, 1951 Edwin C. Murphy resigned from Advisory Board andreplaced by Wendell M. Dillon, 278 ~averly Rd. ' Nov 13, 1951 F. William Clarenbach r~signed from School Building Committee replaced by John W. Costello, 15 Middlesex Street.