HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-07 WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex ss: To GREETING: either of the. Constables of the Town of North Andover: In the name of the Commonwealth. of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Town Hall in said North Andover on Monday evening, the sevehth day of May, 1951 at eight o'clock P.M., then And there to act on the following business: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the following part of Article 44 whichwas voted ~t the'-ad'Journ~e~Annu~l Town Meeting on March~17, 1951r 1. The posting of a bond on or before June 1, 1951 by' petitioners and/or owners of the project, the road and side~ walks affected thereby shall have been so reconstructed and repaired, including the installation of all necessary drainage s~stems, therein, as to meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall have imposed as conditions precedent To his certification of such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations for Laying Out Streets." Petition of Dean Ross and others. ARTICLE 2. ARTICLE ARTICLE To see if the Town will vote to rescind the following part of Article 49. whic~was--voted at the AdJourned A~.nuat Town Meeting on March 17, 1951: 2. The posting of a bond on or before June l, 1951, by the petitioners and/or owners wLth the Selectmen, in such form~and amount as the latter may require, to assure the Town that six months after the completion of the proJec~'~the road ~ud side- walks affec, ted by the project shall have, been-so reconstructed and repaired including the installation of all necessary drainage system's'therein, as to meet s~ch requirements as the' Highway Surveyor shall have prescribed as conditions precedent to his certification of such ways under the Selectmen~s "Regulations for L~ylng Out Stre~ts~ Petition of Dean'Ross~and 6thers. To see if~the Town will vote to rescind the following part of Articles 5~, 55, ~0, 41, 45, ~6,~7 and ~8~which was voted at, the adjourned. Annual ~own Meeting on~ March 17, 1951: ~ ~Thi~. p~sting of a bond on or before~ June l, 1951 by the petion- ~rs and~or owners with the .Selectmen, in' such form and amount as .the latter may require, to assure the Town that~eix months after ~the compI~tion of the project the road and sidewalks affected by · th~ pro.Jec~shall have been so reconstructed and repaired includ- ing the ins tallation of all ,nece'ssary drainage systems therein,as to mee~ such requirements'as the Highway Eurveyor shall haveupre- .scribed as conditions precedent to his certification of such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations for Laying Out Streets." Petition of the Board of Selectmen. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $10,000.00 ~o be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing drainage in or on the following names streets, or parts thereof: P~mbrook Road, Silsbee Road, Beacon Hill Boulevard, Sawyer Road and Mif$1in Drive and for the purpose of otherwise putting in conditions said streets, or par=s thereof, for acceptance as ;u public Ways by the Town, all in accordance with the "Regulations for Laying Out Streets" as adopted b~ the Board of Selectmen on January 15, 19~7, providing the sum of $10,000.00 is expended only after adequate and appropriate steps have been taken by the Selectmen for the assessmen~ o/betterments for the installation of saidddralnage and the doing of said work under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended. Petition of the Board of ~electmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Hall, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten day before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail no=, and make duereturn of this warran~ with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, a= the time and place ofsaid meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the year of our Lord 1951. ARTHUR A. THOMSON JOSEPH M. FINNERAN ANDREW F. COFFIN the 25rd day of April in Board of SelecTmen SPECIAL TOWN ~DZETING May.7. ~ ' 351 · CON'T. A true copy, Attestr /s/ Alexander Ness, Jr. Constable. North Andover, Massachusetts, April 27, 1951 OFFICER'S ~ETURN I have ~ot£fied the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places, in each voting precinct. Said copies having been- posted notL more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. North Andover, Mass. April 27~ 1951 /s/ Alexander Ness, Jr, Constable. SPECIAL TOWN ~TING. At the ~speclal Town Meeting held in. the Town Hall on Monday evening May 7, 195I. The meeting opened at 8:00 P.M., and the following announcement was made by Town Clerk John J. Lyons. Ladies & Gentlemen: Since this announcemen~ does not entail any financial problems, I believe it an opportune time for this matter: It is a Melancholy duty, this evening, ~o record the sad fact that this is the second special or annual town meeting in 21 years at which the late Judge Mahoney, God rest his soul, has not presided. To honor his memory, to rededicate ourselves to the high principles of honesty, sincerity, and in~egrlty that he~ so gloriously represen~ed,.andto pray for h la soul, I ask you. to stand for a moment of silent prayer. Thank You. Attorney Arnold H.~ Salisbury, 2nd, presiding_as Moderator. Article 1. Stricken from Warrant. " 2. Stricken from Warrant. " 5. Stricken from Wa.rrant. '5. ~' Stricken from "arrant. Approximately 230 voters were present. People were checked at the door by the Board of Registrars. Those assistin'g the Town Clerk and 'Moderator for'hand counts were Mrs. Lillian Dearden, Edmond Elliott, David Long and HerbertBon~%y. Meeting adjourned at 9~00 P.M.. December 28, 1951 Miss Nary T. Finn appointed this date as the Tov~ Accountant from January l, 1952 through December ~l, 1954 352 LIST OF JURORS DRAWN BY SELECTMEN JULY 11, 1951 ACKROYD, Harold ARCHER, Nathaniel BAMFORD, William Jr. BAMFORD, William Sr. BASTIAN, Frederick W. BALL, Clarence BLOOD, Pauline BOTTOMLE¥, Sam BOWER, Edgar CALTHORPE, Edmund CHAMBERLAIN, Herbert R. COGGINS, Alden K. CORRIGAN, John B. CULPON, Horace CULLE~, George DAVIS, Freeman J. DiSI MONE, Anthony DRIVER, Joseph T. DRIVER, Sarah T. DRUMMOND, Arthur DUB0tS, William~ ELAN DER, Frank: EMMET, William St. FABNUM, John C. FARNUM, Alden B. FESSENDEN, Oharles A. FIRTH, Leonard FI TZGERALD, Ni cha el FOSTER, Loring B. FRETWELL, Eleanor F. HIGGINBGTTOM, Christopher HILTON, David W. HOLT, Harold HUMPHRIES, William H. KING, Loul Sa LANE, Michael M. LONG, David' LUND, Henry E. Ma cCANNELL, ~ugus tine MAY, Edwin MAYER, John. H. MAYNARD, Margaret McDONALD, John McKINNON, Charles McMURRAY, William J. MIDGLE~, Philip MILNES, Andrew W. MURPHY, James J. M~RPHY, Walter PEARNAN, Ernest J. ,PEDLAR, Lillian PERRONE, Anthony PILLION, John M. P2TM~, Charles E. Sr. REA, George A. BEGAN, James RICHARDSON, James F. RITCHIE, Rachel ROCHE, John ROBINSON, Arthur ROESCH, Paul A. SHAPCOTTE, Harold T. SHAP~0TTE, Thomas SLIPKOWSKI, John SMITH, Thomas SUTCLIFFE, Philip SYDDALL, Harold VINCENT, Jennie WALKER, Alfred WALKER, John F. WALSH, John WARWICE, Earl B. WENTWORTH, Charles WHITTAKER, Charles WHITTIER, Fred D. WILCOX, Raymond W. WILD, Herbert T. WILSON, Charles WINKLE, John 35 101 25 2O 61 206 lO4 :1.5 14 9 89 57 75 19 671 171 . lO9 501 74 n8 Merrimac Street Marblehead St. Tho rndike Rd. Beacon Hill Blvd. Harold Street Waverly Road Osgood St, Herrick Rd. Middlesex St. Church St. Pleasant St. Johnson St. Herrick Rd. Milton St. Main St. Milk St. Union St. Great Pond Rd. Johnson St. School St. Uni on S t. Uni on S t. Fa rnum St. William St. Cabot Rd. Milton St. Stevens St. Andover St, Annis S t. Uni on S t. Annie St. Middlesex ~t. Marblehead S.t. Fernwood St. Linden Ave. Prescott St. Lincoln S ~. 'Church St. Academy Road Maple Ave~. Water St. 0sgood St. ~k~f ton Court Maple Ave. Marblehead St. Main S t. Morton St. Little Road Sutton St. Mass Ave. Mass Ave. Marblehead St. Chestnut St. Pilgrim' Road Herrick Rd. Sutton St. 0sgood St. Main St. Middlesex St. Marblehead St. ~ufton Court Camden St. Uni on S t. Buckingham Rd. Middlesex St. Brightwoo d Ave. Marblehead St. Brightwood Ave. Main St. Marblehead St. Second St. Milk St. Great Pond Rd. Sutton St. Herrlck Rd. Pemb,ook Rd. Second St. Weaver · Clerk Salesman ~achinist Clerk Picture Operator Real Estate Re ti red 0pera ti ve Salesman ~'ire Study Man Contractor Supt. Overseer ' Repo rte r Salesman Me chanl c Clerk Saleslady 0p era ti ve Pin Setter Machini st Mechanic Line Assigner Carpenter Bus Operator Me chani c Hous ewi f e F_br~ema~ :~. ~ r Painter Loom Fixer Retired Asst. Librarian Re ti red Insursn~ce Overseer Stereotyper ~0pera ti ve Wool Sorter Housewife Operative Weaver Ope ra ti ve · Machinist Me chani c Moulder Engineer Housewife Clerk Piper . Operative Farmer ~anager Foreman Housewife Ope ra ti ve Clerk Ma chlni s t Loom ~'ixer operative ,, Madhinist Mail Carrier Opera rive Hous ewi fe Clerk . Steam Fitter Male Nurse Insurance Salesman Bus Operator Farmer Ope ra ti ve Carpenter 'Ma'il Carrier Painter 1951 1951 August 28, 1951 PRECINCT 0FFICEHS APPOINTED BY ~tE SELECTMEN TO SERVE FOR ONE YEAR PRECINCT ONE (1) Warden Katherine Finn (R) 22 Saunders St. Deputy Warden Mabel B. Smith (R) 5[% Sutton St. Cler]~ Leo Murphy (D) 59 Sargent St. Deputy Clerk Ethel O. Donovan (D) 42 Sargent St. Ballot Clerk Arlene Bell (R) 61 Waverly Rd. " " Edward Costello (D) ~8 Belmont St. Deputy Ballot Clerk Catherine J. Davis (R) 50 Main St. " " " Cornelius F. Hegarty (D) !1 Cleveland St. In,s, pector Elizabeth A. Cunio (D) ~5~ Waverley Rd. Emily Murphy (R)~8 Main St. Deputy Inspector John Lavin (D) Waverley Rd. " " Barbara McCarthy (R) 75 Waverley Rd. PRECINT TWO (2) Warden Deputy Warden Clerk Deputy Clerk Ballot Clerk Deputy Ballot Clerk Inspector Deputy Inspector George Morse Herbert S. Stillings Elizabeth Murphy Joseph Lumenello Rose McEvoy Helena Reil!y Alfred Garneau Alice Cavallaro Stephen McGrall Clara Sutcliffe Harold Ackroyd Vera Barbette (O) (O) (H) '(D) CD) CH) (O) D) 85 ~ater St. ~ Third St. Second St. ~4 Water St. 28 SecondSb. 22 Clarendon St. l~l Water St. ~ Maple Ave.' Pleasant St. 74 Buckingham Rd. 55 Merrimack St.~ 25 East Water St. 353 PRECINCT THREE (~) Warden Deputy Warden Clerk D~$~t~ Ci§rE Ballot Clerk Deputy Ballot Clerk Inspector Deputy Inspector PRECINCT FOUR (k) Frederick W. Bastian Charles Pitman Catherine Cain Elizabeth Trembly Louis Broadhead Helena Oowans Vera S. Warwick M~ry E. Lannon James Hennessey Agnes'Doherty Emma Trickett Marion Weeks · (R) 20 Harold St. (R) !9 Marblehead St. (D) 297 Middlesex St. (D) Union (R) St. Beechwood St. (D) 196 Waverley Rd. (R) ~ Marblehead St. CD) 567 Middlesex St. (D) 21 Norman Rd. (R) 79 Marblehead St. Warden' Sidney Rea (R) Deputy Warden John H. Milnes (R) ~50 clerk· Natalie Forgetta (D)1210 Deputy Clerk Margaret Reardon (D) 80 Ballot Clerk George A. Rca~ (R) 671 " " Mary Burke (D) Deputy Ballot Clerk John Slipkowski (D) " " " Helena Rostron (H) 15 Inspector Fred D. Whittier .(R) 955 " Sebert White (D) 275 Deputy Inspector Cornelius J. Donovan (D) 500 " " Philip A. Busby (R) ~0~ Dale Street Osgood St. Osgood St. Osgood St. Chestnut St. Chickering Rd. Camden St. Wood Lane Great Pond Rd. Osgood St. Boxford St. Chestnut St. 195 The Boa~d of $electmen made the following appointments for 1952 Forest Fire Warden. James H~rgreaves Deputy Narden. Prec. 5. Emma Trickett. Deputy Inspector" ~. Jacqueline Riley " " 5 Gertrude Oil!espie Clerk. Precinct 5. Marion Weeks. Feb. ll. !95~