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354 1952 T 0 W N W A ~ R A N T COI~.~.10~l WEALTH OF r~SSACHUSETTS 1952 Essex ss. To ci~her of tho Constables of the Town of North Andover. Greeting: In the name of ~he Commonwealth of ~.~assachusotts, you are hereby directed lo notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and town aSfa. Zrs, to meet in the Bradstreet oehool in Precinct One; the Engine House in Precinct Two; the Thomson School in Precinct Three and the Town Hall in Precinct Four, in said North Andover on r~onday the third day of ;~arch 1952 at nine~ o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act upoD tho following articles.- ARTICLE 1. To elect a ~oderator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Three Selectmen, three members of the Board of Public Welfare for one year, one Assessor of Taxes, two members of the School Committee, one member of the Board of Health, one member of the Board of Publlc~:Worka for throe years; a Highway Surveyor a Collector of Taxes, a Tree Warden. and five Constable for one year,s.and a member of thc Planning Board for five years. All 'to voted upon one ballot. The polls shall open ct nine o'clock A.M. and shall be closed at eight o'clock P.M. After final action on the preceding Article One, the said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section ~, Article one of the. Town by-laws, to Saturday, ~arch 15, 1952,. at one-thirty o'clock P.;~. in the Town Hall, then and there to act upon the following articles:-- The :following question: YES 'or NO. to route upon ~he following: "Shall the ~e~tinent'provision of General LaWs, Oha~ter 31, (Civil SerVice Laws) with respe~ct to the official service and the labor service of the Town, be accepted?" ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ARTICLE 5. To see if the town will vote .to accept thereport of receipts and ex- penditures as presented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE ~. To see what action the to~n will take' as to its ~unexpcnded app~opria ARTICLE~5. To see.what action the town will.take as to the recommendations .of the Advisory Board.. ARTICLE 6. ~T~i~ee if the town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectr~en, to borrow money from time to. time in anticapa- · tion of the revenue of the fin~ncial ysar beginning January l, 195~ and to issue a~note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew ~ny note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Sec~tion 17, Chapter 4~, General Laws. AR~ICLE~7. To consider the report of all special committees. ARTICLE 8. To see if 'the town will vote to authorize the Board of Health.to appoint one of their members to the position of Health Physician and to fix h~s , in accordance with Section ~A, Chapter ~l General Laws. 9. To see if the town will vote to authorize the School Committee to appoint one ~of its members to the position of School Physician and tolfix his co.mP~nsatton, in accordance wf~th Section ~A, Chapter ~l, General Laws ARTICLE 10. To see if the town will vote to accept the provisions to Chhptcr 781 approved by the legislature November l~, 1951: "An act provlding for an incresse in. the annual amounts of certain pensiOnS, retirement allowances, annuities and other benefits, payable by the Commonwealth and its' political subdivisions, to certain former employees and persons cl~iming under them." Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE ll. To sec if the town will vote to raise and ~appropriate or transfer from available ~unds the sum of $110.00 for the purchase of three weights, one ten pound, one five and one two pound Class C. avoirdupOi~s and a series of glass.containers (graduated~condensers) as required by the Sealer of Weights and measures. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. 'ARTICLE 12. To see if the town will vote to accept aa a public way, Silsbee Road from Herrick Road to Lyman Head as indicated on plan approved by. the Board of Survey in 192~ and now on file in the office of the Board of. Public Works, Silsbee Road ad.ludicated December third, nineteen hundred ~nd fifty one. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE l~. To see if the tov~n will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by transfer from available funds, the sum of $1500.00 to be expended by the Board of Selectmen toward the writing and publication of a history of the~ Town of North Andover. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. A~TICL~ l~. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, o~ provide by transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to paint ~he buil~ings at The Town Infirmary. Petition of ~he Board of Oelectmen. 355 ARTICLE 15. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of t~750.00 for the purpose of purchasing uniforms and equipment for one Little League Team to represent the town of North Andover in the Greater Lawrence League, and also' for the four farm teams affiliated with same. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 16. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1~00.0C to be used for salaries of six in'~tructors and one suoervisor ($1000.00) for salaries, two instructors a~ each playground,~and($~0~.00) to be used to purchase supplies. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 17. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or trans~e: from available funds, the sum of .~600.00 to be used with the present Police Car, to purchase a new Police Car. Petition of Alfred H. NcKee, Chief. ARTICLE 18. To see if the town will vote to increase the Reserve Police Forc, from seven to fourteen men and have the Board of Selectmen appoint the Intermittent Police Officers (Present-Ones) as Reserve Officers and petition the ~,~assachusetts Legislature to put under Civil Service. Petition of David Roberts and others. ARTICLE 19. To see if the town will raise and appropriate a':.sum of money for the purpose of constructing and originally equipping and furnishing a new high school, together with the ~mproving, landscaping, grading, and fencing of thegrounds for athletic and school purposes; and to determine whether the money shall be provided by taxation, by transfer from available 'funds in the treasury, by appropriation from the stabilization fund, or by borrowing. Petition of the School Building Committee. ~ARTICLE 20. To see if the town will authorize the School Building Committee, created under Article ~[~ of the Warrant of the Annual Town Nearing held Narch 16, 19~6, to enter into any and all contracts necessary for the pur- pose of carrying out the votes passed under Article 19 relative to the building and originally equipping of a new high school, together with the ~improving, landscaping, grading, and fencing of the grounds for .athletic and school purposes. Petition of the School Building. Committee. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to abandon and discontinue a part of Parker Street, a public way, for a distance of ~'~'~Z-~' feet, beginning at the intersection of Parker Street and Chickering Road, so-called, and 'extending ~'~'/~' feet in a general southwesterly direction on .Parker Street~ the full width of said Parker street, as shown on a plan entitled the "Pr0i0osed Closing of Parker Street," which plan is on record in the Town Clerk's Office, North Andover, ~or the purpose of the erection of a new high school. G~.L. Chapter 82, S~ction 21.) Pe.ti~ion of the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 22. To see if the town will .raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money to be added to the Stabilization Fund ~ authorized under Chapter 12~, Acts of 19~5, as created under Article )6 of the'Warrant for the Annual Town Nearing held I~arch 16~ 19~6, and aa recommended in the Reeves School BUilding Survey. Petition of the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 25. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum Of $150.00 to pay unpaid bills o£ .1951. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 2~$. To see if the town will vo~e t° raise and appropriate the sum of $1600.00 to purchase a pick-up truck to transport all emergency equipment such as hospital beds, wheel chairs and oxygen tent, etc. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 25. To.see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $600.00 to purchase 1000 fee~of forestry hose. Petition of Forest Warden. ARTICLE ~6. To ~ee if the town will transfer from insurance 'receipts to the fire' department account the sum of $17~.50 received for damage to fire alarm box. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers ARTICLE 27. To eeo if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $~55.00 to p.urchase new helmets for fireman. Petition of Board'df Fire Engineers. 'ARTICLE 28. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00 to purclmse 500 feet of two and one.-half inch hose. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 29. To see if the tow will raise ~nd appropriate or otherwise provide a sum of 'money sufficient to install a Fire Alarm Box at the corner of Hewitt and ~]inute Avenues. Petition of Joseph L. Trembly and others. 356 ARTICLE 50. To see ~f the town will vote to accept the sum of $120.00 received from various donors to be kno~'m ss the "Kate H. Stevens P~eservation of 01d Burying ~kound Fund." The interest earned to be expended by the Board of P~blic Works for the maintenance of said Burying Ground. Retition of James J. Maker, Town Treasurer. ARTICLE 51. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available unappropriated funds in the treasury, ~ sum of money for Chapte¥ 90 Highway ~laintenance, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of James J.~ ~ker,~ Town Treasurer. ARTICLE 52. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer 'from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a st~ of money for Chapter 90 Highway Construction, or ~ake any action in relation thereto. Petition of James J. Maker, Town Treasurer. ARTICLE 55. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sTM of $12,500.00 for the purchase of a Road ~,~aintainer equipped with scarifier. A tractor grader to be sold and proceeds to be turned over to the Town ARTICLE 5~. To see ~if the town will raise and appropriate, the sum of $2000.00 to be used for a s~dewalk project; the town to pay one-half tHe'coat and the ap~plicant to pay the other half. Petition of the Highway Surveyor? ARTICLE 55. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of 9200-00 for the purpose of painting and replacing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. · ARTICLE 56. To see if the town_will r~ise and appropriate ~the sum ~f $1000.00 ~' to install a surface drain on ~utton Street from the residence of William Dryde~ to the newly developed settlement, a distance of about'500 feet~wfth twelve-inch ~ pipe and two catchbasins. This~to eliminate a dangerous Condition caused by water from nearby fields. Pe~ition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 57. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 for maintenance of any street in town under Chapter 90.of the General Laws, .~said money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or ~take any other action in ': relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ?''ARTICLE 58. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of. $5000~00 eneral Laws, ~ for the rebuilding of Great Pond ]~oad under Chapter 9© of the ~ said:money to be used with any money allotted by the State or County, or both for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway ~urveyor. ARTICLE 59. To see if the town wYll authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell a cement mixer whdch was bought with W.P.A. Funds, but now not used by'the ~ Highwa~ Depar£men~. Proceeds to be ~urned over ~o the Town Treasurer. Petition of ~he Highway ourveyor. ARTICLE ~0. To see ~f the ~o~m will vote to amend existing Zoning By-Laws by dhanging from a general rgs£dential to business classification the following ~ described parcel of land: "A~ certain area in the Town of North Andover on the easterly side of Winthrop · Street (Lawrence), bounded and'described'~s follows:" "Beginning a~a point in the easterly line of said Winthrop Street, said point being 965.58 feet northerly from ths intersection of said easterly line of Winthrop Stree~ with y~ the westerly line of Waverley koad; thence northerly by ~he easterly llne of said Winthrop Street 815 feet ~oa point; thence easterly 700 fee~ ~o a point~ thence southerly 660 feet. ~o a poin~ which is 200 feet westerly from the wes=- erly line of ~averley Road; thence again southerly, by a curve which is at all points 200 feet westerly from the westerly line of ~averly Road, 261.feet to a point; thence westerly 596 fee~ ~o the poin~ of beginning. Petition of Kastant Ji Shay and others. I~ ARTICLE ~l. To see if the 'town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficier sum of money to widen and improve with hard.surface approximately 55© feet ~ on Marbleridge Road between Dale and Salem Streets. Petition of Tom F. Ingr~m and others. ARTICLE~2. To see if the ~own will raise and appropriate a sufficne~ sum of money to hard surface Furber Avenue from Wentworth Avenue to Moody Street. Petition of Francis H. ~goon and others. ARTICLE ~5. To see if the ~own will raise and appropriate the sum of $1500-00 to install a hot ~op sidewalk on the westerly side of High Street from the junction of High and Sutton Streets ~o the Mac~ne Shop Depot, a distance of approximately'1600 feet. Petitio~ of Carolynn L. McQuesten & o~hers. 1952 1952 '357 ARTICI,E ~. To see if the town will raise and appropriate or o~herwise provide $3000.00 to install and operate equipment to apply flourlne to the water supply. Petition of the Board of Public Works on the recommendation of the Board of Health. ARTICLE ~. To see if ~he town will r~ise and appropriate or otherwise · provide $~00.00 to erect a five-foot woven wire fence along the ~Iarblehead Street Side of the Waverly Playground. Petition of board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~6. To see if the town will raise and appropriate or otherwise provide $500~00 to provide a chain link wire backstop at Grogans Field to .protect the Veterans Housing area. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~7. To see if. the town will raise and appropriate or otherwise 'provide $[~00.00 to install catch-basins on Waverly Playground at Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of ~oard of Public "orks. ARTICEE ~8; To see if the ~own will raise and appropriate or otherwise provide $1~00.O0 to purchase and install portable bleachers, sea~ing three hundred, a~ Waverly Playground. Petition of ~o~rd of Public Works. ARTICLE ~9. To see if the ~own will vote tQ raise and appropriate, Drovide by bon~ issue, or transfer from available funds; $7500.00 to clean and cement line wa~er mains in the Water works system. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICr~W 50. To see if the ~own will appropriate from available funds, the sum of $~68~.6~ being the amount of wa~er departmen~ receipts in excess of wa=er depar~men~ qperating expenses for 1951 ~o a Stabilization Fund as provided for by Chapter 12~ of the ~cts of 19~5, with the understanding that it is ~o be use~ by the town for capital improvements in the water works system under the.provisions Of the above act. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICY_E 51. To see if the ~own will raise and appropriate or-otherwise provide $~00.00 ~o be added to the unexpended appropriation made under Article 58, 1951 to m~ke such extensions of the water main system, under th& regulations voted at the annual ~own meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on October first, considers mos~ necessary, such e~tensions not having been petitioned for at the annual meeting. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 52. To see if the ~o~m will raise and ~pproprlate. the sum of $~00.00 ~o pipe the ditch beginning at the culvert near ~l Chestnut Street and running as far as the money' will allow. Petition of Ernest A. Brown, Jr. and o~hers. ARTICLE 53- To see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue or ~ransfer from available funds a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Mifflin Drive 550 feet from Massachusetts Avenue towards Putnam '~oad. Petition of Ralph ~ffy and others. ART~CIE 54.-~To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or ~ransfer fr0m available funds, a sufficient sum .of money to install a surface water drain in Pembrook Road f~dm Lyman Eoad to Mifflin P~rk Drive, and to resurface Pembrook Road from Lyman .Road to Niffl~in Park Drive so as to pu~ said Road in condition for Acceptance as a public way, all of said work tb be done under the-proVisions of'Chapter 80, of the General Laws, providing for the proportionate assessment'of cost against each abutter and reimbursement of the total cos= =o the Town in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 80. Petition of Ralph ~uffy and others. .ARTICLE 55- To see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate or provide- by bond issue or =ransfer from available funds a sufficien~ sum of money to extend the drainage system on Mifflin Drive from Massachusetts Avenue to Douglass ~oad under Chapter 80 of the General Laws'providing for 'the assessment of Betterments upon the proper=y Owners. Petition of Ralph Dully and others. ~RTICLE 56. To see if the ~own will vo~e ~o raise and appropriate, or 'provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex~end the drainage system on Pembrook Road, Mifflin Drive and Bradstree~ Road from Lyman Road to Greene Street under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of bettermen~s~ upon the nroper~y owners/ Petition of Andrew E. Alvino and others. ARTICLE 57- To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfe~ from available funds the sum of $500.00 to install 100 feet of surface draining pipe, and lower and olean out existing open ditch a~ Hewitt ~venue. Petition of Joseph S. Bet~encm~rt and others. 358 ARTICLE 5~, To see if the town will vote to roi~e and appropriate or pro~i~e .... by bond issue or transfer from available funds a sufficient 6um of money to extend the drainage system on pruce Street from I~assachusetts Avenue to hemlock Street under Chapter 80 of the General Laws'providing for the assessment of betterments upon the property owners. Petition of l~osario Nammino & others. ARTICLE 59. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available fundff, a sufficient sum of money to install a surface water dra!n in Sawyer '~oad and to resurface ~awyer Road as to put said Road in condition for'acceptance as a public way, all of sai'd work to~ be done under the provisions of Chapter 80, of the ~eneral Laws, providing the proportionate assessment of cost a6ainst each abutter and reimbursement the total cost to the~town in accordance with the provisions of bhapter 80. Petition of James W. Thomson and others. ART.ICLE 60. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriaSe, or~ by bbnd issue, or transfer from available funds, a su£ficien~ sum of money. to extend the sewer system on Sawyer ~oad from Middlesex Street to Pem~rook R6sd. Petition of James W. Thomson and .others. ~.~ ...' ARTICLE 61. To see if the tovaa will vote 'to raise and appropriate, or provide ~y bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ekt~nd the water system on Sawyer Road from ~.~iddlesex Street to Pembrook Road. Petition of James W. Thomson and others. ARTICLE 62. To see t~ the town will vo~e ~o raise and appropria~e, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient s~ur. Of 'money to extend the sewer system on Pembrook"~oad, Mifflin Drive and Bradstreet-Road a ~ distance of 1200 feet from'the presen~ terminus on,Pembrook Road. Petition of t~ndrew E. Alvino and others. - .. ARTICLE 65. To see if the town will vo~e to raise and a~ro~r~e qr provide by bond issue, or.transfer from available funds, a suff~le~t'~m'o~ money to ~ extend the water system on Pembrook Head, ~ifflin Drive and Bradstree~ Road a distance of 1200 feetl.from the presen~ ~erminus on Pembrook R6ad. Petition'of. Andrew E."Alvino and others. . ARTICLE 64. To see if the tov~n will raise and appropriate, or provide.by bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money ~o'extend the sewer system on Moody Street from Furber Avenue 200 feet.towards~.Chadwick~ Street~. Petition of Howard Bealey and others. . . i~ .'ARTI6LE 65. To see if.tho town will vo~e ~o false and appropriate or pro'ida ~ ~by. bond issue or transfer from available funds s sufficient sum of money' to extend the water syst~mon Needy Street 3 00 feet from Furber Avenue ~owards ~.Chadwick Street. Petition of Howard Beeley and others. ~' ARTICLE 66..To see if the town will vote ~o raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer 'system on Spruce Street ~rom Nassachu§etts Avenue zo Hemlock ~ · Petition of Rosario ~ammino and bthers. ' ~ ARTICLE'6~. To see if the town.will vote to raise an~ appropriate 'or provide by bond~ issue or' transfer from available funds a sufficient sum of money ~o extend 'the'water system on Spruce Street ~70 feet from I~assachusetts Avenue · t°wards'Heml°ck.- Street. Petition of Rosario Nammino and others. ~ .'~nd yo~.arc d~rect~d to serve this warran~ by pestling ~rue and attested- cop~es thereof, at the Town Hall and at' five or more public places in each :~ voting precinct· Said copies to be posted no~ more than fifteen days nor .lg~s.. ~. than ten days. before the time of holding said me~ting~ Hereof, fail. not, and make due return of this warran= with ,yo%..~ .doing thereon. ~ to the Town Clerk, at the time.and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Nassachusez~s, the =wenty-eighth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-two. ARTHUR A. ~IO~SON . BOA RD ' JOSEPH ~. FINNERAN OF ..~_ ANDREW F. ~COFFIN. SELEC.T~-~. · OFFICERS RETURN .I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North andover, qualified to vote~ in elections and town affairs, by posting ~rue'and attested copies of thi~ ~ ' warrant at the T6wn Hall and ~t five or/moro public places in each voting..preci~t Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ~en days~ before"the 'time of holding said meeting'. North Andover, North Andover, Mass. 'February ~0~ '1952 February 20, AWN~A~, ~0~ ~EE~a ~ARCH % I95a' ARTICLE t. At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in electio~s and T0~ AfE~s and questlonm, convened In the Engine House tn votlng3p~ecinct two,...~e..B~ads~reet .Sc~ol In vo'tlng Drecinct one, the ~omson SchooI In. voting.p=e.cinc~ th~ee'~ and; the To~ H~ll in vo~Ing 9~eclnct four, agreeable .to. ~he..~eq~i~ements of the fo~egoing..wa~, business~-wa.~.-t~mnsacted.~d, vo~es/~fn~ thedcandldates and questions appea~Ing on the ballot were as follows:- N~ER 0F VOWS BY P~C~C~ Moderator foron year SALISBURY,. Arnold H. MAKER, James J., 'Blanks' Blanks ~A~ 'OF Se~ec~en ~TON, ~. Parker FHa, Joseph M. 5~VAN, A~old W. ~OMSON, Arthur A. ~EG~S ~ ~ chard Bl~ks Blanks ~ssessor~.for ~D~ ~Herbert T. ' ~SEY, Ronald 'Blanks Pla~ing Board for 5 years Blanks Board of Public Welfare-one COFFIN, Andrew F. ~TON,-'H~ "Parker FINNEi~AN, Joseph M. SUI~VAN, Arnold W. THOMSON, Arthur A. Blanks ~e~a.r ONE TWO ~REE FOUR TO TAL 7L¢?. 1168. 906 ..... ;98---'~ }80'-----~ ~¢4.~ 52~ }57 511 1715 . 51._. 52 50 197 "6~'~'"'1020:.. "'~5~ '8~ ~276 1 107 148 lk7 125 527 lo6 15o la9 . · ~.,i 6,o ~ 6~a '566' ~ az6 aS?, zola. 5~1 55& 7~ 820 3061. 247 220 al7 ~170 609 987 7~7 822 5155 558 ~oo 5a 1~84 49a 85l ~o99 456 499 19a5 5?o a 0 297 al2 a58 592 6o~ 469 419 1884 PAGE ANNUAL TOWN ~EETING MARCH 3, 1952 Continued. Constables for .one 7ea~ . 'hO.WARD, Frank. MELLIAN, Harry NESS, Alexander Jr. ~'ROCHE, John J. WALSH, Augustine J. 'Blanks ONE TWO THi~E FOUR TOTAL 751 611 2519 ~5~ 764 $06 6 7 2525 516 817' "5~3" '7~3 '2669 '4~8 '756. 5~. ~90. 2480 "~U2'~"2021 1~2~. _I469 6514 QUESTION': "Shall the pertinent provision of General Laws, Chapter 31, (Civil eervi ce. Laws.) wi th respect tot the-(offi ~ial~ service and .the labor..~servi.ce..of the. Town.,-be.~accepted?" .~ . ' 77. '-'l OO Blanks 'I~5 21Z 165. .720 THE FOLLOWING PERSONS WERE ELECTED TO OFFICE TO MARCH :195'3 ~,Town'Moderator Clerk Treasurer ~llector · .THighwa2 SurVeyor Board of Selectmen '~:,:B0ard-of Pubifc Works Board of Health ~'::'A~seseor of Taxes ~Treei~ard~n of Plannin Board 'Board of Public Welfare ElwYn A. King .Joh~ J. L~ons James J. Maker Frank E. Wallwor~, Ira D. Carry Andrew F. Coffin Joseph M. Finneran Arthur A. Thomson Frm~cis B..Ki~tredge George E. Jewett' Edward W. Phelan John J. Connors~ Ca~olineoM. Ingram Wi'~liam Fi.Rock . Edwin W. Reit-hold' Andrew F,'Coffln Joseph M. Finneran Arthur A, ~omson Frank Howard Harry Mellian A'lexander Ness ~ohn J.'Roche A~gustine J. W~Zsh; Date.~.sworn 'March' 3', "I952"