HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-03-02 COMMO~V~EALTH O~ },~SSACHUSETTS
To either of..' the' Constable~A of 'the ~own of North ~ndovor:
Gree ting: ' '
In the name of ~he Co~on'{~alth of Mas~chusetts, ~u ~.e
dir.ected to noti~', a~d~n ~he'~i~abit~ts of North indo~er, ~ualified to
vote in eIectionm ~d ~tO~ affairs,~to ~meet~in the Bradstreet School In
Precinct One; th~ Engin~e House in.p~Ci~ct Two; the ~omson School In Precinct
T~ee ~d '~he To~ Hall"in Pre6inQr ~Four in said Nofth'Andover on Monday, the
second day of ~M~ch '19537~t nine~ o cta~ ~in .the iorenoon, then ~d there to
act upon'the following-'~i.c!e: ~...~ ... .
~TICLE .[..To elect ~ Mode~ato~, To~Cl~k, To~ T~eas~e~ ~ee.Selmc~en,
t~ee. me~be~s of the B0~d"Of~PuBlic'~:.~elf~e.:,fbr:,'on~ y~f[con8 A~sSs~oF
T~e~:;:'one:,~embe~ of the' Scho0I Co~ittee, one membe~ of the Board of Health
one membe~ of the Bo~d.6f Publ~c.~No~ks~for.t~ee ye~s, a Highway S~veyor
a Collector of t~es,/a' T~ee W~'en.,?five .Constables for one ye~, ~ membe~
of the Plying Bo~d fo~ fi~e ye~s~[ 'one membe~ of the Pl~ing Bd~d fo~ the
~e~ired te~m of t~ .ye~s, one.'me~be~%[of.the,Housing A~ho~ity fora five ye~s
H~d one member .°f the. Housing .Authori~:fo~. ~/ five -Fe~s., ~d one memb
' ousing Authority rom the ~e~Ri~ed'ts~?:of ':one ye~. . '
to one ["sha o en at o'o ook
~d ..shall be clo,,~d .at eight o,c~ock ~.M. ...
~ter final ~cti~6n on the p~eceding ~ticle .One, the said ~eeting sh~ll stud
adjoined by virtue of Section 4:, Arti'cIe one of the .Town by-laws, to' Saturday
M~ch l~, 19~, ~t one-thirty o'clock,'PJM, in'the To~ Hall, then ~d the~e to
act on the follo~ng ~ticles:--- :~..
s. not
ballot. ..
., ~TICLE ~, To see if..the' to~ will ~ote to .accept the report of ~eceipts ~d
expendit~es as p~esented .by the Se[ec~tmen.
~TICLE ~. To see wh~t action the'tS~ Will.take as to i~s ~expended
app~op~iations. ~ ":
~TICLE ~. To see what ~ction the to~ ~i~l' t~e as to the ~eco~endattonS
of the.~dvis°~Y Bo~d.. ' , :~
~TIC~E~6.~To se~ if the'to~ will v°t~ to.authoriZe the To~ Treas~er~,~ with
the'~ approval.of the Selectmen, to bOrrow'~money~ from time to time in ~ti~ipat-
t~g j~of the ~evenUe of th~ fin~cial~ Y~.~ ~begi~ing J~u~Y l, 195~
issue' a note or notes therefor, pa~able, within one ye~, ~d to ~enew' ~y'note
'~-or notes as ~y be given for a period o~Lless~ th~ one ye~ in accord~ce with
Section. 17, Chapte~ ~,. General. Laws. ~ ~
~TICLE 7. T6 consider the report offal special co~tte~s.~
~TICLE 8. To see If the town will ~ote to authorize the Bo~d of Heklth
appoint one 0f their/members~ to the position of Bo~d of He~th PhySt6i~ ~d
' to fix his compensation, tn acg0rd~ce ~h Section ~,. Chapter 41
General Laws. ,~ ~ ,'
~TICLE 9. To see if the ~to~'~ ll Vote .to ~uthorize~ the SchOol Co~tte~ to~
appoint one of its me~bers' to ~the posi'tion of School Physici~ ~d to fix his
compensation, in accord~ce with Section ~, Chapter $1, General Laws.
~TICLE lO. To see if the mTo~ will ~ote to acc&pt t~e provisions of Chapter~
6~, "Acts of i952: ~ act providihE~f0r ~ increase in the ,~uual ~o~ts of
certain pensions, retirement allow~c'es, m~Ui~ies ~d other benefits, payable
by the Co~onwealth ~d its subdivisions, to certain foyer employees
~ persons clai~ng ~e~ them." Peti$ion of the Bo~d of Selectmen.
~TICLE ll, To see iF the ToE ~ll ~raise ~d appropriate or tr~sfer f~om
available 'f~ds the s~. of ~o Thous~d D611~s for the p~pose of 'providi~
Group ins~ce f6rLperm~ent employees~of the to~, tn'accord~ce with
proposals submitted to the Bo~d of 'S'electmen, t~e To~ to pay p~t .~50%
the pre~s. Petition of the Bo~d of Selectmen.~
~TICLE 12. To '.see ~tf 'the Town wil~'~vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen
to dispose of~ ~d cause_to be 'removed~r8m the l~d upon which it is located
the butldi~ ~oE as the Center School,/upon' such ter~ ~d conditions as the
said Board of Selectmen may dete~ine~.~d to authorize the said Bo~d of~
Selectmen to execute ~y ~d all necess~y legal ~instr~ents ~d. to do all
thins necess~y to convey title to~ said building/
Petition.of the Bo~d of Selectmen. '
~TICLE 13.'To see if the T~ 9~ll Vote ~o raise ~d appropriate, o~ p~ovide
by tr~sfer from av~lable f~ds, the s~ of $2,550,00 to be expended by the
Bo~d of Selectmen for the contlnu~ce of the p~ep~ation, ~lting.~d pub-
lication of the history of the ToE of. North Andover.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen. . ~
ARTICLE 1~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from
available funds the sum of $500.00 to repair the sill on the ell, build two
new sills from the office to the main house and to the ell and repair the
walls in the cellar of the Town Infirmary. ~ Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a public way, Pembrook
Road from Lyman Road to Mifflin Park Drive, as indicated on p~an now filed with
the Board of Public Works. Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a pUblic way, Sawyer Road,
as indicated on plan filed with the Board of Public Works.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town ~ll vote to accept as a public way, .Woodbridge
Road from Greene Street to Tyler Road for a distance of 200 feet, as indicated
on plan now filed with the Board of Public Works, Woodbridge Road adjudicated
January 5, 1953. Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
by transfer from available funi s, the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars the whole
or any pa~t thereof, to be used by the Committee hereinafter named, for the
lease or purchase of a suitable dump site for the To~n, and its inhabitauts, to
replace the Perry Dump, Upon the understaning that the so-called?~sanitary land-
fill .method shall be employed in the use of said dump site. Said Committee shall
be composed of the Board of Health, the Board of Selectmen, the Highway Surveyor
and the chairman of the Advisory Board, ~d shall investigate~and determine the
feasibility of acquiring, by lease or. purchase, for the use mentioned, any site
within the town limits includtx~g the so-called Steinberg site, Burke .site, Rea
site, Rogers site .... The said Board of Selectmen, upon majority vote of said
Committee, shall be and hereby is authorized to negotiate and oomplete the lease
or purchase of the so recommended site and to do all things necessary, in behalf
of the to~u, to make said majority recommendation effective.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
'~ ARTICLE 19.~ To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, the mm. of five hundred
dollars for the services of a policeman at the Bathing Beach, three ~oursdaily,
eight hours Saturdays and Sundays for aten week period, to enforce parking limited
to North Andover residents; this figure to include the cost of car stickers to be
issued by said policemau, aud tags, issued at the Town Building, for North
Andover Bathers~ only. Petition of the Board of Selectr~en on recommendation
of the Recreational Council.
~ARTICLE 20. To 'see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Twelve ~u~
Hundred Fifty DoIlars for six playground instructors and a supervisor fo? an
week period; one of these 'instructors to act in the capacity of assistant
supervisor aud to conduct pre-playground workshops.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council.
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will raise and ~ppropriate. the ~um of Five Hundred
· Dollars for playground supplies; this 'amsunt to include expenses of .pre-playground
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the
Onal Council.
~ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred
Dollars for banking and flooding skating rinks. Petition of the Board of
iselectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council.
ARTICLE 23. To see if .the Town will ra~'sme $_~ld appropriate the sum of Nine Hundred
DOllars to furnish and install play equipment and benqhes in the Kittredge School
grounds;iequipment to consist of two sets of six swings and one set of six see-
saws and four park-type benches, all in locations to be approved by the
Superintendent of Schools. Use of the Kittredge School grounds for this pu~Rose
has been voted'upon favorable by the School Committee, as of December ll, 1952
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council.
ARTICLE 2~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or otherwise provide
Two Thousand~Five Hundred Dollars to install and operate equipment to apply
flouride to the water supply. Petition of the Board of Health,
ARTICLE 25. To see if the .Town Will vote to raise and appropr£ate or transfer
from available funds, a sum of money to install a Fire Alarm Box on 0sgood
Street, close to Ward Hill Line to serve residents of that vicinity.
John ~. Roche and others.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town ~ll vote to raise and appropriate or take from
available funds in the treasury, a sufficient sum of money to install a Fire
Alarm Box at the corner of Great Pond Road, Pond Street and Bradford Street.
At present, this box is only a "phantom box" It is at the intersection of the
Crockett Sanitarium, Campion Hall and the Brooks School and is with the recomm-
endation of the Fire Chief. Petition of Walter W. Mazurenko and others.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars to be used with the present Police Car, to purchase
a new Police Car. Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars for the paY~Aent of a bill contracted in 1948 by
the Police Department. Petition of lfred H. McKee, Chief of Police
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will 'raise and appropriate a sufficient
amount of money to repair the metal flashings, gutters and downpouts on the.
Stevens Memorial Librsry. Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens
Memorial Library.
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sufficient sum
amount of money' to replace worn cork runners in the main lobby of the Stevens
~emorial Library and to install rubber treads to protect the stairs leading
to the Children's Room at the library.
Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from
available funds, the sun of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty DolYars for the
use of the School Committee in buying uniforms or other equipment for the
· North Andover School Baud. Petition of the School Committee
ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from
available funds, a sum of money to 'be added to the Stabilization ~und,
.authorized under Chapter 12J~, Acts ~of 19~5, and established, under Article
36 of the Warrant, by the vote of the Annual Town Meeting held March 16,
.19.~6. Petition of the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 33- To see iT the Town ~'tl authorize and direct the Board of
Selectmen to execute, in the name and in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim
deed and such other legal documents as may be necessary or advisable, to
effect, on or before May l, 1953 the following transaction: The sale and
bonveyance to John J. aud Anna Cyr, for an agreed 'consideration of ten cents
per square foot, of a parcel of land now owned by the Town of North Andover
and'not ~eeded for inclusion in the site of 'the'new.high school; which parcel
contains lO,O00 square feet (more or less) fronting on Parker Street one
hundred feet and adjacent to land now~ or to be, owned by Frank Lord.
Pet'itlon of the School Building Committee..
.ARTZCLE 3~J To see'if the ~Town will authorize and direct the Board'of
Selectmen to execute, in the name and in behalf of the Town, a quitcl'aim
deed and. such other local documents as may be necessary or advisable to
effect, on or before May l, 1953 ~he following transaction: The sale end
conveyance to Frank and Louise Lord, for an agreed consider, atton of ten
cents per square foot, of a parcel of laud now ow-ned by the Town of North
.Andover and not needed for inclusion in the site of the new high .school;
which parcel is that segment of laud in the rear of, and' contiguous to,
other laud of said Lords, containing 2,000 square feet (more or less. )
Petition of the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfE
from available funds~ a sum not to 'exceed Eight Hundred Dollars for the pur-
chase of approximately 8,000 square feet of land needed for inclusion in the
site of the new high school, this being the easterly portion of the property
of John J. and Anna Cyr, bounded by Parker 'Street,~ Parker Place, and other
land of said C~u~s. Peti.tion of the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Public
Works to purchase for the sum of One Thbusand Dollars'the so-called
Wharfage Lot.containing twenty-six hundredths(0.26) acres, situated on the
northerly side of ~Lake Cochickewtck aud bounded on the north by Great Pond
Road and on the east and west by land of the Town of North Andover.
Petition of Stanly Stefanowicz aud others.
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town Of North Andover will raise and appropriate
, a reasonable~sum of money to resurvey and hot top the left side of Maple
Avenue from corner of Second Street to the corner of First Street.
Petition of Katherine Midgley and others.
ARTICLE 38. To see if th~ Town will vote to raise and appropriate a
sum of money to install a hot top sidewalk on the west side of Waverley Road
from Middlesex Street to Union Street. Petition of Hubert Burke and others.
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will r'aise and appropriate' the sum of $800.00
to install a hot top sidewalk on the easterly side .of Waverley Road from ~
Maple Avenue to Second Street, a distance of approxmmately 550 feet.
Petition of Saverio Campione and others.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a
sum of money to straighten the road and eliminate a very dangerous curve on
Great Pond Road between the residence of Fritz Ostherr and the town pumping
station, upon condition that E.F.Leland, or recorded owner of such land,
convey to the Town, such lsnd as is necessary for the widening of this road.
Petition of Victor G. Brightman and others.
384 wARrAnT
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town ~ ll vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a s~im of money for Chapter
90 Highway Construction, or take any actinn in relation thereto.
Petition of James Maker, Town Treasurer.
ARTICLE 42. To see .if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter
90 Highway Maintenance, or take any action in relation thereto.
Petition of James Maker, Town Treasurer.'
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will rais~ and approp_riate the sum of $9,$10.00
to extend the 30" stormdrain in Greene Street from Waverley Road toward
Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of the HighWay Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~4-. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,445~
to 'extend and improve existing drainage structures necessary to s.erve the
proposed new High School. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE $5. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,700.00
for the purchase of a bulldozer blade for Cletrac~'Tractor.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate .the sum of $2,800.00
for the purchase of a sidewalk tractor. Petibion of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~7. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the s'~nn of $500A~OO~to
install~adsurface drainof 3e50 feet, build'two catchbasins on Wav~erley Road
from Trinity Court to Green Street. This drain to take care of new
development of that district. Petition of~ the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the' sum of $2,000,00
to be used for a sidewalk project; the town to pay one-half the cost and the
applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the High'way Surveyor.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate .the 'sue of $200.00
for the. purpbseeof painting .and replacing street signs.
Petition of the Highway. Surveyor. ·
ARTICLE 50. To see if ~the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00
for maihtenance of any street 'in town under~ Chapter 90 of the General Laws,
.said money to be used in conjunction with money which may be allotted by the
State or County, or both, for ..this purposLe'; or take any other action in
, relation thereto. 'Petition of the Highway Surveyor. I
ARTICLE 51,. TO see if the Town will raise mud appropriate the sum of $7,500.00
for the further rebuilding of Great Pond Road under Chapter 90 of the General
Laws, said money to be user with any money allotted by the State or County,
or both, for this purpose, or take any other .action in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town. will 7raise and appropriate the suzi of $8,700.00
'for the pur~chase of a refuse collection truck fully equipped. This price in-
cludes trade-in of present Diamond T dump truck now being used.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ~
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Tow~ Will vote to amend Article .II, Section 5, paragraph
(i) of the North Andover Zoning By-law by striking there from the words:. '
Railroad Avenue at Middlesex Street." Petition of John Wolfendeh and others~
ARTICLE 5~. To see if the Town will 'vote to amend existing Zoning By-Laws by'
changing from a general residential to business classification' the following
described parcel of land: A certain area in the Town of North Andover at
Wtlson's corner on the westerly side of Andover Street, .bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Turnpike
· Street with the western line Of Andover Street, sometimes Called Elm Street,
thence running northwssterly along Turnpike Street 350 feet to a point; thence
turning a~d running southwesterly on a lille parallel with said Andover Street
250 feet by land of Sarah E. Loftus' to a point; thence turning and running
southeasterly by Other land of said Loftus on a line parallel with said Turn-
pike Street 350 feet to said Andover Street; thence running northeasterly and
again northeasterly by said Andover Street to a point of beginning.
Petition of John R. Mahoney and others.
ARTICLE 55. To see if the town will vote to amend existing Zoning By-Law by
changing, from a general residentiR1 to agricultural classification the following
described parcel of land. This property is located on ~the westerly side of Chicker
lng Road northerly of the Boston and Main Railroad crossing and is bounded mud
described as' follows: Beginning at a point in the intersection of the westerly
line of Chickering Road with the northerly line of the Boston and Main Railroad;
thence northwesterly by the northerly line of the Boston andMain Railroad 236
feet to a point; then6e northerly by a line' parallel to and 200 feet westerly
from the westerly line of Chickering Road 236 feet to a point; thence southeasterl~
by a line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the northerly llne of the
Boston and Main Railroad 236 feet to a point in the westerly line of Chickering
Road; thence southerly by the westerly line of Chickering Road 236 feet to the
point of beginning. Petition of Henry Lurid and others.
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will amend the Zoning By-Law and the Zoning
Map of the town to make the following parcel of land, now zoned as a general
residence district, a business zone: Lots 159, 160, 161 and 162 as shown on
Plan No. 463, on file at the North Essex Registry of Deeds, said lots are
contiguous, and together constitute a parcel of land on the westerly side of
Jetwood Avenue; 100 feet south of Massachusetts Avenue, and haveing a front-
age on Jetwood Avenue of 200 feet. Petition of Domenick Mangano and others.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws by
changing a classification of a piece of property owned by Edward W. Saul from
an agrlcultural to a business district; Said property is located on the
westerly side of Salem Turnpike and is bounded and described as follows;
Beginning at an iron pipe in the westerly line of the Salem Turnpike at
State Highway Station 181 + 42 thence southwesterly by the other laud of the
said Saul 85.67 feet to an iron pipe in the center line of an old abandoned
way, thence northwesterly by the center-line of said old abandoned way,
363.46 feet to an iron pipe; thence northeasterly 29.48 feet to an iron pipe
in the westerly line of the Salem Turnpike; thence southeasterly by westerly
line of the Salem Turnpike, 364.38 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Edward W. Saul and others..
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by chan
from Restricted Residential to Business, the following described parcel of
land. A parcel of land on the easterly side of Chickering Road, bounded and
described as £ollows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of
Dufton Court ~tth the easterly line of Chickering Road, thence southeasterly,
by the southerly line of Dufton Cou~t, 219.25 feet to a point, th~nce'south-
westerly 45.6 feet to a point; thence southerly 209.0 feet to a point;~thenCe
'southwesterly 39.0 feet to.a point; thence morthwesterly 135.~ feet_toa point
~ the easte~ly.l~n~e of Chz~kering Road; thence northerly~ by the eastsriy
£mne.of Chic~ermng noad, 32~ feet to the point of beginning. .~ .~ ·
Petition of George H. Schruender and others.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law bychang-
lng from Resbricted Residential to Educational, the following described parcel
of land: A parcel ~of laud an the easterly side of Osgood Street bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Osgood
Street at land of Robert Saltonstall; thence, by the eas=erly line of Osgood
Street, northwesterly, northeasterly, northerly and northeasterly, 3553.~1
feet of land now or formerly of Greenwood; thence southeasterly 395 feet, by a
stone wall t0 a point; thence easterly, by a stone wall, 4~0 feet to a point;
thence south&aeterly, by a stone wall, by several courses 540 fee~ to a
in the southerly shore of La~e Cochickewick; thence easterly, southeasterly,
northeasterly and southeasterly, by, various courses, by the southerly shore
of Lake Cochichewick, 3~00 feet to a land of Caroline S. Roger~; thence south-
westerly~1879.38 feet to a point; thence again southwesterly 600 ~eet to a
point; thence southeasterly 160 feet to a point; thence southwesterly, by a
stone wall, 31!.90 feet to a point; thence northwesterly ~2.75 feet to a
thence s,uthwesterly 60 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 45.45 feet to a
point; thence southwesterly 117.75 feet~to the point of beginning.
Petition~of~Abbot Stevens and others. '
ARTICLE 60. ·To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the.sum of $4,'300.00
to purchase a tractor with back hoe .attachment.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town ~tll appropriate~from available funds, the sum
of $2,355.~9 being the amoun~ of water department receipts in excess of water
department operating expenses for 1952 to a Stabilization Fund as provided for
by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 19~5, with the understanding that is to be used
by the town for capital improvements in the wa~er works system under the pro-
visions of the above ac~. Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 62. To ~ee if the Town will raise and appropriate or otherwise pro-.
vide $1.,200.00 to be addedto.the unexpended appropriation made under Article
51, 1952 to make such extensions of the water main system, under the regula-
tions voted at the annual town meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on
October lst,. considers most necessary, such extensions, not havein~ been pe-
titioned for at the~annual meeting. Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the'sum of $1,
to be used with the present Ch~vrolet~ton and a half truck to purchase a new
truck for the Water and Sewer Department. Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, ~9,000.00 to clean and cement
line water mains in the wa~ar works system. Petition of.Board or. Public
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to instruct, authorize and require-
the Board of Assessors to deduct from the amount required to be assessed unde~
Section 23 of Chapter 59 of the General Laws, as amended, the sum of $35,000~D
or some part thereof, from available funds, which sum is herewith appropriated
from available funds under Section 7 of Chapter 798 of the Acts of 1951 for
the purpose of this authorized deduction.
Petition of ~ohnM. Pillion and
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by
bond issue~, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on Mifflin Drive 530 feet from Middlesex Street
Petition of Ralph F. Dully and others.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Mifflin Drive from Douglas Road to Bradstreet Road.
Petition of Ralph F. Puffy and others.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainage system and construct a road on Douglas Road from Mifflin Drive to
Greene Street, under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment
of betterments upon the property owners. Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town wtll vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the drainage sysbem and improve the road on Mifflin Drive under Chapter
80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of betterments upon the
property o~ners. Petition of Ralph F. Dully and others..
ARTICLE 70. To see if'the Town ~ll vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the water system on West Bradstreet Road f rom the present terminus
feet to Mifflin Drive. ~ Petition of John J. Donovan and others.
~ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by
bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sura of money to extend
the sewer system on West 'Bradstreet Road from Mifflin Drive to Greene Street.
Petition of John J. Donovan and others.
ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainag~system and improve the road on West Bradstreet Road under Chapter
~80 of the General Laws providing for the Assessment of betterments upon the
property owners. Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others.
ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by
bond issue, or transfer from available Funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on AAams Avenue 320 feet from Unity Avenue.
Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others.
ARTICLE 74. To see~if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
~by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the water system on Putnam Road 160 feet from the present terminus near
Mifflin Drive. Petition of Blanche Ad,ms and others.
ARTICLE 75. To see t~ the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or ~provide b~
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system .on Putnam Road 190 feet from Greene Street..
· Petition of .Rodostldo DeBurro and others.
ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town ~ll vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the sewer system on Putnam Road 375 feet from Greene Street.
Petition of Rodoslldo DeBurro and others.
ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum.or.money to
extend the drainage system and i~prove the road on Putnam Road from ~reene Street
to Mifflin Drive, ~mder ~hapter 80 of the General Laws providingfor the
Assessment of betterments upon the property owners.
Petition of Rodosildo DeBurro and others.
ARTICLE 78. To'see if the Town will vote to raise ahd appropriate, or provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds,~ a sufficient sum.of money to
extend the sewer syste~ on Woodbridge Road from Mifflind Drive to Tyler Road.
Petition of Philip T. Miler and others.
ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or prbvide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the 'sewer system on Spruce Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Hemlock
Street. Petition of Ernest Conner and~others.
ARTICLE ~0. To see~if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
~by'bond~issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the water system from Johnson Street, westerly and northerly on Heath
Road extension to its intersection with Sutton Hill Road, and thence westerly
by Sutton Hill Road, a total distance of approxlmatley 1600 feet~ to a point
opposit property now owned by Frances S. Barrows.
Petition of Harry Sutton, Jr. and others.