HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-03-13 COMMONWEAl.TH CF MASSACHU~TS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greetings :" In the"name' of-the CommonweaIth. of Ma'ssaChusett.e., 'you 'are hereb directed"~r°'"not'ify"and"warn 'the' inhabt-tant.s ~of NO~th' Andover', 'qualifi'ed to vote In electlon's:and- town.'affairs.~ 'tO'meet'in 'the' Bradstree~ SChool in l~:eeinct One; 'the 'Englne~'Hou. Se**-in- Preeinc~c- 'Two,-the ~Thoms0n School.' in' 'l~e¢inct Three and 'the Town:'HaIl"in~P~ecinct FoUm,--in said North A~dover on Monday, the firSt-day 'of March~ 19=~4.'.at nine o~cloek in the forenoon, then and there to act upon the · ~cllcw/ng article-- ARTICLE ~'; To elect a Moderator, Town Cl~k, Town Treasurer, Three Selectmen, three members of the Beard of Public Welfare for one yearn; one Assessor of Taxes, two members of the School Committee, one member of the Board of Health~. one member of the Board of l%blic Wo~ks fo~ three years, a Highway. Surveyor, 'a Collector of Taxes~ a Tree Warden~ five constables £or one yea~ a'member of the Plannin~ Board for five year~, one member of the Planning Beard for the '- unexpired ter~ of three years, and one member of the Housing Authority for five yea~s. QUESTION: Shall an Act be ~assed by the General Court. in the year nineteen.hundred fifty-fou~ entitled "An Act increasing the powems and duties of theBCard of Public Works of the '~ Town of North Andover~· be accepted? All to be voted upon.one ballot. The polls shall open at nlne o~clock A.M., and shall be closed.at eight o'clock'P.M.. ' After f/hal action on the l~ecedin~. Article one, the sai~ masting'shall stand 'adJoumnsd by v/tutus of Section 4, .A~ticle one of the Town by-laws, to Saturday, Msmch 15, 1954,at one-t~-ty o~clock P'M.~ in the Town Hall, then and there to act on the followin~ a~t~oles:-- ARTICLE 2'. To elect all othe~'"office~s not required by ]aw, to be elected by ballot · ' ARTICLE ~. TO see if the~'town'will~i=ote ~o~a~d%ot the '~eoo~t of expenditures as as presented'~:bv~.~he~S~.lm~/~ ..' - i ,ARTICLE 'S&"To s~e*'~hat action t~e tOwn w111 .take as to 'the recommendations of' the Advisory Boa~do . ARTICLE 6. To see ~f the town wtll vote to authorize the Town Treasurer,-with the approval of the Select~nen~ to borrow money from time*to time lin antic:' 'of the. revenue lof the financial yearn beginning January 1~ 1955 and* to renew any note o~ notes therefor, payable with/n one yesm~ and to ~enew any note or notes as may be given for a _ period of. lees than one yesw in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, ueneral Laws. ARTICLE 7. To conside~ the report of all special c~ittees. .ARTICLE S. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Bourd of Health to appoint one of the/r members to the position of BOard of Health physician and to "[ 'fix his compensation-in accordance with Section 4A, Chapte~ 41 of the General ARTICLE 9. To see if the town will vote ~o authorize the. Schooi Committee to appoin't one of its members to the Position o£ School' Physician and to fix hie compensation in 'accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, General Laws. ' ARTICLE 10. To see if the town will vote to raise and approl~iate' the sum of' '$500.00 fc~ the purpose of taking the Decennial Census for 1955 as requi~ed by .Petition of the Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 11. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the.sum of '$2,000,00 to pay for the cost of disposing and removing from.the land upon which. it is located, thebuilding known as the Center School, Upon such terma and :conditions as the Board of Selectmen may determine. Petition of the Boamd of'Selectmen. ' ARTICLE 12. To see if the: town ~ 11 vote to ~'atse and appropriate' the sum of $250.00 for the pumpose of lmying a bill deemed to be due, after invest~gatio~ to the Hsmvey Radio ~orporatton for materials and services l~OVided to the ?elite Delmrtment in 1948~ the Board of Selectmen being of the unauimous conclusion that non-payment of this bill.in the yesm in which the services and materials were ~ p~ovtded was due to a confusion existin~ between the HsmveF Hadio Corporation and the Pollce Delmrtment .due to a notation on the Harvey Radio Corporation statement as "final bill." Petition of the .Bosmd of Selectmen. ARTICLE 13. To see tr. the town wLll'vote' to 'raise and app~opriate or t~ansfel- f~om available ~unds the sum of $6,000.00 t0be expended by the Boa~d of ' Selectmen in the completion ofw~ttlng and publishing the history of the Town of North Andover. · Pet~ton of Board of S~lectm~*n. .' 4O9 ARTICLE 14.. To see if the town will vote to accept Phillips Court as a public way from Osgood Street to Pleasant Street"'as shown on the plan approved by the Planning Board under date cf December 7, 1955 and. filed in. the office of the Town Clerk. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 15. To'see if the town will vote.to'accept a strip of' land, ~t the request of'Kasper Kasper~an, at the corner of Middlesex Street ami Green · Streets to eliminate a very dangerous corner, with the lr ovision that tt/e town willremove the' section of stone wall bordering said land~ said land described as"'follo~s: Beginning'at a bound and mrking the intersection of'the westerly line' Of Greene' Street withthe northerly line of Middlesex Street, ' 18 feet to a point;'thence' Southerly, easterly, and-northerly, by a Curve' of' 10,42'feet radius~ 21.45'feet 'tea' point' in the' westerly line of Greene Street; thence southerl~-by'the-westerly line' of' C~reene Street, 18 feet to the point of beginning,, containing 74 square feet, more' or less. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ' ARTICLE 16. To see if the town will vote to raise'and oppropriate the sum of $160.00 to pay for the cost of.removing stonewall referred to in Article No.15 .Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 17. To see if the town will vote to accept the extension of Heath Roa~ running ~unning west and north from Jean-on Street.to its'intersection with Sutton Hill Road 475 feet; thence Sutton Hill Road westerly and southerly 1200' to the southerly bound~y of ~and now or formerly owned by Frances Barrows, as shown, on the':p~an filed in the Town Clerk!s Office; the whole said distance to be known as Sutton'Hill Road. Petiti.on of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 15. To' see if the town willvote to raise and appropriate 6r transfer from available funds the sum'of $1,000.0~0 for the, purpose of. putting a'new' roof on the Town Building and recaulking~ertain windows in the building to to correct a condition caused by leaks ~u~der the windows. Petition of Lillian B. Dearden and others. ., ARTICLE 19. To see if the town will r~ise and appropriate the sum of $400.00 for the services of a policeman at the'Bathing Beach four hours 'daily, eight hours Saturdays and Sundays for a ten week period, t~enforce tl~e parking. limited to NOrth Andover residents; this figure to iflclude the cost of ca~ stickers to be issued by said _ policeman. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendatibn of. Recreational Council. ARTICLE 20. To.see if the town will raise'and appropriate the sum. cf $1,2~0.00: for six playground instructors and a supexvisor for an eight week period. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of Recreational Council. ARTICLE 21. 'To see if the town will ~aise and appropriate the sum d $$00;00 for playground supplies, this amount to include expenses of. pre-play-g~ound supplies, this.~amount to include expenses of pre-play-gro~d workshops and special trips for the playground children. Petition of the Beard of Selectmen on recommendation of Recreational. Council. ARTICZE 22. To see if the town will ~aise and appropriate the-sum of $250.00 for the purpos, e of buildin~ boxes for horseshoe courts, building an addil sand box and furnishing one new-extra heavy duty work table for various playgrounds · Petition of.the Boa~d of Selectmen on recommendation of Recreational Council. ARTICLE'23. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum.of'S225.00 to furnish and install Castle Tower (Junglegym) American I~0. DCT 7. 9" overall diameter at Waverly Playgrot~d_. Petition of The Board of Selectmen on recommendation of Recreational Council. ARTICLE 24. To see if the town'will raise and appropriate the sum of"$200.00 for banking and flooding skating rinks. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of Recreational Council. ARTICY~E 25. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $1,000.00 to make necessary repairs at the Town Infirmary. Petition of the Board of Public Welfdre. ARTICLE 26. To see if the town will v6te to raise'~and appropriate a sufficient sum of money for the salaries and wages in each Town-Dep~rtment, to grant a Three Hundred Dollar ~($300) increase to all full time employees. Petition of George A. Carey and others. ARTICLE 2?. To see if the town will voce to raise and aplm~Opriate, .or transfer from available f,~s, the sum of $~,500.00 to be used with the present truck, to purchase a new two-ton truck with a winch attached, all equipped. Petition of JOh~ J. Conners, Moth Supt. ARTICLE 25; To' see if' the'town' will vote to"rai-se and appropriate or transfer from available funds, the' sUm of $500.00 for the purchase of a power chain saw. Petition of ~ohn J. Connors, Moth Supt. ARTIOLE 29. To see if the. town will'vote to-raise and appropriate 'Or transfer from available f~nds the sUm of $300;00 for the purchase of a Power Brush Cutter. Petition of ~ohn J. Connors, Moth Supt. ARTICLE $0. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sUm of $V,4~.00 to be added to the Police Department appropriation to IrOvide for the appointment of three competent and qualified men, under Oivil Service Rules, to be reguia~ patrolmen. Petition of Alfred H. McEee. ARTICLE 31. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum' of $2,A9~.00 for the purchase of two new police cruisers, $$~$.00 to be used with the present police ca~ and $1,850.00 to be used for the purchase of the othe~ car, and that the Chief call for bids. Petition of Alfred H. McKee. ARTICLE $9.. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropria~, or transfer from unappropriated available funds in the' treasury, a sum of mon-~ for Chapter 90 Highway Construction, or take any action in rel~iom thereto. '~ Petition of ~ames ~. Make, Treasu~or. ARTIOLE ~. To see if the town will vote to raise and approl~iate, or t~ansfer from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a sUm of money for Chapter 90 Highway Maintenance, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of ~ames J. Maker, ARTIOLE $4. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,~40.00 to purchase 1,000 feet of 2, and ~ inch hose fc~ the ~ire'Department. Petition of the Board of F~e Engineers. ARTICLE $S. To see if the town will vo~e to raise.an~ appropriate the sUm of $?00.00 to purchase a (Circul Air) Hose Dryer for the Pire Department. Petition of the B~-rd of Fire Engineers.. ARTIOLE.3~. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $?00.00 to purchase 1,000 feet of forestry hose. Petition of the Forest Fire Warden. ARTICIE $?. To see if the. town will v$~e to allow the Assessors to close their office on Saturday mox-nings and keep open on Wednesday afternoons instead, Ohaptar ~65, Acts of 1947. Petition c~ the Beard of Assessors.. ARTICLE ~8. To see if the town will vote to us Thirty Thousand Dollars i$~0,000.00~ &f available funds for the r~duotion of the 19~ tax rate. Petition of the Board of Assessors. ARTICLE ~9. T~ see if the town will vote to adopt as revised by-laws of the town of North Andover, ~he l~.Oposed by-laws 'aS p~ted:~inTthe Annual Towm'Repor~ of 1945, as prepared by a committee appointed undar' authority of the vo~e of.rahs town meeting on A~tiole No. 14 of the Annual Town Meeting of 1947. Petition of R. George eaton and others. ARTIOLE 40. To ~ee if'the town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of North Andover by adding, the words "or motel" .to item b of Section 1, of-A~tisle II .of said by-lmvs so that item b, Section I, A~ticle II will, sad'as follows:- 'Thetaking of boardePs~ or the leasing'of rooms by a family, residing on the pr.e.mises, providing~there is no sign or display, to advertise such use, but~it is no~ permissible to construct or operate overnight camps or motels. Petition of Rober~ P. Dulude and others.. . ARTICLE 41'. To see if~ the .town will vote to accept the l~ovision of Chapter 458 of t. he acts of 1952, the following section III-H notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contra~y,,_any police officer 6f a city or town who is required to Perform any service be.~ond his regular established hours 6f. service...Prlmary Day, Election Day or at any parade or race or at any pub- lic celebration or while police listing, shallbe compensated for such additionl al hours of service at therate per hou~ of .his regular compensation. This section shall take .effect in the town by a majority vote at an.annual town meeting. Petition of Philip Sutcliffe and others. · ARTICLE 42. To see if the town will ~aise and appropriate the sum of $3,~00.00 · for the purchase of 'an Oliver wheel -factor and Loader for the.use of the Highway Department. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE.43..To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sUm of $9,410.00 to extend the ~0" storm drain in Greene Street from Waverley Road' towards Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of the Highway Surveyo~ ARTICLE 44..To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sUm of $9-00.00 for the purpose, of painting and replacing street signs. PetitiOn of Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 45. To see if the town'will raise and apl~oPriate the sum .of $2,000.00 to be used for'a sidewalk project; the town to pay one-half the cost and the applicant to pay the Other half. . Petition of the Highway Sumveyor. ARTICLE 46. To see if"the ~own' wi'll raise-andl-appropriate the sum for maintenance' of~ any'streets in Town under ~hapter 90 of the General Laws, said' mone~ robe used in'conjunct-ion with~ money which may be allotted'by the State or county, for both, for ~this purpose Or take any other, action in relation thereto~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 47. To' see if the' town will raise' and~ appropriate the sum cf $7,500.00 for the' fUrther~ rebuilding of Great Pond'~ R~ad. under' Chapter 90 of'the General Laws, said·~money.to.'be-used-'with any money 'allotted by the· State or County, or'both'~ for this pUrpose; ortake any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 48. To see if the town willraise and appropriate the 'sum of $5,800.00 for the purchase of a three-ton heavy duty Mack Dump Truck for the use of the Highway Department. Petition of the Highway Sumveyor. ARTICLE 49. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $.1,000.00 to dig ditches necesssm.y to operate theDisposal Site. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 50. To see if the town willraise and approl~iate the sum of $?,355,00 to install a surface drain on Baldwin Street, from Union to Belmont to Marblehead Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE $1. TO see if the town will raise and'appropriate the sum of $500.00 for abuilding at .the Disposal Site for the..bulldozer operator, which .will als serve as a shelter for the bulldozer when not' 'in use...T.his has been a suggestion f~om the Lumbe~mens Mutual Casualty Company. Petition of the Highway Sumveyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the town *ill vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a .suffiqient sum of'money to construct a road on Beacon Hill Boulevard from 0sgood Street to Ohick~ing': Road under .Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of - betterments upon the ~rOlmrty owners. Petition of Arthur,R. Murphy and othe ARTICLE 53. TO see if the town will raise and approl~i~te; o~ .t~ansfer from available funds, the sum of $25,000.00 to create a stabiIization f,,~ Chapter 124, Acts of 1945, for the .'purpose of extending the~east side sewe~ trunk from. its present terminus at Harkaway Road and Stevens Street 'to Phillips Squsme. Petition of Ernest A. Brown, Jr.. and others. ARTICLE 54. To see if 'the town ·will instruct the 'modorato~ to appoint a committee to investigate, 'and report on at 'the town me:sting of 1955, the advisability 'and legal method of O~,ug~ng the ~me of th~ town to 01d Andover;' this action to 'be taken in view of the :100th' annivorssmy in 1955 of the incorporation of the 'town ,,-~er. its present name, which would be time to make .this change w~ich'would clarify.the s=atus, of this having been the centre of the original .Andover, incorporated in eliminate the, disadvantages of the present ~me which has created an~ ( to create the impression that 'the town is merely, the northward extension-of community that originated to the .south instead` of 'indicating 'as it North Andover r~presents the old, orig~I village of AndoV~~. ~ '~ · Petition cf Buchanan Charles, and others. "~ "~ A~TICLE $$; To see if the town will raise and appropriate $S,OOO.O0 for-labol~- andexpenses in taking care of the School Grounds. , Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 58. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $?~000.00 tO build'- a storage building at North Andover High School fo~a~g mowers, tractors~..etc'. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE~§7. To see if the town'will~aise and'appropriate $1~000.00 to provide a new float for. the .Am~ican Legion Bathing Beach. Petition of the Bard of Public Works.. ~ARTTCLE 58. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $1,O00.GO' to cent the Fluoridation of the water Supply. Petition of Bard of Public Works. ARTICLE 59. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $1,$00.00 'to b~ used with the present Dodge Coupe to purchase a new automobile. · ' Petition of the Board of Public Works.' .' ARTICLE $0. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate't4,200.00 to purchase a gang mower, tractor with loader, leaf mill and~roller for use in the Parks, Playgrounds and School Grgunds. Petition of Bm rd- of Pul~lic .Works · ARTICLE 61. To see if the to,a will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or ~ransfer from available funds $1~,000.00 to clean and cement line water mains in the water works system. Petition Brd of Public Works. ARTICLE 62. To"see'"if"~he't'c~ will approprlate-fr'om avai'lable funds, the sum ~ of $7,517.33 'being' the' 'amount 'of -water- depax~cment--re~eipts in excess~ of water department.'.operating expenses-for~ 1953 'to' a" stabilization fund' as provided for by Chapter '124 of"the'Acts of 1945, 'with 'the' understanding that it is to be used by the tow~ for 'capital improvemer~ts in the water works system under the pro- visions of the above act. Petition of the Board of Public Works. - ARTICLE 63. To see if the town. will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of ~oney to tie the Lincoln Street surface d~ai~ into the Russell Street surface~ain by way of Pleasant Street. Petition of ~o~ ~. Slipkowsky and others, ARTICLE ~4. To see if the town-will~ote to raise and appropriate; or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the d~ainage system and improve the road on West Brad~r~Road under Cl~pter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment ofbette~ments upon property owners. Petition of Andrew E. Alvino and others. ARTIOLE 6~. To see if the .town will vote to raise and approl~iate or -provide by bond issue or ~ransfer fr~n available funds, a suff. icient sum of money to extend the sewer system on West Bradstreet Road f~om Mifflin Drive to Greene Street. Petition of Andrew E. Alvino and ~others. ARTICLE S~. To see-if the town will vote to .raise and appropriate, or provide by bond ,issue, or transfer f~om available funds, a sufficient ~ sum of money to extend the water System on West Bradstreet Road from the present' terminus $80 feet to Mifflin Drive.. Petition of Andrew E. Alvino and others. ARTICLE 67. To see if the town will vote to raise ~'=~ appropriate, or ~ovide by bond issue, on transfe~ from available fund.~, a s~fficient sum ~o'f 1homey to extend the d~ainage system on Wentworth'Avenue 350 feet from OhadWick Street~ Petition of Louis ~. Si~ois and others. · ~.~ ~ ~. · · ARTICLE 68. To see if the town will vote ~o .raise and appropriate, or .provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a suffic~n$ sum of money ~o extend the sewer system on Wentworth Avenue ~$0 feet from Chadwick ~Street. Pe.t$~ion Of Louis ~. 'Sirois and others. ' -ARTICLE.'i$e. To see if the town'lWill vote..to raise and appropriate, or provide by .;'.'bond issue,, or transfer from'available funds, a sufficient '.sam ofmoney...to extend the water system on Wentworth Avenue ~$0 feet from Chadwick Street. Petition. of Louis F. :Sirois and other's.' '' ARTICLE ?'0. To 'see if the town will vote to..raise and appropriate,, or l~ovide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds,, a "sufficient sum of.money to the d~ainage system and construct a road :on 9ouglas Road f~om Mifflin .to Greene Street,. ~er Chapter 80 of .the General Laws providing for the assessment of bette~nents upon the property owners. ', Petit/ion ;of Ralph F. Du~ffy and others. ARTICLE .71. To see ifa.the town,will vote ~o raise and-~Ppropr~ate~or" provide by,.bond issue, or t~ansfer from available funds, a sufficient sum.':of money, to ~extend :the s~er-system on 'Douglas Road from Mifflin' Drive 125 feet. Petition.of Ralph ~. Duffy~and'~others. -.- ~,.72. To.see if ~the town will vo=e to raise and appropriat.e, or provide by issue,-or t~anefer from".available funds, a ~'sufficient sum of money/to,extend '[the :..*ater system'-on D~ouglas~,Road'f~om Mifflin D~ive 12S feet. Pet~tion.~of Ralph F. uffy and othe~.s, ~7~. To. see if the town will vote to .raise and appropriate, or provide by issue ~ 'or ~ransfer from available .funds, a sufficient sum of 'money to ~ Road the d~ainage system ~d improve, the road on Woodbridg from Mifflin Drive, ~o Tyle~ Road, ,,~der hapter 80 6f' the General Laws providing for the ~ttorments upon the property owners. .. · ?~etition ,.c~~, EdWin' C., MUrDhy and others'. '~ ARTICLE 74; To:see if the town will vo~e to raise and appropriate, or provide ~.~by.,bond. issue, :ortransfer, from available funds a,sufficient sum of money, to ":extend the. sewem system o~.WS0dbridge Road from Mifflin'Drive to Tyler ~oad. · petition ?f, Edwin ¢. MUrPhy and others, ' . LE .7~..To:see".if,'the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide i'bY bond~issue, '.or ..'transfer from 'available 'funds, a sufficient sum of money,to extend_the drainage system and improve the road on Mifflin Drive n~der Chapter 80 of the teneral Laws l~OViding for the assessment of betterments upon the property owners. ·Petition of Benedict Perrone and others. ARTICLE ,7,6. To see if the town .will vo~e 'to raise and approl~.~ate or provide by $ond'i[sue, or transfer frmn available'funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Mifflin Drive from Douglas Road to Bradstreet Road. 'Petition'of Benedict Perrone and o~herm. ARTICI~ ?? To'see if the town will vo~e"to raise and appropriate, or progide by bond issue, or transfer 'from available funds, a sufficien sum of money to extend the water system on Mifflin Drive 550 feet from Middlesex Street. Petition of Gaspar J. DeMario and others. ARTICLE VS,'To"see' if-the' town will vote' to raise and appropriate, c~.' provide by bond issue, or transfer from available' funds, a Sufficient sum of money to extend'the sewer system on Linden Avenue from Sylvan Terrace 1V0 feet. Petition of John J. Bonelli and others. ARTICLE 79. 'To see' if the: town will vote' to raise and appropriate, or' provide by~ b0nd'issue, or-tm-ansfer-from available funds, a sufficient sum of'money to extend the water system on Linden Avenue 250 feet from the pr. evious terminus. Petition of ~ohn J. Bonelli and others. ARTICLE 80, To ~ee if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from availalbe run,ds, a sufficient sum of money to exten~ the water system 400 feet from Dufton Uourt towards Andover Street on Chickering Road. Petition of Charles Melamed and others. ARTICLE 81.' To see if' the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available f,~s, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Wright Avenue 450 feet from Sutton Street. Petition of Victoria Torrisi and others. ARTICLE 82. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or pro,ids by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system from. the previous terminus on Putnam Road 20~ feet. · oward Mifflin Drive. Petition of Alsdon H. Arold and others. ARTICLE 8S.~.T6 see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or p~6vi~e by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a~ sufficient sum of money to extend the water system, on Contuit Street 160 feet fran Waverly Road. Petition of. Benjamin ttollins and others. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town of.North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law ~ to change the following described parcel of land frmn rial to Busine.~s. A parcel of land on the westerly side of Chickering Road, bounded and described as follows:~eg%~ .i~g..a~t_,~$ point in. the westerly line of 0hlckering Road, said point b%'~ng 'at'2~a"$f R~$ert J. Burke and about feet northerly from Peters Street; thence westerly, by a stone walland by land of said Burke, about 210 feet to a corner in the wall; thence northerly, by the.wall about 22 feet to a point~; thence westerly,-by~ a fence, and .land of Burke, about 52Ofeet to an,angle in the fence; thence =g about~~ 175 feet,tO a~ stone wall; thence northerly, ,by astone ~wall, about 3 an angle in the wall; thence northeasterly, by the wall about 155 feet to' land. of Helin S. Coolidge; thence southeasterly,by the wall and land of .Helen S. Coolidge, about525 feet to a corner in the wall at land of Beatrice Gaumond; thence again southeasterly, by ~and of said Gaumond, 21813 feet to Chilckertng Road; thence southerly b~ Uhickering Road, abou~ 552 feet to ~he point beginning. Petition of Oh,~les Melamed 'and others. ARTICLE. 85. To see if the Town bf~ North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from. Agricultural to Business, the following described ~ parcel of 1.-a: A larcel of land on theeasterly side of 0s~ood'Street bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly.: side of 0sg0od Street. at ~'nd of Beorge R. Barker known as the. "Gage Woodland"; thence northerly, by the easterly line of 0sgood Street, 215 feet:rca St'a~e Highway bound at the southerly end of a carve of 1559.~8 feet radius; thence again northerly, by theabove mentioned curve, 57~ feet; thence easterly-,l~8% - feet; thence southerly 241 feet, by a line which is 1~0 feet easterly from" and parallel to the first' described course ;~ thence westerly:~l$1 f. eet ~.bF,~land of said Barker, to the point ofbegiraning. :Peti~on.of/Daniel-0!enio'an~.?~others. ARticLE. gs. ,ToI see if the Town of orth' Andover .ill vot.'t =sm t e"g' By-Law by changing from General Residential to. Business the 'following ..de,~. scribed parcel of land. A larcel of land on the easterly 'side' of Chickeri'ng Road bounded, and described as follows: Beginning at a :point. :in 'the ~ast erly side line of Ohickering Road, said point being ~8.A? feet 'nOr'therly'~from~' Pleasant .Street; thence .northerly, b2 the easterly line. of. Cl~Ic'kering R~d' '4A0 feet~ to land of the Village 'Land. Co,: thence northeastlerly~'~.~iby.~lafid~!of the Villa~ge Land 0o., ~5 feet to the southerly line of Concord Str. e'e~;' thence southeasterly, by the southerly line of Concord Street, ~$~..~ feet Subatch;. thence ~ southwesterlyby land of Subatch and. land of He.lbick,b.y' a '.line which is $0 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly 'l~inc. of'BUnker'qt Street, 575 feet to Chickering Road and the point of beginning;" ~"" .. Petition of ~am DiMauro ~and others. ':, ~' ' :' " ' ., ,J ., ABTICLE' 87. To"s'ee'~f' ths-'Town of North'Andover will vote to.' amend the Zoning By-Law ~y~ohang~ng fr Ch. Agrlcul'tural'to- Bu'siness'~ the' following: described ps, ce! of land. A parcel' of .land 'on' the Westerly' side of" 0sgood Street.and-on the' southerly' side~ of",~utton Street, bo,l~ed' and'-described as' follows. · Beginning at a point" in-the-'-westerl~ line 'cf-Osgood'Street at--its, intersection with the southerly line--of~sutton' Street; thence southerly~ by the 'westerly' line of 0sgood St~eet¥ 500 feet; thence westerly B00 feet; thence northerly 500 feet; to the Southerly line:' of' Sutton Street; thence easterly, by the southerly line of Sutton Street 200 'feet to-the :';point of beginning. Petition.of. Sam. DiMau~o .and. o~hers ARTICLE- 88; To=s'e e':if"-the'~ Tcwn"-of -: North"-And ove~' will vot'e'" to~'amend' the- Zoning By;Lsw:to'change-'the""classificat~on'Of'-the following de'scribed"pa~cel' of land from'Agricultural to-Business: A'parCel' 'of' l'aud" oh'-the easterly~-s'ide Of OsgoodSt~eeT~-bOUnded"a~d-~descx~ib'ed'' as" follows: Beginning ~t'a point 'in' the easterlFline"of~Osgood-Street about 2350' feet southerly from the Haverhill line; ~id' po~'nt"~being 'the' corner~' of' land' of' George R: Barker 'know~-as "Gage ~oodland'"; thence';eaSt~rl~'by-'land'-of-' Olenio and land' Of': Coppela,~ 420' feet' to a "poiht~"thence='s'C~therly~ "bi'Other- land"of 'said~' Barker~ ' 290 feet 'to land of Paparella';-'thence'-wester~y~ 'b~laud~ of"'sa[d' Paparella~ '400'feet to' Osgood 'Street; thence 'northSrly, by' the/eaSterly line of 0sgood. Street~ 200 feet' ~o the"point of beginni~.' _. Peti~iOn of. George:R..Barker and, .others'.. ~ i~ .... '. '.. And you' are'-'direc~ed~to~ serve-thi's-warrant: by'pos~'~t~rue 'and' attested' c epics ther'ecf%" at~'th'e" Town' Hall' and:'at': fire"or~ more public' pla~es~ in each~ voting ' precinct. .Said copies" t0"be posted not mor'e than fifteen days nor' less' then ten ·days bef'o, fe. 'the' t'ime of.'hoIding._sai~: meeting:, . : Herof'fail-not; and~ake'du~eturn Of this warrant~with your doing, thereon to the ..Town Cl~rk, at the time 'and place of said meeting. Given under ou~ hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 25th 'day cf January .in the year of our Lord one thousand nine h,,m~ed fifty four. - JOHN J.- WILLIS Boa~d · · AR'A'~u~ A. THOMSON of ARTHUR P. ~r~E ~electmen. A true copy. ATTEST: ~ ~ 'Constable 0~TICER.~S RETURN I h~%e' hot,lied th~ ~-~,bitants of the To~n of North Andover, ~ual~ied to vote in'elections s~d to~n s~ffairs, ~ posting t~ue and attested copies of · ~ this warrant-at the Towa Hall and. at five' or, more. publlo places in each voting ,.~pz~oinct.~, Said' copies ~h~ving been posted not m~e than fifteen days nor less th.n te~ days before the, time of holding said meeting. -.. " WARE'ANT 'CO~n~OI~IP.%LTH OF EASSAOHUSETTE ~SSEX 'is s: .i .' .. '-- ~o either of the Constables of th~ Town of:North Andover .-.GREETINGS .' :- -. ..::..: 'L · In ~he ~ms o~':the Oo-,,onwealth cf Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to.,.notify and'warn the inhabitants .of North Andover,tq ualified to ' :vet8 in Town Affairs to meet in the Town Hall directly following the -.:merit of'.the Adjourned Annual Town Meeting on March 15, 1954, then and there , , o act'on the :following business: ERTICLE 1..To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the ''Zoning By,Law. to~'change the classification of 'the following described parcel · of"landI from'Restricted Residential to Business. ~A.,pa~cel~::.of ~alnd..on .the easterly side :of Barker. Street near its Junction with usgood :'~treetl,,.-bounded and described as..follows. Beginning :at a Massachusetts Highway.bound 'in the easterly line of 0sgood Street, said bo~ being at the nor~thwesterly corner of land.of Stefanowicz; thence northeasterly, b:y the · easterly line of Barker Street, 7~7-7 feet to a corner in the wall: thence . southeasterly and easterly, by the wall, 850 feet to a corner.in the wall; .thence northerly, by the wall, 49 feet to a corner in the wall; thence north- - easterly, :by the wall, g40 feet to a point; thence southerly,, by a straight line, 100~ feet to an iron pipe near a large rock; thence southwesterly,, by other land of Steinberg, 754.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence westerly ~20 feet to an iron piep; thence northwesterly 522.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence westerly ~22.72 feet to an iron pipe; thence southerly 50 feet to an pipe; thence northwesterly 190 feet to the point of beginning, all as shown on the plan submitted to the Planning Board for approval Petition of Albert A. Steinberg and others. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing the classification of a parcel Of land owned by Albert A. Steinberg, from Restricted Residential and Agricultural to Business. The parcel in question is located on the northerly side of 0sgood Street and the westerly side of Clark Street and is bounded and .described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound in the northerly line of Osgood Street, said bound marks the westerly terminus of a curve at the Junction of Osgood Street and Clark StMeets; thence southwesterly and westerly, by the northerly line of 0sgood ~treet, 855 feet to a stone wall; .thence northerly, by the stone wall, 565 feet to a point; thence northeasterly 721 feet to a point in the westerly line of Clark Street; thence south- easterly, by the westerly line of Clark Street, 2~2 feet to a stone bound; thence southerly and southwesterly by a curve of 25 feet radius, 55.20 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Albert A. Steinberg and others. ARTICLE 5~ To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $1,875.00 to be expended.~by.the_ Moth ...... Superintendent for spraying gypsy moth infested areas, which will not be covered by aeroplane spraying under state supervision. Petition of John J. Connars. And you are directed to.serve this warrant by posting .true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Hall and at five or more~pu~lic places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due retuwn of this warrant wi~h your doing thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 15th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four. JOHN J. WILLIS Board ARTHUR A. THOMSON of A ~mue copy, ATTEST: ~.~ · ~S/ Frsnw Howard,.Constable. North Andover, Massachusetts, February 26, 195~. , · .. ATTEST: ~'/~"~'"~ ' Town Clerk OFFICER t S RETURN I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Tow:Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before NJ'.' Andov ; Mass February 18, 1954 ATTEST: the time of holding CONSTABLE OF ELECTION (Art. 1). I~IMBER 0P ONE TWO 81o 1216 Moderator for one year THOMSON, Arthur A. 622 935 SCOTT, Harold Blanks 188 281 Town Clerk for one ~ear LYONS, John J. 700 Blanks 110 1~2 ~o..wn Treasurer for one ~ear MAKER, James J. 6~4 10~6 Blanks 116 170 Tax Collector for one year WALLWORE, Prank E. Jr. 661 1017 Bl- e Tree Warden for one ~ear CONNORS,~ John J. 667 1019 Blanks '-'- ....... Highway Surveyor for one ~ear OARTY,. Ira D, 5~1 815 MAHONEY, John J. 2~1 561 SCOT~, Harold Blanks 28 said meeting. .. MO OAY ARCH VOTES B~ PRECINCTS TE~ FOUR TOTALS 896 97~ $901 722' 779 1 174' 199 15o 155 728 826 168- 155 755 818 165 161 e2o 2 5058 1 5526 575 607 2691 lO67 2 NUMBER OF VOTES BY PRECINCTS' ONE TWO THREE FOUR TOTALS Select en for One Year - ~zm~, A~thu~ p. 28~ 553 3 7 53? 1758 . WILLZS, Jcnn ~. 50~ 55? 3~? 603I' ' BROADHEAD, Raymond - 21 511 516 .... E~TON, ~. Parker 226 45~ ,272 301 · 1251. FOUNTAIN, Raymond C. ~ 122 ?0 .. s~an~s 58? ~77 3 ~- Boa~'d o~ Public Works - ea:~ :' ~, ~nus ~ ~ 7o~ 77~ ~o~ Bl~s 1~5 19~ 208 Assesso~ fo~ -ea~ s0ucL ~er~e c. ~ ?~. ~ ~ Bla~s. 192 27~ 2~] Schoo~ Co,frae f~ _ ears ~0~LY,~N'O~rlesR°ger B..W. ~5~ ~84 ]~4 . ]07 ~ .. 1820 Pla~i~ Board fo~ 5' ~6h~s ' S~, Donald F. ' 270 ~0 252 . Pi~ B~rd -~ Yea~ Un-e~i~ed Bla~s ~15 ~50 lZ7 506 NefF, ~ A. - '[l't~d" Of Public Welfare for one ~ea~ ~'-:~'~ ........... ~," KI~; ~ p. Z?0 556 ]88 55k 1768 .WILLIS, =o~ ~. 506 ~57 579 597 BROTHS, Ra~ond 21~ 92 50~ ]~ :: Willi~ A; 477 575 501 B~s~-..: ~'. ~. · 6m6 4?5 ~85 5~ 6~ a~8o 562 5~ 398 5a ~z5 N, Lloyd D. 182 521 218 20~ 929 C~S~IE, Frederick R. 373 517'.,, '3~o,31o Bl~s .L) 1~05 19~ 1316 1~ : QUESTION--"~hall an act passed by · t~e GeneraI~Oourt in the year nineteen h~dred andVfifty-fo~, entitled' ~ Act increasing ~e Powers ~d ~ties of the B~rd of ~bllc Works of ~e 'Toe"of Nor~, ~dover~ be accepted?" -- ~ 3~ 608 390 49a '~85~ so z68 266 zg~ 235 .' 86o Bl~s 278 3~ 315' 252 1~87 THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS WERE ELECTED FOR I~E YEAR 195~ DATE~N Town 'Modera tot Town Clerk .Town Treasurer Tom:[ 'Ta~ Collector Tree Warden ' ~IGEWAY 'SURV~T~ OR ~el~ct'men Boa~d of Publ'ic.Works(SyrsJ l~oard of Hea~th (~ yrs) B.'oard' of Assessors (5^yrs) Sc,h, ool Committee (~ y~s9 ~ianhing Board (5 yrs) Housing Auth6rity (5 yrs) Brd of.Public Welfare (1 yr) C'onstables for one year ARTHUR A. THOMSON JOHN J. LYONS JAMES J. MAKER FRANK E. WALLWORK, JOHN J. CONNORS IRA D. CARE JOHN J. WILLIS. ARTHUR P. KIRK WILLIAM A. FINNERAN JOSEPH D. SULLIVAN ~ULIUS HAY. MARGUERITE C. SOUCY ROGER B. MERRIMAN CHARLES' W. 'TROMBLY PETER RI TCHIE RALPH E. FINCK JOHN A. MCNIFF JOHN J. WILLIS ARTHUR P. KiRK WILLIAM A. FINNERAN ARCHIE M. GOU~LEY FRANK P. HOWARD ALEXANDER NESS, JR. JOHN J. ROCHE AUGUSTINE J. WALSE JR. 417 March 21 195~ " 21 " 21 " 2~ ;' 2. " 10. · ~ '. 'RECOUNT HELD ON UN-EXPIRED TERM OF PLANNING BOARD. 23~'zzuing Boa~d for Three (3) Years un-expired term: ZNC , E. 393 LEE,. Frank W. .311~ ~56 ~ 171.0 1.7o BLANKS. 106 125 ~cn Hegarty,. A1 Garneau, Har~y Michelmore, Phil Busby Counters. MARCH 10, 1954 7 tO 11 ~DJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN ME~TING. ARTICLE 2. 'TOWN HALL. MARCH 13, 195k 'VOTED this article be referred to the Selectmen. ¥0TED to acce~t the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by .the Selectmen. ~RTICLE '~. V0~ that all unexpended appropriations be returned to the ~reasury, with the exception of the following amounts as of January !, 195~, which,were o~iginally appropriated under the articles indiDated: AMOUNT Special Town~eeting $1~,000.00 Sealer of Weights & Measurers , (3 Wtsi& Glass Containers ~ _35.12 ~1, 1953 Chapter 90~ G.L. Hghwy Construction 3,~23.99 72. 1950 Kittredge~School, Fence, etc. 268.83 19. 1952 New High ~chool 811,399.71 · 29. ~953 Stevens Mem'l Library-Re~airs outside. 2,000.00 · 30. 1953 " ' " " inside. 335.70 ~'i~18. 1951 Civil ~efense 866.70 '~13~ 1953 Continuance of Town History. 620.51 ' 62~ 1953 Extension Of water mains. 7~5.70 ' 6~. I9~3 Reserve for appropriation from Stabilization Fund. ARTICLE ..YFAR ~ESORIPTION 1. z9 3 1952 9,000.00. 748.70 $8 7,81111.9 · Excavating.trenches at hew dump site. TOTAL ARTICLE 5- VOTED TO APPROVEALL ITEMS COLLECTIVELT ~ith the exception of the following changes: Item 27, Insect Pest Control- Salaries increased ~rom $6,715.00 to $7,360'.00. Item 28, Dutch Elm- Salaries increased fr6m 2,750.00 to $3,000.00. Item 29, Brush Cutting increased from $6~5.00 ~,0~0.00. ~tem ~1, Tree Warden Salaries~Increased from $6,060.50 to 6,36~.00. Ztem~7, Snow ~emoval increased from $10,000.00 to $15,000.00. tem.6~, V.F~W. ~Xental of quarters increased from $350.00 to $600.00. ' Motion duly made and seconded. ~..R. DEPARTMENT Salaries & Expenses TOTAL. Wa~es -1. SELECTMEN, Salaries,Wages-Expenses $1,080.00 $1,000.00 $2,080.'00 · 2. TREASURER, Salary 3,6~0.00 3,640j00 ~. Clerk-Salary 2,5~5.96 2,5~5.'96 Expenses Bond included 1,3~7.00 · 3- ACCOUNTANT Salary 3,070.00 3,070.00 Clerk-Salary 500.00 500.'00 Expenses 350.00 ~50.00 No. DEPART}.~NT 4.~ TAX' COLLECTOR - Salary Clerk - Salary Expenses 5. TOWN CLERK - Salary ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 1~, 1954 SALARIES EXPENSES TOTAL Expenses 6. ASSESSORS - Salary Clerk - Salary Expenses 7. ELECTIONS-REGiSTRARS . Salary Expenses 8. VITAL STATISTICS 9. MODERATOR, (Included in Article 7) 10. ADVISORY BOARD - Expenses 11. PLANNING BOARD - Expenses 12. BOARD OF APPEALS 13. TOWN BUILDING - Salary Expenses 956.00 i~i T0~N HALL- Janitor 400.00 CUSTODIAN of Tax Titles Salary-Expenses 100.00 TAX TILE FORECLOSURES_ Expenses RENT CONTROL BOARD 19. POLICE Dhlefs Salary pa'trolmen 20. 21. 22. 23. 25, 26. 27. 29. 50. 51, 52. 54, Sergeant Reserves and Specials ExpenSes (Inolude $100.00 for out of State Travel) FIRE, Chiefs Salary Firemen (full-tlme regulars) Call men and spare employees -Expenses FOREST FIRE WARDEN - Salary FORES% FIRES DOG OFFICER - Salary ~'penses BUILDING WiR~pense~NSPECTOR - Salary' INSPECTOR . Salary Expenses SEALER-WEIGHTS & MEASURES - Salary Expenses INSECT PEST CONTROL -'Salaries Expenses DUTCH ELM . Salaries Expenses BRUSH.CUTTING TOWN FOREST TREE WARDEN . Salaries, etc., Expenses STREET LIGHTING BOARD.OF HEALTH - Salaries Nurse'salary Physician-salary Expenses REFUSE DISPOSAL - Salaries m~enses GARBAGE DISPOS~bL SEW~'MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Expenses & WAGES $1,525.oo ---- 2,730.00 1,525.oo 2,750.00 7oo.oo $1;64°;~°°': 1,64o.oo~ 700.00 2,100.00 250.00 250.00 2,586.00 2,100.00 650.00 2,384.00 2,586.oo 4,4~2.oo o.oo , ~oo.oo 4,122.56 23,161.32 3,748.16 2,960.96 100.00 100.00 5oo.oo 5oo.oo 200.00 2oo.oo 956.00 3,764.oo 5,y64.oo 4oo.oo 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ~00.00 , 300.00 ~, 1~2.56 ~3,161.32 3,748.16 2,960.96 4,122.56 5,090.00 23,161.~2 12,961.85 5,oo~.oo 150.oo 5OO.OO 245.00 ~o.oo '500.00 100.00. 500.00 125.00' ~5 .oo 7,560.00 90.00. 5,000.00 1'300'00 1,000.00 350.00 '15o.oo 6,560.00 450.00 2,970.00 750.00 7,770.00 (Sal)5,000.00 ~5~5.oo ,5~0.00 2,589.60 20,310.40 450.00 750.00 2,692.00 660.00 16,000.00 5,580.00 1,00O.00 5,600.00 5,000.00 ~0,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 60oJoO 400.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 22,669.00 86,000.00 20,000.00 ~[ ANIMAL INSPECTOR Salary HIGHWay SURVEYOR ~ Salary I!i CLERK Salary LABOR ~ Wages T~RVIA, Read 0il, Cinders Stone and gravel EQUIPMENT AND REPAIRS · GASOLINE AND'0IL REPEIRING SIDEWALKS MISCELLANEOUS _ expenses l~ snow mmovA~ BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE WELFARE AG~T '- Salar~ 50~' SUPT-MATRON Town Infirmary 51.° OUTSIDE RELIEF AND REPAIRS 52.' OLD AGE ASSISTANCE 55.' AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN ~,090.00 ,122.56 23,161.~2 12,961.~5 '5,000.00 15o.oo 5oo.oo ~5.oo 140.00 500.00 100.00 5OO.OO ~225.oo 5.00 ~o.oo 7,560.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 350.00 1~000.00 '15o.oo ,~60.00 -660.00. 161000.O0 450.00 2,970.00 750.00 5~38o.oo 7~770.00 1;000.00 5,600.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 ,5~0.00 2,589.60 20,510.40 ~0,000.00 .5,000.00 3,000.00 600.00 4oo.oo 1,000.00 15,90o.0o ~5.o.oo 2~5o.oo ,6~2.00 24,0~0.00 86, oqo.0o 20,000.00 ADJOUNRED TOWN MEETING No. DEPARTMENT 5~. DISABILITY ASSISTANCE ~l VETERANS BENEFITS SCHOOLS - PHYSICIANS-Salaries 231,878.00 Expenses 57. STEVENS MEMORIAL LIBRARY-Salaries Expenses 58. PLAYGROUNDS-Bathing Beach - Salaries Expenses 59. PUBLIC PARKS, Triangles and Burying Grounds- Salaries-Expenses 3,500.00 60. ESSEX COUNTY RETIREMENT SYSTEM 61. CONTINGENT FUND 62. AMERICAN LEGION - Rental of Quarters v. . . . ITEMIZED TOWN REPORTS '69. COMMUNITY CENTER 70. RESERVE FUND to be a~propriated.from Overlay Surplus. $10,000.00 (not raised) 71. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS - Salaries 450.00 72. WATER MN~NCE & CONS,T.9 Salaries 25,000.00 Expenses INTEREST ON SCHOOL BONDS 75. DISCOUNT ON NOTES & WAGES ARTICLE I! 4,250.00 TOTALS $~!~!~, 877.67 AMOUNTS TO BE RAISE~ AND ~P PROPRIATED 1~. Decennial Census for 1955 11. DispOsing Center School 12. Police 'Department bill of 1948 11~.. Publishing Histor~ of The Town Rec'aulking Town Building Roof 19. Police Officer at Bathing Beach 20. Six playground instructors and supervisor 21. Playground supplies and special trips 22. Horseshoe Courts -playgrounds 23. Castle Tower (Junglegy~) playgrounds Repairs at Town Infirmary 2256~ Increase to all full-time employees. 28. Power Chain Saw 29. Power Brush Cutter 30. Three new police officers ~i H°s~e dryer for Fire Dept. Replacing and painting street signs Sidewalk projects Operate disposal site. 51. Building at disposal site. 52. Beacon Hill Blvd. From 0sgood Street 55. Care of School grounds ~ New float for 'American LegiOn Beach F~uoridation. of the water supply. Total Amount to be Raised and Appropriated 419 EXPENSES TOTAL 5,000.00 ~ 5,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 231,878.00 52, o~4.oo 4,000~00 2,000.00 1~,300.00 ~,000.00 ~,250.00 2,000.00 , 65o.oo ~,15o.oo 1~,259.5o l~,259.5o 2,000.00 2,000.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 .300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 14,570.00 1~,570.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 65.00 65.00 26,000.00 96,037.10 39,252.50 2,500.00 ARTICLE 27. " il. " i2. " i2. " ;8. " ~3 · " ~8 · " . "- " 75. AMOUNTS TO BE TAKEN FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS Moth Dept. new truck with wimh and equipment. New car for Police Dept. Towns share, Chapter 90, Highway Const. To meet County and State Share" " Chapter 90, Highway M,~utenance 2~ inch hose for Fire Dept. 1000. feet of Forestry hose Reduction of 195~ Tax aate 30" storm drain, Green St. from Waverly Rd.. 5 ton heavy duty truck- Highway Dept. New car for Public Works Gang-mower-tractor for Public Works Dralna~e & improve road on W.Bradstreet Rd. Sewer ~ystem, W.Bradstreet R~. Mifflin Dr. Water " " , ,, Drainage-improve Woodbridge Rd.-Mifflin Dr. Bewer System " " " ,, Drainage & imppove Rd. on Mifflin Drive. 510,899.10 450.00 '25,000.00 26,000.00 96,037.10 59,252.50 2,500.00 955,776.77 $5oo.oo 2,000.00 25O.OO 6,000.00 1,000.00 .koo.oo 1,250.00 500.00 15o.oo 225.oo 1,000.00 18,000.00 5oo.oo ~9o.oo 7,1445.00 Too.oo 200.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 5OO.OO 1,150.00 .8,000.00 1,000.00 1~000.00 $55,07o.oo 5,500.00 1,860.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 2,000.00 1,640.00 7OO.OO 30,000.00 4,200.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 ~,200.00 ~;,060.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 5,040.00 ~,700.00 1~,090.00 420 ARTICLE 76. ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 13, 1954 Amounts to be taken from Available Funds- Con~t. Sewer system Mifflind Drive from Douglas Rd. $4,000.00 Water system '" " 2,600.00 Water system Putnam Rd. Toward Mifflin Dr. 700.00 Total Amount to be Taken from Available Funds. $121,290.00 SUMMARY AMOUNT APPROPRIATED AT TOWN M~:'~:TING (Budget) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION GRAND TOTAL o7o.oo $1,01o,846.77 ARTICLE 6. Vo.ted to authorize the'~Town Treasurer with the approval of the Se&ectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of. the financial year beginning January l, 1955 and to issue a note or notes ~ 'therefor, paSable within one year, and to renew anynote or notes as may be gl,eh for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter ~, General Laws. The vote was unanimous and so declared. A~TICLE 7. Mr.~ Francis Kittredge reported for the School Building Committee on. the progres~ of the new High School. That upon its completion and opening of the next school season we shall have one of the best equipped and educational institutions in the County. ARTICLE 8. VOTED to authorike'the Board of Health to appoint one of their'~ members to the position of Board of Health Physffcain and to fixL~is compen- Sation in accordance with Section ~A Chapter [~ of the General aws in the amount of $750'.0q fpr the year 1954. This amovnt having been included in' th~ budget. A~TICLE 9. V0'~'~:~, to authorize the School Committee to appoint one ~ thei~ members to the. position of School Physicianand to fix his compensation in ' accordance with Section 4A, Chapter ~l of.the General Laws in the amount of $1,000.00 for the year 195~. This anount having been included in the budget. ARTICLE '10. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 fo~ the purpose of taki~g the Decennial Census for 1955, r~quired by ~w. ARTICLE .ll.-VOTED to raise smd appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 to pay the cost of ·disposing and removing from the land upon which it is located, the buildinE known as the Center School, upon such terms and conditions as the Board o~ Selectmen may determine. ARTICLE .12. VOTED to raise smd appropriate the sum of $250.00 fo~ the purpose of pg~Ing a bill deemed to be due, to the Harvey Radio Corporation for materials and ser~ulces provided to the Police Department in 19~8. The Board of'Selectmen being o~ the unanimous conclusion that non-payment of this bill in the year in which the services and materials were provided was due to a~confusion existing between .the Harvey Rad~o Co~poration and the Police Department, due to a notation on.the Harvey Radi~ Comporation statement as "final bill." ARTICLE'iJ. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000.00 go be expended by the Board of Selectmen in the completion of writing and publishing the history of the Town'of North Andover. · - .~ARTICLE .t~. VOTED to accept Phillips Court as a public way from Osgood Street to Pleasant Street as. shown on the plan approved by the Planning Board under date of December '7, 1955 smd filed with the Town Clerk. This road as a public way was adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen on January 18, 1954. ARTICLE '~ ~ VOTED to accept a strip of land, at t~e recuest of Kasper Kasperian at the c'orner of Middlesex smd Greene Streets to eliminate a very dangerous corner, with the provisio~ that the Town will remove the ~ection of stone wall bordering said 2and, said land described as follows: Beginning at~ a bound marking the intersection of the westerly line of Green~ Street with the northerly line of Middlesex Street; thence north- westerly, bY the northerly line of Middlesex Street, 18 feet to a point; thenc~ southerly, easterly and northerly, by a curve of 10.42 feet radius 21.43 ~eet to a point in the westerly line of Greene Street, thence south- erly, ~y the westerly line of Greene Street, 18 feet to the point of beginning, contaiDing 74 square feet, more or less. ARTICLE 16. Unfavorable action voted. The work of removing this' small wall can be taken· care of by 'the Highway Surveyor within his regular budget. ARTICLE ~7. V0'~D to postpone action at this time and to refer t.o~the next Annual ~own Meeting. ARTICLE ~8. VOTED to' raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 ~or the purpose of putting a new roof' on the Tow~ Building and recaulking certaih windows in the building to correct a condition caused by leaks under the wihdows. ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN MKETING MARCH 13, 195~ ~21 ARTICLE 19. VOT2D that $~00.00 be raised and appropriated for the services of a policeman at the Bathing Beach 4 hours daily, eigh hours Saturdays and Sundays for a 10 week period, to enforce 'the parking limited to North Andover residents; this figure to include the cost of oar sticke rs to be issued by said policeman ARTICLE 20. VOTED ~HAT $1,250.00 be raised and appropriated for 6 ~playground instructors and a supervisor for an eight-week period. ARTICLE 21. VOTED that $500.00 be raised and appropriated for playground supplies, this amount to include expenses of pr~e-playground workshops and special trips Tot .the playground children. ARTICLE 22. VOTED that the sum of $150.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of building an additional sand box and furnishing one new extra heavy duty work table for various playgrounds. ARTICLE 23. VOTED th~at $225.00 be raised and al~proprlated to furnish and in- stall Castle Tower (Junglegym) Amerlcs4n No. DCT 7'9" high, 13' overall diameter at Waverly playground. ARTICLE 2~. Stricken from ¥~arrant. ARTICLE 25. VOTED that $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated go make necessary repairs a~ the Town Infirmary ARTICLE 26. VOTED that $18,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the salaries and wages in each Town Department, ~o grant a $300.00 increase to all full- time employees. ARTICLE 27. VOTA1~ that $3,500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be used with the present 1946 ~ruck, to purchase a new 2 ton truck with a winch attached, all equipped. ARTICLE 28. VOTED that $500.00 be raised and appropriated for a purpose of a power chain saw ARTICLE 29. VOTED that $300.00 be raised and appropriated for the 'purchase of a Power Brush Cutter. ARTICLE 30. VOTED that $7,~1.~15.00 'be raised and appropriated, to be added to the Police Department appropriation to provide .for the appointment of three competent and qualified men, under Civil Service Rules, to be regular patrolmen. ARTICLE 31. VOTED that $1,860.00 be taken from available funds in ~he Town Treasury for the purchase of one new police cruiser, that the present one year-old police car can be retained for use as .the spare cruiser.. ARTICLE 32. VOTE~ that $7,500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town 2reasury to meet the Town's ~share of the cost of Chapter 90 'Highway Con- struction, and that in addition, the sum of~ $22,500.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the 'reimbursemen= from the 'State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Treasury. · ARTICLE 33- V0~ that $2,000.00 be taken from avallabl~ funds in the Tov~n Treasury for the purpose of this Article, to be expended by the Highway Surveyor under' Chapter 90 of the General Laws, together with any money which may ~be allotted for such purposses by the State or County or both. ARTICLE 34-.VOT~D that $1,640.00 be ~tak~n from available funds in the Town Treasury to purchase 1,000 feet of 2~ inch hose~ for the Fire Department. ARTICLE 35. VOTED that $700.00 be raised and appropriated to purchase a (Circul Air) hose dryer for the Fire Department. ~_RTICLE 36. VOTED that $700.00 be taken from availalbe funds in the Town Treasury to purchase 1,000 feet of foresty hose. ARTICLE 37. VOTED to allow~ the Assessors to close their office onSaturday mornings a.nd keep open on Wednesday afternoons instead, Chapter 265 Acts of 1947. ' ARTICLE 38. VOTED that $30,000.00 of available funds be used for the reduction of the 1954 tax rate. ARTICLE 39. Stricken from the Warrant. ~ .... ARTICLE 40. Stricken from the Warrant, to be referred to the Planning Board. ARTICLE ~l. Stricken from the "arrant. ARTICLE ~2. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 43. VOTED that $4,200.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to install a 30-inch drain from the present terminus of 'the 30-inch drain at the intersection of Greene Street~and "averly Road up Greene Street towards Massachusetts ~venue for a distance ofa rOXimatelpp Y 590 feet to connect with the existing 18-1ncl~ drain in Greene Otreet. other half. ARTZOLE ARTICLE ~8. ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN METING ~RCH l~, 19~ ARTICLE ~. VOTED that $200.00 be raised and appropriated for the 'purpose of painting and replacing street signs. ARTICLE ~5. VOTED that $2,000.00 be raised and ~ppropriated, to be used for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one-half the cost and the applicant the Stricken fEom Warrant. Stricken from Warrant. VOTED that $5,000.00 be taken from available funds in 'the Town Treasury to be used with whatever allowance can be obtained for a 19~7 dump truck for the purchase of a 5 ton hea~y duty dump ~ruck for the use of the Highway Dept. Provisions of Chapter 40, Section 4 B require calling for bids on purchases of this type. ARTICLE ~9. VOTED that $1,000.00 be raised a~d appropriated to dig ditches necessary to operate the disposal site. ARTICLE 50. Stricken from WarranT. ARTICLE 51. VOTED that $500.00 be raised and appropriated for a building at the disposal site for the bulldozer operator, which will also serve as a shelter for the bulldozer when not in use. ARTICLE 52. V0'I~ that $1,150.00 be raised and appropriated to construct a road on Beacon Hill Blvd., from 0sgood Street'~o Chickering Road Under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of betterments upon the property owners. ARTICLE 53. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE $~. Stricken from ~arrant. ARTICLE 55- VOTED t~et $8,500.00 be raised and a~propriated for ~bor and expenses in taking care of the School Grounds. ARTICLE 56. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 57. VOTED that $1,000.00 be raised and a~propriated to pr6vide a new float for the American Legion Bathing Beach. ' ARTICLE 58. VOTED that $1,000.00 be raised and 'appropriated to co~tlnue the Fluoridation of the water supply. ARTICLE 59- VOTED that $1,500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be used with the present Dodge Coupe to purchase a new automobile ~' for the Board of Public Works. ' ARTICLE 60. ~OTED..that $~,200.00 ~e taken from Available funds in the Town .Treasury to purchase a gang mower, tractor with loader, leaf mill and roller for use in Parks, Playgrounds and School G~ounds. ARTICLE 61. Stricken from "arrant. ARTICLE 62. Stricken from ~arrant. ?ARTICLE 63. Stricken from W~rrant. ARTICLE 6~. VOTED that $3,060 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury .. to ~extend the drainage system and improve th~road on West Bradstree= Road under Chapter 80 of the General Laws as' amended., to'be expended under the direction of ~the~Highway Surveyor, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized,~empowered and'.directed to take such ste~'s as provide for the assessment of 'betterments ~therefor u~Ider Chapter 80 as amended. No money to be spent until such time as utilities, (gas, sewer and water services have been installed.. ARTICLE 65. VOTE~ that $2,500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on West Bradstreet Road from.Mifflin Drive to Greene Street, subject tOthe conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, and with the further provision that construction of at least two additional houses shall have been started on or before June 1, 195~ 66. VOTED that $2,000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town · Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of, Extend ingOt he water system on West Bradstreet Road from the present terminus 550 feet~ to Mifflin Drive, on the following conditions: 1. That on or before June l, 1954, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of construction, as water rates, for a.perlod of 1~ years. 2. That on or before June l, 195~, the construction of at least t$o additional · houses shall have been started. ARTICLE 67. Stricken ARTICLE 68. Stricken ARTICLE 69. ARTICLE ?0. ARTICLE 71. ARTICLE 72. Stricken Stricken Stricken Stricken from Sarrant. from ~arrant. from Warrant. from Warrant. from Warrant. from ~arrant. ARTICLE 75. VOTED that $5,0~0.00 be taken from available funds in the Tovm Treasury to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor to extend the drainage system and improve the road on Woodbridge Road from Mifflin Drive to Tyler Road, under the provisions of Ch~ ter 80 of the General Laws, as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized and empowered and directed to take such steps as provide for the assessment of betterments therefor under Chapter 80 as amended. No money to be spent until, such time as untilitles ( Sewer, water and gas services have been installed. ARTICLE 7~. VOTED that t52,700.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury, to be e~pended by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on Woodbridge Road from Mifflin Drive to Tyter~.~Road. subject to the Assessments or betterment charges under the dondidions of Chapter 580 of the acts of 1906. ARTICLE 75. VOTED that $1~,090.O0be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor to extend the drainag~ system and improve the road on Mifflin Drive, under the provisions of Chapter ~0 of the General Laws as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take such steps as provided for the assessment of betterments therefor under said Chapter 80 as amended. No money .to be spent until such time as utilities, (gas, se~/~nd wate~ ~ervices have been installed. ARTICLE 76. V0'£ED that $~,000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by The Board of Public Works to extend the sewer on Mifflin Drive from Douglas Road to Bradetreet Road, ~ubJect to assessment~ or ~etterment charges under the conditions of Chapter ~0 of the Acts of 1906, and with the further p~ovision that~construction of at least one more house shall have been started on or before June 1, 195~. ARTICLE 77. VOTED that $2,600.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works to extend the water on Mifflin Drive 550 feet from Middlesex Street~ on the fo21owing conditions: 1. That on or before June l, 195~, the petitioners and/or owners make a ~arautee, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, of 'six percent of the actual cost .o~ construction, as water rates, for a period ~of l~ years. 2. That on or before June l, 195~, the construction of at least one additional house shall have been started.' ARTICLE 78. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 79. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 80. Stricken from.Warrant. ARTICLE 81. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 82. VO~'EI~ that $700.00 be takenfrom available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works to extend the water from the previous terminus on Putnam Road 200 feet toward Mifflin Drive, on the following conditions: 1. That. on or before June 1, guarantee, acceptable to actual cost of construction, 2. That on or before June l, 195~, the petitioners and or owners make a the Board of Public Works, of six ~ercent of the as water rates, for a ~rlod of l~years. · 195~, the petitioners and or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such form and smount as .the latter may require to assure the town that six months after the completion of the project the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have been so reconstructed and repaired, including, the instal~tlon of all necessary drainage systems therein as to meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certification c~ such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations for the Laying Out of Streets." ARTICLE 85, Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 8~. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 85. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 86. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 87. Stricken from ~arrant. ARTICLE 88. Stricken from ~arrant. ~ Motion made by Mr. W.B. Dully and duly seconded~ that a vote of appreciation be be given to the Moderator, Advisory Board and Town Clerk for the fine Jobe on this big warrant. So voted. Mrs. Lillian Dearden, Mrs. Angle Eelley, Miss Rose McEvoy, M~ss Rita Enaire, Jack Hegarty, and Alfred Garneau, assisted the Board of Registrars and Town Clerk in checking voters into the meeting. .. Mr. Sid Rea, James Bingham, Ray Beaudoin, John Thompson, David Roche, C~rl Thomas and Kenneth Rollins assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk in the cohnting of the hand votes when required. 424 ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MARC;; 13, 1954 Guests of the Town Meeting upon the invitation of the Town C~rk were the following students from foreign countries attending a Boston Business School. Mr. and Mrs. Jagsish Pareek from India. Mr. KulJas Batia from India. Mr. Khin Kyi from Burma, Mr. Chaim Titlas from Israel. and Mr. Jack Stevenson the local exchange teacher from England. All were introduced to the meeting by the Town Clerk and. received a warm welcome. All were dressed in native dress. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M. Approximately 400 voters were present. SP___ECIAL' TOWN MEETING FOLLOWI.NG ANNUAL___~JOURNED MEETING At the Special Town Meeting following the Annual Adjourned Town Meeting the following~articles were voted: ARTICLE 1. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 2. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 3. VOTED that $1,875.00 be raised and appropriated to be expended by the Moth Superintendent for spraying Gypsy Moth infested areas, which will not be covered by aeroplane spraying under State Supervision. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M. A tr~e copy ATTEST. O , .yons. owl1 ~ er . FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 195~.- Date Sworn May 28, appointed to Reserve Police Force. John J. Connors. Fred McCormack Peter Ritchie. S. Forbes Rockwell 0tin Foster Nora Foster James J. Dooley Edward J. Ellsey Albert E. Houle Domenic Reitana John C. Farnum John M. Barrell Patrick Driscoll John J. Wilcox Albert Johnson Dr. Edward C. Bulger James J. Maker James J. Maker Bernard Bingham Ernest J. Roberts John H. Fenton Alfred R. McKee Albert Schofield. Roland Ambiehl Alexander Ness Frederick Salois John J. Lyons Joseph J. Senia Rene Beaulieu Walter Stamp, Jr. Frank Howard Fred Chmis tie William McEvoy Sylvester Murphy Philip Midgley Charles Zuill John T. Dola~ John J. Donald E. Hilton Frank W. Lee Malcolm Hamilton Carl R. Thomas William P. Callahan John Farnum Edward Towne Archie Gourley Lilliam B. John J. Thompson Fred Kielling. Robert J. Burke Rober~ He~ William Lafond 1954. Leo J. Galeazzi, Moth Superintendent Registrar ( 3 years) Brd of Appeals (5 Years) Civil Defense Director Supt. Town Infirmary ~/~5~ Matron " " ' Public Weigher Surveyor, wood bark, lumber Fence Viewer Animal .Inspector ~9~5.~. Custodian Tax Title Property Auctioneer" " 3~26~54 Veterans Agent. Sealer,. Weights & Measures. Special Civil Constable Keeper of Look-up Special Police Officer. Wiring Inspector /26 Special Police Officer. Slaughtering Inspector · Public ~elgher Burial Agent [~/12/5~ Ph.ilip T. Miller and Ernes: A. Roberts Oath of Office, June 1, 1954 3Z19Z54