HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-14 APPOINTMENTS FOR THE TEAR 1954 Lilllan Marshall Recreational Council Nicho2a s ~vangelos " Elizabeth Elliot " Carl Thomas " Nathaniel Archer " Philip Sutcliffe " William McEvoy "~ Elmer Jackson " Domenic Bonnano " Warren Stanwood " John Cu ~shing " (Con't.) 4/7/54 January 29, 1954 Donald Thomson appointed Acting Fire Chief. WARRANT Essex ss: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed~ to ~otify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover. cualified to .~otein.'~'own ffai~s, to.~eet in the Town Hall in sa. id Ngr~th Andover on we~nescay evening, the £~th day of Anril 1954 at 7.WO o czock, P.M., then and there to act on the followln~ business. Su RTI~CLE !: To se9 if~the Tgw~. will_ ~vote to accept the extension of Heath oac runnmng wes=_anc north from ~onnson Street to into intersection witl tton Hill Road 475 feet westerly and southerly 1.200 feet to the southe boundary of land now or~ formerly owned by ~rances S. Barrows, as shown the~plan ~iled in the '~bwn ~lerk:s office; the whole said distan.ce to be known as ~utton Hill Rod. Petition Boar~ of Selectmen. · ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote ~to raise and~appropriate, or provide ,by bo.nd issue, or transfer from available funds$ a sufficient sum of money ~o .ex~end th~esewe? ~syste~m on_Moody ~treet from hadwick Streeteto the resm~ence cz ~'ran~ ~ran~e. ~etiton of D~vis McKee, Frank Grande and others RT I~CLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to r~ise and anoropri~e; or ~ y on.nd i~s.s~ue, ~or. transfer.from available funds, a sufficient_sum of~money o expense ~ne cra',nage eye=em and imnrove the ~oad on Putnam ~oad from Greene ~treet to Mifflin' Drive, unde~ Chapter ~0 of the General Laws pro- ~vi.d.ipg for~the ~ss~e~ssmen~t .o~ Bettermen~ts upon the property owners. ~S~Z~on CZ ~. ~roJ~2 an(~ O~llers.. A~RTICLE ~. ~T.o ~see ~If..the Town w$11 vote to r~ise~ and .appropriat~ or 'take from avamzaoze caen =ne sum of $750.00 tD provide an ~ncrease of $1~0.00 to each of the five school custodians. Petition of Carl A. Thomas & others . .~-RTICLE $, To see if the Town wil~ vote to raise and anoronriate or take from ayah!able funds in the TOWn reasury, the s~m of $2,250,00 for the purpos~e of.p?oviding a. car fgr thee Chief of the ~ire Department for officia~, use on~y, r~.~s car ~o ~e ~qulope~ with a two-way radio. ~ Petition of onald' M. 'l~omson'and others. · · ~RT~CLE ~. ~To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the y ,.a.w by changing from Agricultural to Business, the following described parcez of land. A ?rceI of land on theeasterly side of 0sgood Street and described as follows. Be~innin~ at a point in the easterly side of 0sgood Street ..... at land of George R. Bar,er known aso the "GaEe Woodland" .' _bt ..... ence nor~uer±y, ny cna eastemly line of 0sgood Sreet_218 feet to a State Highwa' bound at the.southerly en~ o~f a .curve of 1.669.9~. feet radius ~ again' northerly, by the above ment_oned curve, 57 fee~. thence eas' B .feet; thence southerly 241 feet, bya line ~w~ich is 150 feet easte and. parallel to the first described course, thence westerly 161 ' Land · of said Barker to the point of beginning. Petition of Daniel ~ :oth,ers ~ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to_raise and annropria~te or nrovide · ~iby bond issue, or· transfer~from availabl~e zunds, $750.D~ to ex=end t~e sewer ' system on Linden Avenue an~ accented street from Sylvan Terrace 170 feet. Petition of ~anta A. DiMauro an~ others. b~T~ICLE 8. To see if the~ Tokvn Will .v~te to~rat~se.and aopronria~te, or pro.vtd, oond ie~sue~ or transfer zrom avam~able funds $~00.0D to' ex~en~ the wa~er system on Lincen Avenue an accepted ~treet 250 feet from the previous 'terminus. Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others. ' ~RTbIConL~d ~sTo see if t~e Town will vote to raise and anpropriate, or · y. d ue, o~ transfer from available fu~ds $1 000.00 to extend ~wa.~.e?.syste~moon."r~gh_t.~venue 2~0 .f~eet from ~ut~on ~treet. . rel~l~lon oI' anco ~ l;1.~auro an(x o~nerso · ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town· will vote ~o raise and aonropriate, or transfer from available funds the sum of $5,425.00 f~r ~he~purDose of re- stori~n$ .to t~.e budg~et~ of the~School Committee said sum of .~,425.00 which ~as_ge£e.~e.d.oy' thee ._~vi_s~o_r~ ~oard in its recommendation to the Annual Town ~'~ee~zng~ne&~ ~arcn ±5- z~- and which is, in'the considered opinion of the School Committee. ~ee~ed ro~ the prope~ operation of t he educational program during 1954. Petition of the Ochool Committee. ARTICLE,S. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or trans- f~er sfrpm ~av~ailable fu.nds, the sum of $6,520.00 to be ad~§d bo the budget of ~ne cnoo~ ~ommittee~n order that the personhel of the chool Department may, in fairness, receive the same increases_in p~aoy a.s we.re voted to all reg~ lar employees of the ~own at the Annual Town Meet.mng held on March 1~, 1954.~ Petition o~ the School Committee. At the ~peclal Town Meeting he~d in the Town Hall, Wednesday evening, April 1~, 1954 at 7:50 P.M. The following is the vote on the Article in the Warrant. ARTICLE 1. VOTED to accept the extension of Heath ~oad running west an~ north from Johnson Street to its intersection with Sutton Hill Eoad ~75 feet, thence Sutton Hill noad westerly and southerly 1,200 feet to the southerly boundary of land now or formerly ovmed by Frances S. Barrows, as shown on the plan filed in the Town Clerks Office; the whole said distance to be knov~ as Sutton Hill Road. ARTICLE 2. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 5-' VOTED that $~,615.00 be raised and appropriated ~o?extend the'drain- age system and improve the road on Putnam Road from Greene Street to Mifflin Drive, under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the A~sessment of Betterments upon the property owners. ARTICLE ~. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 5- V0~l'~l~ that $2,250.00 be t~(en from available funds in the Town Treasury to be' expended by the Board of Fire Engineers, for the purpose of ~providing~a, car.for the Chief. of the Fire ~epartment for official use only~ this car to be ~quipped with a two-way radio. ARTICLE 6. Stricken from WarranD. ARTICLE 7. Stricken from Warrant, but modified by vote of permission given to petitioners to do same and assttmming full cost of same with satisfactory' approval of Board of. Public Works. ARTICLE 8~'S~i6E~h ~b~ Warrant, but modified by vote of permission given to petitioners to do same and assumming full cost' of same with satisfactory approval of Board. of Public Works. ARTICLE 9- .Stricken from ¥~arrant. ARTICLE 10. V0'l'~ that $5,~25.00 be raised and a~p~opriated for the purpose of restoring to the budget of the School Committee said sum of $5,~25.00 which was deleted by the Advisory Baird in its recommendation to ~t~e A~tuual Town M~eting held March 15, 195~ and which i% needed for the proper operation of the educational program during 195~. ARTICLE ll. VOTED that $6,270.00 be raise~and~ appropriated ~o be added to the budget of the School Committee in order that the personnel of the School Department may, in fairness, receive the same increases in pav as were vo~ed · to all regula? ~mployees of the Town' at tha Annual Town Meeting held on March !5, 195~. ~ Me~t~ng adjourned'at 8:25 P.M, Approximately ~00 voters were present. aid ~ea, Fred Phelan, William~Whittaker, Phil Sutcliffe, Donald Auderson, and Charles Vincent assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk in taking the hand vote cot~ut when.necessary. ,~,The~ Board of~,Regist~ars checked voters~i~o ~e ~eting.. ATTEST: ~ ! Tow~lgr~.~ W A R R A N T Commonwealth-.of MassachUsetts To either of the Constables of the Town~ of No~th~Andover. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachuse=ts you are hereby directed y and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet in the ~T6wn Hall,.in said North Andovsr on ~uesday evening, the ' 15th day of June, 195~ at eight o'clock P.M., then and there to act on the following business: ARTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to continue Rent Control for an'additional ~heriod, ~o.t exceeding nine months from June'50, 195~ in accordanc~ with apter 4~4, Acts of 1955, Section 1~. Petition of the Board or-Selectmen. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will modify as far as ~may be necessary the acti. taken at the 195~Annual Town ~eeting Under Article ~l'(Wright Avenue water extension) and Article 85 (Cotuit Street water extension~ as as.to permit the Board of Public Works to allow the petitioners under Article 81 and Article 8~ to mal~ the water extensions requested at their own expense under the direction of the Board of Public Works'. Petition of the Board of Public Works. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant hy p~sting't~ue and attested copies thereof at t~e Town Hall, and at five or more public places in each - voting precinct. Said copie~ to be~posted not more than fifteen'.days nor less than ten days before the ~tim~' of holding said meeting. He~eof,~ Fail not, and make du'e return of.this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North And~ver, Massachusetts. the 28th day o~ May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-four. SPECIAL TOWN ~.~ETING APRIL t~, 195~ CON'T. you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies' thereof, at the Town Hall, and at five or more public pla in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted 'not more than fifteen days. nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make duereturn of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts~ the 29th day of Narch in the year of our Lord one thousand nine huudred fifty-four. JOHN J. WILL.rS Board ARTHUR P. KIRK of WILLiAm{ A. FI~{ERAN SELECTMEN A true copy, ATTEST. /s/ ALEXANDER NESS, JR. Constable. 0FFICER~ S RETURN I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in e ach voting precinct. Said copies' having been posted not more than fifteen days nor le ss than ten days before the time of-holding said meeting. /s/ ALEXA~3DER NESS, JR. CONSTABLE. ATTEST. No. Andover, Mass. April 3, t95~. ......................... /_sf JO N ......