HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-10-18R C0U T 0F RE? L!C N PARTY ( EPRES TATIV S C0U T 5th ESSEX COUNTY. HELD IN TOWN CLERKS OFFICE ~0NDAY SEPT~iBEE 20, 195~ Prec. 1. 2. ~. ~ Total Frank S. Giles, Jr. .~9 Smith Ave. Nethuen. William Longworth 2~ Stevens St. Methuen Lillian Bralnard .~6 Lowell St. Nethuen~ ~ames H. Clifford 28 Lawrence St. Nethuen 'T~omas J. Slack 21 High St. ~ethuen Sidney P. White A~illa ~oad. Andover. Arthur Williams 127 Haverhill St. Andover. Blanks Counting started at 7:50 P.~. and finished Board of ~egistrars were assisted by Con and Harry Nichelmore in the Counting and 169 ii6 9 z5 19 l? 4z 18 65 63 68 48 ll9 ll9 63 at 8:20 P.M. lO3 30 18' lO5 13o 349 Town Cle Hegarty, A1 °arneau, Phil Busby conducting of recount. WARRANT O0i~,i0~.';EALTH OF ~SSACHUSETTS. To either of the Constables of the Tov~ of North Andove~. GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and wa~n the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote'in To%~ affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium!n said North Andover on Monday evening, the eighteenth day of October, 195~ at eight o'clock P.M., then and there to act on the following business. ~RTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to transfer Ehe sum of $5,000.00 from the 01d Age Assistance AccoUnt to the Outside Relief and Repairs Account. Petition of the Board'of Public Welfare. ARTICLE 2. To see if the ~ov~ will vote totransfer the sum of ~,500.00 from the Aid to Dependent Children Accotuut to the Outside Relief and Repairs Account. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare. ARTICLE 3. To see if the town willvote to raise and ~propriate the sun{ of $5,~000.00 for the purpose of preparing a tov,~-wide plan for desirable growth of North .~udover in accordance with the statute, also preparing a comprehensive revision of the zoning by-la~ and zoning map of the Tov~ of North Andover based on such town-wide plan, with t~aid of a competent professional planner, and ~ner. Petition of the Planning Board. ARTICLE ~. To see ~f the town will vote to accept a gift of $1,~85.65 from a fund raised from a privabe source for community purposes du~ing Wor~ War I and transfer this amount to the Civil Defense Account. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 5- To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or from available funds the sum of $950.00 to be expend6d with the aforemen- tioned $1,483.65 by the Director of Civil Defense. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attes. ted copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at five or more public places in eadh voting precinct. Said coPies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said mee' He~eof, fail not, and make due re~rn of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given unde~ our hands at Korth Andover, Nassachusetts, the 2~th day of September in the year of our Lord 195~. JOHN J. WILLIS Board ARTHUR P. KIRK of WILLIAM A. FII~ERAN Selectmen. A true copy , ATTEST: 0c tober 1954. Constable. OFFICER' S RETURN I have notified the inhabitants of~ the To~,~ of North Andover qualified to vote in To%~ affairs, by posting true and attensted copies of this warrant at the Town hall and at five or more public places in each voting precint. Said copies having been poste~ not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. ATTEST; Octet, er 7, 195~ ' North Andover, ~ase. . SPECIAL T0w : mETmNG HELD 0CTOBER 18, 195 At the Special ~own ~'leet~ng he~d in the ~radstreet School Auditorium on Monday evening ctober l~, 1954 at 8 P.M., the following was voted: ARTICLE 1.. V0~ED to transfer the sum of $3,000.00 from the 01d Age Assistance Account to the Outside Eelief and Repairs Account. AETICLE 2. VOTED to transfer the sum of $3,500.00 from the Aid to Dependent Children Account to the Outside Relief and Repairs Account. ~TICLE 3. VOTED To take from available funds in the Town Treasury the sum of $5,000.00 for the purpose of preparing a town-wide plan for desirable growth of North Andover in accordance with the statute, also preparing a comprehensive revision of the zoning by-law and zoning map of the Tovm of North Andover based on such town-wide plan, with the aid of a competent professional planner and zoner. It was further voted thst said sum shall be expended, under the direction of the Planning Board, in such manner as to take the fullest possible advantage of such g~ants of assistanse as may now or hereafter be available from the federal government, under the provis- ions of the Federal Housing Act of 195~, or other federal legislation, and said board shall take all steps necessary to entitle the Town to all such federal aid. ARTICLE ~ VOTED to accept a gift of $1,~83.63 from a I~und raised from a private source for community purposes during World War I and transfer this amount to the Civil Defense Account. ARTICLE 5. VOTED To take from available funds in the Town Treasury the sum of ~950.00 to be expended with the aforementioned $1,~83.6~ by the Director of ivit Defense. Meeting opened at 8 P.M., by Town Clerk John J.Lyons in theabsence of the Moderator. Nominations were cal~'ed for a temporary Moderator for the evening, John J. Willis, Chmm of the Board of Oelectmen was electe_d temporary Moderator. All of the above articles were of unanimous vote. sixty three (63) registered voters were present and checked by the Board of negistrars. ~eetiRg adjourned at 8:25 P.M. ATTEST: '~ · WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts ESSEX SS: To 'either of the Bonstables of the Town of North Andover:: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required 'to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote for State, District and County Officers and upon all questions apprearing on the ballot, to meet and assemble in the designated and appointed polling places in Precincts One, Two, Three and Four. The Bradstreet School in Precint One (1). the Engine House in Precinct Two (2). The Thomson School in Precinct Three (3) and the Kittredge School in Precinct Four (~). ' TUESDAY, the SECOND DAY OF NOVEMBER 195~. at 7 o~clock in the forenoon, to bring into the Town Clerk and Electio~ Officers the vo~es for: Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary Treasurer Auditor Attorney General Senator in Congress Congressman, Seventh District Councillor, Fifth District Senator, ~th Essex District Representatives, Three, Fifth Essex Dist. General Court. District Attorney, Eastern District Register of Probate and Insolvency, Essex County County Commissioner, One, .Essex County. County Treasurer, Essex County-- And upon the following questions: 1. (A). Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all .alcoholic beverages, (whiskey, rum, gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic beverages)? YES NO. (B). Shall licenses be granted in this town for the ~ale therein of wines and malt beverages, (wines and beer, ale and all other malt beverages? YES-NO. "~' ~"'('C).' Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale there~n of all alcoholic beverages in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises. YES - NO.