The North Andover Board of Selectmen has directed that a proclamation be
issued setting apart the week of June sixth through June twelth as CENTENNIAL
In so directing, it is the public and open intent of the Board to pay due
honor to our predecessors over the many years. It is fitting thr~t this
Proclamation take cognizance of the aggregate years in which vigilant and
civic minded citizens discussed, argued, clarified and passed resolutions
to further economic Justices to all in the Town of North Andovar: to ensure
and strengthn rights of citizenship and obligations and duties for all alike
regardless of sex, race, creed or color.
It is fitting, too, for the Board to Honor all who have, in the past and in
the present, advised and cooperated in the further development of North Andover~
public facilities, and in particular, in thedevelopment of its educational,
recreational and cultural establishments, both public and private.
A spirit of liberty and friendship has been fostered through the Passing years,
and we in 1955 are the recipients of a broad and all embracing civic peace and
community harmony. Each m~u, woman and child of North ~ndover is, in a
definite sense, a custodian of all these gifts of liberty and public integrity
and community pride in our institutions. It is the role of a guardian, then,
to protect,, preserve sa~ely and to hand on to others such peace-producing
Tods~, as we pray together to Almighty God for a lasting peace, we must also
pay tribute to the people of North Andover of the past 100 years wo have exhibi~e
their sincerity, interest and loyalty in the chapters of history of the Town
cf North Andover.
Selectmen of the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts, dc hereby set aside
week of J/;NE 6 through JUNE 12, 1955 as CENTENNIAL WEEK. In North ~ndover
Massachusetts and request that the citizens of this Town cooperate and
enjoy in its observance of 100 years since Ints incorporation in April 1855.
Given this 12th day of January 1955, The Honorable Board of Selectmen.
Written by: JOHN Jj LYONS, Town Clerk of North Andover.
Essex ss:
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
directed to notify andwarn the inhabitiants of North Andover, qualified to
vote in elections and town affairs, To meet in the Bradstreet School in
Precinct One, the Engine House in Precinc~ Two, the Thomson School in Precinct
Three and the Kittredge School inPrecinct Four, in said North Andover on
Monday, the seventh day of March, 1955 at nine o~clock in the forenoon, then
and there to act upon the following article:
ARTICLE 1. To elect ~ Moderator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Highway Surveyor,
Collector of Taxes, ~ree ~arden~ Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of
Public Welfare and Five Constables for one year; one ~ssessor of Taxes, two
Members of the School Committee, one Member of the Board of Health, one Member
of~the Board of Public Works for three years, one Member of the Planning Board
~for five years, one member of the Planning Board for the unexpired term of
four years and one member of the Housing Authority for five years.
All to ye voted upon one ballot, The polls shall open at nine o'clock A.M.
and shall be closed at eight o'clock P.M.
After final action on the preceding Article One, the said meeting shall stand
~dJourned by ~irtue of Section 4, Article One of the Town By-laws, to Saturday~
arch 19, 195) at one-thirty o'clock P.N. in the North Andover High School ·
Auditorium then and there to act on the following articles.
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by
ARTICLE ~. To see if the town will vote to accept the report of receipts and
expenditures as presented by the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the town will take as to its unexpended
ARTICLE 5. To see what action the town will take as to the recommendations of
the Advisory Board.
from available
saw (pur6hased
~rom available
ARTICLE 6. To see if the tova~ will vote to authorize 'the Town Treasurer,
with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in
anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January l, 1956
and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew
...any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in
accordance with Section 17, Chapter ~, Genera1 Laws.
" ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of allspecial committees.
ARTICLE 8. To see if the town willvote to authorize the Board of ~ealth .to
appoint one of their members to the position of Board of Health Ph sician
GeneralLaws. .
to fix his compensation in accordance with °ection ~A, Chapter ~l,Yof the and
ARTICLE 9.. To ,see if the town will vote to authorize the School Committee to
apoint one of its members to the ~position of .School ,Physician and to fix his
compensation in accordance with Section hA, Ohapter 41, General Laws.
ARTICLE.lO. To see if the Town will
........ · on. =e=z~on or the Boar~'600'00 to be used for the Centennla]'
8f Selectmen.
ARTICLE.. ll. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate 'or =ransfer
from available funds the sum of $2,}06.~4 for the purpose of adding ex~ended
coverage endorsement to the fire insdrance, covering town property.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to accept Beacon Hill Boulevard as a
public way from 0sgood Street to Chtokering Road 'as shown on plan on file in
the Town Clerk,s Office. Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 15~ To-see what action the Town will take to close the Town~ Infirmary.
Petition of the Board of Public Welfare.
ARTICLE 14. 'To see if the Town will raise and a r ' '
~available ~funds, the sum of .~6 ~00 ~ ~ ...... PP opt.late, or transfer fr
~a~e ooard of Health. ~Petitio~ ~f-t~aSred=o°,°P~e~=r~a.te,,?~ro~m the ~ssachu~,
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate .or transfer
~fro.m available funds, the sum of $~,050.00 ,for the purchase of an automobile
uo ce used by the Welfare Department to make the visits to recipients-as
required by law. Petition of the Board of PUblic Welfare.
ARTICLE 16.. To. see if. the Town will raise and a ror . '
determined oy ~e Advisory Board, to be ex-o~PP~r-P~.iat-e .the sum to be
Comm/t~ee for a study of the immedia=e school-buildi n
Petition of the School Buildin= Commi+ ......... n~ eeds of the Town.
-~ ~ =u o~' r2~eOchool Committee.
~RTI~CLE 17. To see if the Town
for six playground instruc=ors will raise and appropriate the sum'of.$1,~88.00
'week?period. Petition of the Board of Selec~men on recommendation of the
RecreatioHal?Council. and a supervisor, a six hour .day for an'elght
~ee if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $625.00
purchase two Regulation Ply-wood Ping-Pon~ tables, one each for Waverly
and Drummon~ Playgrounds, build two Shuffleboard courts', one each for Waver!y
and Drummond Playgrounds. Enlarge a'storage closet at D~ummond Playground.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational
Co .uncil.
ARTICLE 19. To see if .the Town will raise and appropriate the sum~cf $500.00
for the services of a Police Officer at the .Bathing Beach four hours daily,
e. ight hours on Saturday and Sundays for a ten week period, to enforce car
parking limited to North Andover residents: this figure to incldde the cost of
car stickers. Petitl6n of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the
Recreational Council.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town
of~°m~=a_v~ailabl~e funds the sum ofwill vote to raise and appropriate.or transfer
$729.00 for the purchase cf a safe for the
~e 'A'own ~'reasurer~s Office. Petition of 'James J. ~aker. use
ARTICLE 21. To s_ee if th.e Town will vote to raise and a
from available ZlAnds the sum of $57. o ~'~ ppr_o~rlate or transfer
~or use in the Town Treasurer, s Office. Petition of James J. Maker.
..... 0 ..... the purchase ox' a filing cabinet
see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer
fUnds the sum of $325.00 to be used with the present power ch~
1948) to purchase a power chain saw. Petition of ~ohn J. Conn,
see if the Town willvote to raise and appropriate or transfer
. funds, the sum of '$1,670.00 to be used with the 1955 police car,
to purchase. .a new police cruiser. Petition of Alfred H. McEee, Chief.
ARTICLE 24...To.see if the Town Will vo=e to'raise and appropriate or' t~ansfer
from available funds, the sum of $585.00
revolvers for all regUlar members of the to purchase 12 Colt "Marshall"
Petition of Alfred H. McEee, Chief. Police Department.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town willvote that all full time employees of the
Town~ other than those ~appointed by the ~chool Committee, be granted sick leave,
with pay, of fLecemn (15) d~ys during, each year of service, such leave, if not
used during, the year, or remaining portion thereof, be allowed to accumulate to
a total of sixty working days. For absence of a period of more than five days~
the appointing authority may require evidence in the foz~of a physician' s state-
ment for the neces~slty of such absence. Petition of Eobert L. Sanb. orn and others.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the heads of ~the Departments
in the Town of North Andover to grant all regular full time Tovm employees in
their respective Department's a two weeks annual vacation with pay.
Petition of George A. ~arey and others.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to use the sum of $30,000,00 from
available funds to reduce the 1955 tax rate. Petition of Board of ~ssessors.
ARTICLE '28. To see if ~the Town will v~te to raise and appropriate the sum of
$625.80 to purchase 500 feet of new l~" hose for the Fire Department.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.,
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and aopro~riate~ the sum 0f
($825.00 to purchase 500 feet of new 2~" hose for the F~re epartment.
Petition of the Board of Fi~e Engineers.
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ~propriate the sum of
$500.00 to purchase a two-way radio to install .in the ambulance.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. .
-ARTICLE ~l. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate t~he sum of
$2,?75.9~ to be added to the Fire Department Appropriation to provide for the.
appointment of one competent and qualified men under Civil Servlc~ Tules to be
a regular firefighter. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.
ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vo~e to raise and ~ppropriate 'the sum of
$~50.00 to purchase a two-way radio to be ~installed in the Fores~ Fire Truck.
Petition of Forest Fire Warden, ~ames P. Daw.
ARTICLE ~3. To. see if the Town will raise and appropriate o~ transfer from
available funds the sum of $3,?00.00.for the purchase of a garbage truck fully
equipped. Petition .of theBoard of Health.
ARTICLE 3~. To se~ if the Town will raise and mppropriate or 'transfer from
available funds the sum of $5,300.00 for salaries, wages and ~intenanoe to
operate and maintain the ~-~u'ck in the above article.
Petition of the Board of Health
ARTICI~ 35. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,800.00
for the purchase of a Notor Grader for the use of ~the Highway Department..
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00
to be used for a sidewalk project: the Town to pay one-~alf the cost and the'
applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 3?. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00
for the repairing of sidewalks d~-ged d~tng the hurricanes.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of'$200.00
for the purpose of painting and replacing street signs.
Petition of the Highway S~veyor.
ARTICLE 59. To see 'If the ~Town will rinse and' appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 ~'
dig dltch~s necessary to operate the Disposal $ite~
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~0. To see if theTow~ will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00
~or maintenance o~ any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws,
said money to be used in conjunction wii~h money which may be al lotted by the
.State or County 6r both'for this purpose; or t'ake any other action in
~e~ation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~l. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500.00
for the ~urther rebuilding of Great Pond Road uz~der ~hapter 90 of the General
Laws, said money to be used with any money allotted by the State or County o~'
both for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~.~ To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum~of $1,600.00
f_or ~t.he purchase .of a~ one-haler ton pick-up truck for the use of the Highway
~epar~ment. A 19~? pick up (Chevrolet) to be turned in, in trade.
Petition of the Highway S~veyor.
ARTICLE ~3. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $600.00
for the purchase of a Hydraulic Sand Spreader for the us of the Highway Dept.
The total cost of the spreader is $1100.00 but $500.00 will be paid for rental
on the spreader~which will reduce the cost to $600.00.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,21~.5~
to extend the present drain on Prescott Street from Summit Avenue to Moody
Street. 520 feet of fifteen inch and eight inch pipe and four catch basins
wil~ be required to complete this project. 'Petition of the Highway SurveYor.
ARTICLE ~5. To see if~the Town will raise and~appropriate the sum_of $2~51.57
to extend the existing storm drain on Linden Avenue to, Woodstock Street. About
52~ feet ~f l0 and 8 pipe and four catch basins, needed for.this project.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ~.
ARTICLE ~6. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $6,.5~5.50
to extend the present drain on Green Street from Trinity Court to Linden
~About ~62 feet of 50" pipe and 60 feet of 8" pipe with fivecatch basins will
be needed to complete this project. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~7. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $6,589.5(
toinstall a drain on Waverly Road. This drain willbegin at a point about'
2~0' northerly from ~argateRoad and flow SoutherlYwalongWaverly Road to a
2' and 5' stone box culvert. This culvert crosses ~verly Road at a point
about 100t southerly at Earengo Street And needs cleaning at its inlet. About
920 feet of 15", 12" and 8" pipe and 8 catch basins will be needed for this'
proJect.~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE'S8. To see if the ToWn will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$5,000,00 to be expended at the direction of the Director of Civil Defense to
be used fo~ the purchase and~ installa'tlon of an emergency generator power ttuit
to providepower for the Town Building, Fire Department, Police Department and
town yard in the event of emergency power failur,
'Petition of the Civil Defense Director and Fire Chief.
ARTICLE ~9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~the sum 6f
$3,500.00 to be expended at the direction of the Director of Civil Defense
for the purChaSe of radio communications equipment for use by '~he fire depart.
ment and the office of Civil Defense. Petition of 'Civil Defense Director
and Fire Chief.
~RTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approprlate'the sum of
$2,000.00 to be expended at the Direction of the Director of Civil Defense.fo=
the purchase of radio-activity.monitoring system and such other operational
costs as may arise in conjunction with proper and efficient ~onduct of the
Office of'Civil Defense Activities. Petition of Civil Defense Director. ·
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisi~n of Section
105~ of Chapter 55 of'the General Laws that any person in the service of the ~
Town shall be entitled during his annual tour of duty of not,exceeding 15 day~
~s a member of the Organized Reserve of the Army of the United States, or of
the United States Naval Reserve Forces,~to receive pay therefor, without
of his. ordinary remuneration as an employee or official of the. Town, and shall
also be entitled to the same leaves of absence or vacation with pay given to
other like employees or officials.
'Petition of Edward C. Garvey, 182 Middlesex street and otherS. .
ARTICLE 52..To see if the Town will vbte to raise and appropriate, or Provide
by bond issue, or ~ransfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money, to
install a surface water drain at a' point on Chickering Road where, the drainage
water passes under said road near the intersection of'Pleasant Street, and. to
carry said drainage by pipes to Cochickewick Brook.
Petition of Steve nelbrick, 286 Pleasant Street and othe~s.
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Tow-nwill v~te to rais~ and appropria~e, or provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds the sum of $5,5~.00 to e~tend
the dralnage~Jsystem from the present terminus of Prescott Street northerly
about 15~2 feet to the southerly end of that portion of Moody Street as acce
ted in 1958, .Thi's will require .about. 108Greet of 15", 10"i and 8" pipe_and
eight Catch basins. The. above mentioned work to be done under Chapter ~0 of
the General Laws providing for the~assessment of ~etterments upon.the ~
owners. Petition of Howard Beeley, 55 Moody ~treet and others.
ARTICLE 5~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
by bond issue or transfer from available .funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the drainage system underground on Wentworth Avenue l~0 feet from ~
ChadwlckStreet. Petition of ~ouis F. Sirois, 92 Beverly Street and others~
'ARTICLE 55.~To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from
available ~unds, a sufficient Sum or'money to provide an adequate drain under
Academy R6ad. Petition of G.P.Clark, 139 0sgood Street and others.
ARTICLE 56.' To s~e if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from
~vailable funds $~,000.00 to enable the Board of Public Works to conduct well
easing and screen tests tb deter~ine the dependable yield of water in accordance
with the Massachusetts Dep~rtment of Public Health directives.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will rlase and sppropriate or transfer from
available funds $1,200.00 to replace the 1927 Chlorinator at the Pumping Station
~ith a new and larger chlorinator. Petition of the Board of Public Works..
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will riase and appropriate or transfer from
available funds $1,~00.00 to be used with the present Dodge pickup' truck to
purchase a new pickup truck. Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will' raise an'd appropriate o~'otherWise' provldem
$~00.00 to..~e added~t0 the unexpended appropriation made under Article- 62, []
1955 to make such extensions of the water main system, under the reguSatlons ~
voted at the annual town meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on Oc$ober
first, considers most necessary, such exteDslons not having been petitioned for
at the annual meeting. .Pet~tion of the Board~of Public Works.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will riase .and appropriate or transfer fro~
available funds $500.00'to replace the old backstop at Dr,,mmond Field with ~'
new woven wire backstop. Petition of the Board .of Public'Works.
ARTICI~E 61. To see if the Town will raise a~d appropriate or transfer f~om
available funds $%,000.00 to repair and Gun~te.the pav~d slopes of the
1,500.000 gallon reservoir constructed In1956.
Petition of the Board of Pu~llc Works.
,ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, c~'provide
by bond issue, or' transfer from avatlable funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the sewer system on the following s~reets~on petition of the persons'
named and others.:
1.) Pemb~ook Road,. 500'feet from Mifflin Drive towards Tyler, Road.
.'Alph0nse'R. Brien, Woodbrtdge Road.
· . 2.) Massachusetts Avenue, 760 feet easterly from Chickering Road.
~ Alfred E. McEvoy, 681 Massanhusetts Avenue.
~.) Mount Vernon Street, ~15 feet from Prescott Street.
Nora A. Smith, 8~ Main Street.
· ~.) M~In Street from the,p=esent terminus ~o a distance of .~5.~e~$ easterly · towards Osgood Street. Daniel A. Greco, lll Main Street.
5.) Court Str&et 1~00 feet' from 0sgood'St~eet towards Academy Road.
francis B. Kittredge, 56 Academy Road,S'
6.) Parker Street, 150 feet easterly from"Faulkner Road.
..: ~ John J..Cyr, 555 Chlck~ring Road.
,~A~TI¢?.~'6~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and'appropriate, o~ proNtde
be issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
!the wa~er system,'on~the following streets on petition of the ~ rsons
named and others.: .
1.) Pembro0k Road from,the present terminus 100 feet towards Mifflin Drive.
Alphonse R. Brien, Woodbrldge Road.
2.) Parker~Street, 150 feet easterly'from Faulkner Road.
John J. Cyr, 5~5 Chickering Road.
~.) Wentworth Avenue 165 feet from Chadwick Street.
Louis P. Sirois, 92 Beverly Street.
~.) Chickering Road.'400 feet from Dufton Court Towards Andover ~treet.
Edward Melamed, 276 Andover Street.
5;) Mount Mernon Street, 515 feet from Prescott Street.
Nora A. Smith, 8~ Main Street.
Street, 200'feet from Chadwi6k Street. 'Robinson, 202 High Street.
ARTICLE'6~. To see if the Town will vote to amend l~s By-Laws by inserting after
article XII thereof the.-'following new article: ..........
Article~XIIA. There shall be a planning board of appeals, which shall have
the powers and duties prescribedby, and shich shall be subject to, the pro-
visions of the subdivision control law of the Commonwealth, Said board shall
· consist of five regular members, to be appointed by the Selectmen for terms
of such length, and so arranged, that the term of one appointee will expire
in January of each year. The Selectmen shall also appoint two associate
members of said board, for terms of such length, and so arranged, that the
term of one such appointee will also expire in. January of each,year. The
chairman of the planning board of appeals shall, when necessary, designate
one of the associate members thereof to serve in the place of a regular
member who is absent or is for any reason disqualified or unable to act in
a particular case, and, when so designated, such associate member shall have
the powers and perform the duties of such regular member during the latter's
absence or disqualification. A regular or associate member of the zoning
board of appeals may be appointed as a regular or associate member of said
planning board ~f appeals. Petition of James M. McClung and others.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote 'to amend its Zoning By-Law by adding
at the end of Section 2 of Article l, the following sentence:
All parts of the Town not shown upon the Zoning Map above referred to
shall be deemed to be in the agricultural District as hereinafter defined.
Petition of James M. McClung and o~thers.
ARTICLE.66. To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 8 of'~hapter
of the General Laws, which provides as follows:
Section 8. After acceptance of this section or corresponding provisions
of earlier laws, as provided in section four of chapter four, no proposed
ordinance cf by-law making a change in any existing zoning .ordinance or
by-law, which has been unfavorably acted upon by a city council or town
meeting, shall be considered on its merits by the city council or town
meeting within two years after the date of such unfavorable action unless
the adoption of' such proposed ordinance or by-law is recommended in the
final report of the planning board o~ selectmen required by section six.
Petition of James M. McClung and others.
ARTIC'LE 67. To see if the Town ~ill raise and appropriate, provide by bond
issue, or transfer from available funds, $100,0O0.O0 for the purpose of ex-
tending the east side trunk sewer from its 'present terminus at Harkaway Road
and Stevens ~treet to Phillips Square. Petition of Ernest A. Brown, Jr. and
~rTIC~LE 68..T~ se? i~.the_To~wn~illvote to amend Zoning By-Laws by changing
om ~eneram nesi~en~zal To ~us~ness the follwolng~ described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue Beginning
at a point at the Southwersterly c~rner of land now or formerly of one~
Longbottom: said point being 100 feet southwesterly from the southwesterly
· line of Massachusetts Avenue and 160feet southeasterly from the southeast~
tine of Commonwealth Avenue~ thence southeasterly 2%9 feet more or less by
land now or formerly ofLor~bottom, Desrosiers, Hennessy, Calabrese, Kamal and
Hennessy, said line being 100 feet from and parallel to the southwesterly line
of Massachusetts Avenue; to a point 115 feet from westerly side of Beechwood
Street; thence southwesterly with an interior angle of 90 degrees, ~00 feet
more or less to the S~awsheen River; thence northwesterly by the Shawsheen~
River 280 feet more or less to land now or formerly of Turner; thence north-
easterly by land now or formerly of Turner, Williams, Towne, Fogerty and
McDonough 250 feet more or less to the point of beginning containing 74,000
aquare feet more or less. Petition of Mary C. Bentley and o~hers.~
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning
By-Law by changing from Single residence District to Business District, the
following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the westerly side of Osgood Street-bounded and describe,
as follows: Beginning ~t a stone bound in the westerly line of 0sgood
Street at land now or formerly of Steinberg; thence southerly one hundred
feet by said Osgood Street to a stone bound; thence northwesterly 200 hund-
dred tWenty-five (225) feet mcr or less by lot nuSbered four on plan of land
~ of Richard J. and.Sophie 2. Haphey, dated September 19~5, Charles E. Cyr,
C.E. to a stone bound; thence northeasterly 100 feet by land of said
Steinberg to a stone bound; and thence southeasterly 200 feet along a wall
to the point of beginning. Petition of Leo H~ Murphy and others.
ARTICLE T0. To see if the Town will ~ote to amend the'zoning laws~by changing
from general residential to business the following described parcel of land
located on the easterly side of Chickering Road and being bounded and describ-
ed as follows: Westerly by Chickering Road ~0 feet more or less; southeast-
erly by general residential area as shown on said plan~ 575 feet northeasterly
by Concord Street as shown on said plan26~.9 feet and northwesterly by stone
wall as shown on said plan ~5 feet more or less.
Petition of Santo DiMauro and others.
ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by
from Agricultural to Business, the following described parcel of ~ nd:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of 0sgood Street, boun&ed and'describ'
ed as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly side'of 0sgood Street
at land of George R. Barker: thence northerly, by the easterly line of
'0sgood Street, 218.8 feet to a.state highway bound at the southerly end of
a curve of 1669.98 feet.radius, thence again northerly by the above men-
tioned curve, 56.2 fee~. thence easterly 558 feet. thence'southerly 206.8
feet thence westerly ~6~ feet to the point of beginning. '
Petition of Daniel 01enlo and others.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies
thereof, at the Town Building'and at five or more public places in each voting
precinct, said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten
days before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fall not, and make due return of this warrant with you~ doings thereon
to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said mgeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 24th day of January in
the year of 6ur Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-five.
A true copy: ATTEST ~,~/'~ ~~ ~
North ~ndover, Massachusetts. February ~ 1955 Constable.
I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote
m in Town affairs, by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town
Hall and at five or more public p~ cee in each voting precinct. Said copies
having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the
time of holding said meeting...~/~NS~ ~.~cU~ ~
THOMSON, Arthu~ A. 601 988 765 799 515~
LYONS, John J. I I 2
Blanks 174 217 157 181 709
LYONS, John J. 67~ 10[~5 75~- 855. ~5
Bl~nks lO~ ~6~ n~ 1~6 5~9
MAKER, James J.
JOYCE, Ralph R.
McEVOY, Frank M.
ROBERTS. Ernest J.
ROCHE, David F.
STANW00D, Warren C.
B~a nks
FIN~a~t~N, William A.
KIRK, Arthur P.
FINCK, Ralph E.
FtNNERAN, William A.
KIRK, Arthur P.
FINCK, Ralph E.
~.HONEY, John J.
BUSBY, Philip A.
667 lo57 761 85k 5~19
lO8 149 31~ ~-7 545
17a ~6 507
a9 ao
15 ~4 l~
7 l?
607 8 8
478 707. 541
60~ 858 ~?
59_5 67o 95
489 7O7 558
~6 98
a97 12'18
59 19~
500 ~
596' 217~
~oo a745
6o) 21el
585 ' a155
555 2507
61k 920 657' 578 2769
la9 a)5 188 56O 910
52 55 57 ~5 185
5Zl~ 816 611 '661 a612
227. 551 261 286 1125
1955 (Art. 1.) '"
PHELAN, Edward W. 556
WILD, Herbert T. 191~
Blanks 28
KITTREDGE, Francis B. 618
Blanks 157
JEWETT, George E.
BONANN0, Domenic J. 250
B~a nks 71
HOWES, Irving .C. ~.~v- 600
Blanks 175
INGRAM, Caroline Moody
ROCK, William F.
557 1454
'988 '715 790 51o9
218 189 191 755
74O 62O 65O 2464
565 208 270 1075
101 74 81 527
97~ 699
252 2O3
gSo 847 636 718 2681
5~2 783 2605
613 '665
528 782 555 .579 91!1!;!
~ i3i
DETORA, Albert 150 15~. i~ 259
FOSTER, Charles H. 163 29
FOUNTAZN, Raymond C. 215 260 219 102
0SGOOD, John'-B ~ 187 412 272 4~0
B~anks 60 77 91 69
BANNAN, James M. 288 541
CLARKE, John ~
FARLEM, George B.
Blanks 89 i28
GOURLEY, Archie M. 529 881
HOWARD, Frank ?. 516 857
NESS, Alexander 'Jr. 523 879
DeMARI0, Gaspar J. 772
Blanks 1310
ATTEST:, No. andover, Mass~. March~wAR
600 688
i~7~ ih~6 iSiO
Essex ss: To either of the Constables of the Town of. North Andover
GREETINGS: In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
di~ctmed to notify And warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to
vo'te in Town Affairs, to meet in the North Andover High School directly
following the adjournment of the adjourned Annual Town Meeting on March 19,
,~9~5, then and there to ac% on th~,~ollowing business:
AR2ICLE~l. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
dratnaEe system and improve the road on Adams Avenue'from
Massachusetts Avenue.for a distance of 1620 feet,.under Chapter
80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment, of betterments
upon the property owners. Petition of Alfio A. Coppola and others
And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested
copies thereof, ~the--Town Office Building, and at five or more public p~ ces
i~ each voting~recinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days
nor less-.-than ten days before the time of holding said meeting.
He'eof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings there,
to. the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 28th day of
February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five.
A t~e copy, ATTEST.. /s/ ERANKHOWARD, Constable.
North Andover, ~ssachusetts, March 8, 1955