HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-19 OFFICER' S RETURN I h~ve notified the inhabitants of the Town of---'--'-----~orth Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs, b~ posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said Copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor le~ss than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. March ~, 1955. No. Andover, Mass. n/s/ ~?W~ Con.stalb,. ATTEST: North Andover, Mass. ~ohn//J% '~; Town Clerk. RECOUNT 0F VOTES HELD IN COURT ROOM, SELECTNEN FOR ONE YFAR FINNERAN, William A. KIRK, Arthur p. BROADHEAD, Raymond FINCK, Ralph E. Blanks BOARD OF P.UBLIC WELFARE FOR FINNERAN, William A. KIRK, Arthur P. BROADHEAD, Raymond FINCK, Ralph E. Blanks ONE YEAR TOWN BUILDING, M0~DAY MARCH 14., 1955 PRECINCTS ONE TWO THREE FOUR TOTAL 6o5 8 9 392 6~o 59o ?Da 5ho P~ANNING BOARD (~ year un-expired~term) BANNAN, James M. 288 ~2~6 CLARKE, John 184 FARLEY, George B. 212 ~55 Bl~nks 91 126  o~ 2758 ~ 2179 2215 · 597 2179 539 2260 4.91' 706 557 2157 553 23o7' lO58 252 ~65 n62 Le 72. '. Article 19. 'Article Article Article 15. Arbicle 1. Article 62. Article 2. Article 3. Reserve for Mrs. Vera Warwick, Miss Natalie Forgett~,-C0~ ~H~arty, A1 Garneau, 'Har~y' ' Michelmore, Dennis Evangelos, Z~iss Mary Cronin~and Margaret Riordan assisted thelBoard of Registrars and Town Clerk on ~the counting. M~etlng oD~__ ~~P.M. and adjourned at 2:50 A.M. ' ~ ~TTEST: 6/JOHM,'J.~%~ONS, Town Clerk,. No. Andover~ March 15, 1955 ANNUAL ADJOURNE~ T0?;N ~EETING H.fLD SATURD~. ARTICLE 2..VOTED to refer this to the Selectmen for action.' ART!~CLE 3. '~0TEU ~ha~ al.l. reports be accepted · ARTI~LE ~. VOTED th~t all unexpended appropriations be returned to ~he Treasury, with' the exception' of the following amoun=s as cf~ January 1, 1955, which were originally appropriated und~r the. Articles indicated:. 'A~t~Cle le, 195~-oecen~iai' ~ensus for 19~5. ' ' $725~90 Article 3. October 18, 1954. Planning Board Revision of Town .~ ' By Laws, Zoning Maps, etc., ~,~00.00 ' Hg~rfcane Em&rgency"Carol" Sec 31, Ch..~, G.L. ' 15,06~.07 ~icaHe' Emergence "Edna" Sec 51, Ch.44, G.L. 12~.0~ A~ticle 32. 195~'T0 meet County and State and ToE shar~e of ~ Highway Const~uctlon, Chapter 90, .G.L. 26,971.6.8 A~tlcle 75. 195~-D~.ainage. and improve road on Mifflin Drive. 783. Arti61e 3...April. 1~, 1954.-Putnam Road-Drainage and improve Road. Article 25, 1954.-Repalrs at Town Infirmary . 17~2'57 774.~5 U.S. Old ~Age Assistance-Assistance 2,502.85 U.S.. Old Age Assistance-Administration U.S. Aid to Dependen= Children-Aid 4.~ 715.87 ,573.95 U.S. Aid to Dependen~ Children-Administration U.S. Disability Assistance.AssistanCe 9~17 U.S. Disability Assistance-Administration School Lunch Account 3,54.0.86 Johnson High School Athletic Account l~50-Kittredge School Const. Fence, etc 99.10 New High School 213., 351.92 195~ Stevens Memorial Library, outside repairs ~1951 Civil Defense · ,1,672.58 1954. Publishing History o~ Town '~ I.,592.37 July 15, 195~-Western Electric Co.'' Escrow Account. 2 1953 Estension. of. Water Mains July 15, 1954. Locate-develop new source of water supply 559.65 July 15, 1954. l~ning water mains 20,832.08 Appropriation fznm Stabillza~ion Fund, Art.%4.,1953 TOTAL. $548,h16.89 ARTICLE 5. VOTED to approve all items collectively as to the recommendations ~f th~ Advisory Board with t~..e exception o~ .the following changes: Item ~0, now Hemoval. increased from $10,000.00 to $14,000.00 and 'Item ~8, Veterans Benefits (Agent Salary) increased from $~50.00 to $75.0.00. Motion was duly made and seconded: SALARIES ~ '3. '5. '8. 10. ll. 12. 13. 16. a0. 21. 22. 23. 25. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Fire DEPARTMENT Selectmen - Salaries C~ rk Salary Expenses Treasurer - Salary ' ~Clerk Salary Expenses (Bond Included) Accountant'- Salary Clerk Salary Expenses Tax Collector - Salary Clerk Salary Expenses Town Clerk- Salary ExDenses Assessors - Salaries' Clerk Salary Expenses ElectiOn &'Registrars- Salaries Expenses ~al Ztatistics -Expenses Moderator~($50.00 Incl in Art.7.~) Advisory ~oard- E~xpe?es Planning Bqard - E4penses Board~bf Appeals -Expenses Town' B~ilding Janitor -Salary -Expenses Tovm Hkll Janitor (Discontinued) Custodian of Tax Titles ySalary . Expenses Tax Title Foreclosures- Expenses Licens~Commission -Expenses Rent Control Board -Expenses "~Police'Department -Ehief Salary Sergeant "Pa~rolmen Reserves and Specials Expenses (Incl.'S100.00 for out of State Travel) Department-Chief Salary Regulars- Salary Engineers Call and spare employees -Salaries Vacatigns Expenses Forest-Fire Warden-Salary Forest.Fires -Expenses Dog 0f~icer - Salary Expenses Building Inspector- Salary Expenses Wire ~spect6r - Salary Expenses Sealer.of.~eights & Measures-Salary Expenses Insect Pest Control, Supt.Salaries Labor Wages Expenses Dutch Elm.Eisease- Wages Brush Cutting -Wages TownForest -Wages Tree Warden Supt. Salary Labor -Wages Expenses Street Lighting- Expenses . Board o~ Health -n~rd Salaries' hurse - Salary Physician Salary Refuse Disposal - oalaries, etc. Expenses & WAGES EXPENSES TOTAL $1,o8o.oo $~,o8o.oo 780.00 80.00 $ 8o.oo 3, o.oo 2,885.96 ~,525.oo 1,5~ .oo 5,570.00 3,570.00 5oo.oo 50o.oo ~oo.oo ~oo.oo 1,5~5.oo 1,525.oo 3,o~o~oo 3,03o.00 1,740.00 1,740.00 700.00 7ob.oo 300.00 500.00 2,%0.oo a,55o.oo 2,~886.oo 2,88~.oo 65o.oo 3,2o~.oo 3,~o~.oo · 65~.oo' 3,55~.oo 400.00 -.~op.oo lOO.OO lOb.OO 750.00 750.00 200.00 200~D0 936.00 936.00 5,86L.oo 5,86~.o0 100.00 lO0.O0:~ 100.00 100.00 5o.oo 5o.oo lOO.OO lOO;OO 15o.oo ~,048.16 36,082.80 3,160.00 3,160.00' ~,19~.00 25,261.32 lZ,332.5o 1,110.40 15o.oo .oo 500.00 500.00 oo 3,800.00 4,16o.oo 3,800.00 1,000.00 ~5o,oo 00.00 6,560.00 600.00 3,270.00 750.00 8,727.7o 5,190.00 9,555.oo 5oo.oo ~55.oo 100.00 125.00 90.00 1,~00.00 oo'.oo 66o'.oo 16,500'.00 1,000.~00 9,555;oo 500°00 245.00 255.00 -500.00 1Qo.oo -500.00 ~2~.oo 4a~.oo 90.00 3,800.00 4,1~0.00'- 1,300,00' 3,800.00. oo.oo 1,000.00 ~5o.oo 00.00 6,560.00 ~6o.oo 16,500.00 ~00.00 3,270.00 750.00 8,727.~0 1,000.00 ARTICLE .5 · ~0N' T. March 19, 1955 750.00//. 5oo.oo 25a,928.oo ~,800.00 10,700.00 5,200.00 3,700.00 ,5oo.9o ~ Garbage Disposal- Contract Sewer Maintenance & Construction e Salaries, 5,500.00 Expenses 36A. East Side Sewer Survey ~ Animal Inspector-iS~lary 325.00 ~ighwa[ S_urveyor - Salary 4,880.00 319J Streets, ~eneral Maintenance Clerk - $alkby 2,889.60 Labor -Wages-Tarvia-Road 0il. 22,~10.40 Cinders, stone and gravel Repairing sidewalks Gas & oil Equipmen~ an~ Repairs MisceS. ~xpe~ses. i Snow Removal ~Board df Public ~elfare-Salaries 450;00 Welfare Agent -Salary 750.00 Supt. and Matron -Salary Infirmary 3,292.00 Outside Relief and' repairs Infirmary -Wages. 1,631.00 Expenses ~b~ 01d Age ASsistance. .Aid to Dependent Dhildren LD!shbili~t~Assistance Vet~rans~en~fits Agent Salary · Clerk Salary Equipment and Expenses Eash Grants 49. Schools -Salaries · Expenses 50. Stevens Memorial Library Librarian- Salary Assistants and Janitor Expenses 51. Playground- Bathing Beach-Salaries .Expenses · 52. Public Parks, Triangles and Burying - " Grou=ds -Salaries Expenses ~ School Grounds Wages & Expenses Essex County Retirement System ~: - Contingent. Fund · Rental of Quarters~ American Legion' ~.~ ~Re~tal of Quarters~ V.F.W. Post 2104 ARNI'STICE DAY. ~. ~IIE~.~RIAL DAY ,Itemized Annual Town Report Insurance 62~ Group Insurance $' Co--unity Center ~h of ~uly. Reserve Fund to tm'appropriated from ?, ~ ~ver~ay Surplus · . EXPenses - ~lary~9,700.O0 '. -iRedeemimg School Bonds Interest on School ~on~s · Totals $50g, 966.96 AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED Art. 10. ,Centennia~ Celebration. Art. ll'. Fire Insurance, Town Property ,Art. 1~ Repair To~n Infirmary ~ ~Art. School Bu'ildlng N~eds Art. Playground ins==tors s pervisor Art. Shuffle Bbard and enlarge closet Art. 1911 Police Officers and Stickers-Ba~hingBeach Art. 20'. Safe for Town Treasurer. Art.· 21. Filing Cabinet~ for Town Treasurer Art. 22. Power Chain SAw, John Connors Art. ~3. New Polic~ cruiser Art 24. 12 Colt r~vol~ers, Police Dept. Art. 3~. Man to be a regular firefighter. Art. 36. Sidewalk project. Art. 37. Sidewalk damages- hurricane ~,100.00 4,100.00 5,500.00 4,000.00 4,0p0.00 2,300.00 2,3.00.00 525.oo 4,880.00 24,000.00 600.00 3,100.00 5,000.00 1~: 000'00 000.00 2?,369.oo 8g, oo~.oo 17,500.00 5;'ooo.oo ~9o.oo 13,8~0.00 6o, o86.oo '~,000.00 2,000.00 2,889.~o 2a,4lO.~O 24,000.00 600.00 · 3,100.00~ 5,000.00~~ 1,000.00~ 14,000.00 45 o.oo 750.00 3,2~2.00 1,631.00 27,3~9.oo 8g, 000.00 17,500.00 5,000.00 750.00 300.00 ~o.oo 13,830.00 252,928;oo 6o, 986.00 3,8bo.oo lp,7oo.oo 4,000.00 5,2~o.0o 2,0g0.00 650.00 3,500.00 16,265.20 2,000.00 600.00 600.00 300.00 5oo.oo ~,700:.00 1~,970.00 1,900.00 ..15o.oo 3p, O00.O0 104,000.00 3,y00. . 650.00 12,000.00 16,~65.2o 2,000.00 fo6oo.oo 600.00 '3oo.oo 500.00 2,700.00 ~,~o.oo 1,900.00 ~5o.oo k o.oo 29,700.00 30,000.00 10~,000.00 $Sg6,9~5.2o$1P55,90~.16 $7,500.00 2,306.34 6,~00.00 ~00.00 l,~88.oo 5SO.CO 5oo.oo 729.00 57.00 325.00 1,375.00 5sS.Og 2,775.96 2,000.00 1,000.00 To be Raised & appropriated. Con't. March 19, 1955 Art. 38. Rcplaclng Street signs. Art. ~ Operate Disposal Site. Art. nadio communication - Civil Defense Art. ~ Drainage System-Prescott St. Ch.80. Art. Well casing, screen tc~sts, B. of P.W. Water E~tension. B. of P.W. $200.00 1,O00.00 5,500.00 5,5@5.0o ~,000.00 7OO.OO Art. Art. 6%. Art 62. Art. 65. Art. 15. Art. 2~. Art. 2 . Art. 29. Art. ~: Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. ~5- Art. ~. .Art~ ~. Ant. Art. ~2. Backstop - Drummon~ Field 500.00 Repair and Ounite reservoir. B of P.W. 6,000.00 Sewer System, Item ~ Main St. ~70.00 " " ~ Parker St. ~50.00 Water System, Item I. Pembrook Rd. 400.00 ~" " 2. Parker St. 600.00 " " " ~. Wentworth Ave. 800.00 " " "g' Moody Street ~40.00 Total Amount To Be Raised And Appropriated AMOUNTS TO BE TAKEN FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS WelJare Dept. Automobile Reduce 1955 Tax Rate New 1~" hose for Fire DePt. New 2~'~ hose for Fire Dept. Motor Grader for Highway Dept. MaintenanCe of Streets To meet State & County Share Chapter 90, Gt. Pond Rd. To meet State & County Share Half-ton pick-up truck, Highway De~t. Hydraulic sand~spreader, " Drain, Prescott St. Highway Dept. Storm drain, Linden Ave. Highway Dept. Drain, Waverly Rd. Highway Dept. ~mergency Generator, Civil Defense. Replace Clorinator at Pumping Station. New pick-up truck. Public Works. Sewer System, Mifflin Drive " Mass Ave.' $2,050.00 50,000.00 625.oo 25.oo 5,~00.00 2,000.00 1,O00.00 7,500.00 22,~00.00 1,600.00 600.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,~00.00 2,~00.00 , oo.oo Total Amounts To Be Taken From Available Fund~. SUMMARY Amount ApprSpriated at Town Meeting (Budget), Amount to be Raised and Appropriated. GRAND TOTAL. $97,955.21 1,055, o . 6 449 ARTICLE 6. VOTED To authorize the Town Treasurer with the approvai'of the ' Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning ~anuary l, 1956, and to issue a note or notes. therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a riod of ~ ss than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter ~, GPeeneral Laws. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 7- Mr. Nicholas Nimoetta spoke briefly on the plans of the~Planning Board in making new zoning Laws and introduced Mr..Blackwell of Boston, the~ Planning Board Engineer who is making.new maps ans various zoning .section, Mr. Blackwetl with the assistance of Town Clerk John J. Lyons displayed and explained several maps of the Town with various zoning variances. ARTICLE 8. VOTED to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the position of Board of Health physician and to fix' his compen- sation in the amoun~ of ~$750.00 for.the year 195~. (Included in Budget) ARTICLE 9. VOTED to authorize the.,School Committee to aopoint one of its. members to the positi6n of School Physician and to fix ~is compensation mn the 'amount of $1,~00.00 for the year 195~. (Included in budget) . '. ARTICLE 10. VOTED to raise and appropriate the~sum~Sf~$?~.500~00 to be used for Centennial Celebration. · ' ARTICLE ll. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,506.3~ for the purpose of adding extended coverage endorsement to the fire insurance, covering town property. ARTICLE 12. VOTED to accept Neacon Hill Boulevard as a public way from 0sgood Street to Chickering Road as shown on plan on file in Town Clerks Office. The acceptance of this road as a public way was adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen on February l~, 1955 ARTICLE 13. VOTED that the Tovm Infirmary be continued as is. ART'ICLE l~. VOTED to raise and approp~riate the sum of $6,500.00 to repair and place the Town Infirmary in acceptable condition to receive a license to operate from the ~assachusetts State Board of Heal th. ARTICLE 15. VO~ that the. s'um 'of $2,050.00 be taken frc~ availab'le funds in Dthe Town Treasur. y for the purchase of an automobile~ to be used ~b~ epartment to make the visits to rec'i~ients.as 'required by.law. ', the, Welfare ARTICLE 16. V0'~ to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00 to .be expended by the School Building Committee .for a study of the immediate school-building needs of the Town. ARTICLE 17. V0~D to raise a~d .appropriat~ the sum of $1,~88.00 for ~ix play- ground instructors and a su. pervisor, a six hour day for an eight week period. ARTICLE 18. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $550.00 for shuffle Board courts, one each for Waverly and Drummond Playgrounds and enlarge a storage closet at Drummond Playground. ARTICLE 19. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the services of a Police Officer at the nathing Oeach four hours daily, eight hours on Saturdays and Sundays for a ten week pmriod, ~o enforce car p~ rking limited to North Andover residents; this figure To include cost of car stickers. ARTICLE 20. VOTE~ to raise and appr6prlate the sum of $729.00 for the purchase of a safe for the use of the Town Treasurer's Office. ARTICLE 21. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $57.00 for the purchase of a filing cabinet for use in the Town Treasurers office. ARTICLE 22. VOTED to Raise and appropriate the sum of $~25.00 to be 'used with the present power chain s~w',(purchased in 1948) to pturchase a pov~er chs~n saw. ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,~75.00 to be used with the 195~ police.car, to purchase a new .police cruiser. ARTICLE 2~. VOT~ to raise and appropriate the sum of $585.00 to 'purdhase twelve Colt "Ma~shall" revolvers for all regular members of the Polide Dept. ARTICLE 25. Stricken from the .warrant. ARTICLE 26. Stricken from the warran=. ARTICLE 27. VO'~D t~at the sum of $~0,000.00 be taken from available funds to reduce the 1955 tax rate. ARTICLE 28. ~VOTED that the stun of $625.00 b~e taken from available funds in the To~rn Treasury to purchase 500 feet of new"l~" hose for the Fire Department. ARTICLE 29. VOTED that the sum of $825.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury ~o purchase 500 feet of n.~w 2~" hose for the Fire Department. ARTICLE ~0. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE ~l. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of' $2,775.96 to 'be added to the Fire Department Appropriation to provide for the appointm~ent of one competent and qualified man under Civil Set. vice Rules to be a regular firefighter. ARTICLE ~2. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE ~: Stricken from ~he Warrant. 'ARTICLE 5~. Stricken from the warrant. funds ARTICLE 55. VOTED to take,froth availa~ble'~-~ the sum of $5,800.00 for the purchase of 'a Motor Grader for .~he use of the Highway Department. ARTICLE '~6. VOTED .to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 to be used for a sidewalk project, the Tow to pay one-half the cost and th~ applicant to pay the other half. To be expended under direction of Highway ~urveyor ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to raise ~and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the repairing of sidewalks damaged ~urlng the hurricanes. To be expended under .the direction of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE ~8. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $200.00 for the purpose of painting and replacing street signs. To be expended under the .direction of the Highway Surveyor. ARTZCLE ~9. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 to .dig ditches necessary t0~ope'rate~ the disposal site. · ARTICLE 40." VO'£'~ that the sum of $2,000.00 be taken f. rom available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this article, to be expended by the Highway Surveyor ~under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, together with any r~oney which may be allotted for such purpose by the State or County or both, and that in addition, the sum Of $1,000.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and Codnty shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to be restored upon their .receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Treamury. " AETICLE ~l. ¥0'~ that the sum of $7,500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Construction, and that in addition, the sum of $22,500.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Treasury. ARTICLE ~2. VOTED that the sum of $1,600.00 be taken from available funds in in the Town Treasury for the purchase of a one-half ton pick-up truck for the use of the Highway Department. A. 19~7 pick-up truck (Chevrolet~} to be turned i'n, in tz~ade. ARTICL,E,, 43- VOTED that the sum of $600.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purchase of a hydraulic sand spreader for the use of the Highway Department. The total cost of the spreader is Si,100,00 but $500.00 will be paid for rental on the spreader which will reduce the cost to $600.00. ARTICLE 4~- .VOTED that the sum of $2,21~.5~ be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury.to extend the present drain on Prescott St., from Summit Ave., to Moody St., 520 feet of 15 inch .and 8 inch pipe and ~ catch basins will be required to complete this project. To be expended under the directic of the Highway Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended. ARTICLE ~5- VOTED that the sum of $2,~51.57 be taken from available funds in' the Term ~reasury to extend the existing storm drain on Linden Ave., to Woodstock St. About 524 feet of 10" and 8" pipe and four catch basins needed for this project. To be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the 'provisions of .Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended. ARTICLE ~6. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE ~. VOTED that the sum of $6,589.50 be taken from available funds in the Town ~'-'reasury to install a drain on Waverly Rd. This drain will begin at a point about. 2~0' northerly from~Margate Road and flow southerly along Waverly Road to a 2' x 5' stone box culvert. This culvert crosses Waverly Road at a point about 100' southerly at },'Iarengo Street and needs cleaning at its inlet; About 920 feet of 15", 12" and 8" pipe and 8 catch basins will be needed for this project. To be e~xpended under the direction of the Highway 'Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended. ARTICLE ~8. VOT~ that the sum of $5,000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended under the direction..of the Director of Civil Defense with the approval of the Board of Selectmen to purchase and installa tion of an emergency generator power unit to provide power for the Town Building, Fire Dept, Police Dept, and Town Yard in the event of an emergency power failure. ARTICLE ~9- VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,500.00 to be expende~ at the directita of the Director of Civil Defense for the purchase of radio i communication equipment for use by the Fire Dept, and the office of Civil Defense. ARTICLE 50. Stricken from the ~arrant. ARTICLE 51. ~tricken from the ~arrant. ARTICLE 52. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 55. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,58~.00 to be expende~ under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 80 of 'the General Laws as amended to extend the drainage system from the present terminus on Prescott Street northerly about 15~2 feet to the southerly · end of that portion of Moody Street as accepted in ~'958. 'This Will require about 1080 feet of 15", 10" and 8" plane and '8 catch basins. The above~ me~nz tioned work to be done under Chapter ~0 of the Gneral Laws providi~ng zor =ne assessment of betterments upon the property owners. ARTICLE 5~. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 55. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 56. VOTED t'o~.raise and appropriate the sum of $~,000.00 to enable the Board of Public Works to condmct well casing and screen tests to determine the dependable yield of water in accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Directives. ARTICLE 57. VOTED that the sum of $1,000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury, to replace the 1927 chlorinator at the Pumping StatiOn with a new and larger ~ chlorinator with authorization to.dispose of the existing chlorinators. ARTICLE 58. VOTED that the sum of $1,400.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be used with the present Dodge pickup truck to purchase a new pick-up truck for the Board of Public Works. Annual Town ~eettng ~arch 19, 1955 ARTICLE 59. VOTED to raise and appropriate ~he sum of $700.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to be added to the unexpended appropriation made under Article 62, 1953 to make such extensions of thewater main system, under the regulations voted at the annual town meeting, ac the Board of Public Works, on October first considers most necessary, such emten- slons not having been petitioned for at the annual meeting. ARTICLE 60. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board.of.Public Works to replace theo~d backstop at Drummond Field with a new woven wire backstop. ARTICLE 61. VOTED to raise ~ud appropriate the~sum of $6,000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to repair and gunite the~paved slopes of the 1,500.000 gallon reservoir constructed in 1936. ARTICLE 62. ITEM 1. VOTED that the sum of $2,~00.00 be taken from available · funds in the Town Treasury to be expended under the direction of the board of Public Works subject to the assessments or better- merits charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the~Acts of 190t as amended to extend the sewer system on Pemb~ook Road 500.feet from ~ifflin Drive towards Tyler Road. IT~ 2. VOTED that the sum of $4,~00.00 be taken from available funds in the Town TreaSury to be expended by the Board of Public Works subject to the assessments or betterments cha~ges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906 as'amended to extend the sewer system on Mount Vernon Street 315 feet frsm~Prescott Street. IT~ 3. Stricken from the Warrant. ITEM 4. VOTED to raise and ~opropriate the sum 62 $570.00 to be expended under the Board of Public Works subject to the Assessment or betterments charges under the conditions of Chapter ~80 of the Acts of 1906 as amended to extend the sewer system on Main Street from the present terminus to a distance of 75 feet easterly toward 0sgood Street~ ITEM 5- Stricken from the Warrant. IT~ 6. VOTED to.raise and appropriate the sum of $850.00,.to be expended by the Board of Publi~ Works subject to the a~sessment or betterments charges under the condit~Sns of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906 as amended from Parker Street 15© feet easterly from Faulkner Road. ARTICLE 63. VOT~ to raise and appropriate the money for the items under this article subject to the following conditions: 1. That on or before June l, 1955 the petitioners and/or onwers make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, of six per cen~ of the actual cost of construction, as water rates for a period of l~ years. 2. That on or before jUne l, 1955 the construction of at least one house shall have been started. ITEM 1. $~00.00 to extend thewater system on Bembrook Road from the present terminus 100 feet towards Mifflin Drive. ITEM 2. $600.00 ~o extend the water system on Parke~' ~treet 150 feet easterly from Faulkne~ Road. '. I~Z~ 3..$800.00 ~o extend the water system on Wentworth Avenue 165 'feet from Chadwick Street. ITEMS ~ ~ 5 requested by petitioner to be stricken from Warrant. ITEM 6~ $9~0.00 to extend from Chadwick Street. the water system on Moody Street 200 feet ARTICLE 64. VOTED to amend the by-Laws by inserting after Article XII thereof the following new article:' Article XIIA. There shall be a Plann£ng Board of Appeals, which 'shall have the powers and duties prescribed by, .and which shall be subject 'to, the provisions of the subdivision control law of the Commonwealth. Said board shall consist 'of five regular members, to be appointed by the Selectmen for terms of such length, and so arranged, that the term of one appointee will expire in January of each year. The Selectmen ~shall also appoint two associate members of said board for terms of such length, and so arranged, that the term of one such appointee will also ex.pire in January of each year. · The Chairman of the Planning Board of Appeals shall, when necessary, designate one of the associate members thereof to serve in the place of a regular member who is absent or is for any reason disqualified or unable to act in ~ particular case, and, when so designated, such associate member shall have the powers and per- form the duties of such regular mgmber during the latter's absence or dis- qualification? ~A regula~ ~r associate_member pf theZoni~g~Board of_Anoeal$ may be appoin~eG as a regular or associate memoer .os sang ~&ann~ng oo~r~ o~ Appeals. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 65. V0','~ to amend the Zoning by-laws by adding at the end ~of Section 2 of Article I the following sentence: "All parts of the Town not shown upon the Zoning Map above referred to, except steam otherwise specifically zoned,~ shall be deemed to be 'in the Argricultural Dis tr~.ct. The vote was ll~ in the A~firmative ARTICLE 66~. VOTED to accept Section 8 which provides as follows: and 5 in the Negative. of ~hapter ~0A of the General Laws, "Section B. After acceptance of this section or corresponding provisions of earlier l~ws as p~ovided in section four of chapter four, no proposed ordinanc e or by-law making a change in any existing zoning ordinance or by-law, which has been unfavorably acted upon by a city council or town meeting, shall be considered on i~s merits .by the city council or town meeting within two years after the date of such unfavorable action unless the adoption of such proposed ordinance or by-law is recommended ~in the final report of the planning boar.d or.selectmen required by section six. The vote was unanimous and so dec-area. ~ ARTICLE 67. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 68. VOTED to amend the zoning by-laws by 'changing from General Residential to business the following described parcel of land: A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue beginning at a point at the Southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of one Longbottom; said point beginning 100 feet southwesterly from the line of Massachusetts Avenue and 160 feet southeasterly from the line of Commonwealt~ Avenue; thence southeasterly 249 feet more or less by land now or formerly of Longbottom, Desrosiers, Hennesy, Calabrese, Kamal and Hennessy, said line being 100 feet from and parallel to the southwesterly ] of Massachusetts Avenue; to a point ll5 feet from westerly side of Street; thence' southwesterly.with sn interior angle of ~0 degrees, 500 feet more or less to the Shawsheen River; thence n6rthwesterly by the .Shawsheen River 280 feet more or less to ~Iand now or formerly of Turner, thence. northeasterly ~ eye tlamndor enOror o~ e sf sorter tlhYe Opf o ~n~, b~llr~i~nm~, c oTnO~an~ JnOgga~,Y0~0d McDonough ~ 250 square feet more or les's. The vote was un~uimous and so declared. ARTICLE 69. Stricken from the Warrant. · ~ARTICLE 70. VOT~ =o amend the zoning by laws by changing from general residential ~to business the following described parcel of ]and located on the easterly side of Chickering Road and being bounded and described as follows: Westerly. by Chickering Road four hundred forty feet, mere or less; south- easterly y general residential area as shown on said plan three hundred §eventyrf. ive feet_; northeas, ter. ly by Concord Street as shown on said plan two hundred sixty three and 9/10 feet and northwesterly by stone wall .as shown on ..a, aid plan thirty f~ive feet more or less. The vote was ~41 in'the afflrma~ti~euand 21 in the negative. ARTICLE 71. Stricken from the Warrant. Meeting :adjourned at 5:~0 P.M. At the opening of the meeting, the first in the new Veterans Auditoritun of, the New North Andover High School, the meeting was opened %v~th prayer by the Right Reverend Monsignor Fr'ancis L. Shes of St. Michael's Church. The National and State Flags were posted by Commander E~nest Roberts of The V.F.}M. and Past. .commander Carl Thomas of the American Legion. The Salute to the Flag was lead by Town Clerk ~ohn J. Lyons. All voters were checked by the Board of Registrars. 515 voters present. There were nine sections of the meeting, each with a counter ass~'~ned. Mr. Duffy moved, and motion s~conded that the meeting extend a vo~e of thanks to the Moderator, Town .Clerk and Advisory Board for a grand Job, well done. , SPECIAL TOWN MFW. TING (Following-.Annual' Mee~t~ng)_.' Meeting opened at 5:t~O ~.~,~. ~aatng o~ wa~.z'ant omittea oy vo~e or meeting. ARTZCLE 1. Stricken from the Warrant. Meeting adjourned at 5:~5 P.M. 'A true copy: Attest: JOHN J. LYONS,Town Clerk SPECIAL TOWN I~TING April 27, 1955 WARHANT CO~H~IONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either 'of. the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby cirected to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the North ~ndover High School, in said North And6ver on Wednesday evening, the twenty-seventh day of April, 1~ at eight O'clock P.M'. then and there to act on the following business.