HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-19~Upon the opening of the Meeting Town Clerk John J. Lyons requested permission from the Moderator to address the'meeting: Permission granted by Moderator. Following were remarks: Mr. Moderator, Members 0f The Town Meeting: Among the hundreds of men and women who have lived in our beloved Town of North Andover, there are those to wh&m we should especially honor. There has been, fortunately'in each generation, those who had the. foresight, the courageous perserverance to right principles, even in theface~ of many difficulties that could cost them personal disappointment and popularity. ManVof them have given of themselves beyond the means of strength'for the sak~ of m~king a better North Andover to live in. Deep concern for the welfare of North Andover were the virtues possessed by many of our former townsmen and townswomen. Mr. Joseph A. Duncan, my predecessor and our former Town Clerk of. 59 years has now gone to his eternal reward. Mr. Duncan possessed and cultured all of these great virtues,, may he rest with them in peace. In behalf of this great, friend to aL1, in recognition, of the services of the past he rendered to all, I shall move Mr. Moderator, that we pay tribute to him at this Special' Town Meeting; many of which he recorded over and stand for a minute of reverend silence. Thank You one and all. Motion duly seconded and a minute of reverend silence observe, d. ~ SPECIAL TOV~ MEETING OCTOBER 19th, 1955 W'AREANT COMM0}P,¥EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Essex ss: To either of the Constables of the Town ~f North Andover. GREETINGS: · In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to in'Town Affairs, to meet in the Court Room, Town Building in said North on Wednesday evening, the 19th day of October, 1955 at eight o'clock P.M., ~nd there to act on the followln~ busin.ess: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Tovm will vote to 'accept from the Kelpogt Corporation of Ha~pton, New Hampshire, the sum of $2500.00 to be used by the To~n and applied towards the cost of extending the water system on T~rnpike Stre. et easterly from Waverly Road. Petition of the Board cE Public Works. ARTICLE'2. To see if the Town will vote 'to raise and appropriate or'transfer from available funds the sum of $1,971.00 to complete the PaYments of the 1955 insurance premiums. Petition of the .Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $800~00 from the Disability Assistance Appropriati6n to the Outside Relie~ and Repairs Appropriation. Petition of'the Board of Public Welfare. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to'raise and appropriate or'transfer from the Aid to Dependent Children Appropriation, the sum of $5,600.00 to 'the Veterans Benefits Appropriation. Petition of the B6ard of Selectmen~ ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from insurance receipts to the Highway Department account the sum of $77.90 received in settlement of damage to 19~8 Cletrac Tractor. Petition of the Highway'Surveyor. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting.true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the tine of holding said meeting. Heresf, f~il not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the ~rd day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and fifty-five. A true cody; ATTEST: WILLIAM A. FINNERAN Board Raymond Broadhead of ARTHUR P. KIRK. Selectmen. /s/ Frank Howard, Constable. Oct7, 1955 0FFICER~ S RE~I~RN I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to.vote in Town Affairs, by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct, said §o~ies having been posted not m. ore .t~.an f~f~e~n _d,a_y~ nor_le~s tha~ten days ezore the time of holding sai~ mee~zng. /s/ ~'ran~ ~owarG, ons~ao-e. .th Andover, Mass. 7, '1955. $. Lyons, To~vn Clerk SPECZA TOWN ' ING W ESn SVS NO 0CTOBm 1'9, 1955 At the Special Town Meeting held in the Court Room of the Town Building on .We~esday evening 0ctobe~'lg, 1955 at 8 P.M., ~e following a~ttcles were voted: ~CLE 1. V0~ that the To~ accept $2500.00 from the Kelport Corporation H~pton, New H~pshi~e, ~d appropriate said s~ for use by the Board of'~blic Works in extending ~e water system on ~ptke Street easterly fromWave~ly Road with any ~expended balance to be ref~ded to the Kelpo~t Co~poratlon. ARTICLE 2. VOT~ t~t the s~ of $1971.00 be transferred from available funds ~e To~ Treasury for ~e purpose of this article. ~TIC~ ~. VOT~ ~t ~e s~ of $800.00 be tr~sferred from ~e Disabili~ Ass- ist~ce Appropriation to the ~tslde Relief ~d Repairs Appropriation. ~TIC~ ~. ~0T~ t~t the s~ of $~600.00 be Sransferred from the ~d to Dep~dent Chil~en Appropriation to ~e Veterans Benefits Appropriation. ~TICLE 5- VO~ t~t ~e s~ of $77.90 be tr~sferred from ~ur~ce Re.ceipts to ~e Highway Depar~ent Account. All ~ticles were of'~n~ous vote ~d so decl~ed. A true copy: AT,ST: ~.~. To~ Clerk. WARRANT C0~ON~TH OF ~SSAC~SETTS. To Either of the Co, tables of the To~ of No~th ~dove~. GRATINGS: In the name of the 'Co~o~ealth of Nassachusetts you a~e hereby'directed ~n~ti~y ~d wa~n the i~abitants cf North Andcve~, qualified to vo~e In · z'az~s, to meet in the rorer Court Roo~, To~ Buildi~ in said North ~dove~ We~esday evening, the sixteenth day of November, 1955 at eight .o~clock p.N., then and there to act on ~e following business: ARTICLE 1..to see if the town willvote to transfer $~000.00 from the Water' Department salaries ~dwages account to the ~Water Depar~ent E~e~se Acc~C. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ~TICLE 2~ To see If the town ~ll vote to transfer $1,000.00 from the. School G~ounds salaries ~d wages accost to the School Grounds ~penses acco~t. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ~. Te see if the ~o~ will vote to transfer the s~ of $~,500.00 f~om lary item In the School Department budget to' ~e ~pense item'in ~e School ~a~tment budget. Petition of the S~hool Cc~ittee. ' ~TIC~ ~. To see if the town willvote to raise ~d appropriate, or ~o tr~sfe~ ~om av~i~able f~ds, ~e s~ oF $5,500.00 for the e~enses 6f ~e SchoOl Depar~m , or' take ~y o~eraction in relation thereto. Petition of School Co~tttee. ~ ~TIC~E 5.~. ~e see if the town ~llvote to raise ~d appropriate ~ tr~sfe~ f~om ~av~ilable ~ds the s~ of $~00.00 for the pa~ent of~a bill contradted in 195~ ~.by'~e~'Highway Department. Petition of the Board of ~ele6tmen. 1~ ~d ~you a~e hereby directed to serve t~swa~r~t by posti~ t~e and attested thereof,' atI ~e Town Office Buildi~, and at five or mo~e public Places in oti~ precinct. Said copies to be posted not more th~ fifteen .days ~ ~less t~ ~en~days before the time of holdi~ ~aid meeting. Hereof, fail~not, and make due~e~n of this wa~ran~ with you~ doings thereon to · Town Clerk at the time and place of said meetly. Given ~der our hands at North ~dove~, Nassachusetts 'on ~e 51st day of .~/October. in ~e ~year of 0~ Lord one thousand n~e hundred ~d fifty-five. ~0ND BROADH~D of ~ P. ~ Selectmen A'~trUe copy .ATT~T: /s/ F~ank Howard, Constable. 0FFICER~'S ~T~N. I have notified the i~abitants of the To~ of North ~dover qualified to vote in to~ aEfairs, ~y postl~ t~e and attested copies of thiswarrant a~ the To~ Hall and at five or more public p~ces In each voti~ prec~ct.- Said copies ha~ng been posted not more th~ fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding North ~dover, ~ss. ~~ -