HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-04490
Continued from Page 491.
BY-LAWS (Building Permit Fees)
ARTICLE 8. VOTED that Section 6 of the Town By*Laws known as the Building Laws
be amended by inserting therein a provision relating to the payment of a fee
for a Building Permit so that Section 6 of said Building Laws, as amended will
read as follows:
Section 6. The inspector shall not give a permit for the erection or
alteration of any building until he shall.have carefully inspected the
plans, specifications and premises and ascertained that the building as
proposed will conform to this By-~aw and until he has received from the
applicant, or anyone for him, a fee for the issuance of such permit in
such amount as is equivalent to $1.50 for each $1,000.00, of the amount
estimated in said application as approved by the building inspector as
the cost of the proposed alteration or erection of said bulldlng~ the
fee for such permit to be in any event not less than $10.00 EXCEPT, If,
in the opinion of the Building Inspector, the value of such alteration
shall be less than $1,000.00 then a fee of $5.00 shall be charged. The
Building Inspector shall pay over to the Town Treasurer for the general
use of the Town all such fees received by him. He shall grant permits
for such erection, or alteration, when the plans and detailed descrip-
tions are in conformity with this By-Law and the Laws of the Commonwealth
and the required fee has been paid. It shall be his duty to approve or
reject any plans or descriptions filed with him, within ten days.~ No
work shall be commenced until a permit is issued. He shall, as often as
is practicalbe, inspect all buildings in the course of construction or
alteration and shall make a record of all violations of these By-Laws,
with the name of the ovauer, occupant, architect and master-mechanic and
of any other ma~ters pertinent thereto. If the Inspector finds that the
terms of a permit are being violated, he may, after written notice to the
person to whom the permit was issued, order the whole or any part of the
.work, which is being done under the permit to be stopl~d, and such work
shall no~ be resumed un=il the terms of the permit have been complied with.
Any permit or approval which may be i~$~ed .by th~ Inspector of Buildings
but under which no work has been done above the foundation walls within one
year from the time of the issuance of the permit of approval, shall expire
by limitation. Said Inspector shall have the power to revoke or cancel
any permit or approval in case of any failure or neglect to comply with
any provisions of this By-Law, or in case any false statement or repre-
sentation is made in any specifications, plans or statements submitted
or filed for such permit or approval. No building hereafter constructed
or altered shall be occupied unless it conforms in its construction to
the regulations of this By-Law nor until the Inspector of Buildings has
issued his certificate to that effect.
The vo.te was unanimous and so declared.
Thirty-four vo~ers were present.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ~ propriate or provide
by bond issue, of transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the sewer system 280 feet on Putnam Road from Mifflin Drive.
Petition of Andrew F. Coffin and others.
ARTICL~ 8. To see if the Town will vo~e to amend the By-Laws of the Town of
North Andover known as the Building Laws by inserting therein or adding
thereto, a provision or an amendment requiring the payment of a fee for the
issuance of a permit by the Building Inspector for alteration..or construction
pf a building within the town or take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting ~rue and atteste~
copies, thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at'five or more public places
in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days
nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting.
HEREOF, FAIL NOT, and make due return of this warrant with your doings
to the Town .Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the Fourteenth day of
May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine humdred and fifty-six.
ARTHUR P. KIRK Selectmen.
A true copy,
No. Andover~ Mass.
25, 1956.
/s/ Frank Howard, Constable.
I .have notified the inhabitants 6f the Town of North Andover qualified
vote in Town Affairs, by posting ~rue and attested copies of this warrant
at .the Town Hell and at five or more public places in each voting precinct.
Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less tb-n ten
day~ before the time of holding said meeting.
/s/ Frank Howard. Constable.
25,. 1946.
JOHN J. LTONS, Town Clerk.
At the S~ecial Town Meeting held in the Bradstreet School Auditorim on
Monday evening June ~, 1956 a~ 8 P.M., the following was Voted:
ARTICLE 1. VOT~ ~hat the Town accept th~ sum of $~,000.00 from~the~Lanterne
Corporation of Lextn.~ton, Massachusetts, and appropriate said s~umsfor use by
the Board of Public Works, in extending the water system on Dale treet from
Appleton Street towards Marbleridge Road, with any unexpended balance to be
refunded to the Lanter Corporation.
ARTICLE 2, V0'~ that the sum of $2,500.00 be taken from available funds in
the Town '~reasury for the purpose of this article..,
ARTICLE ~. VO'~'~A~ that the town accept .Chapter ~0, Section 6B of the General
Laws, so that the town may appropriate money for the purchase of uniforms for
memb~ of its police and fire departments.
ARTICLE ~. Stricken from the Warrant. .....
ARTICLE 5. VO','k~ that the sum of $1,450.00 be taken from available funds in
the Town Treasury to be expended.by the Board of Public Works for the purpose
of this article, subject to the following condltiona that on or before
September ~, 1956,~ the Retttioners and/or owners make a guarantee, acceptable
t.o the Board~ of Public ~orks of six percent of the actual cost of construction
as water rates, for a period of l~ years.
ARTICLE 6. VO'l'~ that the sum of $850.00 be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of
this article, subject ~o the follow~ng conditions: (i) that on or before
September ~, 1956 the petitioners end,or owners make a guarantee accept~able.
to the Board of Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of construe
tion as water rates, for a period of 1~ years. (2) that on or before
September ~, 1956, the construction of at least one house shall have been
ARTICLE 7. VOTED that the sum of $1,400.00 be taken from available funds in
the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose
of this article subject to the a~ssessments or betterments charges under the
conditions of Chapter 580 of the Acts of 1906 as amended.
~92 June 11, 1956. MEMO to Board of Selectmen.
In recognition of the observance one year ago this week of our Centennial
Celebration I am sending to you this communication, the contents 'of which will
be inscribed on my records:'
North Andover was incorporated 101 years ago this month. One year ago
we celebrated gaily, appropriateYy, and enjoyably o~r Centennial. LeU
us reminisce for a moment; let us not forget those ~v_ho have gone from our
midst, those who worked and labored, so hard in the past 101 years in order
that we of all faiths might have spiritual and cultural development here
in our Community.
North Andover is connected by highways, airways, and rail with Boston,
Lawrence, Lowell, Haverhill, and many'other cities and towns in the
Merrimack Valley, which includes within its forty-mile radius a 'population
of ~ver four million, The Town has the third largest area in the county
of Essex. North Andov~r,s easy access to large cities and its friendly
people, its muni6ipal, civic and fraternal organizations, explain in
part the phenomenon of its being one of the fastest growing communities
in the ~tate..
North Andover, with its open town-meeting form of government, has its
general election on the first Monday of March,. followed by its Annual
Town .Meeting on the second Oa~urday of March, each year.
The future growth and progress of North Andover are assured, if the
Community continues to follow the democratic teachings and ideals of
the people. 'So let us of North Andover continue to pray together, work
together, remain united in thought and action; thus we will transmit
this Town of North Andover to our descendents not less, but greater--
and more beautiful-- than it was transmitted to us.
Change is taking pi'ace at an accelerated rate, and so perhaps it is
better to let years pass before attempting To record and evaluate them.
JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk, No. ~ndover, Mass.
Boston, Mass.
June ?, 1 56.
The fbregoing amehdment ~o~Zoning by-law is hereby approved.
(Wm. Kents property-Turnpike St.)
/s/ George Fingold.
AttOrney General of the Commonwealth.
· ~' Boston, Mass.
June 25, 1956
The foregoing amendment to by-laws is hereby approved.
(Building Inspectors fees)
/s/ George Fingold~
SPECIAL TOWN MEETING-BYLAWE Attorney General of the 'Commonwealth.
~JUNE ~0~ i~6-SEE ~ "RECORD' BOOK"
Commonwealth of ~Nassachusetts
e~ SS:
To either of th~ Constables of bhe Town of ~North Andover:
~ ....... ' In the name of t~e Commonwealth~'~0f MaSsachusetts you ar~ hereby
~!"~'i.~rected to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover,.qualified to
i~ · vote in Town Affairs to meet in the former Court Room, Town Building in said
North Andover on Monday evening, the thirtieth day of· July, 1956'~at seven-
thirt-Y P.M.. then and there th. act pn the following business:
~ ARTICLE 1., To~ see if the Town will vote to accept from Dominick Managano of
North And6ver the sum of $1,400.00 to be used by t~e Town and~applied toward
.~ the cost. of ~extendlng the water system on Concord Street from Bu-u~e rhill
Street ~toward Trenton Street and extending the Sewer system on'Concord Street
from Bunkerhill Street to Trenton. Street.
i Petition of Dominick ~augano and others.
'..~ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote'~ to accept from Julia Duda, Lawrence
Massachusetts the sum of ~600.00 to be ~used by the Town and applied~ towards
the cost of extending the wa~er system on Moody Street southerly from Furber
Avenue. Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE ~. To see if the Tow~ will vote to accept from Vincent DiPrlmo of
Lawrence the sum of $500.00 to be used by the town and applied' towards the
cost of extending the wa~er system on Adams Avenue westerly from U~ity
Avenue. Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from the Police Sergeants
appropriation account the sum of $2A551.~5 to the Police Patrolmen Salaries
Account. Petltioh of the Board of ~electmen on recommendation of Mary T. Finn,
Town Accountant.
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board o'f Selectmen to
sell the 1940 Cletrac Model E. sidewalk tractor.
Petition of the Righway Surveyor Ira D. Catty.'