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TOWN WARRANT ~'~ C0~IMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ~'D ESSEX s s. ~ ~ To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North~ Andover, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct one, the former Court Room, Town Building in Precinct two, the Thomson School in Precinct three, and. the Kittredge School in Precinct four, in said North Andover on Monday, the fourth day of ~arch, 1957 st nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act upon the following article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderato'r, Town Olerk, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway ~urveyor~ Tree Wa?den, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public Welfare, and five constables for one year, onaAssessor, one mgMber of t~he Bo,~ard o~f P~b~ic Works,~ and two members of the School Committee for thr6e years, one me~er~of the Planning Board for five years, and to vote upon the questions, "Shall the Town vote to accept the provision Of section nineteen B of hapter forty-one of the General Laws and thereby provide per- marten= tenure f6rt'JohnfJl~'.Lyons, the presen~ incumbent of the office of Town Clerk." "Shall this towh of North Andover accep~ the pro'visions of Section ~7 of Chapter ~l, as amended, of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Mass., Tercen~ary edition, as they apply ~o the labor service of the Town of North Andover, a fair and concise surmnary and purpose of which appears below. Acceptance of the provisions of Section ~7 of Chapter 51, as amended, of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Tercentenary edition, as they apply to the labor service of ~he Town of'North andover, Would'~lkce mE under Civil Service the positions of laborers, s~illed laborers and mechanics and craftsmen in the entire labo~ service of the Town of North Andover." All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall open a='.9 A.M.., and shall be closed at 8 P.M. After final action ~n the preceding Article one, the said meeting shall stand a.d. Journed~~ by virtue of Section ~, Article one of the Town By-Laws, to _Satu~rday March 16, 1957 at one-thirty o'clock p.m., in the North Andover High School Auditorittm then and there ~o ac~ on the following articles. ARTICLE 2. ~o elect all other officers not required by law to be ele6~ted'by -,ballot. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vo~e ~o accep~ the ~eporu o~f receipts and expenditures as presented by the selectmen. ~ ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as.to its unexpended · appropriations. ARm~ = T° see what action the Town will take aa to the recommendations of the Advisory ~oar~. ARTICLE 6. To see if the~ own ~ll vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, tc bzzrow money, from time to time in antici- pation of tbe revenue of the financial year beginning ~anuary l, 1958. and to issue a. no=e or no~es therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any for a period of less than.one year .in accordance note or notes as may be gi.ven with Section 17, Chapter hiS, General Laws. ARTICLE 7. To consider the repor~ of all special com~tttees.- AR1TICLE 8~ To see if the Town will vote to auth~rlze the Board of'H~alth to appoint one of their members to the position of moard of Health Physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section ~A, chapter ~1 of the General Laws~. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its members to the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section ~A, Chapter ~1, General Laws. Petition of the Sohool'Committee. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town of North Andover will.vote..to amend.~the Zoning By-Laws by changing from Country Residence District; and/or Rural Residence District and/or Agricultural District to General Business District, the fol2cwing described parcel of property: Beginning at the Northeasterly conuer of the premises at the lnter~ection of Chickering'noad and Massachusetts Avenue, formerly known as Air Line Road; thence running Westerly by land now or formerly of Edward Adams,.1877 feet, more or less, to an angle in the wall; thence running Southwesterly by land of owners unknown and by an old road known as Wood Lane, 7~8 feet, more or · less, to a stone bound; thence running Southeasterly by said old road known as Wood Lane 8~.45 feet to a stone bound; thence running South 51~.08-58 East 547.96 feet to a.-stone bound; thence running South 60-56-17 ast 117.84 feet To a point; thence running Northerly 2'.99 feet to a point; thence running.Easterly 713 feet to a point; thence running Northerly 160 feet to a point, thence running Easterly ~21o26 feet to a point; thence by a cmAved line with a radius of 20 feet, 59.96 feet to Chlckerlng Road; thence running A~ortherly 24-28-25 East-1001.77 feet by said.Chickering Road to a point; thence Northerly by a curved llne with a radius of 125 feet, 76 feet more or less, to ~he point of beginning. Petition of Dorothy .J. Rennie and others. ARTICLE ll. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws By changing from Village Residential to Business, the follow.ing described parcel of land,~ A' parcel of land located on the southwesterly side of Main Street Bonnded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly side of' First Street distant 210 feet more or less from the southwesterly boundary, of Main Street; thence running along land now or formerly of Vernile in a southeasterly direction 210 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly along land of the said Vernile 117 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly to First Street 210 feet, more or less, along land of the said· Vernile; thence turning and running southwesterly along l~i~st Street 150 feet, more or less, to a point; .thence turning and running southeasterly 270 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and z~_uning .along land now or late of Robinson in a northeasterly direction 120 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and running more or less',moutheasterly to Second Street 2~0,feet~ more or less, to a point in'tHe northwesterly side of Second Str~'e"t;:' thence turning'and running along said.northwesterly side of second Street'200-feet; more mcr less, to a point; thence turning and 'running northwesterly 50 feet more or less, to a point; thence running northwesterly along a line parallel to and 2P~ feet~distant from the center line of Main Street 105 feet, more or less, t~a point in the southeasterly side of..School Str'~et'; thence turning'and rur~ing-southwesterly along the southeasterly side of School Street I~2 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and r~i~ across the-end 'of School Street in a northwesterly.direction 40 feet mor. e~ Qr. less,'toa,.~poi/xt; thence t~urning and running in a northwesterly direction along said School Street 1112 feet, more or less, to.a. point in the'rnorthwesterly side of School Street distant 2P~rfeet from the center ~m'iline'of Main Street; thence turning and running northwesterly along a line ~par,allel to,and 224 feet distant from the center line of Main Street 500 feet,~'mOre or less, to a point in the easterly side of First Street;.thence · 'turning andi~mnning southwesterly along the easterly side of First Street 16~feet, more,or less, to the point of beginntng~ Pc'ti'rich of L0uis H. McAloon ,and others. -A~TICLE 12." To see-if the Town will vote to insert in the North Anl over Zdnlng By-Law words 'specifying northeasterly and southwesterly z~ning dis't~ict boundaries of·'the Village. Residence zone .along the northwesterly side' of Su'tton Street, .identified in paragraph 5.5L~ as~ voted June 50, 1956, so-that ~satd. paragraph so amended shall read as follows: =.~, i "5J5~ A' small'area,' along -the northwe~terly-s~'de o.f Sutton' s~treet, e~braF, ing generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street,~ extended, more particularly bounded and described ~s follows:. .... N6rthwes'terly .by 'a line parallel to and seven hur~red fifl~y. (750) feet x~orthwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said cent~r~.,line~ 500 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with Nethuen.A,Yenue center tlne and'~a point on Sutton Street center ~ine 125 re'et along it ~.outhwesterly 'from its intersection.with ~hn~ndtke Street center line; · '~N0rtheasterly'b~'a'~'line parallel-t6 and three hundred~(~00) fe~t north- ~ast~rl~ from~ Methusn' Avenue center line; Southeasterly.by a portion of Sutton Street center line; ~d~thwesterly bya line at a right angle to Sutton Street center line beginning at a point' ~n Sutton'Street center line 125 feet southwesterly £r~m~the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street center llne ·" P-e't~tiSn of North Andover Planning Board, 'Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By,Law' by re-wording without Change of substance the Village R~sidence zoning district boundary descriDtion at a~:d near High Street in paragraph No.. ,5.55.as voted June 50, 1956~ at the request of Mrs..McQuesten, and by in~.=in~ tl~erein wot'ds more exactly describing the easterly bounding line thereof, so that said paragraph No. 5-55 so amended shall read as follows: "5.53 A small area along the southeasterly, side of Sutton Street embrac- ing generally land near and between Thorndike Street and Moo'dy Street, more particularly bounded and described as follows: ' Norther.ly a~nd.n?rthwesterl~.by ~uttOn Street center line between anoint'~ thereon one nunarea .twenty-five (125) feet westerly along said'Sutton Street- center line from its intersection with Throndlke '~treet center line. a~d a. point on Sutton Street center line 125 fee't along it northeasterly'from 'the point on Sutton Street center line that would be intersected'by Mo6dy Street center line if extended tangent all the w. ay to Sutton Street; . ' E~sterly by a line parallel to. and one hundred twenty-five' (125')"feet easterly from'Moody Street center~ line and said line e'xtended ail' the W~Y'to Sutton Street; ~outheasterly by Prescott Street center line~. Southwesterly by a short portion of line parallel to and -northeasterly 'from-the formeriSalem Railroad right of way location llne; --~Westerl~%-by a line parallel to and 225 feet westerly ~romHigh"Street cen~er line; ..... ... ~outhwes. terly?et again by a line parallel, to and 200 Seet nSrth~'as.terly from the' former .Salem.Railroad right of way location linde, and wouthW~sterl~ ~ a line parallel to and' 125 feet wouthwesterly from ,Tho~ndike. ~tr-ee't center llne to the_ point where it intersects Sutton Street-center line." · ' Petition of. North Andover.,Pl~r[ulng Board, Nicholas F~ Nicetta, Chafrma'u', CLE 14.;~j~To~ see-. i.f%-%he~ oWn/will vote to i~se~t~ in the North ..... Andover Zoning .... ~y-Law Words. . describing~ a~ segment, ..... now missin~. ~0f~ 'the bo~d~W ~Of General Business mzone in Ehe northerlyj~jcorner of the i'nter-~e'C%ibn, i~.'0f ~ike~Street and Hillside Street--Kent property--se, t forth 'in~pgrkgr~ph) · by '~,trikin off the ~te~minal ~boUndar.~-describir~,~c!au~s'~ the~o£~as~' ~ ~-voted~Ju~e 50,.1956, to wit "~ence northwesterly 91.~ feet to~ beginning ;?' ~and. by subs titutlng in place thereof .the~ c0rre spond~'~,!?or~4 ~as ..originally printed in paragrph 5.8.~ of i the w~rran~, for the .JuneJ~0~'~1956,1L~ · ~ Town; Meet[r~A t'o. w£t "thence northgesterl~y 91.l~m'fe~t~ito a Point~ t~'nce~' 'southweste~rly 100. feet to the point, of beginning;!' ........ ~:'".~: Petition.,.of North And over Planning Board, Nic~oias ~, Nicetta, ',Chair~,-~.~,~ : '.m,~TIOT'E :15~:::".TO .see ,!lithe own'.will./vote to amend ~the .Village Residence.~--~ ,?.j:'~oning fDistrtc't,:boundar~-description set fortlz, in ipara~ap~'. ~.$i~'as v0b'e~- · ...,... une...~0, 195,6, .to...oorreetaa:..wrong stre.et-.n~e,_ ~o: strike .out .a.:mts~ake.:aud. upsr~luous, street name, 'to state .c!early.:the Compass :'dire.cti0n_o_f/a b6und~!. ,gment~,sand. to. extend, aS Just. and ~re-locate., other B0unday' '.~ments: oond with changes in~ the Main-Sfreet General Business.,Z~neUb'0u~d~:~ ..set ::.forth. in- p~ragr~ph~5 ;71 'by taking all or some. of' the.. several, ac t~ionm.. speci'fied: hereunder as to said' parBgraph 5 · 51' by s triklng out' ..in~,:t. hkJ se,ven~th the name ."Sutton: Street" and'by' inserting in' pla~..%h~ere0f tend Street" ;"by strlk[ng out,in, the'nlnth'.bounding.'.se_g.m,.,ent.aT%he - occurrence-of, the [wor~s "and Elm Street"; bY corre'cting:'[the~.fi~s[t!i~t~tter. the.first' word:, Of the"twenty-first bounding segment so/that.?'th~::word:: shall ~ striking' out the. sixth, bo~uding..segmentl des~rip~tton lace':thereof the. following three segment, descri~tions-~'~_r~mely: :'.-!.E~sterl~"tby~fma'..line: parallel to' and 150'- westerly .from .the.[ center'>line~/. Main~ Street between~ Nay. Street. a~d' W~verl~y~ Road; : ..Yl. [. -" ~.?-" ~ S0utheasterly..b~' a~, shortl portion of Waverl~y.. Read-'center-~i.n.e~;.~ ~!?~? '~; [~ N0~theas terly by a'.l'ine parallel .. to ~nd '225' Westerly 'from-' Mai~; Street ?Petition .of North Andover 'P'iannl~g Board, Nich0ia~' P. ' .... ~ .... " . Nicetta',:.. Chai~man~. ARTICLE 16. Tc see i~ the .own will vote to amend ~he North as' Neighborhood Bu'sine'~SM~Bh~ .Rroperty kn_o~--as':' H~'l.%'on~ s ~ in paragraph. 5.74 (55) 'as ivoted ~une :~50,' .1~56~'i' adjoining property zoned NSighbo~hood Bu'siness de~c~ibed/i~i~"paragraph- June .~0, 1956, and to accomplish that plxrpose amedding and enlarging the area de scribe~ in pa~ag~.~ph'::5 ~i so':that ?said paragraph :so' :ame~ec._' shall read as. follo . - . .... ~ ........... ~._.~. . : I.~.6~"Nelghborhood' Business$ An area of land.at the.northwesterAy In~Srsection of Middlesex' Street ~and Waverley Road buunded: J":~!~' .' ,, ~- ' Easterly b2 the westerly sideline of~Waverley~Road; Southeasterly and'Southerly by the northerly sidelihe Cfm NLiddleeex' ~ Street between' the westerly' sideline of Waverley Road and a point on. 'said... Middlesex Street sideline i4~ feet westerly from Said Waverley Road sideline; Westerly by a line at a right angle to said Middlesex Street/sideline; Northerly by a llne parallel to .and. 100. feet northerly ~rom -said Middle- sex Street northerly sideline." . , .... And, by striking out the above-cited s.u_b-paragraph (55) of:'paragraph Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nichol'as F. Nicetta,...Chairmar~. 19~? TOWN WARRANT 53' ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a ~ypographica~ error in a dimension, and by altering adjusting and extending the :~oundaireS of ~he northern end of the Main Street General,Buslness Zone set forth in paragraph 5.'71 as voted June 30, 1956, to include all' or most of the premises specially designated General Business in sub,paragraphs (28} (29) and(50) of paragraph 5.7~ as voted June 30, 1956, striking them ou~ and ~nendlng 5.?1 so that said paragraph 5~?1 so amended shall read: 5~..71 Portions of both sides of ~aln Street and of. Water Street more particulary bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line: Easterly by a line 3 to and 165 feet easterly from Main Street center line between the Salem Railroad location line and Saunders Street: Northerly by a 'small portion of Sanders Street cen.ter llne; Northeasterly by a llne parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from the center llne of that .,~.;~,~ ~.~..iportion of Saunders Street. that ~rends in two courses about "2~° 30! W and'a~out N ~5° 0' W; Sgutheasterly by a short portion.of the Brad'str- eet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel . ~c and 180 f~et northeasterly from Main Street center line, and exten6- lng some 700 feet or more in length~between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of. Sutton Mill Pond ?. generally southeasterly of the in~ersec.tloh of Second, Main and Water ~.../~Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore OfmSutton Mill'Pond; ~ ;Sou.theasterly by a line at a 'right angle~ 'to Water Streel passing .through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly~ from the ., center line of Merrimack Street; .North'easterly'by~ the Center line of ,~ :': water Street,' between Merrimack. Street and El~:Street;., S~uth~Asterly ·: ... ~by Elm Street cgnter line; Southwesterly by a line Parall'el. ~0~and '' ::. 225' feet southwesterly from Water ~treet center, line between Elm Stree$ ' ' :and~'Merrlmack Street!' N6rt~JeSterly by a~Short portion of Merrimack. ~ Street center line; Southwesterly bY Water Street 'center 'line between ..... . .'M~rrimack Street and Main Street; /Southeasterly by a 'line. parallel to ' '~'and 100'feet southeasterly from S6cond Street center.lln~, South- ~ '~'~ westerly.by a llne parallel to and 225 feet southwesterly from Main ~ ..~..i Stre~et center line'between a point 100 feet ~southeasterly of Second '~" ': Stre~et and Waverly..Road; ·Westerly~by a short por'tion of ~averly Road ~enter line; - Wouthwesterly by a* line parallel to and 150 'feet south- ,~r..~.~ ,;~.'westerly from Main Street, center line~ between Waverly.Road center line · ~,~ ": and~ Sutton Stree~ center line, and southerly by a very short portion- "~":;~i~:,~ ~f.~utton Street center line;~ *Southwesterly by a line parallel to·and~ ?.- "!'~200 feet southwesterly.~from North Main Street center'line..between ~'~"- ~ . Sutton Street center line and a point 80 :feet southerly from Ashland · '~ ·/.S.treet center line; Northerly by a ~line parallel ~to and 80 feet · .~,~: ~ southerly from Ashland ~treet center line to the center line of: North ~ .~i.~Ji~;'~ 'i~M,,ain~.$treet;'I,I Northeasterly by~ the. c ente~.'llne ~f Nor.th 'Main Street .to .. % :.,,tHe' center line of ~Sutton Street; ~ Southerly. by a. short ~portion of · '~,~?:.!?~' ,~!~ .Suiten Street 'center' line; Easterly~by mthel center line of Main Street ~ :~/'between Sutton~ Street~center~ line~ and the location line of the former .... ' -'~'~ale~ Railroad.' -Petition of the North'Andover' Plar~uing Board, F.:'~Nic etta, Chairman. .... ~AETICLE 18; To~ see Tlf~ ~he. Town wi ll vote to :amend the North Andover ;i'"By~Law b~ inser.tlng under paragraph ~.6 ~ighborhood Business Districts, a . ~?. new~' :paragraph ,to be' n~mb ere~d. ~. 6~ an~ by/transfer, ring there to and n,~mberlng ',~consecutively ~ 1) ~through (l~J · thereunder prop,erties~ hitherto des~?ibed ".:;:and ~ stated under .paragraph 5..74 su~bparagraphs ~ 5 ) ,(7), (9),. (!~), ( 15 ) ~ ;'~!Seeond parcel~ ~(16), .(17),~ (19), (22),(23), (5~), i(~7), and (~0), °striking · ~them from P, ar. 5~7~ entirely and adding to the descriptions of certain of .;,them'~words more ,.clearly indentifying the location ~of said properties so i~ t~t'~s'aid~m paragraph 5.6~ shall read as follows: ~' .~ '"5~J64 (1). The land in North ~ndover with 'th~ buildings thereon .p~e-~ently~known as ~aro"s Diner, located on~th~ ~southeasterly.~side of 0sg6od'. Street in the fork between .Osgood and Barker Streets, and bounded '~ and' de'scribed 'as follows.~ ~ 'Southeasterly by Barker Street 590.15 feet; Nortt~westerly in two ~ courses by 0sgo0d Street 221'.85 feet and 1~5 feet; Northerly by land of Barker along the bed o'f an old wall 242 feet; andm~North~asterly agai: by ·land of Barker 8.99 re'et, all of said measurements being as shown on plan of land owners by Stefanowicz, North Andover, Mass. August 19~7, ., ':~"Charle E. Cyr, C.E. ~:~ .~-~i~i~6~ (2) The land in. North Andover with the buildings 'thereon presently ~knowa. as Woody's located on thewesterly side of Chickering Road about , one ~uarter mile northeaster al~ong it from the intersection of Peters and Andover Otreets, bounded and described as follows: Northerly 226 feet more or less, by land .now or late of Coolidge; Southeasterly 280 feet, more or less, by Chickerlng Road; Southerly 30 feet more or less LAND or formerly of Schruender, and Westerly 178 feet, by land now or late of one Melamed. (5) Land in No~th Andover together with the buildi~gs thereon, presentl~ knowr~C~ - as"Bulger, s Animal Hospit~'l, located on the ea.~terly side of Chicke~ing.~ Beginning at a point in .the southeasterly sideline of Chickering Road located approximately 925 feet southwesterly.along said ~hickering Road sideline from its intersection with Mass Avenue center line, said point being the..north- easterly corner of the premises in question; thence running southeasterly 12~ feet To a point; thence turning and running southwesterly 200 feet to a polnt~ thence turning and running northwesterly 125 feet to a point on the sou.the.ast~e~½y_si.de .of ~Ickering Road; thence turn.i, ng and running no~th- e~.rZofY ~eUO~e_~la.-ong the southeasterly side of ~hickering Road to the P g i~,~ · (~) exactly as hitherto described in 5~7~ (1~) (5_) exactl~ as hitherto described in 5.?.~ (15) second parcel. (~). exactly as hitherto dewcribed in ~.7L~ (l~) 5'6~ (7) Land in North Andover together with' the buildings therebn¥ presently known as iSaul~s gasoline filling station, located along the' southwesterly side of Salem ~urnpike (State 'Route ll~) a short distance southeasterly .from its intersection with Sullivan Otree= and bounded an~ describe~ as folIows: ' Beginning at a point in the southwesterly sideline 'of,~ Salem · Turnpike about 1~0 feet southeasterly~a-Iong said sideline fromi'ts inter- section·with the southerly sideline of Sullivan Street, and.'.~bbunded on the .nor~h. ea. st.by $.tate .High,way. Route ll~ for a distance of 178-17~180-181 and oounce~ on the~n0r~nw~s:s,cy Commonwealth of Massachusetts 29.~8: feet On the mouthwest ~6~.~6 feet; and by land owned by Edward~-~.. S~ttI.f on' the. s.outh- east 85.67 feet said bounds havinE been surveyed by Mr. Bras'bout': and marked by i~on pipe. (81 'Land i~ North Andover together With the buildings thereon,. ~esently known as Dehullu, s Market and numbered 60 Union Street, IoC~ated..sn the southerly, side. of Union Street~ a. short distance ea s~erly f*om:.MarbI~head ...oupner~.y.s_z~e. zzn~e~ cz .unmon S~reet located, appr0xlmatel~ 45~,..fee~ieasterly .~ among ~saza unzon: Stree~ southerly sideline from its intersec'tloh'with'.~, ~.Marblehead Street. east'erly 'sideline,' and bounded .thence; Northerly 5§ feet by Unibn Stree.t; thende. Easterly 105~feet-~ by land now or fo~m~e,rly of 'one McNiff; ,.~th~nce .Southerly: 75 feet and Westerly~i20 feet. · 5~6~(~9) La~ d.~tn North Andover, together ~with the' buildings thereon.~presently~ known:.as ~Lakeside Filling Station, located at: the northwes.t, corner' '~ Lake Cochichewick on 'the southeastern side of the road at the. lntersect~ of 0sgood S~reet and Great Pond Road~ boumded: Northerly 180?set .by 0sgood Street'; Northeasterly 70 feet .by. Great Pond Road; Easterly'125 ~fsot; Southerly 185. feet mand Westerly 125 feet to the.point of beginning. ..~ _ (10) First, Parcel; ~ tiny' triangle ~f land together with the':*st~C~ures thereon located on the northwesterly side of Chlckeri'ng R0~'d:"ab=but 1050 : fee~ northeasterly alone Chicker'Ing 2oad from Peters And Andover Streets, · bounded: Northerly 50 fee,t by .land 'novJ of GaUmond:· Southeasterly. 40 .feet 'mOre'or 'fo s.s, by Chickering' R0a~;'an..d.W.e.,ate~ly 40 feet more or i'le~ss, by ' ~ now of NeI~ed~ being?trl~gUlar~in~ -~hape~ - ~ .... ~ ~ ~.,'- . Second Parcel: Land with the buildings hereon Iocated in, the southerly :.'~ .corner of the intersection of ~tzfton Court-and"Chictm ring Road .aiid.'.boiznded; Northwesterly .525 .feetmmore or less by ChickeringRoad; Easterly~219,25 feet more or _less by ~u~ton~Court; ~Southerl~ ~5.6 feet, more or _l~ess;:.:,by~ land of Smith; southeasterly 209 feet,' more or .less, .bY ~land now OL.Smfth.and Murray.; . Southerly 5~' feet~ more or less~. 'bytand of Nelb; and Westerly 155.~ feet. more or less by land now' of. Carbonero, ·. . ~ ..~ ..~. '. 5.64~~(11) A _c. ertain. -parcel of .land locabed on the 'southwe'ste'r~v '~'~;~ ~:ree~,'~ ~orth~ Andover about 5.00 feeb~ southeasterly along Hi*~h · ~utton Street, numbered LOt 4L~ on Assessor Plan ~?o. 52~ presently knowns as Mann's-Variety Store, and bounded and described as follows:~ .Beginning at a point on the southw~s~terly 'si.de of High Street .in the nor.~heasterly-~ corner of the p.remises in question,..~the~ce running southemsterl~y~100 feet~ to a' p~inb; thehce t~rning And running southwesterly 70,7 feet to a poin~ thence turning and running northwesterly 100 feet to a point; thence -turning and running northeasterly 69.59 feet ~o the point of beginning. .(12) exactly as hither~o descirbed i~ 5'7,~ (57) (1~x) exactly as hitherto described in 5.74 (L~0) Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas. F. Nicetta, Chairman. ARTICLE 19. TJ see if, the Town will' vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By.-Law by re-numbering as (1). through (22) inclusive su~- ara rahs under as voted June' 0 1 6 P paraEraph ~.7~ 5 , 9 , then numbered (2) ( ) ( 6 8 · ' !lJ) (20) (21) (2~)I25) (26) (27) (51') (52) (:~) (:~6~ r:~8~ a-~ '~'""' znse ~ · ~ ,~ i ~A~ ~1 ane oy re- ~ r~i.n~ at ~the..end of s~uch last~sub-par.agraph, being hitherto numbered ~(~) a-- o~' ~nose ~'ur~ner worts of description and i~entification after the "said Newcomb" as originally printed in'the Warran~ 'for said ~une 50, 1956, ~eeting, and by striking entirely from said paragraph 5.7~, sub paragraph (15) ~irst Parcel., the property therein described, and by striking from said paragraph 5.~ sub-paragraph (1) and property therein described because it was already included within the property described in paragraph 5.72 as voted June 50,'56. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nlcetta, Ch~ rman. ARTICL~ 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning Bylaw by altering the ~undary description under paragraph 5.81 to reflect the transfer of a small part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as re- quested by Mr. Barker and voted June $ , 1956, and by striking frcm said de- scription a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the ~nd of said descrip- tion; and by inserting before the words "more particularly bounded (ete)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the indus- t~ia~ly zoned area described in Paragraph 5.81 so that said paragraph so mended shall read as follows: 5,81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick watershed divide line as more particularly boundedand described below, except suchporttons of the area within s~id Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly declared to be in any other kind of zoning district; Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boundary between tho Merrimack River and a point southerly of Osgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of 0sgood Street center llne between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Brook Bridge to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by that portion of 0sgood Street center line between High Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of SuttonStreet center line between 0sgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line 500 feet northeast of its intersection with Eethuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 500 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly~by a line.parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street cente'r line between a point thereon 500 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line and a point on °utton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndik~ Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street cent line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and apoint on Sutton Street center line feet southwesterly from T~orndike Street center line; Southerly by .that J portion of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center line between '~ Sutton Street center line and'a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; JSoutherly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Stree~ center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet south- westerly from North ~in Street center lin~ between apotnt'80 feet southerly from Ashland Street and the center llne of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; North by a line parallel to and 150 feet southwesterly from Main Street center line between Sutton Street,and'May Street; Southerly by a May Street center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between May Street and Belmont Street; ~. Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street center line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence- North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and ~ Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of, Marblehead Street and the. Haverhill-North Andover boundary. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, ~hairma~. ~ARTICLE 21. To see if the Towh will vo~e to amend the North Andover Zoning Bylaw by inserting near t~e beginning of p~ragraph 5.82 a saving clause identical with that proposed above in 5.81, also by adjusting and re-stating the description in paragraph 5.82 to reflect more clearly the transfer of a small area thereunder from Industrial to Village Residence' as requested by Mrs. McQuesten and duly voted June 50, 1956; and by striking fzom near the end of paragraph 5.82 a wrong c~mpass bearing for the northerly sideline of Saunders Street, to .wit substituting in place ther$of the correct bearing, namezy E~ Du ~, as elsewhere stated in the same description, so that said paragraph 5.82 so amended shall read: 5.82 A finger of land in the north central part of North Andover exten- ding along parts of both sides of Stevens Mill Brook and the former Railroad location between Sutton Street and Stevens Street at Stevens Pond, embracing the Sutton, Osgood, Davis & Furber and Stevens Mills, within the boundaries more particularly described and stated below, except such portions of the area within said Industrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly declared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northerly by Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by a llne parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from the center line of WARRANT FOR 1957 Thorndike street; thence by a connecting line parallel to and 200 feet north- easterly from that portion of the former Salem Railroad right of way location between a point near Thorndike Street and a point 225 feet northwesterly line High Street center line; Southeasterly by a llne parallel to and 225 fee~ from' northwesterly from High Street center line; Northeasterly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad right of way location line; Northwesterly by a portion of ~igh Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the former Salem Railroad right of way location lin~ between High Street center line and ChickegihgR'oad center line; Southeasterly by a short portion of Chickering Road center line; Northeasterly by the former Salem Railroad location line between Chickering Road and Stevens Street; Easterly by Otevens Otreet center line between its intersection with the afc railroad location and Pleasant Utreet; SouthWesterly by Pleasant Street center line to a point thereon 120 feet'sbutheasterly from its intersection with Phillips Court center line; Northwesterly by a line parallel to and 120 feet southeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends approxlmat~ly S~° ~'W; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 1~5 feet northeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends approximately S~5° 26' E and such line extended northwesterly to 0sgood Street; Northeasterly by a portion of 0sgood Street center line beginning at a point thereon ~5© feet northeasterly of its intersection with Phillips Court center line and extending thence easterly to the center line of Wayne Street, so called; Southwesterly by the center line of ¥~ayne Street, so called, between 0egood Street and Chickering Road; Southeasterly by a short portion of Chickering Road center line; Southwesterly by East ~ater Street center line; Southeasterly by a short portion of Clarendon Street center ~ne; Southwesterly by Water Street center line, extended, be- -~ twee~ Clarendo~Street and a point on Water Street center llne about 105 feet southerly from Merrimack Street center line; Northwesterly by a line at a right angle to Water Street center llne and passing through a point thereon 105 feet southerly fr~n Merrimack Street center 'line; Southwesterly by a portion of the southwesterly shore of the mill pond, and thence by a portion of a line parallel to and 180 feet northeasterly from Main Street center llne; Nor thwesterly by a line at a right-angle to Saunders ~treet center line at the southerly terminus of Saunders Street; Wouthwesterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond between the aforesaid line at a right angle to Saunders Street center llne · 1. terminus and the easterly extension of ~hat northerly side line a~ ~ts ~utheM~..~o~ ~ ds annroximately E7° ~0'N; !~ou~h~rl~.~y~t~.~t__~ o~ ~aunaers ~ ~Z_~_re~o~ ~. ~ot trends a oroxmma=e±Y ~ D~'m northerly side line o~ ~aun~T-o' ~ (~ ..... ~o~P~ and 16~ feet easterlyl line extended easterly, Wes e·~y.~Y ...... *~^~ ~f the former Saiem'Railroadl ~Main Street center z~ne; Southerly ~ ~ ~ location line; Westerly ~ysM~n ~t~ent~t~°~thth~rp~ng Railroad 'location line an~ u~on ~ ~'. Board, Nicholas ~'. Nicetta, Chairman. ARTICLE 22. To see if the town will vote to further amend Section 9 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw as amended and adopted by the Special Town Meeting of June ~0, 1956, by inserting at the end of the second sentende thereof as amended and adopted June ~O, 1956, a comma instead of the period and by adding after such comma the following additional clause: "further provided that two of said Board of Appeal Members and of of said Associate Members shall be appointed from ~among the Members of the North Andover Planning Beard.!' so that the whole of Section 9 so amended and divided into two paragraphsshall then SECTION 9: BOARD OF APPEALS, ITS P0~ERS AND DUTIES: 94'1 There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members and not more than three Associate Members, which shall have and exercise all the powers provided under G.L. Chapter 40A as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matters specifically ~eferred to the Board of Appeals by thc North Andover Zoning Bylaw and other matters referred to such Board by statute. The Board .of Appeals Members and Associate Members shall be'appointed by the Selectmen in the manner provided by statute, further provided that two of said Board of Appeals Members and one of.said Associate Members shall be appointed from anong the Members of the North Andover Planning Hoard. 9.2 On each appeal arising under the.North Andover Zoning Bylaw,,~the. Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of which notice shall be given by pu- blication in a newspaper of general circulation in. North Andover twelve (12) days at least before the date oN such hearing. The Board shall also notify by registered mail all owners of Property within three hundred (500) feet of the boundaries of each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to such owners at the addressees appearing for them in the most recent town tax listing of said owners." Pwtltion of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, ~Chalrman. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to convey to Charles and Gertrude Melamed by a deed sufficient for the purpose to be executed for the Town by pursuant to a vote of the the Board of Selectmen the parcel of land which, Special Town Meeting held on November 26, 1956, the Board of Selectmen on December 5, 1956, ordered taken by eminent domain and on December 7, 1956, recorded said order bf taking in Essex North District Registry of Deeds, said parcel being bounded and described as follows: Art 23 Cont. W~RANT 1957 ~ A lot ~f land belonging to Charles and Uertrude Melamed situated to the south- west of Rosedale Avenue, containing approximately 8.77 acres and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a ooint on the northerly side of Cypress Terrace at land of Charles and Gertrude Melamed and land of the Suburban Household Enterprises, Inc., which point is 580 feet distant southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Andover' ~treet; thence running in a northeasterly direction along a stone wall by land now or formerl of said suburban Household Enterprises, Inc., 276 feet to a point at another stone wall and at land now or formerly of Colizzi; thence turning and running in a general southeasterly direction along said latter stone wall by lands now or formerly Of said Colizzi, Indells, Hart and Frechette 850 feet to a point at another stone wall and ~and now or formerly of Pucclo; thence turning and running in a general southwesterly direction along said latter stone wall by said lane of Puccio ~20 feet to ~ point.where Bevin Road intersects with Pinedale Terrace; thence turning and running in a.general northwesterly di- rection along the northeasterly side of Pinedale Terrace 51~ feet to a point where the northeasterly side of Pinedale Terrace intersects the southeasterly side of Farnl~am Road; thence turning and running in a northerly direction ll~ feet across said Farnham Road and by other land of said Melameds to a point in a stone wall at other 1And of Charles Melamed; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction along said latter stone wall 275 feet t8 a point on the southwesterly side of Cypress Terrace which point is 575 feet distant southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Andover Street; thence running in a more norheasterly direction 56 feet,across Cypress Terrace to the point of beginning. All measurements being moze or less and said lot herein describe containing approximately 382.062 square feet. All re~erence to street, terraces and ways used in this description may be Zound on Plat No.'~7 in the North Andover Town'Assessors Office. Petition of Edward Mela~ed and others. ARTICLE2~:~ To see if the Towh will vote to raise and appropriate.or transfer from available funds a sufficient sum of money to allow the Board of Selectmen to'pay Court costs and expenses in connection with the land takings for the proposed new school. Petition of the Board of ~electmen. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum to be expended by the School Building Committee for purpose of preparing the Johnson School Building for elementary school use which sum, according to the estimate of architect Frank W. Crimp of Adden, Parker, Clinch and Crimp, submitted May' l~, 1956, pursuant to authority con- ~ferred under Article 50 adopted at the 1956 Annual Town Meeting, need not exceed. Ninety-five ~housand Nine Hundred nine dollats. ($95,909.00) PetitiOn of mdward Melamed and others. ARTICLE 26. To see if the town will vote toraise and appropriate an additional sum of'money for the salaries and wages in each Town Department; to grant a . ten ~ r cent (10%) increase to all full time employees, with the exception of ~he School ~epartment employees. Petition of James E. Fitzgerald and others. ARTICLE, 27. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote an increase in salary of $200.00. to each ~ssessor $600.00 in all) because of the increase in volume of work. Petition of the Board of Assessors. ARTICLE 28. To Bee if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or. provide · by bond issue, or transfer froma vailable funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend'the water systems on the following streets on petition of the persons named and others: (A) Approximately one hundred and eighty five feet on Douglas Road from ~- N~ee!~ Drive. ' ~+~+~^~ ~e ~o,,~o j. S~ ...................... , .... ,~, ~ud others. (B) 0nWentworth Avenue, a distance of approximately two hundred feet from Chadwick Street toward Fu~er Ave; Petition of Ralph E. Finck and others. (C) On Moody Street approximately 210 feet toward Prescott ~reet from the previous terminus near F~rb~r Avenue. Petition of William A. Geremia and others. ARTICLE 29. To see if the town willvote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer systems on the following streets on petition of the persons named and ot~here. (A) Approximately one hundred and eighty-five feet on Douglass Road from Mifflin Drive. Petition of Maurice J. Sergi and others. (B) On Wentworth Avenue, a distance of approximately 200 feet from Chadwick Street toward Fuber Avenue. Petlt~on of Ralph E. Finck and others. (C) From Osgood Street'to residence of John Pellsgrlno on Pleasant Street. Petition of Frank J. Sllpp and others. (D) On Harwood Street approximately one hundred and sixty feet from Mass Ave. Petition of Anna Galvagna and others. (E) 0n'Chickering Road ~pproxlmately three hundred feet to Property of Josep~ Filetti. Petition of Joseph Filetti and others. " ~ Art. 29. Con't. ~'~ (F) On Highland View Avenue from Furber Avenue to the residence of Salvatore Ciarcia. Petition of Salvatore Ciarcia and others. ARTICLE 50. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by~ by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to install an underground drain to take care of surface water for a required distance from a point on Pleasant Street, so that Town drainage will no longer flow on privately owned laud bordering on said Pleasant Street, and further that the Selectmen be hereby empowered to take whatever steps are necessary ~o effect the accomplishment of said article including the obtaining of the necessary easements. Petition of John J. Willis and others. ARTICLE 51. To see if the town will raise and appropriate or take;from available funds a sufficient sum of money to enclose a drainage ditch starting a~. a point on the southwesterly side of Mass Ave., and along the westerly side of ~averly Road to the Shawsheen River, in the general vicinity of Kenwood Street. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 52. To see if the tov~ will raise and appropriate $2,500.00 for the removal of ~rees and s~umps for the distance of ~00 feet more or less on Bradford Street, starting 700 feet easterly from Osgood Street. Petition of D. Mangano & Sons and others. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vo=e to raise and appropria~ the sum of $1,825.00 to purchase 1000 feet of n~ 2~" hose for the Fire Department. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE ~. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or.transfer from available~.funds the sum of three hundred dol~a rs to have new overhead doors pu~ on police garage and have windows painted and repaired. Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief, Polic~ Department. ARTICLE 55. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $2,000.00 to be used with the two bars for Swo new 1957 12 volt sys=em cars, all equipment must be Changed over such as police radios, sirens and all other equipment. Petition of Alfred H4 McKee, Chief of police department. ARTICLE 56. To see if the town will vo=e to have all school buses in North Andover used to transport childred to and from school be placed under Jurisdiction aud supervision of the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. Petition of Ellnor Roberts and others. ARTICLE 57. To see if the town will ~ote to have al 1 schoolI buses in North Au- dover for the. transportation of children to and from school be all owner- operated. Petition of Eleanor Roberts and others. ARTICLE 58. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, the sum of $165,~00.00 or any other sum for the .purpose of installing the following twelve- inch water mains in accordance with the report of Camp, Dresser and McKee, Consulting Engineers: Sutton Street from 0sgood Street to High Street; High Street, from Sutton Stree~ to Prescott Street; Boston & Maine Railroad right-of- way. from Prescott Street to Chlckering Road; Chickerlng Road, from 0sgood Stree~ to ~ark Street, and Park Street from Chickering Road to Osgood Street, and ~e- termine ~whether the money shall be provided for by taxation, by appropri~tion available funds in the treasury, and by borrowing under a~ thority of Chapter 'of ~the' General Laws or t~ke ar~y action 'in ~elatlon thereto. ---~.-- Petition of v~he Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 59. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~.~nx~. ~n ~n ~ o~ ot~er su~ for the nu~nose of extending the .West. Side Trunk Sewer from Mass Ave., at Beechwood St~ee~ to Greene Street by way 0~f BeechWood Street, Shawsheen Ave., and certain' rights of way, slong Greene Street ~o Mass Ave, Wood Lane ~o Woodstock Street' and Waver!y Rd. to Margate Street in accordance with the survey of C~np, Dresser & McKee, Consutllng Engineers, and ~etermlne whether the money shall be provided by t~xation, by appropriation from available funds in the treasury, and by borrowing under authority of Chapter ~ of the General Laws, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of the Board of ~ublic'Works. ARTICLE ~0. To see if the ~own will vo=e to raise and appropriate $2,500.00 to provide a chain link fence at the million gallon water standpipe at Bradford and Barker Streets. Petition of Board of Public Works.~ ARTICLE ~l. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,000.00 to be used with the present Hough Payloader to purchase a new front end loadeA'. Petition of Board~of Public works. ~ ARTICLE ~2. 'To see if the town will vote (1) to instruct the Board'~of Selectmen to acquire by purchase, or othwrwise, two lots' of land, approximately 10,000 square feet, (No. 151 and No. 152 in the Assessors records), belonging to ~rank Gage, of Chatham, New Jersey, which~ are located at the corner of Chickering Road and Beacon Hill Boulevard, and abut the North Andover High School site; (2) to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $1,000.00 for said purposes. Petition of Charles W. Morgan, et, al. TOWN WARRANT 1957 59' ARTICLE ~3. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for the purchase of a three and one-half ton dump truck for the use of the Highway Dept., A 1951 Mack dump truck to be turned in trade. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE ~. To see if the town will raise an~ aporoprlate the sum of $1,000.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal ~Ite on Olaf4 Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~5. To see ~'f the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000.00 for the maintenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws,~ said money to be used in conjunction wi.th money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both for this purpose, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~6. To see if t~e tomu will raise'and appropriate the sum of.$7,500.00 for the rebuilding of Dale ~treet under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said m0n~y t6 be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County or both for this puspose; or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway~Surveyor. ARTICLE 47. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the Sum.of $200.00 for the purpose o painting and replacing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~8. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,700.00 for,the installation of a Cyclone wire fence at Stevens Pond. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~9. To see if the town will riase and .mpproprlate the sum of $~,~00.00 ~orr the purchase of a sidewalk tractor for the use of the Highway~depar~ment. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 58. To see if the town will raise and appropriate, the 'sum of $500.00 for the r. epairing of the bridge ove~ the Cochichewlck brook at Sutton Street, as .recommended by the Department of Public Utilities. P~etition of the Highway Surveyor. ' ARTICLE'51~ 'To see if the town will raise and ap~,roprlate the sum of $12,145.01 to rebuild that section of storm drain on Green Street from the Shawsheen River to Kenwood Stree~ which was washed ou~ last year. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $11,650 to build a s~orm drain on Wood Lane from the Junction of Green Street to Woo. d~tock Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 53. To see ~if the =own will raise and appropriate the sum of $16~5.00 to'purchase a one-half ~on pikc-up truck Ihally equipped for the use of the Highway Department. A 1948 Chevrolet pick-up truck to be turned in, in ~rade Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 5~. To see if the ~own will raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 to.overhaul the 1940 gas roller of the Highway Department. · Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ~A~TICLE 55. To see if the town will vo=e to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $225.00 =o purchase a Power Brush Cutter. Petition of John J. Connors, Tree Warden.. ~RTI~-.po. To ~se-e'if the town will 'vote to raise and appropriate or transfer frcm available funds the sum of $500.00 for the purchase of =wo power saws for the T~ee Dept. Petition of ~ohn ~. Connors, Tree "arden. - . ........ ~.. To see ~ the town will vote t'o rai~se and'appropriate or t~nsf~r~ from available funds the sum of $1,500.00 dollars to purchase a ~ ton pickup truck for the Department of Insect Pest Control. Petition of ~ohn J. Connors, .Moth ~Superlntendent. ARTICLE 58. To see if the =own will'vote ~o dedicate for a municipal purpose, namely, a public playground, two parcels of land adjacent to each.other now owned by ~the Town being described as.follows: Parcel l: The land with buildings thereon situated on Lamere Street i~ North Andover, containing ~5,692 square feet, more or less, being lots numbered 2,~,~,5,6,7 and 8 on the so called Lamere Plan filed with the-North District Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan 0321. ~arcel 2: Land situated in the r ear of Clarendon Street supposed to contain 13,000 square feet, more or less, being Lot C on s plan in North Andover owned by Edward W. Sullivan dates September 1938, recorded with the North District Essex negistry of Deeds as Plan 1170. Pettition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 59. To see if the town will vote to accept as a gift from the Trustees of the Village Land Company, to be used for a municipal purpuse, ~amely, a public playground, providing adjacent land now owned by the town is similarly used for a public playground, the following described parcel of land. . TOWN WARRANT FOR 1957 59, Con't. ~.~ A certain parcel of lan~ situated in North Andover, County of Essex, Common- wealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe which is located from a stone bound on the easterly side of Clarendon Street on the property line between the Village Land Company and Winifred K. Sullivan properties by going a distance of ll4.0 feet from the stone bound in a southeasterly direction then turning in a southwesterly direction 8.7 feet and then turning southeasterly a distance of 56.0 feet to an iron pipe; from this iron pipe the parcel of land is described by traversing.a distance of 3~1.37 feet in a southeasterly direction to a stone bound, then turning easterly a distance of 73 feet to a point 104 feet from the westerly line of East Water Street to a point,~then ~urning northwesterly 218 feet to the iron piple at the point of beginning, Containing 18,200 square feet of land, more or less. Petition of the Board of ~electmen. ARTICLE 60. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $~,700.00 to p~ovide a chain line fence, a chain lirzk backstop, a slike, a six swing a locker for playground equipment and necessary grading and ]abor at the Clarendon Street Playground. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 61. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum.of $200.00 for an ice skating rimk, this amount to include expenses of maintenance, cleaning of snow and policing. Petition of Board of Selectmen on Recommendation of the ~ecreation Council. ARTICLE 62. To see if the town willralse and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for four benches for the D~ummond Playground. · Petition of Board of Selectmen on Recommendation of the Recreational Council. · ARTICLE 63. To see if the town will ra~ e and appropriate the sum of $600.00 for a Christmas party and celebration for 2300 children of North Andover under'the supervision of the ~ecreation Council. . Petition of the Board of Selectmen on Recommendation of the ~ecreation Council. ARTICLE 6~. To see if the tovrn will raise and appropriate the sum of $600.00 for accident insurance coverage for ~00 childre~ on playground ac~ivlties for an eight week period, this an ount to include administration expense. Petition of 'Board of Selectmen on Recommendation of the Recreation Council. ARTICLE 65. To see if .the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $700.00 for playground supplies, this an ount to include expenses special trips and general playground activities for the children ~Board of ~elect ~_ of North ndover. Petition of . men on R~commendati~n of the ~ecreation Council. iCLE 66. To.see if the~town will raise and appropriate the.sum of $500.00 for the services.of a police officer at the Oathing Beach, four hours daily, eight hours on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays for a ten week period to enforce cat'parking for residents of No~th Andover, this figure to include cost of c · stickers~ Petition of Board of ~electmen on R ............... ar Council. . ~u~o~a~zon oz ~ne ~ecrea=ion ARTICLE 67. To see if the Towh will raise and approprate the sum Sf for eight playground instructors and one supervisor for an eight week period. Petition of Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the ~Xecrea=ion Council. ARTICLE 68. To.see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate'the sum of $~000.00 to be used with the $~000.G0 remaining allocated.b, th F Government Y e ederal for ~orth Andover Town Pla Title 7 of the ~ederal Housin~ ac~ _~n~ ~nang~al Aid under Seqtion 701 of ~ ~ u~ ~, zor ~e second year, and to see if the tovrn will vote to instruct the Planning Board and the Board of Oelectmen of North Andove~ to enter into contradt with the .Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Commerce, Planning ~ivision, for planning services to be rendered within~.,twelve months f~om the date of.execution of such contract in accordance with such program and specifications as the Selectmen, the Planning Board, and the State Planning Division.mayagree in writing., Petition of North~ndovez. Planning Board. ARTICLE 69. To see if the town will vote ~o ~ ~o ' ' ~ _a.~c and appropriate the~sum of $1500.00 to be used for final publication and printin$ of the new Town Eoning Naps and By-Law. Petition of North Andover Planning Board. ARTICLE 70. To see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the tonw treasury, the sum of $2 02 .1 t the permanent constructio of ~t~-- < .... 7, ~ 5 o be used for ARTICLE 71. To see if the town wilt vote to accept the section'.oT Moody Street from.Prescott ~treet north=~ ~ ~o :na~ poz~zon of Moody Streetwhich was~accepted in 1938. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. A~TICLE 72.To see if the town will vote to accept Chmpter 401 of th~ Acts of 1956, proyi$ing certain protection for civil defense volunteers driving publicly owne~ vehlc£es. Petition of the ~oard of Selectmen. ARTICLE 73. To see ii' the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or take from available funds in the Town Treasury a sum of money to remove~ the World War II ~monument in front of the Town building to an appropriate spot in Memorial ~ark (behind library) and a committee of five, to be appointed by the Moderator to select appropriate spot. Petition cf Joseph F. Byron and others. ARTICLE 7~. To see if the Town will vote to take the su~n of from available funds, to reduce the tax rate. Petition of Board of Assessors. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting t~ue and attested copies thereof, at the Town Ouilding, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Towh Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Mass., the twenty-first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-seven. WILLIAM A. FINNERAN Chairman ARTHUR P. KIRK RAYMOND BROADHEAD ~ ~ 1 Beard of Selectmen. A t~ue copy: ATTEST /~.~_ ~ .~. ' ~AEEXANDER NESS, JR. CONSTABLE NOrth Andcver, Massachusetts. February l~, 1957 0FFICER~°S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor le ss than ten days befor~ the.time of holding said. meeting. North Andover, Mass. ~;.~.~ ~.~. ~01~. . , WAVRRANT CO~0NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essem ss: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ~ou are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to S vote in Town affaSrs, to mee~ in the High chool Auditorium in ~aid ~o~th Andover, on the 16th'day. of ~arch, 1957, immediately after the Annua~ ~own Meeting, ~f ~farch 16, 19~.7, then and there to act on the following' articles. ARTICLES 1. To see if the town will vote to instruct the Board of Public Works to cea.se putting Sodium Fluoride in the water supply. ..... Petition of ~'dward R. Greenwood and others. ARTICLES 2. To see if the town will vote to raise and apprepriate or transfer ~1 from available funds a sufficient sum of money for the. School Department and the ~oard of Health to provide Sodium Fluoride of an individual basis to the children of North Andover whose parents approve such treatment. Petition of Edward ~. Greenwood and others. · .... And you are hereby directed to se~rve this warrant by posting true' an~~ attested copies thereof, at the ~own Office Building an'd at five 'or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, an~ make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Olerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North ~ndover, l~assachusetts, the 18th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty seven. WILLIAM A. FINNEIi~N Board RAYMOND BROADHEAD of ARTHUR P. KIRK Selectmen. CONSTABLE North andover, Mass. February'21, 1957 0FFICER~ S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North ~ndover qualified to vote in Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the precinct. Said copies having been pcs ted not more t~an fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of ~'/~__~T--~-~'~-- holding ~ai~d mee, ting._ ~-~_ , ~DER~ESS, JR. 0-onstable. A true copy: · ~~· . North andoYer, Eass. Februray 21, 1957 '~ ATTEST: ~/JOHN~. ~ONS, Town ~lerk - RESULTS OF ELECTION. I~ARCH 4, 1957 ARTICLE 1. WAR.mT FOR 1957 ~ ~own Hall and at five or more public places in each votingm~~ NUMBER OF VOTES BY PRECINCTS. ONE TWO THREE FOUR TOTAL NODE~ATOR FO~ ONE YEAR THOMSON, Arthur A. 574 1055 869' 942 5458 SALISBURY, Arnold i i 2 NcFkTM, Alfred i 1 Blanks 250 299 192 254 975 TOWN CL52U{ FOR 0~E YEAR Blanks 125 1~2 ' 15~' 611 TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR MAKER,~amesJ. 692 ll61 II~ lO~0 ~786 Blanks ll4 191 157 '6~0 SELECTMEN FOR ONE Y~-AR BROADHEAD, Raymond FINNERAN, William A. KIRK, Arthur P. FINCK, Ralph E. SUTCLIFFE, Philip COFFIN, Andrew WORMALD, Wilbur. Blanks .B..0ARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE 0N~ YEAR BROADHEAD, Raymond FINNERAN, William A. KIRK, Arthur P. FINCK, Ralph E. ' SUTCLIFFE, Philip COFFIN, - Andrew WORMALD, Wilbur Blanks HIGHWAY SURVEYOR FOR ONE YEAR CARTY, Ira D. ~[AHONE~, John J. NICETTA, Nicholas F. Blanks TAX CO~,r,W~TOR FOR ONE YEAR DEWHIRST, Jame's H. GALEAZZI, Leo j. STANWOOD, Warren C. Blanks TREE WARDEN FOR ONE YEAR CONNORS, John J. Blanks ASSESSOR FOR THREE ~EARS SOUCY, Marguerite Blahks BOARD OF HEALTMFOR THREE YEARS KAY, Julius' Blanks BOARD OF PUBLIC WOFdfS THREE YEARS SULLIVAN, Joseph D. Blanks 258 65 479 ' 1857 1 9 i 1 455 719 526 654 2552 1 1 456 757' 547 647 ' 2587 162 55 ' 50 5~ 165 695 i17~ 920 105~ '5850 115 174 141. 15~ .586 naa 88 775 641 lO99 887 990 5617 165 255 17~ 2o7 799 1115 849 970 5556 a59 ala aa7 860 ~RCH 4, 1957 ELECTION PRECINCTS SCHOOL COMMITTEE FOR THREE YEARS ESHBURN, Frank D. TROMBLY, Oharles W. ROSS, Ethel Lee WILSON, Stewart P. Blanks 577 ~92 § 1915 636 423 2OO2 5OO ~ 1556 ~ANNING BOARD FORFIVE YEARS BURKE, Robert J. FARLEY, George B. MALLORY, Edward R. Blanks CONSTABLES FOR ONE YY~AR HOWARD, Frank L. NESS,. Alexander Jr. WALSH, Augustine J. LEE, Frank DORAN, John WORMALD, Wilbur McKENSIE, George SMITH, Joseph WALSH, Ray STEBETZ, W. ROBERTS, Dave WOOD, Paul SOUCY, Fred ROBERTS, E. ZUILL, C. Blanks QUESTION A. Y E S NO ~ Blanks Q~EsT~ON ~. Y E S NO Blanks 543 1938 136 567 6 839 ~'92 759 27~6 3 855 669 772 27§~ 522 81~ 652 77~ 27uu - 2 6 22 2 2 lo 6 4 12 32~ 2 1 ~ "5 lo7 z72 m?7 125 ~ I loo l~o 147 ll4 ELECTED OFFICIALS AS OF }~ARCH 4, 1957 MODERATOR. Arthur A. Thomson TOWN CLERK. John J. Lyons TOWN TREASURER. James J. 5~ker.~ BOARD OF SELECT}.~EN. William A. Finneran Ralph E. Finck Philip Sutcliffe PUHLIC V~ELFARE William A. Finneran Ralph E. Finck William A. Finneran HIGHWAY SURVEYOR Ira D. Catty TAX COLLECTOR James H. Oewhirst TREE WAEE~EN John J. "Connors BOARD OF ASSESSOR ]~Iarguerite Soucy BOARD OF HZ~LTH Julius Kay, M.D. BRD. PUBLIC WORKS Joseph D. Sullivan SCHOOL COMMITTEE Frank D. Ashburn ETHEL L. ROSS PLAE~NING BOARD Robert J. Burke CONSTABLES Frank L. Howard Alexander Ness, Jr. Augustine J. Walsh Joseph A. SmiZh Wilbur Wormald ~U~STION 1. r~S - 2 4 3 0 NO - 14 O5 NO 15Z4 S E L E C T M E N~S A P P O I N TM E N T S ANI~.L INSPECTOR Dr. E.C. Bulger BOARD OF APPEALSi (Reg.5Yrs)Daniel 0'Leary4 " " (" 1 Yr)Donald Smith, sq. " " (Assoc.lYr) Alfred Boeglin. . " " ( " ~." ) Benedict Perrone " " ( " l" ) John J. ~ illis, Esq. BUILDING INSPECTOR. . Martin Lawlor BURIAL AGENT Bernard Bingham CIVIL: DEFFZSE DIRECTOR Dewey A. Dyer. DOG OFFICER Domenlc Giarrueo Date Sworn Mar 15, i9~,7 6 6 Mar. Date Sworn 4Zi~/~7 7ZsZs? 47Z5/57 5/17/57 64Regular Poli C e~-~r' FENCE VIEWERS FIRE ~"~GINEERS BOAHD. FOREST FIRE WARDEN GRAVES REG. OFFICER KEEPER OF LOCK-UP M0~{ SUPERINTENDENT PERS01~.IEL BOARD - - ggar ty ~onn ~.~. Barrell Patrick Driscoll Albert Johnson John J. Wilcox Edward F. Koenig Calvin Knell Jams s P. Daw. William C. Lafond Alfred H. McKee John J. Conners - - - John B. Corrigan 2 Years Richard G. Haltmaier 2 John W. Hegarty I " John L. Mylott (Resigned~Lawrence E. Sarson 5 " Joseph Flanagan 5 " PERSONNEL BOARD OF .... Robert DeLude 2 " APPEALS Ralph E. Finck Joseph Flanagan I " Irving Hinton ~ . Roland C. Kerb 2 " Joseph W. Lawlor 1 Joseph Morche~ki 2 " PUBLIC WE~GHL'RS Edward J. Ellsey Genevieve Hebb Robert Hebb Albert E. Houle (Supt.) 0tin B. Foster OFFICE BLDG. ( Jani tot ) Jo seph ~oone VETERAN,S AGENT( stodian)Lillian C. McDonald Bernard Bingham WIRING INSPECTOR John J. Thomson RECREATIONAL COUNCIL Lillian ~mrshall Elizabeth Elliot Nicholas Evangelos William McEvoy Carl Thoma.s ' Date Sworn /.1/5.7 ~,15~57 /~o/57 Z17/,57 8Z15/.57 s/.1~/57 ' 9/4/57 ~/9/57 9/7/~7 ~JlO/~7 /10/57 Domenic Re! tano REGISTRAR 0P VOTERS Fred McCormack 5 " ~/.2.7/57 SEALER OF WGHTS~MEASURES Domenlc Bonnano S~RGEANT-POLICE DEPT. A. Houghton Farnham 11/.26/57 RESERVE-OFF. , , Francis ~. Hannay, Jr. 11/29/57 SPECIAL CIVIL CONSTABLE John H. Fenton SURVETOR. W00IMmBARE, LU.~,~SER John C. Farnham TAX TITLE PROPERTY. Jamcsa J. Maker. (Custodian & Aucti&neer. TOWN INFIRMA~ (Matron) Nora L. Foster k ~/.57 / 1~7 ~Z8/~.7 ~/2~/~7 5/~ Domenic Bonanno John J. ~oran Mary T. Finn for three (~) ~2/ Francis R. HannAy, Jr. yearsll SPECIAL PLICE OFFICERS TOWN ACCOUNTANT · Reserve Police Officer ~7 7 57 8/~12/57 4/29/57 ~/15/~7 9/14/57 ~/17/37 /15/57 ~Raymond Mid~eleyz Philip 4/e/~57 M~phy, 4~22/57 N~s, Alexander ~%~ Pheien, Edward · ~57 Rand, David ~/15/~7 Salois, ~rederidk S~hofield, Albert ~/12/57 Senia, Joseph Slipkowski, John J. ~/5/~7 S~edding, Thomas 4/15/57 'Stewart, Robert Stamp, Walter 5/29/57 Sutcliffe, Bruce T. Thomas, Carl ThomsonA James Towne, ~dward ! 19~57 Wilcox, John J. 9~57 Zuill, Chalres 7/57 .~/12/57 Ambiehl, Roland A~le~, Arthur Jr. Bauchman, Lloyd ~aubhraa:~, Lloyd, Jr. lshop, Otto Bonnano, Domenic J. Buturlia, Stanley Chamberlain, Russell Chartien, Roland Christie, Fred Corcoran, Walter F. Dolan, John Donovan, Augustine Dgw~, Francis Finneran, Robert Gou~ley, Archie Hamilton,~Nalcolm Hannay, Francis R. Jr. Hanson, John Hamilton, Walter Howard, Frank Johnson, ~dw~rd E. Lee, Frank Lyons, John J. Manning, Edward McCabe, James McEvoy, William PERSONNEL BOARD OF APPEALS. Donald B. Foss. PERSONNEL BOARD Robert DeLude. NORTH~DOVER:LIAiSON"gF~IOER'T0 CON Date Sworn. i~1~1~7 il~l~S ,_J. G~ee