HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-03-16Article 2. Article 5. ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING SATURDAY ~.RCH 16, 1957 VOTED that this be referred to the Selectmen for action. VOTED to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as prBsented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE ~. VOTED that all unexpended appropriations be returned to the Treausry, with the exception of the following amounts as of January l, 1957, which were originally aopropriated under the articles indicated: ART. ~, 1950. Kittre~ge School construction Fence. $268.85 " ~ 1955 Reserve for Appropriation from ~e~ DeDart~ent. " 5 195~ Julyl5, 1~5~ Lining water mains. , 1955 Sidewalk project 59, 195~ Water extension Board of Public Works i!i 195~ Lights High ~chool Grounds " 5 , 195~ ' Chapter 90, Construction i" 195~ Study, V~e~t side trunk sewer " 195~~ Fire hydrants '" 22, 195~ Two Islands '" 55, 195~. ~ast side trunk sewer 2, June 59, 1956 P~anning Board printing zoning laws. ~ " " Planning Board ~ Nov 2~, 1956 Charles & Gertrude Melamed Property 7, " "' Plans for new school. 1956' Civil Defense " l, July 15, 1954 Western Electric Escrow Western Electric Escrow Account-Interest " ~19, 1952 New High ~chool Assistance. U.S. 01d Age Assistance Administration. U.S. 01d Age Assistance Aid. U.S.'Aid to dependent children~ Administration. U.S. Aid to dependent children U.S. Gran6 disability assistance U.S. grant disability administration School Lu~ch No.Andove~ High School Athletic Account ~" ~l, 1955 Chapter 90, G.L. Construction l~hS~.61 ~0~A~ $28o,~56.21 ~RT 5. (Budge~) Motion duly made and seconded to approve items collectively as to the recommendations of the Advisor~ Ooard with the exception of th~ ~o~l~wing..changes. Item. ll, Salaries & Wages $550.00 to Wwnenses wit~ ~o~az of ~750.00 for expen~es~ Item 18, Vacations Fire PepS, Salarai~s~& ~ages~?cgunt. incressed $547.52 for a totalof.~$~752.96. Item ~0, Snow ~emova~, In?eased $15,000.00 with a total of $2U,000.00. Item 49, Schools, Salaries &.~ag~s increased $6228.00 for a total of $552,258.00 Expenses decreased $622~.00 for a. total of $8~,~75.00. No. ~DEPART~fENT 1. Selectmen. Salaries Clerk, Salary Expenses Salary & Job evaluation Survey ~. ~Treasurer: Salary - Clerk, Salary Expenses, Bond Incl. 5. Accountants: Salary Extra clerical Expenses 4. Tax Collector: Salary Clerk, Salary Expenses 5. Town Clerk: Salary Expenses 6. Assessors: Salaries. Clerk, Salary Extra Clerical Expenses 7. Election.& Registrars: Salaries Expenses 8. Vital Statistics: Expenses 9. Moderator: Salary 10. Advisory Board: Expenses ll. Planning Beard: Expenses 12. Beard of'Appeals: Expenses 15. 'Town Bldg. Jan!tory Salary Expenses· 14. Custodian of Tax Title: Sala~ Expenses %000.00 1~,8oo.75 ~,o2@.29 1,21 .40 700.00 1,125.80 50,000.00 1,969,58 15o,0o 1~,287.00 1,~00.00 UO0~O0 12,000.00 25,000;00 769.02 1,6h9.1t 5,960~66 2,080.61 60~.67 5,026'08 59~;21 h5.69 9,152,60 SAL & WAGES EXPENSES T 0 T'~ L $1,5o0.oo " 7 o.oo 500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,865.70 1,599.50 1,599.50 ~,8~.7o 500.0o 500.00 5oo.oo 5oo.oo 1,52 .oo 1,52 .oo 5,47~.15 5,~7~.15 850.00 2,558.50 2,~5u.5o u5o.oo 500.00 500.00 2,55o.oo 2,55o.oo 5,5lo.oo 5,51o.oo 1,200.00 1,200.00 600.00 5,739.00 5,739.00 600.00 5,~5o.oo 5,~5o.oo 400.00 400.00 SO.CO SO.CO 100.00 100'.00 750.00 750.00 200.00 200.00 1,500.00 1,~00.00 5,000.00 5,000,00 lOO.OO lOO.OO 175.00 175.00 fi6 A~CJAL TOWN NO. DEPARTMENT License Commission: Expenses 17. Police Dept. Chief Salary ~ Sergeants Patrolmen Reserves & Specials Expenses (Includes $100 for out of State Travel 18.' Fire Dept': Chief Salary l0 Regulars-salary 2 Engineers-salary ~ Call & Spare employees Vacations ' Expenses 19; Forest Fire Warden, Salary 20g Forest Fire Expenses 21g Dog Officer: Salary Expenses 22; Civil Defense: Expenses 23; Building Inspector; Salary Expenses 24; Wiring Inspector: Salary Expenses 25; Sealer of Weights & Measures. Expenses 26; Insect Pest Control: Supt. Salary Labor - Wages Expenses 27; Poison Ivy Control. Labor-Wages ' Expenses 28; D~tch Elm Disease: Labor-Wages Expenses 29; Brush Cutting: Labor-Wages 30; Town Forest: Labor-Wages 31; Tree Warden: Supt. Salary Labor: Wages Expenses ~2. street Lighting: Expenses 33. Board of Health: Salaries Health Inspector: Salary ~ Nurse: Salary ~ Physician: Salary Expenses 34' Refuse~Disposal:~Labor: Wages Expenses .~ Garbage Disposal: C~ntract Sewer Maintenance & Construction Labor & Wages Expenses ~~himal Inspector: Salary Highway Surveyor: Salary 59. Streets: Ge~,l Maintenance Clerk: Salary Labor: Wages Tarvia, Road 0il, Cin~ers Stone & Gravel Repairing Sidewalks Gasoline & 0il. Eouipment & Repairs Misc. Expenses Rental of Equipment Snow Removal~ Exoenses Brd Public Welfare: Salaries Welfare Agent: Salary ~. Supt. & Matron: Infirmary Salaries Wages ~.. 0ut~ide Relief & Repairs: Expenses (Incl. Infirmary) 01d Age Assistance: ll!i Aid t° depen~ent children Disability A~siStance Veterans Benefits: Agent S~lary Clerk, Salary F~xpenses Cash Grants ~9' Schools: Salaries Expenses (BUDGET) March 1957 SAL & WAGES EXPENSES TOTAL 5,299.h7 4,000.00 ~0,601,60 1,320.00 12,9~o.5o 1,752.96 150.00 2~5.oo 500.00 5oo.oo ga5.oo 4,275.00 ~,68o.oo 5oo.oo 5,400.00 1,000.00 500.00 goo.co '7~75.00 $5o.oo 15o.oo g,8%.oo 9,365.00 500.00 350.00 1,500.00 100.00 15o.oo 9o.oo 1,380.00 3OO.OO ~oo.oo 1,~00.00 19,000.00 g, 1o51oo 2,000.00 5,000.00 600.00 300.00 3,750.00 750.00 12;6o4.8o 5,600.00 7,000.00 ~25.oo 5,490.00 3,250.00 $50. co 150.00 5,299.47 33,097.~ 4,000.00 4,874. O0 4,975.~6 4o, 6ol. ~o 1,3,20.00 l~, 940.5 o 1,752.96 15o.oo 5po.oo 245.00 350.00 1,500.00 5oo.oo 100.00 5oo.oo LSO.OO . 5.00 .- 90.00 4,275.00 .g, 68o.oo 1,380.00 500.00 ~ ~00'00 5,~oo.oo 4oo.oo 1,000.00 5oo.oo ~oo.oo 7,~75.00 t,~00.00 19,000.00 60o.oo 300.00 3,750..00 . 750.00 ~',105.00 .12,6o~.8o 5,600.00 7,000.00 5,ooo.oo ~25.oo 5,490.00 3',250.00 45o.oo 75o.oo 3,703.44 750.00 300.00 332,258.00 23,200.00 1,500.00 3,900.00 6,900.00 1,200.00 7GO.CO 28,000.00 ~6,100.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 9,000.00 184.oo 17,930.00 84,475.00 23,200.00 1,500.00 ~,900.00 ~,900.00 1,200.00 7GO.CO 28,000.00 450.00 750.00 1,~3~.92 ~6,100.00 8,000.00 10,00~.00 9,000.00 750.00 300.00 184.oo 17,93o.oo 332,258.00 84,4%.00 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING. MARCH 1957. No. DEPARTMENT 50. Stevens Memorial Library. Librarian Salary Assistant's & ~Janitor-Wages ~: ~Expense s 51. Playground - Bathing Beach Superlu tendent-Salarie s Labor-Guard-Caretakers Expense s 52. PubliC. Parks, Triangles & Burying Grounds.' Supt. Salary Labor - Wage s Expense s 55. School Grounds: Labor-Wages Expenses 54. Essex Count~ Retirement System. ~: Contingent ~nd: ~ American Legion, Rental of Quarters ~57.~ V,F.W.-Post 2104." " " .~eteran' s Day 5690: Nemorial Day Itemized Annual Town Reports 61. Insurance 62. Group Insurance 65% 'Community Center '6~. ~ Reserve 65. ~ Bo,etd of.Public "orks. Salaries ~66, Water'-Maintenance & .Construction. ,., ~. .... Salarie s-Wage s "'~ .... Expenses. L67,~ jR~clee~g Scl~ool Bor~ s. 68'.** *InTt'e~st on School Sorids SAL & WAGES $4,275.oo 15,072.00 · 45o.oo 5,525.oo 200°00 5,500.00 9,100.00 k o,oo 55,000.00 69. I~t~rest on Water Mains 70. Redeem1*g Water Nain Notes 71. Redeeming East Side Sewer 72. Interest on East Side Sewer Bonds. :~7~,.', . . ~isoouut. ..,, on Notes ~O~TS TO ~ ~ISED A~ (a) Mifflin Drive (c) Wentworth Ave. (a) Douglas Road. (c) 0sgood Street (e) Chickering Road. (f) High,land View Ave. Pleasant .Street Fire Dept. Hose Police Dept. Doors $5,..Polloe Cars. Two. ~1. Hough Payloader ~,.Land. Frank Gage · Disposal Site.. ~. Street Signs. . ~Stevens Pond Fence. ~. SidewalklTractor. i0. Bridge~ Sutton St. i2, Storm Drain. Wood Lane. -,..:,~:," ~,' 55.,T~uck. Highway Dept. .'::: :~55.~Power Brush Cutter, ~c ~-:.,.~ 5~'. Power' Saws. Two. ............ ~ 57 .. 1/2 ton Fie~p ~ruck. .m,. ~0. Ling Fence, Ularendon St. Playground. AMOUNT Benches, Playground. Playground Supplles, Police Officer, Bathing Beach. Playground Instructors. Town Pln~lng Publication-printing-zoning maps. TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED. (Budget) EXPENSES $k, 5oo.oo 2,000.00 650.00 5,500.00 25,589.57 2,000.00 600.00 600,00 550.00 550.00 l~,O00..0O ,osp.O0 11,90~.00 175.oo 10,000.00 58,500.00 100,000.00 52,$50.00 4 6.oo 4,000.00 20,000.00 4,550.00 5,625.00 $672,864.57 TO T,AL 1~,072.00 450.00 5,525.00 2,000.00 200.00 5,500.00 650.00 9,100.00 5,500.00 25, 89.57 2,000.00 600.00 600.00 550.00 550.00 ~,000.00 1~,05~.00 11,90~.00 175.oo 10,000.00 450.00 5~,000.00 5~,500.00 100,000.00 52,550.00 L 6'.oo 4,000.00 20,000.00 4, 5o.oo ' 5,625.00 $1,527,750.50 $ oo.oo ~50.00 1,000.00 5,200.00 1,700.00 1~500.00 ~00.00 1,~25.00 500.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 -6,000.00 7',500.00 200.00 2,~00.00 4,koo.oo 500,00 .11,650.00 1,655.00 225.00 500,00 1,500.00 4,700.00 100.00 700.00 500.00 1,888.00 4,000.00 1~00.00 $70, 975.00 c p, ter ,ooo;oo " 90. 22,500,00 C'~ " 74. To reduce t~ rate. ~,000.00 ~0~ ~0 ~ ~ ~0M AVAILAB~ F~D. ~0,~00.00 ~TIC~ ~8.. From Stabilization ~d. Water ~s. $~0,400,00 " )8. ~o be by Bond Issue " " 1~,000.00 " 70. Special Ac~t. Middlesex Street. 27,024.1~ , S~MM~ARY AMO~T APP~0PRIA~D AT TOWN ~T~G (~dget) $1,~27,750.50 ~0~T T0 ~ ~I~ & ~PRO~IA~. (Articles) ~ 70.~7~.00. A T~e Copy: , AT,ST: ~0~ J. LYONS. To~ Clerk. ~TIC~ 6. VO~ to authorize the To~ Treasurer, with ~e approval of Selectmen, to borrow money, from time to time ~ anticipation of 'the,revenue of. ~e financial year beg~n~g J~uary 1, 1958 ~d to issue a n~t~ ~ notes therefor, payab~ with~ one year, ~d to renew ~y note or notes 'as ~y .be given for a perZod of less t~ ~e year ~ accord~oe with Seoti~ 17, C~pter ~, G.L., ~e vote was ~imous ~d so deol~ed. ~IC~ 7. No Eeports. ~TIC~ 8. V0~ t0 authorize the Board of ~alth to appoint one o'~ thei~ members to ~e ~ositi~ of Bo~d of Heal~ Physioi~ ~d to fix ~s oomDen- s~ti~ ~ aocOr~oe wi~ Seqtl~ ~, C~pter 41 of the G.L., o~ $750.00 for ~e ye~ 1957. This ~o~t included in Board of ~ealth B~dget. ~IC~ 9. V0~ to authorize the School Co~ttee to appoint one 'of t~i~ me, ers to ~e ~osition ~f School Physioi~ ~d to fix his compensation ac'cord~ce wi~ 'Seoti~ ~, Chapter ~1, of the G.L., ~ ~e ~o~t~ ef $1,~00.00 for the ye~ 1957. This ~o~t included ~ School ~p~t~nt ~dge.~,~ ~TIC~ 10. Stricken f~om W~r~t. Not considered ~ its me~lts Up~ reoo~endation :~y Pl~ni~ Bo~d. ~TIC~ 11. V0~ to ~end ~e (Nor~ ~doVe~)Zon~ By-Law by oh~g~g from Vil~ge Residential to ~s~ess, the follow~g described parcel,-of l'~d: A p~oel of l~d located ~ ~e southwesterly side of ~in Street in ~e To~ of North ~dove~, Co~ of Essex ~ Oo~onwealth of ~ssachusetts, bonded ~d described as follows: Beg~_u~g at t~ ~te'rseotion of the westerly l~e~ of Ma~ Street wi~ the southerly .line of F~st S~eet; thence southwesterly, by the .southerly:~ l~e of First ~eet, ,about 210.0 feet to l~d ,of one Ve~ile; ~ence south- easterly, .~y land of Ve~ile 210 feet to ~e most easterly po~t of the Vernile P~rty, t~noe tu~g ~d ~ng sout~esterly al~g ~d of the said ~e~ile 117.0 feet, more or less to a po~t; thence northwesterly, still ~y said Ve~ile property, 210.0 ~eet to ~irst. S~eet; ~ence som~- westerly, .by ~e southerly line of First S~eet, 150.0 feet to :a stye bo~d at l~d now or for~rly of Elizabeth Ry~ Hairs; ~ence sou~easterly 210.50 feat t° a stye bo~d of land of ~e RobUst; thence ,aga~ s~th- easterly, .by l~d of said Robeson, 56.50 feet to a stone :bo~d, thence northeasterly,, by l~d of said Robeson, 109.57 feet ~ a po~t; thence sou~east~ly, by lan~ of said Robinson ~7.9~ feet to .a po~t .~ the northerly 1~ of Scold .Street, ~ence northeasterly along t~ northerly l~e Second Street 200.6~ feet to ~ ir~ pipe at land of Willi~ thence no~thwesterly,.by l~d of sai~ ~i~er~, 160.~ feet to the sou~erly l~e of S~ool Street, thence south-westerly, by the, sou~erly~l~e of School S~reet, 160.~7. feet to a stye bo~d at ~e westerly end of said sou~erly 1~ of S~ool Street; thence northwesterly, by ~e westerly ~end of School Street ~0~0 feet to a stone bo~; ~enoe ~ortheasterly, by ~ northerly of ~chool Street, 162.28 feet to a atone bo~d,. ~ence again northeasterly, by ~e no~.the~ly 1~ of School Street~ 8~.15 feet to .a stye bo~d, ~enoe still aga~ northeasterly, ~y ~e northerly line of School Street, feet to a .stone bo~d mrk~g the ~terseotion cE t~ northerly, l~e ef School Street with the westerly l~e of ~ S~eet; ~enoe not,westerly, by the westerly l~e oE Main S~eet, 62.86 feet rca stone bo~d ~rk~g ~gle ~ ~ said westerly l~e of ~ .S~eet; ~enoe ~a~ mor~westerly, by ~e westerly l~e of Ma~ Street 258~ feet, ~re,or less to ~e po~t of beg~n~g. ~e vote was ~imous ~d so,decl~ed. ~TIC~ 12. ' V0~D to ~sert ~ the North ~do~r Zon~g By-Law words specify- ~g northeasterly ~d southwes~rly zon~g dis~ict bo~d~ies 'of the Vll~ge Residence z~e along ~e nor~westerly side of Sutton ~treet, i'dentified para,apb )-5~ as voted J~e ~0,. 1956, ac ~at said para,apb so ~ended shall 'read as follows: Annual Adjourned Town IvIeeting Narch 16, 1957. 69 ART. 12. Con't. "5.54 A small area~ along the northwesterly side of Sutton Street~ embracing generally land between I~ethuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike Street exten- ded, more particularly bo6nded and described as follows: Northwesterly by a line parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet northwesterly from center line of ~utton Street between a point on said center line 500 feet along its northeasterly from its intersection with ~ethuen Avenue center line and a point on~utton ~treet center line 125 feet along it southwesterly from its intersection wi th Thorndike cen~er Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred (500) feet north- easterly from ~ethuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly by a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle to Sutton center line 125 feet southwesterly from the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street center line. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 15. VOTED to refer to next Town~ ~eeting, special or otherwise~. ARTICLE 14. VOTED to insert in the North Andover Zoning By-Law words des- cribinga segment, now missing, of the boundary of the General Business Zone in the northerly corner of the intersection of T~rnpike ~treet and Hillside Street-Kent Property-setforth in paragraph ~.75 by striking off the terminal boundary-describing clause thereof as voted Juue 50, 1956, to Wit "thence northwesterly 91.5 feet to a point of beginning," and by substitutine in place thereof the corresponding words as originally printed in paragraph ~.8~ of the warrant for the June 50, 1956, Town ~eeting, to wit "thence northwesterly 91.~ feet. to a point; thence'southwesterly 100 feet.t6 the point of beginning. · The~vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE15. V0~ to amend the Village Residence Zoning District boundary description set forth in paragraph 5.51 as voted June 50, 1956, to. correct 'a'w~ong street name, to strike out a mistake and superflous street name, to state clearly the 6ompass direction of a boundary segment, and to extend, adjust and re-locate other boundary segments to correspond with. changes in the ~ain Street ~neral Business Zone boundary set forth in paragraph 5.71, by't~cing all or some of the several actions specified hereunder as. to said ~ oara~raoh B.~l by strikingout in the seventh boundary segment the name tSutton Street"; by striking out in the ninth bounding segment the first occurrence of ~the words "E~d Elm Street"; by correcting the first letter of. twenty-first bounding segment so tha't the word shall read "southwesterly"; ~y Stri~ing out the sixth bounding segment description and ins~rtlng in place thereof the following three segmen~ descriptions,.namely: ~-asterly by a line parallel to and 150' westerly from the c enter line of ~ain Street between Nay Street and W~verley Road; Southeasterly by a short ~ ~0rtion Cf ~averley Road cen~er line. Northeasterly by a line parallel to 'and'225!~ westerly from ~ain ~treet~center line. The~vo~e was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE.:16. VOTED to amend the North.~Andover Zoning By-Law by classifying as Neighbo~hood~Business~'the property known as Hilton's Yariety, described in paragr~k 5.~74 (~5) as voted June 50, 1956, adJgining other property zoBed Neighborhood ~usiness described in paragraph 5.65 ss voted June 50, 195&, and to, accomplish that purpose amending and enlarging the area described in pa~agrapk 5~65 so that said p~ragraph so amended shall read as follows: ~.65 Neighborhood Business. An area of land at the northwesterly ,intersection of Niddlesex Street and V~averley ~oad bounded: Easterly by ~thel westerly sideline of Waverley Road; Southeasterly and Southerly by .the northerly sideline of Niddlesex Street between the westerly sideline of Waverley Road and a point on said ~iddlesex Street sideline 145 feet westerly from said Waverley ~oad sideline; Westerly by a line a= a right angle to said ~iddlesex Street sideline; Northerly by a line parallel =o and 100 feet northerly from said ~iddlesex Street northerly sideline.~' And by striking out the above-cited sub-paragraph (55) of paragraph 5.74. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE17. VOTED to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by altering, adjusting and extending the boundaries of the northern end of ~ain Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 5.71 as voted June 50, 1956, to include all o~ most of the pr emises ?ecially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28) (29) and (50) oi paragraph D-~4 as voted ~une 50, 1956, striking them out and lng 5.71 so that said paragraph 5.71 so amended shallread: "5.71 Portions of both sides of Nain Street and of Water Street more'~ particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of~the f~rmer Salem. Railroad l~catlon line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from ~ain Street center line bebween the former Salem ~ailroad location llne and Saunders Street: A~. TOWN MEETING MARCH 16, 1957 17. Con' t. ~.orthe~ty .by a.small portion of Saunders Street centerline; Northeasterl~ by a~ ~ne paral-el ~o and 125 feet southwesterly from the ce~nter line of that ~'or~io~--~ of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about 02],° B0, W and about ~,~o ' ~' S ..... ~"~ 0 ~, outheaster!y by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet northeasterly from I~ain ~treet center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection of Second, Main and Water Streets Nor theasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by a line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the' center line of Merrimack Street; Northeasterly by the center llne of Water Stree' between ~errimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet southwesterly from Water Street center llne~,~betwen Elm Street and ;~errimack Street; Nor thwester!y by a short~ portion of. Derrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Wa~er Street cente~,~ line between Merrimack Street and ~'~ain ~treet; Southeasterly by a line parallel to mhd 100 feet southeasterly from Second Street center line; South- westerly from Main Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly bya abort portion of !~averly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 15© feet southwesterly from Main Street center line between Waverly. Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and southerly by .a very short portion of Sutton Street center llne; South- westerly by a line parallel to and 200 feet southwesterly from North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line~ and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northerly by a line parallel to 'and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Stree' Northea_sterly.by the center line of North Main S,treet to the center line of Sutton ~treet, Southerly by a short portion of S'utton Street center line'; Easterly by the center line of ;~ain Street between Sutton Street center line and the loc~tion line of the former Salem Railroad; Unanimous vote and so declared. 20. VOTED to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by altering the bound description under paragraph ~.81 to reflect the transfer' of a ~small part ,eof from Industrial to Rural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted ~0, 1956, and by striking fromsaid descri ,a superfluous word "and"~ a reference to Main Street, and an irrel~ phrase mentioning Wood Lane at the end of said description; inserting before the words ,articu2arly bounded (etc)" a saving clau as to tracts that might be zoned within the industrially zoned are sc i.bed in paragraph · ~.81 so that ~d paragraph so amended shall read follows. ~.81 All that the~ost p~rtion of portion of Andover township-nOrth -- of the norther Cochichewick watershed di~ line as more particularly bounded and des ~d below, except such porti if the area within said Industrial zoning boundaries as may duly dec2ared to be in any. other kind of ~istrict: Nor by the haverhill-North Andover boundary between the rrimack River and a southerly of 0sgood ~treet. Easterly and Southe a line para~ to and 500' easterly from that portion of 0sEood Stree ~-~nter line the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High lge Brook; 'ly by the thread of High Bridge Brook to 0sgood Street; bet2 that portion of Osgood Street center line between High Bridge and ; Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Sutton et ten line between Osgood Street and a point on Sutton Street center line northeast of its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line; Nc by a line parallel to and 500 feet northeas- terly from Methuen Avenue cente .Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that ~ Street center line betwee~ a point thereon ~00 feet northeasts Methuen Avenue center line and a point on Sutton Street center line 12: ~ly from ~orndike Street center line 125 feet wouthwesterly fromx_~ Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 f~t sc ~erly from Thorndlke Street center line and said line extended betweem~a point ~feet northerly from Sutton Street center l~ine and a~point on ~utt~n S.treet ~erkline 125 feet southwesterly from '~'norndike ~treet center/llne, So~ flyby that portion of Sutton Street center 1.ine between N~th Main Street an~ ~'poi.nt on ~utton Street 125 feet~ [] southwesterly from ~orndike Street ce.n~ter ~ne, Southwesterly by North [] Main Street center/~ine between Sutton' Stree~ center line and a Point on North Main Street cente.~/line _8_0 _feet southerly frc~ Ashland Street center, line; Southerly by a l~e parallel to and 80 fSet southerly from Ashland Street center line; ..Nort~heas~rly by a line parallel to and ~00 feet southwesterly from North l~lain ~tr~t .center llne between a.~p~oi~n.t 8~e~et southerly from Ashland Street and the/center line.of Sutton Street; No~herly.by a short portion of Sutton Stree~/c enter li~e. Northeasterly ~y a lin~ parallel to and 150 feet southwesterly from .~ain Street cent.er line between S(k~ton Street and May Street; Southerly~y ~Iay Street center line, Easterly by a l: arallel to and 200 ~rlv fro~ P P feet easterly from atriot Street center line between Street and Belmont Street;/ Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short ~ortion of Marblehead Street center line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between tho foot of~,~arblehead Street ard the Haverhill-North Andover Boundary. Unanimous Vote a~ d so declared. ARTICLE 18. .~RTICLE 19. TOWN HEETIN~ i~RCH 16, 1957 Stricken from ~'~arrant: ¥0TF~D to deffer to next Town Meeting. ARTICLE 20. VOTE~ to amend the' Zoning ~y-Lsw b~ altering the boundary description under paragraph 3.81 to re!lest the transfer of a small part thereof from Industrial to nural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and voted June 50, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous workd "and," a wrong reference to Main Street, and an irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said description: and by inser- ting before the words "more particularly bounded (ets)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the industrially zoned area de- scribed in paragraph 5.81 so that said paragraph so amended shall teas as follows: ' ' ~.81 Ail that northernmost portion of ~orth Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water shed divide line as more particularly bounded and described below, except such nortions if the area within said Industrial zoning district boundari.es as ~ay be duly declared to be in any other kind of zoning district: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North ~mdove: boundary between the. Merrimack Hirer and a point southerly of Osgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 500' easterly from that portion of 0sgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover bou~.~ary and the thread of High_Bridge Brock; Southeasterly by the thread of Hzgh Bridge Broo~ to Osgood ~treet; Southeasterly by that portion of ~sgood Street center line between High Oridge brook an~ S~tton Street; ~outheasterly and Southerly by that portion of ~utton Street~center line between ~egood Street and a point on Sutton Street center l~ne ~00 feet northeast of its intersection with Methuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 500 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 'feet northerly From that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon ~00 feet north- easterly from ~ethuen Avenue center line and a point on ~Utton ~treet center line 1R5 feet south~ester!y from Thorndike Street center line; .South- westerly frcm Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by a llne paral!e~ ~to~and 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on ~utton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Th~ Street center line; Southerly ~y that portion of Sutton Street center line~ between North Main Street and s point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; Southwesterly by North Main Street center ~ine and a point on North Main Street center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet southwesterly from North Main Street center line between a point .80 feet southerly from Ashland ~treet and the center .line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; North- easterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet southwesterly from Main Street center line between Sutton Street and May Street; Southerly by ~y Street center line; Easterly by a line ps~alle! to and 200 feet easterly from Batriot Street center line between ~y Street and Belmont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street Center line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence-North~Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Mer~ mack River between the foot of Marblehead Street and the Haverhill-North ~ndover boundary. The vote was unanimous and so dec~ red. ARTICLE 21. VOTED to deffer to next Town Meeting. Special or otherwise. ~-W~TICLE 22. VOTED to further amend Section 9 of the North Andower Zoning BY-Law as amended and adopted by the Special Town Meeting of June 30, 1956, by inserting at the end of the second sentence thereof as amended and adopted Jttue 50, 1956, a comma instead of the period and by addir~ after such comma the following additional clause: "Furtt~er provided that t~vo of 'said Board of Appeals Members shall be appointed from among the Members of the North Andover Planning Board." So that .the whole of Section 9 so amended and divided into two paragraphs shall then read: "SECTION 9: BOARD OF APPF~LS, ITS POWEES AND DUTIES. 9,1 There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members and not more than three Associate ~iembers, which shall have and exercise all the powers provlde~ under G.L. Chapter ~0A as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matter: specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the North Andover Zoning By-Law and other matters referred to such Board by Statute. The Board of Appeals' ~,iembers and Associate aembers shall be appointed by the Selectmen in the manner provided by statute, further provided that two of said Board of Anneals,._ ~embers shal~_ be ~ppointed from among the ~.~moers'~' ~ of .the North Andover Planning Board. 9.2 On each appeal arising under the North Andover Zoning By-Law, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing c~ which notice shall be given by publication ina newspaper of general circulation in North Andover twelve (12) days at least before the date of such hearing. ~he Board shall also notify by registered mall all owners of property within three hundred (~00) feet of 7~ TOWN~.~,ETING ~.~RCH 16, 1957 each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to such .owners at the ~ addresses appearing for them in the most recent town tax listing of said owners~.~ The vote was Affirmative 257. Negative 61. ~ ~TICLE 25. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 2~. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 25. Stricken from Warrant. .~RTICLE 26. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 27. S~ricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 28. Sec. (A) VOTED that the sum of $900.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this article under the following conditions. 1. ~at on or before September l, 1~957 the petitioners and/o~ owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of 6% of the actual cost of construction as water rates for a period of 14 years. 185' on Douglass Rd. from Mifflin Drive. 2. That on or before September l, 1957 the construction of at least one house shall have been started. Sec. (B) Stricken from Warrant. Sec. (C) VOTED that the sum of $850.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of extending the water system on Needy Street 210 feet toward ~rescott Street from the previous terminus near. Furber Avenue under the following conditions: 1. That on or before September 1,'1957 the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of 6~ of the actual cost of construction a s water rates for a period of 14 years. ' ~ 2. That on or before September l, 1957 the construction of at least one house shall have been started. ARTICLE 29. Sec. (A) VOT~ to raise and appropriate the s~m of ~l,000.00 to extend the sewer system 185 feet approximately on Douglas Road from Mifflin Drive, e~pended by the Board of Public Works subJebt to~theo assessments or betterments charEes under the conditions of Chapter 580 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. Sec. (B) Stricken From Warrant. Sec.. (C) V0~. Motion made from floor by John Donovan of 25 Phillips Court, and duly seconded that the sum of $5200.00 be raised and appropriated to extend the sewer system from Osgood Street to residence of John Pellegrino on Pleasan~ Street. Sec. (D) Stricken from W~rr~nt~ Sec. (E) VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1700.00 to extend the sewer system on Chickering Road approximately ~00 feet to the property of Joseph Filetti, to be e~pended by the Board of Public Works, subject to the assessments or betterments char~es under the conditions of Ch~ter ~80 of the Acts of '1906 as amended. Sec. (F) VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1500.00 to extend the sewer system on Highland View Avenue from Furber Avenue to the residence of Salvatore Ciarcia. to be expended by the Board of Public Works, subject to the assessments or betterments charges under the conditions of Chapter ~80 of the Ac~s of 1906 as amended. ARTICLE 50. VOTED that the sum of $700.00 be raised and appropriated to install an ~nderg~ound drain to t~¢e care of surface water for a required distance from a point on Pleasant Street, so that Town drainage will no longer flow on privately owned land bordering on said Pleasant Street. And Further that the Selectmen be hereby empowered to take whatever steps are necessary to effect ~he accom~ of said article including the obtaining of the necessary easements. ARTICLE 51. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 52. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 55- VOTED that the sum of $1825.00 be raised and appropria ted to purchase 1000 feet of new 2~" hose for the Fire Dept. ARtiCLE 5k. new overhead TICLE 55- with the two changed over Dept. ICLE 56. VOTED that the sum of $~00.00 be raised and appropriated to have doors put on police garage and to have windows painted and r~paired. VOTED that the sum of $2,000,00 be raised and appropriated to be use~ cars for two new 1957 12 volt system cars, all equipment must be m such as police radios, sirens and all other equipment for the Police Childred to and from School be placed under Jurisdiction and supervision of ~assachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.. ARTICLE 57. Stricken from the Warrant. VOT~ to have all school buses in North Andover used to ~ransport the M.q,~UkL T0¥~i I.'~ETING ~9~RCH 16, 1957 ARTICLE 38. VOTED that the sum of ~165,~00.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this article, and to meet this appropriation the $~0,$00.00 be transferred from the Stabilization F~d and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be ~d is hereby authorized to borrow from time to time the s~ of $135,000.00 and to issue bonds or notes to be payable in accordance with the provisions of chapter ~ of ~e 0eneral Laws as ~ende~ each issue to be paid in not mo~e than 15 years from its date or at such earlier time as the Treasure~ and Selectmen ~y dete~ine. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ,~TICLE ~9. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE ~0. Stricken from the Warrant. .~TICLE ~. VOT~ that the s~ of ~5000.00 be raised and appropriated to be used with the present Hough Payloader to purchase a new f~ont-end loader. ~TICLE ~. VOT~ that the sum of $1000.00 be raised and appropriated fo~ the following purpose and that the Board of Selectmen be instructed to acquire ~ t by p~chase, or otherwise, two lots of la~d, appro~ima~el~ 10f0? squaEe~.e~_, (No, 151 and 152 in the assessors records), belongzng ~o ~a~ oage, o~ ~na~n- am, ~ew Jersey, which are located at the corner of Chickeri~ Road and Beacon Hill Boulevard, and about the North Andover High School site. .~T!CLE ~. ~t. lcl.e from ~he Wa~r~.t. ~TIC~ ~. VOTED that ~e sum of $1000.00 be raised ~d appropriated for the~ maintenance Qf the disposal site on Cla~k Street. ~TIC~ ~5- VOT~ that the s~ of $6000.00 be raised ~ appropriated to meet the To~'s share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway ~.Ia~tenance and that in addition, ~e s~ of $~000.00 be t~ansferred from unappropriated available f~ds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and Co~ty s~res of the cost of the work, the rei~b~sement from the State and Co~ to be restored upon their receipt to ~appropriated available funds in *Me Treas~y. ~TICLE [%. V0~ that the s~ of $7500.00'be ~aised ~nd appropriated to meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Const~ction, and that in addition, ~e s~m of $22,500.00 be transferred from ~approp~iated available f~ds in the Town Tmeasury to meet the State and Co~ty shares ' the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to be ~estored upon their receipt to unappropriated available fun~in the Treasury. ~TICLE ~7- V0~ that the s~. of $200.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of painting and replacing street signs. ~TICLE ~8. VOT~ that the su~ of $2700.00 be raised and appropriated for the installation of a CycloSe wire Fence at Stevens Pond. ~RTICLE $9. VOT~ that the s~ of $~00.00 be raised and appropr~ted for ~or the purchase of a sidewalk tractor for the use of the Highway Dept. ~RTICLE 50· VOT~ ~at the s~ of $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the repairing of the bridge over the Cochichewick Brook at Sutton Street, as ~eco~ended by the Department of Public'Utilities. ~TIC~ 51. Stricken from the ~arrant ~TICLE 52~. VOT~ that the sum of $11,650.00 be raised and appropriated to build a sto~ drain on Wood Lane fr~ the Junction of Green Street to Woodstock Road. ~RTIC~ 5~. V0~ ~at ~e s~ of 1,6~.00 'be raised and appropriated to purchase a one-~lf ton pick up t~uck full equipped for the use of the Highwa~ Department. A. 19~8 Chevrolet pick-up to be turned in, in t~de. ~TICLE 5[~. Stricken from the Warrant. ~TICLE 55. VOT~ that ~e s~ of $225.00 be r~ised ~d appropriated to~. p~chase a Power Brush Cutter for John Conno~s, Tree Warden. ARTICLE 56. V0~ ~at ~e s~ of $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purchase of two power saws for the ~ee Dep2. ~TICLE 57. V0~ that the sum of $[500.00 to purchase a !/2 ton Pic~p T~ck for ~e department of Insect Pest Control. ~RTICLE 58. VOT~ to dedicate for a municipal purpose, namely, a public plaYg~o~d, two parcels .of ~nd adjacent to each othe~ now o~ed bY the Tovm, being described as fellows: Parcel l: ~e ~nd wi~ buildi~s thereon situated on Lame~e Street in North Andove~, containing ~5,692 square feet more or M ss, being lots n~bered 2,~,~ ~,5,6,7, and 8 on the so-called Lamere Plan filed with the North District Essex Registry of Deeds as ?lan 0~21. Parcel 2. Land si~ated in the'rea~ of C!a~endcn Street supposed to contain l~,000 square feet, more or M ss, bei~ Lot C on a plan of l~d in North ~dover owned by ~ward W. Sullivan dated September, 19~8, recorded with the Nor~ District Essex ~egistry of Deeds as Plan ll70. TOWN I~ETING March 16, 1957 '?4 ~.~ ARTICLE 59. VOTED to accept as.a gift from the Trustees of tho ~illage Land ~ 'Company, to be used for a municipal purpose, namely, a public playground, C~ providing adjacent land now omned by the town is similarly used for .a public playground, the following described p~z. cel of land: A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, County of Essex,. Commonwealth of ~mssachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe w~ich is located f~m a stonebound on the easterly side of Clarendon ~treet on the property line between the Vill~?e Land Company and Winifred E. Sullivan properties ~y going a distance of ll~.0 feet from the stone bound in a southeasterly direction then turning in a southwesterly direction 8.7 feet and then turning southeasterly a distance of 56.0 feet to an iron pipe; from this iron pipe the pgrcel of land is described by traversing a distance of ~1.~7 feet in a southeasterly direction to a stone bound, then turhing ossterly a distance of 75 feet to a point 10~ feet from the westerly line of East ~ater ~treet to a point, ~en turning northwesterly 218 feet to the ir$n~ pipe at the point of beginning. Containin~ 18,200 Square feet of land, more or less. ARTICLE 60. VOTED that the sum of $~700.00 be raised and appropriated to pr ovide a chain link fence, a chain link backstop, a slide, a six swing set, a locker for playgroundequipment and necessary grading and labor at the Clarendon Street Playground. ARTICLE 61. Stricken from the Warrant. ~RTICLE 62. VOT.h~ to r~tse and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for four benches for the Drummond Playground. ARTICLE 65. Stricken from the ~arr~nt. ARTICLE 6~. Stricken from the ~arrant. ARTICLE 65. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $700.00 for playground supplies, this amount to include expenses, special trips and genera'l playground activities for the children of North Andover. · ARTICLE 66. VOTAI~ to raise and aop~opriate the sum of $500.00 fo~ the services of a police officer at the Oathi~g Beach, four hours daily, eight hours on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays for a fen week period to enforce car parking for residents of North Andover, this figure to include cost of car stickers. · ARTICLE 67. VOT~ to raise and appropriate the sum of $1888.00 for eight playground instructors and one supervisor for an eight week period. .~2~TICLE 68. VOTED that the sum of $~000.00 be raised and aporopr~ated to be used with the $~000.00 remaining allocated by the Federal G~vernment for ~o~th ~u~ove~ To~wn. Planning Financial Aid under Section 701 of Tftle 7 of the ecera± Houszng AC~ of 1954, for the second year, and to see if the Town will vote to instruct the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen cC North Andover to enter into contract with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Commerce, Planning Division, for planning services to be rendered~withing twelve months from the date of execution o£ such contract in accordance 'with such program and specifications as the Selectmen, the Planning Board, and the State Planning Division may ~gree in writing. ARTICLE 69. VO~-~ to raise and appropriate the sum of $1500.00 t~ be used For final publication and printing o£ the new Town Zoning Maps and By-Law.. ARTICLE 70. VOTED to take from Special Account authorized under Chapter 718 of the Acts of 1956 the sum of $27,02~.15 to be used for the pe~nanent construction of Middlesex Street, or take any action in relation thereto. .~RTICLE 71. VOTED to accept the section of Moody Street from Pre~co~t Street northerly to that portion of Reedy Street which was accepted in 19~8. ~ARTICLE 72. VOTED to accept ~01 of the acts of 1956, providing cgrtain protection _.for civil defense volunteers driving publicly owned vehicles. ARTICLE 7~- Strf[cken from the Warrant. .~RTICLE 74. voT~ that the sum.of $65',000.00 be taken from availa'ble funds in the Treasury, to reduce the tax rate. Motion made by Mr. Dully and duly seconded to extend a vote of th~anks to the Advisory Board, Town Moderator an~ Town Ulerk for the fine Job ?done ~ Meeting adjourned at 5:~0 P.M. 55~ Voters were present. ~A.~owe, F.Slipp, M.Howard, J. Gillespie, W.!.~cEvoy, C.Thomas, E.Sau'l, G.Wilson, ~ihlalne~,vao~dnEm~Phelan, assisted the. ~ /~ ~ ,/~T°wn~Clerk a~r~d Moderator in counting~ Meeting, the ARTICLE 1. Stricken from The warrant. ARTICLE 2. St~~Lm~en from the Warrant.