HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-22 WARRANT
To either of the Constables of the Tow n of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to
notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in Town.
Affsi rs to meet in the North Andover High School Auditorium on Monday evening,
the twenty-second day of July 1957 at 7:30 P.M. then and there to act on the
following business:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote (1) to adopt the following By-Law
~overning the Wage and Salary Administration Plan for employees of the Town;
2) to raise amd appropriate, or take from available funds, the sum of Eighteen
Thousand Dollars ($18]000) to initiate this plan. Seventy-five hundred dollars
($7500) of which is to be used for a wage increase under the plan and Ten
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($10,500) to be applied as a cost of living.
bonus to be paid at the same rate as the initial raise, under said'plan, fo~
straight time work, said bonus to expire on December 31, 1957; (3) 'to raise
and .appropriate, or ta~e from 'available funds, Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500)
to be used by the Personnel Board for first year expenses, as recommended in
the following report:
Section 1. This By-Law shall be known and cited as "The Personnel, Wa~e and
Salary 'Administration ,Plan" and is hereby adopted pursuant to the p. rov~sions of
General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 10SA and 10~C as amended.
Section 2.. Nothing in the By-Law, or in the P~rs0nnel, wage and Saiary Admin-
istration Plan which is hereinafter referred to, shall be construed to conflict
with Chapter 31 of with any other section.or.~ chapter of the General Laws (in
which case any such provisions of this By-Law shall be considered merely as
information for the guidance of the voters of the Town of North Andover~' Those
.positions of 6fficers and.employees in the service of the Town, whether~that
service be on the basis of fulI time, part time, seasonal, .casual,..specia2,
Civil .Service, or any other basis, and which' are classified .herein, other than
position filled_ by popular election or positions under, the direction~and control
of the School Oo~ttee.with the exception of non-educational employees-are
hereby referred to by titles in Schedule A, which wchedule is entitled Classi-
fication Schedule, and is attached hereto and made part hereof.
Section 3' No person shall be appointed, employed, or paid as an employee in
any position subject to the provisions of the classification plan.except unde~
a title' appearing in Schedule "A", entitled Classification Schedule, No per-~
son shall be appointed, employed, or paid as an employee or.official in refer~
once to any position subject to the provisions of this By-Law except under' a
title of the Job or position the duties of which are actually performed. The
title shall be selected from Schedule "A" or from Schedule "A" as. it may be
amendea or modified from time to time the the appropriate body of person, which
is hereinafter named. The Job or position title arrived at' according to the
provisions of this By-Law shall be the official title for all purposes'having to
do with the Job or position and shall be used to designate the JOb or position
in all .payrolls, budgets, budget estimates, official .reports, and for official
purposes of every'kind, but any abbreviation or code ~symbol approved by the
Personnel Board may be u'sed in substitution for the title.
Section ~. A compensation .SchedUle, identified as Schedule "B"~is to be e~t-
ablished by vote of the Town in' town meeting to provide minimum ~d maximum
salaries, or single rate. salaries, for the groups and positions in the Classi-
fication Schedule. The salary range, or rate, of a group shall be the salary
range, or rate, for all positions~.blassified in that.group.
Section 5. All present employees who come under this By-Law shall~be compen-
sated according to Schedule '!B"~ entitled ~Compensation Schedule attached hereto
and made a part thereof, effective ~uly 22, 1957. The enactment of. this By-Law
or the .enactment of Schedules "A" and or "B" shall not operate to reduce the
salary of any. employee or official of. the. Town then employed in position herein
or therein covered. ·
Section 6. Except as hereinafter stated, new personnel shall be hired~ onlY.
at the .appropriaterate in Schedule "B" ~appea~Ing for. the appropriate class-
ification in Schedule "A" and likewise no PerSonnell shall be paid on a new Job
or position as the result of a promotion, demotion, or transfer except at' the
rate in Schedule "B" appearing for the appropriate classification in Schedule "A".
Section 7. The first six months of employment for any new personnell shall be'
considered a probationary period. If the employee's work is unsatisfactory, the
tmployee shall be dismissed by his Department Superior during the first six months
After the probationary per~'~d, the employee shall be considered a regular em-
ployee of the Town. An employee may be dismissed at any time for good and
sufficient cause; but no regular employee shall serve more than on probationary
period during one tenure of employment.
Section 8. Each Department Head shall include in his departmental budget a
Pay Adjustment Section to pr ovide funds for anticipated pay adjustments
during the year, expenditures therefrom to be made only in accordance both
~with the Salary Plan and with the approval of the Personnal Board.
Section 1. A Personnel Board (Hereinafter called the "Board") is~created by
this By-Law and shall consist of five members to be appointed by the Board of
Selectmen. The Board shall consist of at least one member who is also an em-
ployee of the Town on a position classified in this Plan, and of at least
three members who are neither employees nor elected officials of the Town.
One member shall be appointed for a term of one year, two members shall be
appointed for a term of two years, and two members shall be appointed for a
term of three years.
The Board of Selectmen shal 1 make their appointments within a ten weeks of
the enactment of this By-Law. Every member shall serve until a successor has
been appointed, and all subsequent regular appointments shall be made by the
Board of~ Selectmen, Interim appointments shall be made by the Board 6f se-
lectmen, and the person so appointed shall serve the unexpired te~m of the
vacancy he fills, and this shall not prevent his re-appointment to a regular
term if he should be nominated.
Board members shall serve without compensation.
Section 2. Except as otherwise provided, the Board shall a~m~nister this
By-Law, and it shall establish such policies, procedures and regulations as
in its Judgement are mecessary to administer the same.
A. ~ The Board shall have final a~ thority to determine which"Position Title"
or "Job Title" of those occupations subject to the classification plan is
applicable to any employee or official. This section shall not be construed
to give the Personnel Board any amthority to alter the duties of any employee
· or official by order, promotion, transfer,, or by any other means except in
the case of these persons serving on its own staff.
B. The Persoo~el Board shall have final authority to determine and or to
approve abbreviations or code symbols used in substitution for Job or positi
title· classifications.
C. Whenever a new position is planned or porposed, or the duties of an exist
position changed, explanatory and substantiating data relative to the content
of said new or changed position shall be submitted to the Personnel Board in
such form as requested by it, and no title or rate shall be assigned and no
payment of salary or wage in any fo~m made until after the Personnel Boar~ has
established a title and rate for said new or changed Job or position and ·only
then when an appropriation is available for the same and subject to ratifica-
tion by the Town at the earliest appropriate Town Meeting.
D. No employee may be reclassified unless the Board shall first be noti£ied,
If the Personnel Board shall have reason to believe that such a reclassifica-
tion will not be consistend with therequlrmments of the Personnel, Wage and
Salary Administration Plan, and/or with the duties actually to be performed
°the Board shall so notify the Department Head, and he shall not make the re-
~c!assification unless, after investigation the Board shall determine that
reclassification shall and Will be consistend with the Personnel, Wage and
Salary Administration Plan and the rates and schedule established thereunder.
E, The Board shall have access to all facts, figures, records and other in-
formation relative to the Jobs and positions classified, and the incumbents
thereon, and such information shall be furnished forthwith by any department
upon request of the Board and in such form as the Board ~may~equire. The
records·of the Board shall be maintained in a separate file in the Town
Accountantts office in the Town Building, and available for inspection by the~
said Board-or its duly authorized agents or employees only.
F. The Board shall review or cause to be reviewed at least one-third of the
description of the classified Jobs and positions in each year, so that all are
reviewed during each three years, so that the descriptions may be kept current.
The Board shall also keep i.~.nformed.°f pay rates and policies in practice out-
side of the service of the ~own of A~orth Andover, and shall recommend to the
Town any action it deems advisable· and necessary in order to maintain a fair,
equitable pay level and compensation policy.
G. The Board shall review the Plan in its entirety from time to time and shal
hold hearings for that purpose if deemed necessary by the board.
H. Job and Position Description in the files of the Board shall be construed
as indicative of Job content, rather than restrictive and defining; and, in
any case, employees shall continue to perform any duties assigned them by thei
appropriate,-administrative superiors a~d within proper and legal authority.
SECTION 3. Upon Recommendation of a Department Head, supported by evidence
in writing, submitted in a form specified by the same Board, and submitted to
said Board, the Board may authorize an entrance rate higher than that for the
appropriate title in Schedule "A" according to the rate range or single rate in
Schedule "B" entitled Compensation Schedule when au appropriation is available.
SECTION 4. Within 6 months of the effective date of this By-Law.the Personnel
Board and Board of Selectmen shall Jointly set up a Procedure for Appeal from
any decision of the Personnel Board. This Procedure for Appeal shall be for the
use of' all persons in the services of the Town who compensation or department is
subject to or effected by this By-Law. This appeal procedure shallinclude a de-
scription of the ma~uer in which an appeal board is to be formed; this board, shall
be made up of no less than five persons, or no more than seven, or whom one may
be a member of the Board of Selectmen and none may be a member of the Pets
Board with the remainder of the board to be made up of at least four persons
whe~are~neither~emplo~ees-.or~,eleo~h~of//~ials of the,Town. ·
. C 'fo .
0 ~Pe~on~el Board ~h~l be ~iven an initial sppropr~ation ~
w~,~ ~s zmrs~ year, an~ r~ereaf~er shall be given appropriations in
a~manner and amount as established and determined for other servic&s .and depart-
ments of the Town. ~he Personnel Board shall, in advance of each annual'town
meeting, and in advance of any special town meeting at which reoomnendations of
the Board will be considered, prepare a printed report for the information of
the town meeting and the town. employees.
Section 1. A. Whenever a range of rates is established herein and except as
stated in ~art II,' Section 3, new personnel shall be hired only at theminimum
rate in Schedule "B" appearing for the appropriate classification in Schedul·
"A~ and likewise nc.personnel shall be paid.on a new Job or'position as.'th~
result of a promotion or transfer except at the rate next higher than his last
previous rate; his new rate fr~n Schedule "B" appearing for the ~pproprtate
classification in Shhedule A". B. In case of.a demotion an employee shall'
receive the maximum rate for the new Job or position as it is in Schedule "B"
corresponding to the appropriate classification in Schedule "A" unless such new
rate is higher than his previous rate in which case he shall.receive his previous
rate. This paragraph shall not be interpreted to conflict with procedures for
step rate increases and shall not be interpreted to foreclose and employee,s
'entitlement to said step rate increases.
Section 2. 'WhereVer a range of rates exists or is established, any existing
rates above the maximum in such range shall become personal rates and shall
apply only to the then present encumbent. Such personal rates shall not be
subject to automatic step rates until such time as the personal rate conforms
to schedule "B".
Section ~. PROGRESSION. Each regular employee of the Town shall be Progressed
to the rate £or his Job or position as ~,~ schedule "B", corresponding to the
appropriate classification in Schedule consistent with hisYears of contin-
uous service from the date of his last hiring, promotion or transfer to that
Job or position. Years of continuous service shall be counted from the date of
the Annual Town Meeting occurring after such hiring or promoti6n or transfer.
Said annual town meeting date is to be considored as the beginning of~the em-
~ ployee,s first year and his step rate eligibility, except for step~rate~in-
creases duo.upon completlon of probationary periods, becomes effective upon'the
· coSpletion of probationaryperiods, becomes effective upon the completion of
the year; and further step ratelncreases shall have their eligibility earned
at the completion of.each succeeding year as so measured. Each year of service
shall be considered as completed the day before the day of the annual.town
meeting of that year. However, two years shall elapse before the employee~'shall
be eligible for his step rate from the rate below the maximum for his position~
to the maxi~ for his position.
Section ~. If, at the time this By-Law is accepted, certain Dositi°ns have not
been designated in Schedules "A" and /or "B" such positions shall receive the
same.ra~es of pay as they received in 1956 mntil such time as these positions
are ~nc~uded by the Personnel Board in said schedules.
Section 1. Employees of the Town of North Andover who are subject to ~this By-Law
shall receive vacations, sick !eave,.overtime Pay, holiday pay and such other
benefits, in addition to their periodic wage or salary, as are set forth by the
~.ersonnel Board in Schedule "C" attached hereto and madea part hereof.
Schedule L. Schedule "A" may be amended at any.Town Meeting, Schedule "B" 'and "C~
may. b~ am~nde? at ?y ~.nnual Town ~%~ting ~Dy ~ two-th{r~s vo~e. ,No Amendment of
'any'~pman neremn re~erred t6' shall ~e 'made'unless it- ~'~s' b'~e~ p~esen~ed ~b '~S'i ned
petition to the Personnel Board. Upon. receipt of such petition, the Boab~r~ a~ter
giving the petitioners, the heads of departments and employees affected at least
three days written notice shall hold a hearing of the interested parties to con-
sider the proposed amendments. If within flfteendays of said hearing the
Personnel Board fails to take action on any such proposed amendment the Board
shall be deemed to have disapproved such amendment and the petition may then
be presented to the proper Town Neeting. ~he Board may of its own motion,
after similar hearings of the interested parties, propose an amenLment to
any plan.
If any provision of this By-Law, or the application of such provision to any
person or circumstances shall be held invalid, or is changed, modified,
deleted, or otherwise affected, the remainder of this By-Law, or the applica-
tion of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to
which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby.
PF- ' : '
Titles Pates amd Pate P~mges
CT.T [E[O, POLICE $200.01
CHIEF, I~IRE 200.02 $5,200.00 85,300.00 $5,400.00 $5,500.00 $5,750.00 per year
(DEPUTY FI/~E CHIEF)* 100.02 87.50 90.00 92.50 95.00 97.50 103.00 per W~k
LIEUTENANT, FiRE 25.02 80.00 82.50 85.00 87.50 90.00 95.00
FIREFIGHTER SPECIALIST 15.02 74.00 76.50 79.00 81.50 87.00
PATROL1EAN (Regular) 10.01
FIREFIGHTER (Regular) 10.02 72.50 75.00 77.50 80.00 (82.50$) 85.00
Probationary Period
PATROLHAN 10.11 70.00
RESERVE PAT[~OLMAN 10.21 13.50 per day, single rate
1.25 per hour, single rate
75.00 per month, single rate
title designating ~'a temporary rate for the period of the initiation of this plan; the ~ate
' Fire Chief. ($82.50) expires March 1, 1958.
RATE 01~ PROGRESSION: 6 mos. from MIN'I~UM to STEP 2; from STEP
2 to STEP 3, one year; another year to STEP 4; mmther year to STEP 5,
if any; in all cases, two years from thc step before the I~La-,XIMUi~I TO
~IAXIMUIvI. I0or Chief. 18 mos. from I~IN. to STEP 3,
ITS- Pates and Rate Ranges
l(itehen Helper or Aid X hourly, $1.15 $1.20 $1.25 $1.30
Utility Laborer
Utility Laborer, P. W.
I~[otor Equip. Op. & Utility Laborer
,[~[eterman's Helper, P. ~V.
Utility Lab. & Station Attendant
Laborer, Public Works, Maint.
Water Meter Maint. & Reading
1.35 1.40 1.45 (1.50')
A 1.30
N 1.35
D 1.40
O 1.43
V 1.45
E 1.50
R weeldy, 75.00
H 62.50
T 57.50
1.40 1.45 1.50 (i.00.)
Hotor Equip. Op. & Laborer
Laborer & Motor Equip. Op.
Skilled Lab. && Equip. Op., P.W. 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.05 1,75
Sldlled Lab. & Equip. Op., Tree '
Supervisory Operator, Water Sra. 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 . 1.80
~Tree Climber 1.55 1.60: 1.65 1.70 1.75 L851
:Se]~ll~, Tree Chmber '
:I:Ie~ey Eqnipment Operator 1.60 1.05 1.70 1.7~ 1.80 ~i90I,
~visory~- Cnstodianf 77.50 80.00 82.50 85.00 90.001
Custodian 65.00 67.50 70.00 72.50 77.50
Junior Custodian 60.00 62.50 ~
does not get Special Supervisory * temporary rates for the period of the initiation of this plan, and
differential from Schedule "C". expiring ~areh 1, 1958.
RATE 0IO PROGRESSION, as d~seribed for POLICE and FiRE I j [
Schedule "B". CODE PF. ~ J 1iF
CODE 00 -
:Executive Secretary
Senior Clerk-Stenographer
iSenior Cl~k
i Clerk-Seeretary
]General Clerk
Assistant to Librarian
[Junior Cleric
Rates and Rate Ranges : -.
$57.50 $60.00 $62.50 $05.00 $68.00 $72.50 per week
55.50 58.00 60.50 63.00 67.50
52,50 54.50 57.00 60.00 63.00
48.00 50.00 52.50 55.50 58.50
40.00 48.00 50.00 52.50 55.50
for Part Time employees, unless otherwise specified herein, the rate
for each hour of work, one-fourticth of the weekly rate given above.
RATE of PROGRESSION: 6 months.from .MINII~IUM to STEP 2;
from STEP 2 to STEP 3, one year;
from STEP 3 to STEP 4, two years;
from STEP 4 to STEP 5,-if any, one year;
in all cases, TWO years from the STEP BELOW the I~AXTM'UIV[
lg AXlt~lJ~.
It is antleipated ti, at JUNIOR C. nI RK, wili, be,,use,a as a beginner's job, from'.
which promotion will be made, but this snan no; necessarily affect guniorl
Clerics hired as such and such to remain, nbc other titles that may he~
classified or established into COD~E 00-50. herea£ter.
Rates smd Rate Ranges
., ~ Titles I~[INIMUM 18 mos. 1 yr. 1 yr. 2 yrs.
to STEP 2 to STEP 3 to STEP 4 to
iSupt., P. W.
!We~are Agent*
ii:Icad Librarmn
Building Inspector
iSealer Wts.& Msrs.
iWiring Inspector
alth, Nurse
1 Worker*
~ehool Nurse
iChildren's Librarian
!Tree Dept. Supt.
:Town Accountant
i School Nurse
i Librarian
$500.00 I $115.00 $125.00 $130.00 $135.00 $145.00
400.00 5220.00 , 7280.00
110.00 120.00 125.00 130.00
7020.00 yr.
300.00 5460.00 '
105.00 .115.00 120.00 ' - :. -125.00 135.00
200.00 5200.00 6760.00 yr.
100.00 110.00 115.00 120.00
100.00 4940.00
95.00 '~ 105.00 110.00 ' 115.00
90,00 4680.00 6240
90.00 100.00 105.00 110.00 120.00 wk.
5980.00 yr.
80.00 4420.00
85.oo 95.oo lOO.OO lO5.OO 115.00 wk.
4100.00 5450.00 yr.
75,00 80,00 90,00 , 95.00 100.00 105.00 ;vlc.,
70,00 75.00 80.00 82.50 85.00 90.00,'
60,00 70,00 75,00 77.50 ' 80,00 85.00 wk.!
50,00 05.00 70,00 72.50 75,00 80.00 ;vic.{
40.00 60.00 65.00 67.50 70,00 75.00 wk'
25.00 50.00 65.00 ,,.vlr_
I 10.00 40.00 55.00 wkJ
range requires approval from Commonwealth b~fore it may be paid to Welfare personnel
SF IAL OWN MES N : LY aa, 1957 tql !
Sohoo] Ateendanee Ottteer
F~rest Fire Warden
Chairman, Board of
.Election Registrars
Clerk and Beard Member,
'Board of'Registrars
Eleet~on Registrar
Dog Officer
School Noon Room SupveJ'
Health Inspectors
Animal Inspectors
H~alth Physician
~ssistant Cooks, Salad
Cooks, Cook's Aids
Supervising or Managing
[' :Cook
Infirmary Domestic
if after hour~, 2.50 per oall plus.
if in hours, 1.00 per call plus
$250.00 per year
250.00 per year '
225.00 per year
200.00 per year
245.00 per year, plus mileage"
10.00 per week ....
300.00 per year plus mileage
325.00 per year, plus mileage
pay at rate of $10,000.00 per year~.
pro-rated to.the actual time spent'i:
in a professional capacity.
[Infirmary. Matron.
.'Infirmary Superintendent maintenance and 175.00/mo.
present compensation basis is :~ :~
]~Veteran's Relief Agent herewith included by referenee?:,:,i
Dir. of Veteran s Services
$45,00 per week.
45.00/wk. ~' '
maintenance and 152.91/mo. "'
maintenance and 154.31/mo. .,
. *?mileage, wherever indicated, whether on this schedule'or
,- .. on any other, shall mean seven cents [7e) per mile for the'..
_ · .'. use of one's own oar unless a Town's car is provided
,,....available; in whioh ease no mileage shall be paid. ,
,'k, ~: .......... '-'.b'"'
~.T~'~n several mumo~palit~es, cthm., ssrwce~m prowded~;wthoutL
~,..$ ?ill ~eqmre: earefuLre~ew.: and~re-yaluat~on~ durrag,1953.;:~l
:" --,,,, : '~" ' .... ' ....
The Normal work week for the FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE FORTY*EIGHT (~8) HOURS.
The normal work week for all OFFICE OCCUPATIONS, so classified, shall be
seven and one-half (~7~) hours.
The normal work wee for the' POLICE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE.FORTY (~0) HOURS.
The normal straight-time work week for the HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT shall be forty
(~0) hours in five days.
The normal .atraight-time work week for the TREE (so-called) and PUBLIC WORKS
DEPAR5%~NTS~.shall be forty-five (~5) hours in five days; wi.th the exception of
any personnel on continuous processing, such as in the .W. ater Pumping Station,
and to these the five day provision shall not apply. Each Department Head
shall clearly designate those Jobs that are continuous processing, and shall
file a list of same with the Personnel Board, until which time employees on
such Jobs shall NOT be exempt from the five-day provision.
Each Depar.tment shall set up its own schedule of working hours and of starting,
stopping, and lunch times, and shall post said schedules within its own work
area in a conspicdous place, Wherever a Department is in continuous operation,
such as Police or Fire; or, for whatever reason, operates more than one shift,
the normal work wee, as described afore, shall apply to each shift.
Nothing is this By-Law is to be construed as limiting the number of hours in
a day or week, or ~imiting the number days in the week, than an employee may be
required to work at his Department Head's direction, or at the direction of any
person designated by his Department Head, or at the direction of any properly
.constituted authority in the Town.
Overtime shall not be paid to Department Heads, Professional Personnel, nom
to any persons on occupations classified in the A.T.P. Schedule.
Overtime at. the rate of straight-time per hour shall be paid to non-exempt
FIRE DEPARTMENT personnel for e~ch hour worked in a week after sixty (60) hours
:of work in that week provided the last ten (10) of such hours consisted of
consecutive hours of active duty.
Overtime at the rate of time-and-one-half per hour shall be paid as follows:
to non-exempt personnel for each hour worked after forty-five hours in the
week worked in the POLICE DEPARTMENT.
FORTY*FIVE (~5) hours in the week worked or after ten (10) hours worked in any
one da~. in the TBk~. DEPART~ENT and in the DEPARTMENT DF PUBLIC, WORKS:
forty [~0)houra in 'the weekworked or after ~en ~ i~) hours wor~ea~n any one
ty (40) hours in the'weekworked'on~any'occupation classified in the 0~0
Equal time off may be given.in place of Overtime Payment att he discretion
the Department Head with the agreement of the Personnel Board. Without exce
rich, anyone or all of the foregoing Overtime Provisions may be waived by the
Board of Selectmen by its own act in the event of special circumstances of public
emergency so declared by it.
Employees .0n~contlnucus processing Jobs so designates as aforesaid shall not
receive premiUm pay for overtime.
/ To each new full-time regular member of the Police of Fire ~Departments, regard-
less of his rank at the time that he enters upon his duties there shall be paid
in his behalf the sum of eighty-five dollars ~$85.00) for uxxIforms and such
standard equipment as his department may require. Yearly,~Aallocation shal~
be made to the ~respective Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments in the
amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) per uniformed man for Police and thirty
dollars ($30.00) per uniformed man for Fire, for the replacement of uniforms,
necessary work clothes, mud standard dquipment. ~
Each Chief shall submit to the Board of Selectmen a detailed accounting in
writing, and signed by himself, of the exact nature of all and any disbursements
of monies for.uniform allowances and shall specify in who~ b~half the money was
spent, and to. whom it was paid. In so far as possible, each Chief shall, for
his own Depar~nt, collect the old item in exchange wherever a new one is fur-
nished, and 'shall keep same for inspection by the Board of Selectmen, or by any
other duly designated person or persons, until given written~authorization tc
destroy such~material or otherwise dispose of it.
Provided h~ works his work day last scheduled before, and ~is ~$rk day first
scheduled after~ such holiday, no regular full time employee~ shall lose pay, paid
vacation time~ or vacation time by reason of any of the following holidays:
'~i~i New Years Day Veterans Day~~
-Independence Day Decoration Day
~ Thanksgiving Day Columbus Day
Washingtons Birthday Christmas Day
~ ~Labor Day
or any other hellday legally binding upon the Town of North Andover in the
Countyof Esse~$~m~, ~
Except mem~oers~of~the Police~and Fire Department~ Custodians, employees
on continuous processing occupations as stipulated in the foregoing, and in
~any other employees on work of such nature as to be known in advance that
it cannot be set aside or interrupted solely by reason of a Saturday, Sunday
.or holiday, work performed on any holiday named herein shall be paid for by
straight-time .pay in addition to the regular pay for the non-exempt employee
on the Job.
Except Department Heads, employees not eli~ible for hoIiday pay as described
in the foregoing paragraph~ shall receive half-time pay in addition t~o their re-
gular pay for work performed by them on Independence .Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day. VACATIONS;
The vacation policy in effect ~t the time~ that ~his By-Law is enacted shall
remain in effect, but with this addition:-- that three weeks of paid vacation
shall be granted to every employee who has been in the full time employment of
the Term for a continuous period of no less than fifteen (1~) years bymidnight,
May 31, of each vacation year.
Vacation time may be known as "annual Leave"; and annual leave shall not be
accumulated in excess ~ four weeks. Each week of annual leave shall be paid
for at the employee's regular straight time rate of pay; and in the event that
one employee has worked on several different Jobs of occupations in the service
of the Town in any one year precedent to his annual leave, he shall be paid for
his annual leave at the rate of pay for the Job or occupation on which he spent
the greatest amount of working time during the nine months prior to May 31 in
the vacation year.
At his termination or spparation from employment by the Town, provided he
has worked for the Town in a f~ll time cap~city for not less~than a continu-
ous period of twenty-four months, an employee shall be paid a sum equal to the
wage value of his un-used annual leave, but not to exceed four weeks.
After he has been in the service of the Town for a continuous period of not
than six months, each regular full-time employee shall be given six days of
credit for sick leave, and thereafter shall .earn sick leave at the rate of one
day per month during the term of his employement, but sick leave shall not be
accumulated in excess of forty-five days.
Absences caused by emergencies in his immediate family shall be handles as
sick leave. The immediate family shall consist of al! direct blood relations,
r I al do t n
The Personnel Board shallrequire such procedures as it may deem needed for the
proper administration of sick ]~ ave provisions, and Department Heads shall
carry them out faithfully at the request of the Personnel Board, and in su. ch
mann and form as requested by it. When such procedures have been issued, sick
leave shall not be granted under any circumstances not conforming to them.
Sick lea~e in excess of 45 days, or in excess of any lesser amount' accumula-
te~, may'be granted in special circumstances at th~ request of a Department
Head for himself or for any employee in his department provided such request
is aEree~6n by the Personnel ooard and approved by the Board of Selecmnen.
Sick leave means paid sick leave. Pay shall be at the regular Job rate.
However, accrued sick leave time shall have no monetary value upon an employ-
ee' s termination or separation.
'emp ?7_ee can:al_for Jug"duty shall be paid b7 the own an amount equa
O1' ~$ dmrrerence oetween the compensation he would have earned in the
of?the Town during that same period, exclusive of overtime, and the amount
paid by-the court, exclusive of allowance for travel.
'~.The g~r~$~ 'insurance provisions in effect in the~;Town for its em~--o'
e~ence herewith.
· Employ~?s on Jobs classifie~ in the Z.T.S. Schedule shall rece .
ential' of five cents (5c) ~er hour wh ......... --- .. . ive a differ
p~oyees, =eh cents (10c) when-..
supervising, at least eight employees but, not more than ten employees; 'and
fifteen"cents (15c) when supervising more.than ten employees.
· fo!Any; emP~l~yee plowing snow from an open cab shall receive an adde
.('I0?)~'per hour.for each hour so s~ent: an~ * ....... '-~ -- d te.n cents
.... 5 ). and fo- ~n ~or sa --
of-"~ay'.movin~, truck or~ ve~,~, ,~,+---~ - . m,~.~_ng.mce or snow from the ~pen end ..
· ~= ~a-z cents ~'E~CJ,-DUt nc,'k, one shall recieve more:.=
than ~on~:.spe.cial differential at an7 one time for any hour, . . .
.this..-schedule C sba ' . fy, P ovisions of
~ ..... ~ .... 11 not become effective'until the f ·
of.N6rth~Andcver be~innin= ~ ~o~' .~+~ ~=- ~ .... isoal year of the Town-
...da~.week shall bec effe~, ~..~ -- . ~- .g. p.tion, that the f
. omc ............ ~e 'Ares. anG ~ubI~c :Works De~ rtments as
'sconi:as possible.
' "N~?~'r.S~.S'~:ons'. of this Schedule "O" shall be ~i~, =erpreted to be retroactive;~..?
bU~/~s'.shall' not he interpreted.to diminish the years 'of continuous servicel/~
:'~Id'~y'any.:~mployee of the Town. . .
.[.'i ' :~f.."~. ;~r0~e~sional Engineer,' ~egis toyed as such in the ¢ cmmonwe=lth o£
:'MasSach.use~ts, shall be employed on any ~ob or. position in which the knowledge
~ed tra~nE".of"an.Engineer, are of clear and direct importance; and if the:
gis.te, red Frofess~onal.:Engineer as described shall 'be required, to apply his
t~aining ~and knowledge in such a way, or upon such problems that it be
Othe Iss. it. might become necessary t.o employ,. :the emplcyi offlc a
:.~'~hejagr.eement of .~he Personnel Boar~ ~ ........ -- . ~-~... i 1, wlthr=,
~Ollars er~, .~ ......... ~, -~--.~ ~ ~ ~ ant mncmuazng Five Hundred
.,^~.,~j~p~_~.. _a~_um m.n_a, ccx~mcn ~.o uae rate. or.~ange established in ' , ,,
~Wh?reV~'he is to receive compensatory time off instead of pay for overtime
w°rk~-~h~/employee mUst be notified so in advance. If the em lo ee
agree~ 't~'~ Such method of com~e~-~- ~ ........ P Y · shall not
· ' .- ~' ~ ,,~au~. zAo u~amA no~ De requlPed to work the
overtime, hoUrs, and this shall be without prejudice to hisstatus st
or ~futUrecareer. , anding,
'i~No additional compensation s~'all be p~d for hours worked between
hours~Worked between the last
....... ~u ~7~ammu~ng oz-' overtime; and special differenbiais pr°vid-
ed for in this plan .shall be addea after overtime has been calculated; and
shall" not be subject to any premium pay provisions.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen. Upon recommendation of the Advisory Board~
ARTIC~I~. 2: To see if the Town will vote to raise and anoropriate th~ Sum ef
Twenty Six.. Thousand, Seven Hundred.and Fifty Dollars, ~26,750.00) for the
.Salari:es:.and..WaCes of all town departments; to grant a ten per cent (10%)
increase to all fUll time employees. This is toinclude school custodians,
clerical help, and school nurse in the school department.
Petition of the North Andover Town Empoloyees, Associa rich.
ARTICLE 3. To see. if the Town will vote to transfer from the outside relief and~
Infirmary account to the Administrative account eh sum of Eight Thousand Dollars
($8,000.00) for salaries a~dexpenses of tl~e Welfare ~epartment for the remainde~
of the year. Petition of the Board of~elfare.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote and increase in' salary
of two Hundred ~ollars (~00.00) to each Assessor, Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00)
in all, because of the increase in volume of work. Petition of Board bf ~ssessors.
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will transfer One ThousardDollars ($1,000.00)'from
School Grounds salaries and wages to Playground-Bathing Beach salariesI and wages.
Peti.ticn of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andcver Zoning By-Law
Section ~; Board of Appeals, Its Powers and Duties, Section 9.1 to read as follows~
There shall be a Board of Appeals cf five members which shall have,and exer-
cise all the powers provided under General Laws Chapter 40A as ,amended, and
which shall hear and decide all matters specifically referred to ~the Board
of Appeals by the North. Andover Zoning By-Law and other matters referred to such
Board by statute. ~ On each appeal arising under the North Andover Zoning By-
Law, the Board of Appeals shall .hold a public hearing cf which nott~ce shales
given b~ publication in a newspaper of general circulation in North/*End0ver
twelve (12) days at least before the date of such hearing and~by, ma~iling
copies of such notice as published to such parties as the Board 'of/APpeals
may deem interested, at the addresses for such parties as they appear in the
most recent North Andover real estate taxrecords.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen. '~;~
ARTICLE'7. To see if ~he Town will vote to amend the .Zoning By~L~w b~ ~cha~ng. ing
from Industrial to General Business,, the following described parcel-ofiland.
A parcel of land. on the Easterly side of Clark Street, bounded, and de'scribedl,
as follows: Beginning at a stone bound in the Easterly line of CIark St?_ee.t!
said. bound being at the Southwesterly corner of the land of the Town oE, Nor~r~
· Andover used as a dump; thence Northeasterly by the town landl els .~en ,hundred .
i~?~seventy~and no hundredths (1170) feet, more or less, .to an angle 'in a,~stone wall,
~' ,thence Southerly bythe stone wall three httudred sixty and no hundredths' (.360)
.feet. to a corner in the wall; thence Southwester. ly twohundred and~:no.'hundreths
'~(200) f, eet, by the wall, to an angle in the wall, thence, Southwesterly'but more
~ Southerly. by the wall one hundred fifty and no hundredths (1SO),/,bo ~an.. a~gle~in
:,i'the wall,, thence Southwesterly, but more Wes~terly. by the~ wall th~ee.~U~d~d
sixt~-sevsn and seventy-five hundredths (~'67'.75) feet to a ~cer~er~in. the~i~wall;~
!*thence Southeasterly by the' wall fifteen and~ no hundredths (15)'fee's,' ~to 'an~/ []
Southwesterly four hundred seven and seven~y.hU~d~edtlis
a_n iron pipe in the Eastirly line of Clark Street;'/'thencs
~.Northerly by the EasterIy line of Clark Street forty'and ninetyT~wo?huhdredths
(~0.92) f et, to a stone bound; thence again' Northerly~ by the' s~id/EasteP~y' l~i~ne
of ~lark treet by a curve cf three hundred sixty-eight an~'
;fe?t,, radius, .two hundred forty-two and seventy-eight hundredths~ (,_2~2.78)~ feet~
to~ a~ Stone boUh~; -thence Northerly by said Easterly llne of Clark/Street
hundred'fi ,Seven and, fo~rty-nlne hundredths (157.~9) feet 'to the?p0~in, t',,of~ '
beginning, petition ~of Anthony Rogers and others '~'~,:-'~
~'ART'I~LE 8. 'To see. if the Town will.vote to amend Section 6 .of the, Building Laws
~[of,~the. T. own so that,~ as amended,, it will read as, follows: ,
':/Se~ion 6'. The Inspector shall not give a 'permit for the erection or~.altera~.tion
' ~f lany'.building until he hhall have ~carefully .inspected the plans:, 'speoifica~ons
and ascertained that the buildingas proposed willconfo~m
and until he has received from the 'applicant, or anyone for him, 'a fee for
~ tho issuance of such permit in such amount as is equivalent to
?'~1000 of the amount of theestimaterecited in said application as approved by. the
b~ilding inspector as being the cost of.the alteration or erection.
: building, except that if the' construction or alteration be of an edu~atio'na!,~
· municipal or industrial building,, then the Selectmen by a maJori.ty:.votle,~may
'~det'ormine the' fee for such permit to be in such amountas in the'ir[. ,ludge~ent
'may. berequired for the issuance of such permit. Except as hereinbefore indicated
thefee for such permit shall not, in any.event, be less than $10.00 'exosPtWhen~
/ in the opinion of the building .inspector, /the value of such erec.tion' or'. altera;~
~tien shall be less than $1000 in which event a fee of $3.00 shall"be' paid:.bY
'.'the applicant, the Building Inspector sh~ll pay over to the-Town Treasurer for
the general use 'of the 'Town all 'such fees as may be received by him." - " .
Petition of the Board of Selectmen. :' :-~"
ARTICLE ~9. To see i~ the Town will vote t~ accept from Merrimack College, the
sum of Ten Thousand ~ive Eundred Dollars ($10,500) to be used by ,the Town and
applied .towards the cost of a meter vault and water meter and the cost-,of connect-
ing the water main on Turnpike Street with the Merrimack College water' system.
Petition Of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or ~,
transfer from available funds a sum of money for the purpose of authorizing
the Bo~ard of Public Works to acquire by purchase, taking by eminent domain, or
otherwise, from the owners, the following described easement in place of
and Maine RailroadLRight of Way from Prescott Street to Chickering Road" ~voted
in'Article 38 of the warrant for the 1957 Annual Town Meeting, s aid sum of
money to be taken from the proceeds of the bond issue voted in Article 38 of
the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 16, 1957:
Beginning at a point on the ~ublic property line marking the eastern boundry
ef ~the intersection of High ~treet and Prescott Street ~1.25 feet northeast-
ward of the centerline of the existing Boston and Maine Railroad right-of-way;
thence southeastward parallel to the centerline of the existing Boston and
Mai~Railroa~ ~ight-ef-way through the property of the Davis & Fu~ber Machine
~aCompany to a point northwest of the southwest boundary of the Davis & Furber
chine Company.property; thence southward parallel to the southwest boundary
of the ~avis & Furber Machine Company property to a p.oint 51.25
ward~of-the center line of the existing Boston and Maine Railroad right-of-way
thence.~southeastward parallel to,the existing centerline of the Boston and
Maine Railroad right-of-way through the property now or formerly of Alice R.
Colgate and through the property now or fo~r~eerly, of Henry Lurid. to the inter-
se'ctio~n, of the West boundary of~the right of way of Chickering Road. ( Route '125
The aforesaid easement consists of a permanent easement 20 feet wide with
parallel sides extending 10 feet each side of the centerline hereinbefore de-
scribed.hnd~lying to the northeast of and adjacent to existing' easements of~
~the New England Power Service company and the Boston ~ Maine Railroad Company;~
andes temporary easement 20 feet wide ~lylng to the northeast of and adJacent~
to(the aforesaid permanent easement. The sides of the temporary easement are ~
parallel 'to those of thee permanent easement. The aforesaid ~he aforesaid~
temporary easement is for use during initial construction only.
petition of ~.the~ Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 11. To see 'if the Town will vote to~ raise and al~propriate, or transfer
f~om. available funds, an additional cum of money for the salaries and.wages of~
'th~ following elected officials, as reco~ehded by ~t.h.e Sumner D. 'Charm Assoc.
~-. Town of North Andover.. ~ .... ... SDO A
~'~-~ If 'not. listed below, no change is recommended.~
InCUmbent ~Title '~ New gets Proposed. Annual Increase
'~ra'Car~y~ Highway ~Surveyor: Upon his retirement, this post ~s~all be ~ aboli'sh-~
ed and the HighwaF Department con~solidated in~
the Department of Public Works..
'~ Assessors Per Yr.
M~S&U~~. /Member Brd of $850.'00
· ~ Assessors. Per Yr.
E. Phelan Member Brdof $8505001
· Assessors. Peter.
.~ohn':·Lyons , T~Wn:Clerk. $850m0Q
$1,e5o.oo $4oo.oo
Per yr.
$4ooo.oo $15o.oo
Per yr.
$4ooo.oo $15q. oo
Per yr.
$1, ooo. o0 $750 · co
~uly in the year of our Lord
A t~ue copy:
North Andover, Massachusetts ~uly 11, 1957
one thousand nine hundred fifty-seven.
'(plus fees, approximately,$800~00. all fees revert'to Town.)
T xColl. $1,5 5.0o $ ,600.o0 $75.'oo
P~r Yr. Per Yr.
ARTICEE 12. To see if the'-,T~w~ will vote to raise and appropriate, .or provide ·
bU b~ond~issue,- or transfer.from available funds Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00
~ exb~nd the 'sewer system on Beacon Hill Boulevard from Massachusetts Avenue
te,:the residence cf ~oseph Giard. Peti'tion of ~os. E.E. Giard and others.
An~:~ou',are,:hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true ~n~ Atties~ed
.cepies'~thereof, at the Town Office Building and-at fivel or more public places
.in each .voting precinct, Said copies to be posted not more than .fifteen days
~or.~less~than, ten,days before the~ time of holding said meeting.
,Hereo~,l:fail_not, and, make due return of this warrant with your dQings thereon
,te/~the Town ~lerk, at the time and place of said meeting. ..
Given'under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts,, the eleventh day of
I have nctified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andov~r
qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies cf this ~-~
warrant at the Town Building and at five or more public places in e~ch.vcting ~'~
precinct. Said copies not having been posted not more than fifteen days nor
less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting.
/s/ JOSEPH A. SMITH. Constable.
July 11, 1957. ATTEST:
Town Clerk.
At the Special Town Meeting held in the Veterans Auditorium of the North.
Andover High School on Monday evening July 22, 1957 at ~;30 P.M. the~follcwing
was voted:
ARTICLE !. VOTED (1) To adopt the following by-Law governing the~wage and
Salary Administration Plan for employees of the To~n; as/described In"the1
Warrant; with the following amendments:
Motion duly made and seconded to amend Section ~, Part III by adding
after such positions- "excepting the American Legion Beach lifeguards
· ~and swimming instructor and the Playground groundkeepers."
Motion duly'made and seconded to amend Part V., Schedule A, Code~(IT~
by eliminating Supervisory Operation Water Station and substituting~/'~
Foreman, Water and Sewer. '·
Motion dul~ made and seconded to amend Part V., Schedule A, C0~eif"~J
by changing Water Meter ~aintenance 'and Reading from Code .N;"to::~Oo'de'~)D.
Motion duly made and seconded to amend Part V, Schedule A, Code. A'TP.'"~ ". ·
Changing SUPervisory Foreman P.W.'to Supervlsory. 0per,tot, Wa~?r~ S. tat~ons'.
Motion duly made and seconded to amend Schedule C._ OVERTIME by~.,c, hanging
forty-five (~5) to forty (~0) hour's in the week Worked in the :Pollute Dept.
Motion duly made and seconded to ~am~nd ~Mchedule (C) "0VERTINE"~ .by.l~Changi~ '.
- sixty (60] to forty-eiEht (~8) hours of ~rk in .the Fire Dept.~
...(2)~To take from available funds, the sum of $18,000.00 to Initlate~ thi~
as follows: '~'
.500.00 which is to be used for a wage increase~uhder the '
~,. ;00;00 to be applied as a cost of living bonus to be .'paid .
:'" same rate as t~e initial raise, under, said plan, for straight~time. '
work, Said bonuses to expire on December 31, 1957. '~'
~ m I ( ~ ) T O
take from avallab'le funds in the. ~reasury the su~ Of' ~,500J00. t~
be used by the Personnell Board for first year expenses, as recommended
in Yeport.
~' 'The vote was unanimous' and so declare~.
ARTICLE-2'. Stricken from the Warrant.
?dARTICLE 3. VOTED ~o transfer from outside relief and Infirmary'account'~ to the
Account the sum of $8,000.OO'for salaries and expenses of 'the
~artment for the remainder of the yea~. Unanimous vote ahd so declared.
-:ARTICLE ~. Stricken from the arrant.
' ARTICLE 5. VOTED to transfer $1,000.00 fE0~ ~choo~ Grounds Salaries &'Wages
to Playgrounds-Bathing Baa'ch Salaries & Wages. Unanimo=s vote and 's~'0 ~d~clared.
~::".ARTICLE 6, Stricken from 'the Warrant.
. ARTICLE .7. Stricken from the Warrant. .
ii" 'ARTI0~E 8~ VOTED TO A~END Section 6 of the Building Laws of the ~T6wn
as amended it willread' as per article. '- '
ARTICLE 9. VOTED that~ t~e Town accept £rom M~errimack Collcge~th~ ~s~.U~.,~0f~
~ · $10,500,00 and~ appr~oprlate sald sum for user,by the ~Board of/!PuBl~!uW~rks,
providing a meter vault And water me~ter and a conne~ction with ~the 'wab~r.~main.
on-Turnpike Street and the Merrimack College water system with any~unexpende'd
balance to be ~cfunded to Merrimack ~College. Unanimous vote and ~so~i~eclared.
~'~ ARTICLE 10. VOTED that the ~sum of $1,4~5,00 be taken from the proceeds ~'6f/the
bond 'issue voted in ~Article 38 of the ~'arrant of the 1957 Annual~ Town Me~ttng.
for the purpose of authorizing the Board of ~blic Works to acquire by~ purchase
taking bY eminent domain, or otherwise, from the owners, the following described
easement ~n place of "Boston & Maine ~ailr6ad ~ight of Way from Prescott Street
to Chickering Road" voted in above mentiond Article 38. Bounded and described
as per article. Majority vote and so declared.
ARTICLE 11. S~ric~en from thc Warrant. ~ ·
ARTICLE 12. VOTED that the sum of $2,000.00 be taken from available funds in
the Treasury to extend the s ewer system on Beacon Hill Boulevard from Mass Ave.,
to thc residence of Joseph Giard. Unanimous vote and so .declared.