HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-03TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALT H OF MAS SACHUSETTS Essex SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETING:In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to~'notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct One, the new St. Michael's School Auditorium in Preclnt Two, the Albert Thomson School in Precinct Three and the Kittregge School Auditorium in Pr. 6cinct Pou~ in said North Andover, on Monday, the third day of March 1958, a~nine o,clock in the forenoon, and there to act on the following article: · ARTICLE"I. To e~e ct a Moderator, Town Treasurer,- Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor, Tree Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the .Board mol Public ~ Welfare, and':five ·constables for one year. One Assessor, one member of t~e Board.of Public Works, one member of the Board of Health, two'.members of the School Committee for {hree years, One member of the Planning Board and one member of the Housing Authority for f'ive years, and to vote upon the question "Shall ~ghe water supply of the town of North Andovgr be fluoridated." Ali:mtSO b~e voted upon one ballot, the polls shall-be open at 9 A.M.,' and shall -be -Close'd at 8. P.M~ Af~er"'~n~i a'c~ion on' the prece.ding Ar~;icle One, the said meeting shall ~ adjourned .by virtue of Se. ction~, Article One of the Town. By-Laws, to Sa~aay Ma~ch 15~, :1958 at one-thirty o,clock P.M., in the North Andov. ex; High School'~ · Aud.itorium~then and: there to act on the following articles:~, ARTI~ET.2. ~"To e2e'ct' all other Officers not required by 'law t be electe'd by ba.llot ~ ~ - ~AR~,I'CLE ~13. To See if the Town will vote to accept the report of recipts' .and' ~ e~ndi~tUres 'as W esented by the sele c~men. · .~, To' see what :action the Town will take as to its unexpen~:-~..~'..., · ',ions, ~,~' ' ""'" .... "_A~,T'I~LE 5- ~o .see '~f' 'the Town will vo-te' to fix the sala~.y an&,com~ensation of ~iL*~l~c. ted.]officers''of the'Town as ~ ovided 'for by' section .I08. of' OhaDte~ ~1 '6f:-th~Generall La~'s, as' amended, effective from'J~nuary I, 1958~ .-.Boa~,d~:.of Selectmen'.'-. each ce r annum ,. ,,~-.~B0ai~d,.of Public' Wel'fare - each .~er .annum ,Board;of ~Assessors - each pen annum % · Town~ Treasurer .- .per. annum :-~, Tax~ Collector - per: annum Highway Surveyor - per annum . .- · .~?:~r. ee. warden -. per annum Moderator.- per annum $500. co 150.'00. 1,150. O0 5,500.00 t,800..00 5,. 9o.'oo - %1.00.:00 50.00 · B oo o ,,~_B~r.d of~;Heal.th - per annum each it,...,,,~.~..T~ .... ~' Bo~&~ . of~.~blic. W0~ks.' each ~r ~:~'~.~,_. 150500~ ~1 a ~Ti~' 6..~,'T~-see what'action ~e To~ ~llt ake as to the r~'co~en~t~ons~-~. ~ o~';~ Advim~ m~py Board. ~ZCEE:~:; :~'To, see:if ~e To~ ~ I1 vote to authorize'~the To~Tre~s~er the.:~ppr0val of."~e Se~ctmen, to' borrow money, froTM t'~e to t~e tion'_~of.~the revenue, of .~e 'fin~cial yea~ begi~ing .January 1', 1959 issue a ~note or .notes theref~, payable within one year,' and ~ renew note[.or-~otes.as may ,~ given for a ~riod of less th~ one year in-accor with :Section, 17, ChaP~r ~, General L~ws. ~TICLE"5; ' To ~on~ider the r'~po~ of ~1 s~cial, cool,tees.. '~TI6LE~9. .To see i~ ~e To~.will vote to ~thorfze'the Bo~d of HealtH~to 1.~ appoint o~e of their members to the positio~ of Bo~d. of Health Physictan"~n~ andLt 0-~fix'~his...compe~ation. in, accordance with .Section'~' Chapter ~1 of.. General" 'Laws. .... . · ~TIcEE";IOJ-To s.ee"if~ ~e Town ~11 vot~ to authorize '~e School Co'tree t0 ap~5~n~'~one of' itsmembe~s to '~e position of School Physici~ ~d to fix his i~p'~[~]~fft~on. ~ accor~ce' with Section ~, Chapter 4I,' General Laws.. ~TIC~. 11. 'To see if the To~ will vote to ~end the North ~'v~r Zoning ~Law.~ striking out ~e Dre~ble words ~de~.Par: ~.~1 bet~e? 4.'1I .and the n~erals' ~l(a),. a~ by substitu~mng mn p~ ce or =n~ ~ne ~ollo~ng. pr~:~ble ~rds: ' , ' ' ' ~.i~'S'i~gle,~. duplex or two-f~ily dwellt~s and gardens, including the ri~t .,. ~o ~nvert in a~cordance wi~ ~e st~dards set forth, below any st~uct~e ~ilt prior to January 1, 1950, to acco~odate not more th~ .two f~ilie~- or, if aDDroved in accordance wi~ the st~dars here~der by~ ~e-Board of Appeals after a public hearinE with due notice given, not more t~ fo~ f~ilies, provided: Pe.tition ~ 'North Andover Plying' Board, Nicho~ s F. Nlcetta, Ch~ WA R R A NT 1 ~ 8 ~-~ ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning ByLaw by striking out ~aragraphs 6.61 and 6.62 and by substituting in place of them the following paragmaphs 6.61 and 6.62: 6.61 The residential lot areas and lot widths above required under paragraph 6.3 of this ByLaw shall not apply in any residence district to any lot of less area or less width than above requ~ed if such lot be not adjoined by other land of the same owner, vacant and available for combination with or connection with such lot, provided that the apPlican~ for a bui. lding permit on any such lot shall show by citations from the Essex County Registry of Deeds incorporated in or attached to 's~ch apolicatlon that such lot lawfully laid out and du. ly ~.ecorded bI plan'~r deed Prior ~o-th~-~ff~ctive date of said oaragraph 6.3 (December 6, 1956)and m~ovidedj tha% on suchua lot there shall be kept open and not built upon a front yard'and.,a rear yard 12eaChfeetn°twide.'less than 20 feet deep,, and two side yards, each not lessl;than.~ 6.62 ·In ~Vil~a ge Re.~idence Districts only, two or more vacant lots,~ mu~ua'Ily . 'adjoining, may by the Board of Appeals be P~rmitted t?be ,-ombined 'int0"a navlot or lotsnot less than 10,000 sq. ft. a~ea each and not less'~.,%h~n~ 1~0 ft. width at the strest frontage, provided it be ·shown to the Boa~.d.of Appeals that e'a'ch' of s aid vacant lots before com~inatto · ~w.id~_h than required under 'the aforesa~ ....... n. w~a~o~ less ~area or less =n,e Essex County Registry. of Dee'dS~ .t~-a~g~-ap-n~ ?-'3_and, ~_by .~cita. tions from ou~ ,and duly- recorded..by plan 'or' ~'e~ _~_~=u~:.s.u.cn z~o~ was ~awful~Iy ~lald paragraph 6.3 (December 6. lO~6~ ~ ......... ~ ec~ive.~date~of~a£d · ~ ~., ~ ~e ~u~,c~ng ~nspectorC'sha~iPerm~.t the constructi.on of one sihgle-family dwelling on each~such IO~00~.0,~s-q~.ft. iot. the action by the~ Town. upon Article 7, in the warrant for t~he special TownJ~Meeti: of October 7, 1957, which purported to 're-zone a certain parcel of f Hillside-Road between th~ Salem Turnpike' and ~he A~ ~1 be zoned as :it>was prior tosaid action.~ ,~ Said~ar ~ as fo !lows: ~ fly line: lll~, thence '.the-Salem - southwesterly:~by! the ~ .,/~norl 'ly ,tine of Hii'lside~Road~ feet to~ an. irOnpipe~kin · an~ '~te~section · ~smce ~oad,~ ~4 feet_to an Iran- .of' the-~northerly line~ of, ~illside Road with the~ Easter ly line~, ~ t' By-P~ss;~ thence northerly by the~ easterly line~ of~ ~thejAndover,. ,~6,20~19 feet ~to, an~ itoh'pipe; thence northeaste . · ' pipe~in>the ~vesterl~ line~ ^*~ ~ o---- ~ -.~ ~rly, 4~5'.~ fee~' to.an s the Salem Tu~n~ik~ ~,=~ ~__. ~ ,:_ nc .e . southeasterly: bF more or ., . , Petit 'th Andover P1 '" "~ ~' '-~ · ~ me~--iT the-T d, Nlc. holas F. Nicetta~~Chairman. NOrth · f pubZic~hearings before the Board cfa ea ~ ~kst sentence and b -~ ~ · pp ls? bY st~ikin out~.s . Y insartin in 1 ~ ~ g- _ aid~ 2he Board shall notifybv ~^-~g~ _~.P. ace ~nereox~,' the .followin.g~ sentene, L as -- ~ ~e~A'~ roam A or ~ertl fie~d· ~aii' ~119%~h~ ~wne~.~: . . . the. Board of. Appea~s may deem~ affected thereby;:/as~ .~ey~appeYar- ~.[oCal' tax ,list,. and to the planning.Boa~d;:..i. ,~,:~ .,/ ~f .th.e. North Andever Board. of.Appeals,i Donald F.: Smith, !/Ch'ai~u.~ 5. To ee if'the Town will vote to amgnd'se'ction Of Nort~,'Andover amended and acM~ cd'by the S-e='--- -' _ 9.. the" ,a': .... '?striking out that~or,tion of the ByLaw. numbered section 9.1 in the,,&aS.tl.sen~ence , ~.lon 9.1. ~U~ther ~- ovided'.that two of said Beard o f Appeals :~embers and :of-the said associate members shall be ap ointed _.[North' Andover Planning Bo'ard. Such tha' .p=o_ f..ro.m_among the members of u~mows, Section.~9ol:. T~ .... =_~. _ '_ ~?:~u? amenGed.b~yLaw.will',~.~.~ ko, powe,n°t'm°re than three associate members which shall°f AppealShave and' exercise;Cf ,five.memberS;allUthe-'and' rs provided under the Gpnera1 Laws,.~ Cha~ter 40A.as amended, and which shall hen 'and decide/all matters.~ specifically referred ~ ~ '-the 'North And ove ', . -.- to the Board O'f. ":' · .. r s Zoning ByLaws and other matter ~'~,....~', ~ A?[peal,.s;j.b~.,1 Statute.. The Bo~rd of Appeals msmb~ms and 'associate S .......... 0 sucre'. ]~oara:'by · members Shall b$';'appolntod 'by the; Sole,l~men,. in.. tho manner Pro~idod for by statute. · , .... Petitfon .el Dominic Olar.ussp and others. f ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town Will ~ote to smend by ByLaw governing the Wa ~ :and Salary Administ~atian Plan for · at a soeci employess_of tbs To, of North, nd ov r 'i'[Y"~ ?eneraz ,.aws, Chante ;,~'..~...l,-t-°w~^m~.eeting, · _pursuant to x'oizowlng Manner: : ~ r ~.,.-~-,ua muoa and 10§C, as amended~".[n 2~ (A.) Amend Part 1, Section 2, by striking out sentence, two ~in' its sntlre~y and inserting therein the following: Those positions of offi:es and the service of the Town, whether that se part time, seasonal, 'casual, special,. Ci which ~v~li ~ e~b~i coon, t h~e basis any are classified her , other filled Do election or ~ositions under the direction and con of the School% ~ee are ART. is. con,t, w A R A T i ? 8 referred to by stiles in Schedule .A, which schedule is entitled Ch ssification Schedule, and is attached hereto and made ~art thereof. (B) Amend all parts of ~e By-Law wherein reference is ~de by~tle or o~e~wi~ to school per~elb'y~riking out al'l '~ferences therein so that shall exclude all school department personnel. (C) ~end Part 3, Installation, Section 3 by Striking out sentences 2,3, and in their entirety so that said ~ragr~h shall read as follows: Progress- ion, E~ch~regular employee of the To~ shall be ~rogress~d to the rate for his Job or position as per Schedule "B", corresponding to ~e ap~opriate c~ssification in Schedule "A" consistent wi~ his yearsof coninuous service from the date of his last hiring, promotion or transfer tO that Job or position. However, ~o years shall ela~.se before the employee shall be eligible for his step rate ~om the rate below the ~xim~ for his position to the ma~ m~ for his nosition. (D) ~end Sched~e "C" Fringe Benefits, Overtime, by striking out sentence one in its entirety ~ i~serting ~erein the following: Overtime shall not be p~d to Department Heads, ~ofessional Personnel, persons on occu- ~tions classified in the A~T.P. Schedule, nor to any pers~ classified in Code R of the I.T.S. Schedule. (~E)Amend Sched~e "C" ~inge Benefits, Special Differentials, ~agraph one, by ~dding the words "who are paid on an ho~ly rate" so t~t said . ~aph so ~ended shall read as follows: ~ployees on Jobs classified the I.T.S.. Schedule who are paid on ~ hourly rate shallreceive (an~ so forth to end of said ~ragr~h all exactly as pre~ously adored). ~F)~end Schedule "C" Fringe Benefits, Special Differentials, by ~striking out ~paragraph two in its entirety and inserting therein the following 'sentence so that said paragraph shall read as follows: Any employee working?in . capacity during snow removal shall r~ceive ~ added 10 cents ~er ho~ for each ho~ so ~ ent beyond the completion of the regular work day; but ~one~shall receive more th~ one special differential at any one time ~f0~ ~y hour. . ... ~ t ,. ~end Code P.P., Rate of P~og~ession, by inserting ~hereto ~e "follo~ng; Six months probationary w riod shall be waived for ~y employee appointed to position ' of Regu~r PatroOn or Re~ r Firefighter who ~s pr. eviously serve~ f~ a~eater ~eriod of time ~ a Reserve Police Officer or a Call Fire~n. (H) ~end Code I.d.S. Classification Schedule "A", by inserting Civil Service ~itles for existing titles so ~at said classification shall teas as follows: CODE I.T.S.-A: Utili~ Laborer H~ghway Laborer. Public Works Laborer. Forestry Laborer. CODE I.T.S.-N: Public Works M~ntenance M~. Forestry M~ntenance Man. P~y~o~d Maintenance M~. - "- Motor Eq~pment '0ne rator CODE I.T.S~-D: Public Works Ms,ten,ce Craftsm~ Tree Climber Hea~ Moto~ Equipment 0p~ator Special Hea~ Motor Equipment 0perato~ Fores~ Maintenance Crafts~n Motor Equipment 0negator CGDE I.T.S.-V: Tree Climber ~d S~ge~ CODE I.T.S.-E: Water Meter and Hydrant Repair Man~~ CODE Z.T.S.-R: Working Forem~ CODE I.T.S.-T. Custodi~ CODE I.T.S.LH. J~. Custodi~ (I) ~end Code'I.T.S., Comoensation Sched~e "B", by removing the asterisk in Code I.T.S-A ~d Code IT.S.-N, ~der Step/5, so ~at said desig~ted rate shal~lb ecome permanent. (J) Amend Code A.T.P., C~ ssification Sched~e "A", by ch~g~ Superintendent of Public Works title from Code A.T.P.-~00 to.Code A.T.P.-500. ~K) ~end Code A.T.P.-75, Compensation Sche~e "B", by inserting part t~e ye~ly rates for ~e Sealer of Weights ~d Measures, ~i~ing 'Inspector and Wi~ing Inspector so that said rates shall read as follows: Building Inspector $1,000.00 per year Wiring Inspector 750.00 per year Sealer .of Weights & Measles 500.00 ~er year (L) ~end Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A", ~d Compensation Schedule -? "B", by inserting ~e following title, code and rates; Title. Code ATP. Min. Step 2. Step ~. SteD ~. Max. Moth Superintendent 72 7Y.50 82.50 87.50 90.00 95.00 WARRAWT 19. 8 Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A" by inserting in Code A.T.p.~r~ -70 the following title: "Assistant Librarian,~. (N) Amend Code A.T.P., C1, ssification Schedule "A" by changing the 'title "Town Accountant" from Code A.T.P.-50 to Code A.T.P.-70. (0) Amend Code 00, Classification Schedule "A", by striking out all present titles and inserting therein the following titles: Assistant Assessor Deputy Tax Collector Code 00-90: Code 00-80: Secretary Stenographer Code 00-70: Clerk Typist Code 00-60: ..... Code 00-50: Jr. Clerk Senior Clerk' (P) Amend Non-Classified Jobs and Positions, Schedule "B", by striking out $300.00 per year" Accor~ded the Health Inspector and insert therein the word "non compensating" therby olactng p~acing the duties of this service within the Job contend of the Board of Health Nurse. Petition of Personnel Board. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote t6 appropri~t~ ~he sum of one ~tho~usand twenty-tkree dollars and twenty five cents, C$1,023.25) to be paid to Ste'.Anne,s Orphanage for board, room and care rendered to children during the year. 1~956. This bill remai ned~ unpai'd at the end of the year ending December 31, 1956. · Petition of Board of Public Welfare ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will 'vote to approDriate the sum of seventh-four doll~ rs ($74.00) for the purpose of p~ying Theodore Smolak for services rendered at the Town infirmary during the years 19~4 to 1956 inclusive. Petition of Board of Public Welfare. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to aopropriate the sum of one ~thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500,00) for necessar~ repairs to the Town Infirmary and. fc~ the maintenance of the Infirmary equipment. Petition of Board of Public Welfare. AETICLE 20. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money ,to pay for the cost of disposing and removing from the land Upon'which it is located the building known as the Johnson High School, upon such ~erms' and conditions as the Board of Selectmen may determine. "' Tet'i'tion of the Board .of SeleCtmen. ARTICLE 2~1. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the following fees ;for Electrtca. 1 Permits to~. become effective April 1, 1958:.. New dwelling; rough wiring range & burner '$5.00 Hot Water Tank ' 1.00 Rewire old building 5.00 Temporary service (p~us ~eter Service charge Ccnvarsionburner Range Hot Water Tank-single Gas Station Commercial Stores Carnival & Expositions 1/6 HP motor up to. I HP Manufacturing (plus 25 each 1 HP motor Signs-Neon*transformer (.50 eacE additional transforer, special equipment welding, x-ray & generators.) I to 3 outlets. 4 or mere outlets Petition of Board of Selectmen. installation) installation 3.00 3.00 3,00 -. 3.00 3.00 5.00 5. oo 5.00 1.50 10.00 3.00 1.50 5. OO ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise .and appropriate the 'sum of one thousand dollars (~1,000.00) to be used by the Board of Se~ctmen for the appointment of a Town coUnsel from year to year. ' ' Petition of Boa~d'of Selectmen. ' ' ' ARTICLE 23. To see w~ether the Town will approve th~ c0~s~ruction of.a new housing project by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely, a Hgusing Project for Elderly Persons pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6~7 of Massachusetts Acts of '1954, and acts in amendment thereof and~in addition thereto,' ~ be known gs State-Aided Housing Project 667-1. Petition of North Ando'ver' HOusing Authority. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town Will vote to amend the T'~w~ ~y-Laws-so as to prohibit consideration at a special town meeting, of any article which appropriate funds, unles.s Such amticle and the expenditure authorized therein are of an emergency natur, e and are so certified by the Board of Selectmen and.the Finance Committee, and or Advisory Board. Petition of John J. Willis and others. WARRANT 19. 8 ARTICLE' 25. To see if the Town wiI1 vote a motion for a secret ballot on an article in a Town.Warrant ~hich has been prop~ fly made and seconded shall be put to a standing vote. If the motion upon such standing vote is aoproved by twenty-five percent [25%) or more of the members present and voting, ballots ap~r oved by the Modemator as to form shall be used fora voting on the ~tic~. Ballots shall be in the Dossession of the Moderator at the call to orde~ of the. meeting and it shall be the responsibility of t~e Moderator to ~ce ce~tai~ that they a~e in his.. possession before he calls the meeting to order. Petition of Leo J. Galeazzi and others. ARTICLE'26. To see tf ~e Town will vote to raise ~d apDropriate,.om Dmovide by ~nd issue, or transfe~ fmom available ~ds, a s~ficient s~ of money to ex~end ~e water-systems on the following streets on petition of the nelsons named and othems. (A) F~om Salem Street on S~em Stmeet ~o 168 S~e~ S~reet. [Mand~y Residence Petition of Allan A. Lowell and othems. (B) ADpro~mately two h~ed and forty feet on Poor Avenue f~om Sutton S~reet Petition of Anthony Pumnari and others.' .~) On-Moody Stmeet apD~o~tely ~o H~dred Twenty Five feet ~owards Presco~ Street. Petition of BenJ~in Kalinows~ ~d others. (D) Appropmiate the s~ of Five'H~ed and Fifty Dollars ~$550) to extend wa=e~, system southeasterly on Hemlock S~ee~ appmoximately one h~dred and twenty feet from Suruce Stmeet. ~Peti~10n of Louis DiFruscio and othems. ARTIC~ 27. To see if ~e .To~ will %0=e to raise a~'ao~op~tate, or provide by'bond issue, o~ t~sfe~ f~om availalbe f~ds, a sufficient ~m of money to extend the sewer systems on the following streets on petition of the persons named ~d others. .(A) On.C~d~ck S~eet aopmo~mately to ~d inclu~ng house n~ber 153, mot.' app~o~mately 600 feet. Petition of Willi~ F. Mo~n ~d others. ~ - ~B) On Moody Street from ~escott Street. Petition of ~nJ~in K~linowski.~ and ' others. ~C) Appmoximately two h~dred a~ forty feet on Poom Avenue fmom Sutton St~e~. Petition of Anthony F~mi and others. ~Dj -App~opmiate the s~ of' ~en~-t~ee H~d~ed DolOrs ($2,300~00) to extend the sewer system on Spruce Street and HemIock street. Petition of ~osephlne DiFruscio and othems. -' ~TIC~ 28. To see if the To~'will ~aise and ap~opriate the ~m~of fo~ ". thousand 'five h~dred sixty ~llars ($4,560.00)'to construct a surface ~a~ on Waverley Road from G~een S~eet southemly towed the Andover Line. Petition of the Highway S~veyor. ~TIC~E 29.~ .To see if ~e To~ will vo~e toraise and app~p~iate, om ~an~ f~om available f~ds, he s~ of ~Ix thous~d t~ee h~ed ~ ll~s ($6,300.00 to .tel'Ay '~e surEace drain on Pleaser Stmeet, between Davis S~eet ~d ' ~ Ltn'col~ S~eet, and ex~end it alon Davis.Street extension fr~'P~asant' S~eet to exis't~g 2~" drain a~ East Wate~ Street. Petition of the Highway Su~eyo~ ARTICLE 30.- To see if the Town ~ll vote to. maise and app~priate or ~ovlde by bond issue om ~ansfer f~ avallab~ funds a s~ficient s~ of money~ to :instal'l~ah~ ~der~o~d ~n to~ke care of the s~face wa~er for a requi~ed' distance:~from a point on Pleas~t Street, so that To~ ~ainage will no longe~ fl0w on privately o~ed ~nd bordering on said P~asant Stmeet. ~d f~the~. ~hat ~e Selec~en ~ hereby empowemed to take whatever s~eps are necessary to effect ~he accomplishement of said ~tic~ includ~g the obtaining'of necessL a~y easements, ~d F~ther tha~ ~e ~o~t of money appropriated ~de~ ~ticle 30 of ~e A~ual To~.Warr~t in 1957 be carmied forward to be used with ~. ~o~t. of money to be appropriated ~de~ this ~ticle in order ~o complete ~e p~oJect. Petition of ~o~ ~. L~ch ~d others. ' ARTICLE 31. To see if the To~ will raise and appropriate the ~m of three h~ed dol~s ~$300) to install a s~face drain on Pa~k S~eet, one h~dmed feet of~ten,lnch pipe and one catch bas~ ~o be needed to comp~te t~s pro= je.ct. Petition of Highway Surveyor. -ARTIO~ 32, To see if. the To~ ~ ll ~aise and appmop~iate, the ~m of t~ee &housa~d five h~ed doll,s ($3,500) to be added to the Fire Deoartment aop~op~lation to provide for the appointment of one (1) Lieutenant' from ~ eligible' Ci~l Service List. Petition of Board of Fire ~ginee~s. ~TICLE 33. To see if the Town will ~te to raise and ~.p~opriate the ~,~ of seven ~ousand five h~ed and ninety doll,s ($7,590.) ~o be added to the Fire Depa~ent Aop~opriation to pmovide fo~ the appoin~ent of t~ee (3) competent and qualified men ~der Civil Semvlce Rules to be regula~ fi~e fightems. Petition o~ Boamd of Fire Engineers. ~ICLE 3~. To see if the To~ will ~e to ~aise and ~pmoprlate om ;~ansf~r f~om avai~ble f~ds the s~ of ten thousand dollars tob e used wi~ the ~ esent 1947 ~bulance to o~chase a new ambulance. Petition of Board of Fire ~ginee~s. WAR'RANT 1958 ' 00 E ARTICL 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate One thousand2f,ive}, hundred dollars ($1,500) for the purcha's'e'l~" of five-hundred (50 feet of new hose and five hundred (500) feet of new hose. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 36· To see if the Town will vote to raise and aopropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Twenty five hundred dollars $2,500) for the purchase of two new 1958 12 volt system cars. Two present cards tD be' turned in, in trade, All equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens, etc. Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 37..To see if the Town .will vote to raise and a. ppropriate or transfer from avail~ ble funds the sum of- six hundred dollars ($600) for the p~rpose of placing of signs and the painting and repainting of several streets,'.in Town. Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or t~ansfer from available funds the su~ of eight thousand four hundred and e'ighty two dollars and fifty cents. ($8,482.50) for the appointment of three ~(3) regula~ patrolman, fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental examination, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulatiohs. Petition of'Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum.~of six thousand dollars ($6;000) for the purchase of a chassis for a truck only, as the Town owns the body. Theagreement.must also include the installation of the body on ~the new. chassis. A 1949 Mack Truck bo be turned in, in trade. .- Petition of'the H~ghway Surveyor. :~;.·~..~, ARTICLE ~0. To see if the .~ow~ will raise' and appropriate t?e s~m,. of.!,t'en. thous?nd nine hundred forty-five, dollars ($10,9~5) for 'the .p.u~chase 0f~ an. enclosed Refuse Disposal Truck, for the use of the Highway Depa{-tme~t'J .i...~ % i, Petition.. of.t he Highway Surveyor. ·. .ARTICLE ~1. To see if the Town will'raise and appmopriate the sum: of seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000) £or the purchase of a scoop dozer fo,'the U~e the Highway Department, at Disposal Site. X 19~80live~ .t~actoP:t0 bec:turned ~n, in 't~.ade: . Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ..... and dollars ($1,000) for the maintenance of' the Disposal Site~on. Olark Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. .....~ :~. ARTICLE ~3.: To see. if the Town',will raise and 'appropriate, the. sum. of six:i, ~': tho~m.and.dollars ($6~000) for the, maintenance of any streets in:.Town under :ter 90 of the General Laws,-said money to be used.in conjunction ~wi~h: which may be alloted by the State or County, or'both for this purpose; '.: o'r take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of Highway. Survey~:~ 'ARTICLE .~. To see if the Town will raise .and aOoropriate the sum~ of'fifteen., .thousand dollars ($15,000) for the further rebui~iing of Dale Stre~t-~unde~. L. Chapter 90 of .the General r.~ws, said money to be used with any' mone~i~which . be allotted by the State Or County, or both for this purpose; or .taka.any other action in relation thereto. -Petition of the Highway:Surveyor?: ~: .::~i" : :'ARTICLE '4~. To see if the Town will raise and'appropriate the .hundred .,'do:liars ($200) for the purpose of paSnting and 'replacing stree~ Signs.:.. Pe'$ition o of; the. Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~6. To s~e if the Town will r~ise and ap?.opria~e the sum"of, two.thousan dollars ($2~000) to be Used fo~' a sidewalk project, the Town to ~y'o~ne'~half the .and the a plicant to pay'. the other ha . Pent,ion of Hi w&yI. ARTICLE 47. To see if the. Town will raise and appropriate the sum of nine hundred d~llars ($900) for the balance due on a.hydraulic sand,spread.ex' for. use of the Highway Department. The total cost being fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500] but six hundred dollars :($600) has been paid on the: spreader rental. Petition of the Highway Surveyor..1 .1-~ A~'ICLE ~8. To see if the Town will ~aise and appropriate the sUm~'~f six hundred dollars ($600) for the purchase of two pumps for the use of the' Highway Department. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. .: ~ ARTICLE 49..To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or take from available fun'ds a sun.of money for the r~buildlng of Salem Street under Chap~ex' 90:Of.. the General Law.~, said money to be used with any money allotted by the State or county, or both, for this purpose, or take any other action in relation :thareto. Petition of Eugene Royce Bodge and others. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate from available funds the 'sam of fiteen thousan'd dolors $$15,000) fo'rthe purpose of making alterations and building additional garage' space, at the .present Town Garage. ~Petltion~ of the Board of Selectmen. - ARTICLE 51. To see if th_e Town .will vote to aoprop?iate or take from ~vailable funds the sum of twenty five thousand dollars' ($25,000) to be used for~ resur- facing streets. Petition of Board o£ Sele-ctmen~and Ira D. carry, Highway Surveyor. WAR R A N T 1', 9.g 8 ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) to be used' with a '1950 Massey .Harris tractor to purchase and International Low-boy Cub tractor. Petition c~ Board of Public Works.. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town willraise and apnropriate or ~ransf~r from available funds eighteen hundred dollars(S1,800')to be used with a 1951 Ford Truck to purchase a new pick-up truck. Petition Board of Public Works. ART. ICTus. 54. 'To see 'if ~e Town will raise and appropriate the-sum 6f eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) or any other sum for the. purpose of installing the following twelve-inch water mains: Sutton Street from High Street to Main Street; Johnson Street, from Andover Street 6o Reservoir Right-of-way, and Reservoir'Right-of-way from Johnson Street to the Reservoir and determine Iwhether the money shall be provided for by taxation, by appropriation from available funds in the treasury, and by borrowing under Adthority of Chant er 4~. General Laws or take any action in rel~ bion thereto. Petition of- Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate,-or provide by bond issue, .or transfer from available funds, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars [$2,500) to make such extensions of the water main system, under the regulations voted at the annual tov~n meeting as the Bm rd of Public Works, on October 1st, considers most necessary, such extensions n6t,having petitioned for at the Annual Meeting. Petition of Board of Public Works. 'ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of one h~ndred and forty-eight thousand dolors ($148,000) or any other..sum for~ the purpose of extending the West Side Trunk Sewer from Massachusetts Avenue at. Beechwood Street to Greene Street by way of Beechwood Street, Shawsheen Avenue and certain rights of way, along Greene Street 'to Massachusetts Avenue, Wood Lane to Woodstock Street and Waverley Ro~d to D~yad Street in accordance with the survey'of Cam~, Dresser & McKee, Consulting E~gineers, and determine Whether the mone.~ shall be provided for by taxation, by borrowing ity. of Chapter.~ of the General Laws, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of Dr. Philip L. Hyde and Others. . - - ARTICLE 57."To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from;available, funds the sum cf twenty-six hundred and fifty dollars (~2,650) for the ourchase of a,~.mlst shade tree sprayer for the Depamtment of .Pest c~nt~ol.'. A 1948 mist blower ~o be' tUrned in, in trade. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Superintendent. ARTICLE 58.. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from ~vailable funds the sum of three thous'and three .hundred dollars ($3,300) to purchase a two ton stake body with hoist for Densmt-ment of Insect Peat Contro.!'. Petition of John J. Connors, Mc.th Sup?r~ntendent. ART.ICLE 59. To see if the Town will'vote to raise and appropriate or transfer ' fromavatlable funds the sum of two.hundred and. fifty dollars ($250.00) to purchase a power saw for the Tree Department. Petition of John J. Connors, Tree Wa~den. ARTICLE 60. To s6e if the Town will vor. e to instruc= the Town Treasurer of the Board..of Selectmen to see at public auction or private sale land now owned by the Town and being lots numbered 18-23 inclusive on Plan of Land known as BeacOn Hill~ dated October, 1906, said plan being recorded in the'North Essex Registry of Deeds as'plan No. 0381. Said lots of ~an'd $order on unopened street known.as Phillips Brooks Road, running between Chickertng Road and Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of ~Anthony L. Galvagna and others. ' ARTICLE 61.' To see if the Town will vote to accept Chapter ~27, Section 1 and 2 of 'the'~Acts of 1957. -An-act increasing the amount of Pension of 'certain retired Police Officers and Fire Fighters,-in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300) provided, however, that the total amount of any such pension as so increased shall not exceed twenty-five hundred dollems. - Petition of Peter H. Martin and others. ARTICr.w. '62. To see if the Town will authorize the Recreational Council appoin- tedlby the Selectmen to lease from the Brooks School certain' land owned by. it · . which is used as a skating rink, and to authorize the Recreabional Council to promote and conduct ice skating thereon for residents of the Town, and to appropriate the sum of Seventeen Hundred dollars {$1,700) therefor from available funds in the treasury, all in accordance with the ~ovislons cT Section 1~, Chapte~ ~5 of the General Laws. Petition of Recreational Council. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to erect a chain-link fence on the west side of Lamere Street at the Alp in Playground. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 6h. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate'or transfer f~om available funds thirty-seven hundred dollats ($3,700) to hot top the basketbal2 courts on Town nlaygrounds. Petition of Board of Public Works. WARRANT 195 ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds seventeen hundred dollars ($1,700) to provide a steel pier for the American Legion Beach at Stevens Pond. Petition Board of Public'.Womks. ~ ARTICLE 66. To see if the To,~ will ~aise a~d a~ropriate the s~ of one h~dred dollars ($100) for fo~ ~nches for ~e Aplin' Playgro~d. ,. Petition of Recreational Co~cil. ARTICLE 67. To see if the To~ will raise and a~propriate the s~' 0f eight'h~dred doll.s ($800) for play. crud supplies,' this amour to include e~ses, s~cial trips and general play~o~d activities for the children of North ~dover. Petition of Recreational Co~cil. ARTICLE 68. To see if the. To~ will raise and aporopriate the s~.of ,s~ h~dred ~d fifty doll.s ($650') for the services of a oolice officer at ~he ~thing beach, fo~ hours daily, eight hours on Sat~days, S~days and Holidays for a ten week period to enforce ~rking for residents of North Andover, this figure to include cost of car stickers. Petition of Recreational Co~cil. ARTICLE 69..To see if the To~ will raise and appropriate the sm of eighteen h~dred eighty-cight dollars ($1,888) for ei~t playgro~d instructors and one supervisor for an eight week ~riod. Petition of Recreational,Co~cil~ ~TICLE 70. To see if the Town will raise and a~ropriate the s~ of fiv~:h~dred dollars ($500) for one (1) set of six see saws and two basketball ,standards fo~ the Aplin Play~ound. Petition of Recreational Co~cil. ARTICLE 71. To see if ~e To~ will vote to accept the extension of ~Sut~ton';~Hill Road from its present accepted te~inus a distance of 250 feet past land¥of Hyde ~d Chaplain. Petition of Lans~ J. Hyde ~d others. ARTICLE 72. To see if the To~ will vo~e to increase the rental alloW~c~"~f°r 'quarters of the ~emic~ Legion Home from six h~dred dolors ($600) to eight hunted dollars ($800). Petition of Post 219 ~erican Legion. ;~ARTICLE 73. To see if the,,To~ will vote ~ ~sfe~ the s~ of ten ~thous~d dollams ($10,000) from the Overlay S~plus to the Reserve F~d. Petition of Board of Selec~en. ARTICLE 7~. To see if the To~ will spropriate f~om available f~ds, the s~ ~ nine thousand ei~t h~ed twenty-Fo~ &ll~s and seventy five~cen~s., ($9,82~.75) being the ~ount of wate~ ~ena~tment, meceipts in excess of water deD~tment o~rating expenses for ~ 19~7 to a~Stabiliza~ion F~d as'~.ovided''~ for by ChapteP 12~ of ~e Acts of 1945, ~ the ~derstand~g that:it is ~to~ be used by bhe to~ rom ~ capita2 impmovements in the watem works system ~dem the p~ovisions of the above acC. Petition of' ~e .Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 75. To see if the To~ will~aise ~d appropriate, o~t ra~feP ~om available funds a s~ of money to be added to t'he Stabilizmtion ~d, .au~orized ~der Chapter 124~ Ac~s of 19~, ~d established ~der Amticle 3b of~ ~e Warrant by the vote of the A~ual Town Meeting h~ M~ch"16, 19~6.' ~ '. ' Petition.of the School ~ilding Co~ttee. ARTIC~ 76. To see'if the To~ w~ll ~te to t aka the s~ o$ - , from available, f~ds ~ Peduce the 1958 tax ra~e. Petition-of Board of Assessors. are hereby ~rected to serve this wa~ant by posting ~ue ~d attested opies n:~ ther'eof, at the To~ Office Building and at five or moreYpub2ic places ~in each voti~ Drectnct. Said coDies tm be ~osted not more than fifteen~days nor less than ten days bcfore the time of Holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, ~d make du~ ~turn of this warrant with yo~ doings thereon to the To~ Cb rk, a% the time and place of said meeting. Given ~der o~ hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the twenty-~eventh day of J~uary, in the year of o~ Lord, one ~ous~d nine ~ed and fifty-e~.~t. RALPH E. FINCK. B~rd W~LLIAM A. FI~N of PHILIP S~CL~FE Selec~en ' . . A t~ue copy, ATTEST . ~~ ,. ~ CONSTABLE. ' ' North Andover, Massachusetts, February 18, 1958 OFFIC~ ' S R ~N I have notified and wa~ned the i~abitants of the to~ of North Andover q~lified to vote in To~ Affairs by posting true ahd attested copiesof this warr~t at the To~ Building ~d at five or more public places in each ~ting ~ecinct. Said 'copies having been-posted not mo~e th~ ~ifteen days nor less th~ ten d~ys before the time of holing said meeting. ~ C 0NSTABLE. North Andover, Mass. February 18, 1958 AT.ST JOHN J. LYONS. TO~ CL~K, NOR~ A~O~, ARTICLE 1. RESULTS OF ELECTION NONDA¥ ~ NUNBER OF NODERATOR FOR ONE YEAR THOMSON, Arthur A. FIN NERAN, Robert NoDONALD, Lillian McRq~,w., Alfred Blamks TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR MAKtl~, 'James J. Blanks SELECTMEN FOR ONE YEAR '~INCK, Ralph E. FiN. NERXN;. ~llIi'Am::A. SUTCLIFFE, Philip BURKE, Robert J. KIRK, Arthur P. NcDONALD, Lillian Blanks BOARD OF mp~BLIC WE~.~P~E ~"0R ONE YEAR FINCH, Ralph E. FINNERAN, William A. , SUTCLIFFE, Philip BURKE, Robert J. KIRK, Arthur P. ,Blanks ONE TWO 7~5 851 1 1 1 2o9 256 8o4 9 3 z~o 1~5 HIGHWAY SURVESr0R FOR ONE YEAR CARTy, Ira D. NICETTA, Nicholas F. B1 auks Tii ~OOLLEd~0R F0R~ 0W DEWHIRST, Jam6's' H. Blank s T~w~. ~WARDEN FOR ONE ~ ONNORS, John J. Bl~uks. PHELAN,'- ~ ":dward W. BIsmkS ~ ~'0L% oF ~R F6~ ~. YEARS ~TT,.~ George E. BOE~0, Domenlc ~. Bl~ks: B0~D~OF.~BLIC WO~S FOR ~ ~S NoCL~G,.~-Jame s N. Bl~ka SCHOOL C0~T'z'~ FOR T~ ~S ING~M, Carol~e M. ROCK, ~William F. B~ks. ~ GIL~N, How~d L. 2A~C0~T, ~oseph B1A~s HOUSING ~ 2HORI~ FOR FI~ ~E FO~TAIN, Ra~onc C. WAESH, .Ra~ond S~T, Robert B~KS. CONST~S FOR 0~ ~ HOW~D, Fr~k L. SMZTH, ~oseph A. WASH, Au~stine ~. ~TON~ Rich~d S. R0~TS, ~ David B~GH~,~ Be~a~d ~0~, Ro~a B~KS ~STION N0 BL~ ~ 692 ,125 181 39? 5~ 1 · ~71 5g4 VOTES BY PRECINCTS. TH~. FOUR 7.~69 1008 253 ~.77 603 557 611 6?2 g~O 8~8 670 8[~ 5~1 607 71.~. 695 557 575 807 1~7 810 928 1~ 180 lo59 202 856 log9 191 2~2 562 6.7.6 687 878 ~91 ~./~ 267 91 2~ 116 5~ ~9 61 83 615 13 ~891 6.70 ~00 7~g 4.66575 662 716 l~o 151 n7 157 746 860 1 1 196 2k8 828 98~ 2~9 278 1 1 lh25 1761 1623 1827 87 59 log." TOTAL ~k61 896 ~To5 655 aol5 eo4~ ~9~7 i99i 27i8 349o 67O 7i7 28o~ ii~5 i92~ 2o9~ a67~ 5o78 3i~5 ~080 6636 272