HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-29108 Adjourned Town Meeting March 29, 1958 AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED 20. 26. ~7. ~9. 50. 69. "~:" · ARTICLE h S~. (.b) (e) (d) (a) (d) St. Ann,s Orpb-uage. Bill of 195,6.. Theodore Smolak. " "19514.-56 k'.~7~.O0 Town Infirmary, repairs 1,500.00 Johnson High School 2,000.00 (a) Water, Salem St. Snmmer to 168 Sale~ 12,000.00. " 140' on Poor Ave. Sutton St. ' 1,ISOjO0 " · 225t on Moody St. Prostor St. 900~00 " 120t on Hemlock St. Spruce St.' 55O&'OQ sewer; 600' on Chadwick St. 5,000~00; " 240' on Poor Ave. Sutton St. " Spruce & Hemlock St. 2,'~00¥00 Surface-Water: Pleasant St. 1,200~0,0 Surface drain,- Park St.. ~'~0~00 New ~ire Lieutenant ~', 5.0_0~[00, Three New Regular Firefighters. New Ambulance 10,000;,00 New Fire Hose .... Two New Police Cars Street Signs ~00~; 00 New ~nck Chasis. Highway Dept. : 6,000.0'0 New Refuse Truck, Disposal. ~10.,945%.00 Disposal Site. - 1',000;00; Cha~,ter 90. Any streets in Town. ~4','O00'j00 90. Dale Street 7-,500~'0'0'. Painting & replacing street signs - 200¥00~':: Hydraulic Sand Spreader. Highway Dept. Pump. Highway Dept. : : ' ' .... Sight plan revue, new'garage. ' 1,000700 Resu~facing Streets ~25,000j00' Low-boy Cub Tractor. Publiff. Works. ~1;~00~00.~.., New Pick-up tx,Ack. " "'' ..... - 1,8001e'O0 Water Main.Extensions. " .':-~" :-~ .~. 2~5[00~00 West Side .Txamk Sewer. · ". " ' 8,:0.00~;'00. ,Mist Shade T~ee Sprayer, Pest Dept. :2,650e"00 New Truck' with Hoist. " '" New Power Saw. Tree Dept. ~ Skating Ri~k~) Brooks School. '1~?00.~00 Hot top. Basketball Courts-Playgrounds'. ~i,?0'0.00 Steel Pier. Legion Beach. Benches, Aplin Playground. : ' "100.00 Supplies, -Activities, Playgrounds. - 800~00 Police Officer, stickers, .Legion Beach. Supervisor & Instructors, PlaygroUnds'; ~ See-Saws, Basketball Stds. ,, :. , ~00~00:> AMOUNT TO BE RAISED & APPR0~RIA~ED $1~:~17072~;' .AMOUNTS TO BE TAKEN PROM AVAILABLE FUNDS: ..... "~: ........ qha~er 90. Any Stre'ete in Tow~.:,. 2,005,~00~ 90. Dale Street . 22~500~'0'0~" To ~educe 1958 Tax Rate. ~, _- ~ :' 11~000.0'0,~; AMOUNT TO .BE TAKEN PROM AVAILABLE FUND O~v~e~la~ $.urp}u~s-.to keserve, Fu~d... $1,~. 000.00 SUM'MARY A~0UNT APPRORRIATED AT 1958 TOWN ~RR. TING (Budget) $1,500,'921:~0. · AMOUNT TO B~ RAISED & APPROPRIATED (A?ticles) 1~f170~25. GR~D TO~AL.' ~ 1,6k~.o.91.~5 ' A' True Cop2:[ ~.. , .... , . . : ...,,:,: ATTEST: , ~.,., Join( ~. LYOns..Town Clerk.. ,_ _,....~ ARTICLE 7. VOTED to' authorize the Town T~easur'er, wi.th "the approval 'of t.tie Selectmen, to 'borrow money, .from time to time in anticipation of"~he~ revenue o.f th.e. financial, year beginning J~nuary 1, 1959 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or. notes.asa'.may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Secti0n: 17, Chapter ~, General Laws. The vote was unanimous and so declared. - ' ARTIOLE 8, No Committee Repot.ts. ARTICLE 9. VOTED TO AU~i0RIZE the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the po'sition' of Board' of Health Physician and to fix his compen- sagion in accordance with Section ~A, Chapter b_l of the General La~s'. - '- Co~p. ensation in the amount of $950.00 included in Board of Health Budget..' ARTICLE 10. VOTED to authorize the School Committee to appoint one 'of " members to the position of School Ph.vsician and to fix his. compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter ~1, General Laws. Compensation in the amount i.of, $1',500.00 included in School Department :Budget. ARTICLE~ 11. Voted to amend the North Andover. Zoning By-Law by strik:".~ing 'out the preamble words under par. 4.11 between the. ~umerals 4.11 and the'n~era.ls 4.11 (a), and by substituting in place of thsm the following preamble words. 4.11' Single~ duplex or two family dwellings and gardens, including the right t~ convert in accordance with the standards set' forth below any one- -,, family structure built prior to January 1, 1950, to accommodate not more ,~han two families, or, if approved in accordance with the standards her. e- under by the Board. of .Appeals after a public'.lhearing with due notice. given, not more than four families, provided~ The'.v~t9 w'~'~..- AFFIRMATIVE 139, NEGATIVE 541 A two-third~ majority. ARTICLE 12.'"'VOTED to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by striking out pamagra~h~s 6.61 and 6.62 and by substituting in place of them the following ' pa~agr_aphs,'6*61 .and 6.62: ' - 6.61'~:'The~ r~sidential lot areas and lot' widths above required under, paragraph 6..3 of this By-Law shall 'not apply in any residence district, to any lot of less area or ~ess width than above required if such lethe not ad- i · ~J?in?~.,d by. other land of the s_-~_e owner, vacant and available for corn- : ' 'q~na=mon~with.~ ~.~ .....or use in connection with 'such lot, pr°v'ided' ' that 'the' o .~~i..~pp~!~cant~ for a building permit~'on' any such lot shall' 'show b citations ']j~ [.. ifr~'.~%..~h? Essex- .County Regist~w. of Deeds inc'orporated' ~ 'or' at~:acheCl ~o '"' such' -'p~licati~ that such lot was:lawfully laid' out and duly recordgd b.y plan or_dee~ prior to the effective date of 'sald~paragraDh' 6.3:':' ., .~.De..o~mber. 6, .1956) and provided that on such a lot t~ere eh-all b~ kept ~, "] ~,.' op.en "and" no~uilt 'upon a front- yard and a rear' yamd: eac~ ~*ot 'less t~ · ~'.]".' ~'[:feet",deept, ',and two 'side yards, es.ch not less than 1~ feet wi'de'. '- ' 61!6'2 ,~ .viiia~e E~sidence Districts only,-itwo, or more .vacant 1etS; a new lot or lots not less ~,~ 10,000 sq. ft.. area each not less tha~- ,:' 100:f. tj;width at~ the street frontage,, l~rovided it be shown to-the Boam~ :'-. , of,.,Appe~l's 'that' each ;of said; vacant. Iota, before. 'combination: was of ~-: ....area: or~ less width 't~m required:under the~ aforesaid paragraph 6;]~ ~'~,::': by'citations, from the~Essex County:Registry of-Deeds, that each :.:' ~ ~"'~-: lbt: was lawfully laid~ out~ and duly recorded by plan .or deed prior ;~to -- ~ ~!the. effective date of Said paragraph: 6.3i:(December~ 6, 1956')- and. the . ...... Building Inspector shall permit the construction of .one single-family .... dwelling'onYeach,sUch 10,000' sq'*~ ft. lot. ': - , · The..vote. was.,[AFFIRMATI~E 166. NEGATIVE 16. A .two-thirds. majority. ARTICLE 15. VOTED that the Zoning By-Law and the zoning'Map of th~ .Town amended, ..... b~ reclassifying the followine., described parcel of land~ from a General Business~ bistrict'-to .the- Country Residence. and Rural Residence. Districts of. whibh' it. was/a part prior to 0etcher 7, 19~7: A certain parcel of land lying to'~ the North' of~ Hillsi. de. Road between,~ the ,.Salem' TurnPike and the Andover By-Pass, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection cf..the westerly line of the Salem Turnpike. with .the northerly line of Hillside Road; thence ~o~thwesterly by the northerly line of-Hillside Road, '467.89 feet to an iron pipe marking an an~le in the said street line; thence again' southwesterly, but more westerly, bY, the northerly line of'.Hillside'Road,. ]84 feet to an iron pipe at the intersection of' the northerly line of. ,Hillside Roa~ w~th the Easterly line of the Andover By-Pass; thence' northerly by the easterly line of the Andover: By-Pass, 620'.igc feet to"an iron pipe; thence north- easterly, '465.~3 feet to'an iron pipe in the westerly line of .the Salem Turnpike; thence southeasterly, by the westerly line of the Salem Turn- 'p'ike, 437 feet .to the point of. beginning,: Containing 5.27 acres more or 1eSSa So much of, sa~d parcel as lies ~southeaste=ly of ~ line parallel to, and 250 feet northwesterly from the CCh'tar,tine of Hillside ~oad shall hereafter be' in the Rural Residence District, an~ the r~mainder of said parcel shall hereafter be in.~the Country Residence. District. The vote., was AFFIRMATIVE 179. NEGATIVE 5]. A two-thirds majority. ARTICLE..~]4. ::stricken from' the warrant.. ARTICLE 15. VOTED to defer until next Annual Tgwn Meeting. ARTICLE.16. VOT~D to amend the By-Law governing the ~Vage and Salary Administration Plan for the employees of. the Town of North Andover adopte'd on July 22, 1957 at a special town meeting, pursuant to the provisions of the General r:aws, Chapter 41, Section 108A and 1080, 'as amended, in the following manner: ART. 16. Con't. (A.) ~e~ Pa~t 1, Section2, by s~lk~g out sentence ..two ~ its entl~e~y~ ~d ~sert~ the~e~ the follow,g: Those Dositi~s cf office~ a~ employees~ ~ the service of the To~, whethe~ ~-t service be on the Sasls of full tl~, part time, seasonal, causual, sDecial, Civil Service, er ~y o~e~ basis, ~d which a~e classified herein, ot~ th~ position filled by election er positions ~de~ the directi~ ~d control cf the School. Co~it~ee are hereby ~efe~ed to by titles ~ ~chedule A, which schedule Is .entitled Classificatl~ Sched~e, ~ is attached ~ete ~d ~de ~a~t (B.) ~ended all p~ts of ~e. By-Law wherein reference is ~de by.title otherwise to school De,so,el by st~lk~g out all. ~efe~ences the~e~.~ so t~t By-Law shall exclude all school department perso~el. ~.,~ .' (C.) ~end Pa~t ~, Install~tion, Zection ~ by st~lk~g out sentenb~'~"2~, ~d ~ in their enti~e~ so t~t said pa~ag~a~ s~ll ~ead as follows: ~'P~o~ess- ion, Each ~e~la~ employee of the Te~ s~ll be progressed t0 .the ~ate his Job o~ posltl~ as pe~ Bchedule "B,, co~espond~g '~o ~e'appro~late c~ssification ~ Schedule "A" a~slste~with his yea~s cf cont~uo~s se~'~ce f~om the date of his ~ st hir~g, p~omotton er tr~mfe~' tc that' ~cb positI~. However, .twa ye~s s~ll elapse before the emDloyee eligible fo~ ~s step ~ate f~om ~e ~ate below the m-~ for hi's to the m~xi~ for ~s Desitin. (D.) Amend Schedule "C", Fringe Benefits, Overtime, by striking,'o~tTsentence one in its.entirety and~lnSertlng therein the following: 0ver~i~e~hAll not be paid to Department Heads~ Professional ~ersonnel, persons c~a ssified in the A.T.?. Schedule, not to any persons classifl~d' in Code-R of tee I.T.S. Schedule. ' , ~ '(E.) Amend Schedule "C", Fring Benefits, Special Differentials," paragraph one, by adding the words ,who are. paid on'an hourl2 rate" so that ~said~parag~aph so amended shall read as follows: E~Ployees o~n JObs e'la'ssified' in-th~ I.T.S. Schedule, who are paid on'an hourly, ra~e shall' receive (and so .f~rth ~to end-of said paragraph, all exactly as previously adopted). ~' "~'"-',? ~(F. ) Amend. Schedule '!C",J~Fring Benefits, Special Differentials,..:by ~striking ,:ou~ Paragraph', two in. its entirety and inserting therein the following~ sentence so that said paragraph, shall'~read: as follows: Any employee workimgr in any capaeity~ during snow removal shall receive an~ added lO.cents perf..hour, for each ~hou~ so spent beyond the completion of the~.regu~ar work~day,jbu'~,no one~ shall receive more than one spe.cial differential at any one .~ime for.~any hou~ :(G.) Amend Cooed P.P., Rate of Progression, by inserting thereto the~following: Six ~nths probationary perio~ shall b~' waive~ for any employee app~'i~ted t position of Regular, Patrolman or negular .~irefighter who has previously,' served for a greater period of time as a Reserve Police Officer or a. Call Pireman. (H.)Amend Code I.T.S~.,' Clas,~ifica~icn/Sohe~ule "A", by ins~rbing iviI:Service titles for existing titles so that said' ic'lassification shall' read .Aa: foll~ws: Code, I. T. :S. -' A: Utility' Laborer .... ltigllw~y.~Lab oror ,. Publi~ orks Laborer . -~ ~. Forestry Laborer. Code, Io .T. $.,-N:; Public Workes Maintenance, Man -, ,,:~.:, , . . Fore.~try Maintenance Man .Playground Maintenance Man .,, ~. · Motor, E..quipment Operator. . -.,~" ~_ .... ~... Code, I. T. ~, - D: Publi~ Works. Maintenance Craftsman : :c ': T~ee Climber , - ' Heavy Motor Equipment ~0perator ...... - Special .Heavy Motor Equipment 0pera~or ~/: Porestry' Maintenance Crafts~ . ?.., -. Motor Equipment-Operator Code, ~, T. S. - V~ Tree Climber and Surgeon . .. Code, I, T. S, - E~ Water Meter and Hydrant Repair Man. Code, I, T. S, - R: ~orking] Code, I. T. S. - T.:. Custodian -. Code, I..T. S; - H: ~r. Custodian (!.) Am'end Code I.T,S.,' Compens'ation Schedule "B", by removing the asterisk in Code I.T.S. -A and Code I.T.S. - E, .under Step 5, so that saict designated rate shall become permanent. (J.) Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A" by changing Superintendent of Public Works title from Code A.T.P - ~t00 to Code A.T.P. - 500'. (K) Unfavorable action. Increase' appropriated in budget items. T0Va mT=O 29, ART. 16. 0on't: (L.) Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Sche. dule. "A", and. compensation Schedule "B", by ins erring the following title, Code and rates: TZTtw., CODE A,T,'P, Z, oth suv . 7a. 77.50 82.50 87.50 90.00 95.00 (M.) ~e~ Code A..T.P., 0lassifioation Sohedu~ "A", by ~sert~g in Code A.T.P. -..70 ~ follow~g title: "Asslmt~t This ~crease was t~en ease of ~ the B~ge.t, ~dem,,.Item 50, Stevens Memorial (N'). ~end Code A.T.P., Classification SchedUle ."A", by chang ~e title "To~ Aooom~t" f~om Code A.T.P. - 50 :o Code A.T.P. - (0.'] ~end Code 00, Classification Schedule "A", by s~lk~g out all present titles ~d ~serting there~ the follow~g titles: Cede 00-90: AssZst~t Assesso~ - ~puty T~ Collecto~ Code 00-80: Secretly Btenog~ap~e~ Senio= Cle=k Co~e 00-~.0 ~ Cle=k ~st~ ~ Code 00-~0= Code 00-~0= ~. Clerk (P.)~n~ N~-Cl=ss~e~ Jobs ~d poslt~ons, ~c~ed=le "B" by st~l~S o=t "$~00.00 pe= ~=~" ~ccc=de~ t~e He=lt~~ ~xpecto= '~non-com~ens~t~S" t~eb~ ~lec~s t~e ~=t~es o~ t~s se~ce c~tent ~o~ .~e Bc~=d o~ ~eelt~ ~se.. T~ek=o~'~g ~=s ~mo=s ~d .so dec~=~ed. ~IC~ ~?. ~V0~ thet the s=m.o~ ~1,0~.2~ be ~Ise~ ~=~d to~Bte. ~e' s 0~ese z'o= ~o===, ~oom ~c necess~7?=ep~t=s ~to t~ ~o~I~=mn~y ~d ~o= ~ ~inten~ce o~ t~e ~=m~ Eq=~nt. : Eo= t~e cost o~ dts~os~ ~ ~emov~s ~=om ~e 1~ =p~c~ ~t Is locete~ =s~t~e Boe~d ~ Selectmen ~7 ~ete~e. ~IC~.21~ V0~ th=t the s~ o~ ~i~ Cents (.50) ~ee ~o= e~ch Electrlc~! Pe=~t ~e c~ge~ ~d t~t s=c~ ~ees ~be ~ed ove= to ~e' ~o~ ~=e=s==~. ~C~-2~~ Stricken '~=om ~e ~=~t- ~C~ 2~ 'Motl~ to:'~nd~s'~t~cle:~de Esq=i=e ~o~ ~e'~b=~'~dove= ~°=s~gA=~o=~, B~on~-Fo~t~,~lso o~ ~the. ~o=~ ~o=e= ~o=~g ~o=~,. ~7 t~ ~et~g. ~en ~ticze b=o=~t to ~ vo~ ~t. ~t~cle ARTICLE 2J$. ¥0TE~ ~-h-t Article I of the Town, By-Laws, as appearing on Page 97 of the 1957 Annual Town Report, be amended by adding thereto the following ne~Wbrs~e C'tt ~nr:' . . ~'~ section 6. 'No Artic'lef calling ~o~ 'the appropriation of funds ~ shall be considered at any special Tow~ Meeting,~ unless the ~ pr.o~osed expenditure is of an ~ emergency nat-are, and is re- .. :.~ ~ commended by the Selectmen. and the Advisory Board. The: vote. was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 25. Article declared ill~gal, Ruled out by Moderator. ~RTICLE 2~. VO'TED. 'that 2he sum of $12,000.00 be raised and appropr'iated, to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the Water system~fr~m Salem Street on ~,mmer Street ~o 168 $~,mm,r Street (Mandry Residence), subject ~o-the following condition: That on or before August 1, 1~58, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public :Works', of- six percent of $~.500.00, the estimated cost o'f a six inch main,, as water rates for a period of fourteen years. ARcH ag, 1958 ART. 26. Con't. (B) VOTED that the sum of $1,150.00 be ~alsed ~d a~ro~.~-~ ~ ~ ~y ~he ~o~rd_of_~blic Works to extend the Wate~ Sys~m crea aha x-or~y ~eet on Poor Avenue .from Sutton Street,. subject to ,the ~ollowing oonditiong~ That on or be'fore Au~st 1, 195~ t~e pe'titiqners and/~r o~ders make a guar~tee acceptable tg the Boa~d of ~blio Works of six percent of the acutal cost of construction, as wa~eP rates, fop a pe~iod ~ fo~teen, ~a~s; ~d t~t ~ or before Augua~ 1, 1958, ~e oons~ction of at least one shall have been started. ?)_. VO~ }ha~ ~. ~u~.,of. $909.00 be rai~ed ~d appropriated, to be 'expended y ~ne ~oar~ cz ~uoimo. ~or~s, x-or ~e P~pose of ~s ,~ti~le~ e~lew~g-eem~i~&eme,-~'~a~, to extend .~e .Wa~er System on Needy Street approximately 225 feet toward Prescott Street, subject to the following conditions: 1That on or befor, e August 1, 1958, the .petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of ei~c~percent of the actual cos~ of cons~ruotion, as water rates, for a period of fourteen years; and that on or before August 1, 1958, the Construction of at least one additional house shall have been' started. (D). VOTE~ that the sum of $550.00 be raised and ~ppropriated, to be expended by the Board of Public Works to extend the Water System southeasterly on Hemlock Street approximately 125 feet from Spruce'.Street, 'subject to the fell'owing conditions: That on or before AugustC1, 1958, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to .the Board of 'PubliC' Works of six percent of the actual cost of construction, a-s water rates, for a period of fourteen years; and that on or before .August 1, 1958,-- the construc'tion at least one additional house- shall, have been s~arted. ~,,:~ O-J.~.~,, · ARTICLE 27.(A) VOTED that the sum of $5,.000.00 be raised and appropriated,",'tc be expended by the Board of Public Works, to extend the sewer sysSem.,.~m~Chad. wick Stree~ approximately to and in61uding house number 155, or approxima~61y 600 fee% subJect,~o the .assessments. cr,bet~erments.:oharges uncer .the ,condi-. VOTED t he sum of $1,600.00 be raised and a~l~o-riatel ; *-~ ~ended by the Board of Public Works, ~o extend the sewer system approxi~mately ~u Poor Avenue. from S~tton Street, subject to the asseesmen~t~.~o~ betterments charges~ under the 'conditions of Chapter ~80 of. the. Acts· (D:) VO~n that,the s.um.'0f Sa~$00.0G be .raised and appropriated, pended ~y the Boa~d of Public Works. to extend ,the.,sewer. system on~,Spruce;,.~ Street and.Hemlock Street, subject to the Assessments or .betterments.charges under t he conditions of Chapter ~80 of She Acts of 1906 as amended. .ARTICLE 28. Stricken F:?om,The Warrant. ' ¥..: ~ -_- ARTIOTM 29. Stri'oken From The Warren:. ' ~ ~:i~J'".~ ~.~ 'ARTICLE }0. VOTED that the s%un of $1,~00.00 be Raised and APpropriated to install an underground, drain .to,,take care of the surDace water for.::a',~required diet. anco .from a point on Pleasant Street,. so that. Town drainage_ wi-ll.,:no:,jlonger flow On privately owre d land,bordering on said Pleasant Street. And ~ohat_~he,a.ele o~men be hereby empowered :to :;take whatever steps ,are..necessary, o e~x'ec: ~ae accomplishm,nt of said article including the obtain_i~.,g .o~ ' necessary:easements. And, further that the amount ,of money approp~ia~ced.,Under :,Article }0 of the Annual, Town Warrant ,in 1957 be. carried .forward' ~to' ,be used'' with .an amount of money to be. appropriated under this .'article in order~ to .... ' complete the project. -ARTICLE 1 ' ' ' .... ~',,'~;" · · _r,a! e and ,app?op ia. e ..the s m'of $)00.00 to, install a surface araLu on ~ark Street. 100 feet of ten-inch pipe and' one catOl~o'a~sin to be needed to complete this project. . ~, ARTICLE ~2. VOTED to raise and appropriate the um of $~,500.00 :to'~e '~dded' to the Fire Department Appropriation ~to' provide .for'the. appointmeht Of one (1) Lieutenant from an'eligible Ci,vil Service List.. ' ' ARTICLE ~. VOTED to raise and. appropriate the sum of $7,590.00 to be added to the Fire Department APpropriation C provide for the appointment of three to (~) competent and qualified men under, ivil Service Rules to be regular fire . fighters. ARTICLE 5[~. VOT~D to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be used with the presen~ 19[~7 ambulance to .purchase a new ambulance. ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00-for, the~-' purchase of 500 feet of new 2 1/2" hose and 500 feet of new 1 1/2 ." hose. ARTICLE ~6. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 for the' purchase of two new 1958 12 volt s~stem cars. Two present cars to b~ turned in, in trade. Ail equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens, etc. ARTICLE 57. VOTED to raise and. appropriate the sum of $600.00 for the purpose Of placing of signs and the painting and repainting of several streets in ARTICLE 58. Stricken From T~e Warrant. ARTICLE 59. VOTED-to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000.00 for the pur- chase of a chassis 'for a truck only, as the~..Town owns the body, The Agree- merit.must also include the installatio~ of the body on the new chassis. A 19h~ 'Mack Truck to be turned in, in trade. ARTICLE 40. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,9~5.00 for the purchase off'an enclosed Refuse Disposal Truck, for the use of the Highway Dpt ARTICLE ~1. Stricken From The Warranu. Following disposition of previous article a motion was duly made, seconded and so 'voted that the meeting stand adjourned at this time until '~aturday ..March 22, 1958 at 1:50 P.M., Meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M. Less than 100 people were present. Meeting of'~Sa~urday, Ma~ch 22, 1~58 opezed at 1:50 P.M. with 47 registered voters present. Chairm_-n of the Advisory Board moved that due to the bad snow~storm,.the fewpeople in attendance and in the best interests of the' Town that the meeting stand adjourned until 1:50 P.M., Saturday, March 29, 1958.:'~' :Motion. was duly made, seconded and so voted. Mbderator..call the Adjourned Town Meeting to order at i:~0?.M., on Sa,turday .Afternoon March 29, 1958 in the Veteran's Auditorium cf.:the North AnooverHzgh School, with 557 Registered Voters present.and~commencing.with ArticIe~.42' of the Warrant. ARTICLE ~?,. VO~ ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. ARTICLE ~. VOTED t~ raise and appropriate the sum of$~,000,00 for the ,.ma~.i~tenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of'. the General Laws, _~o.;oe~ex?nded.by'the Wighway'Sur..veyor under Chapter 90.of the. General 'aws and in.:additiun, the sum of $~,000.00 ,bo'.transferred froTM unappro- priated, available funds in'the Town Treasu~y'~to~'meet the State and' County . shares..of the cost of t~e work, the reimbursement from the State and County ~_c~e.';restored.upon their:'reoeipt to umappropriated available funds i~ the 'A~e as1~12y e . ' .~. ARTICLE'3!I~, VOTED to raise and appropriate the sumof $7,500,00 ~oi. meet'.the Townts share of the cost of further rebuilding of 'Dale-Street under'.'.Chapte~ '90, Highway Construction, .and that in addition, the sum.of $22,500,00 be transferred'from unappropriated available 'funds in'the Town Trea.~u~y to · ~meet'~,thecState: and County. shares of.the cost. of .tho..work, the .reimbursement: :. ;from~the.:State .and County 'to'be restored upon~their receipt to unappropriated aVa£1able:.funds in. the Town Treasry. ARTICLE ~5. ~OT~D tS 'raise 'and appropriate the sum of :$200.00 for the pu~- ":POS~ o,f-.pai~nting and-replacing street signs. _ ' ART~.¢LE,.~?.o.:VO~.,t~'.~atse 'and app~opriate., the,sum of' $900.00 Sot the ~'. '..:!.. bal~c~ due au a hYd~aulis sand spreader fo~ the Use of the Highway 'Dept., . .: The total cost being $1,500.00 but' $600.00 has been paid on the spreader for rental. ' ARTICLE ~. .VOTED. to raise and appropriate the sum of $$00.00 for the purchase of ~wo pumps for the .use of ~he Highway Department. $~_.~TICLE ~. Sericken From The Warrant. ARTICLE ~0. VOTED that' the'~um of $1,000 be raised and appropriated for a sigh~, plan.:revue for Town Garage. . ARTICLE 51. V0~ED to raise and appropriate.the sum of $25,000.00 to be used for ,r,e surfacing Streets. ARTICLE.5~,' VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to-be used with a 1950 Massey-Harris Tractor to purchase an:International Low-boy Cub Tra~gtor. For the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE :55. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,800.00 to be used ~i'th":a':1951"Ford Truck to purchase a new pick-up truck. For ~he Noard of · Publi'c Works. llz ' TOW MEETING MARCH ~TIC~ 5~. V0~D to ~aise ~d.'-appropriate ~e s~ of $80,000.00 for the purpose of install~g the followi~ twelve~ch water ~s: Sutton Street from High Street to Ma~ Street; Jonson Street, from ~dover Street to Res- ervoir ~ight-of-way, ~d Reservoir Ri~t-of-way from Jo~s~ Street to the Reservoir, and to meet t~s appropriation, ~e s~ of $25,000.00 be ~ansferred from the ~exp~nded appropriation ~der Article ~8 of ~e 1~57 ~h~al To~ Mactag, ~d that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, ~e ~d is htreby au~orized to borrow from time to time a ~ of up to $55,000.00 ~d~ ~o isle bonds or no,es of the To~ therefor, ~der authority of C~pter ~ of the General Laws as amended, each issue to ~e paid ~ no~ more ~am 15 7ears from its da~e or at such e~lier time as the Treas~er ~d Select,n. ~y The vote was ~imous and so declared. ~TIC~ 55. V0~ T0 Raise ~d Appropriate ~e s~ of $2,500.00 t0 make such extensions of the water ~ system, ~der the radiations voted at the ~ual toe meeting as ~e Board of ~blic Works, on October lst,~ considers most necess~y, such extensions not hav~g been petitioned for at ~he ~ual meet~g. ~TIC~ 56. V0~ ~t ~ ~ of $1~8,000.OOsbe ~alsed ~d app~opriatsd fo~ the p~pose of extend~g the West Side ~k ewe~ f~cm ~ssachusetts ~venue atl Beechwo~ Street to ~eene Street by way of Beechwood $treet, .B~wsheen. Avenue ~d ce~ta~ ~t~ts of way, along G~eene Street to~ssac~se$$s Avenue, Wood L~e to Woodstock Street ~d Nave~ley Road ~t° ~yad ~treet,~in accordance with the s~vey of Ca~, D~esser & NcKee, Consuit~g ~gin~ers,~"o~ ~ such location as state Hi.way cons~uction my. re.we, neceas~y,~d ~t ~,to 1meet said app~opriatl~.~the s~ of $8,000.00 be ~aised by t~atlon, ~d. that .(-. $15,000.00 be tr~Sfe~=ed f~om the S~biltzat!on. ~d ~. ~e To~-T~e~s~y~ ~d t~t the T~eas~er, With t~ approval of ~e Selectmen,- be ~d~he~eby,~ is autho~ized to bo~ow the s~ of $~5,005~00 ~d to la~e b~d ~d notes therefo~ payable ~ accord~ce w lth the p=ovisions ~of C~p,te~of~ ~the,~ General Laws so t~t ~e w~ole, lo~ s~ll be~ Daid~ not mo~e y~ars f~om t he date of issue of ~e first bond or note. The vote was ~animous ~d so decl~ed~~ ' ' - ~ · :~% ~-,~. chase' 6f a Mist Shade Tree~.Bprayer for ~e Department of-Pest: OontrO2~ ~.A '19~8 Mist:'Blower~'to ~e ~ed' ~, ~ t~ade. .... :~'.~,/.- .:?-, -' ~TIC~ 58..V0~. ~o raise ~d a~pPoP~iate the~ s~.of $),)00.00,:-to~p~c~se a two ~on S~e B~y with Hoist for ~he Depar~ent. of Pest C~ol,.:~.,~. .... ~TIC~ 59. V0~D ~o ~aise ~d appropriate the s~ of $250.00 to;purc~se a p~er saw.for ~ Tree ~par~men:. ,.,..-, ~:* . :. ~TI~= 61. V0~ to...~cOept C~p~er'~7, Secti~ 1 .~d ,2 of. t~.Ac~s.~ofi~1957. -.~ ac~ ~creas~ the amo~$ of Pension of.ce~ta~,:retired P011ce:.Office~s:~d Fire Fighters, ~ ~he amour of $~00,00.provided, :-~oever, t~t,-the~otal,.a~t 'of ~y such pensl~ as so ~c~eased shall not exceed $2,500.00. ~TIC~ 62. V0~ to au~horize"$he'~Recreational'.Co~cil appo~te~.~y~', of Selectmen ~o leasecfPom ~e Brooks School oerta~ l~d o~ed by it which is used as a skating Pink,~d ~o authoPize' the Recreational Co, cji %o-pro- mo~e ~d oonduo~ ice skating ~ereon foPresidents of ~e To~, and to~.Raise ~d Appropriate-the` s~'of $1,700.00'for the p~pose-of"fi~s ~ticIe~'all accord~ce w-i~ C~pter:45 of ~e ~neral Laws. ARTICLE 65. Stricken From The WarrantJ ARTICLE 6~. VOTED/to r~ise and appropriate the sum:of $~,700.00.t0 h02~top the basketball eourts'.'on the town playgrounds. ARTICLE 65. VOTED to raise and appropriate ,the sum'of $1,700.00.t6 p~6vide a steel pier.for the American Legion Beach at S~evens Pond. ...-~ ARTICLE 66. VOTED to raise and appropriate' the sum of $100&O0 benches for the Aplin Playground. .. ARTICLE 6?. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum'of $800.00 for playground supplies, ~.b~s amount to include expenses, special trips and gene. ral play- ground activities for the children of North Andover. ARTICLE 68. · VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $650.00 for thO"services of a police officer at the Bathing Beach, four hours daily, eight hours on Saturdays and .~undAys and Rolidays for a ten week period to enfo~ce£pa?kin'g for residents of Nor6h Andover, this figure ~o include cost of car stickers. ARTICLE 69. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,888.00 for eight playground instructors and one supervisor for an eight week period.