HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-09 ARTICLE 70. VOTED to raise and appropriate "the sum of $500.00 for one set
of six see saws and two basketball standards for the Aplin Playground.
ARTICLE 71.. Stricken From The Warrant.
ARTICLE 72. Stricken From The Warrant.
ARTICLE 73- VOTED to transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from the Overlay Surplus
to the Reserve Fund.
ARTICLE 74. ' Stricken From The Warrant.
ARTICLE 75. Stricken From the Warrant.
ARTICLE 76. VOTED to take the sum of $115,000.00 from available fur~s
to reduce the 1958 tax rate.
Notio~ made by M~. Puffy and duly 'seconded that a vote of thanks be extended
,to the Noderator, Advisory Board for a fine Job on the Town Meeting.
William NcEvoy, George Cunningham, John Harrlmau, Dewey Dyer, Carl Thomas
Hugh McClung, Nilton Howard and Sid Rea assisted the Moderator and Town
Clerk in the counting of the hand votes.
Meetind adJourne d at 4:45 P.M. 55? Registe,~ed voters present.
A tz'ue-- 'copy. AT~.ST: ' . '
Essex SS:
To either of the Constables of The Town Of Nor%h Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusett~ you are hereby
dire'cted to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to
vote in Tov~n Affairs, to ~eet in the High School Auditorium,in Said North
Andover mort. Monday evening, the ninth (9) day Of June, 1958 at eight o'clock
P.M.,, .then and there to act on the following business.
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town'will vote to amend t~{~' Zoning By-Law by changing
from Country Residential to Industrial, the following described parce of land:
A parcel of land located between the Essex Branch of the Boston & Maine
Railroad and Prescott Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at~.the sOUthwesterly corner of the land on the southerly side of Prescott.,
Street owned by Henry E. Lurid said point being two hundred and fifty~ feet
from Prescott Street, as measured along the westerly line of land of said
Lurid; thence easterly by a line par.alle! with the southerly line bf
PrescOtt S~reet, about four hundred forty feet to a point; thence south-
westerly, by, A stone wall about four hundred thirty-four feet to an angle
in .the wall; thence southeasterly by'the wall one hundred eight feet to a
corner in the wall; thence northeasterly by the wall one hundred sixty se~ven
and six tenths feet to a corner in the wall;, thence southerly by the wall
one" hundred feet to a point; thence westerly one hundred twenty feet to a
~Point; thence southwesterly about ~wo hundred thirtyasix feet to a point
which is two hundred feet easterly from the easterly line of the Bostmm &
Nalne Railroad location, thence northwesterly by a line which is two hundred
feet-easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of location of the
Essex Branch of the Bostc~ & Maine Railroad location about five hundred
twenty-three feet to a' point in a stone wall; thence northeasterly by the
stone'wall about three hundred thirty-five feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from available funds, the sum of $~,000.00 to acquire the land for, and lay
ou: and ~construct a highway fo.rty feet in width extending northwesterly from
ChicEering Road for a distance of hlne hundred feet adjoining the location of
the Boston & Mkine Railroad'Essex ~ranch~ the said street' to be .bounded and
described as follows:
Beginning at a stone bound a= the intersection of the
wester~ly line of Chlckerlng Road with the Northerly line of the Boston &
Maine Railroad location; thence N57-57-55W, 60~.~8 feet to a point; thence
N~2rl~,05E, ~0.07 feet to a point; thence southeasterly, by a curve of
5~11.25 feet radius, 507.84 feet to a point; thence S~7-57-55E, 529.~2 feet
to a. ; thence southeasterly, easterly and northerly, by a curve of
feet radius, 59.81 feet to a point in the westerly side line of
Chickering Road; thence S21-07-05W, 96.62 feet to the point of beginning.
Area is ~6.5~2 square feet, more or le ss.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town w ill vote to raise and appropriate, or trans-
fer from available funds, the sum of $5,270.00 to be used for the. construction
of a roadway from Chiokering Road to the proposed location ~f the United Shoe
Machinery Corporation building. Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to kccept from the United Shoe
Machinery Corporation the ~um of $2,500.00 to be used by the Town,and applied
~oward the cost of constructing the necessary roadway fo~ access .to, She pro-
PetitlonP°Sed locationof Board°f theof Selectmen.United Shoe Machlnery~Corporatlon Building.
A true copy:
North Andover, Mass.
May 28, 1958.
ARTICLE 5- To see if the Tmrn will t~ansfer from insurance recell~'s t6the
General Maintenance expense account the sum of $~49.06 received in settlement
of damage to the tractor at the Disposal Site. ~
Petition of Ira D. Catty, Highway SUrveyor.
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town Will vote ~o raise and ,' """
appropri ate; or',,tran sfer
from available funds the sum of $1,000.00 for payment of a Safety. P. otice of. ricer
at the Thomson School, overtime wages and election expenses t6 t~e,.,~,~lic'g,,-
: Department. Petition of Alfred H. McEee, Chief of Police. ...... .
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will.vo~e to raise and appropriate .or transfer
from availabl~ funds the sum of $269.00 to pay r. awreHce Plate &~ Wifid'o~ ~GIa~ss
Co., for repairs to the Town Garage in 1~57. Petition Board of Sele:c,tmer~:;
'ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise anda~ppropriate or"'~provide
by bond issue or transfer'from availabl'e funds a 'sufficient sum of"money to:'
allow the Town to pUrchase, take by eminent domain, or otherwise acqulre',a
.parcel of land and buildings thereon on the watershed of Lake Cochichewick:!
1. now owned by Arthur B. Colgate and bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at a point in the southerly line of'Great Pond Road said point being ,the'north-
westerly c.orner of land now owned by the Town and used ~s ~ pumping s~ation lot;
thence S16 ~-55W, ~7.16 feet to a point in the high water line of t~'~Iake';
ithence westerly and southwesterly, by the high water llne of the- l~ke,'~i.[about
785 feet, to:a point in the stone wall at lane of,the Boston Univer~i't~;,~fthence
westerly~by the stone wall and land of'the Boston University~ about~l~0 fe~et
to a~drill hone th the.:wall';-thence NSl_~9_57E,. ~51.0'feet to'an
to ' _ _ . '_ . y ~ne o~ ~,reat Fo_n,c ~oad, S7~-20-0~E;t45;45
.,.,~ ,. . an~ssex ¢oun~ ~ound, thence S7~-16.25E, 5~4.50 feet to t e~
oegmnnzug. Containin~ 1.0~ acres ~ ..... ~-- ~ h ,poln~ of
.,?eti~ion of the Board~of H~alth. ' .... ~" ~' ':
ARTICLE 9. To see if t he Town.will authorize the Board of Public. Works' to
dispose of the two family house at 1984-1~86 Great Pond~Road located' onathe.-
Property acquired for the protection of .the North Andover water~ supply.
on of the Board of Pmblic Works.~.r-
um. ~ ~m,~p~.~ to be used by the Town and appl'ied. ~bwa~ds
'~:the cost of extending the. water system on Cotuit Street from'.the
~mtnus~:near. Waverley~ ,R°ad;~[''~Petltion.,., of Board of Public Wort~s."i'~f?:, [~
you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting tr~e!:~a~d"~e~t~d
copies thereof, at' the Town 0ffice. Building and at five or more~'Public~'Pla'c~s
in each voting precinct. Said copie.s 'to be posted not more than f~.t~,te,en,.:'daYs
nor 'less than ten days before the ,ti~e of holding said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make, due re'tUrn-of this warrant.with your ~doing :thereon
to the Town Clerk. at the ,time and,pl~ce Of said meeting. ~,,
Given under our hands at North~Andover, Massachuse~ts~ the tw~ntyL~tl[ird"da~of~1~ j ~ ~
May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand .nine-hundred and rifty-eigh~..
I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified
to vote in Town Affairs by posting true a~d a~tested copies of thi',~ warrant at
the Town Building and at five or more public places in each vgting precinct.
Said copies having bsen posted not more than~fifteen days nor less' tha 1
days before the t~m.e of holding said meeting, n ten
North Andover, Mass. ' ·
May 28, 1958. A ST:
spic,z, TOwN ETEG NO, DAY 9, 19 s ].17
At the Special Town Neetlng held in the Vete~~ s Auditorium o$ the North
Andover High School on Monday Even~g, J~e 9, 1958 at 8 P.M., the following
was voted:
~TIC~ 1. Notion ~de by Plying Board C~ir~ and seconded by Advisory
Board Chai~, article be Stricken f~om Wa~t.
~TIC~ 2. Unfavorable Action
~TIC~ ~. Unfavorable Action
~TIC~ ~. Stric~n From ~e Wa~r~t.
~TIC~ 5. VOiD to tr~sfer the s~ of $~.06 from the ~sur~ce Recei~s
to the General Maintenance accost, amour received in settlement
of da~ge to tracto~ at the Disposal Site.
~TIC~ 6. V0~ t~t the sum of $1,000.~0 be tr~sferred from the 1~58
~nUal To~ Neet~ Warr~t, A~ticle 6, Budget ~20, Item ~, for
pa~ent of a Safety Police Officer at the Thomson School, over-
time wages and election expenses to the Police Department.
~TIC~ 7. V0~ to ~efer this Article to ~e next ~nual To~ Neet~g.
~TIC~ 8. VO~ that the To~ raise ~d appropriate for ~e p~pose of
acqulr~g by p~c~se, ta~ng by em~ent do~ or.o~e rwise
from the o~er or o~ers the t~acts of l~d as described ~
this ~tlcle or ~y portion of said l~d described ~ said
a~ticle for the purpose indicated ~ said a~tlcle, t~t the
Board of Selectmen be ~d hereby is authorized to act for the
To~ ~ connection with ~ls a~tlcle o~ take ~y other action
.... ~ relation thereto, and that the s~ of $9,600.00 be t~en :
from Overlay S~plus to be used ~ whole o~ ~ p~t by said
Board of Selectmen for the p~pose of this a~ticle.
.. ~e Vote was ~imous ~d so declared.
~TIC~.9. V0~ to authorize the Bo~d of ~bllc Works to dispose of the
-' - .two family house at 1984-1986 Great Pond Road located on the
Colgate propermy acquired for t~ protection of the North ~dover
water supply. The vote was a ~]ority vote' ~d so declared.
:~TIC~ 10. V0~D~ to accept from Robert J. ~ke of ~0rth ~do~r the s~of ·
$~,~50.00 to be used by the To~ ~d applied towards the cost of'
extend~g the water s~stem on. Co,it S~eet from ~e present
;~4~ .... term~uus near Waverley Road. Un~imous vote ~d so dec,red.
~' Meeting opened at 8 P.M., and adjourned at 9 P.M;,
' one hundred forty-one register$.d voters/were present.
':i':," .~' ' i 'tx;ue copy: ATTEST: ~/~'~-'~.~'~//~' '~
.,, '" //JO~N//~. PONS.
C0~0~ 0F ~SSAC~S
........ :~ '~e eithe~ ~ ~ons~blea e~ the ~ ~ Nc~
, G~EG:
~. ~ na~ of the Co~wealth'you ~e hereby ~equired to
~d~[~.w~-~ ~b-bit~ta of'said ~'o~ who ~e qualified to vo~e ~ ~i~ries
'~o, ~et ', ~ ,~e B~ads~reet 'School ~, PrecOok': ~e',' S~. '-~c~el' s ~ Parochial'
School: ~ Protect ~o, ~.~he ~o~ School ~ ~ec~ct ~ree ~d the
SchOol ~ P~ec~c~
'- a~ seven o~clock A.M., for the follow~g p~poses:
. To bri~ ~.:t~ir votes to' the ~i~2 Officers fop ~he
of C~didates of Political P~ties fop ~e,follow~ Offices:
,senat~rin Congress... .... . . · for ~his Commonwealth
Governor." "
Lieu~enan~ Governor. " " "
Secretary of the Commonwealth.' " " "
Treasurer and Receiver General. " " "
Auditor of the Commonwealth. "- " "
Attorney General. " " "
Representative in Congress " ?th Congressional District
Senator "~th Senatorial "
~ Representatives in General Court " 5th Representative "
District Attorney " Eastern District
" Essex County
Clerk~ of Courts ...,
Register of Deeds " Essex Northern District
County Commissioner " Essex County