HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-20STATE PRIMARIES SENATOR CHARLES H. ANTHONY DANIEL M. THORNTON Charles Gibbons Blanks · REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT F .P~NK S. GILES WILLIAM LONGWORTH ARTHUR WILLIAMS MASON F*~ ARN0~D I P HILIP SUTCLIFFE Blauks DISTRICT ATTORNEY Arthur? A., Thomson ~ohn '~. Willis Blanks CLERK 'OF COURTS DAVID, R o ·.NAGLE REGISTER- OF DEEDS Go/~/~UDSON DRIVER Blanks C O~NTZ C0~m~SSIONER ARTHUR A. THOMPSON WILLIAM E. SEXTON Essexl SEPTE~w~ 9, 1958 86 159 158 197 5ko ~oa 17z 158 ~l 5~7 1 1 1 1)l. 198 2~ 2ik 11 )1 20 al 98' 766 1~9 e2} 2~7 Zl2 8 ~ r 6 ei i7 ek WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ~To either of the Constables of'the Town of North AnnoYer GREETINGs:' In the name of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts you.'are~he~ebY.. directed.to notify ~ud warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified"-to vote in Towh Affairs, to meet in the High School Auditorium in said' North Andover on Monday, the twentieth (20) day of October, 1958 at eight o'clock I%. P~M., then and there to act on the following business. ARTICLE' 1. To see whether .the Town will approve the construction of ~ new ~ · housing ProJect by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely, a Housing~ · ProJect,.fdr Elderly Persons pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 667 the~Nassa~husetts Acts of 1~5~, and the acts in amendment thereof in addibi°n~? thereto,~to be known as State Aided Housing Project 667-1. Petition' of th~ North Andover Housing Authority. ART!CLE~ TO ssa'if the Town will vote to transfer the sum ·of~$ne Thousand Dollars~'($1,000)~from Water Department Expenses to Sewer Department Expenses. Petitiohf~of Board of Public Works. ,~ ARTICLE.~. To s2 if the Town will vote to accept from Robert ~. Burke of North Andover'th~ sum of One Thousand Seven. Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1750)to be used.by the Town and. applied towards the cost of extending the water system on~Cotui:t Street from the presen~ terminus near Naverly Road. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE,4. To see if the Town will vo=e to transfer the sum of Five Thousand Dollars"($5,000.00) from Available ~nds to the Reserve Fund. Petition of. Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 5.' To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of rive Hundred Dollars '($500) f rom the Department of Insect Pest Control Expenses to the. DutchElm Disease Expenses for the purpose of hiring a crane for the ~opplng of Dutch Elm Diseased trees. Petition of John ~. Counors, Moth Superintendent. ARTICLE ARTICLE 6. Con' t. 4.~1 Each appli~tion for a permi~ to build a motel or'to alter or add to a mo~l at a cost of $~00 or more shall be in ~iSng and shall include a dia~am ~d a s~tement of the o~e~ip, ~ea, , dimensions, boundaries and p~nclpM elevations of the land for .which such permit is sought, the na~es of all adjoining o~ners found in the most recent ~ list, the lo~tions 'of ~sting public ' or private ways n~r~t such land, and a plan, profile and ~o~. sections of all driveways and p~ng ~ proposed, also the.~ue lo~tion and ~ound coverage outline, and dimensions 'of ev~ building or s~uctures proposed to'be erected thereon. One copy of each such application and plot plan dia~am and s~tement shall be kept on file in the office of the Bhilding Inspector. 4.s2 One copy of each such appli~tion ~nd dia~ and s~t~ men; above required shall be filed ~th the.Bo~d of App~ls ~th a lett~ requesting the ~id .Bo~d to renew Che ske plan at~ched and to hold a public he~ing therein. Notice of such public he~- lng shall be ~ven by the Bo~d of Appeals by ~ubli~tion at the ~ense of'the app]i~nt in a newspaperof genial circulation in )No~h ~dov~ and the fi~t app~ance of. such published notice sh~l be twelve'days (~2) at l~t before the date set for such he~- lng ~.53 A pe~[t to build a mo~el or' ~o ak~ or add ro a motel a~ . cost of $500.00 or more shall not be issued by the Building Inspec- ~or until 'he-h~ received from the Bo~d of App~ls a ~tten s~men~ of final approval by the Bo~d of App~s of the site plan for such motel or addition or al~a~on~ ~d su~ sm~emen~ by the Bo~d of App~ls shall include a re~i~l of the da~e on which the Bo~d of Appeals held the public h~ng above requ~ed, and a reci~l of the findin~ of ~e.Bo~d of App~ls ~r such he~ng, .including ~y conditions imposed by the ~d Bo~d ~ p~t of fin~ ~pproval, and the Buildin~Insp~or shall e~orce the ful- · Imen~ of such conditions. 4.54 In re~e~ng each such' appli~on, the Bo~d of App~]s' sh~l study the motel tire,plan proposed relative to ~e h~lth, ~ ~ety ~d weff~e of the prosp~ti~e occupan~ also the occup~ of neighboring prop~ti~, and us~s of the adjoining highway, and the welf~e bf ~e ~o~ gently, including ~enity and pl~nt- . n~ of site plans. In addition ~o ~omp]i~ce ~th all of Space. and Building Space Requiremen~ se~ forth~ below, t~e . Bo~d shall look for: ' . (a) Traffic. safew ~d e~e oL acc~ a~ s~t and highway enhances and ~ of mo~el ~iveways, ~ng acco~ of ~d~, ~ sight dh~nc~ and dis~nce be~w~ such d~ve~y en~anc~ ~ and the n~ ~sting s~ or highway inactions. ~) S~eW and adequacy of mo~] d~veway layout, also of ~ng ~d loading ~ for motel pa~ons, ~d s~ency of acc~ for s~ce Vehicles'such ~ elec~ci~, ~s, fuel, telephone. la~, ~bbish removal, war~, sewer, fire, police, ambuI~ce or '~ ~h~ routi~e~or em~q~ncy vehi~es.' ~j ~e Dept.; of h~ating ~d ventila~ng; also of cooing if coo~ ~aciliti~ be f~ished. ~ (d) ~ance of posi~ve s~-wa~ ~na~ ~d snow- melt ~n-offfrom ~] d~vewa~ and p~ng ~d load~g ~. . ~ndscaping ~d building, layout such ~ shall prot~ proposed motel be~oom ~ndows from cons~t night in,ion by au~om~ bile headlight,beams or g]~e from illumina~d si~s or d~veway light. ~. (e) Spund.proofing between sloping rooms; ~ndows no~ loo~ng directly from room to room; and lobby or office space for re~s~a~on, room keys, and ~k~pihg of valuabl~; also lo~ge. for waiting or ~iting by pa~ons. ' 4.55 Motel lo~ size, land coverage, ~d space and building~d~i~ re~lations: ~. (a) The lot for any motel sh~ con,in no~ l~ ~an t~ee (3] a~ to~l land ~ ~cluding ~y wat~ bodi~ of on~half.(~) 'acre wamr se~ce ~ea or more, prodded such lot be not le~ th~ - 3 ' threehun~ed (00) feet~dea~thefron~ges~eetand t~oughout ~he ~s~ two hundred (200~ f~t of depth of such lot, me~ng from the frontage s~eet lot line. ARTICLE 6. Con't: Co) ' No part of any building on a motel lot'shall be closer than fifty (50) feet to the front lot linc, rear lot linc or either side ' linc of such lot. A green yard space not lees than twenty (20~ feet. wide, measured at a right angle to each of aforesaid lot lines, shall be maintained open and green with grass, bushes, flowers and trees all along each side lot line or rear lot linc of such a lot, and (except for enrcance and exi~ driveways) along the entire front linc of' .such ]ct, and such yard space shall not be built on nor paved nor used for automobile parking. (c) There shall be one (bitu~nlnofis) concrete off-street an'd~ off-main driveway pave. d automobllR parking space, open ur roof~ ed, directly adjcining each motel rental unit. (d) Building on a motel lot ~hall not cover more than twenty- five (25~) per cent of the land area of such lot excluding any wkter. ' bodice as above specified. Not less than seventy-five (75~) per cent of the lind area ef such lot shall remain open and un-built on but such open space may be used'for automobile off-street parking, driveways, isidewalks and motel service yards, ~xcept that' such use shall not be permitted in any part of the twenty' (20) foot wide green perimeter stril~ above specified. (e) There shall not be erected more than twenty (20) motel rental ~nits~per acre of motel lot ]and area, excluding any wa~er bodies as above specified. (f) Each motel rental unit shall be not less than.two hdndred '.~ .: fifty (250) squ~re feet habitable floor area' enclosed'by walls and roof, exclusive of any 'adjoin ng.~o~ions of roofed o~ ~overeii ' :: 'walkways. Each motel rental'sleeping room shall not be less than' ' fifteen (15) by fifteen (15) feet huri~.ontal dimensions~exclumve of ~- bath or kitehene~e. Each such room shall .have a private bath attached .... ... (g) ' Each motel structure' s'nall eontafn' notii~ss't'han six (6i'll5 'nor more than t~elve (12) individual motel rental 'tmi~s, unless",' each section of-t~elve (12)such units be separated bY:an uhbroken' '- firewall from any further additional such unim. Each motel sumc- ture shall be of fireproof construction. · Egch'such stim'cture may',. be connected with other simllar.structuree by a covered walkway · -" if of fire r.esistive;materi~ils., Whether or not so connected,:the .; . neareet parts Of 'the~walls. or comers .of such.structures' shall bw .,'- . .separated by a land space otherwme open and unbmlt on of'not, 5,- less than thirty (30). feet, and in which, within the area bounded."" by the intersecting projections of:'the;side lii~es of adjacent build-~, '.' i"' - ' ings, there shall be no automobil~i' parking or loading. - _- CO) Buildings on. motel,lote shall be one-story and not more ' ' than twenty, five (25) feet in height,,notwithstanding any build-". lng-height provisions in the zoriing district in which suck buildin~ "' ' are situated, except,that not more than two apamnents for owner'.5. ' err.eeidentmanager or other resilient stafflmay be on'-a .second~ ' :'% stow not toexeeed thirty-five ,(35) feet in height. ' - .~. (i) On each motel lot there shall be provided at l one ~', , .- apartment for,a resident owner or manager.'er other responsible/', ~.: statT pemon. Each such apartment shall be no{ lees .tha~ eight" hundred (800) square f ' ' ' - eet floor area. !Such apartment may ~n. elude the rental office of the motel, and a lounge or other public' rooms for the use of motel pa~rons. Such apartament may be on a '. · :, second 'floor as pr0vided.in (h) above, but only if over a lounge or office or other public rooms or s~orage or supply rooms of the motel. N'o second story premises shall be loeated.'ov, ar any motel rental unit. ' - ' .... Petitionrof Ner th-Andoge? .PlaB_ni~g_Bo._?_d__ ~ :._~.~ .......... : ...... And you are hereby direcl;ed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more Public Places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor lees than ~en days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with you~ 'doing thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said me,ting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the eighth day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine-hundred and fifty-eight. North Andover, Massachusetts. RALPH E. FINCK Board of WILLIAM A FINNERAN of PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Selectmen CONSTABLE. October 10, 1958 ESSEX SS: 24 o kcs ,s I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than fiftee~ days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said mee. ting. C ON STABLE. October 10, 1958. ATTEST; in the Veteran, s Auditorium of the North At the Special Town Meeting held Andover High School on Monday Evening October 20, 1958 at 8 o'clock $.M., the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. VOTED that the Town will approve the construction of a new housing project by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely, a Housing Project for Elderly persons pursuant to the provisions'of Chapter 667 of Massachusetts Acts of 195~, and the acts in amendment thereof and addition thereto, ~to be known as State-Aided HousLug Project 667-1. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 2. V0~ to transfer the sum of $1,000.00 from Water Department Expenses to Sewer Department Expenses. ARTICLE 5. VOTED to accept from Robert J. Burke of North Audover the sTM of $1,750.00 to be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of extend- Lug the water system on Cotuit Street from the present ~erminus near Waverly Road. ARTICLE ~. VOTED to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 from Available Funds to the Reserve Fund. ARTICLE 5. VOTED to transfer the sum of $500.00 from the Department of Insect Pest Control Expenses to the Dutch Elm Disease Expenses for the purpose of hiring a crane for the topping of Dutch Elm diseased trees. ARTTCLE 6. Stricken from the Warrant. All artlcl~were a unanimous vote and so'declared. Neetlng opened at 8:05 P.M.,~ ~ _ .-~- --and closed at 8:25 P.M. 150 voters present. A true copy: ATTEST: WARRANT C 0~0NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. GREETING: Lu the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warm the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vo=e for State, District and County Officers .and upon all questions appearing on the ballot, to meet and assemble in the dsignated and appointed polling places Precincts One, Two, Three and Four. The Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, St. Michael's (New) Parochial School Auditorium in Precint Two, The Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Eittredge School Auditorium in Precinct ~ou~. TUESDAY, the FOURTH DAY OF NOVEMBEE 1958. at 7 o'clock in the forenoon, to bring into~ the To~n Clerk and Election Officers, the votes' for'Senator Lu~Congress,~Governbr, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General, Congressm,u.Tth District, Councillor-~th District, Senator-~th Essex District, Three RepresentatiVes in General Court-Sth Essex District, District Attorney-Eastern Distr~ict, 1 Clerk of Courts-Essex County, Register of Deeds-Essex Northern District, County Commissioner-Essex County, and upon the following .questions:~ Question No. 1. Do you approve of a l~w summarized below which was dis- approved in the House of Representatives by a vote of 7~ in the affirmative and 1~2 in the negative and was a~roved in the Senate by a vote of 21 in the affirmative and 17 in the negative. NO The proposed measure provides that every former public employee, other than a judge, who is pensioned or retired for disability shall report to his re- tirement authority, annually, his earnings from gainful occupation during the ~r_ec~eding year; ~a.nd tha_t, if such earniugs, plus the pension, exceed the ~gu-ar compensa~zon or the position formerly held, the pensioner shall refund that portion of his pension equal to such excess or the entire pension if such excess is greater than the pension.