HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-02ESSEX SS: GREET IN G: I 9 5 9 ANNUAL TOWN WARRANT 1 9 5 9 COI~ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are 'h~e~y directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified 'to vote in elections and Town Affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, the St. Nichael,s School Auditorium in Precinct Twoi the~:Th0mson School Auditorium in Precinct Three, and the Eittredge School 'in Precinct Four" in said North Andover on Monday, the second day of March 1959, at seven (7) o'clock A.M., and there to act on the following article: ARTZCLE 1. To elect a Mcderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxee, Highway Surveyor, Tree Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public Welfare and five Constables for one year. One Assessor, one Member of the Board of Public Works, One Member of the Board of Health, one Member 'of the School Committee for three years, one Member of the Planning Board and. one ~:ember of the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote upon. the Question: QUESTION "Shall the Town of North Andover accept the provisions of Section 47B of Chapter F1 of the General Laws, as it applies to sealers of weights and measures, a fair and concise summary of which appears below?" YES '~ NO "Acceptance of the provisions of section 47B of Chapter F1 of the Gen'erai Laws would place under Civil Service the sealer of' weights and measure's of the Town of North Andover." All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article l, the said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday March 14, 1959 at one-thlrty~o, clock P.M., in the Veteran,s Auditorium of North Andover High School, then and there to act on the following articles: ARTICLE 2. To .elect all other officers not reeuired by law to be elected by ballot. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to'accept the report of receipts and expendltu~es as presented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appro- priati ons. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensa$ion of all elected officers of the Town as provided for by Section 108 of Chapter of the General Laws, as amended, effective from ~anuary l, 1959, Board of Selectmen - each per annum. Board of Public Welfare - each per annum.. Board of Assessors - each per annum Town Treasurer a perhannum Tax Collector - per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Tree Warden - per annum Moderator - per annum Board of Health - each per annum Board of Public Works - each per annum ARTICLE 6. To see What action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board. ARTICI~ 7- To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money, from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January l, 1960 and to issue a note or notes therefor,..payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes a~s maY.be given?~for~aLperiod of~less~than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, of the' General Laws. · ARTICLE 8. To consider the report of all special committees. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the position of Board of Health. Physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of Board of Health ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the .School Committee to appoint one of its members to the positl.on of School Physician and to ~fix his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, Ger~ral Laws. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE ll. To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 105A of Chapter 54 of the General Laws, as amended. AnAct pro~viding for Absent Voting at Regular Town Elections. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the followlng amendment to the Town By-Laws. "That upon motion duly made and seconded, at any?nn~ual or, special Town Meeting, and upon the affirmative vote cf at least 25~ cz the voters present at said annual or special Town Meeting, any article in the warrant for the said annual or special Town Meeting shall be voted upon by Australian (Secret) ballot.'! Petition of Leo J. Galeazzi and others. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article i of the Town By-Laws by striking therefrom the following: Se'orion 6. No article calling for the appropriation cf funds shall be considered at any special town meeting, unless the proposed expenditures is of au emergency nature, and is recommended by the Selectmen and the Advisory Board. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 1~. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article i cf the Town By:Laws by adding thereto the following: ~Seotion 7. Nc business shall be transacted at any special town meeting except by the unanimous vote of those present and voting, unless there shall be seventy five (75) voters present at the time; provided however, that a number less than such quorum may adjourn such meeting from time to time. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of the Town By-Laws as appearing on pages 99 and 100 of the 1957 Annual Town Report by adding a~ the end thereof the following new sections: -SeCtion 10. The Board of Selectmen shall annually in March appoint and, subject to appropriation, fix the compensation of an Attorney-at-Law who is a resident of the Town of North Andover, and a member in good standing cf ,the B~rd of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to serve as Town Counsel for ~.the.~term cf one year from the firs~ .day of April next foIlowfng, and until his ,successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. Said Board~ of Selectmen shall likewise fill any vacancy in said office for the · ~.unexpired Term thereof. The °Selectmen may employ special counsel to ,assist the .Town. Counsel whenever, in their Judgement necessity therefor ~arises. The~ Town Counsel, shall, sublJect to the direction of the Board cf .Sslectmen, conduct the prosecution, defense or compromise of all legal proceedings to which the Town of North Andover is a par~y, and the prosecution or defense L as .the case may be, of all legal proceedings by er against any Town offtcer,~ board, or committee. He shall prepare oF approve all legal instrument s -.to which the Town ~s a party or in which any right or interest of the Town is in~volved, shall advise any Town officer, board or committee upon 'and in ~alI... ~gal matters and proceedings effecting the perform-ucc of his or its '~offictal dmties, a~d shall perform such other duties as may be imposed him'by'b~s~' By-Laws or by vote of the Town of North Andover. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of the Town By-Laws', as ~appearing on pages 99 and 100 of the 1957 Annual 'A'own~Report,. b~'adding at'the end thereof the following n.ew. section~: , ~ ' , '~ ~ . ~_. ~. Section, 10. A committee consisting of the Cna.~rman cz ~ne ~oar~ ox' ~e-ectmen -The~..Town~'LOlerk, the Town Treasurer, the Tax Collector, the Chair~men of the Bcar~. of~Assessors, the, Chairman of the Board of Public Works, the Chairman of the School COmmittee, the Chairman of the Board of Health"and of the Planning Board shall annually in March appoint and, subject to app- ropriation, fix the compensation of a~ attorney-at-law who is a resident of the Town, and a member~in goodstanding of the Bar of the Com_mor~ealth, to ser~e~'~as ,Town ~Counsel for the term of one y?.ar from the first da~ of 'APrll n~e~.~ollowing, and until his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. Said co~mittee' shall likewise fill any vacancy in said office for the unexpired term thereof. The Selectmen 'may employ special counsel to as'slst: ~.the 'Town Counsel whenever, in their Judgment, necessitYstherefor a~j£se~s.~ L~The Town Counsel shall, subject .to the direction of the eiectmen, c'ondudt 'the prosecution, defense or compromise of all Is.gal ~proceedings to which the Town is a party,, and the prosecution or defense as the case may be, of .all legal proceedings by or against any Town officer, board o~ committee. He shall prepare or approve all legal instruments to which the T~w'n'. is~ ~a. party or i~ which any right or interest of the Town is 'involved, Shall advi'se any Town officer, board or commit~e~ upon and in all legal matters and proceedings affecting the performance of his or its official duties, anct shall perform such other duties as may be' imposed upon him by these,.by-laws or by vote of the Town. Petition of Arnold J. Salisbury and others. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend .the By-Laws governing the Wage and Salary Administration Plan for the employees of the Town of North Andover in the following manner: A. Amend .Schedule C, Fringe Benefits, VACATIONS, by striking out said section in its entirety and inserting the f. ollowing: ANNUAL TOWN NEETINO 1 9 5 9 VACATIONS All employees are entitled to vacations with pay in accordance with the following: 1. Employees in the full time employment of the Town six months shall be entitled to one weeks vacation with pay. 2. Employees in the full time employment of the Town one year shall be entitled to two weeks vacation with pay.. 5. Employees in the full time employment of the Town for a continuous period of fifteen years shall be entitled to three weeks vacation with pay. 4~. Employees in the full time employment of the Town for a continuous period of twenty years shall be entitled To four weeks vacation with pay. Vacation time may be known as "annual leave", and annual lea~e shall not be accumulated in excess.of four weeks. Each we. ek of annual leave shall be paid for at the employee's regular straight time rate of pay; and in the event that one employee has worked- on several different Jobs or occupations in the service of the Town in any one year precedent to this annual leave, he shall be paid for 2/is ~k~nual leave at the rate of pay for the Job or occupation on which he spent the greatest amount of working time during the nine months prior 'to May ~l, in the vacation year. At his termination or separation from employment by the Town, provided he has worked for the Town in a full time capacity for not less than a con- tinuous period of twenty-four months, an employee shall be paid a sum equal to the'wage value of his un-used annual leave, but not to exceed four weeks. The Personnel Board may establish a vacation program for the B6ar~.~f 'Health Nurse and professional full time employees of the Library staff in accordance with the general custom for such occupations in towns of comparable size. Nothing in this section shall serve to reduce the annual leave of.lany employee who now has fifteen or more years continuous service.-,' B..~nend Schedule C, Fringe Oenefits, UNIFORM ALLOWANCES, sentence..thm, e.e,m.bY striking out !!Fifty Dollars ($50.00)'' and inserting therein '!Seven$y-flve dollars .($75.00) so that said aentence, so amended, shall read: Seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per uniformed man for Police,' (and so forth to end_of sald - sentence all exactly as previously .adopted). Petition of Personnel.-Board. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate cf..transfer ~from available funds a sum of money to be applied to salaries and wages! 'in'~ each. town department to provide a five per cent cost of-living increase to employees subject =o the Wage and Salary Administration Plan, to compensate for the. in- .crease in the cost of living since the inception of the By-Law. ~Wage and~ salary.schedules ~o remain the same. Petition of Personel Board.~' ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to become a member of'the M~tro'~olitan .Planning District under the provisions of Chapter hOB of .the General or take any action thereto. The annual cost to the. Town of North' Andover shall be an apportioned cost determined by the District Planning commissi~on on a per capit~ basis as provided in Section 7 'of Chap=er hOB, riot"to exceed 10~ per capita or the sum of $1000, whicheve~ is the lesser. Petition of James R. Barman and others. 'ARTECLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriat'e ~or..:tran'sfer .from available funds the sum of $269.00 to pay Lawrence Plate and Window.Glass ?Cq. 'for repairs to the Town Garage in 1957. Petition 0fBoard of S~lectmen. ARTICLE 21. To see if ~the Town will vote to raise and appropriate.~or-transfer Yfrom availabl~ funds the sum of $661.00) for the pu~.chase of a Check Writer and a .Check Signer for. use in the Town Treasurers Office. 'Petition of ~ames J. Maker and others. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $265.00 for the purchase of a portable ~insu~ati~on tester to be used by the North Andover Wiring Inspector. Petition of John ~. Thompson, Wiring Inspector. ARTICLE 2~. To see if the Town will vote ~o raise and appropriatemom t~ansfer from available funds the sum of $2,550~00 for the purchase of twoneK.19.59 12 volt system cars. Two present cars to be turned in, in trade. All.equip- ment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens, etc. Petition of Alfr. ed H. MoKee, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 2~. To see if the Town will vo~e to raise and appropriate '$5',7.00.00 to be used with the 1955 G.M.C. Truck, to purchase a 2 ton dump truck~and~a ~/~ ton pick-up truck. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICIE 25: To see if the Towz will raise and appropriate $5,000.00 ~o be'used with a 195~ Ford Tractor to 19urchase a Ford Tractor with side mower and loader. Petit/on of Board of Public Works.. . ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate z sufficient sum of money to provide a telemetering equipmen~ and automatic controls for the North Pumping Station. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 27. To see if the '£'own will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $2,800.00 to be used with the present 1950 Dodge to purchase a new car. Petition o~ Board of Health. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $2,000.00 to be used with present Chief's car to purchase new car for use of Fire ~hlef. Petition Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2.000.00 for the purchase of 500 feet O~e~}" hose and 500 feet of new 1}".hose. Petition Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town wlll ralse and appropriate the sum of $5,200.53 for the purchase of a 1959 foum wheel pick-up truck. A 1955 half-ton pick-up truck to be turned in, in trade. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $16,000.00 for the purchase of a scoop dozer for the use of the Highway Department, at Disposal Site. A 1948 Oliver tractor to be turned in, in Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE, 52. To seeif the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 for the further rebuilding of Dale Street under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both for this purpose, or take any other action in. relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 55..To see if the Town will raise and~appropriate the sum of $6,000.00 ~or the maintenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of ~he General Laws, said money to be used in conJ~cbion with money, which may be allotted by the State-or County, or both for this purpose; or take any other action in relations, thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 34. To see if th~ Town will vote to appropriate or take from available funds the sum of $25,000.00 to be used for resu~facing streets.' Petition of Board of Selectmen and Ira D. Catty, Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 55- To see if the Town willvote to raise and appropriate $2,500.00 to renew water services to the property lines, p~ace gate valves on hydrant branches and r.aise manhole frames and covers on the streets of the Town that ars ~to be reconstructed thls~year. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote To raise and appropriate or transfer ' from available funds a sufficient sum of'money to widen a section of Great · Pond Road from the Junction of Pleasant Street to a point westerly, toward the centre,~ for a distance of not less than a tenth of a mile. Petition of Charles ~. Kent, Jr. and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.O0 to be used in repairing' cement sidewalks. 'Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum' of $1, to be .used for a sidewalk project. The Town to pay one -half the cost and applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE' 39A. To see if'the Town will. vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds $5,200.00 to extend the sewer ~ system on ~ohnson Street from Salem Street to Milk Street. ~ Petition of ThaddiusP. Z~m~y, Daniel J. Grieco and others. ARTICLE 39B. To see if the Town wiil vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by.bond~issue, Or tr~usfer.from available funds $26,400.00 to extend the sewer system, on Milk Street from Johnson Street to Ehestnut Street. · Petition of Daniel J. Grteco and others. ARTICLE'59C. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by .bond issue, or transfer from available funds $18,000.00 to extend the sewer system on Johnson Street from Nilk Street to Sutton Hill Road. Petition of Thaddius P. Zimny s_nd others. ARTICLE ~gD. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds $19,000.00 to extend the sewer system on Sutton Street from the present terminus to Charles Steak House. Petition of Philip T. Miller and others. A~TICLE 59E. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, ortransfer from available funds, $23,000.00 to extend the sewer system on Chickering Road from the present terminus southerly to Woody's Grill Petition of Joseph A. Gaumond and .others. ARTICLE.~gF. To see if the Town will vote by bond issue, or~t~ansfer from available system on Woodstock Street from Wood Lane Petition of Beard of Public Works. ARTICLE 59G. TO see if the Town will vote by bond issue, or transfer from available extend the sewer system on Elmwood Street 15 Elmwood Street. Petition of Alcide E. to raise and appropriate, or provide funds, $2,500.00 to extend the sewer to Linden Avenue. to raise and appropriate, or provide funds, a sufficient sum of money to to the residence of Alcide D. Chenard and others. ARTICLE ~gH. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide'~-~ by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to C-D extend the sewer system on Prospect Street three hundred and eighty feet ,from ~ Furber Avenue toward Chadwick Street. Petition of Edwin J. McCue and others. ARTICLE ~9I. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient stun of money to extend the sewer system on Poplar Street 260 feet from Massachusetts~Avenue. Petition of Mary Winters and others. ARTICLE ~gJ. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Chadwick Street from the present terminus two hundred and seventy feet towards 0sgood Street. Petition 'of James Curtin and other ARTICLE ~0A. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the Meadowbr0ok Laundry of North Andover the sum of Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($10,620.00) ~o be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of r~locating the East Side Trunk Sewer from Sutton Street 580 feet ~outherly. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 40B. To see if the Town will vote to accept from Leo Nargolian of Boston the sum of Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($17,000.00) to be used. by the Town and applied towards the cost of extending the sewer system on the accep- ted 1908 layout of Wood Lane from Woodstock Street 1,610 feet southeasterly. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 4lA. To see if' the Town will raise and appropriate $500.00 .~o ~extend the water system on Pro.spect Street 1~I|! feet from the previous terminus~towards Furber Avenue. Petition of James Curtin and others. ~.RTICLE ~iB..To see if the Town will vo~e to raise.and appropriate, .~or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of~.mone~.to extend the'water system on Poplar Street 2~0 feet from Massachusetts ~Avenue. Petitlon· of Mary Winters and others. ~-~,'~ ~'- ARTICLE 41C. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate,' or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum~of~i~money'~to extend the water system on Moody Street, 25© feet from Chadwick Street. Petition of Philip Clark and others. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~or transfer from available.funds a sufficient sum of money to install a drain..on Pleasant ~ Street 'starting at a point 100 feet east of the Joseph-Lawlor residence and extending, along right side of the road to a point 876 feet east o~f~ ~sai~ ~esidence'. Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor and others. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appwopriate' or provide ~y bond issue, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $1,500.O0 to in- stall a surface drain at the corner of Furber Avenue and Brlghtwood.~Aven~ue and to ex~end' approximately 500 feet on Brightwo0d Avenue. ~' Petition of Clarence Walters and others. .. ARTICLE Illl. To see if'the'Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $16,000.00 the rebuildinglof culvert on Gree~ne Street from Wayerly Road to the~'Lawrence Line. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ~ARTICLE ~5. To see if the Town will vo=e to appropriate the sum ~f ~1,200.00 for the purpose.of p~inting the Town Infirmary, purchase of equipment, ~and general repairs ~o the Infirmary building. Petition Board of Public Welfare. ARTICLE ~6. To see if the Town will vo=e to raise and appropriate $950.00 to provide a suitable en. urance with steel doors~ to a storage area.under the Arts and Crafts rcs.ms of the North Andover High School, Petition of Board of Public Works. .~ ARTICLE ~7. To see if the Town will raise and appropria te the sumof $1,500.00 for the maintenance ~f the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will Authorize the RecreAtional Council app- ointed by the Selectmen to lease from the Brooks School certain land owned by it which is used as a.skating rink, and to authorize the Recreational Council to promote and conduct ice skating thereon for the residents' of the Town, and to appropriate the sum of .$2,500.00 therefor from available funds in the treasury, all in accordance with the provisions of Section l~, Chapter ~5 of the General Laws. Petition of Recreational Council. ARTICLE ~9- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or. transfer from available funds the sum of $500.00 to,provide the townspeople 'with ten (10) band concerts, Concerts to be provided through the Recording Industry and Mus'iclans Local No. 572, Lawrence, Mass. Petition Board of SeIectmen. ARTICLE 5©. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of .~20,125.00 to be added to the budget of the School Committee ($8,125 to Salaries, $12,000 to Expenses) for the purpose of· establishing a Public School Kindergarten operating as an integral part of the North Andover Public Schools. Petition of School Committee. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $8,497.50 for the appointment of three (5) regular patrolmen, fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service physical and ~mental examination, all in accordance with Civil Service kules and R~gulations.~ Petition of Board of Selectmen and Alfred H. NcKee, Chief-Police ~ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $6000 to provide uniforn~d crossing guards at the various school crossings in the Town of North Andover. Petition Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or take from available funds the sum of $5000 to be used to finance a detailed study and report to include a land survey and engineering report, architects fees, l~nd acquisition and other similarexpenses, said sum to be administered by the Board of Selectmen all in connection with the erection of a new fire ~ statlon~in the vicinity of the. "Old Center." Petition Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 5.~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ,'ppropriate the sum of $600.00, a sum to be expended by the School Building, Committee for the pur- pose of engineering and land surveys of present and/or prospectSv, e School Building sites. Petition of School Building Committee. 'ARTiCLE~55.. To see if the Town wiT1 raise and appropriate or transfer from ~vailable funds or provide by bond issue a sum of money for the purpose of acquiring, by purchase, taking by eminent domain or otherwi-~e from the owners thereof for a Town Garage and Yard site one of the parcels oi~ group of parcels of land described below and provide that the Board of Selectmen, be, and hereby is, authorized to act for the Town in connection with this article or t take any other action in relation thereto. A. ~Property abutting the present Town Yard on the east, owned by Philip T. and Rosemary Niller, containing about 12,858 square feet and described in .a deed from Chastina S.L. Gile to Philip T. and Rosemary Niller dated December 50, 1954 and recorded with the Essex Northern District Registry of'~Deeds in Book 806, Page 57. · B. Two certain parcels of land lying between Beacon Hill Boulevard and Bay -'state Road being (a) Lot numbered 88 on plan of oeacon Hill, recorded.with the North Essex District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 0581 owned now or formerly by Francis Cbx, containing 4,600 ·square feet and (b) Lots num- bered lll and I12 on the said Beacon Hill Plan No. 0581 owned by Vina Garneau, containing 9,200 square feet. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $12,000.00 to~acquire the Philip T. and Rosemary Niller property adjoining the Town Yard, remove the buildings therefrom and make certain improvements to the existing town sheds .so as to provide needed garage .space for the town equipment. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 57. To see if. the Town will raise and appropriate or trar~sfer from a .vailable funds a sum of money for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, taking by eminent domain, or otherwise, from the owners, for extension of the present Franklin School site, the two parcels of land described below, con- tailing a total of approximately 2.87 acres, and provide that the Board of Selectmen be, and h~reby is, authorized to act for the Town in connection wi. th this article, or take any action in relation thereto. A. PROPERTY SOUTHEAST OF THE PRESENT FRANKLIN S'CHOOL SITE A lot of .land now or formerly belonging to Puccio situated to the south- east of .the present Franklin School site, containing approximately 2.29 acres, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the present Franklin School site at land now or formerly of Comstock, and land now or formerly of Puccio, thence running northeasterly along a stone wall by land now or .formerly of'.Comstock, 25 feet to a point at land now or formerly of Harry W. C2ark; thence turning and running southeasterly along land now or formerly of Harry W. Clark, 225 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a generally west-~outhwesterly direction through land now or formerly of Puccio, ~60 feet to a point in land now or formerly of Puccio; thence turn- .. ing at an angle of 90 degrees and running in a ger~rally north-northweste~ direction through land now or formerly of Puccio, 205 feet to a point in a stone wall at the intersection of the southeasterly side of Bevln Road and the southwesterly side of Plnedale Terrace; thence turning and running 'in a generally northeasterly direction along a stone wall by land now or of Pucclo, 465 feet to the point of beginning. All measurements being more or less, and said lot herein described containing .approximately 99,750 square feet. References may be found on Plat No. 47 in the North And0ver Town Assessors' Office. ART ~7' Con't B. ~ PROPERTY SOUTHWEST OF THE PRESENT FRANKLIN SCHOOL SITE. i'D A lot of land now or formerly belonging to Charles and Gertrude Melamed ~m~ situated to the southwest of the present Franklin School site, containing approximately .58 acres', and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the present Franklin ' School site at land now or formerly of ~elamed, thence running in a south- easterly direction across :'arnham Road, ll6 feet to a point where the north- easterly side of Pinedale Terrace 'intersects the southeasterly side-~ of Farnham Road; thence turning and running along the northeas~terly side of Pinedale 'Zerrace; 51~ feet to a point where the northeasterly side -of Pine- dale Terrace i~ersects the southeasterly side of Bevln Road~ thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction along a stone wall on the south- east side of Bevin Road, ~0 feet to a point where the southeas'terly side of Bevin Road intersects the southwesterly side of Pinedale Terrace; thenc turning and running in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterly side of Pinedale Terrace and its extension, 600 .feet to a point in land now or formerly of l~lelamed; thence turning and' running in a northeasterly through land now or formerly of Melamed, 75 feet to the point of beginning. All measurements being more or less, and said lot herein described contain- Lug approximately 25,200 square feet. All reference to s aid streets, · ~ · terraces, and ways may be found on Plat No. 47 in the North Andover Town Assessor's Office. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to transfer thecare, custody, management and control of the following described parcel of land,' generaIly known as the old Johnson High School site, from the Board of Selectmen-to the School committee for school purposes; such transfer being under the authori~y to be found within~ the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 1SA, of the General Laws .of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: .... A lot of land lying north of the intersection of Nain Street and 0sgood Street, containing approximately 1.46 acres, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning a= a point at the intersection of the easterly side of Main Street and the westerly side of 0sgood Street; 'thence running, in a northerly direction along.the wes=erly side of Osgood Street ~62 feet to a point a~ ~land now or formerly Of Dillon, thence turning and running in a westerly direction along lands ~now or formerly of-Dillon and others ~60 feet to a point on the easterly side of Main Street a.t land now or formerly of Randone; thence turning and running in a southerly direction along the easterly side of Main Street 420 feet to the point of.beginning. All measurements being more or Is es, and' said lot herein descri~bed con- taining approximately 6~,750 square feet, All references to streets and -ways may be found on Plat No. 58 ~in the North Andover Town Assesls0r?s. Office. Petition of .the School Committee and the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town wilI vo=e to accept from the North Andover Improvement Society, a ~ift of all the land now owned by the Society in the .. area bounded by 0sgood ~treet, Massachusetts Avenue and Andover Street, for the use and ehJoyment of the people of .~he Townlas a Public Park, or. Common but for no' other purpose. Petition of ~'dmund F. Leland, III and others. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to amend section 9 of th~'North Andover'Zontng B.y-Laws as amended and adopted by the Special Tow~ Meeting of June ~0, 1956, by striking out of that portion of the By-Law numbered section 9.1 in the last sentence of section 9.1. Further provided that ~two of the said Board of Appeals members and one of said associate members shall be appointed from among the members of the North Andover Planning Board.- Such that the amended By-Law will read as follows, section 9.1: There shall be a Board Of Appeals of five members and not more than three associate r~embers which shall have and exercise all the powers provided under the Germ ral Laws, Chapter ~0A as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matters specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the North Andover's Zoning By-Laws and other matters referred to such Board by statute. The Board of Appeals members and associate members shall be appointed by' the Selectmen in the manner provided for by.?statute. Petition Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vo~e to amend the North Andover ~Zoning By-Law ·and Zoning Map by striking ou= and deleting from that section, of the North Andover Zoning By-Law relating to country residence districts the section therein number ~.~2 and by adding to that part of the Zoning By-Law and Zoning Nap referred to as village residential districts a new section to be numbered ~.55, said new section to be as follows: . ~ That part of North Andover Township bounded and described as follows, excep- ting that such portions of the within area which have previously been decca red to be in a business zone shall continue to be zoned as such: 1. Northwesterly by Sutton Street center llne: 2. Northeasterly by 0sgood Street center line between Sutton Street and Prescott Street. ). Southeasterly by Chickering Road center llne between Prescott Street and former Salem Railroad at Chickering Road. ART 61. Con't 2. Southwesterly by a llne parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the location line of the former Salem Railroad right of way between Chickerlng Road and Prescott Street. 5. Northerly by Prescott Street center llne to center line of Chickering Road. 6. Westerly by High Street. Petl.tion of North Andover Planning ~oard, James ~. Bannan, Chairman. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by striking out Section ~.5 through 2.55 inclusive and substituting therefo~ the following: ~-'5 N~TELS .~otels shall be permitted in any zoning district but only in accordance with the standards set forth below and only after a public hearing by the Board of Appeals with due notice given on application for a motel building permit or for a building permit for a motel ex- pansion or alteration costing more than $500 and only after site plan review and approval by the Board of Appeals endorsed in writing on the plan with or without any conditions. ~.51 Each application for a permit to build a motel or to alter or add to a motel a~ a cost of $500 or more shall be in writing and shall include a diagram and a statement of the ownership, area, .dimensions', boundaries -and principal elevations of the land for which such permit is sought, the names of all adjoining owners as found in the most recent tax list, the locations of existing public, or private'ways nearest such land,. and a plan, profile and cross-sections of all driveways and parking areas proposed, also the true locatlon and.ground coverage outline and .dimensions of every building or structures proposed to be erected One copy of each such application and plot plan diagram and statement shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector. ~.52 One copy of each such application and diagram and statement above re- .qui~ed shall be filed with the Board of Appeals with aIetter requesting the said Board to review the site plan attached and to hotd'a public' h~aring therein. Notice of such public hearing shall be given by the Board of Appeals by publication at the expense of the applicant in a newspaper of general circulation in North Andover and the first appear- ance 'of such published notice shall be twelve days (12) at least before the date set for such hearing. ..: ~.55 A~Permit to build a motel or to alter or add to a motel at a cost of ~' $500.00 or more shall not be issued by the Building Inspector until he has received from the Board of Appeals a writteu statement of final approva] by the:.Bcard of Appeals.of the site plan for such motel or addition or alteration, and such statement by the Board of Appeals shall include a recital~ of the date on which the Board of Appeals held the public above required, and a recital of the findings of the Board of Appeals ~after ~such hearing, including any conditions imposed by .the said Board ~s part of its final approval, and the Building Inspector shall enforce ~th~ fulfillmen~ of such conditions. k.5~"In.~eviewing ~ach such application, the Board of Appeals shall study the ~mo=el-site plan proposed relative to the health, safety and welfare of "the prospective occupants, also the occupants of neighboring properties, .... and users of the adjoining highway, and the welfare of the tovm general~ .including amenity and pleasantness of ~ite plans. In addition to com- '~iian~e with all of the Land Space and Building Space Eequirements set ' ' forth below, the Board Shall look for: (a) Traffic safety and ease of access at street.and highway entrances and exits of motel driveways, taking account of grades, sight ~,~distances and distance between such driveway entrances, or exits and the. nearest existing or highway intersections. (mb),Safety and adequate of motel driveway layout, also of parking and loading areas for motel patrons,.~nd~ sufficiency of access' for service vehicles such as electricity, gas, fuel, telephone, laundry, rubbish removal, wa~er, se~er, ~fire, po~Ice, ambulance or other routine vehicles. (c) Safe and,adequate means of sewage, of garbage, and rubbish disposal; of water-supply and fire-fighting while awaiting the Fire Department; of heating and ventilating; also of cooking if. cooking facilities be furnished. (d) Assurance of positive storm-water drainage and snow-melt run-off from all driveways and parking and loading areas. Landscaping and building layout such as shall protect proposed motel bedroom windows from constant night invasion by automobile headlight beams or glare from illuminated signs or driveway lights. (e) Sound-proofing between sleeping rooms; windows not looking directly from room ~o room; and lobby or office space for registration, room keys, and safe-keeping of valuables;also lounge for waiting or writing by patrons. 138 i 9 5 9 ANNUAL-TOWN ~EETING i 9 5 9 ~-~ ART. 62. Con,t._ ~ ~.55 Notel lot size, land coverage, yard space and building design reguIations~ (a) The lot for any motel sha~l contain not less than (3) acres total land area excluding any water bodies of one-half (1~2) acres water service area or more, provided such lot be not less than three.hun- dred (300) feet wide au thefron~age street and throughout thefirst Two hundred (200) feet depth of such ~ot, measuring from th~ f~ontage street lot line. (b)'No part of any building on-a motel lot shall be close, than fifty~ (50) feet to the front lot line, rear lot line or either side line of such lot. A green yard space not less than twenty (20) feet wide, measured at a right an~le to each 6f aforesaid lot lines, shall be maintained open and green with grass, bushes, flowers and trees 'all along each side lot line or rea~ lot line of such a lot, and (except~ for~entrance and exit driveways) along the entire front line of such lot, and such yard space shall not be built on nor paved no~ used for automobile parking. (c) There shall be one (bituminous) concrete off-street and off main driveway paved automobile parking space, open or roofed, directly adjoining each motel rental .unit. (d) Building on a mo~ lot shall not cover more than twenty-five (25%~). percent of the land area of such lot ex~ludin~ aBy water bodies as' above specified. Not less than seventy five (755) percent of the land area of such lot shall remain open and un-built on but such open space may be used for automobile off-street parking, driveways, sidewalks and motel service yards, except tha~ such use shall ~ot be permitted~in any part of the twenty (20) foot wide green, pe~iter strip above specified.~ (e) There shall no~ be erected more than twenty (20)'motel renta~ ~nits per acre of motel lot land area, excluding any water bodies as above specified. '- (f) Each motel rental unit shall be not less than two hundred ~ifty (250) square feet habitable floor area enclosed by walls and r6~f., exclusive of any adjoining portions of roofed or covered walkways~'~Each.~motel rental sleeping room shall not be less than fifteen..(15)~by fifteen (15) horizontal dimensions, exclusive of bath or kitchenett~./' Each such room shall have a private bath attached. (g) Each motel structure shal~6ontain not less than six (6) nor more than ~welve (12) individual motel rental units, unless each section · of ~elve (12) such units be separated by an unbroken firewall.from any further additional such units. Each motel sDructure.shall be of fireproof construction. Each such structure may be connected with other similar structures by a covered walkway if of fire resistive materials. Whether or not so connected, the nearest parts~of the walls or'corners of such structures shall be separated .by aland space otherwise open and un-built on of not less than thirty(30) feet, and in which, within the area bounded by the intersecting pro- Jections of the side lines of adjacent buildings, there shall.be no automobile parking or-loading (h) Buildings on motel lots shall be one-story and not more than twenty-five (25) feet in height, notwithstanding any building-height.~provisions in the zoning district in which such buildings are situated, except thet not more than ~wo apartments for owner or resident manager~or other resident staff may be on a second story not to exceed thirty- five (35) feet in height. (i) On each motel lot there shall be provided at. least one apartment for a resident owner or manager or other responsible staff pearson. Each such apartment shall be not less than eight hundred (800) square feet floor area. Such apartment may include the rental~office ~of, the motel, and a lounge or other public rooms for the use of~mot~ patrons~.~ Such~apartment may be on a second floor as provided in (h)~above, but only if over a lounge or office or other public rooms or storage or supply rooms of the motel. No second story premises shall be'locate. over any motel rental unit., Or take any other actioB relative thereto. Petition or.North Andover Planning Board, James M. Barman Chairman. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to amend S~ction 4.44 of the Zoning By-Law by striking out therefrom the words "a motel" so the~same shall then read: On petition, subject to site plan review and approval by the~Board of Appeals after a public hearing thereon with due notice given, an auto- mobile service and ~itling station, a diner, a restaurant, a.retail food store, but no other retail stores of any kind. Petition of Board of Appeals, Daniel T. 0'Leary, Chairman. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws by changing from Village Residential, Section 3.51 of the Zoning By- Laws to Business, Section 4.3, the following parcel of land bounded and de- scribed as follows: _ Easterly by the westerly line of Chickering Road two hundred sixty eight and 08/100 (268.08)fee. t. Southeasterly by Trenton Street twenty five and 88/100 (25.88) feet, Southwesterly by land now or formerly of Nora ~C. Fi~zg~bbons et al two hundred five and 20/100 (205.20) feet; and Northwesterly by land now or formerly of Village Land Co., two hundred thirty-seven (237)feet. All of said boundaries are determined by the Court to be locatedas shova% on Plan.'No. 25601A, which is filed with Original Certificate of Title No; 4373, book/~29, pa~,e 493, the same, being compiled from a plan drawn by Charles E. Cyr~ Clvll Engineer, date January 1955,. and additional date on file in the land registration Office, all as modified and approved by the court and being showni~s lot 2 thereon. So much of the above described land as is included within the. limits of Said Trenton Street is subject to the rights of all per.e, on.s lawfully entitled thereto in an over the same. Pet~'tion of John J. McGuire and others. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to approve this proposed amendment to the Zoning By-Law to permit the change in classification of a parcel of land owned by J.. Elaine Griffin, from Rural Residential to Country Residential. The land in question is bounded easterly by Osgood Street; southerly by. Prescott Street; and westerly by Chickering Road. Petitli, on of Joseph montgomery and others. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $15,000'.00 f~om~the. Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will appropriate ~from available funds the sum of $11", 228 . 67 being the amount of water department receipts in 'excess ~of watex;~department operating expenses including bonds and interests for. 1958 to -a ~tabilization.Fund as provided for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945 with he understanding that it is~ to be used by the Town for capit'al ..info. the water works system under the provisions of the above acs. ~'Petition, of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE' 68. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or t~ans'fer from av~'~lable ~unds, a sum of m.oney to be ad.deal to the Stabillz ' .... authorized under Chapter 124, Acts Of 19[~5, and established u~'der of Ji~he' Wai~rant by the vote of the ~nual Town Meeting held March~ 16, 19~6 ~Petltion of the School Building Com~mit~ee. ' ARTICI~ 69. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of - from available funds to reduce 'the 1959 tax rate. '" Petition of Board of Assessors. ~ And)~you are directed to serve this .warrant by posting true and' attested : copies' thereof, at .the Town Building, and at five or more public places in -cache'voting precinctl Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days · nor: less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of th~ warran~ with your doings .thereon. to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meetiug. ~ ~Given under our hands at North Andover Massachusetts, the Tw. enty-firs.t day of Jan.uary in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-nine.. . . RALPH E. FINCK, Chairman · ~" "~ WILLIAM A. FINNERAN PHILIP SUTCLIFFE. ~'" Board of Selectmen. A ..true copy: ATTEST: Constable. "N?M.~th Andover, Massachusetts. February 17, 1959. OFFICER ~ S: RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting tru~ and attested copies of this,.warrant at the Town Office Building and kt five or more public places in ~ach voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than'fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. North Andover, Mass. February 17, 1959 ATTEST: 1~0 ARTICLE 1. RESULTS OF ELECTION MONDAY MARCH 2, 1959 NUMBER OF VO ES PRECINCTS MODERATOR FOR ONE YEaR ONE TWO THREE FOUR ' TOTAL ' HOMSON, Arthur A. ~ 7~5 --~1 l-O~ ~ FINCK, Ralph F. 1 -~ Kane, Fe orge 1 1 Blanks /~8 171 ' 125 186 62~ TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR --~'R, James J. ' 680 80~ 711 860 ~1~ Blanks 85 ll 105 l~l TAX COLLECTOR FOR ONE YEA~ ~ 627 75 anxs 136 15~ 685 SELECTMEN FOR ONE YEAR 585 . c., amph . 52 648 GALEAZZI, Leo 509 1~58 COFFIN, Andrew i 1' 2 Blanks 458 470 429 ~ 1779 BOARD OF WELFARE FOR ONE YEAR '~, Ralph ~. 522 650 56~ 77~ 2511 SUTCLIFFE, Philip BARRY, James A. ~1279 5575~ ~ ~' 2559 Blanks 1 HIGHWAY SURVE~0R FOR ONE ~ARTY, Ira D. MAHONEZ, J. 575 4 ' 67~7 105 65~ -James SCHOOL COMMI~TEE FOR TMMk-f~. YEARS ATKINSON, I~. :'red C. ' 125 i l- 551 - ,~0ARD OF reSALE FOR Tm~ES CARON,, R.. George 68~ 7'91 711 866 5 ASSESSOR FOR TttREE YEA~S '~LUND, Henry E. · . BOARD 0F PUBLIC WORKS FOR ~ YEAigS 117 109 151 ~'~501 ~ ~0WES, Irving C. 152 171 ',,~ .6~5 ' TREE WARDEN F.0R ONE FEaR · . CONlt0hS, John J. 6~ 7,77 ~07 8~,~ ·29'75 · '*Blanks PLANNING BOARD FOR FIVE YEARS 119 1~.0 107 ·154 520~ "'BANNAN, James M. FZTZG~aA~D, Jo~n 55O 54~ 539 ~'1782 572 1528: Bla s 90 si 90 HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FTVE ~0ULDS, Thomas, L. s~wART, ~obert g09 727, 658 79~ 2788 Blanks 1 1 ¢~NSTABLES FOR ONE YEAR f 15[~ 1~9 156 207 706 ~ ~95 579 525 · 693 2290 ITR, Joseph A. 561 629 525 722 2455 NALSH, Augustine J. 510 60 McCABE, James l0 ~ 502 708 2525 5 6 29 ZUILL, Charles 296 High St. i ~. 1 ZUILL, Charles 52 Furber Ave. 5 i 1 HILTON, Richard 5 R'0BERTS, David 2 7 2 MYERS, George 15 2 5 3 21 2 2 WALSH, Raymond 1 CHAMBERLIN, Russell 4 10 2 FINNERAN, Robert 22 McEVOY, Thomas 1 1 2 MACKIE, William 2 2 HILL, Frank 1 1 STERBETZ, Walter 2 1 1 FARACI, 0nofrio 2 ARTICLE 1. CONSTABLE CON~T WILDE, Lee B. RAND, George THOMSON,, Donald STEWART ,, Robert. LYNCH, ~ Harold BODGE, Royce HALLORAN, Robert ROBINSON, Dudley McKEE,~ Alfred E~AIRE, Henry LYONS,.~ John A. CUSHING,. John LUMB, George GARVEY,. Ed BINGHAM,. Barney DONNELLY., Jos e~oh LANDERS,, Vin cent GOURLEY,. Archle George QUESTION. Y E S NO Blanks ELECTION MONDAY MARCH 2, 1959 ELEC TED MODERATOR; TOWN' TREAUSRER TAX COLLECTOR BOARD OF SELECTMEN BOARD' OF .PUBLIC ¥~LFARE HIGHWAYL. SURVEYOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE 5 Years B0ARD-0FI~tLTH 5 Years BOARD 0F ASSESSORS ~ Years BOARD 0F~PUBLIC ~ORKS 5" T~k-f~-':WARI~N PLANNING BOARD 5 Years HOUSING'~AUTHORITY 5 Years ~CONSTABLES ~. Q~ESTION: "" Shall. the Town 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ,,~, l';' ;,lAr t. Art. 'Art. }:: Art. Art. ~? ', Ant. !0'... Art. ll~.~ Art. ~12:~ Art. ~, 10-7-57 195 h. 6/5o/56 68. 1957 69. 195% 6. 6/9Z5~ 5~. 1956 56. 1958 5~. 1956 19, 195 Brooks Skating Planning Board Extra Exp. " " Town Plan. " " Zoning Maps. Police Wages and Election Expenses East Sidle Sewer West Side Trunk Sewer Chap. 90'. G.L. Construction " 90 G.L. Dale Street " 90 OIL. Dale Street Town Infirmary Repairs 1, ~00.00 ~00.00 , o9.09 1,~7~.5~ 2o7.71 9~5.72 76,5~9.59 2,720.00 50,qO0.O0 659.72 oK Section ~TB of Chapter 51 of the General Laws, as it applies to sealers of w~ights and measures, a fair~ and concise summary of which appearsLbelow?" Acceptance of the provisions of Section 47B of Chapter of the General Laws-w~ p~ ce under Civil Service the sealer of w~ights ~nd measures of the Town of No. Andover. YES 6 8 ' 'ADJouRNED TOWN MEETING SATURDAY MARCH 1~ .19~~ - 1:~0 P.M. ARTICLE 2. VOTED that all other officers not required by ~w to be .elected ~bkl.lbt referred to the Selectmen for action. AR~TIOLE,5. ¥0T~O to acoep~ the ~eport of receipts and expenditures as ..Pr~sented~ by t~e~ .Selec~tmen be accepted.. ,. · AR. TICLE ~. V0~ that all unexpended appropriations be returned to the Town Treasury, with the exception of the following amounts as of January l, 1959, which were originally appropriated under the Articles indicated: OFFICIALS AS OF MARCH 2,. 19~ ARTHUR A. THOMSON JAMES J., MAEER JAMES H. DEWHIRST RALPH E. FINCK WILLIAM A. FINNERAN PHILIP SUTCLIPFE RALPH E. FINCK WILLIAM A. FINNEEAN PHILIP SU TCLIFFE IRA D. CARTY DR.~ PREP C. ATKINSON R. GEORGE CARON HENRY E. LU~D IRVING C. H0¥~ES. JOHN ~. CONNORS ~AMES M. BANNAN THOMAS L. FOULDS WILLIAM J~ LACEY JOSEPH A. S~ITH AUGUSTINE J. WALSH JAMES D. McCABE RUSSELL. CHAM~LAIN of North Andover accept the provisions Date Sworn 5/%o/59 5 o/59 /6/59 1. 1 2. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1