HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-14 14~ -~A~JOURNED TOWN ~'.~EETINO. SATURDAY MARCH 14,~ 1959 TJCr.E 4. CON, T. 1~.'-~U.S. 01d Age Assistance . $1 ,519. 14. U~. 01d Age Administration 1~. U.S.~id to De endent Ch~ ~ ~'~ ~$~ ~.~. ~,p~e~de~t Ch~~inistr~tion. A .~. ~m~ao~l~y ASSISt ee 'J~ _ an__ 2 l~. U.S. Disabil~ AdminiS,tratlon ~, 50.~1 t9. Veter~s. Bene~s ~s ..... ~__ ~ ...... 1,290.~G ES. Art. 6, ll-26-~,ie~m~ L~ ~m~,T ~ ~mPo' $,~o$.~6 28. Art. l, ~~%~;~: 100.00 30. School L~~ ~*~ ~=~ ~cnoo~ 71,587.~0 31. }~o. ~dover Eg~letio Association' - 203.18 3a. Civil Oefe2~ , · . 9.98 Interest o~Jeste~n Elec. Escrow Accost. ~ ~r~. ~95~. Installing 12" Water Mains. 1'~1~'~9 7,5 Art~. 1958. Water Main Extensions' 2,500..00 ~ 8. 19~8. Purchase of Land & Bldgs. Gr.Pond Rd. 9,600'.00. ~fater Nains Premi~ Art. 56, 1958. Wes= Side ~k Sewe~. "- ~89.~5 TOT~ ~TIC~ 5. V0~ to fix ~e salary an~ compensation of. all elec~ed'office~s.~ of the Town as p~o~ded fo= by Section 108 of Chapter gl of. the Gene~ai Laws, as amended, effective from J~uary l, 1959. Provided for ~ Budget. Board of Selectmen - each pep ~. $700.00 Board of P~olic Welfare - each pe~ ~n~. 150.00 Board of Assessors - each ~ ~ ~n~ 1,250.00 To~m T=eas~e~ - per ~ 5,775.00 Tax Collector - per ~ ~ighK~y S~veyor - per ~n~ 4900.00 5, 65.ooL '~'ree ~arden - per ~ ~00.00 Moderator - pe~ ~ 50.00 Board o2 Health - each per ~ 500.00 Board of Public ~o~ks - each pe~ a~ 250.00 ~TIC~ 6. (Budget) Notion duly mde and seconded =o approve items o2 the': budget collectivel~ as to the reco~endations of the Advisory Board wi~h the exception of Item g~. Snow ~emoval ~penses increased from , $~0,000.00. . SALARIES No.._a. DEPARTI~N~ & WAGES EXPENSES TOTAL 1. SELECT}~EN: Salaries $~ ~ Clerk, Salary ~, 585 · 50 $2,100.00 3,385.50 Expenses $750.00 750.00 2. TREASURER: Salary 5,775.00 5,775.00 Clerk, Salary 3,510.00 Expen se s 3,510.00 3. ACCOUNTANT: Salary 4,680.00 1,600.00 4600.00 Extra Clerical g, 680.00 Expert se s l, 200.00 l, 200.00 g. TAX COLLECT~R: Salary 1,900.00 500.00 500.00 Clerk, Salary 3,770.00 l, 900.00 Expenses 3,~70.00 5- TOWN CLERK; Salary g, 850.00 2,850.00 2,~50.00 -4,85o.o0 Expense s 550.00 550.00 6. ASSESSORS: Salaries.. 3,750.00 Clerk, Salary 3,750.00 3,y7o.oo 3,.77o.0o ~. Extra Clerical 4400.00 1,g00.00 '" Expenses . 3,88~.00 3.,8~8~.00 ~. ELECTIONS & REGISTRARS: Sal'aries 875.00 ~7.5.00 Expens e s 3,223.00 3,223.00 8. VITAL STATISTICS: Expenses (This budget item being eliminated) 9. MODERATOR: Salary 50.00 . 50.00 !0. ADVISORY BOARD: Expenses 250.00 250'.00 ll. PLANNING BOARD: Expenses ,750.00 ' 750'.00 12. BOARI~ OF APPEALS: (Plannlng) Expenses 400.00 400'.00 l~. PF~RSONNEL BOARD: Expense's 900.00 900.00 I . BOARD OF APPEALS (Personnel) Expenses 100.00 100'.00 15. TOWN BUILDING: Janitor Salary ~,352.00 1,352'.00 Expense s 5,200.00 ' 5,200'. 00 16. CUSTODIAN TAX TITLES: Salary 100.O0 Expenses 100'.00 150.00 150'.00 ?AX TIT 0REOLOSURES: Expenses 75.00 75'.00 LICENSE CONN!SSION: Expenses . 150.00 , 150'.00 19. ANNUAL TOWN NEETING: Expense~s .......... 4,50.G,.00 4,500.00 ARTICLE ~, CON'T. The following amounts as of January l, 1959 which were originally appropriated under the articles indicated to be turned into the Town Treasury: 21. Art. 72. 1950 Eittredge School ~7~.8~ 22. Art. 19. -1952 New High'School ~P~.15 25. Art. 29. i95~ Lights outside New High School. 627.7~ ~ Art. ~ 195~ Publishing TownHistory ~ Art. ~ 1953 Clean and cement line water mains. TOTAL $7,680.35 A true copy: ATTEST: ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING. SATURDAY MARCH lb, 1959 20. POLICE DEPARTmeNT Chief Salary Four Sergeants Seven Patrolmen Reserves and Specials Overtime and Elections Expenses (Inc.$100 21. FIRE DEPARTmeNT Chief Salary .Lieutenant. Salary Thirteen Regulars Two Engineers ,Call and Spare Men. Vacations ~Expenses 22. FOREST FIRE WARDEN: Salary · DOG OFFICER: Salary Expenses 25. CIVIL DEFENSE: Director Salary ·,~.~ Expenses 26. BUILDING INSPECTOR: Salary Expenses 27. WIRING INSPECTOR: Salary Expenses 28~ SEAL.RE OF WEIGHTS & ~ASURE: ~ Expenses 29~ INSECT PEST ~0NTROL: Supt. Salary .~ ·Labor - Wages .Expenses 30~ POISON IVY CONTROL: Labor-Wages .. Expenses 31.. DUTCH EIJ~ DISEASE: Labor-Wages · Expenses . 32. BRUSH CUTTING: Lsbor-Wages · OREST.. Labor-Wages 3~. TOga F · 34- TBk~w~WARDEN~:.Supt. Salary ~:o Labor - Wages Expenses ~i STREET LIGHTING: Expenses BOARD OF HEALTH: Salaries . Nurse.- Salary .Physician - Salary .iJ,.Expenses' 37~i REFUSE DISP0~AL: Labor-Wages ~ fl..Expenses 38. GAP~AGE DISPOSAL: Contract 39- SEZ~R MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION ~:,Supt. and Clerk Salary ~ '~ ~Labor - Wages · Expense s ~ . 0. ANIMAL INSPECTORi Salary ~I.~ HIGHWAY SURVETOR. SALARY 1~21~ STB~TS - GENERAL ~.~INTES~ANCE: Clerk, Salary Labor -Wages Tarvia, head 0il, Cinders Stone and Gravel GasoDine & 0il. Equipment & Repairs Miscellaneous Expenses Renta.1 of Equipment 2 I~IOW,REMOVAL: Expenses BOARD 0F PUBLIC WELFARE: Salaries ~5~ ~VELFARE AD~iNISTRATION: Agent. Salary Social Worker Jr.. Clerk, Typist Extr~ Social Worker 890.00 30,095.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 Out of State) :5oo.oo 6~5.oo 5o,363.oo !,700.00 12,867.5o 2,824.50 250.00 agS.OO 600.00 6oo.oo 600.00 Salary 500.00 ~,94o.oo ,395.oo 5oo.oo 6,923.00 1,000.00 ~5o.oo 400.00 8,911.75 900.00 4,680.00 950.00 20,000.00 6,600.00 6,6oo.6o 9,170.00 1,000.00 35o.oo 2,400.00 100.00 125.00 90.00 1,%5.0o 3oo.oo 1,1oo.oo ~,415.oo 2~,000.00 5,075.00 3,000.00 ~,~96.75 1~,890.00 ~p, o95.oo 4,000.00 1,000.00 6,600.00 ~,500.00 ,645.oo 5o,563.oo 1,700.00 12,867.5o 2,8ag.5o 9,170.00 250.00 1,000.00 245.00 ~5o.oo 6oo.oo 2,~00.00 600.00 100.00 600.O0 125.00 500.o0 9o.oo ~,94o.oo 4,395.00 ~,935.oo 5oo.oo 300.00 .6,923.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 15o.oo 400.00 8,~11,75 1,415.00 2~,000.00 900.00 4,'68o.oo 950.00 5,075.00 20,000.00 ~,000.00 ,600.00 1,750.00 8,000.00 325.00 .5,765.00 ~,o48.5o 33,000.00 7,000.00 1,750.00 8,000.00 7,000.00 325.00 5,765.00 33,000.00 450.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 4,~oo.oo 4, ,oo.oo 5,400.0o 5 1,488.5o 1 600.00 .00 30,000.00 30,000.00 ~,200.00 ,g20.O0 3,276.00 2,750.00 ~,200.00 ,~20.00 3,276.00 2,750.00 INFIRMARY: Supts Salary Matron Salary Wages. Expenses Expenses 2,050.00 2,050.00 Although actual Welfare Administration costs have increased $3,305.00 over.la·et year's cos~, it will only be necessary to appropriate 8,000.00 due'to Estimated Reimbursement of Federal Funds ~o this account. There- fore,'our corrected bet Budget Cost for I~em Number 45 stands as follows: V~LFARE ADMINISTRATION: 8,000.00 8,000.00 2,100.00 1,851.72 l, 834 · 92 7,235..00 2,100.00 1,851.72 1,834.92 7,2~5.o0 ADJOURNED TOWN MW~TING. ~ MARCH !4, 1959 !44 E 47 · VfELFAR GRANTS: 01d Age Assistance 82,000.00 Aid to depend. Child ~.,000.00 Disability AssistanceS, 000.00 General Helief 15,000.00 Total Exp. for Welfare G~ants ~8. ~TER~S' BE~FITS: Agent Salary 750.00 Clerk, Salary ~00.00 Expenses G~ts ~9. SCHOOL DEP~T~T: Salaries ~55,~56.00 Expenses 5% Wage ~crease ~,052.56 50. SE~S EMORIAL LIBR~Y. Head Librari~ Salary 5,~60.00 Assist~ts & J~itors 17,272.00 Expert se s 51~ PLAYGRO~DS - BATHEG B~CH Supe~tendent Salary ~50.00 Labor, Guards care, Police 8,650.00 ~penses 51~. ~CREATIONAL~ C0~CIL: Salaries 1,888.00 Expens e s 52. P~S ~IANG~S, B~YING GR0~DS: Superintendent Salary 200.00 Labor - Wages 5,000.00 Expense s 5~. SCHOOL GRO~DS: Labor - Wages 10,000.00 Expen se s ~ CONTINGE~ F~D: . AI~IC~ LEGION: Rental of Quarters ~. BOARD OF P~LIC W0~S: Salaries 750.00 Supt. ~d Clerk Salaries. 10,500.00 . Labor - Wages . ~2,000.00 Expenses (Incl out o2 State) ~EST 0N SCHOOL. BONDS: 67. ~D~MEG WATER ~IN NOTES: 69. ED~IEG SEV~ B0~S: 70. E~ST 0N S~ BONDS 71. ED~EG WA~ BONDS; 72. ~q~ST ON WA~ BONDS: 75. DISC0~T ON N0~S: TOT~ AM0~TS T0 ~ ~I~ ~TI~ 16. TOE' Co~sel " 18. Wage & Salary A~. Plan. Salar~ies " 20. Lawrence Plate Glass. " 21. Check Writer, Town Treasurer. " 25. Two new Police Cars. "~' Public Works Truck. " TeZemetlng Equipt. Public Works 27. New Car, Board of Health " 28. New Ca~, Fire ~ef " 29. Fire Hose, Filre Dept. " 50. New Pick-up tvuc~, Highway Dept. .~' 52. Chapter 90. ~ale Street. " Res~faolng Streets " ~5. R~g ~hole frames " ~9. A.B.C.F.G. Sewer system ~gH. Prospect Street Sewer. " ~9I. Poplar S~eet Sewer " 59J. Chadwick Street Sewer~ " ~iA. Prospect Street, Water " ~iB. Poplar Street, " " ~iC.. Moody Street. " liP, 000.00 220.00 18,894.oo 158,637.00 5,600.00 5,000.00 8OO.OO 700.00 5,00~.00 26,45~.52 5,500.00 600.00 600.00 55o.oo 550.00 22,k65.oo 16,852.45 175.00 58,500.00 125,000.00 ~1,825.oo 8,81o.65 1,412.00 25,000.00 7,572.50 10,000.00 2,880.00 ~,5oo.oo $860,607.70 $780,595.62 AND APPROPRIATED liP,000.00 75o.oo .500.00 220.00 18,894.oo 455,556.00 158,637.oo 3,052.56. 5,460.00 17,272.00 ' 5,600.00 · ~5o~oo 8,650.00 5,000.00 1,888.oo 800.00 200.00 5,000.00 700.00 lO,OOO.OO 5,000.00 '5,5oo.oo 600.00 60o.oo 550.00 550.00 22,k65.oo 26,852.45 175.oo 750.00 10,500.00 52,000.00 58,500.00 1125,000.00 ~,825.oo ~8,810.65 .1,~z2.oo 25,000.00 7,572.50 .. 10~000,00 2,880.00 ~0oo.oo $1,6~,20l;52 $1,000.00 16,500.00 269.00 . 661.00. 2,550.00 2,700.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,800.00. 2,000.00 " 2,000.00 ~,2oo.55. 6,500.00 2,000.00 15,000.00 1,600.00 4,900.00 2,500.00. 1,600.00. 1,600.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,550.00 TOWN M Tn G. ARcs 1959 Town Infirmary $1,200.00 Doors, Storage Room, Public Works. 950.00 Maintenance Dump. 1,000.00 One additional Police Officer. 2,852.50 Lady Crossing Guards 5,500.00 School Survey 600.00 Miller Property 12~000.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED $99~.615.03 UNAPPROPRIATED AVAILABLE FUNDS ARTICLE 52. Cha~,ter 90, Dale Street. " ~: 90, Any-Streets in Town. " To reduce 1959 Tax Rate. I ' ' TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED AVAILABLE FUNDS. SUMMARY AMOUNT APPROPRIATED AT 1959 TOWN M~:~;TING (Budget) AMOUNT TO BE RAI~-n AND APPROPRIATED (Articles) GRAND TOTAL 19,500.00 1,000.00 11~000.00 $155,500.o0 $1,6~1,201,52 1,7~0,81~.55 ARTICLE 7. VOT~ to authorize the T~w~ Treasurer, with the approval of the 'Selectmen, to borrow money, from time =o time in ~utlcipatlon of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1960 and to issue a note or notes ~therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given flor. a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter ~, of the General Laws. Thevote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 8.~ No Reports. ARTICLE 9. VOTED to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members t 6 the 'positlon of Board o~ Health Phy~iclan and to fix 2zls compen- sation in accordance ~with Section ~A, Chapter ~1 of the General Laws. Amount included in Board of Health Budget. ARTICLE 10. VOTED to.authorize the School Committee to appoint one~of its me'.~ers~to the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation iu accordance with Section ~A, Chapter ~1, General Laws. Amount included in School Departman~ Budget. ARTICLE 11. VOTED to accept Chapter 5~, S~ction 103A of the General Laws as amended. An act.providing for Absent Voting at Regular Town Elections. .ARTICLE12. VOTED TO adopt the following amendment to the Town By-Laws to be Section8 of Article 1. "That upon motion duly made and seconded, at any annual or special Town Meeting, and upon the affirmative vote of at least 25% of the voters present at said annual or special town meeting, any article .in'the warrant for the said annual or special Town Meeting, shall be voted upon by Australian (secret) ballot. ARTICLE 15. VOTED.to amend Article.one of the Town By-Laws by inserting(Eec.6) .therein..,as Section ~ of Article 1, "No article calling for the.appropriation of funds shall be considered at any special Town meeting unless the .proposed · expenditure is recommended by the Selectmen and the Advisory Board. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE.14. VOTED To amend the Town By-Law~ by adding thereto, Article 1, by adding thereto the following: Section ~. No business shall be transacted at a~y. special town meeting except by the~unanimous vote of those present and voting, unless there shall be one hundred and fifty (150) voters present at the time; provided however, that a number less than such quorum may adjourn such meeting from time to time. ARTICLE 15. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 16. VOTED to amend A~ticle IV of the Town by-laws as appearing on ,pages 99and 100 of the 1957 Annual Town Report, by adding at the end thereof the following new section: Section 10. A majority of a committee consisting of the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk, the Town Treasurer, the Tax Collector, the Chair~,u 'of the'Board of Assessors, the bhairman of the Board of Public Works, the Chairm,u of the School Committee, the Chairman of the 'Board of Health, and -the.,Chairm,u of the Planning Board shall annually in March appoint and, sub to appropriation, fix the compensation of an attorney-at-law who is a resident of the Town, and a member in good standing of the Bar of the Commonwealth, to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following, and until his successor shall have been duly appointed and aualifled. Said committee shall likewise fill any vacancy in said'office for the unexpired term thereof. The Selectmen may employ special counsel to aegis' the Town Counsel whenever, in their Judgment, necessity therefor arises. The Town Counsel shall, subject to the direction cf..the Selectmen, conduct the proeectulon, defense or compromise of all legal proceedings to which the ART 16. Con'S: ~ Town.Meeting March 14, 1959 is a party, and the prosecution or defense as the case may be, of all legal proceedings by Or against any Town officer, board or committee.' He shall prepare or approve all legal instruments to which the Town is a party or in which any right 'or interest of the Town i'~ involved, shall advise any Town officer, board or committee upon and in all legal matters and proceedings affecting the p~rformance of his or its official duties, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him by these by-laws or by vote of the Town° ARTICLE 17. VO,~-m Just as written in article. Unanimous vote and' so declared. ARTICLE 18. VOTED that the sum of $16,500.00 be raised and appropriated to be applied to the cost of a five per cent wage increase to employees subject to the Wage and Salary.Administration plan according to the Personnel Board recommendat .Wage and Salary.schedules to remain the same. ARTICLE 19. VOTED that the. Town become a member of a planning district, under the provisions of Chapter [~0B of the General Laws, the area of which shall be [] coterminous with ~he areas of the towns of North Andover, Andover and Methuen,- and the City of Lawrence, subject to the approval of the division of planning of the department.of commerce, as provided by sec.tion 3 of said Chapter; provided, .however, that this vote shall be of no force or effect unless and until the towns of Andover and Methuen, and the City of Lawrence, shall, have voted to become members of said district. ARTICLE 20. VOTED the sum of $269.'00 be raised and appropriated to ~,ay/Lawrance Plate and Window Glass Co., for repairs to the Tow~ Garage in 195~.~?~.i,/. ARTICLE 21. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $661.00 for the~purchase of a check writer and a check signer for use in the Town T~easurers?A.0ffice. ARTICLE 22. Stricken from Warrant. AI~TICLE 23. VOTED to raise ant appropriate the sum of $2,550.00 for.the~ pUrchase of .two new 1959 12 volt system cars. TWo presen~ cars to be turned in~ in~.trade, allequipment to be changed over, such as policeradios, sirens, etc~ ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $ ,700.00 for the pUrchase a dump truck only for the Board of Public Works. .. ...... ,. ARTICLE 25. V0'~ to raise anti,appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 to.~e ~used With a 195~ Ford Tractor to pUrchase a Ford Trac:or with side mower and.10~der. ~for Board of Public Works. 'ARTICLE 26. VOTED to raise 'and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 to telemetering equipment and automatic controls for the North PumpingyStation.~ ARTZCLE 27. VOTED to rai,~e and appropriate the sum of $2,800.00 toby'be with the present 1950 Dodge to purchase a new car. For Board of Hek[!th .... ~.8..VOTED to raise and.appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 to~;b~ ,u's~d:~ ~present Chief's car-to purchase a new car.for use of Fire Chief.TM:~': .~' ARTICLE 29. V~0TED ~o ~aise and appropriate the sum of 2 000 00 ox- new ~" ~ ............. ~.. -~ $ ' · fortieths ::,purchase of 500 feet -a a~ ant ~ x'eem oz.' new ,m~ nose for Fire ~Department. i~ARTICLE 30.VOT.ED to raise and appropriate the sum Sf $3,200.5~ fora. the iPUrchase ~'0f a 1959 foUr wheel drive pick-up truck. A 1955 half-ton pick-up tr, UCk ,to'be turned.in, in trade. ~'ARTICLE 31; Stricken from Warrant: : ..... :: ARTICLE 32. VOTED that the sum of $6,5~0.00 be raised and appropriated to meet the Town's. share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Construction, and thatlin addition, the sum of $19,500.00 be transferred from umapproprlated~.a~allable funds in the Town Treasury to meet the Sta=e and County shares of tbs cost of the 'work, the reimbursement 'from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. ARTICLE 33. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for lthe"purPose of this article, to be ,expended by the Highway Surveyor under Chapt?r 90 of the General Laws, and in addition, the sum of $1,000,00 be transferred fro~um- appropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County~ shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement fromthe State aud CoumtY'to[] 'be restored upon their receipt to umapproprlated available funds in~ ,the Treas.u~. ARTICLE 3~. Voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 ~t~o~ bel used re sUrfacing stree ts. ARTICLE 35. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,600.00 to renew water services to the property ~2ir~ s, place gate valves on hydrant branches'and raise m"~bolsYframes and covers on the streets of the Town that are to be reconstructed this year. ARTICLE 36. AR OLE AR ZCr. E 38. Stricken from Warrant Stricken from Warrant Stricken from Warrant ARTICLES 39A, 39B, 39C. 39F. and 39G. VOTED that the sum of $5~,900.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of extending the sewer system on the following Streets: Johnson Street, Milk Street, Woodstock Street, an.d Elmwood Street, subject to the assessments or betterments charges urder the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906 as amended, and that to meet th'is appro- priatlon, the sum of $~,900.00 be raised and appropriated, and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and is hereby authorized to borrow money from time to time a sum of up to $50,000.00 and to is'sue bonds or notes 'of th'e Tovm .therefor under authority of Chapter ~ll of the General Laws as amended, each issue to be paid in not more than five (5) years from its date or at such earlier time as the Treasurer aud Selectmen may determine. The vote was unanimous and so declared. 39D $ 39E stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 39H. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 'to be ex- ?nde.d b_~th_e ~Boa?d os Publi9 Works to exte~nd the sewer system on Prospect ~=ree.~ ~oo zee~ zrom =uther ~venue toward Chadwick Street, subject to the assessments or betterment charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the ' Acts bf .1906, as amended, provided that on or before August 1, 1959, the con- . strUction of at least one house to use this extension shall have been 'started. ARTICLE 39I. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,600.00 to be ex- pended by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on Poplar Street 2~0 feet from Mass Ave., subject to the Assessments of betterments charges under the .conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, as amended, provided that on or before August 1, 1959, the construction of at least one house to use the extension shall have b'een started. AR.TICLE 39J. V0~wD to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,600.00 to be ex- pended, by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer s~stem on Chadwick Stree't from the present terminus 270 feet towards 0sgood Street, subject' to the assessments or betterments charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. ARTICLE ~0A. V0~n that the Town accept from the Meadowbrook Laundry the sum of $10,620.00 to be used by the Town and applied towards the cos~ of relocat- ing the East Side Trunk Sewer from Sutton Street 580 Feet southerly. ARTICLE ~0B. VO~F~D that the Town accept from Leo Margolian of Boston the sum of $17,'000.00 to be used by the Town and ~pplied toward the cost of extending the sewer.system on the accepted 1.908 layout of ,Wood Lane from Woodstock Street. 1,610 feet southeasterly, provided this amount received before July 1, ARTICLE ~IA. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 to extend the water system on Prospect Street ~!~! re.et from the previous terminus towards Furber Avenue. (See conditions. ) ARTICLE 4lB. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,300.00 to extend the water~ system on Poplar Street 240 feet from Massachusetts Avenue..(See tions..') ~ ARTICLE ~iC. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,350.00 to extend the water system on Moody Street 250 feet from Chadwick Street. (See conditions"Q) CONDITIONS 0~F ~IA, -B -C. Ail amounts to be expended by the Board of Public Works, ~for the purpose of ~the articles, subject to the following conditions: That on or before August 1, 1959, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works o£ six per cent of the actual cost of construction, as wateP rates, for a period of fourteen years; and that on or before August 1, 1959, the constructien of at least one addi- tional house to use this extension shall have been started. ARTICLE ~2. Stri'cken from Warrant. ARTICLE ~. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE ~ Stricken from Warrant ARTICLE ~5. V0~F~D to raise and appropriate, the sumof $1,200.00 for the pur- pose of painting, the Town Infirmary, purchase of equipment, and general re- pairs~to the Infirmary buildings. ARTICLE ~6. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $950.00 to provide a :suitable1 entrance with steel doors to a storage area under the Arts and Crafts rooms of ~the North Andover High School. ARTICLE ~7. VOTED ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the maintenance' of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. ARTICLE ~8. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 49. Stricken~from Warrant. ARTICLE 50. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 5I. VOTED to raise and ap2ropriate the sum of $2,832.50 for the app- ointment of one additiona Regular Patrolman, all in accordance with Civil Service Rul~es and Regulations. !~48~ ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 1~, 1959 ~.~ ARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate the ~sum of~ $5,500.00 to provide : ~ uniformed crossing guards at the various schooLcrossings in. the Town of North And cyst. ARTICLE 53. Stricken from' the Warrant. . · ARTICLE 5~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the s.um of $600.00 to' be expended ARTICLE 55. Stricken from the Warrant. eM · ~he 1 R e rap ea g d r. buildings therefrom and make certain improvements to the existing Town sheds so as to provide needed garage space for .town equipment. ARTICLE 57. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 58. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 5.9: _,V0?D t,o accept from the _North indov~r Improvement So~iety,~ a" sift of a~ ~ne lan~ now owned by the Society in the.area bounded by Os'g0od 'street, Massachusetts Avenue and Andover Street, f.or' the use and enjoyment · of the people of the Town as a Public Park, or Common, but for no other,purpose. ARTICLE 60. S~cricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 61. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 62. VOTED as written in Warrant. Affirmative 185. Negative ,26. · ARTICLE 65. VOTED to amend Se,.tlon h.~ of the Zoning By-Law by triklng S out therefrom the words "a' motel" so the same shall then read: ~ ,On petition,, subject to site plan review and approval by the Board" Appeals after a public hearing thereon with due n-crime given, an.- ~,,~.~..~ automobile .service and filling station, a diner, a restaurant, a'~re.tail- food store, but no other retail stores of any kind. ~...a The vo.te was Affirmative - 16h. Negative - 0. .~. 6h. VOTED as written in Warrant: . Affirmative 125. Negative ]2. 'VOTED that the zoning By-Law be amended.by inserting?after' Section , the following new section: Section ~.h~. That trl&ngle~ of land'.bounded on the eas~. by 0sgood Street, on the south by Prescatt Street~. and.:on .the west by .Chickering Road~ .??. ~ ' The vote was Affirmative 1~6. Negative 0._._ ' m icLE &6... VOTED to transfer the sum of' :" :1from the Overlay Surplus ,.to' Reserve Fund. Thousand Dollars, '('$1~.:00.0,:-:0~1 . unan. imous and so declared. '~ ~'" 67. Stricken from the Warrant. 68. Stricken from the Warrant. '~':" 69.. VOTED that t/~e sum of One hundred and fifteen thouss4d~'~o'i~ars, ,000.00) be taken from available funds to reduce the 1959 tax rate. .The v0~e was unanimous and so declared. Motion was made' and' seconded that a vote of thanks be extended to' th~ Moderator f~. T-own Clerk and Advisory Board for a fine Job done on the meeting. Meeting opened at 1:50 .P.M., adjourned a~ 7:05 P.M. ~ 5~ Registered voters were present. ~ ~' · J.Harriman, A.Coggins, W.Steibetz, M.Eoward,' G.Everson, and E.Phelan, i~s.&isted - the Moderator and Town C]~ rk in the voting by hand. 'All persons were checked at door by Board of Registrars, assisted by 'Sid' Eea, and Carl Thomas. . :. JOHN J..LYONS. :", A ~ue copy: ATTEST: Essex, SS: WARRANT .' ~,~ COMMONWEALTH OF NASSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North _Andover: GREETINGS: In the Name of the Oommomvealth of Massachusemts, you ar6..hereby ~i~ec~ed_to ng~ an~ warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to' ~ ~nc~'~'°.wn.~zra~s_~°:.me?t.in,the veteran's Auditorium of the.N6r,th. Andover ~ cnooa mn saxc mor~n Ancover on Monday, the 22nd day of June 1959 At eight (8).o'clock P.M., then. and therg to act on the followin~business. ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to withdraw from membersh~ ~in the Essex County Mosquito Control Pro,oct, all as provided by Section3 of Chapter 516 of the Acts of..1958. Petition of Board of Assessors. · ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote t6 accept the provisions 6f Section 8o or. Chapter h0 of the General Laws, inserted by Section 1 of ~hapter 225 of the Acts of 1957, so that it may establish a conservation commission for the promotion and deveIopment of the natural resources and for the pr~ection of watershed resources of the Town. Petition of Board of Selectmen.' '