HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-22 SPECIAL aa, 195 ARTICLE 5- To see if the Town will vote to rescind 'the balance of the loan of Thirty-five thousand dollars ($55,000.00) authorized but not issued under Article 58, 1957 Water Mains, voted at the annual Meeting held on. March 15, 1957, which authorized a bond issue of one hundred thirty-five thousand doll~ ($155,000.00) of which one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) was issued. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE ~ To see if the Town of N~rth Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law.by changing from Hural ~esidential to General Business the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land located on the easterly side of Barker Street at its intersection with Osgood Street and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Barker Street at ~land of George darker; thence easterly by a stone wall and land of Barker 850 feet~to a corner in the wall; thence southerly by other land of said petiti~ 850 feeb~ to a point marked by an iron pipe; thence northwesterly by other of said' petitioner 522.5 feet to an iron pipe; ~thence westerly by other land of said petitioner 524.72 feet to an .iron pipe; thence southerly by land of said petitioner 50 feet to an iron pipe at land of Stefanowicz Family Trust; thence westerly by land of said Stefanowicz Family Trust 190 feet to Barker Street; thence northeasterly by the easterly line of Barker Street 757-7 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Joseph W. Crane, 11 Commonwealth Ave., and others. ARTICLE 5.' To see if the Town will'vote' to amend section 4.15 of the North Ando~er By-Laws as amended as adopted by the Special Town Meeting of June 50, 1956 by' adding thereto the following words "And housing for the Elderly under the provisions of Mass. 'General Laws Chapter 121 Section 26 IHI and other enabling statutes". Suc~ that amended By-Law will read as follows: Section 4.15 Schools, libraries, museums, Churches, hospitals and con- valescent and rest homes, local passenger stations, also radio, radsm, television or radio telephone transmitting or broadcasting towers but-~ not their studios nor offices and not veterinarian animal hospital's exce as further provided elsewhere in this LBy-law, and housing for the ~elde~ly,~ under the prov£sions of Mass. General aws Chapter 121, Section~26.UU and other e. nabling statutes. Petition of. North Andover Housing Authority.~.~- ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vSte to transfer from available funds the sum of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) to pa~ certain employees of the NOrth Andover Poiice Department for services rendered from October 29~ 1958 to December 51, 1958. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. .~' ARTICLE 7. To see if the 'Town will vote to transfer the sum of Two thousand two hundred and seventy-two dollars and ninety-five cents ($2,272.95) from the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Wamrant, Article 6 (Budget) No. 20, Item No. 4., designated Reserves and Specials, ~Salaries& Wages, to an account designated Reserves~& Specials, Regulsm Patrolmen and Sergeants Salaries and Wages. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE..!~8, To see if the Town w~ll vote to raise and appropriate or from.available funds 'the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2,000.00 to be the purposes of an account designated' Reserves, Specials, ~egular Patrolmen' and Sergisants Salaries and wages, set up in the preceding article. Petition of the Board of ~elec~men. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by'bond'.issue or transfer from the available funds the sum of Nine Hundred dollars ($900.00) to extend.the water system on Moody Street from its present terminus 225 feet towards Prescott Street. Petition of Joseph Morkeski, 400 Sutton Street and others. ARTICLE 10.. To see if~the Town will.vote to raise and appropriate or provide hy..bond~issue or transfer from the available funds the su~' of Thirty-four .hundred dollars ($5400.00) to extend the sewer system on Moody Street from Prescott ~Street 292 feet more. or less. Petition of Joseph Morkeski, ,400 Sutton Street'and others. ARTICLE 11. To see ~f the Town will raise and appropriate, or ~rovide by bond .issue, or ~transfer from available funds the sum of Seventeen hundred dollars ($1700.00) to ex~end the sewer system on Highland View Avenue from 'the present terminus to the home of Martin J. Lawlor, Jr., 59 Highland View ~ve., and othe: ARTICLE 12. To se'e if the Town will vote' t~ raise and appropriate or. transfer from available 'funds, Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to install 5~ inch infor, ced. concrete ~ipe in the open drain on Greene Street from Shawsheen Avenue ~to Kenwood Street. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote '~o" ~ansfer from Insurance Receipt Account to A~ticle 47, 1959, Maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street, the sum of $194.75 to cover repairs on Tractor caused by fire. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 1~. To see If the To~ will vote to t~sfe~ f~om Ins~ee Eecelpts Accost to A~tlcle ~7, 1959, Na~ten~ce of Disposal Site ~ clark Street, ~e s~ of $189.69 t o cove~ repairs on refuse truck caused by fi~e. Petition of the Highway S~veyor. ~TIC~ 15. To see If the To~ ~11 tr~sfer from A~ilable ~ds t~.,~ Refuse Disposal Expense Accost the s~ of $175.00 received in settlement of d~ge to ~e refuse disposal truck. Petition of the Hi,way S~veyor. ~ ~o ramse ~ app~o rla~e or tr~sf ~e$15~o~ of ~o~d of Selectmen. = ~- ~ ~XA ~ zavor o~' Antonio Colizzi. ~d you are hereby directed to serye this warner by post~g true ~d attes- ted copies thereof, at the Town Office Build~g ~d at five or more public places ~ each voting prec~ct. Said copies to be posted not more th~ fifteen days nor less th~ ten days before the time of hold~g said meet~g. Hereof, fail not, ~d make due ret~ of this warr~ with yo~ do~g ~ereon ~o ~he To~ Clerk a t the time and place of said meet~g. Given ~der o~ h~ds at North ~dover, Massachusetts, the ~th day of J~e in ~e year of o~ Lord one thousand n~e-h~dred ~d fif~-n~e. ~PH E. F~CK Board ~I~ A. FZN~AN of A true copy: PH~IP S~CLIP~ Selector. ' ~, ,. ~OSEPH ~. S~TH, CONSTAB~. .... North ~dover, Mass. J~e 9, 1959 I ~ve notified ~d warned 0~Z~,S ~ · ~e ~it~s of ~e To~ of North Andove~ q~lified to vote ~ To~ Affairs by post~g t~e ~d attested copies of this 'wa~r~t at the To~ BulldOg ~d at fi~ or more public places ~ each voting precinct of Said copies hav~ been posted no~ more t~ fifteen days nor less ~ ten days before the ti~ of holding said mee~g. No~th ~dover, ~ss. AT.ST. ~ ~ At th~ S~ cial To~ Meet~g held in the Veter~'s Auditori~ of.the North ' over High So ool on Monday even g 959 at 8 P.M., the following was voted: :C~ 1. VO~, with one dissent~g vote to withdraw from membership.~;~ ~e - Essex Co~ty Mosquito' Control Project., as provided by Section 13 of ~pte~ ~"516 of ~e Acts of 1958.· ~TIC~ 2. V0~D by ~ous vote to strike-from warr~t. ~TIC~ 5. V_9~ by ~an~ous vote t~t th~s article be adopted. ~TIC~ 4. Zt ~as V0~D to ~end the article b strik occ~red there., 'the ~ase "-~ ....... Y .. ~ out, wherever it favorable action. · ~lve '--,:tO, Negative ?0 for ~ad~g at ~he e~d ~hereof the follow~m ~e.~..~ ~'~ o:. the Zo~ By-Law =~aer~y persons established ~., ~. ,~_Z; ......... nous~g projects for ~ ~ m~x.n~g pro~sions of the General Laws~ The vote was ~P~TI~ - 1~8. NEGATI~ - 0. ~TICLE 6. It was V0~D ~an~ously to ~opt ~is article. ~TZC~ 7. It was V0~ ~IMOUSLY ~o adop~ this article with the'amo~t to be tr~sfer~ed $2,0~0.97. Not $~,272.95. ~C~ 8. It was V0~ ~ously to adopt.this article. ~TIC~ 9. VO~ ~at ~e s~ of $900.00 be tr~sferred from a~ilable f~ds, to be expended by the Board of Public Works ~or ~e p~pose of.~this article, subject to the following conditions: ~at on or before Septe~l, 1959 ~e petitioners ~d/or o~ers ~e a guarantee acceptable to the Board of .Public Works of six percent of the actual cost of contruction as water rates for a ~riod of lo,teen ~ars; and ~at on or before epte~l, 1959, the.c~struc- tion of at least ~e additional house to use started. .on 1 ~ve ARTICLE lQ. VOTED that the sum of $3,400.00 be transferred from available funds, to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this article, subject to the following cord itions: That assessments be made against the benefited estates, under the provisions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, as amended, and that on or before Sep~te~t~l, 1959, the construc- tion ~of one additional-house to use this extension shall have been started. ARTICLE 11. VOTED that the sum of $1,700.00 be transferred from available funds,, to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this article, subject to the assessments or betterments charges under the con- ditions of Chapter 580 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. ARTICLE 12. VOTED to transfer from available funds the sum of $5,000.00 to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 13. VOTED to trasnfer the sum of $194.75 from Insurance Receipts Account to Article 47, 1959 Maintenance of Disposal Site. ARTICLE 14. VOTED to ~ransfer the sum of $189.69 from Insurance Receipts Acco.unt to Article 47, 1959 Maintenance of Disposal Site. ARTICLE 15. VOTED to transfer the sum of $175.00 from Available Funds to the Refuse Disposal Expense Account. ART!CLE.16~ VOTED to transfer from available funds the sum of $1,050.00 for 'the purpose of this article. 169~duly registered voters were checked from voting list by the Board of Regis trar~s. Dan 0'Leafy, Charles Stlllwell.and Paul Dyer assisted ~the Moderator and Town Clerk. in the counting of b,nd vote required. A true record: ATTEST: SPECIAL TOW~* MEETING NOVEZ~ER 16, 1959 WARRANT COMM0~VEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESsex ss: To either of the Constable's of the Town or,North Andover: GBw-~--T IN G S: In the name of the Comonweatth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, ~qualtfled to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran, s Auditorium of the North Andcver High Scho~ol in said North Andover on Monday, the ~16th day of November, 1~59 at eight (8)~o'clock 'P.M., then and there to act on the following business. ARTICIE 1. To-see if the Town will vote to transfer th~ sum of Two Hundred Dollams ($200.00) from the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant, Article 6, Budget Nc. 20, Item Nc. ~, designated 7 Patrolmen, to an account designated Overtime and Elections. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of Three .Hundred Fobty-Three Dollars ($3h3.00) from the 1959 Annual T6wn Meeting Warrant, Artic~ 6, Budget No. 20, Item No. 2, Designated [~ Sergeants, to an account designated Chief S~lary?' Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the' Town will vote to transfer the sum cf Sixteen Hundre( Sixty-nine Dollars and Eighty seven cents ($1,669.87) from the 1959 Annual Meeting Warrant, Article 6, Budget No. 20, .Item NO.m 2, designated 4sSergeants, to an account designated Reserves, Specials, Regular Patrolmen and ergeants Salaries and Wages. Petition of Board of Selectmen. Article. ~.' To' see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provid~ by bond issue, 'or ~ansfer f~om available funds Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred and Fifl Three Dollars and Ninete'en Cents. ($13,55~.~19) to pay outstanding bills on the West Slde Sewer Construction Article 56-195~. .petition of Boa'rd of Public ARTICLE'S5., To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds the sum of $85.00 for the pu~rpose of paying certain employees wages that were earned fro~ September 1, 1955 to December 31, .1958. Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library. ARTICLE 6.~ To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or to transfer from the Overlay Reserve, the sum of Five Thous'and Fifty Dollars, $$5,050.00) to the Fire Department Salaries and Wages account. .petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 7~. To see if the 'Town will ~aise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Five Hundred Eighty Dollars and Fifty-five cents ($588.55) to provide payment of additional salaries and wages to uniformed crossing g~ards under Article 52 of ~he 1959 Annual Town Warrant. Pe'tition of Board of Selectmen.