HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-16 ~ +~2 SPECIAL TOWN N'~.TING. NOVE~ER 16, 1959
ARTICLE 8. To see If the T~ will vote t~ authorize t~ Board of ~electmen t~
convey to Jo~ Bonelll and Nickel Corrad~o f~ the sum of one dolla~ ($1.00)
~d o~e~ valuable consideration a certa~ p~cel of land situated, on the no~
easterly side of Nain Street In t~ T~ of Nc~th ~dover as shc~ ~
entitled "Plan of a Parcel of Land ~ No~th ~dov~, Nassach~etts, O~ed by
the To~ of No~th ~dover dated J~e 20, 1958. Raloh 'B. Brasse~ C.~ ' 4 .... ~ '
~d described as follows: Begging at ~ Essex Co~ty Stone bo~d at the north-
westerly corner of the grated premises; ~ence ~ northeasterly
othe~ l~d of sa~ Bonel~i a~ Co~ra~no, 82 feet to a po~t as she~ on.sald
plan; thence t~ni~ and r~ southwesterly along ~d now of ~ To~of
North ~dove~ (B~adst~eet School lot), 79.0~ feet to a po~t ~ the
easterly side ~ ~ln Street as shown on said pl~; thence tu~g ~d ~ning
northwesterly alo~ t~ said northeasterly side of Nain Street, 15 .feet to the
po~t of beg~n~, all as ~n on said plan. .
Conta~g 589 square feet acco~dlng to said p~n.
Petition ef Je~ Bcnelli and othe~s.
~TIC~ 9- Te see ~ the T~n will veto tc ~aise and appropriate, ~ provide
by bend issue, ~ tr~sfer from'avai~ble f~ds, a s~flcient s~ ef money
extend the wate~ system on Abbott Street, ~25 feet f~cm~Narblerldge Read.
Petiticn ~ Joseph R. Nc~nus ~d ct~e~s.
~TIC~ 10. Tc see if the T~ will vote te ~aise ~d appropriate, e~ p~e~de
by bo~ issue, er transfe~ f~om available f~ds, a s~ftclent s~ ef mcney~
extend the sewe~ ~system ~ Bay State Read, ~00 feet f~om Nassachus~tts Argue.
Petition ef Jc~ ~ulllv~ and ethers~.
~d you a~e hereby directed tc serve thls~warr~t by pos~ng t~ue ~d attested
copies thereof, at the To~ Office Bulling, a~ at five ~ mc~e p~lic places
~ each veti~ ~ec~ct. Said copies te be posted net mere ~ fifteen ~days
ncr less t~ ten days before ~e .ti~ ef hcldi~ said meetS.
He~eef, fail net, and ~ke due ~e~n cf this wa~ant ~th ye~ dc~g the~e~
tc the T~n Clerk at the time ~d place cf said ~et~g.
Given ~de~ c~ h~ds at Ncr~h ~dcve~, Nassach~etts, ~e ~0~ day ef 0ctebe~
~ the yea~ of e~ Lord cne tholed n~e-h~e~ ~d f~ty-n~e.
~ R~PH E. FINCK Board
PHILIP ~TCL~ Sole c~en.
A t~ue copy: AT,ST: ~0SEPH A. S~. Constable.
Neath ~dover, Nassachusetts. Nove~e~ ~, 1959
0FFI~. S ~T~N
I ha~e notified and warned the ~abtt~ts cf the Te~ of Ner~
q~llfied tc v~te ~ T~n Affa~s by pcsti~ t~ue and attested ccD~s
this wa~t at the~Tewn Office Bui~g a~ a~ five ~ me~e p~lic places
~'each vct~ p~eclnct ef the T~.
~aid copies ~g been p~sted net m~e ~ fifteen days nc~ less ~'~
days before the ~ ~ hc~tng~, sa~ meetl~i~ ~ ~~ ~
Neve~e~ ~, 1959. AT,ST:
T0~ C~.
Neeting opened at 8:12 P..N.., in Vete~an'e Auditori~ of High School~ ~d ~e
follow~g a~ticles were voted: .
~TZC~ 1. VOiD ~ the ~o~t of $200.00 to be tr~sferre~ f~om the "TPatro~en"
salaries ac~t to the "Overtime ~d Elections" salaries ac~t ~h~~ Article
6, Budget #20 of the 1959 ~nual T~n Neetlng Wa~r~t. ~ vote was ~lmous
and so deck,ed.
~T~C~ 2. V0~D ~ the amo~t of $~45.00 to be tr~sferred from the "4
Sergeants" salaries accost to the "Chief Salary~' accost ~th~ A~t~cle 6,
Budget ~20 of the 1959 ~nual T~ Neet~g Wa~r~t. The vote was ~an~ous
~d so dec, red. '
ARTICLE 3. VOTED in the amount of $1,669.87 to be transferred from the "~
Sergeants" salaries account to the "Reserves, Specials, Regular Patrolmen and
Sergeants.Salaries" account within Article 6, Budget ~20 of the 1959 ADnual
Town Meeting Warrant. The wore was unanimous and so declared. '
ARTICLE 4. VOTED in the amount, of $11,553.19 to be transferredfrom the unexpended
appropriation under Article 39 A.B.C.F. & G of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting
Warrant the work on which has been completed, to be applied against outs~tanding
bills on the ~WEST SIDE SSV~ER TRUNK, the construction of which was authorized
by Article 56 of the 195~Annual Town Meeting Warrant. The vote was unanimous
and so declared.