HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-07 SPEC ALT TOm ETZNG N0W m 16, 1959
ARTICLE 5. VOTED in the amount of $85.00 to be taken from available funds
for the purpose of paying certain employees wages that were earned from
September 1, 1958 to December 51, 1958 at the Stevens Memorial Library.
the vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 6. VOTED in the amount of $5,050.00 to be transferred from the
Overlay Reserve to the Salaries and Wages account of Article 6, Budget ~21
of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant of the Fire Department.
the vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 7. VOTED in the amount of $588.55 to be taken from available funds
and applied to Article 52 of' the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant of the
Uniformed Crossing Guards. The vote was unanimous and so declared.
ARTICLE 8. VOTE~ to authorize the Board of Selectmen to conve.~ to John
Bonelli and Michael Corradino for the sum of One dollar ($1.00) and other
valuable consideration a certain parcel of land situated on the northeaster'ly
side of Main Street in the Town of North Andover as shown on a plan of land
entitled "Plan of a Parcel of Land in North Andover, Massachusetts, owned by
the Town of North Andover dated June 20, 1958, Ralph B. Brasseur, .C.E.,".
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at an Essex County stone bound at the northwesterly o0rner of
the granted premises; thence running northeasterly along other land of
'said Bonelli and Corradino, 82 feet to a point as shown on said plan;
thence turning and running southwesterly along land now of the Town of
North Andover (Bradstreet School lot), 79.03 feet to a point in the
northeasterly side of Main Street as shown on said plan; thence turning
and run~ug northwesterly along the said hortheasterly side of MainStreet,
15 feet to the point of beginnin, all as showen on said plan. Containing
5'89 square fe&t according to said plan. The vote was unanimous And so
ARTICLE 9.~ Stricken from Warrant.
ARTICLE 10. Stricken from Warrant.
The B0~ard of Registrars checked all voters entering. 77 were rec&rded.
The meeting adjourned at
i true copy: ATTEST:
!96o 1 ,60 0 1, 60
ES~w~X~ ss:
To either o$ the Constables of the Town of North Andover.
In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
directed .to notify and warn the inhabitants, of North Andover qualified to
vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School in
Precinct One, the St. Michaels Auditorium in Precinct Two, the T~'omson
School 'Auditorium in PrecinCt Three and the Kittred~e School Auditorium in
Precinct Four in said North Andover on Monday, the 7th day of March 1960, at
seven (7) o'clock A.M., and there to act on the following article:
ARTICLE 1. ~To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway
Surve.yor,. Tree ~arden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public
Welfare and Five Constables for one year. One Assessor, one member of the
Board of Public Wlrks, one member of the .Board of Health, two members of the
School Committee for three years, one member of the Planning Board' and one
member of the Housing Authority for five years,~and to vote upon the question.
~'STION: "Shall the Town of North An&over accept the provisions of Section
B of Chapter ~1 of the General Laws, as it applies to sealer of .weights and
measures, a fair and concise su~ry of which appears below?" YES
"Acceptance of the provisions of section 47B of Chapter 31 of the General
Laws would place under Civil Service the sealer of weights and measures of
the Town of North Andover."
Ail to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A'.M., and
shall be closed at .7:00 P.M.
After final action on the preceding Article 1, the said meeting shall stand
adjourned by virtue .o_f Section 4, Article One of the Town By-Laws,. to Satur~
March 19, 1960 at one thirty o'clock P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of the
North Andover High School, then and there to act on the following articles:
ARTICLE 2. to elect all other officers not required by law to belected by
ballot. ~ ~
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of r~eceipts ~'~
and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ~
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended app- ~
ARTICLE 5- To see if the Town will vote to fix the~ salary and compensation of
all elected officers of the Town as provided for by Section 108 of C~apter 41 of
the General Laws, as amended, effective from January l, 1959.
Board of Selectmen- each. per annum.
Board of Public Welfare - each per annum.
Board of Assessors - each per annum.
Town Treasttrer - per annum
Tax Collector - per annum
Highway Surveyor - per annum
Tree. Warden- per annum
Moderator - per annum
Board of Health - per s~num 'each
Board of Public Works - each per annum
ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take ~as
the ~d~visfry Board.
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
to the recommendations of
the Town Treasu~er~ with
the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in antlcipatlon
of the revenue of the financial year began=lng January l, 196~and to issue a
note or notes therefor, payable within one yea~, and to renew any note~or, notes
as may be given for a p~eriod of less than one year in accordance with-Section
17, Chapter I~I of the General Laws.
ARTICLE 8. To~ consider the report of all special Committees.
ARTICLE 9, To see if the Town will' vote to authorize the Board of~H~althto
appoint one of their members to the position of Board of Health Physician and
to fix his compensation in accordance with Section4A, Chapter 41,. General Laws.
Petition of the Board of Health. '
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote th a utho~IzeI the School°C0~tte~ to
appointone of its members to th? positipn of School. Physician and to"fix~his
compensation in accordance with Section4A, Chapter
Petition of School Committee.
ARTICLE ll. To see.if the Town will grant to the City of Lawrence and/or the
Airport Commission of the City of Lawrence, slope easement:rights along the
southeasterly side of the town dump property on Clark Street for the construc-
tion of a street on adjacent property, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen
to sign, execute, affix the corporate seal, and deliver a deed of easement on
behalf of the town on such terms as said Board of Selectmen deem fair. and
~ suitable. Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will sell two~individual~ lots of land o~ Wood
Avenue to 'City of Lawrence, and/or the Airport Commission of the City of Law~ence~
which lots were acquired by the town for non-payment of taxes and arelnum~ered
and 77 .on plan of Woodside Terrace which is Plan No. 609, and to authorize
the Board of Selectmen and/or the Town Treasurer, to sign, execute,.affix the
corporate seal, and deliver a deed or deeds, on such terms as said Board of
Selectmen deem fair and equitable. Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will transfer from the un-expended appropriation
under Article 54 of the 1958 Annual Town NeetLug, which~app~opr£ated money for
the extension of the water system, the sum of Ninety-fou~ Hundred Dollars ~($9,400)
to be expended by the Lawrence Airport Commission upon agreement wlththei,Board
of Public Works for the purpose of using 12 inch cast i~n cement lined w~ter
pipe on ~the relocationof Clark Street instead of the 6 inch pipe which was to
be used to replace the existing 6 inch pipe on the present Clark Street.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE14. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate One ThoUsand
Dollars to purchase from the City of Lawrence a proposed well field and ~right
of way at the Lawrence Airport' for an addition to the water supply system.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 15. (1) To see if the Town will vote to accept Heath Road from its
intersection with Sutton Hill Road to its intersection with Nilk Street.
(2) To see if the Town will vote to accept Heath Circle in its
entirety. Petition of ~tewart P. Wilson and others.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to accept Wilson Road ~rom Salem Turn-
pike a distance of approximately ~91 feet northerly as shown on a plan for the
acceptance of a portion of Wilson Road dated January 1960.
Petition of Barbara Taylor and others.
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to accept Lymph Road from Nid~lesex
Street to Silsbee Road, a distance of approximately 258 feet more or'less~
Petition of Kenneth Robinson and others.
ARTICLE '18. To seeif the Town will vote to accept Section 42, 43 and ~ of
Chapter' 48 of the Massachusetts General Laws, as it pertains to th~ Fire
Department. Petition of Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Board
of Fire Engineers.
ARTICI~ 19. To see if the Town will vote ~to approve the continuance of the
'5% cost-of-~living 'increase to employees subject to the Wage & Salary Adminis-
tration Plan as voted under Article 18 of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting, the
cost of which is included in salaries and wages of each Town Department under
Article VI~ of this Warrant. Petition of Personnel Board
ARTi6LE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the By-Laws governing the
.Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan'in the following manner:
A. Amend Schedule' C: Fringe Benefibs, Hours of Work, paragraph five (5), by
~strlktng from said paragraph the words "forty-five (457 hours in five
'and~'Inserting in place thereof the words "forty-hours in five days".
B~. ~Amend CODE ITS, Schedules A, and B., deleting all Public Works titles
u~der .Schedule A. and inserting the following code classification titles
and r. ate s:
_~Titl~s ITS
Pubiic ~Works
Laborer .... A-1 1.46 1.52
P.V~. Maint enance
~: Man . . . . . N-1 1.52 1.58
P.W ;Craftsman D-1 1.58 1.63
Water Meter and Hy
drant Repair Man. EZi 1.69 1.80
SCHEDULE B-~ates and Rate Ranges
Step Step3 St~p Step St~p
Min. 2
Petition of George H. S~*ord and others.
ARTICLE 21. To.see if the Town will vote
1.5 .63 1.69 1.8o
1.63 .6R 1.8o .86
1.69 1.74 1.8o 1.86 1.97
1.86. 1.91 1.97 2.o) 2.14
to amend the By-Laws governLng the
Bers.onne~ ~age and Salary Administration Plan in the following manner:
1. Amend Schedule A. CODE ATP-70, by adding thereto the title"Engineering
2.- 'Amend Schedule A. CODE ATP-80, by deleting therefrom the title "Welfare
'' Agent" and inserting in place thereof the title "Director. of Public '~
~ - Welfare."
~3,~L Amend Schedule A. CODE ITS-N, by adding thereto the tile "Highway
Maintenance Nan".
~'~i~..~imend.Schedule B. CODE ~F'05.01, by deleting therefrom the wo~ds "$75.00
.~'~.~e~month, singl? rate" and inserting in place thereof the words
P~t[tio~[.of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE~2~.. To see if the Town will vo~e to amend the By:~Laws goyernlng the
~Person~e'l~ Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following
· ,.~., 'Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits, Hours of Work, paragraph five .(5), by
.']+'.[ t~Serting after the wo~d~ "TREE (So cal~ed)" the words "shali be forty
-.~ (4~.)~'hours in five (5) days.
'~Bj',~-Amend CODE ITS, Schedules A. amd B., by deleting all Tree Department
'~" ?titles.under Schedule A. and inserting the following code classtficatio~s,
-:~. titles and rates:
.... ~ · · -CODE
iF~0r~e stry/Lab orer
F~re'~try~Maintenanc e Man
· 'Fo~e'stry'. " Craftsman
~,.:Tree/Climber & iSurgeon
-. Petition of Leo Lafond and
' ~RTICLE ~23A To see if the
ITS SCHEDULE B-R~tes and Rate Ranges
coDE. .s P
A+I 1.46 1.5~ 1.~8 1.63 1.69 1'.80
N-1 1.63 1.6 1.80 1.86
V-1 1..63 1.75 1.801.gl 1.97 2.0
Town will ~ote to amend the By-Law governing the
Wage~.audSalary Administration'Plan for the employees of the Town Of Nortk~
~Andover~adopted ~uly 22, 1957 at a special town. meeting, as a_mended, ~p~u~muant'
~o ~the~provisions of the General Laws, Chapter ~ul, Section 10~A and lO,C, as
amended¥ ~n the following manner:
~(~) '~Amend Code A.T.P. Classification Schedule "A", by inserting in Code
A.T.P.--50 the following, title: Deputy Tax Collector
(b) -Amend Code 00 Classification Schedule '~A", by striking out of Code 00-90
· ~hefollowing title: Deputy Tax Collector
Petition of Personnel Board of Appeals
ARTICLE~ ~$. To see if the Town will amend the By-Laws governing the North
Andover Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following manne
Amend~Sohedule C: Fringe Benefits, Holidays, last paragraph, by a~ding the
f011Woing holidays: New Years Day, Patriots Day, Washlngton'.s Birthday,
~ab0r Day, ~Veteran'~s Day, Decoration Day and Columbus Day.
etition~o~ North Andover Police Relief 'Association, J6h~U J. Lanni,President.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to amend the By-Laws governing the
North Andover PerSonnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following
Amend Schedule B. CODE PF, Rate of Progression: for Chief bY inserting
"12 months" in place of "18 months".
Petition of North Andover Police Relief Assoc~tlon, John J. Lanni,· President.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to amend the -
North Andover By Laws governin th
· Personnel, Wage and Salar Administra e
manner. Amend Schedule C: Fringe BenefiTs U-~--- t~n Plan in the fo~owin~
, ~A~AO~m am~owance, ~ ragrapn one(l)
by inserting the words "One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)" in place of the Words
"Eighty-Five Dollars ($85.00)".
Petition of North Andover Police Relief Association, John J. Lanni, ~President.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to amend the By-Laws governing~the'
North .Andover Personnel Wage & Salary Administration Plan, in the following
manner: Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits,Uniform Allowances, paragraph
(4), by inserting the words "Forty-Five Dollars ($~5.00)'! in place of the words
"Thirty Dollars(S50.00).,, Petition of the Board of Pire Engineers.~
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from
.available funds the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the purpose of paying
certain employee wages that were earned from ~uly 12, 1958 to DecemSer ~1,
1958. Petition of Ira D. Catty, Highway S6rveyor.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to.raise and~appropriate $r~t~sfer
from available funds the sum of 'Five Hundred Dollars ($500~00)'to ~urChase metal
street signs ofuuniform size and color for installation at~various.neCes~A~y
locations. Petition of.Board qf Selectmen.· .
ARTICLE ~0. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or otherwi. Sepr°Vide'
Two Thousand Dollars ($2,'000.00) to pay an outstanding bill.on the We'stSide .
Sewer Construction, Article 56, 1958. Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE ~1. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate Seven EUndr~d, and
Twenty-five dollars ($725.00) to be used with a 19~ Remington Special.T~ewriter
to purchase a system writer front feed electric typewriter. 1
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE }2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ~pproprlate the .SUm~0f
Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for the purchase_of five hundred (:500) feet of
new 2~" hose and five hundred (500) feet of new 15" hose and one (1) portable
hose rack. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers.·
~ ~nm approprza~e ~nlr~een Hundred
~ol±ars ($1,}00.00) to purchase a 10 KW Generator to su
and power for auxiliar u ~ . pply emergency lighti
y nits when it is nece · ng
engine at the North Pumni~m S~o~*~ ~- ssa~y_~o ~ump w~ter with'gasoline
AR ..... '' ~ -~ ....... · -~z~zon o~ ~oarc of Puclic Works.-'
· zu"": ~. To see if th~ Town will raise and appropriate Fift ,seven Hundred
Dolla~,~$},~O0.~0) to. be used With the present 19 In ersol -Y
on a £~)a 9o~ge ~ruck ~o purchase a ne ~ ~ ~ ~2^ g 1 Rand_Compressor
w __~ ~.~-.M. P~rtable Rotary compressor
with suitable truck for mounting. Petition of Board of Public Wor~s~' .
AR2I(~LE ~5'. To see if the Town will vote to'raise and a propriate;or ~ran'fer
.~om available funds the sum of Three Thousa~ ------ ,~ ..... $
· ,~ ~u~ars ~,ooO.00) for the pUt.
c~ase 'of two new 12 volt system cars. Two present cars to be turned.!n~ in trade.
Ail e~uipment to be changed over, such as Police radios~ sirens, etc~
Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police.
ARTICLE ~6. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Eight~.
Thousand Five Hundred ~Dollars.($8,500.00)~for the purchase of a four'Son dump
truck for the use.of the Highway Department. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~7.~ To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sumof~ Thirteen
Thousand Dollars ($1~,000.00) for the purchase of a scoop dozer for the~use of
the Highway Department at Disposal Site. A 19~8 Oliver tractor to be turned in,
in trade. Petition of'the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum oflEight
Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) for the further rebuilding of Dale Street and
Appleton Street, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used
with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both for this
purpose, or take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
~8-A. To see if the Town will raise or appropriate from available funds a sum
of money to be used' with Chapter 90 money from the State for the rebuilding of
Salem Street from the Junction of Salem and Boxford Streets to the Junction of
Salem and Johnson Streets. Petition of Eugene R. Bodge and others.
ARTZCLE ~9. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand
Dgllars ($2,000.00) for the maintenance of any streets in Town under'Chapter 90
o~ the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction with money which may
be allotted by the State or County, or b~th. foE this purpose; or take any other
action in relation thereto. Petition or ~ne Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~0. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or take from availab~
funds the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) to be used for re-
surfacing street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE ~1. To see IT the Town will vote t~ r~Ise and appropri4te Twenty-five
Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) to renew water services to the property lines,-~
P~aee gate valves on hydrant branches and raise manhole frames and covers on
the streets of the Town that are to be reconstructed this year.
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or pr.ovlde
by~ bbnd ~i~s~su~el~o~r^t?.ansfe? from~ available funds the sum of Fiteen Hundred
· dollars ~,~uu.uu~ to ma~e such extensions of the water main system, under
the regulations voted at the annual town. meeting as the Board of Public Works
on October let, considers most necessary, such extensions not having been pe-
titioned for at the Annual Meeting. Petition of Board of Public Works.,
ARTICLE 4~. To see if the Town will vote to raise' and appropriate or transfer
from available funds the. sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ~$15,000.00) to widen
a,-seotlon of Great Pond .Road from the Junction of Pleasant Street to a point
westerly, ~oward the Centre, for a distance of not less than a tenth of a mile
Pgt~tion ~f Charl'es R. Eent, Jr. and others.
· ARTICLE ~!;!, To see if the Town will vote. the sum of Twenty-five Hundred
Dollars to be taken from free cash, to put a tar sidewalk on Chadwick Street,
'from~ Brlghtwood Avenue, to Highland View Avenue.
Petitibn of Grace E. Austin and others.
SA- To s?e if~the Town will .vote to raise and ~appropriate,
ARTICLE .~ or provid~
by bond mssue, or transzer from available funds, a sufficient sum of mono
extend ~he sewer system on Chickering Road approximately five hundred feet
'frO~'E~St Water Street towards Pleasant Street.
Petition of jomseph J. Serifa and others.
45'B. T~.~see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide~b~
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money .to
extend the sewer system from the persent terminus on Sutton Street twelve-
hundred and thirty feet towards Osgood Street.
Petition of Joseph M. Finneran and others.
5~C~ .T~' see if .the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or pr~ovide
bond'~i~sue, or transfer from available funds, the. sum Of money necessarybtYo
extend the s~wer sytem on Chicker~ Road from the present ~ermlnus southerly t
t~DUft0n'C~urt, thence along Dufton 'Court to a point ~at the residence of
Ralph C.~ Crompton'. Petition of George H. Schruender' and others.
45-D. ~To see if the Town will vote to transfer, from available fund's, or raise
and k~P~ro~riate, or provide'by bond issue, a sufficient sum of ~money to ~extend~
the sewer system on Massachusetts Avenue approximate~ly four hundred and fifty
feet ~from Andover S'treet. Petition of Francis B. Kittredge 'and others.
"45'E~ ~T6'%~~ if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or pr'ovlde~ by
· bondi~iissue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of mone~ to
ext6~ ithe, ~sewer .system on Beverly Street from Harold St. to Da~a Street.
Petftibn~'of 'George S. Marsh and others.
~5-E~ To see if the. Town will vote to raj'se and a~w~*o
~zs~s~e~i~i or ~ransfer from ~vailable funds a suffic~'-~:~! or pr.o.vzce oy
the sew. er system on ~reat ~ond aoad, two hundred and fifty feet f~40m the
ing sewe~ near Stevens Street. Petition o'f Ames Stevens and Others.
~SqG~. T~ See'if the Town will vote to raise andappropriate, or p~'ovide
issue, or trar/sfer from available funds, a 'sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Sutton Hill l{oad from Johnson Street to Heath Road.
Petiti6n of Dr.. Heury G. Armitage and others.
~5-~,~. T~ see ~if the Town will vote ,
i~ssue- or trane to raise, and appropriate,_ or provide by bond
. .,. . fer from available funds a suf
th . ' . , flclent sum or mono to extend
e sewer system on High.land View A e Y
from Chadwick Street toward~ ~en~ue,,~five hundred and thirty-five feet
............ e nu~ · '
~etltlon o£ .lmeric P. Laz~mi, and others.
~5-Z- To see if the Town will vote to raise'~ and· appropriate, or provide by
issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system ~00 feet on Bay State Road from Massachusetts Avenue·
Petition of ~ohn F. Sullivan and others.
~SZ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond
issue, ~or transfer from available ~unds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Ashland Street from North Main Street to Sutton Street.
Petition of~ Leon Petell and others.
~5-K.~ To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue
or transfer from available funds, Twenty-three hundred dollars ($2,500.00) to
extend the sewer system on Wentworth Avenue· three hundred and sixty feet from
the present terminus toward Chadwick Street.
Petition of Anthony Lisi and others.
is sue,
To see if the town willvote to raise and appropriate, or r0vide by bond~
transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend th~
system on Naln Street from the present terminus at 281. Main Street to
Greene Street. Petition of Dr. H. Frank McCarthy and others.
~5-M. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or p~ovide by bond
issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient'sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Waverley Road from Greene Street to Trinity Court and on Trinity
court. Petition of Mary Gennaro and others.
T wn will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond
~5-N. To see if the o ~ - ~-~ sum of mone~ to extend the
issue, or transfer from available lungs, a su~ .... 7---.
sewer system on Glenwood Street from Shawsheen Avenue =o N~ssac~use~s
Petition of Rico DiDonato and others.
45-0.. To see if the Town will vobe to raise and appropriate or to provideby
bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the sewer on~ Inglewood Street from Shawsheen Avenue to Mass.achusetts
Avenue. Petition of Albert A. Mistretta and others.
ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to accep6 from Robert J. 'Burke of
th_irt -two hundred dollars ($5,200.00) to b~ used by
rth Andover the sum of Y ~. . · feet o~ ~averley
No roximatel seven hundred
T to extend the water sys=em app Y
the own - -. ~-~. ~1~n f Edward C. Garve~ and others.
Read. Southerly from '~rnp~e ~. ........ o
ARTICLE ~7- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, 0r provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the water system on Beverly Street from Harold Street to Dana Street~
Petition of George S. Marsh and others.
ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum Of
One Hundred and Forty-none Thousand Dollars ($1~9,000.00) or any other sum
be used with contributions fr~mBrooks School and Campion Hall, for thelpurpose
on installing a twelve-inch water mai~ on Great Pond Roa'd from the' South Pumping
%tation to Campion Hall and determine whether the money shall be raised by
b a ronriation from available funds in the treasury, and by borrowing
taxation, Y PP ~ ~ -- - ., * ~-~ m ..... - Laws or take any action in
under the authority o~ ~nap~er oj% ob ~ ~ ·
relation thereto. Petition oD Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to accept fro~ Brooks School' and
Campion Hall the ~sum of Forty-'five Thousand Dollars ($~5,000.00) to be used
together with the appropriation of One Hundred and Forty-nine thousand dollars
for the purpose of installing a twelve-inch water main from the South pumping
station to Campion Hall. Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to
extend the water system on Abbott Street Three Hundred and Twenty-five feet from
M~rbleridge Road. Petition of ~ohnM. MoManus and others.
ARTICLE 51· To see if the ~own will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond
issue, or transfer from availab~ funds the sum of Nine Hundred and Sevent7
Dollars ($970.00) to extend the water system on Wentworth Avenue from the present
terminus approxlmate'ly two hundred and forty feet toward Chadwick Street.
Petition of Anthony Lisl ~ud others.
ARTICLE 52.. To see if the Town will
Hundred Dollars ($800.00) to install
Wood Lane three hundred (500) feet.
raise and appropriate the sum of Eight
a pipe and catch basin to extend drain on
Pe~itlon of the Highway Surveyor;
ARTICLE 5~. To see if the Town will raise and 'appropriate or transfer from
available funds the sum of $7,700.00 for the purRose of extending the cu. lvert
at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and waverly Road along Waverly Road
to Kenwood Street a distance of about 200 feet. Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 5~. To see if the Tow~ill raise and approp~iate or %ransfer from
available funds the sum of $7,100.00 for the purpose of extending~the existing ·
~0" concrete surface drain in Greene Street from Trinity Court to'Linden .
Avenue. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 95.- To see if the Town will. raise and appropriate or transfer from
available funds the sum of $~,450.00 for the'purpose of constructing a s~orm
drain in Chapin Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ,,
ARTICLF~56. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from
available funds the sum of $1000.00 for the purpose of installing drainage con-
slating of 2 catch basins in Boston Street and about 2~0 feet of pipe in. Boston
Street and through an easement across land of Frances Goodhue to the swamp.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate twenty-eight
thousand five hundred dollars to extend the water and sewer system on Pleasant
Street to the American Legion Beach and to provide a new bath house..
Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the 159
sum of
One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) and to authorize the' Recreationa
Council to promote and conduct one o~' more artificial ice skating rinks for
residents of the Town. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vo'te to raise and appropriate the sum of
Twenty-five hundred dollars (t52,500.00) and authorize the Recreational Council
and Board of Public Works to promote and conduct one or more artificial and
natural ice skating rinks for ~esidents of the Town.~
Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE~ 60. To see if the Town will vote (1) to authorize the Recreational
Council to lease, upon such terms and conditions as it mgy determine, the
outdoor skating rink at Brooks School, for the purpose of a recreation centre.
(2) to authorize the council to c6nduot and promote ice' skating thereon for
the residents of the Town, and (5) to appropriate the sum of Twenty-five
hundred dollars ($2,500.00) therefor. Petition of Hecreational Council. '
ARTICIE '.61. To see if the Town will raise and appr6priate One Thousand and
Sixty dollars to purchase from Mrs. Anne D. Flynn and others lots l0 and ll on
Lamere Street (so-called) containing 10,600 square feet to be added to the
Aplin Playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will raise or appropriate from available funds
· a summ'of money to erect a 'chain link fence .at the Waverly Park Playgrounds
abutting ~he property at 16~ Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of Salvatore A. Coco and others.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of One
thousand dollars ($1000.00) for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on
Clark Street.- Petition of Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from
available funds the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars ($1~00.00) to ·install
flashing warning ~'~rning beacons on Marblehead Street a~t Middlesex Street,
all as permitted by the Department of Public Works on Permit No. 586 dated
October 27, 1959. Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the' Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer
from available funds the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00) to be used
for improvements to the Town Garage and for enlarging the Town Yard in'accord-
ance ~with engineering plans for this purpose. Petition ~Board of Selectmen.
~-~.CLE 66. To see if the Town will v otc to raise and appor'prtate .or transfer
from'~available funds, the sum of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred dollars ($9,
for .the appointment of three (5) regular patrolmen, fully~ quallified who have
passed the Civil Servic.e physical and mental examination~ all in accordance
with Civil Set.vice Rules and Regulations.
Petition of Board of Selectmen and Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will v. ote to raise and appropriate the sum'of
Six Thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500.00) to be added to the Fire Depart-
ment appropriation to provide for the appointment of two (2) qualified men
under Civil Service Rules to be regular fire fighters.
Petition of Board of Fire Engineers.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to ~aise and appropriate, or take
~from available funds, the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). robe used
to finance a detailed study and report t~o include a land survey and engineer-
lng report, architects fees, land acquisition and other similar expenses, said
sum ~o be administered by the Board of Selectmen all in connection with the
erection of a new fire s=ation in. the vlciniSy of the Old Center.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 69~ To .see if the Town will raise and~ appropriate· or transfer from
available funds in the Town Treasury, the sum of $2,525.46 to be used with
unexpended balance of $1,47~.5~ of Article 69 of the 1957 Annual Town Meeting
making a total of $4,000.00 to be used for consulting purposes.by the Pla
Board. Petition of No. Andover Planning Board, James M. Barman, Chairman.
ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or tran~er from
available funds in the Town. Treasury, the sum of Eight hundred dollars ($800.00
for the purpose of providing Christmas decorations and lighting on Main Street
in the Business Section during the Holiday Season.
Petition of Tom Robinson, Jr. and others.
ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer
from available funds in the Town Treasury, the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars
($1,500.00) to be used for a Town Fourth of July Celebration. Any and all
profits made at said celebration to be turned into the Town Treasury.
Petition of Board of Selectmen, upon recommendation of North Andover Fourth
of July Celebration Committee.
ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer ~
from available funds a sufficient amount of money to move the Soldiers and
Sailors Memorial from its present location at the Junction of Main-and Osgood ~
Streets and the Gilbert Watering Trough nearby to more 'appropriate locations in
front of the Stevens Memorial Library.
Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library.
ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to instruct the Town Treasurer, or the
Board of Selectmen to se~l at public auction or private sale land now owned by
the Town and being lots numbered 18-2~ inclusive on Plan of Land know~ as Beacon
Rill, dated October 1906, said plan being recorded in the North Essex Registry
of Deeds as Plan No. 0381. Said lots of land border on unopened s~treet known
as Phillips Brooks Road, running between Chickering Road and Massachusetts Avenue
Petition of Anthony L. Galvagna and others.
ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to create a special unpaid committee
to be known as the Regional Vocational School District Planning Committee, to
consist of three members, including one member of the School Committee, all to
be appointed by the Moderator, which committee may Join with a comparable ~comm-
ittee, or committees , from one or bore nei'ghboring Towns and/or City, to form
a Regional Vocational School District Planning Board for the purpose of studying
the advisability of establishing a Regional Vocational School District, and
making recommendations, relative thereto, pursuant to Chapter 71, of the General
Laws, Section 11~ to 161 inclusive. Petition of No. Andover Schoo~ Committee.
ARTICLE 75. To see if the 'Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section
8A of Chapter ~0 of the General Law~ as esSabllshed by Chapter 297 of the Acts
of 1954 and amended by Chapter 102 of the Acts of 1955, and to establish a de-
velopment and industrial commission of.nine.(9) members with all 6f~the' 9owers
and duties thereof as provided i~ said Section 8A of Chapter 40,. General Laws.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote ho raise, and appropriatW a. ~um Of Five
Hundred dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of establishing and ~aintaining a .
development and industrial commission as provided by Section 8A of.Cha~ter ~0]
G.L., and de~ermine whether the money shall be provided for ~y taxation or by
appropriatlon from available funds in the treasury.
· Petition of Board of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 77. To 'see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer
from available funds, or otherwise provide, the sum of Thirty-five 'thousand
ddllars ($35,000.00) to be expeHded under the direction of the School Building
Committee, for topographical surveys, borings, educations specifications, com-
plete plans, layout, working drawings, and estimate of cost, and such other
disbursements as may be pmellminary to the oonstruotion of an addition, or
~ additions, to a presen~ school building, or buildings.
Petition of the School Building Committee and School Committee.
ARTICLE~8. To see if th~ Town ~lll vote to amend the North Andover Zoning
By-Law of the town to change Section ~.55 of the Zoning Laws dealLng with Motels
such that said section will be amended by adding thereto subse=tion ~ which will
read as follows:
J. Theme shall be allowed in a Motel, a coffee shop or
restaurant =o be use& in conjunction with the operation
of a motel. Petition of ~ohn J. Lynch and others.
*~iETICLE 79~ To see if ,the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding
thereto the following new sections:
The Board of Appeals may grant a special permit for an apartment develop-
ment in. any zoning district, but only if it be satisfied that such develop-
ment will conform to the permitted uses and specific regulations set forth
in sections 4.72 and 4.73.
4-71 In so far as they may be apt, the provisions of sections 4.5 through ~.5~,
inclusive, shall apply to any application for a. special permit under
section ~.7.
~.72 Permitted Uses: []
(a) .Multiple or group dwellings, provided that there shall be.n~t.more
than twelve dwelling units per s~ructure. .'~.
(b) Such accessory uses as are customary in conne=tionwith~the..·permitted'~1
principal uses, except that professional offices and home occupations
are specifically excluded.
~.73 Specific Regulations:
(a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half (2~) stori.es or thirty-five
(35) feet, in height, measured.above the ~op of the foundations.
(b) No structures, except one-story garages or carports, or unpi6rced walls
-of residential structures shall be nearer to each other than the sum
of the heights of their two opposing exterior walls, measured above
the top of the foundations.
(c) There shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 square feet for each dwelling
-· unit in multiple-dwelling structure, in addition to the lot area, if
~any, required for other permitted uses.
1960 161/
ART 79, Sec. ~.75.Con't.
~-73 (d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory, structures
shall not exceed 30% of the gross area of the lot.
(e) No structure shall be built withln'5'0 feet of the side line of any
public street or way and no structure or parking spac~ shall be built
or maintained within 20 feet of any other exterior property llne.
(f) There shall be provided' at least one paved off-street parking space,
or-space in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to
be not more than 200 fe'e't from the outside entrance to such unit. No
space shall be considered available for parking which reduces the
.effective width of a driveway providing access to more than one
~'dwelltng unit to less than 12 feet.
(g) There shall be a paved driveway, or paved walk adequate to acc¢
emergency vehicles, within 50 feet of the outside ,entrance to each
dwelling uni.t.
(t/) Any road or driveway providing principal access to 6 or more dwelling
~' units or 8 or more parking spaces shall conform to appropriate pro-
vt'sions of the subdivision control regulations as if it were a minor
residential street. Before issuing any permit the Board of Appeals
shall request a report from the Planning Board on the extent of such
~7~. No, special permit shall be granted under section ~.7 unless the Board of
Appeals finds 'that the development as planned will not be detrimental to
the neighborhood in which it' is to be located, and that the Town can .
reasonable provide the proposed development with all necessary utilities
an~ facilities.
' 'Pe~itlon of Board 'of Selectme~ upon recommendation of the Industrial,.
Development Committee.
ARTICLE~i~. ,.To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andov6r Zoning
By-Law,bY.changing from. Village Residential to General Business the following
described p~oel of land:
A certain piece and parcel of land situated on Hodges Street, so called
nearj?Main Stbeet, in said North Andover, the same being lots numbered
71~2,,~and..paV'tm~of lot numbered 70, as shown on plans of land of Eltz~
D..'S~4~ent,~i~sai.d,plan belong recbrded in the Essex North District Regi
of,~-~eeds~ Bo$~43, Page 600. Co~taining'10;100 square feet,
Pet~tibn of~d~0seph Giard ~and others.
ARTi~LE/'8~~ To see if the T0wn.will vote to amend the North ~dover
By Law~iby ~changing~ from Village ResidentiAl to General Business the fol!0~ ,ing,~
described parcel of~,land:
Beginning at the intersection of
Fran-klln~Street with the Southerly llne of Pleasant Street; thence So~th~-~
easterly by the Southern line of Pleasant Str_eet, 100 fe.e~, thence' South-?
we, st.e~ly, ~00 feet, '~thence Southeasterlyt~0.~0 feet; th~'Sou~hwe'sbe~ly 'i,.
160~5 ~feet~,.to Avon, Street;· ~,thence Northerly by the Easterly_ line-of ~AVon~ ~ ~ . ~ 1~ ~ ~
Street 200 feet~to Franklln?treet; thence Northeasterly by the Easterly~i~e
of Franklln~ Street, ~22 feet, thence'again NortheasterlFby a curve Of 80~2
feet~radius,~..~9.20 ~feet; thence Northeasterly still by the Easterly~line of
Franklins Street, 88,4~,feet,,..~to the point of beginning. '-~
Petitiozi~ o~ ,William A. McAloon and others.
ARTICLE'~'82'~.',~To.~s'ee;.~if· tt~e ~Town will vote. to amend the North Andover Zoning
Zoning~By?.aw'and zoning map of,the Town, by changing from Village Residential
Zone' t~ General Business Zone .the following described property:
poin~ on'the, Ea~sterly side of Pleasant Street.~ at its intersection with Trent,
Street, ~pr, ivdt~e'~,~way; thence running' along the Easterly side of Pleasant
Street in a Northe/~lY'direction 220 feet to a point; thence turning and
in,an ,Easterly, direction by a stone wall mby 1. and now or formerly of the
Land)Company ~5,feet~more or less to'a point, thence turning and,runnLug in a
SoutherIy/di~ection,by' land now or formerly of'Fournier, 205.2 feet to a point;
thenqe~a'nd ,rtumming in a W_esterly direction along the Northerly s£de..of
the-~a£o~r~e~e~//tioned prtvate,,wdy 50 feet to the point of .beginning.
Petition ~'of,~Loretta .L. Willis and others.
ARTICIE.'.i~8~'j~.To~,.see if the Town ,will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning
By-Law and theZohlng Map of~the Town by changing from Village Residential-
Zone to'~General Business Zone the following:
Lot-,No.. 1 ~ '~startlng at a l~oint On the Northerly side of Bunkerhill
Street .At its intersection with Concord Street thence 'running along
the Northerly side of Bunkerhill Street, 275 feet to a point; thence
turning and ~runnlng in a Northerly direction along land now or formerly
of Nelbick~[ 80 feet to a point; thence turning and running in an Easterly
dlrection~:2~5 feet to s point on the Westerly side of Concord Street:
thence'.turnlng andlrunnlng along the Westerly side of Concord Street in a
Southerly direction, 80 feet to the point of beginning."
Lot No. 2 "Starting at a point on t'he Northerly side of Trenton Street
at its~ inter, section with Wayne Street thence running along the Northerly
side (~f~renton Street, 290 feet to a point; thence t~. ming and running
in a ~Nor~herlY direction by land of Domenlc Mangan, .l~.9 feet to a point;
T0W FOR 1960
ART 83. Con't: "Lot No. ~)
Thence ~u~tning and ~lng Easterly, by land now o~ formerly of the
Village ~and' Company, ~2.58 feet to a point on the Westerly side of
Wa~e Street; thence turni~ ~d r~i~ alo~ the Westerly side of
Wayne Street, 99.~1 feet to the point of begl~ing."
Petition of Domenlc ~gano and others.
~TIC~ 8~. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning By'Law by oha~i~
from Industrial to Gener~ Business, the followi~ described parcel of land:
L~d on the eastemly side of Clark Street bonded westerly abodt' ~99 feet by
C~ rk Street; northerly about 1,170 feet by a ~oad h0 feet in width p~oposed
by the La~ence Airport Co~ission; easterly about ~18 feet by land now o~
for~ly of the D & G Real Estate T~st to land now or formerly of Hearty;
southerly 1,~0.~5 feet by land now o~ formerly of Hearty and L~d of
~le~ie, Inc. Petition of Anthony Rogers ~ ot~.s.
~,~,/~TIC~ 85. To see if the Town will vote to ~end the No~th A
[~' By Law and ~p of the Town by c~ging from Co~t~ Residenti~°vet
Village Residential Zone the foll~i~ desc~ibe~ p~oper~: . Zone to
Starti~ at a point
on the Northerly side of Woodstock St~ee= 76.61 feet Easterly f~om its intel-
section with Wood Lane thence ~i~ by various oo~se~, Northerly 926.75
feet mo~e or less to a point on t~Southerly side of G~eat OakSt~eet~ t~ence
· u~ni~ a~ ~u~i~ In an Eastemly direction along said Grea~ 0~ Street ]00
feet to a point; thence t~ning and ru~i~ Ina Southerly di~ectlon'by, v~ious
co~ses 910 feet mo~e o~ less to the Northerly side of Woodstock S~eet thence
~ning and r~i~ in a Westerly di~ection along Wood~tock Street,226.21. feet
mo~e or ~ ss to a point of beg!~i~. Petition of John g. Willis.a~ ot~s.
~TIC~ 86. To see if the Town will appropriate from available f~s the sum
9~_Eig~t~-t~ee ~red and fifty-eight dollars a~ eigh~-nlne cents
($~,55~.~9) bei~ the amount of'water department ~ecelpts in excess o} water
department operati~ expenses including bonds a~ interest fo= 1959. to. a
Stabilization ~d as provided for by ~pte~ l~ of the Acts of 19~5.with
the unde~s~andi~ that it is to be used. b~. the Town for capital imp~ome~nts
in the Wa~ works system ~e~ the 'p~ovisions of the above act.
Petition of the Board of ~blic Works.
~TICLE 87~ To see if the Town will vote to transfe~ t~ s~ of'~ifteen
thousand dollars ($15,000.00) f~om the Overlay S~plus to the Re se~ve~.~d.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen. . .~ .
~TIC~ 88. To see if the Town will vote to t~e the s~ of
~om available ~nds to reduce the 1960 tax rate.
Petition of the B~rd of Assessors.
And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posti~ t~e ~d~attested
copies thereof, at the Town Office Buildt~ and at five or more public%places
each voti~ precinct. Said copies to be posted not more t~n fifteen days nor
less than ~n days before the time of holdi~ said mee~i~.
Hereof, fail not, and ~ke due rein of this warrant with.you"doits
thereon ~o the T~n Clerk, at the time ~d place of said meeti~.
Given ~der o~ ~nds at North Andover, ~ssachusetts, the twen~-fifth day
of January, in the year of o~ Lord, o~ thousand nine h~red ~d-sixty.
~ ~LIP ~CL~ Selectmen.
A ~re c°py: AT'ST: ~~~~~ C o~stable.. ~'
OF~I~ ~ S
I ~ve notified and warend the i~abitants of the Town of Nor~ Andoyer,
qualified to vote in =own affairs by posti~ ~rue ~d attested copies of this
w~rant at the Town Buifdihg and at five or more public places in each voting
preoinc~ of the Town. ~, .
Said copies ~vi~ been posted not ~ore t~n fifteen d~ys before the time of
~eti~. t~n ten ~ys. befo~e~ thC!time of holdi~
C0~TAB~. ~
North Andover, Maes. ~ ~ ~
February 2~, 1960 ~~ ~~