HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-19 WARRANT COMMON~ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constabe!s of the To~m of North Andover. Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you 'are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the High School Auditorium of said' North Andever , on the tgth d~ay of March, 1960 immediately after the Annual Town Meeting of March 19, 1960, and then and there to act on the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following new section: 3.79 A parcel of land on the southwesterly side oX Massachusetts Avenue, bound- ed and described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue, at land now or formerly of W.H. Damren, thence running southwesterly by said land now. or formerly of Damren about 577 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and running northwesterly, northe, rly and easterly about 555 feet by said river to Massachusetts Avenue, thence turning and running southeasterly by said ~ southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue about 2~1 feeb to the point of beginning. Containing about 81280 ~quare feet. Petition of ~avid B. Hollins, 12 Hamilton Rd., and o'thers. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws by from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of la nd: Beg~inning at the northwesterly corner of a parcel of' ~a nd zoned for · General ~usiness known as the Lakeside Filling Station parcel and d~scribed under Section 5, P5.7~ (22); thence southeasterly by said par~cel, 125 feet; thence' southwesterly 15~5 feet; thence northwesterly 125 feet tlc Osgood Street; thence northeasterly 169 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of North Andover Pl~Ing Board, James M. Ba~n', Chairman. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws by changing from Country ~Residential to Village Eesidential the following described parcel of land: · BeginnLug at a point in the Southerly line of Prescott Street abou~ 20 feet westerly from the southerly extension of the westerly line of Moody Stree~ thence easterly by the southerly line of Prescott Street ~5.6~ feet to a point, thence southwesterly 250 feet; thence easterly 200 feet; thence southwesterly ~53~.20 feet; thence southeasterly 126.~9 feet; thence southwesterly 2~0 feet; thence northwesterly ~22 feet by a line which is parallel tO and 200 feet northeasterly from the easterly line of the location ofI the Boston & Maine Railroad; thence northeasterly 355 feet; thence easterly 200 feet; thence northeasterly 250 feet to the point of beginning.~ Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Barman, Chairman. ~ you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attes- ted copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not and make due return of fbi's warrant with your doings theron to .the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 29th day of Pebruary in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty. RALPH E. FINCK Board WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of PHILIP SUTCLIFF~ ~ Sele c~lEen A true.':copy: ~~~~C'~ - ,-'~ ATTEST: North Andover, Mass. March 5, 1960. OFFICER' S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Building and at five or more public places, in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days before the time of holding said meeting, nor less than ten days before the time of hol~ing said meeting. -. - · , March 5, 1960 164 MODERATOR FOR ONE YEAR TH01~IS 0N, Ar thur A. 703 884 LYNCH, John T. SNITH, Donald 1 ~R, ~ames J. 1 ~, Ge o~ge 1 y0WN TREAS~ FOR 0~ ~ ~I~R, James J. 776 9~ B~S 120 1~5 SE~CTE~ FOR 0E E~ FI.NCK, Ralph E. FINi~RAN, · Willlam A. ~ 605 7o6 SUTCLIPFE, Philip ~0 ~69 BANNAN, James N. 107 10~ B~Y, James A. 252 ~0 K~, i~th~ p. ~6 5h WILSON, F~ederick W. 66 599 5 ~O~D. 0F PUBLIC E~ FOR 0~ E~M FINCK, Ralph E. FI~RAN, William A. ~ 600 7o~ SUTCLIF~, Philip ~2~ ~68 BA~AN, ~ames N. lp~ ll0 B~Y, James A. ~ ~02 K~E, Arth~ P. 5~ WILSON, Frederick W. - 69 ~ ~ ~o~ 5 ~0~, Jo~ J. 122 B~S ~ ~7 T~ CO~CTOR F~ O~ ~R DEWHIRST, James H... B~ 21 ~l ~ W~EN FOR 0~ ~ CO~0RS, ~o~ ~. 765 9y8 B~s l~l 140 AS~SSOR FOR ~T~ ~RS SOUCY, ~r~erite 74~ ~ BOARD OF ~TH FOR T~ ~.S ~Y--Julius BLA~S 7~4 90~ 162 215 BO~D OF P~LIC WORKS F~ T~ ~Aw~ ~U~IVAN, Joseph D. 719 887 B~ 177 2~1 SCHOOL C0;~TT~ FOR T~ ~S ~IIS, Robert. W. 402 L~CH, Jo~ J.. P~N~NG B~D FOR FI~ ~Ap~ F~, George P. 260 O'~y, Daniel T. 1~ ~ S~A, Joseph F. STIEBITZ, Walter P. 104 204 B~ 97 122 HOUSING A~HORITY FOR FI~ ~S CRIT~EN, Do~ld G. 165 ~ Mc~E, Alfred H. ' ~20 477 BLA~S RESULTS 0F. ELECTION MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1960 .NUMbeR OF VOTES BY PRECINCT~ _om ~wo Sm~m ~o~ 827 lo28 155 .~ 213 834 151 tOTAL 1 1 1 ~79~ 4 4 32 2~o7 216 278 1030 4ll ~915 100 108 371 502 5~4 1997 ll0 16 726 18 1o6~ 17~ lO4~ 198 1019 222 ?94 774 211 6o ~02~ 21~ 22O ~7 267 17~ 2O6 192. ~7 462 201 287 ~5~ 121 .2~9~ 1~26 121 3509 731 ' 3450 79o 2102 1672 1195 7~7 535 RESULTS OF ELECTION NONDAY, CONSTABLES FOR ONE YE~ LACY, William J; 558 665 McCABE, James D. 596 ~12 WALSH, Augustine J. MacKENZIE, George R% NcCARTHT, William J. ~2 THOMSON, Donald M. LEFEBVRE, Wilfred i 1 WALSH, Raymond FOSS, Donald 1 FITZGERAI~, James 1 HAMNOND, Roland CASALE, Tom LGNG, Kenneth ROBERTS, David ,B.~S. ~08 1900 QUESTION:. Y E s 326 394 N 0 413 530 .... BLANKS 157 A.DJ.'OURNED TOWN MEETING SATURDAY MARCH l~t 1~60.. at ~arch 7, 1960 613 2765 612 529 18~6 510 7~0 2321 1 1 '2 l' 1 1 1 369 482 ~571. 393 589 z925 223 170 7~ l:~O P.M. Total amount of Articles ~anuary 1, 1960 A true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS Town Clerk. ARTICLE 5. VOTED t.o fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers o~ the Town as provided for b~ Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, as. amended, effecti.ve from January l, 1960. Board of Selectme~ - each per annum. $700.00 Board of Public Welfare - each per annum. 150.00 ' ' Board of Assessors - each per annum 1,250.00 Town Treasurer - per annum 5,775.00 $156,959.63 ARTICLE 2. VOTED THat all other officers not required by law to be electe& byballot referred to the Selectmen for action. ARTICLE 3. VOTED to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presen- te~ by the Selectmen be aecepte~. ,/~·~ZCLE 4. VOTED THAT THE FOLf0WING UNEXPENDED APPROPRIATIONS BE RETURNED TO TO TEE TO~NTREASURY. ~rt. 4. June 30, 19~6 Planning Board F~xpenses ." 68. 195~ Planning Board Town Planning ~,000;00 " 1~. 195~ Town Infirmar~ Repairs " 5h. 1959 School Survey 600.00 ~otal .Amount of Unexpended Appropriations To be Returned To the Town Treasury. $5,658~0~ Under the aforesaid article Dt was further voted that the following a~ppropriations be carried forward to January l, 1960. '" ' 195~ Pla'nning Board, Zoning ~ps. 1,~7k.5~ '" 53, 1956 East Side Sewe~ 683;72 '" 3~-1959 Sewer System, 'Items, A.B.C.F.G. 1,833.25' "' ~ 195~ Nov 16. Bills, W.Side Sewer Trunk. . ~2~.55' "' 195~ c~. 90. G.L. Dale St. '" 32. 1959 90. G.L. Road Construction 26,000.00' · U.S'. 01d Age Assistance-Assistance U.S'. 01d Age Assistance-Administration U.S. Aid Dependent Children-Aid 8,668.39' U.S'. A£d " " Administration 2,881.83 U.S. Disability Assistance - Assistance 5,85~;05' U.S'. " " Adminastration 51~.81 School Exp. Rsve for Payment, 1959 Bills. ~15.08 " Schbol Cmtee of Mass. Public Law 874. 7,~52.19' 625.00' ~" 1. Feb' ~, 1957 Melamed Taking · " 1957 " " ' 5oo.oo " 8. "~' 1957 Franklin School Const. School Title, Part A.P.L. 85-684 . 996.97 M.A. School Lu~ch Account 4,12~'.32 N.A. High SchOol Athletic Assoc. Sch%ol Grounds, Resve. for pay 1959 bills. ~2~.00 Civil Defense Expenses 9~.~7 "' 54'. 1958' 12" Water Mains, Various Streets 20,685.46' "' ~ ~195~ Water Main Extensions 1,953.00 i,.. i[ 195U, June 9. Purchase of Land and Buildings on Great Pond Road. 9~600.00 To Be Carried Forward to 166 AdJoqrned Town Meeting of March 19, 1960 ARTICLE 5, Con't. Tax Collector - per annum $1,9~0.00 Highway Surveyor - per annum 5,765,00 Tree Warden - per annum 400.00 Moderator - per annum 50.00 Board of Health - each per annum 500.00 Board of Public Works - each per annum 250.00 ARTICLE 6. (BUDGET) Motion was duly made and seconded and so VOTED to approve items of the budget collectively as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board, with the exceptions of the following ch%.n~=es: Item No. 6 Assessors Expenses in the amount of $5,88~.00. Town Couneel- $500.00 expenses to be added to salary account. Item No. 8. Item No. 17, Tax Title Foreclosures teken out of Salaries and Wages in the amount of $25.00 and put in Expense Account. . Item No. 20 Police Department, add Bathing ~each'PoliceSalaries & Wages, fl. 650.00 and ex- penses'S50.00. Item No. ~2-S~reets, Gen,1 ~tnce, add gasoline & cji'expense ~6,000.00. Iten No. ~5 Snow ~emoval increased from $10,000.00 to $58,000.06. Item~No~ 67 water metnce and cost, labor-wages increased from $55,000.00 to . $55,600.00. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ~ No. DEPARTMENT, 1. Selectmen: Salaries Clerk Salary Expenses 2. Treasurer: Salary Clerk Salary Expenses 5. Accountant: Salary Extra Clerical Expenses 4. Tax Collector: Salary Clerk Salary Expenses 5. ~own Clerk: Salary · Expenses 6. Assessors: Salaries Clerk Salary Extra Clerical Expenses 7~ Election-Registrars-Salaries Expenses 8~ Town Counsel: Salary 9~ Moderator: Salary 10; A~visory Board: Expenses ii, Planning Board: Expenses 12, Bbard of Appeals (Plsnning-Expenses) SAL-WAGES EXPENSES $2,1oo.~o 5,671.~4 · $750.00 %7~5.oo 5,6~5.5o 1,98~.oo 4,9~.oo 1,7~5.00 500.00 1,900;00 ~,958.5o 5,950.00 4,85o~oo 55o.oo 5;750;00 L%8~5o 2,240.00 5,88~oo .875~00 6,650.00 1,500;00 SO.CO .1 ; Board: Expenses ~; P'er~on~el Board of'Appeals (Personnel) Expenses · 15. Town Bldg. Jab,tory Salary 1,~6.90 · Expenses 16. Custodian Tax,Titles: Salary Expenses ~ Tax Title Foreclosures: Expenses LTcense Commissibn2Expenses 19; Annual Town'Meeting~' Expenses Police Dept. ChiefSalary ~Sergeants patrolmen Regu~rs, Reserves, Specials. Overtime and Elections Expenses Bathing Beach -'Police 21. Fire Dept. Chief Salary Lieutenant Salary 15 Regulars 2 Engineers or Deputy Chief Call and spare men Vacations Expenses 22; Forest Fire Warden: Salary ~ Forest Fires: Expenses Dog Officer: Salary Expenses 25. Civil Defense Director Salary Expenses 26. Building Inspector: Salary Expenses 27. Wiring Enspector: Salary Expenses 28. Sealer-Weights & Measures-Salary Expenses ..~0 ;00 '%85o;0o 19,656,0o' 57;128;00 5;000.00 1,815.00 650'00 ;126;00 '5;009;00 59,~89;5o 1,700;00 12;867;5o 2,824~5o 250.00 a~5.oo 6ce.co 6ce.co 600.00 500.00 250;00 75o;oo ~00;00 00;00 100.00 5,200~07 15o';o'o 25;00 15o;oo 5,750.00 8,612;00 5o.oo 9,285.00 1,O00.00 550.00 2,400.00 100.00 175.00 90.00 TOTAL 100.00 · 75o.0o ..5,775;00 5,6_85;50 .4 9~.~,oo ' ~,9!~.oo 1, 7~5; 00 500,00 1~, 900,00 5,958.50 ~, ~50; 00 , ~5o, co 550;00 5~75o ,oo 5.958.50 2,250,00 5, _88~.oo ~75; O0 6, 6'50,00 1,500;00 50;00 250;00 750;00 ~00;00 00.00 100.00 1,4~16.9o 5,200 ;00 100o0a 150;00 25;00 150 ;00 5,750 ;00 5,8~o.o0 1'9,656.00 57; 128; oo 5,000;00 1,815. co 8,612;oo 700;00 6,126,00 5',oo9;oo 59,1.1.89,5o 1',700;00 12, 867 ;50 2,82~.;5o 9,285;o0 250,00 1,000;00 245.oo ~5o;oo 00;00 2,~00,00 600;00 100.00 600.00 ~75.oo 5ce.co 9o.oo ADJOURNED TOWN I~ZETING MARCH 19, ARTICLE 6. CON'T. 2~. Insect Pest"~ontrol. Superintendents Salary Labor - Wages . Expense s 50.. Poison Ivy Control. Labor-Wages · Expenses 51.. Dutch Elm Disease: Labor-Wages Expense s 52,, Brush Cutting: Labor-Wages ~! ~own Forest: Labor-Wages '. Tree Warden: Supt-Salary · Labor - Wages .. Expenses Street Lightingi: Expenses Boar~ 6f Health: Salaries .NurSe - Salary . .Physician - Salsry · Expenses· 57.·Refuse Disposal: Labor-Wages' ~ · Expenses 58; Garbage Disposal: Contract 59. Sewer Maintenance & Construction AdmSnistration Salaries Lab.or - Wages · Exp.ense s !Animal Inspector:' Salary Hig.hway Surveyor: Salary Str,eets: Gen'l Maintenance Cle .rk Salary Labor - Wages Tarlvia, Road 0%1, Cinders' Stone and Gravel Equipment & Repairs~ MiScl~ LExpenees Rental. of Equipment Gasoline & 0il .~!Snow Removal: Expenses ~ Board of Public Welfare-Salries ~ Welfare i.dministration: Inf~irmary. Supt' s Salary Matron- Salary wags ~Exp e ns e s ~7. WelJfar~'~Grants: 01d~ Age· Assistance 66,000:00 Aid~ to Depend Child. ~,000;00 Disability Assistance ~,000;00 General Re lief 12,000.00 Total Exp. for Welfare Grants ~8. veteran's Benefits: Agents Salary 750;00 cTe~ks Salary 500.00 Expe ns e s ' Grant% ~ ~9. School Department-Salaries '~ Expenses 50. School Crossing G~ards-Salries ~ Expenses 5t~ Stevens h~morial Library Head Librarian Assistand and Janitors . Expenses 52. PlaYgrounds: Supt. Salary Labor, Guards, Caretakers Expense s 55. Recreational Council: Salaries Expenses 5~J Parks, Triangles, Burying Grnds. Superintendent s Salary Labor, Wages 'Expenses 55. School Grounds: Labor-Wages Expenses · 56,.Essex County Retirement System: 5~- 'Contingent Fund 56~.American L.eglon: Rental of Qua,r, ters 59. V,F.W. 2105. " 60. Veterans Day 61. Memorial Day 62. Insurance 66~i Group Insurance Community Center 1960. 5,~8~,oo 525.6~ 7,26%15 1,050.00' ~5o;oo 00,00 9,557.52 900,00 ~,9~;oo .95o~oo 21,000.00 6,600.00 li857;5o '8,~oo.oo '525;00 5,765.00 3~,592.~8 ~5o;o0. %000;00, 2,2p5;oo 1,926.56 509,9~7~00 ~,500.00 5,7~5.oo 18,861,12 g72,5o 8,5o0~oo 1,888.oo 210;00 5,25o.0o 10,500.00 1,%5.oo 5oo.o0 1,100.00 1,~15;00 25,000.00 5,075700 5,000.00 8,000.00 21,000;00 6,000.00 1,~00;00 600;00 6~ooo;oo 38,000.00 7,925 .Qo. 95,000.00 20,5957o0 116,877,0o 656.00 6,160.00 5,000,00 800.00 700.00 5,000'00 28;977';81 2,~00;00 600;00 600;00 ~5o.oo 55o.oo 22,U00.00 16,852.oo 175.oo · 167 1,955;00 525.65 5oo.oo 7,269;15 1,050.,00 ~5o.oo 00.00 9,557.;52 1;415;oo 25,000.;00 ~, 91~,oo 95o.oo 5,075;00 21,000;00 5,000; O0 676oo~oo 1;857~5o 8;~.oo;oo 8,000.00 525.00 5~,765,00 ~ 505 ;56 5~, 592 ~g8 21,000'00 6,OOO;OO 1,~00;00 600;00 6~ooo,oo 58,000'00 ~5o;oo 9,000,00 2~2p5.oo 1,9kk.12 1,926~56 7,975.00 95,000.00 750.00 500;00 ~15,oo 2o,5~5;oo 5o~,~7;oo 11~;~77;00 4,500;00 656.00 5,715;00 18,861;12 6,160'00 ~72;5o 8,500;00 5~ooo,oo 1,888,oo 8oo.oo '21~;00 5,250;00 -700;00 10,500;00 5,000'00 2~,977.91 2,500;00 600;00 600,00 350.00 550,00 22,~00.00 16,852.00 175.oo 168 Art. 6. '67., 681. 70.. 7L. 72,. (Budget Con't) Graves Registration Board of Public Works-Sslar&es Water Maintenance and Cons~.. Administration Salaries Labor & Wages Expenses(Incl. Out of O~ate Travel) Redeeming School Bonds. Interest on gchool Bonds. Redeeming Water Main Notes· Interest on Water ~in Note.s ~e~eeming Sewer Bonds n~erest on Sewer Bonds Redeeming ~Vater Bonds Interest on Water. Bonds Redeeming Sewer Notes Interest on Sewer Notes Dis~ount on Notes 1960 Budge~ T~tals Adjourned Town Meeting March 19, 1960 5o.oo ?5o.oo 11,~25~00 55,600.00 $952,4z .8 58 5o0.oo 120,000~00 58,667.50 9,000.00 1,260~00 2~,000,00 ,89o.oo 10,000.00 2,560~00 10,000,00 ~,~75.00 , 75.00 $771,790..41 ARTICLE AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIA~n 2~! Well field, airport, water supply.- Certain Employee.'wages. Highway Dept. 291 Metal Street Signs 501 We.st-Side ~ewer 511 Typewriter, Public Works ~21 Fire Hose- ~3. Generator, North Pumping Station ~5 Two Police Cars- ~ Chapter 90 Hghway Const. Dale St. ;9~ " 90 " " M'ntnce Any Street. .0~ Remurfacing Streets .l~ Renew services ~2~ Wa~er Main Extensions ~5~ Widening Great Pond Road. ~5~ A.~. to 0, inclusive. Sewers ~7; Beverly Street. Water i0~ Abbott Street; Water il~ Wentworth'Ave. Water i2~ Wood Lane. Drain i~ Greene Street. Drain ;8~ Skating Rink ;1~ Lots. l~s. A.D. Flynn .~ Dum-~ Maintenance Two regular patrolmen 67~ Two regular firefighters 69; PlannlngBoard 71~ ~th of July Celebration , 76; Industrial Comm. Maintenance 55o;oo 750.00 11,025~00 b6oo.0o ~,500.00 120,000.00 ~8,667.50 9,000.00 1,260.00 2§:000.00 89o.0o 10,000.00 ' 2,.56o,oo 10,000.00''~ 1,'~75.00 "~ 6~875.00 $1,000;00 50;00 '5oo~oo 2,000;00- '725;00 -' 2~000100 1;~00~'00~ ~;000';00: 000;00~, 2,000~00 10,000~00 I~250~00~ Z~500~00~ 5,000~00 5,~00~00 7oo~oo 1,500~00 ©: 5oo;oo. 1;o6oi'oo 1,000100 6,600;00 6,500~00 1 o25&6 1,500;00 · ~500;00 77. School Bldg. Comm. Survey ~0~000,00 TOTAL ~MOUNT TO BE R~ISEDAND APPROPRIATED: AMOUNTS TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM UEEXP~WD_ED APPROPRIATI0~: ARTICLE ~. ~a~e~ S~s~em, ii~por~, Location of Clark St. " ac. l~roo~s ~cnool-Ca~pionHall. Water ~'*~'~ 9,000.00.. TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM UNEXPENDED APPROPRIATIONS $i8,~00'~00 ~MOU~£S. T0 EE. TRANSFERREDFROM AVAI~.ABr.~ FUllS .ARTICLE ~8. Cha~ter 90, Hg~way Cbnst. Dale Street 24,000;00 " ~ 90, " M'ntnce any street. 1;000A00 · " To reduce 1960 tax rate ' 106,000.00 . TOTAL AMOUNT TO.BE TRANSFERRED FROM AVAILABLE ~UNDS. $1~l, 000.00 'ARTICLE 5~- VOTED that the sum of $~,66~.~ be raised and apprpriat~d · be used with.the principal and interest of the Stabilization Fund to~May l, 1960 ($2,~6,57) for a total of ($7;100.00) to be used for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 87. VOTED to transfe~ the sum of $15,000.00 from the 0verlay'Sur_ .plus to the Res&rve Fund. ~ 'SUI~iARY · 'AMOUNT TO BE APPROPRIATED AT I'~N MEETING (Budget) $1,724;2p~;~2~ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED (Articles) , -100~945.~ GRAND TOTAL $1,825,1~8.15 A true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS TOWN CLERK. ANNIlAL ADJOURNED TOWN NEETZNG NARCH 19, 1960 169 ARTICLE 7. VOTED to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of ~the financial year beginning January l, 196[ and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be ~i.ven for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Cha Ill of the General Laws. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 8.' Mr. James Bannan, a planner for Central Merrima further at ne~t Town Meeting. Chm of Planning Board reported of the hiring of Valley in the near future, and would report ARTICLE 9.. VOTED to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of' their mem- bers 'to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation in accobdanoe with Section ~A, Chapter ~l of the General Laws. The amount of $950.00 for the year 1960 has been included in Board of Health budget. .-ARTICLE 10. VOTED to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its mem- beast:to the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in accord- ance wit~ Section~A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. The amount of $1,500.00 for the year 1960 has been included in School Department budget. ARTICLE,.ll. VOTED that the Town grant tl the City of Lav~ence and/or the Air- por. t Commission of the City of Lawrence, Slope easement ~ights along the easterly side of the town dump property on Clark Street for the Construction of'a street on adjacent property, and t'o authorize the Board of Selectmen~to si~n, execute, affix the corporate seal, and deliver a deed of easement on, be- half of the t own on such terms as said Board of'Selectmen deem fair.and equitable.- The vp~e was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 12. VOTED that the Town will sell two individual lots of land on Wood: Avenue to City of Lawrence, and/or the Airport'Commission of the City of Lawrence which lots. were acquired by the town for non-payment of taxes and are numbered 4% and 77 on plan of Woodside Terrace which is Pl~u No. 609, and .to authorize the TownL~Treasurer, to sign, execute, affix the corporate, seal, and deliver~a deed or deeds, on such terms as said Board of Selectmen deem fair eqditabl&. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE l~. VOTED thattthe sum of $9,400.00 be transferred-from the unexpe~ded' .. appropriation under A~ic,le 5~ of the 1958 Annual Town Meeting tobe expended ~ 'by"and' under'~'the direction of the Board of Public Works upon agreement with the La~re~ce".Airport Commission for the purpose of using 12inch cast iron cement I'line~,'w~ter pipe on the relocation of Clark Street instead of the 6 inch which was used to replace the existing 6 inch pipe on the present Clark The'vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 1~. VOTED that the sum of $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated to pur- °'cHase~f~0m'the City of Lawrence a proposed well field and right of Way at the La~r~e,e Airport for an addition to the water s'upply sy~em. ARTICLE 15. (1) VOTED to accept Heath Road.. from its intersection~with Sutton' Hill Road to its intersection with Mi~( Street. (2) VOTED to accept Heath Circle in its entirety. ARTICLE 16. VOTED to accept Wilson Road from Salem~mmpike a distance of - a~ox%m~ely ~9~ feet northerl~ as shown'on a plam, L~0racceptamce cT a ortlon .~lsfnj'~'o.a~ d~t~ ~a~.uary 1969, 'subject to installation of proper street '"uu~n~s ~o ce zns=a±£e~ oy proper~y owners on Wilson Road. ' ARTICLE 17.' Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 18. Withdrawn by Fire Chief and stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 19. VOTED unanimously to approve thewcontinuance of the 5% cost-of- living increase to employees subject to the age and Salary administration Plnz -~ as:~voted under Article 1~ of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting, the cost of whic included in. sale, lc s and. wages of each Town Department under Article VI' of thim Warrant. ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel, Wage and Salary A~m~'nistra~lon Plan Just as described in article. Unanimous vote. ~ ARTICLE 21. VOTED to amend the By'Laws governing the Personnel Wage and Salary Administration Plan 'Just as described in article. Unanimous vote. ' ARTICLE 22. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing Personnel, Wage and Salary Admlnistration. Plan.jJust as described in article. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE25. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 24. VOTE~to. amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel, Wage and Adminlsrtrati0n Plan for the employees of the Town adopted July 22, 1957 in f611owing manner. Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits, Holidays, last paragraph by adding the following holidays: New Years Day, Patriots Day, Washingtons ' Birthday, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Decoration Day and Columbus Day. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ~70 ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN NP~ETING MARCH 19, 1960 ARTICLE 25. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following manner: Amend Schedule B, ~Code PF, Hate of Progression: for Chief by inserting "12 months" in place of "1~ Months." ~'~ The vote was unanimous and so declared~ ARTICLE 26. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following manner: Amend Schedule C. Fringe Benefits, Uniform allowance, paragraph one (1) by inserting the words "One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)" in place of the words (Eighty-five dollars ($85.0.0) The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 27. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel ~Vage and Salary Administration Plan, in the following manner: Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits, Uniform Allowances, paragraph four (~), by inserting t~e words, "Forty-five dollars ($~5.00) in plac~ of the words "Thirty Dollars ($50.00)" .. The vote' was ~nunimous and so declared~. Articles 20 to 27 inclusive were taken in a group and voted upon unanimously, wi.th the exception of Art.icle 25 which was stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 28. VOTE~ that the sum of $50.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of paying a certain employee wages that wereearned from July 12, 1958 to December 51, 1958. ARTICLE 29. VOTED that the sum of $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the' purchase and installation of metal street signs, to be expended by the Board of Selectmen. Unanimous vo~e. ARTICLE 50. VOTED to raise .and appropriate the sum of $2,000.~00 to.pay an o~t- standing bill on the West Side Sewer Construction, Article 56, I95~$ Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 51. VOT~D to'raise ant appropriate the sum of $725.00 to be used with a 195~ Remington. Special Typewriter to purchase a system writer front feed electric T~l~ewriter. Unanimous vote. ·" ARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purchase of 500 feet of new 2~" bosh and 500 feet of new l~" .hose and 1 porta%le'hose rack~ for the Fire Department. Unanimous vote. ~ICLE 55- voTED ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 t'0~'~urchase a 10KW Generator to supply emergency lighting and power for auxiliary units .when it is necessary to:pump water with gasoline engine at North Pumping Station. vote. ARTICLE 5~. Stricken from the Warrant. ' ~RTICLE 55. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for' the purchase of two new 12 volt system cars. Two present cars to be turned in, in trade. All e~utpment to be' changed over, such as Police radios, sirenS~ etc. for the Police Department. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ]6. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 57. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 58.' VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000.00 =o 'meet the 'Town's share of the cost'of Chapter 90 Highway Construction, and that in~ addition, sum of $24,000.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet' the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County ~to be res.toted upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. ARTICLE 58-A. S%ricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 59. VOTED TO Raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose of this article to be expended by the Highway Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the General~Laws, and in addition, that the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from.un- priated available f~nds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and. .County to be re'stored upo~ their receipt, to unappropriated available funds in the Tow~ - Treasury. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ~0. VOTED to raise and appropriate ~he sum of $10,000.00 'to~ be expenr ded by the Highway Department~ to resurface Waverly Road from Mass ~Avenue to to the Andover Line; Jo~hnson Street commencing from the Center; Milk Street; and Chestnut Street from Andoyer Street to Longwood Ave~e as recommended by the Highway 'Department, all work to be done under contrs~t. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 41. VOTED to raise and appropriate t~e sum of $1,250.00 to renew water services to the property lines, place gate valves on hydrant branch~es ~,raise manhole frames and covers on the streets of the Town that are to be reconstruc- ted this year. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ~2. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of ~1,500.00 to make such extensions of the water main system, under the regulations voted at the annual town meeting as the Board of Public Works, on October 1st, considers most ne- cessary, such extensions have having been petitioned for at Annual Meeting. U~imous votee ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to raise and appropri, ate the sum ov $5,000.00 to be expended by the Highway Department, all work to be done by contract, to. widen a section of Great Pond Roa~d from the Junction of .Pleasant Street to a point westerly, toward the Center, .for a distance of not less than a tenth of a mile. ARTICLE IIll. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE ~5. VOTED that the sum of $90,3.00.00 be raised and appropr%ated for the purpose of extending the sewer system as requested in this article, these extensions being subject to the assessme'nts or betterments charges'under Chapter .~80 of the Acts of 1906 as amended, and with the additional condition~ applying to Items A,D,E,K, and L that on or~before August 1, .1960, the con- struction of. at least one additional building to use each extension shall have ~been started, and that to meet this appropriation the sum of $5.,$.00.00 be from the Tax levy of the current year, and that the Treasurer, with the app- roval of the Selectmen, be and is hereby authorized to borrow from 'time to time a sum of up .to $85,000..00 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor under authority ~of~ Chapter 4~ of .the General Laws as amended, each issue to be- paid in not more t~ ten years from its date or at such earlier time as the ~Treasurer and Selectmen may determine; this however does not preclu~de the borrowing at any time the amounts appropriated for Items, C.F.G.H.I~.J.M.N.~ O. The vote was n~uimous and so declared. ARTICLE 46. VOTED to accept~ the sum of $3,200.00 from Robert J. Burke of North Andover to be usedby~ the Town to extend the water system approximately seven hundred feet on Waverly Road Southerly from Turnpike Street, provided that the $3,200.00 be available to the Town before July l, 1960. U~imous .vote. ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $700.00 to be. expended. by the ~Board of Public Works to extend the water system on ~everly Street from Harold Street to ~-~- Street subject to the following conditions: That on or · before August l, 1960, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acco to the Board of Public Works of six per .cent of the actual cost of.construction as wa~errates for a period of fourteen yea~s; and that on or boX'ore August l, 1960~~ the constru, ction of at leas~ one additional house to use this 'extension shall have been started. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 48. VOTED that the sum o~ $1~9,000.00 be raised and appropriated to be used with contributions from Brooks School and Campion Hall for ~he. purpose of installing a twelve-inch water main on Great Pond Road from the Sou~h P~mping Station to Campion Hall and that ~o meet said appropriation the sum of $9,000~)0 _be ta~en..from-unexpended appropriations uhder Article 5~ of the 1958 Annual ~-'own ~mee~xng, and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $1~0,000.00 and to issue bonds and notes therefor payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter the General Laws so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more t~ fifteen years from the date of the first bond or note. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ~9. VOTED to ~ccept from Brooks School and Campion Hall the sum of $~5,000.00 to be used together with the appropriation of $1~9,000.00 for the · purpose of installing a twelve-inch water main from the South Pumping ~tation' to Campion Hall. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 50. VOTE~ that the sum of $1,500.00 be raised and appropriated to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the. purpose of this Article, subject to the following condittona That on ~r before August i, 1960, the petitioners and/~r.~owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of six per ~'~nt of the actual cost of construction, as water rates for a period of fourteen years, to extend the water system on Abbott Street 325 feet from Marb~lertdge Road. U~Imous vote. AR.TICkLE 51. VOTED that the sum of $970.00 be raised and appropriate'~,~ to be expenaed by the Board of Public Works to extend the .water system on-Wentworth Avenue from the present terminus approximately 2~0 feet towarC Chadwick Street, subject to the following conditions: That.on or before August 1, 1960, the petitioners and/or owners make a ·guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of six per cent of the actual cost of construction as water rates for a period of fourteen years; and that on orbefore~August l, 1960, the construction of at least one additional house to use this extension shall have been started. Ur~nimous VO~. ARTICLE 52. VOTEU that the' sum 6f $800.00 be raised and appropriated to install a pipe andcatch basin to extend thedrain on Wood Avsnue 300 ARTICLE 53. Stricken from ~he Warrant ARTICLE 54. VOTE~ to Raise and appropriate the sum of $~,665.~5 to be used With~_ the principal and interest of the Stabilization Fund to May 1, 1960' ($2,~36.~7) for a total of $7,100,00 for the purpose of extencing the existing 30 concrete~ surface drain in Greene Street from Trinity Court to Linden Avenue. AHTICLE 55. Stricken from The Warrant. ARTICLE 56. Stri'cken From the Warrant. '~" ARTICLE 57. Stricken from ~he Warrant. ARTICLE 58. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 and to authorize the Recreational Council to promote and conduct one or more artificial ice skating rinks for th~ residents of the Town. ARTICLE 59. Stricken from the Warra. nt. ARTICLE 60. Stricken from The Warrant. .ARTICLE 61. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,0b0.00 to p~rchase from Mrs. Anne D. Flymu and others lots 10 and ll on Lamere Street (so'~called) containing 10,600 square feet to be added to the Aplin playground. Unanimous ,vote. ARTICLE 62. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 65. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for *.~- main- tenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 64'. Stricken from Warrant. .ARTICLE ..65...St.~i.ck. en from Warrant. ARTICLE 66. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,600.00 for the appoint-. merit of two (2) regular patrolmen. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 6~., VOTED to raise and a~propriate the sum of $6,500.00 for' the appoint- · ment of 2 (two) regular fire fighters. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 68. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 69. VOTED that the sum of $1.025..46 .be raised and ap~roprla.ted to be~ used with the u~expended balance of $1.474.54 under Article 69 of the .1957 Annual Town Meeting making a total of $2,500.00 to be used for consulting' pur- · Pbses by the, Planning Board. '~ ARTICLE 70. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 71. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to be- used for a Town Fourth of July Celebration. Any and all pr.ofits made a~ said celebration to be turned into the Town Treasury. ARTICLE 72. Stricken from the Warrant. ..... ARTICLE 75. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 7~. VOTED to create a special unpaid committee, to be known ~s,the Regional Vocational School District Planning Comm~_ttee as described in, Article. ARTICLE 75. VOTED to accept, the provisions of Section 8A of Chapter ~0~.6f the · General Laws as established by Chapter 297 of the Acts of 1954 and amended by Chapter 102 of the Acts of 1955, and to establish a development and industrial commission of ~ine (9) members w.ith all of the powers and duties thereof as provided in said Section 8A of Chapter 40, General Laws~ ARTICLE 76. ~oTED ~x~mmx~ the Town will vote to false,and approprlabe a sum of $500.00 for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a development indust~ia.~l,,.co~,mlssi, 0.n'- _ _ as provided by Section· 8A of t~napter 40,. G.L. ~'~:?~'-~, 77. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 for the purpose of this article. U~nuimous vote. ARTICLE ?8,. VOTED unanimously under this article section "J" There shall~,be "A coffee shop or restaurant may be operated as a part of the facilities of any permitted motel." ARTICLE 79~ VOTED unanimously to accept this'article as described, and written, ARTICLE By-Laws 5.79(1) ARTICLE By-Laws ~.79(~) · ARTICLE By-Laws 5.79(5) ARTICLE By-Laws 80. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY under thi4 article.that Section 3 of ~he Zoning be amended by adding after paragraph 5.78 the following new paragraph as described in the article. 81. VOTED Unanimously under this article that Section 5 of the Zoning be amended by adding after paragraph 5.79(1) the following new paragraph as described in the article. 82. VOTED Unanimouslynnder this article that Section 5,of the Zoning be amended by adding after para~rap~ 3.79(2) the following new paragraph as desaribed in the article. 85. vOTED Unanimously under this article that Section 5 of the Zoning be amended by adding after paratraph 3.79(3) the following hew paragraph as described in the article. ANNUAL ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING MARCH 19, 1960 17~ ARTICLE 8~. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 85. VOTED unanimously under this a~tlole that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Lsw be amended by adding, after paragraph ~-5~, the following new paragraph 5.55 as described in the above Article ~5 ARTICLE 86. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 87. VOTED to transfer the sum cf $15,000.00 from the Overlay Surplus .to the Reserve Fund. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 88. VOTED that the sum of $i06,000.00 be taken from Available Funds to reduce the 1960 tax rate. Unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 5:~0 P.M. I' At the Special Town Meeting followin immediately after the Annual Adjourned g [] .~Town Meeting the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. It was VOTED under this article that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Law be amended by adding, after Paragraph 3.79(~) the following new paragraph '. 3.79(5) as described in the article. The vote was AFFIRmaTIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12. a two-thirds majority. ARTICLE 2. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 3. Stricken' from the Warrant. The meeting, adjourned at 6 P.M. 4~7 Registered voters were present Annual Adjourned Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting following. All were checked by Registrar of Voters. Milton Howard, George Norwood, Daua Fisher, Robert Stronch, John ~ecora and Charles Nickosian assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk in Hand Vote Counts. Motion was' made and duly seconded that a vote of thanks be given to the Advisory Board, the Moderator and Town Clerk for a grand Job on the meeting and the large warrant for same. A ~true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk. WARRANT COMMONWF~TH OF ~SSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of NorthA~dover. GPW~TING: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to' notify and' warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in the Bradstreet School, Precinct One, the new St. Michael, s School Precinct Two, the Thomson School in Precinct Three arid the Eittredge .School, -In".Pre ~inc~t' Four. TUESDAY, the Twenty-Sixth day of April 1960 at 12 O'clock noon, for the following purposes: To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Election o Candidates· of Political Parties for the following offices: 24 Delegates at large to the National Convention of the Democratic Party. 12 Alternate Delegates at large to the National Convention of the Democratic Party. 10 Delegates at large to the National Convention of the Republican Party. 10 Alternate Delegates at large to the National Convention of the .Republican Party. ~ District Delegates to the National Convention of the Democratic Party 7th Congressional Dist. 2 Alternate District Delegates to the National Convention of the Democratic Party 7th Congressional Dist. 2 District Delegates to the National Convention of' the Republica~ Party 7th Congressional District. 2· Alternate Dlstrict~Delegates to the National Convention of the Republican Party 7th Congressional District. District Members 'of State Committee (One Man and One Woman) ~or each political party for.the 4th Senatorial District. l0 Members of the Democratic Town Committee. 35 Members of the Republican Town Comzzlttee. Presidential Preference. The Polls will be OPen from 12 o'clock noon to 7:00 P.M. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting t~ue and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more Publi Places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more thanm fiftee~ days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon the time and place, of said meeting to the Town Clerk.