HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-12 PRESIDENTIAL- STATE ELECTION NOVEMBER 8, 1960 TABULATION OF WAR BALLOTS Number of service persons who personally applied by Federal Postcard. or otherwise for State War Ballot Number of service persons who were registered voters for whom State Wa~ Ballot applications were made by kindred ~2 Number cf service ~ rsons who were NOT registered voters, for whom registra- tions as voters and ~tate War Ballots were made by kindred NUmber of ballots mailed to service persons Number of such ballots cast NUmber of such ballots rejected (Not returned) ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk WARRANT COMM0~'~ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and. warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in town affairs, to meet in the Veteran, s Auditorium of the North Andover High School in'said. North Andover on Monday, the 12th day of December 1960 at eight o'clock P.M.S'then' and there to act on the following business. ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will authorize and direct its School Buil'~lng. Committee to expend, from the amount appropriated under Article 77' of the warrant for the 1960 Ar~nual Town.Meeting, such sums as said committee may deem nece'ssary to procure topographical estimates of cost and other data, in order that it may properly advise the Town concerning the construction and maintenance, of.-a~ new No~th~'.Ando?er Junior High School building and grounds. Petition of School and School Building Oommlttee. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or to transfer from available funds, such sums as it may determine To be the fair and.reason- able-cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, some or all of those lands described below, for the use' of the North Andover Public School System, and to authorize and direct its Selectmen, in the name and behalf of the Town, to take such steps as they may deem ne- cessary or advisable ~o effect such acquisition: ) nots a4 through ~0, inclusive, as shown on that lan "Beacon " P of land entitled ~oun~y as ~esa ~±an ~o. 2) Lots 35 through ~7, inclusive, as shown. 3) So much of LOt 48, as so shown, as does not lle within the boundaries · ~hickeri~ng Road. ~) Lot 88, as so sho~n. ~I Lo~ ~, as so shown. · Lots lOk through 108, inclusive, as so shown. fi Lots 111 and 112, as so shown. Lots 166 through 16~, inclusive, as so shown. ' 9) Lots 175 through 17~, inclusive, as so shown. 10) So much of Beacon Hill Boulevard as lies ~o the west of Chickering Road and To the east of the prolongation southerly of the bou~ary line between Lots 171 and ~72, as so shown. ll) So much of Bay State Road as lies t.o the west of Chickering Road and to the east of the prolongation southerly of the boundary line between Lots-93 and 9~, as so shown. 12) So much of Merrill Street as lies between Beacon Hill Boulevard and Chickering Road, as so shown. ~ongve~e~s~n ~n that ~lan of land entitled "P~an of Land in North.' , ecommenced for acquisition for public sbhool~Durposes by the North Andover School Building Committee, dated November 2 1 drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur~ C.E. a c ..... ~ ...~_~ ...... the Town Clerk. · , ~ ~ w~ ~s on z~le Petition of School Committee and School Building Committee. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) to compensate an employee of the Police Department for wages earned from November 21, 1957, to April l, 1958, as a result of a step rate increase due on November 21, 1957, but not accorded the employee until April l, 1958 Petition of Personnel Board. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Tov~ will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds Nine Hundred Dollars ($900) to prepare complete plans and specifications for a new bath house at the American Legion Beach at Stevens Pond. Petition of Board of Public Works. FOR SPECrA TOW m . O .CB ,m R 12, 1960 ~TIC~ 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept Sutton Hill Road f~om its present accepted te~inus southerly and westerly to Chestnut Street, a distano of approx~ately 2,000 linear~ feet. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~TICLE 6. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to accept Green Hill Avenue as a public way to the ~dth of 50 feet from its terminus.at Woodstock Street extendi~ a distance of 910 feet to its intersection with Great Street. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~TIC~ 7. To see if the To~ of North Andover will vote to accept as a publi~ .way a portion of Great O~ Street from its tetanus at Linden Avenue 50 feet :.w~de for a distance of 250 feet. Petition of Board of Selectmen.. ~TIC~ 8. To see If the town will tYansfer from available f~ds one thousand · dollars'($1,O00) to pay ~paid bal~ce due National Pla~ ~d Research, Inc. Petition of North A~over Planni~ Board, flames M. Ba~n, Chairm~. ~TIC~ 9. To see if the To~ will vote to accept the provisions of Section 8C of ~apter 40 of the General Laws, so that it ~y establish a conservation co~ission of seven members for the promotion and development of the ~t~al resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the To~. Petition of Board of Selectmen. And You are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested oopte ~ereof, at the To~ Buildi~, and at five or more public p~ces in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen ~ys nor less 'than ten days before the time of holdi~ said meetly. ' Hereof, fail not, and ~ke due rein of this warrant ~th your doings there to the Town Clerk, at the time ~d place of said meetly. Given ~der our ~nds at North Andover Massachusetts, the ~enty-fifth day of November In the year of Our, Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty. . ,~ .~ RALPH E. FINCK Board' ~LLI~'A. FI~ - of , ,' '' PHI~I~ SUTCL~// , Selec~en A'true ~.Copy: AT,ST ~. ~ //~ . ~ ~, North'Andover, Massachusetts, Noyember ~0, 1960 OFFIC~S ~T~N I~ve~n0tified and w~ned the i~abitants of the To~ of Nor~:Andover qualified, to vote in elections a~ to~ affa~s by posti~ t~ue and attested' copies of this warrant at the Town Office Buildi~ and at fi~e .or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies havi~ bee~posted not more th~ fifteen ~ys nor less than ten days ~e e e~the t~ of ldi~ said. meetly. . . , . owmo r . 1. ~: AT,ST. (~0HN ~ LYOn. TO~ Cr,~. At '~'e special Town Meeti~ held Monday eveni~, Decemberl.~, 1960, Meeting opened at 8:00 P.M., by Moderator, Warrant and ret~n of s~e read by Town Clerk. ~e to the import~ce of ~e isles involved, withthe severe blizzard in:'Progre~and the total of fifty-eight (58) registered voters oresent, it was VOiD that the meetl~ be adjoined to Mo~ay, J~uary 16, 1961'a~ 8 P.M,, in t~ Veterans Audltori~ of the Nor~ Andover High School. i true ~opy: A~EST: ~~~ Town Clerk. Nopmth And0ver, Mass. ~cember 12, 1960 At 6:~0~A.M., this ~4te the Board of Selectmen declared a state of emergency du~ to a sov~ s~ow ATTEST:. ~o~ ~. Lyons, To~ Clerk. NOTICE 0F T~ ADJO~D SPECIAL TOWN ~ETING FOR MO~AY, ~A~Y 16, 1961 P~suant to the pro~sions of Article I, Section ~, of the To~ By-Laws, ,notic. is hereby given that the Special Town Meeti~ called for December 12, 1960, a copy of the .warr~t for which is hereto attached, was on that date adjourned Monday, ~anuary 16, 1961, at 8 P.M., in the Nor~ Andover High School A~itor- i~. All of the articles contained in said warrant will come before said ~dJou~n~md M~tinge ~OR~ a~o~, ~e , JA~ARY 12, '196I ~LLIAM ~. ~CEY, Constable. OFFICER.S REiN ~JOHN~. L~NS, Town Clerk. Z ~ve notified ~d warned the i~abitants of the Town of No. Andover e~ifie'd to'vote in elections ~d to~ alfa. irs true and attested copies of this warr~t and Notice of To~ the Town Office Buildi~ ~d ~ or copies ha' en posted at least c~id Sai meeting. January 12, WILLIAM J. LAC~, C