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TOWN* WARRANT COMMO~VEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX ss: To either of the Constables of the. Town of North Andover. GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notif~ and w~n the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in,elections and Town Affairs, to. meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in in Precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditorium in Precinct Two, .the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Eittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four in said North Andover on Monday, the sixth day of March 1961 at 7 .o' clock A.M., and there to~ act on the following article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Righway Surve2or, Tree Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of _the Board of Public Welfare and Five Constables for one year. One Assessor, One member of the Board of Health, One member of the Board of Public Works, and Two members of the School Committee, for'three years, One member of the Planning Board and One member of the Housing Authroty for five years. Ail to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be ope~ at 7:00 A.M., and shali be 'closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article 1, the said meeting shall stand adjourned, by virtue of Section 4, Article One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 18, 1961 at, one thirty P.M., in the Veteran' s Auditorium of the North Andover 'Righ School, then and there to act on the-followlng articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by' ballot. ARTICLE)~. To see if the Tow~ will vote .to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented, by the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4~ To see-what a~tion the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. ARTICLE~5./To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary ~d compensatipn of alt'~eleoted officers of the~ Town,~ as provided by Section 10~ of Chapter 41 of the' :~General r:aws: - :~:- Board of Selectmen - each per annum Board .of Public Welfare - each per annum ~; : Board 'of Asse.ssors - each per annum ' ' ..... Town Treasurer - per annum .... Tax Collector - per annum "" Righway Surveyor - per annum T~ee Warden - per Moderator - per annum "' Board of Health,- each per annum · · Board of' Public'Works - each per annum ARTICLE .6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommenda- tions of the Advisory Board. ARTI'C~E .7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town TreaSurer, with the.approvaI 'of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in'anticipa- tio~n of the revenue of the 'financial year beginning January 1, 1962, ~o issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and torenew or re,nd any- such note or notes, all as provided by Sections 4 ~ 17 of Chapter 4~ of the General- Laws. ' .ARTICLE 8.. ~To consider the reports of all special Committees. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town willvote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician, and, vote.:tO fixlhls compensation as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter of the General-r~aws. Petition of Board of Health. ' . ARTICLE 10. To see if th~ Town will vote to authorize the School Commit~ee to app6~nt .-one' of its members to the position of School~Ph~si~lan,~ and~vote to fix his compensation as such, as.provided bT Section ~A of Chapter 41 of the General.Laws. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE ll. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 647, Acts .of 1960, relative to increasing the amounts of pensions, ~retirement all'owances and annuities ~ayable to certain former public employees. Petit.rich of the Board of electmen. ARTICLE 12. To see if t~he Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following provisions (t~e appropriate section number to be assigned thereto by the Town Counsel) No person shall fire or discharge any~firearms or explosive's of any kind o.n any private proper.t-y, except with the consent of the owner m'or legal occupant thereof; provided, h6wever, that this by-law shall not apply.So the lawful defense of life or property nor to any law enforcement officer acting in the discharge of his duties. · Petition of Brtgetta Greenwood and others. TOWN WARRANT FOR 1 61_ ARTICLE 15 A. TO see if the-Town will vote to amend its Personnel, Wage and . Salary Administration Plan by increasing each of the amounts specified .in Schedule B of all Codes thereo~ by five per cent (5%), so making permanent the '"cost of living increase" voted by the Town at the Annual Town Neetlng of 1959 and 1960. Petition of the Personnel Board. 15-B. To see if the Town· notwithstandln~ its action upon the precedlng'ArtiCle, will vote to amend its Personnel~ Wage a2id Salary Administration Plan by granting the following percentage increases in each of the amounts specified'in Schedule B Thereof: AS TO CODE A 2% increase in the amounts therein specified for Schedule~. A, pgslti0ns 10.21, 05.01, and 05.05 · A 12% increase in all other amounts therein specified. AS TO CODES ,ATP and 00: · A 7% increase in all .~uch amounts : AS TO CODES ITS: A. 2% increase in the amounts therein specified for Schedule ' A, p~ositions A-l, D-1 V-1 and ~-- A 74 increase in all other amounts therein specified. · 'And to raise and appropriate Thirty Thousand Dollars ($50~000.00) for the purpose of this article. Petition of the.Personnel Board~'~ I~-C. To see if_the Town will vote that any or all of an~ salary, or'wage-in- creases grante, d to.Town i.employee_s by this Meeting shall be retroa6$tve' · ~.,_an_uary 1, 1961. (G.L.c~I, S 10~A, as most'rec'e~~ ~-~-~ -- ~ ~,..t.o . . · of 1960), Petition of the Personnel Board. '~ ~ ~y coy oz-~t~e aC~s $-D.~ To see if the'Town will vote ~to. amend SOEEDULE C: FRINGE BEN~ITS.~?! ~IME of its Personnel, Wage and ~amary AdministrAtion Plan by. st~.il~i~g ~t, in~ th~ clause relating to overtime pay in the Tree De artment insertingi in ~lS~a ce Department of Public Works, the phrase "fortv.fi~, ,,~.=~ o~ and~in~'the ~' To see if the Town willvote to sine, Part IZI, Section 5; Salary Administration Plan by striking the last sentence .~therefrom:~which J'However, two years shall elapse before the employee shall be~?~ligible, for · ~ his step rate from the rate below the maximum for his position to the. maximum for ~.~his position." Petition of the Personnel Board. -F. To see if the Town will vote' to ~amend the provisions of ~the ~.".R~te o£:~Pro- included in all compensation s~hedules of its Personnel, Wage~ and Salary A~m~nistration' Plan by striking therefrom, wherever the same occurs, ~t~ phrase "two years", and inserting in plac~ thereof, in each'~instance, Phrase:--one year. Petition of the Pers6nnel_Board. ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town willvote to amend sCEEDULE C: FRINGE ' BENEFITS-. HOLIDAYS of its Personnel, Wage and Salary kdminist~ation Plan.by striki out in the last paragraph, the phrase "half ~ime pay" and inserting~inl~.placengtthere~f · the phrase: - straight time pay. .Petition of ~ohn ~. Lanni~and oth~rs;~.~ ' ~ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend'Sc~-~--- ........ ~ersonnel Wa · and · -~ ~.,ox ~oae-ATP,.'of-.its · g Salary Administration Plan by Transferring :the'::.titli '!Engineering Aide" from 'Code ATP 70 to Code ATP'90. Petition .'P~:bli.c Works. · . -- ARTICLE 1~. TO"see if the Town will vote to accept as a pdbiic way :Highland., _Vi, ew Av, e.n_ue f~om' Ch~.dwiok St?eet to Furber Avenue to the width of:' .... ?a .a.s ~o-lows. .Extending from the southerl~ line ~ C~,~,,~ ~+~_5_0.~f~ee.t:.... . _ _~ .... A ...... , ~gmnnmng a~ a point in the s ' ~-y of said -Chadwick Street, 210.0 feet eo-+-~-- ~ .......... . outherly line --~---~ u~ ~az~ sou~ner-y -xne~of. said Chadwi Stree~ to the northwesterly corner of the hereon-described street.-t · by t_he southerly line of'C~a ~.~ e~,,+ '=~ ,~ ~ ..... ,~ hence .easterly .1,028;50 feet t& a point in td~ei-~S~-~Z~'~V-'-~[ ~_Ee[ a pozn~; t.h.ence' southerly ~ ....... · ~,~ ~um~, sa:~c~ point be2ng "180~0 £eety ?,n~9 ~o~ .venue,.. with: the northerly, line of Purber Avenue~ thende~or, therly - ~ .ou zee~ ~o mne point of beginning. Petition Board of Seleetmen. ' .A~R~ TICLE 17. To' see if the. Town will aporo~rlate th- o .... ~ ~= ~ne purpos, e 'of providin~ ,,Nedl~o~ ~o~i~_T_ o ..... ~ ~_~i ?~·~uu.uu,. ~or 1-52 inclusive, of Chao-~er I18~[°~.~$°~ ~e a.g.e~, - pursuant ~.to'Seotlons sum. Petition of Board of Publ~ V~;~.~U~,;.=~'~z~; a~ou :o oe remmbu~.se? from said ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will ~vo.t.e_.to cl~os,e the_ Town InfirmarY,, ,or take an] other action relative thereto, re:m:~on cz '.eo 4. Galeazzi and Others~ ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town willvote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500~90 for the use of its development and industrial commission~' ~ Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $1,827.71 to pay .an outstanding 1960 bill re- ndered by the City of Boston. Petition of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 21. To see If the Town will vote to pay National Planning & Research, Ins.'~the sum of $1,000.00, belrk~ .the balance due upon its bill, incurred by the Plan~ing Board during fiscal 1960, _for professional services rendered. Petition of Nqrth Andover Planning B. oard, James M. Barman: Chairman. ARTICLE.22., To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,800.00 for the purchase of two new 1961 12-volt system oars, one present, ca= to be,$urned in, in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as Police radios, sirens, etc. Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 23..To see if the To.,wn will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available 'funds, the sum of $2,000.00, to be used with the present 195~' Ford to pur,~hase a new automobile. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTtCLE.'~2[~.:To see if the' 'Town will appropriate ,th.e sum of $1,000.00, to be Used wlthb'F~ederal grants for the purchase of a l`961 model automobile for the We'l.'fZ~,'D~partment. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare. ARTIC.;~,, 25'~'.: To see if the Town wlll`'~.ralse and appropriat~ the sum of $~,551.00 t0 mbe"used with the present two ton 195~ truck to purchase a new ~wo ton.truck ch~ssi's,~..,~ ~: .rack, .b°dy and drive winch. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Super., ARTTCLE ~26. To ~see if the Town will raise and appropriate the Sum of $5~'700'00 to-be used.".with the present 19~2 Ingersoll Rand Compressor on a 1952' Dodge Tx~ck.'to~Tpurchase a new.125 C.F.M. Compressor.with a truck for 'mounting° Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTIOLE,27~"To see if 'the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2~000.00 to b'e ~used with the present International LO-Boy Tractor to purchase a new International,Tractor with side mower. Petition of the Board 'of Public Works.. ARTIOLE~.28. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of'$~',975.00 ~for-:the pdrohase .of a 1961 Ford 800 tractor to be used'by the Highway P.e'.ti~i6n 0f the Highway Surveyor. -' ARTICLE 29'., To see if t~e Town willraise'and appropriate the sum of $8,500.00 -"for,:tl~'"pur~hase 'of a .four ton' dump truck for the use of the Highway-Department 'Peti;ti6n· of ;the .Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town :will raise and appropriate ,the sum of $14,~O0~00 for' ithe purchase of a Crawler Loader for the use of the Highway Department .at, 'the',?~.isp~sai Site. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. . ' ' ~'" ARTICLE..3t~.,':,To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or .transfer from .available funds, the sum of $~,500.00 to purchase: a Model. 1900 addressog~aph,. with address plates and cabinet, for the use of the Public Works Department a~d'.'tHe ..Tax ~ollectOr. Petition of the Board of Public'Works. ~AR~ZCLE.$2..:To see if the own will vo~e to raise and appropriate the sum $2,000~O0..'fbr-the purchase of new 2~" hose. Petition of the Fire Engineers~ ~RT~.C. LE[':.33,. _T,o ,see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from'.a.v%il'abIe ~funds, the sum of.$500.00 to purchase metal' street ~igns of · uniform'.:size and 'color 'for installation at various necessary locations.' · 'Peti~tioh.~of the. Board.'of Selectmen. ARTICLE '3~- To see if the Town-will raise and appropriate the sum of $10~000.00 for:the,:;reb,uildlng of Appleton Street and Salem Street, u~xder Chapter 90 of the'~]General' Laws,' said money'to'b'e used with any money which may b~ allotted by ~he'[:State or:..Cou~ty~ or both, for this~ purpose,' or tak~ -~y ofiher actionl in relate'on thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE"35~?Tb see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum 6f $2,000.00 for ;t~:'.maintenance "of any streets in Town ~Ander Chapter 90 of the General Laws said,,money, to be used in conjunction with money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose, or take any other action in relabi, t.h.~r.?to." '.Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~36,[ To see if the Town will' vote to appropriate or take from available funds,?tHe:.'sum of $25,000.00 to be used for ~esurfac. ing streets. Petition 'of. 'the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 37-- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, 'or to take from.available funds, or to provide by bond issue, a sum of money sufficient to prepare"~'Davis street 'Extension, including the installation of surface drain, bringing.itc' grade, and oiling from'P~'easant Street to its termination at' the intersection of ~"ast Water Street, for acceptance by the Town as a .public way. Petition'Of' the North Andover Housing Authority. ARTICLE'38. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum o~ $1,000.00 to repair cement sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ·188 T0w wARRA= P0R 19a ARTICLE 59-A..To see if the Town will vote to accept from Roy R. Parr. or his nominee, the sum of $30,000.00 to be used by the Town to exte'nd th~ s~wer syste~ on,the accepted 1908 layout of Wood Lane from Woodstock Street approximately 1,600 feet southeasterly. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ~ ART ~9-B. To see if the~ Town will vote to accept from Nazaire Giard a sum of money, to be used by the Town, sufficient to extend the sanitary sower'system southeasterly along Wood Lane a distance of approximately 500 feet,' beginning at Woodst6ek Street; Petition of James H. Burroughs and others. ART 39-C. To see if the Town will .vote to accept from the MacKay Construction Co.^ Inc., or its nominee, the sum of $12,000.00 to be used by the Town to .install an o inch water main and appurtenances approximately 1900 feet on'Dale.~street westerly from Winter Streets Petition of the Board of Public Works. ART 39-D. To. see if 'the Town will vote to accept from Nazaire Giard, 'a Sum of money, to be used by the Town, sufficient to extend the storm drai~ system southeasterly along Wood Lane a distance of approximately 200 feet from i.ts present terminus on Wood Lane. Petition of James H. Burroughs and.others.- ARTICLE h0-A. 'To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, ~'0r pr'ovide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum Of money, . sufficient to extend the sewer system on Massachusetts Avenue 170 feet north- westerly from Commonwealth Avenue. Petition of Benjamin Hollins ~nd 6bhers. ART ~0-B, To see if th6 Town will vote to raise and appropriate, Or provide bY bond issue, 9r transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient itc extend the sewer system on Wentworth Avenue approximately 200 feet from the~present manhole towards Chadwick Street. Petition of.~ames O. Curtin'and others. ART 40-0. To.~see..if the Town will vote to raise and apprOPriate, or p~Ovi~e by .bond~ .i.ssue, or transfer f..r. om available funds, a sum of money, sufficient.lto ex- ?n~ ~ne~s.ewerssystem on wentworth .Avenue, a distance of approximately[200 feet ,from Cnacwmok treat toward Furber zvenue. Petition of Ethel M. Foley and others. ART:~0-D. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provideby :b6nd ~issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money, sufficient to the sewer: system~on Heath Road and Heath Circle approximately 1200 feet from' Milk Street.· Petition of Stanley M. Hunt and others. ~ART 40;E~ To See if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or.provide by i bond issue, or~ transfer from available funds, a stUm:off, money sufficient to ex- tend the sewer system on Court Street from Osgood Street to the residence of 1Dr. Thomas B. Hayes, Petition of Loretta S. Hayes and others. · .. :' ." 4o- . To see if the Town will vote to raise and ?propria , o i, r;v de bond issue, or transfer'from available funds, a sum x' mone~ sufficient'to'ex- toned the s~e~.er s.ys~em, on H .a.rwood Str. eet from the existing West S.ide:(.Trunk Sewer on ~arwooa ~ree~ ~o.~assacnusetts zvenue.. Petition of Michael GraSso & others. ~yTbICLE 41. 'To see if the Town will vote to raise and .apprOpria~e.'iOr~OrOvide end issue, or' transfer from available funds, the-Su~ ~f ..~6-~0~°00 ~o,~ . eXtend the sewer system.on Davis Street from East Water Street :to Pleasant~ ~Street, iPetition of the Board of Public Works. . ~': .. ARTICLE 42. -To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or.prOvide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds; the sum of $250;000.00, ~or any part thereof, to install a twelve-inCh water main on CheStnut Street, Hillside Road and Turnpike Street as far as Berry Street ,from the reservoirs on,Chestnut .Street. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 43. To see if 'the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the'sum of $2,800.00 to connect the six-inch water main from 115 'Dale Street to Marblaridge Road. Petition of the Board of Public ,WOrks, ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from, 'available funds, the sum of $3.,700.00 to 'connect dead ends in the ~ate~ dis- tribution system of Silsbee Road, Dana Street, Pilgrim ROad, Lyman Road and MoOdy Street. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town'will vote to raise and appropriate, 0~ provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money suf~icient to ~ extend the water system on Inglewood Street frcm its. present terminus approx- imately 250 feet westerly. Petition of Salvatore ~mm~l~O and others. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate,, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend the water system on Wentworth Avenue approximately 200 feet from the ' present terminus towards Chadwick Street.. Petition of James 0. Curtin and others. ARTICLE 47. To see if. the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or' Provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $2,500.00 to make such extensions, of the water main system, subject to the standard regulations voted at' this Meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on October 1, 1961, may consider moStpetitionnecessary,'of the BoardSUCh extensionsof Public Works.net having been pet'~tioned for at this meeting. TOWN WARRANT FOR 1961 ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate, or ~ransfer from available funds, the sum of $5,000.00 to renew water services to the property lines,~ place gate valves on hydrant branches, and raise manhole frames and covers 'on the streets of the town that are to be reconstructed, and to lower the 6-inch water main and provide temporary water service while App. leton Street i~ be,lng reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTI. CLE 49. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Petition of ~ the ~Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for a new motor and repair of the 1953 Reo Refuse Collection truck. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. ~o see if the ~own will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $9,900.00 for the appointment of three (3) regular ~patr01men ~lly qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Physical and'ment~l"examination all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of Board of. Selectmen and Joseph W. Lawlor, Police ARTIC'LE 52. To see if the ~own will vote to decrease the present Reserve Police' Force.~from nine to five men. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ~.ARTICLE'53'. ~o see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum.of $5,~000.00 to be added to the Fire Department appropriation to provide for the appointment off two (2) Lieutenants ~from~an eligible list established by a Civll. Sarvice promotional examination. Petition of the Fire ~.ngineers. A~T!'CLE' 5~. To see if the .Town will raise and .appropriate a sum .of~ ~o~ey. ~tha.,purpose,~of, constructing and originally equipping and furnishing a new Junior'Hi8~ 'School, and~impro, ving, landscaping, grading, and fencing its~ grounds for~.school purposes, and will determine whether the.money shall . pr.o~ide~,by~ 'taxation, by .transf. er from available .funds inthe treasury, .by appropriation from ,,the. stabilization f, und, or by .borrowing.. Petition ~f the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 55.~ To see if the 'T~n will authorize the School?Buildi C mm ' e ante . . . ~ . , ~ ~ ng o itt P,. ln~o~ any.ant al- con~racts necessary for the .purpose of carrying out the · ,~0te.'~'~sed under the ~receding articlerelati~e to building and originally ~ eq~mppmh~i,g~ new ~unior High School, and 'improving, l~ndscaping, grading and~ f..enc,~i~g.'.,~is /grounds for School purposes. Petition of School Building Comm~tte ' ARTIO~E' ~6,' To see .if the Town will-raise and appropriate, or provide by/bond issue, .~oritransfer from available funds, the sum of $3~,000.00,i..to extend'~!the - ~water ~system on. Pleasant Street to the ~,American Legion Beach, to provide a new bath house, and sewer connection to the East Side Sewer, and to enclose:the with'a ~chain link fence. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE'57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and~ appropriate, available .funds, or.to provide by bond issue, the sum of $14,000.00, to be ex- p n~d.ed by the, North. Andover Housing Authority~ for the purpose of obtaining preliminary surveys and planning ,in connection with a iow rent. Ho~sing ProJe for~:,'f'~a~lie's of low income, a's defined in the .United StateB ~Housin~ Act of 1 ~si~ia~d~d','.which 'need 'is not .being.adequately met by private enterprise, ~ol:ex.c?e~ approximately seventy (70) 'dwelling units. · . · Petition 6f the North Andover Housi~ Authority. ~ · '~ ' ARTICLE/58:..To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or ·take .fro available funds, 'the sum of $5,000.00, to be expended by the Selectmen for a ~.tailed~:stud~ 'and report, to include a land survey and engineering report, architect ~ees, land acquisition,:and other,similar expenses, in the-: erection of a new fire station in the vicinity of the 01d .Center. Petition.of the Board of Selectmen. ART~CLE'59j To see :if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00, and ,to authorize the ~ecreational Council and Board of Public Works to promote and conduct ~one or more ice skating rinks for the residents of the · T~wnJ ' ' Petition of the Board of 'Selectmen; to erect a chain link back stop and side protection fences on the Little League Diamond at. Waverl,ey Playground; Petition 'of the Board of Public Works. ' ARTICLE~ 61. To se~ if the Town will raise and appr~prlate or transfer from avail'able funds 'the sum of $1,400,00 to install flashing warning beacons Marblehead Street at Middleses Str. eet, all as permitted by the Department of. publ'ic-Works~ on Permit No. 386, dated October 27, 1959. Pet.ition. of the Board of Selectmen. ART~C~E .~62;' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or t~ansfer from available funds, the sum of $1,500.00 to be used for a Town Fourth of ~celeb,.r, ation, any and all profits made at said~ celebration to be returned to Town~'~reasury. Petition of Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of North Andover Fourth of July Celebration Committee. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of $800.00, to match a like ~e' sum to raised by the North Andover Board of Trade, for the ~urpose of providing decorative light~ during the Christmas Season. Petition of Albert J. Boucher and others. ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By Law by changing from Village Re~sidential to General Business, the following described parcel of ' · land, .which is entirely surrounded by land now zoned for General Bu. siness. A Parcel of~Zand, now or formerly of ~ernlle,'located on the southeasterly side of First Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly side of Pirst Street distant 210 feet more or less from ~the ~southwesterly boundary of Main Street; thence running along Sand now or formerly 'of the North Andover Shopping Center in a southeasterlydirection 210 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly along land of the said North Andover Shopping Center 117 feet mome or less, to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly to First S~reet 210 feeI more or less, along land of said North Andover Shopping Center, to a point in the southeasterly side of First Street; thence turning and running~ north- easterly along the southeasterly side of First Street ll7 feet more 'or less to the point of beginning. Petition of Prancls B. Eittredge and others. ARTICLE 65-A. To see if the Town will vote .to amend its Zoning By-Law by cP~a~ing a new zoning district, to be known as the Limited Business District, substantially as follows: 1. By adding to ection ~.1, after the designation "GENERAL BUSINESS'.DISTEIC~', 1 the FOLLOWING NEW DESIGNATION. ~ "LIMI~ BUSZNESS DISTRICTS." 2. By_re-designating those sections of the By-Law presently numbered ~.8, ~.81, · ~.82.and ~.~ as Sections~.9, ~.91, ~.92 and ~.9~ respectively~"~ ~.~ By adding thereto the following new section: ~.8 LIMITED BUSINESS'DiSTRICTS. ~. By re-designating those .seotipns o~ the By-Law presently numbere~ ~.~,~ 4.~1, -4 ~, 4 64, ~ 65,- 4 7, 4.8, ~.81, 4.~2,' 4.8~,' and ~.8~, respect!vel~.. 5. By adding thereto the following'new sections: -- ~.~ IN LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICTS ~.~l Retail stores, salesrooms, showrooms or places for any professional, artistic or mercantile activity, not involving manufacturing, als0 retail bakeries 'or retail confectionarles in which not more than five (5)~.persons are engagedln the manufacture for sale on the premises of bakery or'con-~ feotionary goo.ds there produced, including ice cream. 4.42 Banks, offices and mm~nicipal, civic or public service bulldOgs,such as' post office, telephone exoh~uge, town offices, school, library, museum , church. ~.~TheatreS, including motion picture theatres, within a buildl~g.'encloS~d by walls and a roof. ~' ~.~ On petition, subject to site plan review and approval by the BOa~ of Appeals after a public hearing thereon with due notice' given~ an aut0~' mobile service and filling station; a restaurant or dining room;-wh01e; sale stores, salesrooms or showrooms.-Such petition may be subJ~ct~o -appropriate limitations, conditions and safeguards necessary 'for"carrying out the intent of this By-Law and for protecting and maintaining the character of the surrounding neighborhood. ~.45 Signs which are attached to and constitute a part of the design.of'a building or structure and which refem to the business activity carPied on wlthim.the premises only. Parapet or roof signs.,.shall not extend more' than six (6) feet above the roof line of any building and wall 'signs shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total wall area. ~.~6 Any accessory use customarily' incident to any of the above permitted uses, provided that such accessory use shall not be injurious, noxious.or offen- sive to the neighborhood. 6. ~y re-designating those' sections of the By-Law pre.sentl~numbered 6.~ 6.52, 6.6, 6.61, 6.62 and 6.6~ ~s Sections 6'.6, 6.61, ~6;62, and 6.6~s Sections 6.6, 6.61 6.62, 6.7, 6.71, 6.72 and 6.7~ respectively.. 7. By adding thereto the following new sections: 6.5 IN LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICTS 6.51 Each lot shall contain not less than fifty thousand (50,000) 'square feet area and be not less than one hundred fifty (150)feet wide at-the street frontage, and not more than forty (40) per cent of any such lot may be covered by buildings. 6.52 Each lot shall maintain yard space s~itable for the parking of automobiles in the ration of two (2) square feet of parking space for each square foot of enclosed floor space provided however, that a green strip not less than ten (10) feet wide on which to grow grass, bushes, flowers or trees shall be maintained open and green, unbuilt on, unpaved and not .parked on all along each side and rear property line, and, except for access roadways, along its street frontage. Wa AS FOR 1961 Art. 65-A. Con't. 8. By adding thereto the following new section: 7.~1 In Limited Business D~striots there shall be provided an open yard space of not less t~n one hundred (100) feet depth all alo~ ~e st~ee~ f~ontage ~d twenty-five (25) feet depth all along each side proper~ line of such lot except as may be pe~Itted othe~wise by the Boa~d o~ Appeals on petition of the property o~e~ concerned after a ~blio he~i~ ~e~eon with due notice given. In t~ ~ea~ of every . ~ bdIlding o~ structure hereafte~ e~eoted in ~e ~Ited Business ,DIs't~let there sha~ be ~ open yard space ~built upon of not less/ t~n thirty-five (~5) feet.depthl No buildi~s or st~c~e shal~ hereafSe~ be ~llt, altered, moved, ~econst~ucted o~ exte t~t any P~eof s~ll be nearer *~ ~ ~' - - ~ed_so line o~ twenty-five (25) feet' of ~y side lot line. 9'¥~:~ f~llo~B~m~StPiki~newtherefr°msection: Section 8.~,. and inset tl~ in place thereof the 8.5 In General ~siness ~d LimitedBuslness Districts no st~ct~e.shall exceed t~ee stories or forty-five (45) feet in heist. Petition of Nor~ Andover Pl~i~ Board, Ja~s M. Ba~, Chal~. ~TIC~ 65-B. If it shall have voted to ~end a ~LI~TED BUSI~SS DIS~ICT". as its Zo~ng ~By-Eaw .by c~eatl~ proposed by ~e preceding Article,~,to see if.the To~ Will vote to zone'all o~ ~y par~~ of the l~ds below described>as a part/of ~shid new District; and to authorize a~ direc~ the Town Co,scl to assi~:.appropriate section ~bers (witCh said By-Law) to reflected, the vote :..~ ~"~at area bo~ded as follows: 80~AS~LY~.~ by the NorthweSterl~ l~e of.~.Hill~side' Road; ~S~LY by ~e Easterly line of the Annoyer ~By-Pass, so ~called;.~d NORT~AS~y, by the southwesterly llne of ~rnpik~ Street (Route 114). . ~ Said area is shown.on a plan of land entitled "Pi~ to accomP~ Peti~ion for ~en~ent to Zon~ By-Law, To~ of Nor~ Andover, ~Mass., ~as it ~PP~l~ies~to<~nd On Salem ~npike, A~over By'Pass and Hillside RoAd,."dated~ ~ua~. ~96I, ~a~ by ~tph B. Brasses, C.E., a copy with mthe~To~ Clerk. ~ ~ of which has.b~en filed <PetLtign'.of~ :~ ~'~-.. ~ ~,Nor~ Andover. Pla~ Board, J~es M. B~, '~TIC~ ~65J0., Zf it shall ~ve vote ."L~ibed Busine ~ ~ d t~ amend Its. Zoning By-Law b crc ~.-. ss District as re ese . -- ~. atl~ a Tuw~'wm&Awote to zon· alt ~ ~-~ .-~-~ d?~ja pre~e~s~ticl% ~o see if the o - . , ~-- ~'pa~.~ o~ ~m$ &~Gs~ DeAOW described as a' part f id~d*new District; 'a~ to au~orize *~d d~ect the T * * ' aPPr0Pr~ate section n~bers (wi~in ~*~ ~-.~--,~ ~ _p~. 9o~e! to,aisign ' ~-~ ~ ~awl ~o rerAec~ *the vote 'hePeon: .'b~.a'-~e...pa~allel to ~d'-dlstant ~nnn .~,., __ ,. ~5 ~eet, mo~e .o~' less. , .- .ned for Ccitt ~u~denoe . ed feet~'mqr~or less. ~d -mai~ =h m=~ ..... P~poses, a~ SOU~y,~61~ B~s~ess ~ ~' -1, ~,T_~'~2 ~e~, oy A~cs' now 'zoned for ~..A~ . P poses (see s~.Au~ ~.-(~ or said ~--'--~ "'- P~a~.i?of~>!and entitled :"Plan to accompany petition for Amendme ~;n~nn~l~.T ,°~__,°f'No_~th_Andover, Mass., as it ~pplies to 'land n~ntR~t~°-~Z°ning .~ Y p ..E. Brasseur C.E. Y , 1961, drawn - , ~ , a copy of which has'been file Cl~rk. ~petition of North Andover Pl~nn~ ~o~ - ..d with the~Town T ~ED-BUSIESS DISEICT" as proposed by a preced~ Article to see if~the T~ will vote to ~zone all or ~y part of the l~ds below described as a of said new District; ~d to authorize and direct the To~ Co. scl to assi~ appropriate section nu~ers~ (~thin said By-Law) to reflect the vote hereon: ~at~ ~ea bo~ded as follows: ~S~LY, 5~8.~ feet ~oFtho'westerly line dov$~Spr?et; sg~E~y 74.99 feet by a c~ved line represen~g ~e co.on feet by a' ~d line representing ~e co~on l~es of ~npike Stree= ~d Peters Street, NORT~S~y ~6.69f eet by the southeasterly l~e of Pete~s Street; ~d NOR~S~Ly ~8~ feet, mere or less, by a rcel ~esi~ence, except theref ~ ~ ......... - ~ . o~ ~na zoned for z'~'.~eneral Bus~ ~os~;"[~.~;*J~".m°s~_p~r?e&s of l~d presently = ~ ~ -~un a=~ uescrloec ~ Sections · 2 ~;72'(2) of said By-Law. } 7 (1) ~d ~2e~e~oI~o~FB;~L~}~f ~o}~d ,~e ti tled.."Plan to a ~o omp~y po tit ion f " ~uOVe~ ~SS. as l~ ~lem T~n~ike ~d Peters Streets" dated J~ ]~ ~ app~ie~ ? l~d on orasse~ ~C,E,~ a co~= of wu~= = ....... ~-e.T/--~ ura~ D~ Halph ...... _ . . .=~ .--~ ~a oeen rzle~ Wl~ ~e Tn~ Cl~rk. :e~z=mon oz morth ~over P1~t~ Board, :a~s M. B~[ Chal~an. 1.92 TOm FOR 1961 ARTICLE 65-E. IS iS shall have voted ~to amend its ZcntngABy-Law by ~reati~g'a "LINI~ BUSI~SS DIS~ICT", as p~eposed by a p~eceding rticle to see If the To~ will vote to zone all or ~y p~t of the l~ds below described as a pa~t of said new District; ~d to authorize ~d direct the Town Co~sel to asslgn appropriate section n~bers (Within said By-Law) to ~eflect the vote he~eo~: That a~ea bonded as foll~s: EASILY by Ohickerlng Road; COURSES, by Cotuit Street; ~ST~LY, by a line parallel to ~d dist~t 1000 feet westerly f~om the 'westerly llnc of Chicke~ingRoad; ~d NOR~LY, by a ~llne ~allel to and dist~t 100 fees southerly from the southerly line Autr~ Avenue; ~PTING therefrom, h~ever, t~t parcel of lan~ p~esently zoned fo~ General Business purposes which Is described In Section 5.7~ (~) of said By-Law. Being ~that ~ea sho~ on a plan~ of land en~itl~ "Pl~ to accomp~y petition fo~ ~en~ent to Zon~ By-Law, Town of Nor~ ~dove~, Nass., as It applies to land on the Westerly side of Chicker~g Road, from Fairi~d M~or Southerly to Co,it Street" dated J~uary, 1961 dra~ by Ralph B. Brasses, C.E., a copy of which has been filed, with the To~ Clerk. Petition of Nor~ ~over Pla~g Board, James M. B~an, Chair~. ~TIC~ 66. To see if the To~ will vote to amend its Zon~ By-Law'by zoni~ all or ~y part of the lands .below described as a part of the Industrial "L" District, and to au~orize and direct the T~n Co, scl =o assign'appropriate section n~bers (within said By-Law) to reflect the vote hereon: P~L NO. 1 NORT~AS~LY, by the sou~westerly line of ~npike Street (Route 1~). EASILY, by the bo~dary line between Middleton ~dove~; SOU~S~LY, by a l~e p~allel to and dist~t 1000 feet south- westerly from the southwesterly l~e of said ~pike Street; ~d~NOR~ ~S~Y (near ~e J~ction of Jonson Street wi~ said ~npike Stree~),~by l~ds of Willi~ Sheridan and Margaret R. Simon. ~PTING therefrom~hoWever, that parcel of ~nd presently zoned for General ~siness p~poses ~which is described in Section ~ 74 (17) o: said By-Law. PAR~L N0. 2.~ SOUT~S~Y, by the northeasterly l~e of ~rnR~e stree~~ (Route 1~); EASILY, by the bo~dary l~e between Middleton ~d Nor~ ~dover; NORT~AS~LY BY a l~e p~allel'to and dist~t 1000 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of said ~nplke Street; ~d N~T~S~LY (near the J~ction'of Jonson Street'~th said ~hpike Street), by l~d of Jules ~V~ B~en, ~CEPTING ~erefrom, however, ~at parcel of l~d presently zoned,Tot General Business pu~oses which is described in Section 5-74 (16) of said ~y-Law, Both of the above parcels are sh~ on that pl~ of l~d~entltled Pi~ to accompany petition for ~endment to Zon~g By-Law., Town 6f~Nor~ ~dover, Mass., as it applies to l~d on ~e Salem ~npike" dated J~y 1961, dra~ by Ralph C. Brasses, C.E., a copy 0f which has ~een filed with T~n Clerk. Petition of Nor~ ~dover Pla~i~ Board, J~es M. B~an, Chair~n. ~TIC~ 67. To see if the To~ Eill vote to ~sfer ~e s~ of $15,000.00 from Overly S~plus to the Eeserve ~d~ ~Petiton of the Bo~d of Sele~tme~ ~TIC~ 68. To see if the Town ~11 ~vote to t~e the s~ of ~ ~ ' from avai~ble ~ds, to reduce the t~ rate~ Petition Board of ~ssessors. ~d you are directed to serve this w~r~t b~ posting true ~d attested thereof, at the T~ Building, and at five or more public places in each voti~ precinct, said copies to be posted not more ~ fifteen days nor less ~ ~n ~ys bef~e ~e ti~ of hoIdi~ said ~et~g. Hereof fail not, ~d m~e due re~rn of~ this warr~t ~ yo~ do~g' thereon to the T~n Clerk, at the~time and place of said meeting. Given ~der o~ hands at North ~over, Massachusetts, the ~0~ day of~ J~u~y in the year of ~r Lord one thousand n~e h~dred six~ one. A true copy: AT~EST: North Andover, Massachusetts. RALPH E. FINCK WILLIAM A. FiNNERAN PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Board of Selectmen. CONSTABLE. February 20, 1961 OFFICERS RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North And0~er qualified to vote in Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant.at the Town office building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less. than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. WiLLIAM J. IACEY. CONSTABLE. Nos A~dovsr, Masse February 20, 1961 JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. ARTICLE 1. RESULTS 0P ELECTION ON MONDAY MARCH NUMBER 0P VOTES BY ONE MODERATOR FOR ONE ~EAR ARTHUR A. THOMSON 615 JOHN WILLIS BZanks i5o TOW~ ~m~ASU~ER FOR 0~ JA~S J. ~ 661 Bla~s 10~ SE~CT~N FOR 0~ ~ ~PH E. FINCK 520 WI~M A. PI~ 572 PHILIP ~TCLIF~ ~8 Jo~ ~. w~ $7~ Blanks BO~D OF PUBLIC ~PE E. FIN~ 515 WILL~M A. FI~AN 56 PHILIP SUTCLIF~ ~78 JOHN P. WALSH BZ~s ~G~AY S~0R FOR 0~ IRA~ D. C~ NICHOLAS F. NI~TTA 521 T~ COL~CTOR FOR JA~S H. ~EST JOSE~ A. S~TH ~76 Bl~s ~ W~DE~ ~ 0~ JOHN J. COEORS 661 Bla~s 10~ EDW~D W. PEL~ 665 Bla~s - 100 B~RD~0F ~TH FOR ~ E~S GEORGE E. ~TT 282 MITCE~ P. B00T~N 107 ~ AIj DON0~ 181 ~LL~M J. MORTON Bl~s 72 BOARD OF PUBLIC ~ORKS FOR TH]~k'r~ YEARS. 193 PRECINCT~ POUR TOT,AL 795 718 91o 50)6 845 715 959 516o 755 ~5 87 217 577 1188 559 48o 5~7 2ooo 585 1212 487 545 2o51 JOHN J. WILLIS Blanks:" soH06~ 00MMIT~' FOR TH~k'n~ YEARS CAROLINE M. EGRAM WILL~M J. ROCK JOHN J. L~CH P~ING B0~D.FOR FI~ ~ARS WI~M CEP~IS, D~ T. JOSEPH F~- Bl"~ks H~US~G AU~ORI~ FOR B~A~ W. BING~ ~OLM G. NORWOOD ~N JAiN C. BI~s CONST~ FOR 0~ WILLIAM ~0RGE R. Mao~Z~ ~A~S D.. McCA~ ~ AUGUSTI~ J. W~SH ~LLI~ McC~T~ JO~ ~GU~E ~0 ~TIN Fr~ois ,Gillisk Gerald Stewart ~oseph S~ 559 525 672 2176 59~ 297 591 -.. 14.o5 22 15 18 70 618 525 766 2295 529 5O9 298 1505 19 U~ 17 :" 55 8hq 758 95~ 5~90 126 99 ~5o ~59 819 710 580 5~ ~-96 ~Ol 96 615 720 6 6 152 ~h6 1~1 5.O0 276 544 509 58 265 125 5o5 70 475 90 750 255 595 ~07 576 520 lZ~9 65o 2095 259 8o~ 655 562 768 2~85 651 557 759 ~50 5~5 7 1 250~ 557 572 7~2 11 5 5 a7 1 1 1 194 ELECTI0~ MONDAY MARCH 6, 1961 CONSTABLES CON~T. John Glennie Dave Roberts Aleck Haspen Raymond Walsh George Myer Robert Stewart Joseph Donnelly Claire Taylor William Mackie Archie Gourley Harold Tyning Louis Saunders Gayton Osgood Donald Smith Redy Underwood Pau~ Dolan James Meikle Robert Hyde Charles Fisk Ray McLean Albert Hutton Mal Norwood George Paige George Soucy E.O. Stevens Harold Caruso George ~hurch Tom McEvoy Tom Glaquinta Blanks SPECIAL TOWN MEETING~ MARCH 18~ TOWN 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 ! 1 1 1 2 1 1695 2207 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ,1 .1 1 1 1 1 .1 11 5-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 2 1 19o 2291 8o95 l 61 ro ownm AWS A AOJ0rrmmD WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX ss: To either of the Constable~ of the Town of North Andover. GBW~TING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to. vote in elections and Town Affairs, to meet in the Veterans Auditorium of the North Andover High School on Saturday, March 18, 1961 immedia'tely following the adJournement of the Regular Town Meeting, then andthere to act on the following article of a Special Town Meeting: ...... ARTICLE 1. To see if theTown will vote by resolution: to declare that.'~ there exists in the Tova~ a need for low-rent housing at rents ~ithin'$he means of families Of low income, as defined in the United State Housing Act of 1957, as amended, which need is not being adequately metby private enterprise; to approve an application of the North Andover Housing Authority to the Public Housing Administration, an agency authorized by.~bh~ said-Act to provide financial assistance to local public housing agencies'for Under- taking and carrying out preliminary planning of low-rent housing projects, for a preli~zinary loan in an amoun~ not to exceed $~I,000.00 for~surveys and planning in connection with low-rent housing projects of not~~to exceed approximately 70 dwelling units, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to execute on behalf of the Town a "Cooperation Agreement", between the Town . and the North Andover Housing Authority, substantially in the '~form of a pro- posed agreement of which copies are on file in the Office of the Board~of Selectmen, the North Andover Housing Authority, and the Town Clerk,~providing for the local cooperation as may be required by the P~.blic Housing ~Adminls- tration pursuant to the said Act. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and at~esbed copies Thereof, at the Town Building, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten ~days before the time of holding said meeting. ............. Hereof, fall not, and make due return of this warrant with your ~olngs thereon to the Town Elerk, at the time and place of said meeting. ' Givenunder our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 8th day of March, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand nine hundred sixty-one. A true copy: ATTEST: North Andover, Massachusetts. RALPH E. FINCK, Board ....... WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Selectmen. WILLIAM J. LACEY, CONSTABLE. March 8, 1961 OFFICER ' S RETURN I have ~hls day notified and warned the inhabitants of this Town-of North Andcver cualll3ied to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town ~Office Building and at five Or more publlc places in the Said c, opies were posted in five ~public places in each voting precinct of the Town and were posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten daysbefore the time of boq, ding special town meeting. WILLIAM J. LACEY, CONSTABLE. March .8, '1961 North ,Andover, Mass. ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk. ADJOURNED TOWN ~ETING SATURDAY MARCH 18~ 1961 at l:~O P.M. ARTI~E 2. VOTED that all-other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot referred to the Sel&ctmen for action. ARTICLE. 3. VOTED to accept the report of re~.eipts and expenditures as presented by,~.th? Selectmen,be accepted. ARTICLE 4. VOTED that the following unexpended balancesbe returned to the Town Tre~'sury~under this article: Article 76, 1960 Ir~ms%rlal Committee Maintenance. Section 8A of Chapter 40 G.L. $155-55 - Article 42, 1960'Reserv -Water Mains. 290.~4 '- ' and. that all unexpended appropriation.s be returned to the Treasury as of January 1, 1961.. They are as follows. Hea'lth'- Reserve for payment of bill (1960) Sewer - R6serve for payment of bill (1960) s 500°00 Article,. 53, 1956, East Side 'ewer ~83.72 · A'rticle:'39, 1959 Sewer System Items A.B.C. F & G. Art~clei.~, November 16, 1959 Outstanding bills West Side Trunk Swr.326,.55 Artl'cle~5, 1960 Sewer Systems, Items, A.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.~N0.27,560.00 Ar~t.lct~.~30, 1960,-West Side 'ewer 2,000.00 G.L. 11,.~6.0.05'. lo, -54.92'". Article. 32, 1959 Road Construction Ch. 90, Artfct~8, 19~O,.Highway ~onstruction Arti'81~?4~, 1960 Widening Gr.. Pond Road~ U.S~. 'Old'~Age Assistance, Assistance U.S~50~ld Age~.~Asslstance, Administration UJS..'iAid ~to. Dependent Children - aid 0,276.97 9oo. 9, 55.56 Aid' to Dependent Children - Administration .. 693.77 U.S,'bDisab'ility Assistance - Assistance 6,721.12 U..S%Disabfllty Assistance · 1,164.28 Sc~o01',~itle 5, part APL 86~,.test grades 8 & 10. - ~.School.'~ommittees of Ma~t p.L.875~Federal Funds, Chapter 413 Acts of~956~:,Sectlon 1 ~ 2. Art t, Feb 4, 1957, Stem A. ,~7~0'~.07 Laiid:~_~ug from Charles & Gertrude Melamed. : 625.00 .Ar~'~Peb:~4, 1957 Item A. Land taking Charles ~lamed. 500,00 77;:~1960:'School Bl~g Committees Survey. 30,00~.00 Art~':lg~:1952'New'High'~ch°°l · 524.15 N0rth,:~dov~r school lunch account. : 7,'25a.35 ,Nb~th:",Andover High School Athletic Association. 140..51 Oivit~Defense Expenses · 52.20 Ar.~c~'58, 1960 skating rink Artl.5~"~958 Installing 12"mWater mains, various streets. A~8~:".~,~eg, 1958 'purchase o£ land & Bldgs, Gr. Pond Road. Arti48,'=1960 12" water mains Gt. Pond Rd. ARTICLE 5. VOTED to fix the lalary and~compensation, of all elected officers. of/$he~Town, as provided by ection 10~ of Chapter 41 of the General Laws: $oard.'of Selectmen - each per annum. $700°00 :$oard of Publio Welfare - each per annum Boardi0f Assessors - each per annum .~own'Treasure~ - per annum. ,~axOoll~ctor ? per annum ,$ighK~y Surveyor - per annum ~reeg~arden - per annum ~oderator~- per annum $oard of Health~- each per annum $oard of Public Works - each ~r annum 5co,co 1;2~0i69 9 6oo,oo 10,597.77 15o.oo 1,250.00 . 5,775.00 1,9oo.oo 5,Y65.oo ~00.00 50.00 . 500.00 2SC.00 ARTICLE'6. (Budget) Motion wa~ duly made and seconded and so VOTED to approve item,:of the budget collectively as =o the recommendations of the Adyisory - Boardk.::with the exceptions of'the'following changes: Item 4~, Snow Removal Incresed~$5~000.'00 for expenses from $65,000~00 to $70,000.00. I~e~.'gS; Veterseus. Benefits (Cash Grants) Expenses $20,595.00 omitted. Item 49, Sch$ol of $553,197.0o. Department. . . Salaries increase ~1,853.00, total 196 AST O 6. co ,T. 1. SELECTMEN, Salamies Clerk Sslary Expenses 2. TREASURER: Salary Clerk Salary Expenses 3. ACCOUNTANT: Salary Extra Clerical Experts e s 4. TAX COLLECTOR: Salary Clerk Salary Expense s 5. TOWN Cr.~K: Salary Expenses 6. ASSESSORS: Salaries Clerk Salary Extra Clerical Expenses ~ 7. Elections & Registrars: Salaries: Expen se s ' 8. Town Counsel: Salary Expense s .. 9.. Moderator: Sal.ary . · '10. Advisory Board. Expenses' lI. Planning Board: Expemmes ;12. Board of Appeals (Planning) Expenses ~. Personnel Board: Expenses A Board of Appeals (Personnel) Expenses 15 · Tow.n Building: Janitor Salary Expenses . . . :.16. Cus~odian'of Tax' Titles: Salary . . ExDenses, · 1~.,.. Tax Title, Foreclosures: Exnenses l~.'Eicense, ~0mmisslon: ExpenSes. ~. 'Annual, Town Neeting: Expenses 20. Police.:Dept. Chief Salary ". Te~ ~( 10 ) 'Patrolmen' ..Regulars,. Reserves, Specials ': 0vsr~Ime. and. elections · ]~. sns s s BaShing :Beach Police 2i. Fire-Dept. Chief Salary .... ~ Lieutenant Salary · Fi~.tgen' (15) Regulars ~.! · Two: (2) Engineers ~ Call and spare men ' ~Va~cations ExPense s Forest Fire Warden: Salary · ..~ore st'~Firei~ Expense s ~ 0fficer: Salary Expehses ~25, Ci~vit Defense: Director Salary Expenses ~26. Building Inspector: Salary Expenses ,27. Wiring Inspector: Salary : Expense s 28. Sealer of Weights & Measures: Salary Expense s 29. Insect~Pest Control: Supt. s Salary Labor - Wages Expenses 30. Poison. Ivy Control. Labor-Wages. Experts e s 31. Dutch Elm Disease: Labor-Wages Expenses 32. Br~sh Cutting: Labor-Wages ~3~ Town Forest: Labor-Wages 34. Tree Warden: Supt. s. Salary Lab or-Wage s Expense s Board of Health: Salaries Nurse Salary ' ' Physician Salary Expense s TO~' ~EETING ,M~OH 18, 1961 SALARIES & WAGES EXPENSES $2,100;00 ~,671&A 5,775.00 3,685.5o ~,glk. OO 2,100.00 1,900.00 3,400.00 4,85o.oo ~,750.00 ~;958.5o 2,502.30 875.~0 1,500.00 5o.0o 1,~6.9o 100.00 5;67o.oo 2o,?&S;bo 4~;~3o;oo ~,000.00 1,500.00 '65o.oo ,o39.8o 7o;568.25 1,700.00 12,934,oo 3,291.00 262?50 Z,5.oo 600.00 600.00 6oo.oo 500.00 ~,18~.00 ,614.75 525.63 7,269.15 1, o50.00 15o.oo ~oo.oo .9,357.32 900.00 '~,9~.oo 950.00 920.00 1,664.80 500.00 5,15o~oo 6oo.oo 4,204.00 4,100.00 19o.oo 25o.oo 900.00 ~00,00 00;00 100.00 5,200.~0 150,00 100.00 150.00 3,750.00 10,140.00 9,975.00 1,000.00 355.00 2,600.00 100.00 175.oo 100.00 1,9~5.00 3oo.oo 1,1oo.oo 1,~5.oo 28,500.00 5,075.00 TOTAL ~,~OO.O0 92o;oo ~.,~5.oo ,.~5.50 · L66~.8o g, 9~;oo 2,100'.00 500.00 ~1,~00.00 :3,.kO0.O0 5,150.00 ~g~{5o.oo .~8O~0o '3,750',00 31958.5o .g,3og.~o ~,gog.oo ~75.oo '~,100.00 1,500;'00 ".' 190~00 50.00 '"~/250.00 egO0,O0 .... ~00.00 . ,..~. 100~00 ~5,.~00100.. : ,,~ lO0~O0: ~ '150,00' "'.15.0~'00 ', :'5~,67o.0o :.'~000,00' -70,568~25 t,700.00 ~i:~2;9 ~.oo <:3;000;00' ~' 600;00 C.:2}600.'00 ../:.600;00 ',lO0.O0 600,00.~ 'e175,;oo- "'5oo&o0 ~ '1o0~00 ,'5~;187.oo · ''525.65 ' 7;269.15 1,100.00 · 1,o5o.oo .15o.oo goo;oo 9;557.52 -. li~.tlS.00 '28,500*00 9oo.o0 ,9~.oo 950.00 5,075.00 TOWN MEETING 37~ Refuse Disposal: Wages-Labor · Expenses 38; Garbage Disposal: Contract 3% Sewer Maint. and Construction ' Administratioh Oalaries Labor - Wages· Expenses 07 Animal Inspector: Salary ~ Ri~hway Surveyor: Salary ~. Streets - Gen~l Maintenance Clerk Salary' Labor - Wages. Tarvia,road oil, cinders, stone and gravel. Equipment and Repairs Miscellaneous Expenses · Rental of Eoulpment · Gasoline tmd.oll ~,: Snow Removal. Expense's. ' .g4, Board of Public Welfare. ~5,*Welfare ldm. Agent Salary ....... . Two Social Workers Jr. Clerk Typist · Extra clerical & social Worker M~RCH 18, 1961 SALARIES & WAGES $z ,ooo.oo 4837.5o 10,000.O0 3~.5.oo 5,765.oo 450.00 6;279.oo ' 9,ooo~oo 3,166.8o ooo.oo EXPENSES ~3,500.00 8,500.00 8,000.00 21,000.00 6~3oo.oo 1,250.00 635o~oo ,100.00 70,000.00 197 T 0 T'A.L Sag;ceo'.co ~,500;00 ,500.00 1,837.5o 10,000.00 8,000~00 ~25.oo 5,765.00 3g,592.g8 21,000o00 6~3oo.oo 1,250.00 350.00 .6,100.00 70,000.00 · 450.00 .6,279.00~ .9,000.00 .3,166.8o Expenses 000.00 *A W ,. , . ~,200.00 . *~.200.00 lthgugh ~lfare Administration cos~shave increased ~1 ~;~ n~ l_~_ ~_o.~ year. s costs, it will only be necessary t~ ~~,~ ~^~ ~ estimated reimbursement o~ ~'o~- ~Z~_-2 -~ .... ~ ~,uuu.uu cue ~o -. ~;~ ~u~ uo ~nms account. Therefore, our corrected net budget cost of Budget Item ~5 stands as follow. Welfare Administration: 9,000.00 ~ 9,000.00 Infirmary: Supt's ~alary 2,205.00 .2~205.00 Matron Salary 1,91~.~2 · l, 914.12 1,926.~6 .1,926.36 Wages Expenses 47~ Welfare G~ants: 01d Age Assistance 40,000.00 · Aid to Depend.Child. 9,000A00 · Disabili~ty Assistance 5,000.00 .~General Relief. 12,000.00 Total %lfare Grants. ~8~ Ve~erans~ Benefits: Agent Salary .. Clprk Salary Expenses Cash Grants ~9~-Sc~ool Department: Salaries Expenses 50~ Sch6ol Crossing Guards: Salaries Expenses 51;~Stevens Mem. 1 Library: Read Librarian Assistants and Janitors · Expenses ' Service Improyements 52; ~laygrounds: Supt,s Salary. abet, Guards, Caretakers Expenses 532Recreational Council: Salaries Expenses 5~. Parks Triangles, Burying Grounds: Superintendent Salary Labor - Wages · Expenses 55.. School. Grounds: Labor-Wages Expenses 56. Essex'CntyReti~emen= System: ~,. Contingent Fund.- Americau Legion Rental of Quarters Veterans, Day ' 61. Memorial Day ' 62. Insurance: Co~muunlty Center Graves Registration 66. Board of Public Works: Salaries 67. Water Maint. & Construc:ion. Administration Salaries: Labor ~ Wages Expenses' 7,975.00 66,000.00 750.00 300.00 1 o.oo 20,595.00 553,197.00 118,636.00 5,000.00 656.00 5;733.oo 19,000~00 6,160.00 2,290.00 472.50' ,500.00 3,000.00 1,888.00 1,000.00 210o00 5,250.00 TO0.00 10,500.00 750.00 11,025.00 37,000.00 7,975.00 5,000.00 3~,331~86 ~,000.00 600.00 600.00' 350.00 600.00 27,~73.00 20,493.00 200.00 350.00 38,500.00 g6,000.00 750.00 300.00 o.oo ~o,595.oo 553~197.00 118',636.00 .5,000.00 656.00 5,733.00 1~:000.00 '160.00 '2,290.00 '~ ~72.5o ~,500.00 ~,000.00 1,888.00 1,000.00 210.00 5,250.00 700.00 · 10,500.00 5,000.00 3~31.86 '~,000,00 600.00 60o.o0 ~5o.oo 00.00 ' 27,~73.00 20,493.00 200.00 350.00 750.00 o25.oo 000.00 500.0o SALARIES & WAGES 68. Redeeming School Bonds. -- 69. Interest on School Bonds. 70. Redeeming ~iat~r Main Notes: 71. Interest on WAter Main Notes: 72. Redeeming Sewer Bonds: J~ Interest on Sewer Bonds: Redeeming Water Bonds: 75. Interest on WAter Bonds: 76..Redeeming Sewer Notes: 7~. Interest on Sewer No, es: 7 · Discount on Notes: 1961 BUDGET TOTALS ~A~T. 67. 32. 50. 56. 58. 62. 63. EXPENSES $110~ 000~ 00 ~_5,572;5o 9,000.00 1,108.00 35,000.00 8,Z,7.5o 20,000.00 5,4~o.oo 10~000o00 1~100.00 $1,o22,o87.25 $815,566.66 AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED 13B. Wages,.Town Employees from May 1, 1961 17. Medical Assistance for the Aged 19. Industrial DeveloDment Commission 20. Board of Health. City of Boston Bill. 21. Planning Board. Nat'l Planning & Research Bill. 22. Two new Police Cars. ~ New Public Works Car.. New Welfare Dept. ~Car. · 26. New Public Works compressor and truck. 30. New Crawler loader for dump. 31. Addressograph Machine New Fire Hose · New. Street Signs. Chap. 90.: Appleton & Salem t . S reefs · 90. Any Streets ' Waverly Road'& Johnson Sts. Resurfaclng. Davis Street, resurfacing, grading, drains Repair~ cement sidewalks · A to F, inclusive sewers: ·" HeaL _ Mass Ave. Wen ~ . ~h~Rd., Heath ~ircle. ~. ~ ~, twor~th~ Ave. ~a~e ~treet~water main~ C~.~ .~., ~arwood St. : Inglewood Street, water system Wentworth Ave. water' system Water Main extension, Board of Pu~lic~Work.~. · Renew services, new construction on Appleton Et. Disposa/ Site Maintenauce Motor Repair Reo rel~use truck American Legion Beach.bath house. New Fire ~tation Study. - Ice Skating Rinks. Little League Diamond, Waverly Playground. Fourth~of .July Celebration Christina s Lighting TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED. AMOUNTS TO BE TAKEN.FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS Chapter 90~ Appleton & Sale Streets. " '90, 'Any Streets m To redude tax rate. TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TAKEN PROM AVAI~BLE FUNDS. From Overlay Surplus to Reserve Funds. (Transfer) TOTAL $110~O00;O0 C~ 35~572;5o ~000.00 1,108; 00 ~5~o0o~oo 8;'247.50 ...... 20,000.00 5~o.oo 10,000;00 1, 100~ 00 $1., 8~7., 653.91 '$20,000°00 ~35,000.00! oo.ooi z,~W .?l. ' 1',000;0~ 2;000;00 ql$O00;O0 ~?oo;oo 6,500;00 ~2;275~00 ,2,000.00 '%'"~500.00 '7"10,000.00 a~2;000.00 ~o~ooo~oo .~ Soo.co ."'q'~ak~O0~O0 1,'100.00 9oo~oo 2;500;00 51ooo;'oo .1,000.00 72~000,00 ~3~ooo~oo 5,000.00 '%".5oo~oo 1~200~00 ' ~17k;8·99.49 30,000;00 1;000.00 '~$~i0oo~oo $111396.66 SUM'MARy AMOUNT TO lie zoom ~I.D APP%IATED FOR ARTICLES -' 1,8~653,9'1 Tic= ?. - TOTAZ o12,'553. o Selectmen, VOTED ~o authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approvai~o~ the to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue o~ the financial ~ear beginning January l, 1962, to issue a note or notes. thereof, payable ~ithln one ear and ~ as_provided by Oections ~ an~ ,~ _~o_ren~w o~. re/~znd a~y .such note ..... ARTICLE 8. No reports of any special committees. '.- ' ARTICLE 9. VOTED to authorize the Boa . ' ' ~ ~position o~ Board of Health p~_~ea~.~ to.appoint one of its m6m =~ --r~,as proviued by Section h^ ~=~t~n, ~gu vo~e to fix his co . be__ umon in the amount ~f ~o~ ~m ~ ~A ~nap=er ~l of the G~,,o~ r mpens~tion . -- ~.~, ~nms amount include~ ~J-ud~ii~ ~gws, comRensa- .... ~--= oA =ealth budget. TiOLE lO. V.*EO to authorize the So ool Oo ttee to appoint one of its me~bers to the position of School Physician, .and vote to fl~ his ' .ART.!3B. VOTED that the Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan be amen~, ded as proposed by the Article, said amendment to be effective as of N~y l, 19~ and that the sum of $20,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purposes of ~ said amendment for fiscal 1961. The vote: AFFIRNATIVE 60~. h~EGATIVE 5~. ~i TOWN MEETING MARCH 18, 1961 i'' ARTICLE. 11. VOTED to accept the provisions' of Chapter 6~7, Acts of 1960, re~a- tire to increasing the amounts of pensions; retirement allowances and annuities payable to.certain former public employees. ARTICLE 12. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 1SA. Unfavorable action voted on Article, However, it was VOTED for the continuance of the 5% cost-of-living increase to employees subject to the Wage and-Salary Administration Plan as voted under Article 18 of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting, the cost of which is included in salaries and wages of each Town Department under Article. VZ of this Warrant. ART. 15B. fVo0rTEaDl~Ot~wanlSe a~d approprlat.e the sum of $20,000.00 for an increase in:salary empzoyees: except non-classified employees, to be effective May l, 1961. The vote. AFFIRMATIVE 60~. NEGATIVE.5~. ART, '130. Stricken from the Warrant. ART.'~'i3D~ VOTED to amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits--Overtime of its Personnel · Wage,..and Salary Administration Plan by striking out, in the clause relating to ~?rt'Im.e. pay ~in the,.Tre9 Department and in the Department Of Public Work: he f~_~ '?0rt?'five (45)", and inserting in plabe thereof the phrase "for ~(0) ~LR.T~"13E.:'VOTED t~ amend Part III, Section 3, of its Personnel, wage and Salar -'Edministration Plan by striking the last sentence therefrom which reads, Y "However, 'two years shall elapse before the,employee shall be eligible for his step"rate from' the ~ate below the maximum for his position to .the mH~imum for his position!'. ',A~_~.T?'~.~.~F~'. ~0TED~.t.o ame~nd~t~he provision~s of the~ "Rate of P~ogressi~n" included ~z~c~rP~m~e~oCmU~ewSheOrfeivet~ ~erSOs~:l, Wage a~..d'~a.lary a.,d~..nl.stration and.~,~inse~**~ ~- i, .... ~ ....... occurs, =ne p~raser two years"~ ,~ . u~ ~ p~a~ ~:~eoi, mn each.instance, the ~o~. __ ^~ _~i_ ~ne vote: A~FIRMATIVE, 531. NEGATIVE; 55- ' ~ ....... ~ ARTICLE' i~.'~¥OTED to amend Schedule. C; Fringe Benefits--Holidays of its Pe~sonne:l-; Wage and Salar~ Administration Plan by striking out, in the last- ~.ara~grap~ .the phrase' '!half time pay" and insertin- -- -- · - ~5 ~.~ p,a.u.u~ l~e~eoz' the,' ~:ralght.. t~me:'rpay. The vote: AFFIRMATIIrE 428. NEGATIVE. ll7. ARTICLE 15..VOTE,D to amend SchedUle A. of Code ATP of its Personnel, Wage' an~ SaIary~.~dm~nistration'Plan by Transferring the tit.le"Engineering A~de" from Cod.?.~ATp~i~701,~,to ATP 90. ARTICLE,'-16~'~Strilcken from the Warrant. ART, ICLE: .17;".VOTED to Raise and appropriate the sum of $35,000.00 for the putTM pose of..~this>.article. Unanimous vote.' ARTICLE~,' ~ , .Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 19. -VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for, the purpose? ' of. this' article. ' ARTI'6LE~20. VOTED to'raise and appropriate,the sum bf $1,827.71' fbr the purpose of~ 'thi~s'~ ~rticle. A unanimous vote ARTICLE 21.: ~VOTED to raise ~ud'appropriate the sum of ~$1,000,00 for.the purpose of~-this.,~ article. The vo:e: AFFIPJ.~ATIVE 527.. NEGATIVE~ ~77. ARTICLE.~22.~:.~v~TED to raise aud' appropriate the sum of $3~800,'00 for the purpose 0f"thls,'artlcle,~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~ ·.~,- . .making..a total of 3 cars available to the Pblice Department. ARTICLE 2~?~VOTED tomralse and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purPo.~e of~ this article~. ART~LEof. this arti'c2~'"VOTEDle, to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.~00 for Dhe purpose ARTICLE ~25., Stricken from the Warrant. ' ' ARTICLEof. this arbicle26' VOTED. to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,700.00 for the purpose· .ART~C,LEL~27. St.ricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 28.~ Stricken from the Warrant. ARTicLE 29. ~Stric~en from the Warrant. .A.R. TICLE 50. VOTED to raise and aooronriate ~.h~ o,.~ ,..~ ~,~ ~,-,,-, ,-,~, ~ · the present dumo tractor in t~~*.~ .,- -~_=~ ~ ~,R~.~u ~O ce use~ with - - ~ -~ .... r ........... ne purchase or a used andrebuilt Crawler "oaaer~'rgru~se o:'~ne ~mgnway Dept., at the Disposal Site. ' ARTICLE 51. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,275.00 for the purchas, of~:ia ~re c onditi onne d addre s s ograph ARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purchas~ of new '2 1/2" fire .hose. ARTICLEof this article.33' VOTED ~t6 raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for t~e purpose ANNUAL TOWN NEETING MARCH 18, 1961 5~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Construction for ~ebdilding · Appleton Street to Salem Street only and that the sum of $30,000.00 be tran- ~'~ sferred from unappropriated available ihAnds in the Term Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the relmbumsement from State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 35. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose¥-~ of this article to be expended by the Highway Surveyor under Chapter~ 90 of the Laws, and in addition, that the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from available fuuds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County' to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Town r. Unanimous vote. ! ARTICLE 36. VOTED to raise and appropriate' the sum of $10,000.00 to b~ exp~nde, by the Highway Department to complete resurfacing Waverly Road, and to start resurfacing Johnson Street~, beginning at the Center, all the work to be done under contract. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 37. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,600.00 for thepurpo~e?~ of this article. · ARTICLE 38. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum' of $500.00 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 59.A. VOTED to accept from Roy R. Fart, or his nominee, the sum of $50~000.00 to be used by the To~ to extend the sewer system on the a~cept~d_ 190~ layout of Wood Lane from Woodstock Street approximately 1600 feet so~th east~erly, provided that said amount be deposited with the Town Treasur.er~by August l, '1961. ARTICLE 59B. VOTED to accept from Nazaire Giard, the sum of $8,000.00 tob~ used by the Town, sufficient to extend the sanitary sewer system so~theaste?ly along Wood Lane' a distance of approximately 500 feet, beginning At Wbodstock Street, provided that said amount is deposited with the Town Treasurer·by August l, 1961: ~ ARTICLE ~9C, VOTED to accept from the MacKay Construction, Co., Inc'..' or i~s nominee, the sum of $12,000.00 to be used by the Town to install an 8 inch water main and appUrtenances approximately 1900 feet on Dale Street Westerly from Winter Street~ provided that said amount be deposited with the. Town Treasurer by Aug,. s~t l, 1961. ARTICLE' 59D. VOTED t'o accept from Nazaire Giard~ the sum of $1,850.~0, to be used by the Town sufficient ~o extend the storm drain system southeasterly along Wood Lane a distance of approximately 200 feet from its present terminus · on Wood Lane. ~OA.B.C.D.E.and F. VOTED that the sum of $36,800.00 b~ raised and appropriated for the purpose of extending the sewer system as requested in these items, these extensions being subject to the assessments' or betterments charges under Chapter. ~80 of the Acts of 1906 as amended, and with the additional condition applying to Items A,B,~ and C, that on Or~ before August 1,.. 1961, the construction of at least one additional building to use each extension shall have been started; and that to mee~ this appropriation the sum of $4,596,78 be taken from the tax levy of the current year, and that the unexpended balances from Art. 53 of 1956,~Art.~ 5~ of 1958, and Art. 59· of 1959 which total $2,~05.22 be applied to this Article, and that the Treasurer, with .the approval of the Selectmen, be and is hereby authorized to borrow from time to time a sum of up to $~0,000.00 and to' issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor under authority of Chapter ~ of the General Laws as amended, so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more than six years from the date. of the first bond or note.. The vote was unanimous. ARTICLE ~1. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE ~2. Unfavorable action voted. The vote AFFIRMATIVE 5~- NEGATIVE 226. ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,800.00 for~the pur~ of this article. ARTICLE ~. Stricken from the ~arrant. ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of Si,100.00 to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this ~.rticle subject to the following condition: That on or before August l, 1961, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works o£ six percent of the actual cost of construction as water rates as per year for a period of fourteen years. ARTICLE ~6. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $900.00 to be e~oended by the Bosrd of Public ~Works to extedn the water system on Wentworth Avenue approxi- mately ~00 feet from the oresentI terminu~ towards Chadwick Street, provided that . on or before August l, 19~1 the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee accept able to the Board of Public Works of six percent of the actual cost of construc- tion as water rates per year, for a period of fourteen years; and that on or ART. h6. Con' t: before August 1, 1961, the construction of at least one additional house to use the extension shall have been started. ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2~500L00 to make such extensions of the water main system, subject to the'standard regulations voted at this Meeting, as the Board of Public Works. n consider most ne' , _n October 1 1 61 .th.i~ ,meeting. cessary, such extensions not having been petition~d fgor'a~Y ARTICLE ~8. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to renew water services .to the property lines, place gate valves on hydrant branches, and raise manhole covers and frames 'on the streets of the town that 'are to be re- constructed,- and 'to lower the 6-inch water main and provide temporary water service while Appleton Street ~Is. being reconstructed. ~ARTZCr.w. &9. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the maintenance of~ the Disposal Site 'on Clark Street. ..... eV° Oo OtEise and appropriate the $2,000.00 for a new ARTICLE 51~ Stricken frcm the Warrant. ARTZCL~ ,52. Stricke~ from the Warrant. ARTICLE 5~./St~i6ken from the Warrant. ARTICLE-j~ ~ _ ~c fl~oaO"t'i°nm ~arran~.V'°ted: AffIRMATIVE! 395 . NEGATIVE 309. 2/~ REQ: ARTICLE. 5b,.~'~¥OTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $33,000.00' to extend 'the. water system on.P16asant Street to the American Legion Beach, to a ~ew bath house aha sewer connection to the East Side Sewer, and to provide the area width a chain link fence. ~aJority vote and so declared, enclose ARTICLE 57. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 58..VOTED to .raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to be expen- ded~by,;the Selectmen for ade~ailed study and report, to include ,a~ land survey and engineering.report, ar~hltect fees, ~and acquisition and other similar eo~Pense,s, in~ connection with the erection of a new fire station in the v~, .. the' ?.01d Center. ARTZCLE~159'~ V. OTED to raise and appropriate the' sum of $500.00 and to author~'~ze theLRecreational Council';'and Board. of Public Works to promote and conduct .one or"more.ice skating rinks for the ~residents of the Town. ARTICLE?60.' VOTED to raise and 'appropriate the sum of $1,200.00 to ~rect a :chain link back stop and side protection fences on the Little League Diamond~ .. au Waverly'. Playground. ARTICLE 61. Stricken from the. Warrant. ARTIO ~I~._~6~.,'VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum ' ded under, the supervision of the moa~ -~ ~-~ -- ~ o.f ~1,5.00.00 to be expert, ~ ~'~ ~ ~-ec~llen $o ce 'used for a Town ~ F0u~.thL°f-July Celebration, any and all profits made retur~e,d. ~o the ~w~ T~oo~ . , ,. at said celebratio AR~ZOLE:,63~ VOTED to' raise and appropriate the' sum.of $800.0© to m~tch a like sum to ,be..raised. by the .North Andover Board of Trade, for the purnose of pro-: vldlng'idecorative lighting during the Christmas Season. - ' ARTICLE,'-64?' VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the fo'l ARTICLE', 65~'A. Unfavorable Action. AFFIRMATIVE 116. NEGATIVE 215. ARTICLE, 65~B~ Strfckenffrom the Warrant. ARTICLEi '66~ Unfavorable Action: AFFIRMATI-TE 15~. NEGATIVE lll! 2/5 majority. ARTICLE~ 67. ,- VOTEDsurpius~ to. the Reservethat ~h~nd.the sum of $11,596.66 be transferred from the Overlay reduceARTICLEthe68'taxVOTED, rate.tO take the sum of Si10,000.00 from available funds, to 849 registered voters were checked in attendance. . George Everson, Patriek Kennedy, William McBvo. Edw. ard Sarvey, Dewey Dyer. Dana ~o~ ._~ ~,. ?, .~o~s?ph .¢o?ey, Milton ant Town Clerk in the co~tln- ofP'~T-~ _~__~.;~mcaaea ~nea, assisted the ;~oder~ ~ ~.u~ vo~xng. Mr. William B. Puffy motioned and sesonded that a vo~e of thanks be extended to 'the ,Adlvlsory Board and Moderator for a Job well done Meeting~adJourned at 7:~3 P.M. ' Immediately following Annual Town Meeting the Special Town Meeting was called byi!Moder~tor: Article was read, and was VOTED - Unfavorable action, stricken from Warrant. Meetind adjourned at P.M. A true copy: ATTEST: