HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-02at seven o'clock in the forenoon to bring into the Town Clerk and Elec~o0n~'' Officers, the vote for Representative in General Court, FiftL Essex District, (To. Fill Vacancy) The Polls shall' be open from 7 o'clock A.M., to 7 o'clock, P.M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due returns of this warrant with your doings there~ at the time and place of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands at North Andover, Mass., the 30th day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred ant Sixty Two,- WY-LLIAM. A. PI~ERAN North Andover, Mass. November 2, 1961 ATTEST: Board .RALPH E. FINCK of PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Selectmen WILLIAM J. LACEY CONSTABLE. 0FFZCERtS RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and town affairs by posting true and attested copies of this ~arrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before time of said meeting. WILLIAM J. LACEY North Andover, Mass. Novemb6'r 2,'1961 CONSTABLE. ~0HN~J. LYONS TOWN CLERK. STATE ELECTION. TUESDAY~ .REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COU~T CHARLES A. BUC~Y ROGEKE. INGALLS Blanks ATTEST: NOVE~BER 14~ 1~61 TO FILL VACANCY 191 112 272 191 ~7~ 6~7 1 1 JOHN J. LYONS TOWN CLERK T 0 W N W A R R A N T COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX ss: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. ..... GREETINGS: In 'the name of the Commonwealth"of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified t6~vote, in elections'and Town Affairs, to meet in the Bradstree~ School Auditorium in Precinct One, the St. Michael. s School Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinc~ Three and the School Auditorium in Precinct Four, all in said North Andover on Monday, the £~ fifth day of March 1962 at 7 o'clock A.M~, and there to ac~ on the following article: ' ' · ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor, Tree Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public Welfare and five constables fo~ one year, one Assessor, one member of the Board of Health, on6 memb6r of the ~oard of Public Works and one member of the School Commfttee for threg years. 6ne m~mber 'of the Planning Board an~ one member of the Housing Authority for .five 'years. And to vote upon the ~ollow- lng questions: A. Shall a~ act passe'd by the General Court in the current year, entitled 'An Act 'abolishing' the office of tree warden in the town of North Andover anti'transferring the powers auld duties thereof to the board of Public Works of said town', be accepted?" B. "Shall an act p~ssed by the General Uourt in the current year, e~titled ,An Act abolishing the elected position of highway surveyor in the town of North Andover and placing the duties thereof under the supervfsio~ control and direction of the electe~ Board of Public Works, and authorizing said town to pay to Ira D. Catty a pension of twenty-five hundred dollars and upon his death an annuity in the same amount of his surviving widow' be accepted?" All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article 1, the said meeting shall stand adjourned by.virtue of Section 4, Article One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday March 17, 1962 at one-thirty P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of the .North Andover High School, then and there to act on the following articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen, ARTICLE 4. T~ see what action the Town will take as to its unexpend~ed appropriatic ARTICLE 5. T6 see IE the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of G~apter ~l of the' G.L. Board of Selectmen - each per annum. Board of Public Welfare - each per annum. Board of Assessors - each per ann~u TO~l Treas~lrer - per Tax Oollector - per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Moderator - per annum Tree "arden - per s~.uum Board..of Health - each per annum Board of Public Works - each per annum ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of t.be Advisory Board. 'ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, ~with~ the approval-of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipatio~n of the revenue of the financial yeffr beginning January 1, 1~63, and tc issue, a .note or notes therefor, payable within one. year, and to renew or reX~md or ~es, all as provided by Section~and 17 of Chapter ~1 of th~ 'Genefal L~Ws. 8. To consider the reports of all special Committees. ARTICLE_9. To see if the Town .will vote to authorize the Board appoint one of its members to the pos+.tion of Board of Health P.hysici~an, and vote to-~affix his compensation as such, as provided by Section 4~~ of'~hapt6r~, of the General Laws. Petit ion of the Board of Health. · ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School C0mmfttee~to ~oin.t one of its members ~to the position of the School Physician, his compensation as such, as provided by Section ~A of Chapter ~.l .of eneral Laws. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to increase the salaries of the ~ .~Assessors to $2,000 each per ~uum, as of January.l, 1962 ~ ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel, 'wage &mSalal~ Administration P1an by striking therefrom Schedules A and B of CODE ITS~i as ~amended'by the 1961~ Annual Town Meeting, and inserting in place there0flthe ~' new schedules: ~PTOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSAchuSETTS CODE ITS SCHEDU~ B. SCD-A S. CEEDULE A CODE MINI STEP STEP STEP. STEP STEP MAXIMUM ~ :.?'Meter Eouipment Operatbr N ' "Heavy Motor Equipment ~, Operator Special Heavy Moto~ · 'Equipment Ope taro. Public Works Craftsman D try Maintenance ~ Craftsman Tree Climber Craftsman., Specialist '~) ' Tree Surgeon Water Meter & Hydrant · ~ Repair w orki~g ~'oreman custodian Jr. Custodian RATE OF PROGRESSION: Six months from MINIMUM to Step 2 to Step 5, one ?~ar;_another year to ~tep 4; another year to Step 5; another year bo o~ep 6, if any; in all cases, one year from the step before the Maximum to Maximum. And to raise and appropriate the Petition of the Personnel' Board. 1.61 1.66 1.72 1.77 1.84 1.90 2iOl 1.61 1.71 1.7.7 1. 2 1. 9 1.9 2.06 E 1.72 l. S4 m.90'l.94 2.0l Z.07 Z.30 R 0.a9 9o. 5 - ~um of $1~80.00 for the purpose of ~.this Article. ARTICLE 1~. To see if the Town willvote to amend its Personnel, wage & Salary Administration Plan by striking from Schedule B of CO~E ATP-500, Naxlmum, the rate of "155.15 aud inserting in place thereof the rate "1~5.00", and to raise and appropriate the s~u of $570.00 for the purpose of this Article. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town willvote to amend its Personnel, Wage & Salary Administration 'Plan in the following Manner: A. By striking from Schedule B of CODE PF-200.01 and 200.02, Step 5, the rate of "6~'60.00" and inserting in place thereof the rate "6500.00~' · B'. 'By str. i~ing from Schedule B of CODE PF-200.01 ~and 200.02, Maximum, therate "~0.00', and inserting in place thereof the rate "7000.00". A~d to-raise and appropriate the sum of $1012.00 for the purposes of this Article. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town willvote to approve the contin~,uce of the 5% cost-of-living increase to employees subject, to the Perscm~el Wage 'and Salary Administration Plan, with the exception of Public Welfare Personnel, as voted by ~the last several Annual Town Meetings, said amount to be computed on exis- ting base rates, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $1450..00 for the put- poses of~this article. Petition of th~ Personnel Board. ARTICLE 16. ~To see if. the Town will vote to provide the sum of $1,~00,000.00 for~ the ~ purpose of constructing, originally equipping and furnishing a new~· Upper Elementary School building, and to add to and make necessary chauges~ the present North Ard over High School buildings, and improve, landscape~ grade 1 and fence~ the respective school grounds for school purposes, and determine wh~ther~the' money shall be provided by taxation, by transfer from available fUnds'~.ln~the ~treasury, by appropriation from the stabilization fund, bY borrow' ing, or,otherwise. Petition of the School .BuiY~g Committee. ARTICLE i~'~To see if the Town will authorize the School B~ilding Committee to enter ~into a'n.y/and all contracts necessary for the purpose of carrying out voteii~assed~under the preceding Article relative to constructing, originall~ ~ equi~i~ an~. furnishing a new Upper. Elementary School building, and to add~to~ and make necessary changes to the present North Andover High School building,~· an~-~improve, ~l~ndscape, grade and fence the respective s~.hool grounds for SohoOI~purposes. Petition, of the School Building Committee.'. -- ARTIC. LE~8.~.To see if~ the Town will vote,~ by a two-thirds majority, to raise aud.~/0~p.'p'fb~priate or transfer from available funds .such'sum as it may determine '. to~.be'the:~nebessary cost of acquiring for' the Town, by purchase, eminent .domain proceedings 'or ~otherwise, the.parcel of laud described bolo.W, -for the-purpose of 'oc~structlng and. maintaining' a new fire station thereon, and to 'aut. horize an~o direct~its Selectmen, in the name and behalf of the ~Town, toltake such''~ ste~ps'.as~they, may deen n.ecessary or ad.visable to effect such acquis, ition, all as.Pr~v~ed.i~'2~Section 1~, .of Cha~ter 40 of the General Laws: a parcel of l'and bOu~d'ed~ southwesterly by Johnson ~tre.et, Northerly by Salem. Street ~and South- easterI~ b.y ?~,d ~amed t~aveled way running from said ~ohnson Street to ,said Salem.'S_tree;t~.and lying between the parcel described hereby and land now or formerly 'of Alice M~rse. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon l.the .recommen- dati.~°h of the Fire station Building Committee. ARTICLE-19¥ In the event of the adoption of ,the preceding article, to see ~if th~,town,wi,Z1 vote to discontinue all town ways and private ways lying within the-,'ip?cel· of land described the'rein, atlas l~rovided by Section ~21 of Chapte: 82,[10.~:the General Laws. P. etition of the Board of Selectmen .upon. the recommend- ~tioh' io~":.the ~Fire Station Building Committee. · ARTICLE' 20¥fTo see if' the Town willvote to raise a~d appropriate, available _f~nds or provideby bond issue or otherwise, a sum of monay for~'~e.-purp, ose of constructing, equipping and furnishing a new'fire station,' ~nd.,,imProving, landscaping, grading and fencing its ~umds .for fire station purposes.-,Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon therecommendation of the Fire Station Building .~ommitte.e. ARTICLE..~21. in the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, .to see if the' Town Will "vote to authorize its Selectmen, or such other committee as the Town may~ ~o~e t6 establish, to 'act in its name and behalf in all matters having to do with the expenditure of the funds provided under said article, including the ~execution of all contracts pertaining to the new Fire Station and grounds cOntemplkted thereby. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the reqommenda- tion of.~ the Fires Station Building Committee. - ARTICLE .22. To see if the Town will vote to raise aud appropriate or tr. ansfer from available funds a sufficient sum to be ,added ~o the Fire Department app- roprlatibn ~to provide~ for the appointment of seven qualified men under Civil Set,ice'Rules~ to be regular fire fighters. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Fire Station Building Committee. 1992 ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to provide the sum of $250,000.00 or any other sum, to be used with a contribution from Nerrlmack College for the purpose of installing a 12 inch water main from the reservoirs on Chestnut Street along Chestnut Street, Hillside Road, Turnpike Street to Boston Street and Turnpike Street to the existing connection to Nerrimack Oollege, and de- termine whether the money shall be raised by taxation, by appropriation, from available funds in the treasury, or by borrowing under the authority of Chapter ~ of the General Laws, or to take any action relative thereto. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 2~. To s. ee if' the~ Town Jill vote to accept from Nerr~r,,ok College the sum of $20,000.00 to .be used, to. gether with the funds provided un,er the pre.- ceding article,~ for. the purpose of installing a 12 inch water main ~rom the reservoirs on Chestnut Street along Chestnut Street, Hillslde~Road, Turnpike Street to Boston Street and Turnpike to the existing connection to Ner. rimack College. Petition of Board of Publ~'c Works. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate, or trans~e~ from available funds, the sum of $2000.00 to renew water services to the property lines, place gate valves on hydrant branches and lower the 6 inch water m~in on Salem Street while the road is being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 26. To see if 'the Town will raise and appropria6e~ or provide by bond ~ issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of $5700.00 to connebt dead ~ ends in the water distribution system on Silsbee Road, Green Hill Avenue, Dana Street, Pilgrim Road, ~iyman Road and Noody Street. Petition of Boar'd of Public Works. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will raise an~d appr_o, priate t_he sum. of $5000J0b to install fire hydrants on Patriot ~St.reet~ South ~raHdf~ord '~treet, ,Wentworth Avenue, Colgate .Drive, Putnam Road, ~amem treet'and illside Road." Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate; 'or .p. rovide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of $~000.00, to' replace the present one and a half inch water pipe on Belmont Street from Marble~'ead Street with a-six-inch main. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~9. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2500.00 to provide for engineering services in connection with the relocation of .the West Side Trunk sewer and the water distribution system caused by the con- struction of State Highway'Route ~5. Petition of Board of Public ~orks. ARTICLE ~0. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate, or transfe~i.fr~m available funds, .the Sum of $6000.00 to cleau and paint the interior and exterior of the million gallon water supply standpipe' at Bradford and Ba~ker Streets. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE )l. To see if the town willvote to raise and appropriate, or p~ovtde by bond issue or ~ransfer from available funds, the .sum 6f $1500.00 ~'to m~We such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard' regdla, t'lons voted at .this meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on October lst~'1962 may consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for.' at~.this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE )2. To see if the town Willraise and.appropriate, or transfer ~from available funds, the sum of $1700.00 to erect a four foot chain l~W fence. around the Little League Baseball Diamond at the Carl A. Thomas Playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~). To see if the town willraise and appropriat~e the sum of $12o'0.00 to build a cement block locker wi-th press box on the roof for the Little League Field at the Carl A. Thomas Playground. Petition Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~. To see if the. Town will vote to raise ~ud appropriate, or provide by bond issue or transfer from availablelfunds, the sum of $9,029.90 for the purchase of ~wo parcels of land adjoining the Grogans Field playground, and fronting on Belmont Street and Patriot Street, for the purpose of~ enlarging the playground. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE )5. To see if the Town will vo~e to raise and appropriate, 'or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of $5,~90.00 for th~ purchase of land from the Airport Commission of Lawrence for the purpose of establishing a much-needed playgroundfor the children in the airport area. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the recommendation of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE6. To see if the Town wi'll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $)800.07to provide a chain link fence on the Button Street side a~d the' West side of the proposed Chadwick Street playground, and also to provlde a chain link backstop, swings, sand box and merx¥-go-round for the same playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. tA~o,TIC .I~ ~7%~To s~e 'i~t~h~owp/w.i~l r~a~se~a~d 'ap~_op~ate.~he~m 9~ $2~0~0 .~e~u~.ed~w~. t~_×t~/~e~_ entk~Tute~,~a t~6nal ~%.-B.oy~Tr.~tor ~ p~ch .a~e~/ne~ ARTICLE ~7. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 to be used with the present 1955 Chevrolet Truck to purchase a new half ton truck. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 to be'USed with the present International Lo-Boy Tractor to purchase a ne~W Y-uternational Tractor with side mower. Petition of Board of Public. Works. ARTICLE ~9. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2200.00 to purchase a new' float for the American Legion Beach. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $600~00 to paint the football bleachers at the North Andover High School. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, &r transfer from available funds, the sum of $9,900.00 for the appointment of three patrolmen fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Rulesand~ Regula- tions~ Petition of Board of Selectmen and Joseph W. Lawlor, Police Uhief. ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $~800.00 for the purchase of two new 1962, 12 volt system cars; one car-1961, and one ~car-1960, to be turned in, in trade, ana all equipment to be changed over,~such~as police radios, sirens, and other similar accessories. Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 43- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of the of new 2~ inch and 1~ inch hose. $2000.00 fOrBoardPurchase Petition Of ' of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE~4~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5000.00 to be added to the Fire Department appropriation to provide for the appointment of two Lieutenants from an eligible list established by Civil Service promotional examination. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 45- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 to put,case a new 75© gallon pump and combination t~uck to replace Englne~l, which is a 1957 ~ump and in need of replacement. Petition of Board of Fire ~ngineers. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote .to raise and appropriate the sum of $6200~00 to be used with the present two ton 1954 truck to purchase a new two ton truck chasls~ heavy duty rack body and drive winch. Petition of '~eo ~. Lafond, Moth Superintendent. ARTICI~ 47. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the s~n of $1500.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Petitlon~ of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or take from available funds~' the sum of $25,000.00 to be used for resurfacing streets. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 49.' To see if the Town willralsc and appropriate the s~ of $7600.00 for the purchase of a four ton dump truck for the use of the Highway Department. Petition of~ the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~50.~ ~o see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 to repair~ c~ment sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 5 · To see if the Town will raise and appropriate thc sum Of $2000.00 for the repair of the 195~ Refuse~ collection truck. Petitio~6f Highway Suryeyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to appropr~a te or take from available funds the sum of $6500.00 to be used for a storm drain at Davis Street Extensi. from East~Water Street Northerly about 450 feet to ~hlcto~riug Brook. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 5~- ~o see if the Town willraise and appropriate the sum. of $5500.00 to be ~sed~for~ astorm drain on Faulkner Road to Parker Street, about 800 feet. Petition of Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 54.' To see if the Town will raise an~ appropriate the sum of $10,250.00 for~the,rebuildlng of Salem Street, under Ohapter 90 of thc General ~aws, said money to be used with any money which may be. allottedby the State or County, or both, for this purpose, ortake any other action Lu relating thereto. Petition of The Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to direct that the unexpended balance of the sums provided under Article 54 of ~hc warrant for the 1961 Annual Town Meeting shall~be used together with the sum appropriated under the preceding article "~or the pruposes thereof. PetitiOn of Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 56.. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 for the maintenance of any streets in Town, under Chapter 90 of the General said money to be used in conjunction with money which may be allotte.d by the State or County, or both, for this purpose or take any other action ~n relation thereto. Peri,on of the Highw~ Surveyor. ~ARTZCLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer ~ from available funds, the sum of $2000.00 to replace surface drain on Park Stre.~ about 260 feet from Chic~ ring Road ~toward Stevens Corner. Petitm~-Highway A~Z0~ 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropria~te, the sum of $500~Q0 for the street sign program for 1962. Petiton-Board of ~el?~tmen.. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote. to accept the p~ovisions .of Section 6H of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, ~ rmitting the Town to make repa.lrs on private way~ without liability for damage. Petition of Town Counsel. · ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 22D Chapter ~0 of the General Laws, authorizing the towing of vehicles~ from town ways where such vehicles are parked blocking removal OfsSnOw or ice~ or pa.rked in violation of parking prohibitions. Petitio~n Board of electmen. ARTZCLE 61. To see if the Townwill vote by Resolution:~'to declere that there exists in the Town a need for low-rent housing at rents within the~neans of · families of low income, as defined in the United States Hosulng Act of 19~7, as amended, which need is not being adequately met by private enterprise; to approve an application of the North Andover Housing Authority to the Public Housing Ad- ministration, an agency authorized by the said Act to provide, finan'cial assis- tance ~o local public housing agencies for un~ert~(Ing ~ud carrying out prelim- inary planning, o.f low-rent housing projects, fora preliminary~loan~in,an amount not to exceed $1~,000.00 for surveys and p~auning in connection with low-rent housing projects of not to exceed approximately 70 dwelling units, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to execute on behalf of the Town a "Cooperation Agreement" between the Town and the North Andover Housing Authority; substanL tially in the ~orm of a proposed agreement of which copies are on file'~'in the Office of the Board of Selectmen, the North Andover Housing Authority and the Town Clerk, providing for the local cooperation as m_~y be required by~ the.Public Housing Administration pursuant to the said Act. Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority ARTICLE gl. To see if the Towh will vote to amend its General By-La~ by'addlng thereto the following provisions (the appropriate section number to.be assigned thereto by the Town Counsel: ) No person shall fire or discharge ~uy firearms or explosives of any kind on any private property, except with the consent of the owner or legal occupant thereof; provided, .however, that this by-law Shall not apply to the lawful defense of life or property nor to any law enforcement officer . ~acting in the discharge~ of his?duties. · ~etition of .Edward R. ~reenwood and others. ~ I ~ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV.$f the To~ 'By- 'Laws as appearing on Pages 51, 52, and 5~ of the 1959 Annual Town Report, by after Section 9 the following new section: Section GA. No office holder, board or committee member, or employee ~ of the Town shall advise or represent for a pecuniary interest, either direct or indirect, personally or through any other person, any applicant., petitioner, of other person at any meeting, hearing, or other deliberation ~oncernlng any department or other activity of the Town, incIuding any Town Meeting. All contracts m~de in viola tion of this By-Law shall be void, aES all decisions resudh lng therefrom to the benefit of auy person shalOm.be voidable. P~titlon of Daniel B. Breen and others. 6~. To see if the Town will vo~e to accept the provisions of Uhap~er 552 of .t.he Act. s of 1961, an act establishing minimum benefits for ~wido~s~ of deceased memoers or retirement systems and for widows of certain employees .killed'in the performance of their duties. Petition of the Board' of Selectmen. · ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vo~e t~aise and appropriate the'~ ~ $500.00 for the use of its Development and ludustrial Commission. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Geheral By-Laws, pursuan~ to the directive contained in Section ~-0 of Chapter 1~ of the General Laws, by adding to Article IV thereof the following new section: Section ll. The Se~ ctmen shall, annually, in March, appoint a gas inspector, whose duty it shall~be to enfo.rce the ru~ s and regu~a ~ions promulgated by the board originally estab- lished under Section 12H of Chapter 25 of the General Laws. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. AR~!CLE 67. To see if the Town will vote ~o raise and appropriate, or transfer from aval~ble funds the sum of $1,500.00 to be used for a Town Fourth of July celebration, any an all profits made at said celebration to be returned to the Town Treasury. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the recommendation of the Fourth of July Celebration Con~nittee. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $800.00 to match a like sum to be raised by the North Andover Beard of ~rade, for the purpose of provid~mg decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. Petition of Leonard B. Albis and othess. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to purchase for the TOWn, for the promotion and development of its natural resources and for the protection of its water resources, that parcel of l~nd, containing 3.6 acres, more or less,..situated at the Junction of 0sgood Street and Great Pond Road, supposed to be owned by Howard and Sally B. Stonehouse and/or the heirs of Arthur'B. Colgate. Petition of North Andover Conservation Co~isslon. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to provide the sum of 00.00 to be placed in a special Civil Defense Budget, from which the Civil may draw~for~the purpose of processing federal mat~cb~ug funds prbgrams pro- vided, however, that each such withdrawal will be matched by an equal sum from the regul~rmOivil Defense budget, and be returned to the Town in the form of .a ?.ederal Matching Funds Contribution. Peti~on Civil Defense Director. .ARTICLE 71..To see if the Town will vote to raise°and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $450.00 for the purchase of an air for ~the Town,Treasurer's Office. Petition James J. Maker, Town Treasurer. ARTICLE 72-A. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, by bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend the~water system on Bunker Hill Street 225 from Congord Street. Petition of Santo M~gano and others.. ~-72-B. To.see"if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by~ bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to tend the water system on.Autrau Avenue 220 feet from Massachusetts Avenue.~ Petition of George Steele and others.. 72~C. ToL. see~ if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or issue Or ·transfer from available funds,~ a, sum,of money sufficientr to extend water ~system from the.present terminus on'Beacon Hill Boulevard~t o Chickering Road ~and 170 feet along' Chlckering Road towards Phillips Brooks Road.~ ~ Pettt~i'On~'of Walter ~Pendak and others. 72JD~~ Tol see if the TOWn will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide bond issue-Or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient.to ex- tend the water system on Wright Avenue ~70 feet from Sutton Stree~' !Petition ~of Norman J. Scott and others. .ARTICL~,/,7~-A. To see if the Town will raise~and appropriate ~issUejor ~traUsfer from'available fund's, a sum of money sufficient~ to extend sanit~ry,, ~sewer 'system on the 1909 ~relocation Of Wood Lahe ,from Woodstock~ St: to~da~Av~nUe 4ud on Adams ~AvenUe from Wood Lane to Massachusetts Avenue~ ~ Petition~ of Mitchell P. Boot~,~ and others. ' 7~i,~:~To,,see if the Town will vote to authorize .its Selectmen to release~o;, He2~en .Donohue all its right, 'title aud interest '.in'.and to t~e 'following sbribed"'.par, t, of- Wood Lane 'existing before 'the 1909 ;'relocation 1of W6od, Lane':. star, ting ,at':,a point .at .the in, tersection of Adams ~',Avenue and the locus of Wood' La~e/~r,.m!O~..~ to 1909'~nd extending southeasterly along the easter~line of said~, prior .~$Odm,T,ane'. to its intersection 'with Autrau AvenUe,, then extending soUth- . wes~ter, ly 'along, am~-extension,of the northerly ,line of 'Autran Avenue ,to the r::,: weste~'ly/.line:,of ,'~aid .priorlWood Lane, then extending along ;the westerly,~ILue of,~is'~id,;'.Pr'!oP'Wood,Laue to;the intersection of the extension of 'the sc line ~of, Adams AVenue and thence to the point 'of .beginning, .containing 10~'51 · square',,feet ~mor~'or ,less, 'in' consideration of .the .granting of a sower'and ~w~ easement ,by~,~isaid'~ele~e Donoh~e, 50..feet .in width within ',he' eXten~i ~'ns, Of, _n, orther2 ',4U~.:southerl2 lines ~0f A~ams Avenue %0 the 1909 relocation of Wood L~LUe:~,i ti~ion ~of'th~ BOard of 'Selectmen. ' ~ 7~ T0..~see. if th~ .Town will~ vote, to raise and appropriate,, or 'issue,~,or transfer from available N~uds, a sum of sufficient to sewer, ,system..on Osgood Street from Phillips ~.~. ',' Massa~.husetts Avenue. Pe,tition of Mitchell M. Segal and others. 77,D. T6'-;~s'ee if' the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or s~e~'?or~tran~sfer from available funds, the sum of $1~,500.00 to exten~ sower'system on Pre'scott Street from the present terminusjto 0sgood stree~i. Peti.tion:"of 'E~ward ~. Welch and others. 7~-E~TocSee if the Town will .vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by~ issue 'or'~transfer .from available funds, a 'sum of money, sufficient, to' exten~ sewer.,"sYstem on Wright Avenue ~70 feet from, Sutton Street. Petition 0f Norman ~. Scott and others. 7~-F~ To see,if the Town will raise and appropriate,, or pr. ovide, by bond issue' or transfer from available ihAnds, the sum of $~,700.00 to extend the sewer sys'tem '6~ iCour't Street from the residence of Dr. Thomas B. Hayes to the r~sid- once, .of:. Edw. s~ C. Enapp. Petition of ~ane A. Temple and others. 7~-G:',To see if the Town will vote to ,raise and appropriate, or provide by issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient t'o extend sewer;system on Court Street from the residence of Edward 'C. Emapp to the residence of Andrew E. Alvino. Petition of Andrew Alvlno and others. 210 ~RT! 7~-.H. To see .if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, er provide y cons zssue, or Transfer from ayailable funds, a sum of money sufficient to ~tend the sewer system on Court ~treet from the residence of Andrew E. Alvino the residence of.Robert W. Friis. Petition of Robert W. Friis and others. 73-I. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or tranSfer'from available funds or provide by bond issue, the sum of $2800.00 to extend the sewer system on Pleasant Street from Lincoln Street 260 feet towards Davis Street..Petition of Arthur P. Kirk, and others. ARTICLE 7~-A. To see if the Town will vote to provide a sum of money Sufficient to'~extend the surface drainage system at the High School grounds toe'the North- westerly corner of the adjacent land of the town, so as to stop the surface water at the High School from draining onto private property and throug,h said property on to Hemlock Street, which makes Hemlock Street impassable to pedes- trians in the spring months. Petition of Lawrence H. Stahley, Jr..and others. 74-B. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ~ppropriate, or provide by bond issue or transfer fro~ available funds, the sum of $~700.00 for-the in- stallation of a surface drain on the town property adjacent to the-High School property. This system would clean the area behind the houses on Hemlock Stree~ Pa.r..ke? Street_andJwould connect the~ system on Massachusetts Avenue via ~dgs Hlg~way. ~etition of Lawrence H..Stahley, ~r. and others. ~.~ '~ 7~-C. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1930~00 t~o-in- ~stall a surface drain on Baldwin Street from its present terminus to an'exist- ing.manhole in Baldwin Street a distance of 2~0 feet. Petition of John ~. Shields and others.. ARTICLE 75-A. To see if the Town will vote to establish Morris Street.~as.~T0wn y accepting the Selectmen. s laying out of the same heretofore~file~d ~Wi~th the Town Clerk. Petition cf ~oseph Campione and others. .... 75-B. mTo'see if the Town will vote to es.tablish Davis Street I .way by accepting the Selectmen. s la~in~ out ~' ~.~ -- _ .Ext~ension,'~.as a Town - ~ - ...... -~sme, aero,crete filed 'with the Tow~ Clerk. .Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority. ,:., 75-0.~'T~ 'see 'if, the Town will vote to establish FoUntain Drive as':a?t6~ wa b ~' ~a?ce.Pting 2he Selectmen,s layin~ out of the ~-~- ~-~-~-~ ....... · ' Y' Y .75-D. To see if the Town will vote to ~establish Woodstock R.oad, frSm'.'N~ssa~hu- :: setts-.Avenue to Wood Lane (Appromimately 2~00 feet) as a Town Wayb.12 ;'Lthe.,Selectmen's laying out of the same, heretofore' ~iled with the/:~Town, JClerk , ~etiti'0n of Carl W. Lindors and others. 75-E. To see if the Townw Ill vote to establish Carty ~ircle as a.town:~,way.4by accepting the Seiectmen, s l~ying out of the same, heretofore filed.With' 2he' Tow~ 'Clerk. Petition ~of William Bushnell and others. i~A~_TI¢~LE 7.6._To, s~ee if. th~e Town willvote to amend its Zoning By Law~'bY:~cbg~ging '~x~om ~ural,.neslaence ~o ~eneral Business t ' i."!A .trian la . he fei_lowing .described:pa~cel:of,~lan . ' . ~z___ gu r p~.~ce.1, of ~and, no~ or formerl o~ . · _~ d. f~'merlv known as ~- ~---=---~-= ..... y _ F~ar~um, upon which th~. building ~ ~ ==~-~m ou=oo- scants, coursed and described as~£olloWs: ' · Easterly 159 feet, more or less, by Johnson Street; Northerly,by~a.,br0ok;, .72 ,feet~ more .or less: .and Westerly 1~7.5 feet, · Pet'it~ion of ~ohn .C. ?arnum and others. .~more or less, bY .Turnpike .Street." i~_ TICKLE 77._To .see if the Town will vote to amend its 'Zoni B Lawb':~ ' ' "~:Parcel of land, now or. formerly of Willis, located, on the '~.asterly"side of · Turnpike Street, bounded and described as follows: beginn.~ng at"~?point 'in'~he Easte. rly'side of .~urnpike StreW, ~hen.ce .running. 760 feet, more or'less,-to' a point, thence turning and running ~or~easterly ~0 feet, more or less,..~to a-point in a stonewall; thence turning and running Northerly 290 feet, more or less, along said stone wall to.a point; thence turnin~ and running Westerly?870 feet more or less, ~o a _ point in the easterly llne of Johnson Street; thence turning and ~u~ing Uoutherly 615 feet, more or less, along the easterly line.~of 'Johnson and Thrnp~'ke Streets, to the point of beginning.". Petition of John C. Farnum and others. ARTICLE 78. To see if .the Tova~ wil~ vote to amend the Zoning By Law. ~and-Ms changing from an Industrial to a General Business District. the following parcel of land: That trace, of land in North ~udover, CoUnty of Essex, Massachusetts~: bounded as follows: Northerly by land no'w or formerly of t~e City of Lawrence$ in two courses, 286.8 feet,' more or less: EasterLy by land .now or formerly of Albert A. Steinberg, -201.86 feet, more or. less:. S ' . Southerly by Osgood treet, in two 'courses', 207.02 feet, - more or less; and Westerly by land no~ or formerly of William 6'nepulls et ex., 200.9 feet, more or less. The area of the abo~e described parcel of land is r~duced by appromi mately Co onwea th of. ssachnsstts'.for h~ghway purposes on -~, A~o-. ~azc area now contains k~,000 square feet of land, more less Pet of ~. PreiJe and others ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By Law and the Zoning Map of the Town by changi~ng from Village Residential to Industrial Zone, the provisions of Section 6451 of the North Andover Zoning Law notwithstanding, the following described ,parcel of land: The land in North Andover, all as shown on a pls~ of land known as "Colonial ~ardens", recorded with the North Essex Registry of Deeds Plan~Book ~, page 195, and bounded and described as follows: Starting at a point in the center line of Osgood ~treet at its intersection with the extended center line of Wayne Street, at the boundary of the - present Industrial Zone as shown on the North Andover Zoning Map, thence x~ing along the center line of Wayne Street Northwesterly 215 feet to a point; thence turning and running Southwesterly direction 120 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a Southeasterly direction 210 feet to a point in the cen~er line of Osgood Street; thence turning and running in a Northeasterly direction in two courses, by the cen~er line of Osgood, 1!5 feet to the .polnt of beginning. Petition of Alfred R. Boeglin & others ARTICLE 80. To see if the ?own will vote to take from available funds the sum of dollars to reduce the tax rate. Petition of. the Board of Assessors. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at £ive or more public plaices in-each~ voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor~ less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under~ our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 29th day of,January in the year.of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. WILLIAM A. F INN~akAN RALPH E. FINCK~ PHILIP SUTCLIPFE. Board of Selectmen. A-true copy: ATTEST: · ' WILLIAM J. I~AOEY. Constable. ~. · N~orth And~er, Massachusetts. February 21, 1962. OFFICER~ S RETo~N ! have notified and warned the inhabitauts of the .Town of .North Andover qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs by posting, true and attested copies~ or,this Warrant at~ the Town Office Buifding and at five or more .~Public Places, in~ each voting pre~inct. Said copies having been posted not flftee~ days nor less tb-~ ten days before the time of said meeting. .. WILLIAM J. LACEY. Constable.- North Andover, Mass. February, 21, 196'2. ~ - ATTEST: JOHN ~. LYONS. Town Clerk. TOWN'. WARRANT CONMON~ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS cf the Constables of the Town of North Andover. Es'~ex, .s s: ...... To., either G~,ee tings: '- ._ · - In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby. directed to~ notify and warn the ~babitants of the ~Town of NorthvAndover qu~lifted'.~t~ vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet in the eterans - Auditorium~ of the North And over High School Immediately following .the Annual AdJourned~ Meeting on Satu~rday, March 17, 1962,. then and there to act on the following article: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of fifteen -thousand dollars ($15,000) from the Overlay Surplus Accou~xt to the Reserve F~nd Account. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. A~d i.you a~e.'directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested .copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and ~t five or more public places in ~each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more tb-u fifteen days nor less than ten days before the ~ime of holding said meeting. Here'of, fail no_t, an~d make due ~eturn of this warrant with your doings thereon to 'the 'A'own ~lerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under out'hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 5th day of March in'the year 'of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. WILLIAM A. PINNERAN RALPH E. PINCK PHILIP SUTCLi-PFE. Board of Selectmen. A true copy: ATTEST: North Andovcr, Mass. March 6, 1962. WILLIAM J. LACEY, Constable. 0FFICER~SRETURN. I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North ~ndover qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct, gaid copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. North ~ndover, March 6, 1962 ARTICLE 1. ~asse WILLIAM J. LACEY. CONSTABLE. ATTEST: ~OHN J. LYONS Town Clerk. RESULTS OF ELECTION.ON MONDAY MARCH 5, 1962 MODERATOR FOR ONE YEAR ARThUE A. THOMSON GRACE AUSTIN Blanks TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR '~AMES J. mAKER Blanks SELECTMEN FOR ONE YEAR kALPH E. FINCE- ,WILLIAE A..F. INNERAN PHILIP SUTOLIPFE RAYNOND BROADREAD ~FRED P. 0AKES P. -WALSH Blanks oF P~mLIO W~n~A~ P0H ONE YEm ;~WILLIAM 'A. FINNERAN PHILIP 'SUTCLIFFE RAY~0ND BROADHEAD :, FRED .P, 0AKES i~ JOHN P. WALSH ~ ', Blanks . HIGHWAY SURVEYOR FOR ONE YW.~R D. ' CARTY 'NICHOLAS F. NICET~A ' 7JANES H. bEWHIRST ~; RALPH R. JOYCE · Blanks TB~- WARDEN FOR ONE Y~A~ ~LEO E.~ LAFOND THEODORE N. SNOLAE Blanks ASSESSOR POR THREE YEARS kENRY E. LUND · Blanks BOARD OF HEALTH FOR T~ Y~RS R. GEORGE CARON .GERARD C. ST.CYR Bl.~ks .B,OARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THREE YEARS ~RV!NG C. HOWES Blanks SCHOOL CONNITTEE FOR THREE YEARS COLIN LIVESEY JOHN J. LYNCH Blanks NUNBEE OF VOTES B~/ PRECINCTS ONE .TWO ~H~ME FOUR TOTAL ~g~ 9~5 795 lO8O. ~971 72~ 990 '782 126 ~6 15o ~o) ~ 651 489 588 ,- 179~ · ~95':, '1851 192 :: 625 5~9 -'2195 '. 59.; .... 268~' 6o) ao 29 29 59 117 ~ ~92 651 ,902 7~i 711 979' 769 ];I;~ 177 ~PS, .,."1259 43' ~.356:; = ~o27 55 5~ 5~ 195 684 955 7~ 171 221 1 / 5o 5~ 51 a~