HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-05-14 WARRANT
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:'
Gg~ TI NG:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Eassachusetts, you a~e hereby directed
to notify and warn the inta bitants of the Town of North Andover qu'allTled to
vote in elections and Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of.. the
North Andover High School on Monday evening, May 1~, 1962 at 7:50 P.M., and there
to act on the following amticles.
ARTICLE 1. to see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue
or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend" the sanitary
sewer, system on the 1909 relocatlon of WoodLane from Woodstock Street 'to. Adams
Avenue and on Adams .Avenue from Wood Lane to Massachusetts Avenue. .-
Petition of Norman J. Scott and others.
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to m thorize its Selectmen to release
to Eelene Donohue all its right, title and interest in and to the following
described pa~t of Wood Lane existing before the 1909 relocation of Wood, Lane:
starting at a point at the. intersection of Adams Avenue and the. locus, of, Wood
.Lane-prior to 1909 and extending southeasterly along the easterly: 1~, :of ~said
prior.Wood Lane to its intersection with Autran Avenue, then extending-~south
westerly along an extension of the northerly line of Autran Avenue to the westerly
line. of said prior Wood Lane to the intersection of the extension.of the southerly
line of Adams Avenue and thence to the point of beginning, conts~ ning 10,500
square ~et more or ~ ss, in consideration of .the granting of a sewer.~and water
easement,Dy said.Eelene Donchue, 50 feet in width within the extensions of ,the
northerly and southerly lines of Adams' Aven~e to the 1909 relocation ;:of .Wood.
Lane. Petition of Board of Selectmen~ ,
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote' to raise and appropriate, or~p~o:~ide' by
bond issue or' transfer from available funds, a sum of money suffiolent'.t0 extend
the sewer system on Osgood Street from'Philips Brooks~Road, 1,000'.feet towards
~ Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Mitchell M., Segal and others.
?ARTICLE ~. To' see if the Town' will. vote'to ~aise and appropriate
;."~ bond issue: or transfer :.from availkble fund s~ a.sum of money suff_icientstO~.~extend.
i-.the.sewer system on ~ernwood Street. from the existing West Side T~unk. ewer-On
FernWood .Street to..Massach~setts Avenue. Petition of Angelo Cristald'i.&i.othe~s.
';ARTICLE 5~'To see if the town will a~.e~d the .vote adopted .trader .A~ti'cl~s
:': ~E, 7~F,:'.?~G,. ?~H a~d 7~I at the. 1962 Annual ToWn Meeti~ ,...apl~,op~iati~gl mone~.
.,fop sewe~; construction by mo.d. ifyi~g the condition of new-const~uction:~thi:~re.
sPe, et 'to Article 7~E and by 'o~-~Ei~g the method of finaucin the appr. op~iatfo.n.
Petition of BOa~d of Sole etmen. ~.'
ARTICLE 6~ To see i~ the Town wilI vote to ammend the North AndoverlZO~i~g 'By-Law
and' the zoning map. of the town by ohan~ing f~om Village Residential Zone"to
General Business, the provisions of Section ~ of the Nw th Anlo~e~iZoning 1Law
, the followiug described parcel of ~and: The' 'l'and'T~u'.~No~th..'
, a~l as shown on aplau of land k~own as "Colonial Ga~dens']"~'recorded''
gistry of Deeds, Plan BoOk ~, Page195, and,bounded and
Lbed as follows:
.. Starting at a point in the center
iits intetsectic[~ with the extended center line of ~ay~e Street, at.,.thelbOUnd~a~y
:of.'the.~esent Industrial Zone as shown on ~he N~th Audover Zoni~g.Map, '~.the~ce
m~uning .along the center, line of. Wayne Street Northwesterly 215
~.:thence t~ning and. ~a~nning Southwesterly direction. 120 leer'to a.po~t;.!.~the~ce
'~ning~and running in a.Southeasterly dlrection 210 foot'to a point"in~',the"eenter
[.line: of Osgood Street; thence turning and.~-muning ina N~theasterly"dl~eotion
-'~wo courses, by the center line .of..Osgood Street, 115 feet to the port-.of ~
beginning. Petition of Michael P. ~rummey end others. ~../!-
AR'T~LE~7~ To, see if the Town will vote to amend the~ North An~ over~!Zonlng~By~Law
and the Zoning Map of the Town by c~-~ging from Country Residential Zone .:to. Village
Residential Zone the following described parcel Of land:. ~ '~): ~
Starting at~a~point ~lon
Massacbmsetts Avenue at a distance of.250 feet mo~e or less, Souther~Y~Jfrom~the
intersection of Mass. Avenue and Woodstock. Street and at"~the p~esent ~terminus
of the now existing Village Residential~ Zone, thence xtxuning in aWes~erly '~
direction by said Village Residential zone 1295 feet to .a:~point; '.thence ~tumaing
in a Southerly direction stillby the~ aforementioned ZoneS5 ~Teet ~t0~ a· point;
thence again Westerly by said Zone 60.5 feet to a point on~ the Easterly line of
Wood Lane; thence turning and rtwning in a Southeasterly direction by the 1909
.layout of Wood Lane 672 fee~ to a point; .thence turning and~ running in a .North-
easterly direction ~90 feet to the center line of Martin Avenue; thence turning
and running in an Easterly direction by the center line or,Martin Avenue tothe
center line of Bacon Avenue; thence'turning and running in'~a Northerly direction
by the center line of Bacon Avenue to a point in ~the Nc: therly line of Bacon
Avenue; thence turning and running in a N~theasterly direction ~25~8 feet to a
point in the Westerly llne of Mass. Avenue; thence turning and running 'in a North-
westerly direction by the Westerly line of Mass. Avenue 277.4 feet to abe point
of beginning. Petlton of Antoinette Giard and o~h~rs.
A~TICLE 8. To see If the Town will vote to transfer the s~ of $~00~00
the I~sect Pest Salaries Accost to ~e T~ee ~nses Accost, to be used by
the ~ee ~arden ~or the planti~ o~ ~bl~c ~de ~ees.
Petl~ o~ Leo E. La~ond, ~ee
~C~ ~. ~o see ~i the ~own w~ll vote to ~ze ~e ~ee W~den to sell,
~o~ ~e s~ of $50.00, which ~o~t ~ s~ll ~o~th~th, the~eafte~ ~e~t to
t~ T~eas~e=, ~e iollowlnt to~ o~ed..eq~nt; ~ old h~a~l~c s~a7
t~i~htch ~s been ~n st~age s~ce 1~. Petition o~ Leo F. L~ond, ~den.
~ 7ca are &~ecte~ to se~e t~s waist by posting t~ and atteste~ ccp~es
the~eo~, at the To~ 0~Ice ~ild~g, a~' at ~lve or mo~e p~bl~c places
each vot~ ~ec~ct. S~d co~ies to be posted' not mo~e than ~teen ~ays no~
less th~.ten days before ~e time of hbl~i~ said meetly.
He,eof, fail_not, and ~ke du~e~rn of this w~r~t wt~ 7ou~ do~s the~e~
to the To~ Clerk, at t~ time ~d p~ ce o~. said meetly.
Given ~de~ ~r ~ds at Nor~ ~over,' ~assachusetts, the 2~d day o~
In~ the ~ea~ off 0~ Lord, one thous~d nine h~e'd and sixty two.
~ A. ~ B~rd
RAYN0~ BRO~ of '
F~D P~ O~ S. Seleot~n.
A t~ue copy: ATTEST
Nort~ A~over, Nassachusetts... Nay- 1, 1962.
.... f: "~ OFFICE~ S RETURN
I have' n'~tified and warned the inh~bitants of the Town of North Andover, '
qualifl8d;.to;~vote in elections and Town Affairs by posting true and attested
copies of this warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or.: more public.
places,in each voting precinct. Said.copies having been posted not'more than
f~teen' RaYs nor ~e ss than ten .days '-before the time of said meeting.
Non~t~'.Andover, Nass.
Na~'~l, 1962.
"-'"- ATTEST:
14, 19 a.
ARTICLE lj~VOTED e~-tthe s~n of $~,000.00 is hereby appropriated for.the
purplose, of:'extendi~l the sewer'systemlas requested by this.Article, subject
t0:lasse~sment .charges under .Chapter ~SB0 of the Acts ~of..1906, as amended,
that the~Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is hereby authorized ~
t0 issue~$]],,000.O0 bonds or' notes of the Town ~er Chapter~ 4~ of the General~
L~ws~i~.payablewithin. 16 years, from their dates~
ARTICLE 2.~VOTED that:the. Selectmen are hereby authorized to' proceed as pro-
ARTICLE[. VOTED that the sum of $5,600.00"ts hereby appropriated, to be
raisedby taxation, for the pu~poses of this article.
ARTI'O~E 5:.~0TED that the sum of $28,500.00 is hereby appropriated for the .
pUrpose of extending .thesewer system as ~equested by s$id .Articles, subJe 'i
assessment charges under Chapter ~B0 of the Acts of 1906, as amended; that the
use ~of 'this appropriation for the purposes of Article 7~E is on the add~
Condition that the construction of at least one additional building, to use
extension shall have been started on or before ~uly 1, 1962; that if the fore-
'going condition is not met the amount to be borrowed here_u~d_er be reduge~ by
.$2,000.00 and that ~o .mee~ this appropriation the sum of $5,500.00 is ~ooe .
taken fr&m. Article 45,~ 1960, Sewer .Systems, Items A to O, ~ud the Treastt~er,:
with'the approval of the Selectmen,: is heF~by authorized to issue $20,000.00
bondS[ or notes of the Town undarlChapter ~4 of the General Laws, payable
within 16 years from their dates;
The~vote was AFFIRMATIVE 108. NEGATIVE 50.
ARTZCLE 6. The article was rejected by a vote of 4ffirmative 125, Negative 71.
ARTICLE 7. VOTE~ that the Zoning By-Law be amended by inserting after section
5.55, the. following new section: Section 3.56 as described in the Article.
The'vste was AFFIRMATIVE 144. NEGATIVE 21.
ARTICLE 8. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 9. V~ED to adopt the article.
A t~ue copy: ATTEST: