HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-03-04 To either of the
T 0 WN W A R R A
Constables of the Town of Ncr
th AndOver.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified
to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium
in Precinct One, the St. Michaels Auditorium in Precinct Tw6, the Thomson School
Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kitredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four,
all in said North Andover on Monday, the fourth day of March, 196~ at 7 o'clock
A.M., and there to act on the following article:
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway
Surveyor, Tree Warden, three Selectmen, three cmembers of the Board of ublic
Welfare and five Constables for one year, one Assessor, one member of the Board
of Health, one member of the Board of Public Works and two members of the I
School Committee for three years, and one member'of the Planning Board and one[]
member of the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote upon the following[]
questions: QUESTION 1.
"Shall the Town accept the provisions of an act pas sod by the General
Court in the year nineteen hundred and' sixty, providing for the establish-
ment of a regional school district by the City of Lawrence, and the Towns
of Andover, methuen and North Andover, and the construction, maintenance
and operation of a regional school by the said district in accordance with
the provisions of a proposed agreement filed with the City Council of said
City and the Selectmen of said Towns?" Y E S. N O.
"Part 1. Shall the Town of North Andover vote that the office of Janitor
of School Buildings be placed within the classified Civil Service?"
¥ E S. N 0.
"Part 2. If it is voted to pla ce the office of Janitor of School Buildings
within the Classified Civil Service, shall the Town of North Andover
vote to provide for the continuance in said office of the present
incumbents thereof, after passing a qualifying exsuainatlon?"
Ail to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open a~ 7:00 A.M., and shall
be closed at 7:00 P.M.
After final action on the preceding Article 1, said meeting shall~ stand adjourned
· by rift-ac of Section 4, Article One of the ~own By-Laws, to Saturday, .March 16,
1965, at one-thirty P.M., in the Veteran's A~ditorium of the North Andover High
School, then and there to act on the following articles:
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be ele'cted by
· ballot.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and
expenditures as presented by the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended approprla-
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary a~d compensati.cn of
all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 10~ of Chapter.s41 of
the General Laws: Board of Selectmen - each per annum
Board of Public Welfare - each per annum
Board cf Assessors - e~ch per annum
To~n Treasurer - per annum
Tax Collector - per' annum
Highway Surveyor - per annum
Tree ¥'arden - per 9-~num
Moderator- per annum
Board of Health -' each per annum
Eoard of Public Works - each per annum
ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations
of the Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the
approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in. anticipation
of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1964,. and to issue
a note or notes therefor, payable within one year. and to renew or refund any
· such note, or notes, all as provided by Sections 4 and 17 of Chapter ~ of the
General Laws. .
ARTICLE 8. To consider all 'the reports of all special Com~ttees.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to
appoint one of its members to the. position of Board of Heal.th Physician, and vote
to affix his compensation as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter ~1 of
the General Laws. Petition of the Board of Health.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to Insctruct the Moderator to appoint
an unpaid committee of citizens to study all of the By-Laws of the Town, and to
report to a special town meeting, to be called for the purpose, relative to the
advisability of revising, amending and consolidating said By Laws, and publishing
dthe~m in one or morepam_phlets, and to raise and appropriate a sum sufficient 'to
cz'ray the expenses of said committee in conduct~flg Xts study and preparing its
report. Petition of JoHn J. Lyons, Town C~e rk.
..~ ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$2,500.00 to provide for a professional resurvey of its Personnel, Wage and
- Salar2-Administration Plan, to be conducted within the year 196~ under the
supervision of the Personnel Board. Petition of the Personnel Board.
'~ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnell, Wage and
Salary Administration Plan, making permanent the 5% "cost of living ina tease"
which Town employees have been receiving for several years, by increasing each
item. in Schedule B of Codes PF, ATP, 00 and ITS of said Plan by 5%.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 1~.~ 'To. see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel, Wage and
Salary Administration Plan, granting a 5% increas in pay to Town .employees
subject thereto, by increasing each item in Schedule B of 0odes PF, ATP, O0
and'~ITS of said Plan by 5% of its amount as appearing in said Schedules prior
tol'.the vote .upon the preceding Article..P~tition of Personnel Board.
.ART. ICLEj Ih;To see if the Town will vo~e to m~ke .permanent the five' percent
(5%) cost of living to employees subject to the Wage and Salary Administration
Plan"~as-v0ted under Article 18, of 1959 Annual Town Meeting.
ARTIOLE,115, TO see if the Town will,vote to amend its Personnell, .Wage and
:Salary'_Administration Plan inthe .following -~nner: Amend Schedule ~"B" of-
Code~ PF by, .i~Noreasing all step rates by ten percent-(10%). Excluding.rate
Petition:~of,North And0ver Police Relief.Assoc. John J. Lanni, President.
ART[OLE~i6c.'To see if the Town will vote to amend its Persia_el, Wage. and-
Sa~:_ax~y.. . :;Administration Pl'an ' in 'the~, f~Ilowing m~uer :~ ' -. -
A~,ijBy?tr.lking f~r.om Schedule. s A and B of Code PF-05.01~the present' title:
· and, rams, ant mnserting xn' place thereof ~the following title and' rate:''
;Regular:',~chool Crossing Guard $25.00 weekly- 40 weeks per year.
B.':By'~establishing within Schedules A and B of Code PF, Code-Number 05.02,
',,~i~d i~serting therein the following title and ra~e: · . ·
? ~'"~eser~"l'SChool .... Crossing Guard $~.00 per day ~ single rate. '~ ~
~_~d:.to';:app~ve pa2ment of the increase retroactive to Januar.v 1, 196~'J ....
~e.~ .t'~'°n~ ~°f '~. the Per s °nne.1 'BOard' ' ' /- 7 -
ARTICLE~Iy~igo see if the Town .will vote to amend its Personnel Wage and
sa'l~.A'dmi~istration Plan ,.by inserting within Schedmles A and B of Code
A 3 /,the,,folloW title and rates:
LibraryAssistant - ._- ' 65.25 o'(..o~ 72.10
Petition~.ofJthe Per~onn~l .Board.
ARTICLEi,'18./~To see :if-. the .Town will vote to amend its PersonneI~ Wage an~'
SaIary.-Administration Plan in .the f~llowing m-~er: -
A.~(BY~;;st~ik~g fr, om Schedule A Of C0de ATP-?0 the title "Town Accountant."
B.~By..inserting.within Schedules A. gnd B of 'Code ATP-7.5 the following
title. ~and :.2ate s .~ -
Titlef:: :,~. , '-7~ ~.Min..' :Step' 2'. Step ~ Step 4. MAX.
Town, A'~Ountant 9]~oo :~[101.o0 , IO9.OO ,117.00 125',oo
Peti~0n. Of ~be PersonnelJBoard,::'''' ' ,- - :
· if .own . ill vote to amend its Fe sonn l,.. 'age and'
,qa~ary[:aom~n~s~ra~lon '~an oy s~riking from Schedule. B Of. Code ~- ~.~, ..12
month ,,' · ' -
s.,:-'provision:.for progression from Minimum ,to Step-2, and inserting.in
P~l~:ee(,~th~reof, .the provision~ "ll'yea~'"".. ~ .
'=etitioni~.of the Personnel' Bo~rd. .
ARTICLEIi~[O~, To see if the .Town' wil~ vote' to amend Schedule C:: Fringe Benefits'
'......~y/s.]rlE~.g .from unir6rm. Allowances the words "Seventy-five ~, ,, ~ .~,c
~7~*7~.,'~:.~_aF~.s., ~.u,u0~:'P.er uniformed m~n for Police". ;.; .. . ' '
· ~..,~y:aele~xng from ~pecial Differentials, paragraph two, 'the words"Any staple,
· yee~ w0rkilig in any' capacity du~ing snow,removal shall receive a~ added 10 cents
Pe~?h.o:ur)~f,.-or' each hou~ .so spen't beyond the completion Of .the regular ~ork day'!.
Pet~ti."~ff,,o'ff:th~e Personnel Boa~d.
ARTZOLE-';21?-.To' s~e_if the Town will vote to amend~its Personnel, wage and
Sal~,',~A~m~.uistration Pl'an. in the followerS' manner:
A.: By:-inserting under Schedule A, Non-classified", ob
"Es® er ' .. , J s and positions, the title
. __.P, ,,0,~,:the-Lock .u.p , and by insert~= under Schedule B. fo~ tb~
pos~$~on,.,..tae words "non-compensating"..
B;"By~,strlking .from Schedule B, Non-classified Jobs and Positions, the $250.00
per Year:compensation for Forest Fire Warden, and inserting'tn place thereof
the ;'words', ' non-compensating".
Peti2i~n:.,,~f~the :Personnel Board. --.
ARTICLE 221.'.To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel Wa~e and Sa
Administration Plan by striking from Schedule A of Code 00-90 the~itles
tant:Assessor" and "Deputy Tax Collector", and by inserting in Sch. edule A of
Code ATP-70 the title "Administrative 6sslstant."
Petition' of,the Assessors and the Tax Collector.
ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend i_ts Personnel, Wa. ge and Sala~
Admiuistratlon Plan by striking from Schedula A of Code 00-90 the title
"Assistant Assessor". Petition of the Assessors and the Tax Collector-' ~'~
A~TICLE 2~.~ To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zo~g By-r, aw and.the
Zoning Map of the Town by Changing~from a R..u~=al Residence District.to an Indus-
trial District, the provisions of '~ection $.51 notwithstanding, the following
described parcel of land:
Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Salem
Turnpike at land now or formerly of Smerczya~ki, ~said point being °250 feet
northwesterl~ of a Highway bound marking the intersection of the said northerly
~ line of Salem Turnpike and the North Andover-Middleton To~n line; °thence
northwesterly by said northerly line of Salem Turnpike 155,80 feet to a point
at land now or formerly of J.M. Doyle~ thence t. urning and running north- ~
,easterly by land of said J.M. Doyle 5~.15 feet, thence turning aud running:~
· northerly still by said land of J.M..Doyle, 529.52 feet to a corner, thence
turning and running westerly by said land of J.M. Doyle 22.68 feet to the
corner~of a wall at land now or formerly of P.M. Kuowlton; thence~tUrning
and z,m~nlng northerly by a stone wall and land of Enowlton, 176.5 feet to a
corner at land n6W or formerly of~A.J. Doyle; thence turning and ~unnin~
.east6rly .by land now o9 .formerIy of A.Jj Doyle and a stone wall 217..),~.f~eet~ '
=? an angxe .in said wall,, th~ence turning and running n_ortheasterly .~ ~'Sa~id ~
· ~·s~one wall and land now .or x'ormerly of A.J. Doyle and T.j; Meadows ~4~1.6 f?et
~Jto an angle in said wall, thence tuxrning and running northwesterly by said~stone
wall~and land now or formerly of T.J. Meadows 184.9 feet to an angle in said
stone wall; thence turning and running northerly by said stone .wall and land now
or formerly of T.~. Meadows 170.~ feet to an angle in said stOme~$all; '~t~ence
turning and x~pning northeasterly by said stone wall and lm~d now,~or~opm~rily
T.J.~Meadows 245.5 feet to a corner at 'land now or formerly of
turning and running southerly.by a stone wa~l and land of Clark 128.7,, foot,to
an angle in said stone wall; thence tur~ing' and running easterlybv,said stone
~a11~28.0 feet more or less to the NorthAndgver and Middleton tin~;~thenc~i'
urnlng and running southerly b,y said North, And~ver and Middleton1
1505.0 feet more or iess ,t6 land "~Ow o~ formerly of Smerczynskt; ~thehc'~' turn~_ug
mand ,~,~11~1~gnort.hwesterIy by s~id land now or formerly of Smerczyaski$)~.22L'
~feet t.o a~ c_o_rner, ~hence tu, rn~lng and r ~,u~in~ g'southweste~ly by
z'ormer-y or $merozynski ~2&.9~ feet to :the northerly line of SAlem !Turnpike~
~oint of beginning. Petition of Eathleen Pinck and others.'~
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North
By-~aw and the 'Zoning Map~of the Town ~by changing from Rural Residenoe'Dis, r~ ~
trier to Industrial Dist~-ict, the fcllowing described parcel of ~tand: '~.~ ....
Beginning at a ~oint in the southerly line of Salem Turnpike at ,laUded'ho.w, ~ ·
or formerly of arab B. Beck said.po~in$ being ~8~.11 ~feet ,northwe. stgrly.,from
a Highway bound-in.front of house ~1~05; thence running wester~ly and s,~uth-
westerly by various, courses 257.81 fee.t~by land of Bec. k to,au intersection
of 'walls' at land of the Commonwealth 6f Massachusetts, thence tur~ing~and.
runaing southeasterly along a stone wall by laud .of the Commonweatth~of2~ ~ ·
Massachusetts 512.86 fo,et to an angl.e in the wall, thence tur-~g and ~running
southwesterly a~Tong said stone .wall 42;15 feet t0 an 'angle in the~,wall;'~thence
turning and x~m~'ing $outhe'asterly by va~.ig.us c'°Urses al'cng said V~i/~ ~y
of' the Comonwealth of Massachusetts 156.~ 'feet to an angle in ~he i%all;
thence turning and running southwesterly along said w all ~by land of the
CommC~Vealth' of Massachusetts 52.86 feet to~ an angle in the waI1;,~'thence
tu~htng and x~.ning southerly by various courses along ~aid,wal!~Dy land ~cf~
~, ~.the~oommonwealth Of Massachusetts 1510..52 feet to an angle' in..the, w~ll,-~,~thence
turning and running northeasterly by various coursea along said watl~by~land ·
of~ the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 105~.8~ feet to an angle in the~..wall;.,
thence turning and ru~ng southeasterly by various courses along' ·the ,wall
~'~ land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 592.70 feet to an angle inl the,w~ll,
.thence t~rning and running easterly along the wall' by land of the Commonwe'alth
of~M~.ssachusetts .1.)~.8.~ fe?,$~.t~o,~a~ angle in the Wall;-, thenc · ,~tur~~ ~and.i~
runn:ng southeasme~zy by %arzouS{~Courses along said wall 1252.77~!fee~
angle in the wall; thence turning and 'xmnning ~ northeasterly along theJwall'.,by
land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 251.22 feet to an angle ,in~the~ll;
thence turning and running again northeasterly, but more northerl~'s~n~,the
wall still by laud of the Commonwealth of Mamsachusetts 2;11.97 feet to ~u ",
intersection of walls; thence turning and running northerly alon~
various courses by land of the Commonwealth. of Massachusetts 285~O'~feet'more or
.less.to anointer.section of walls at land now or formerly of Towne, thence '~
~urnzug ant r~m~ng easterly along a wall by land of the Commonwealth' of ·
Massachusetts 680.0 feet more or less. to an angle in the wall; thenoe'~tu~ning
and running so.utheasterly along said wall by land of the Co,m.m. onwealth,~of
Massachusetts ~5.0 feet more or less to an. angle in the wall, thence turning
and running northeasterly along said wall by land of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts 50.0 feet more or less to an angle in the wall; thence~ turning
and ru~ northerly along said wall by land of the Commonwealth. of-Massachu-
setts 110.0 feet more or less to a point in. the southerly line of Salem Turnpike
thence turning and running northeasterly along the southerly line of Salem Tu~n-
pike ),~78.0 feet more or less to a Highway bound at the laud of Guy Richards;
thence turniug and southwesterly by land of 210.0 foot-to a
point; thence and ly land of Richards ~0.0 feet
to a point, thence and northeaste: by land of Richards 210.0
foot,to a point in the southerly llne of Salem Turnpike; thence turning cud
runningnorthwesterly along said southerly line of Salem Turnpike 229.02 feet
to the point of beginning. Petition of North Andover P~amuing Board and the
Industrial Development Commlttee.
ARTICLE~ 26. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
fromR~al Residence to General Business the following described parcel of
A triangular parcel o'f land, now or formerly of Farnum, upon which the
building formerly known as the Farnham School stands, bounded and described
as follows: Easterly 159 feet m. ore or less, by Johnson Street; Northerly
bya brock, 72 feet mere or less, and Westerly ~.7-5 feet, more or less, by
Turnpike Street. The provisions of Section 6.~i of the North Andover
Zoning By-Law as amended notwithstanding.
Pe.tit~ion o~ John C. Parnum and others.
ART!C.I~." 27.'To"see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-r. aw. and the
zonin$~aP of the" Town by changing .f~'om Village Residential Zone to. General' '
Busine, ss,' the ~r ovisions of ~ection 6.~1' of the ~Zoning By-Law notwithstanding,
th_e~.fo~.l.I~wing described parcel of land:,
...... The land in North Andover, all a s shown
on ~ ~lan Of land known as "Colonial Gardens," recorded with the North Essex
'R~gi~try bf Deeds, PIan Book ~, Page 195', and bounded and described as follows
Star.ting at a" point in the center line of Osgood Street at its intersection
.with the extende~ center line of Wayne 'Street, a~;the bo.undary of the present
Indus'trial Zone aS shown on the North Andover Zoning Map, thence running
'along. the, center line of Wayne Street northwesterl, y 215 £eet to a polnt.
thence .turning and running southwesterly direction 120 feet to a point;'thence
~rnin~g and running in a southeasterly direction 210 feet to a point in the
cent~er line of Osgood Stree~t; thence turning and running Lu a northeasterly
.direction in two 'courses, by the center line of Osgood Street, 115. feet to
~ the P0in~ of beginning. Petition of Alfred Boeglin and others.
.;ART,!CLE~ 28. To see if the Town will vote to'amend its Zoning By-Law By
from' R~ral. Residence. to' General Business the following described parcel of
TuPa.r.?,el' _o.f la~.d,, now,or~ formerly of Willis, located on the Easterly side of
, m.,~.m~.P~e~m,¢~ ~ .~ree~, ~ou~cea and described as follows: Be izLuing at a point'.In
?he!~Ea.ste?ly. sid. e of Turnpike .Stree~t~ thence z~uuning 7~0 feet~ more or less,
"~ea.s~er~y...oy -an~ now or zormer-y cz ~'arnum; thence turnin~ and'~,~
s=one,wall; thence turning and running northerly 290 feet, more~or less,
along~ said stone wall by land now or formerly of Thompson, to a point; thence
tUrning and running westerly 870 feet, more or less, by land .nov~ or formerly
of I~Lisle, to a point in the easterly.line of ~ohnscn Street; thence turning
and running southerly 615 feet more or less, along the easterly line of
_~ohnSBh and' TUrnpike Streets, to the point of beginning.
Pe't..i. tli0.n of ~ohn C. Farn~un and others.
ARTICLE.2~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by
from Village Residence to General Business the' following described ; of
land:,',,.~', A parcel of land now or formerly of Eileen Lynch, et al located on
'the~[.eKsterly side of Pleasant Street, bounded and describe~ as follows:
"starting'at a poin.t on the easterly side of Pleasant Street at a Jog in said
.s, treet', turning northe~rly along Pleasant Street 2~8.70 feet; thence ~u~ning
a't. and/angle' of about 50. degrees and 29 minutes, easterly and running by land.
'now~ or'' formerly of McCabe 150 feet to a point, thence turning-at an angle, of
about 9.0 degrees and ~1 minu.tes southerly by land of Village Laud .Company,
· In.c.,o249.90 feet to a point, thence turning and running by land of Haffner
Rea~ ?rust and' other land of Eileen Lynch et al by ~wo cottrses of 77 feet
and,, 55~ feet to the point of beginning. Petition of ~ohn J. Willis & Others.
~ TI. CLE,~0, To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing
from-Country Residence to General Business, the following parcel of'.land:
Begtnn'ing at' an Essex' County bound on the northerly side' of Salem Turnpike
and x~mning northeasterly 11~.18 feet by k curve with a radius of 70 feet to
an Essex County bound on the southerly side of Peters Street; thence running
~n.o~t~?~0 de~rees 57' 50" east,446.69 feet,by, the southerly_ line of Peters
.~.~re_e~.,.. t.hence r~nning north 66degrees ~$, .~0" east 1~.~6 feet by ~
~o~,~.ormer-y, .of the Town of North Andover; thence runni~'s~n~,b
.~?" :~.a.~st, 26:40 feet byhland now or formerly of the Town~of-~o-~t~-A~[
~nence,_.runnmng south 26 degrees 26~ 00" east 159.10 feet by land no~. or '
zor.me,rly of the Town of North Andover; thence running south 2q de~rees ~, ~a.'
eas~ ~.20 feet by land now or formerly of the Town of North Andover, thence
~mnnin~ south 57 degrees 55' 1~" west 115.1~ feet by land of Ethel'M. Freeman;
,t. he~nce running south 29 degrees.~9. 20" east 87.97 feet by 1-~ me -o~
o~ sa~.c E=nem ~'reeman to the Salem Turnpike; thence x~rming n~rth ~2 d~gr~e~
~0' 00'" 'west 215.~9 feet by the easterly sideline .of the Salem Turnpike to
the., .~°Int. of beginning. Petition. of John ~. Costello and others..
ARTIOLE )1. To see if the Town will vote to change the Zoning from Country
Resident. District to Village Residence District of the following described land-~
Three certain lots of land located in North Ax~ over., being lots numbered
15, 1~ and 15 on a" ~'-
plan of land in North Andover, Massachusetts,. May 29, 1950,
R.J. Morris, C.g." which plan is recorded in' the North Essex District Registry
of Deeds, as Plan No. 2251. Said lots are canti~uous, and taken together Are
bounded and described as follows: NORTHERLY: seventy (70) feet, more~or less,
by a proposed street as shown on said plan: EASTERLY: two hundred s'ixty.'two
and eighty-one hundredths (262.81) feet more or ~e ss by a proposed street as
shown on said plan: SOUTW~m~Y: one hundred"~(100) feet by lot numbered 16,'~,as
shown on s, ai_d plan:' V~ESTERLY: two hund~red and sixty-two and eighty-one hund-
redths (262.~1)feet, more or' less, by~averly Road, formerly Railroad' Avenue.
To take any other action relative thereto. Petition of W.illiam.P. ~ass'0. & 'Others.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town wil_l vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changir~
from.Rural Residential to General ~usiness the following described ~ar.cel. of ',-[]
land. Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side of 0sgo0d'~stree~'J []
at the termim tion of the existing Gem ~a_l Business Zone thence running
northeasterly by said 0sgood Street, 105.~ feet to a stone bound at'.'ithe inn
tersection of 0sgood and Stanleyville Avenue, a proposed street shown 'on'a
plan owned by .Stefanowioz, North Andover, Massachusetts, Charles E. Cyr,,, c.g.,
dated April 1947; thence turning and running by said Stanleyville Avenue.,' 550
feet to a point; thence turning and running southerly 382 feet to a point on
the northerly side'of Great 'fond Road; the. ncc turning and running ~e~terly by
said Great Pond goad, 215 feet to_a point, thence turning and running. NOrth-
least'fly by'the existing General ~usiness Zone, 316 feet, more
point; thence turning and running, in a northwester.l.y direction,
to the point of beginning. Petition of Joseph R. Yaillancourt
'ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote by a two-thirds majority,~' tO'~.rai's~ei~and
appropriate or transfer frbm available funds such sum as ir'may determine .~to be
the necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent
oeedings or otherwise, the. p~rcel of land described below, for ~he' p~.urpose~ofl~
construct~,.~ and maintaining a new fire ~s'tation thereon, and ,to aUth&rkze ~nd!
direct its' electmen, in th name and behalf of the Town,. to 'take suchlste~s as
may deem ne.cessary Or ~dv~. sable to effect such adquisiti'on, all~.as'p~ovi-
Section 14, of Chapter 40 of the General Laws; a ~arcel of 1A~,' bounded
~terly. by ~ohnson Street, northerly by Salem Street, and southeasterly
an unname~ travel'ed way running from said Johnson Street' to said .S~lem Street
and lying between th.e parcel described hereby and land now or .formerly, of'Alice,~
Morse. Petition of. the'Selectmen upon the recommendation of t~e .Fir,e'/St'ation~
~oTZCLE .~ Tn ~he' event:, of~ the adoption of the preceding-Article, to' s~e if'~ the
wu will. vo~e ~o discontinue all town ways and private ways' lying'W~IZ~' the
parcel of.~land 6escribed ~herein all as provided by ~ection' 21 of ChApter;,82:
of the General Laws. Petitio~ of the Selectmen upon the recommsnda.~io~ of the
Fire' Station B~ilding Comittee. . ':
ARTICLE 5 .~To see'-if, the ~Town will- vote to raise and appropriate,Vtransfe~lfrom
or provide by bond issue, or otherwise ,- a sum of mon"~yj~ Suffi~;ient
· for 'the~p~upose of construotlng, equipping and furnishing, a new fire station~, .
~and..imProving landscaping, grading and fencing its grounds for fire station"p,ur-
'poses. Petition of the ~electmen'upon the recn~endation of the-Flr~e 'S~tati'on
Bui~ ing Committee.
ARTICLE ~6. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article~-~o See-if the
Town will;.vote to authorize its Selectmen, or' such other committee as" the?,Town
~ay vote to establish, to act in its name and behalf in all matters having~t0
o with the expenditure of the funds provided under said article, including.the
the execution of all contracts pertaining to the new Fire Station a~d; grounds
contemplated thereby. Petition of th.e. Selectmen upon the recommendation~.of.:~
'~the Yire Station' Buildln~ Committee. --'. "-.~ . .~...~
~ARTICLE 57.. To see if the Town will vote ~o raise and appropriate) s ~'sum~ of~
~m, oney.suffiolent to purchase or .acquire by eminent domain~ land and'.~buildings
~nere. on, now owned by. John Mur. phy, jnow or formerly known as 128 Main St~e_e~t, ~
consisting of 5,250 square feet, (42' x 125') for the purpose of a newmpol.'io~
Station, and to authorize and direct.its Seleczmen, in the name and-behalf of
the Town,' to take such steps.as they may deem necessary of advisable to"effect
such acquisition. Petition of the Selectmen. '
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the s~ of $~,0~0-'00
for the drawing up of preliminary plans and survey for a new Town Garage and
facilities. Petition of the'Selectmen.
ARTICLE ~9. To s~e if the Town will vote. to purchase a "Machine Accounting
System" at a cost of $6,500.00, Petition of the Selectmen..
ARTICLE ~0..To see if~ the Town will vote to pay F.A~. Tranazzo & Sons the sum of
$1,328.89 for woEk done in 1962 under Articles 7~A and 7~B of the warrant for
the 1962 Annual 'Z'own Meeting. Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE'~I. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $525.00 for
the purposes of reimbursing William A. Thirkell for a building l~rmit issued
by the Town to build a Motor Hotel on the Lawrenoe.Ai~port which permit was
never utilized. Petition of A1~ err A. Steinberg and others.
ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from available funds, the sum of $6,600.00 for the appointment of two regulars
patrolmen ~ully qualified~ who have passed Civil Service Rules and Regu]ations
Petition of the Selectmen and the Chief of Police Joseph W. Lawlor.
ARTICLE ~3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from available funds, the sum of $3,800.00 for the pumchase of two new 1963,
12 volt system cars; one 0ar--1962~ and once car 1931, to be turned in, in
trade ~.aud all equipment to be changed over, such as polloe radios, sirens ard
other similar accessories. Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Polio$.
ARTICLE 4~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer
from available funds, the sum of $2,500.00 for the purchase of one 60 watt
mobile 2 way radio for police vehicle, and one 60 watt Base Station for .head-
quarters. This includes the cost of installation. '-
Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police.
ARTZCLE'~. To see if the Town will ~ote ~o raise and ap~ropriate the sum of
$~,269,00;~ said sum to be added to the Fire ~epartment appropriation to
vide for the appointment of one (1) Lieutenant from an eligible llst
ed by, Civil Service. Petition of the Board of Engineers.
ARTICLE 46. To see ~f the Town will vste to raise and appropriate th~ sum of
$25~,000~00 to purchase a new Pumper to replace Engine i which is a 1937 Model
and '~ should be replaced. Petition of the Board of Engineers.
ARTICLE 47.~ To see if the Town will .vo=e to raise and appropriate the sum of
$I~,0~5~00, said mc.ney to be used to relocate the fire alarm system due to the
building of Route ~95. Petition of the Board of Engineers.
ARTICLE ~8. To see if.~ the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$~,I00.00, to be used with the presen~ 1958 Two Ton Truck to_purchase a new
Two Ton Stake Body I~mp T~uck for the Department of Insect Pes~ ContTol.
Petit~o~ of Leo E. Lafond, Moth Superintendent.
ARTICLE ~9. To see if the Town Will vo~e ~o raise and .appropriate the sum of
$1~900~q0, to be used with the presen~ 1957 1/2 ton pickup, truck to purchase~
a ~new 1/.2 ton truck for' the Department of Insect Pest Control.
Peti~b~0f~iLeo E~ Lafond, Moth Superintendent.
ARTICLE.~50. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or =ransfer from
available, m~fUnds, the sum of $3,300.00 to be used with a 1956 Chevrolet pick-up
truck~and~a 195~ Ford pick-up truck to purchase two ne~pick-up trucks.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $1,300.00 to
a 10 KW Generator to supply~ emergency lighting, and power'for auxiltary~unlts,
when it is necessary to pump water with gasoline engine at the Nor.th Pumping
Stati'on. Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from
available funds, the sum of $13,000.00 to purchase a four wheel drive front
end loader. Petition of the Board o£ Public Works. ,
ARTICLE ~53. To see if the Town'will raise and appropriate, or transfeb from
available funds, the sum of $6,000.00 to clean and paint 'the. interior, and
exterior of the million gallon water supply, standpipe a~ Bradford and Barker
Stye.ets. ~Petitlon of the Board of Public works. ·
ARTICLE.~5~. ~To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide
b~y.b~o~.d i'ssue or t.r. ansfer, from. a.v_ailable funds, the_sum of $125,000.00 to ex-
usna =ne sewer sys=em on w~averzy scad and Turnpike Street and to accept a lik~
amount from the Federal Government under the provisions of the Accelerated
Public Works Program. Petition of the Board of Public Works.
T~I~C~L~..55. T.o se? .i.f .the__Town will vqte to tran.4fer from the unexDen~ed ann-
~.~m~on~ .urn.er ~r~1c.~e ~.~ of the 1962 Annual Town Meeting, the s~m of
~,~.uu.uu ~o ~e used ~o zustall a 12 inch water main on S~lem Street 'south
easterIy 'from Marbleridge Road and to accwpt a like amount from the Federal
Government under the provisions of the ,Accelerated Public Works Program.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 56.. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond
issue, or. t~ansfer ~'l'om available funds, the .sum of $6,000.00 to contract dead
ends in the water distribution system. Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE'57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide
by bond 'i~sSue or'transfer from avail, bls' funds, the sum of $1,200.00 to
s=oh e~xtensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regu]ations
voted at t his meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on October 1st, 1963,
may consider most n_ecessary, such extensions nou having been petit£oned for
at this meeting, retition of the Board of Public W~rks.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town'will raise and appropriate or tremsfer from
available funds, the sum of $1,700.00 to install a hot-top basketball court.at
Chadwick Street Playground.. Petition of the Board of Public Works... /
'ART!CIE ' 59~A. To see if'thi Town will vote to accept from Roy R. Fart, of-his
nominee,~ the sum of $8,000.00 to be used by the Town to extend the.sewer system
on ,the .1909 layout of Wood Lane from She ir esent terminus southeasterly to a
proposed easement, from Edgelawn Avenue to Wood Lane. Petition Board. of. PUb,li6 Work
59-B. To see if the' T'own will vote to raise and appropriate or. provide by'bond
issue or transfer from available funds', a sum of money'sufficient to extend the
sewer system to the 0sgood Street - B.arkar'Street area. .
Petition of Albert A..~teinberg.aud others. · ..
f9-C. To see if' the Town will vote ~to raise and appropriate"or pr°Vlde:by~ bond
ssme or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient ~to'extefid
the sewer sy.s. tem on Mablin Avenue from Inglewood Street to Jetwood Street.
Petition of ~erbert J. Toomey and others.
59-D. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond
issue or transfer from Available funds, a sum of money sufficient to.~xtend the
sewer system, on Concord S~reet from Camden Street to Princeton Street.
Petition.. of George A. ~Mai,~.hot and others.
59'E. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or pr~.~vid$ by.b~nd
issue or 'tranSfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend the
sewer sy-~te~'6~'Chestnut Street from Longwood Avenue to the residence of Dry.
Edmund P..Quinn. Petition cf..Thomas B..Hayes and others..
ARTICLE-60A. To'see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfsr from
available' funds, .or provide by bond' issue, a sufficient sum of money~'to extend
the water System on Wentworth Avenue from the present terminus tothe residence
of ~Louis .F.. Sirois. Petition of Louis F. Sirois and others.
60~B. Tb Sie"if' ~t.he Town will vote to raise and appropriate or' pro~i~,e:~by, b0nd
issue or transfer f~om available funds, a sum of money Sufficient to'~e~tend.the
w~ber.'-~ystem ~n Mo~ris~ Street ~50 feet from Middlesex Street. ..~..,.,
P. et!tion- cf.-Anthony Longo. and others. : . ...
60-C.- To See if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or pr0videi~by b6nd
issue .or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient, t5 .ex2end the
water System on Ma~tin Avenue ~20 feet Westerly from Massachusetts..A~enue.~
petition of. Alva,S. Eldmidge and others. .
60-D. To see If; the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by
b'snd 'issue,' Or' transfer from available funds, a sum' of money sufficient "to
extend the water system on Beacon Hill Boulevard from Massachusetts. Avenue
to"the Upper Elementary .Sshool. :Petition of the School Building Committee~
60-E. To see if the Town'will vote to raise and appropriate or pro~i~de'[b~b~nd
issue or transfer from available funds a sum of money sufficient to" ~xtend the
w~'~".~ystem-160~'f~et 'on Nabl~i Ave~iue from Inglewood Street towsmd,~etwood
Street.. Petition of Herbert ~. Toomey and otb'ers~ ' -"
ARTICLE 611e, To see if the Town will vote to irs talTa new water main~along
Johnson Street between Rea Street and Mill Road, and if necessary, 'a16ng 'Rea
Street, ~o alleviate a, rusty wa~er.prohlem which has been ~revalent~: since the
first of,i'November~ 1962. Petition of M..Lois Bowman and others.,-..--~
ARTICLE '621 T~ see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate,.or:'tr~nsfer
fr6~'~aIIaBle' funds~ or lirovide by bond. iss,ue, a sum of $10,000.00~'.to:construct
a' ~t'6~u~'~d~aln' and its- appurtenances on CotU~ Street from IPswich S~re.et to
Dsrtmouth. Street... ,,Petition.cf..Norman Caml~ ell and others.
_ARTICLE '6~.' To see if'the Town will vote to,raise and approprlate,/or.transfer
rrom'avai~ab]~ funds or provide by bond issue the necessary sum of-.$2~500.00
to inS'tall-~' Surface .drain to alleviate conditions at Chickerlng Road: and
Pleasant. Street.-~ Petition of the Selectmen.
A~TICLE 6~. To see if the Town will vo~e to raise and appropriate a sufficient
sum' of money to ~wpair the collapsed culvert on Johnson Street and tO'-repair the
roadway. Petiti6n of John J. DeLisle and others..
ARTICLE' 65" To' see if the Town will vote to 'raise and ap~opriate, or 'transfer
from available funds or provide by bond issue, a Sum of $],000,00 to.remove
and replace the' pipe culvert under Ipswich Street.
Petition of Norman Campbell and others.
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise or::appropriate a sum of money
the grading and draining a section of Wood Lane extending from Wood. stock Street
to the dead end at t. he stcae wall. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others'.
ARTICLE 67,"To sec'if the Town will 'vote to install a surface drain on Wainut
Avenue. Petition of Thomas J. McEvoy and others.
ARTICLE 68; .To see if the Town will raise and apNroprlate the sum of $2,000.00
for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Cia rk Street. Petition mH,~ghway Surveyor
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or take from available
pfUnds the su~,~ of~$2.0,0D0_.00 to be used for the resurfacing of streets.
etition of ~ne highway uurveyor.
ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the
to repair sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 71. To see if'the Town will vote to appropriate or take fr6m available
· b~nds the sum of $4,000.00 to be'used for' storm drain on Wood Lane.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor. -
ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $10,~00.00
to b· used with' the present 1953'Reo to purchase a new refuse truck.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor. . _
ARTIOr'E 73. ~To see if the Town will r~Ise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00
to replace.old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 7~. To see if the'Town will raise and appropr~'ate or transfer from
avail~'.ble, fu~d's, the sum' of ~$960.00 to erect a steel guard rail at the corm
of M~ssachu~etts Avenue and ~averley 2m'd. Pe~itlon of' the'Highway Surveyor.
ARTICEE?~.5."T~'see'if. the Town will raise and appropriate the .sum of $990..00
to;'iereCt?a~heaVY dut~ chain fence, on Pleasant Street at Lake Cochichew'~ck..
· PeltLtion o~ .the Highway Surveyor.
AR~IOT.I~. 17'6'- .To see if the Town will vote'to raise and appropriate or transfer
f~'~>'A%~'ilable funds,' the mm of'$12,500.00 to' purchase a street sweeper. ·
Petition 'of the' Highway Surveyor.'
'ARTICLE?..7..7. To see if. the Town .will raise and appropriate', the'~sum of 10,
f~the?,~ebuilding OD.Salem Street. under Choctaw _ _ $ O'D0.OC
.... , '~ . , . '- ' --=--- 90 of the General L'
money, to!be .used. with an ~ _ _ a~ws, .said
n~'~A'*.~ ....... y mone.y .which. may be all~tt~d b~ the ,=n. n~
= ~ , ~=~ ~-~ u~.acuz.on ~n relation therein. -
Peti~tion%of~the Highway Surveyor.. ~ ·
....... , ', ..-~-~---~--m~-~ ~ne sum oX" 2 000 0
Laws.~' sai~ re&ne- to'b~e-us~'-- ; .... --- y,,-, u~u~r ~nap~er ~o' o'f the General
~, .?;;L,~.__ ~ . ~ ~ consunc~lon w~thI money which ma 'be all
· -oy.~ne ~--o~a~e or '~oun~ or b " . Y : otted
__.,., ....~ .... Y, otb, for this purpose, or take an 'other ac
zu'-re~a~monI ~nerezn. ~etition of the. Highway Surveyor. Y tion
, 79. To if the T_own will vote fO -wa.
'ha[lug~the.aPproval of the ~tate, De~a~*---~ ~ ~--~---. ~ .oR, g. y pr.oJeots
.. · PP o ed to the Town.b said D , ~ '
, .Chapter 782.of ~the Acts ~.. ~a~ ~_.... .... ,~. ._ ~, epa~tment ~der , ,
sss if the Vote to ame - :' '-,- · · -
· ~a~rY...Administration Plan b ~t in :' 'S -, ~.u~ ~ersonne~ wage and
, :, :..,.. . . . , y, rik g from chedv.le B"of Code
andall 'rates.within s ' , .... _ . ITS Step ,6.. ,
.... . ...... ~ ~. - ~. . aid step~. Petition c~ R mend C. D ll ~'
ARTI~LB1.. To see if t~he Town'w~ll vote 'to acce~t the.-"^"-g--J2' 2'"-
.... W ' · o u ~ aD,fora-'or ~e 'State ~e artme ' '
Publ:ic.m orks' re ~a t ' . , p nt
A~TICLE 82~' T0.'~s~e i~ .the,'Town-:wlll v0~e to. : ' ' - ~ "~':' ' -"
· accept, the' pr ovi'.~ions "Of
Sec.t'i0A' 56, a,s amended, whlch:'prov~des that ,no person
business, of. ,open-air~ parking without .a'.license '-to 'do so.
'pe ti.~:~om~Of the S-" ............ -.
~ · z0r"the street, s~--'~ ..... ~._; ~.. · . ._...... ~'of".
. , ..... ~ .~..~ .. ........ .,......~ , ... ~ ~ of the Se~c~en'. 1
from, a~llAble 'f~ds- such s,,~s -- -~--:--":L~?'~'V ..~.-pr~r~a:e,..or~ .t~sfe~
Ab~.b ..... - .... · _ ~ _~ ~u may m~ePm~e ~o ce ~ne fa ' " .'
:'othe~wise~ easements:*,~ ~ .~,~[,~ .. na~e, em~en~ coma~ proceed~ s o~"
of.d~a~ e. i · ~ . , n~ce,.repai~.~d, re ~ce ,
~ -~ -~-g-P.P S,~ condO.ts and o~er wot ~,,~A.~ , ....... P. .~e
(19'~?A, str'ip~ of ~nd 20 ~eet wide.,.--~r~ northerly from co'It Street
'n0r'~J0r' formerly" of Robert ~. B~ke, ~d compris~g ~e :most~westerly iOfoo~
.~str~P[~pf?~d .noway:supposedly belon~ng to'Jo~ E. S~i~2 et ~ ~ ~e mos~
.~a.$$~r~-110. foot .;st2tp .of la~ now supposedly 'bel6h n t '. '
[t.:~l":~ll as.~sho~ .~ that ~ ~ ' . - .,,~ g' 9 W$ili~ A'. Willett
'of"-the' TbS. Clerk ' ~ ,. or.-puo~zc ~spect~on at the.
... ,-: .... .. :. · , . · . , 1ce .
o~,~opoaed ~a~ e S stem P _ o~, ~nd ent~led pl~
a~'.tne.~.offioe.of the.'To~ Cl~rk. =~ .... ~" ~= ~ mmme, for public ins
(~)..~Ha'~ p~rceI of .~nd~ ~Pposedly belong to J
w,.~.~,, .~=.. .... an~ Alice ,W. Morse. and ~ ~ ~,,,_~.~ __ ,,~ et ~, Carl
-~...~ ~nau.p~n of land entl%le "~i~--~i~? ~ -~oposed ~a~age
' · --~,, ~ =roposec ~ralnage System .and
Clerk. ~D 'to a,,*~--- ~_~5; pao+mc ~spec~zon, at the office of
the" To~ ~~--~ ~u umrec~ its 'Selectmen in ~he n~e
-- Pe ~on of ss or advisable to ct
ARTICLE 85-A. To see if the Town will vote that at the annual meeting in 196~
the Town shall elect three Selectmen for the respective terms of one, two and
three years, and that at each annual meeting thereafter it shall elect one
Selectmen for a term of three years. Petition of Philip .Sutcliffe'and others.
85-B. To see if the Town will vote that at the annual meeting in 196~ the Town
whall, elect three members of the Board of Public Welfare for the r.espective terms
of one, ~e and three years, and that at each annual meeting thereafter it shall
e2ect one member of said board for a te~m of. three years.
Petition of Philip Sutcllffe and others.
ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to make the following corrective changes
L~ ~th~e~bi~'~.umb~ering' syste~ Of its'Zoning By-Law, as.printed, in~1~58, .and
as since amended, m By striking, out Sections. ~.7~, ~-7~, (1), 5.7~(28), ~.7~(29),
5.7~(~0), ~-7~(~5), ~.77 aud 5-4 as so appearing. By making the following'
sec.Trion numbering changes:
~;'7.4 !2) to ~7~ (1) ~.71. (16) to ~.7~ (15) ~-7,4($~) to.~.7~
~7.~ (4) to ~.7~ (~)· ~7~ i.i.(l~) to ~..7~ (iT) ~.7~($6) to ~.7~'
~:7~ (~) t~o ~.7~ (5) ~;7. '(.2 ) to ~.7~ (19) ~'7~(~ )
~.?~ (7) ~tc ~;7~ !$) ~;7, !2~) to ~.7~ (20) ~-7~(~9) to ~;7~' (~)~
5;7,' (8) to 5;7~ (.?) ~.7~ ~22}~.to ~.7.5 (21) 5.7~(40) to ~.75 (55.)
~:7 (~)to ~;7~ (~) ~;, ~m) to ~;7~ ~27) ~;79 (4) to
5.7 (~5)to ~.7~ (~) ~. (5~) to ~.7~ (28)~.79 (5)to ~77
· 5-79 (6) to 5.77~('6)
By n~ber~g, as Section ~.76, the written description of ~atpar~el ~of
which was' the subJec.t of the vote of the To~ ~der Article 6~of~the Warr~t
for ~e 1959,~ual. To~ Meetly. Petition of To~ Co~sel.
~TIC~ 87;'To"~& if'the To~ will vote to ~end Section 5.1 of its',Zoni~
By'Law .by'strik~ from the ~ st sencenc thereof the words. "Private" ~d "~elve"
~d~ ~ser't~g i~ place thereof ~e words "public" and "Fo~teen", .respectively,
so t~t s~id sentence will read as follows:
Notice of said publib hearing s~ll be given by publication In ~ ~ewspaper
publish~d'~ or of~general c~cula~on in Nor~ andover lo, teen days,at
least before the dage of such he~g. Pegition of To~.co~sel.
~ZC~'88'~'Tb'~ if~t~e'~own will' ~ote'to amend Section 9.1 of its~,Zo~g
~L~'b~"~t~k~'Trbm it~ IaSt'~ente~ce bh~ 'requi~ments t~t two of .the
~be~s' 0f' The'Bbard '0f"Appeals shall be appo~ted fr~m amo~ the ~me~e~s of
the Planing Board, so ~t said sentence will read as follows:
~e 'Bb~d~ ~f Appeals ~mbers and Associate Members'.shall.be appo~ted~
bpi.the 'SeIectmen in 'the'm~er 'provided by statute-
Petition. of ~the Pla~g Board.
I~ the o~ ~ vote to ~end SeCtion 9J~ ~ its Zon'~
B~mLaw' ~y st~ik~$'fr0m the first sentence the~e of 'ever~h~g fell0~ng 'the '
$6~d"~bIlcatien", ~d ~serti~' ~ place ~ereef ~e' p~ase "as,.p~e~de~ -
by ~tE~d~e"~ ~'~th~t"~fd'seh'tence will rea~'az folIows:
0~ e~H'~ppe~l-a~i~fng ~de~ the No~th Andover Zen~g By-Law, the-Bo~d
~f"K~I~"sE~iI"~6Id a p~bilc he~ing of which netlce s~ll be ~Iven
~blicatlon.as provided by statute. Petiti~ of To~ Co~sel.
~TIC~ 90. To see if .~e To~ wll~ veto ~ amend Section ~0.~ of its Zon~g.
By'Law by stri~ therefrom the words "ina newspaper published in or of.
general oi~oulation ~ ~or~ Amdover twelve (~) days at ~ast before date
of such hea~g" and ~se~t~g in p~oe thereof the p~ase' "as p~ovlded, by
sta~e", 'so t~t said Sect/eh ~0.~ will ~ead as ~ollows: ' -
~6~1~ bf'the'kfO~e~atd:public hear~g on a zoni~ ~en~en~ sh~l be ~ven
"by'~dbli~ttS~ ~s'D~bvided by"sta~te ~d by ~il~g ooDLes of such notice
as pub'ItShe~ to such ~ ~ties as the Pl~ Board ~y deemed ~terest~d,
at the addresses f'o~'~ch Parties as they appear'~ the most ~ecent
~dover real estate ~ax ~eoords. Petition of To~ Oo~sei. . ,.
~TIC~9i. To see if'the To~ will wte to ~end Sections '6.6~ ~d '6.62 of
its Zoning B~Law by. striking from each the ~te ~oe~e~ 6, I~56."'
Petition o~ ~ Co~sel.
~TICLE '92~ 'To see 'if the Te~ will vote te authorize its ~eleotmen
ih-~e n~e a~d'b'~ha~'of the To~ a ~elease to the O6~enwealth of Nassachu-
~ts'~ 'the' D&p~ent of ~blic Wo~ks, ~d t~eir successors and assi~S f~em
~y ~d all claims ~f every n~e ~d desc~fption whatsoeve~ ~is~g f~em 'the'
tak~g by em~ent do, in of a certain parcel of .land formerly belong~
the 'To~ ~d des?1~ed as "No~ An~pve~ ~.0.5lIl--Pa~cel ~5-~", in considera-
tion cz ~. amo~ er not ~ss ~ $~5.56 Petition of To~ Co~sel.'
~TIC~ 9~- To see If the Te~ will vo~e to accept W~nut Avenue.
Petition of ~omas J. NcEvey and others.
ARTICLE 9~- To see if the Town will vote to establish Beacon Rill Boulevard
from Massachusetts Avenue to the Upper Elementary School Building Property
Line as a public way by accepting th~ Selectmen.s laying out of the same,
heretofore filed with the Town Clerk. · Petition of the Ee~e ctmen as recom-
mended by the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 95- To see if the Town will vote to establish Bay State Road from
Massachusetts Avenue to the Upper Elementary School Building property line,
as a public waYT~y ac~cepting the Selectmen~s laying Out of the same, heretofore
filed with.the own Clerkl Petition of the Selectmen as recommended by the
School Building ~ Committee.
ARTICLE 96. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sum of money for
one 'sidewalk and curbing repaired extending M0 feet in front of building
Main Street, North Andover, Mass. Petition of George E. Crane and others.
ARTICLE ~97..~. · ., .... To..,.see.. if. the. Town 'will ,v°te to raise and a~propriate a sum of
mopey ,for the removal of the World i~ar Two Memorial from in front of .the Town
Office Buildin~"to"An"~pp~priate spot 'at ~emorial Pamk, also securinga World
War II, G.I. Bust to be added to same and that the Moderator appoint a comm~t-
tee for the purpose of this article. Petition aT Louis P. Saunders & Others.
ARTICLE 98. To see if the Tovm will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$500g00-'fCr t/~(~§~ Cf its"D~%~lbpme~¥ and Ihduhtrial Commission.
Petition.of Industrial Yevelopmer~ Commission by Edward P. Phelan & Others.
ARTICLE 99%~T.o see if the Town will vote 'to adopt a by-law or order
the fees to' 'be charged fo~ inspections by the Gas Inspector.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 100g 'To See if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Sg, 000.00
for the purpose of installing a new heating system at the Town Infirmary. The
provisi~o~ns 'fdr' the'installation of a heating system are in conformity 'to State
Public ealth Laws, pertinent to the ~ ovisions of obtaining a license to
operate. Petition ~ the Board of Public ~%lfare.
ARTICLE 101.1 To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00
fo=' 'the ira ~tallatlon of proper ~wage disposal facilities at the Town Inf~.
Pet:Ition...of' the Board-of Public elfare.
ARTICLE 102. To see' if the Town will'vote 'to raise and s~ propriate , or trams
fromava!l~ble ffindS, 'the. sum' of $800.00 =o match a like sum =o b · raise¢
.NC~h"i~.d°Ver~Bcard of' '~'ra~e, 'for the purpose of providing decorative 1!
aurinE~..=ne 196] Christmas eason. Petition.cf Ben C. Sweeney and others.
ARTTOLE' 10]~"To"~ee~If the Town will'vote to raise and appropriate, or~tran.,
from available funds the sum of $1,500.00 to be used for a Town Fourth of July
Celeb~ation,~Any and all profits ~made at said celebration to be retumne
wn reasury. Petition of the electmen upon the recommendation of the
Fourth of..July Celebration Committee.
ARTICLE 104. ~T0 see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $10,000.00
from~ the:Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Sel~. c'tmen.
ARTZCLE~I05~'To see if' the TOwn will ~ote to take the sum of
from.~available, funds to reduce the tax rate.. Petition of the Assessors.
An~"Yo(A~ are- directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies
~Cbf~ ~t~the'Town' Office Building, and at five or more public places in
votIng~prec£nct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor le ss
than~.te~.days~b,efore ~the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not, and make due return of thiswarran~ with your doings' thereon to
the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting.
G~vexi~und~r, our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 29th day of January
in ~the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three.
A. true copy: · , ,, Board of Se]m ctmen.
.. ~/ACEY.~ C~stable.
N°rth..A~n~0~v.e.r.,.~Na.ssachusetts. February 19, 196]. = '
I ha~e~ng~if~ed and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andov~r quali-
of~edthitso wVaO~t~a~i% ~nle~tiv~n~rS~md Town a.ffal.rs by posting true and atto'steal copies
ore.public peaces ira each .voting Dr~cinct of the
Town, Said copies having been posted not more th~ fift~, d~.DO~ le ss than
mor~n Annoyer, re. ass. " WIIiLIA1~I ~. f~YACE~f] Co~'stable.
February 19, 196]. ~ ~ -~-- '
ATTEST: $ohn $. Lyons.
Town Clerk.
Bla. nks
James H. :ewhirs
William A. Finneran
Fred P. 0akes
Robert Bush
George Moody
Raymond Broadhead
'William A. Finneran
Fred P. 0akes
Robert Bush
Ira D. Carry
Nicholas F. Nicetta
LeoE. Lafcnd
Marguerite Sou6y
~ulius Eay ....
Gerard C. St.Cy~.
Grace Austin
Robert M. Wood
Robert W. Friis
Lois P. Fisher
James W. Thomson
Charles W. Trombly
Charles Buchanan
M. George Norwood
William J. Lacy
George R. MacKenzie
James D. McOabe
William T. McCarthy
Augustine J. Walsh
Eugene A. Du_une
A. Moynihan
F. Gillick
C. Connor s
John Catch
J. Taoy.
A. Murpny
J. Murphy
755 lO~ 825 122~ 5820
625 857 719 1069
ll2 18~ lO~
656 9o6 725 lO86a~?l~
79 155 lOC 155 ~/~
626 8 6
6]5 827
565 785 622
676 525
705 5~40
10 29 20
660 91~ 728
75 la7 95
625 860 69~
n2 181 152
5~5 751 556
167 225 220
85o 680
.~5~. 665
185 267 249
1022 ~10~
~6~-1 2257
}l ~p 2291
1 1
266 967
· 788
659 512
961 1528 1172
878 2586.
861 259.6
891 2714
· 969
1469 515o
" NO.. 2.
( Par t
· Howard. L. Gilman
· David H. EVanS
]Daniel T. O,Leary
, Blanks
755, lo~. 825
YES 5~ 77.Z
~ ~ s ~ ~5o 5o8
z.).-- ~ o ................. ~65 a3z~.,~
BZ~s -97---16o-. ·
N 0 116 158
Blanks 1~6 .... 217'
208 287 207
8~ z53
1221 582o
9oz 27~9'
186 55o
759 2~8l
815 z~8o'
2oo 58~
2o6 -75~
29~ g~o.
517 1~1~
ll3 .
· All the foregging officers wer voted for on one ballotandid and cheCkc dlistSto theirUsed'
' The Board' Of.~egistrars decl.ared the successful c ares el'e ~e
· '~espective offices.
· LAft~r final action of Article 1, the said meeting was adJourned~'by v. irtue of
· - section 4, Article One of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March 16, !965 at one-
. ~thlrty; P.M., in the Veterau~'s Auditorium of the North Audover High School,
· :~he~.-'.and ,there to act on .the remaining articles _in the Warrant..'"
j'.~ot~'s were* present. 'The meeting' was called to order by,'the Moderator at,.
'.!~:~0. P.M'. Unanimous consent.was ,voted to admit six visitors.,., T°wn, Clerk
,'~b-hnJ~X;"Lyons opened the meeting .with a word of praise.and, commendabion for'.
..Miss Mary,T. Finn who retired as ,Towa Accountant in October 'after,27 years
.,in.the.~offtce., then, introducing'Miss Finn's successor David,F. Roche. The
.iPe~ding- of the Warrant and the Constables-service of return were· read,b~ the,'
. ,ToVa% Clerk ~' -
"i. AR~i'~ 2. VOTED to refer t o ;ttie'-Selectmen the appointment 'of ~wn officers
:h'ot'!¥eqUiredt,By, law or by-law to be otherwise chosen. ..
,u,...A~iOiE:5..,,V. OTED that the article be adopted.
' ~,',A~ZCZE'4., VOTED that all appropriations sad accounts'be carried~ fo~ward
· .'.~9~an~az,z 1, 1~6~. ~1¢
~RTICLE .5, ~0T~D to fix the .following annual salaries sad compensations: -~'
',~ Board of Selectm..e.n - each per annum .... $700.00
. ~oard of PubliciSt, elfare each per annum ~ .. . ~00.'00
,~,Board of Assessors - each per annum.... '~
'..',~own Treasurer -,.per annum ....... _ 6,.700.'00 ..
-~Tax Collector - per annum ......... 2,200,.00.
Hi hwa ,Surve or - per annum 5,.76'5.00
': 2roe ~arden - pe~. annum... ...... 400.00 ..
· . ,;, Moderator - per 'annum .... 50 ~00
~oard of ~ealth - each {,e; 2=;,,,;;: 500.00
B. oard .~of Public Works - each per annum · 250.00
.ji'ARrICLE .6. VOTED ~o¢.approve .items of the budget' collectively a's ~o the recomz
. .mendations-io~ the Advisory Board with the exceptions of the following' changes.
, ,,-I.tem;;5', .Town .Clerk increased. $.50._ Item 1.~, .P.e.rs?nnel~ B_o,ard e~.xpe~n.aes _incr?'a~d
- '/~100.' ;'."Item 1~. Board of Appeazs-rersonne--wr=n6rawn. ' ±=.em.~z~ ~'zre' mepu.',~.j .',
'" ¢.i~utenant in89eased $~,269..00 and 15 regulars decreased' 85~197;~.2. Item. =o~,¢
~;':,Buildi~ Inspector salary increased. ~600 .and expenses increased. . , $200.. Item..~¢
_., '~Garbage :DisDosal .increased $1,250. Item ~], Snow Removal expenses increas?d.:~;
[];$.1~.~000 ~a~d ,Item 62, Insurance increased $1,000. · ' m I r '; r
m ~N'~F">De~~tment ' . Salaries-WaSes Expense's, T 0 T i L
, oo.oo ,.
-.~ : Clerk Salary 5,978.76
. ', '"' ~xpen s e s $1,050 .'00
'2~:~ Treasurer: Salary
Clerk Salary
5.~..Acoountant: Salary
.~. Clerk Salary
4. Tax Collector: Salary .
" Clerk Salary
."-i' Expenses.
5%~. 'Town Clerk: Salary
6. Assessors:
Extra Clerical
7. Election & Registrars: Salaries
8. 'Town Counsel: Salary
9. Moderator: Salary.
10. Advisory Board: Expenses
11. Planning Board: Expenses
12. Board of Appeals: Planning-Expenses
~ Personnel' Board: Expenses
Board of Appeals: Personnell-expenses
15. Town Bldg. Janitor - Sa~y
16. Custodian ~ax Titles: Salary
License Commission: ~xpenses
'19. Annual Town Meeting Expenses
20. Police pept. Chief Salary
4 Sergeants.
12 Patrolmen
O~ertime and Elections.
Ba~hing Beach Police
21. Fire Department-Chief Salary
15 Regulars
~ Engineers
Call and spare men.
22. Forest Fire Warden: Salary
Forest Fire Expenses
Do~ Officer - Salary
25. Civil Defense: Dirgctor Salary
26. Building Inspector: Salary
Clerk, Wages
27. ~Wiring Inspector: Salary
~28. Sealer o~ Weights & Measume~Salary
29.~ Insect Pest Control: Supts Salary.
Labor -Wages
Empenses ~
50. Poison Ivy Control: Labor-wages
Dutch Elm$isease:-L~bor-Wages
B~ush Cutting: Labor-wages
Town~orest: Labor-wages
Tree ~arden: Supt. Salary
~i Street ~lghting: Expenses
Board of Health Salsmies~
Nurse: Salary
Physician Salary
Extra Clerical
Refuse-Disposal, Labor-wages
Garbage Disposal - Contract.
SewerMalnt.& Const.. Adm. Salaries
~01. Animal Salary
Highway. Sm, veyor: Salary
~': Inspe c~or:
, Streets. Gen'l Mntnce.Clerk Salary
~abor -.Wages penses
1~ l!~_6.90
. ~5o.oo
~, 900.00
52o.oo 520.00
250.00 250.00
~oo.0o, ~00.o0
0o'.0o ~0o~
950.50 95o.5oI
6,000.00'.. ~,000.00
~5.oo . gS.OO
0.00 40.00
200.00 200.00
5,750.00.. 5,750.00
,. 1,~0p.0o
~ 4,633.58.
lO, 55.o~oo, lO,55o.oo
1,000.00. L'i, OOO.[~m
.. ~k5.oo'~
~55.oo,: "~55.oo.::~
:. 600.00
2,400.00 2,400.00
'4oo.od' '~oo.oo
~.- ~00.00
200.00 200.00
15o.oo -- 15o.9o
2,355.00 2,5~5.oo
.... 5z5.65
~oo.oo 500.00
1,100.00 1,100~00
· 100.00
~5o.oo ,.
.... 95o.
12,207.75 12, g07.75
5,500.00 5~5oo.oo
10,250.00 10,250.00
9,500.00 11,500.00
', 5~7~5.00
55,000.00 -
.~ Snow Removal
Board of Public "elfare: Salary
~ Wel~fare Adm: Expenses
InfSrmary: Supt' s Salary
Matrons Salary
47. Welfare Grants:
01d Age Assistance 15~000.00
Ale to Depend. Child. 15,000.00
Disability Asslstance. 15,000.00
,General belief 10,000.00
Medical Essis. Aid. 35,000.00
-~,-. · Total Welfare Gran~s.
~8. Veteran's Benefits: Agent Salary
· Clerk, Salary
· Expense s,
: ::.Cash grants
~9. 'School~Dept. Salaries
...... E~penses
50'. ~"S~hpol Crossing Guards*Salaries
~ ~ ~ ~ Expense s
51.~ St6vens Mem'l Library-Head Librn.
, · ?~ '-~t~m-~ssl'stal/ts & Janitors
52~' ~ Pla~.gro~Unds & Bathing ~each.
~ I~uperintendent Salary
.Labor, Guards, Caretakers
~'i:.. Expenses
5'3'. Recreational Council: Salaries
.~ . Expense s
5~. ~Parks, l'rlangles, Buryiug Ground s.
. Superintendents Salary
:~%. .: Labor-Wages
55' ~S~C~{o0t Grounds, Labor-wages
· ~ ~. Expense s
56 · .,(~Es sex~ County · Re t irement System.
5~ .% ~.'r C0Z~i~gent Fund ~
5~ (A'merican Legion. Rental of Quarters.
5,9.~.~ V,F.Wi.' Post 2109 " ,
60 .Li' Ve'~eraH~ Day. - ~ ·
61/ M~morial Day
62. Insurance
.6~, i iGrOUp Insurance
~,6~.~,~ Communi_ty ~enter
· ',~5,.'~j.,Grayes RegistPatlon
~.? Brd.~ of.P.Works. Salarie's
67 ~"'WaterLMn~nc · ?Cons t. Adm. Salarie s.
c~'''~ ?~Eabor - wages.
· Expenses
68. ,-Redeeming School Bonds
69. ~Nnterest o~ School Bonds.
~0. Redeeming 'Stet Main Notes.
. :71. .... 'Interest on Water Main Notes.
~ 72.'.' Redeeming sewer bonds.
~.. 'Znterest on sewer bonds.
7-~. Redeeming water, bonds.
~SJ: Interest on water bonds.
76;~ Redeeming sewer notes.
7~. Interes~ on sewer notes.
· 7~.~ Discount on notes.
~9; i Conservatlon Commission.
~0.? 'Gas Inspector: Salary.
ARTICLE 6. (Budget)
1, 9~.12
2,688. co
~, 000. O0
~ ,..-2,688.oo
ha; ooo.oo
220, O0
3,,o. oo.oo'
_ 350.00
~5o. oo,
12 ;250:00'
- 8o~,oo
992,543.~o $2,2104,166.29
ART. 10. Town By-Laws. $100.00
" ll. Professional Survey, Wage-Salary Adm. Plan. 2 00.00
13. Wage & Salary Plan. 5~ cost of ~,,~ '-'~-
20. '~.Pr m ,~,*~+o ' ........ ~- 1~, 00.00
)~., Town Garage - Yard Survey. 2 000
.~1. Reimbu~se'motel ~er-~* ,. , .00
police o flo'"; s; . . 25.oo
~D..~wo newpolioe data. ~,§00.00
h\';;il;edept. .°o '
' " ~,~0~.00
75. Chain fence, Pleasant St., at Lake Coch
75. Salem Street, Chapter 90. · '
'L7~' Any Street. :' 90. '-tc~
~~ _c~ns't~, drainage, e
~. Indu~tria~ Dev. C~mm. ...... ~'
100. Heating System. Town Infirmary.
101. Sewage Disposal. J' ,,
102. Christmas Lights.
105. ~th July Celebration.
104. Reserve Fund.
New half-ton pickup truck, Moth Supt.
'50. New pick-up truck. Public Works
51. l0 KW Generator, North Pumpi~E Station.
53. Clean-paint water supply standpipe.
Ho?top basketball court, Chadwick St.,
to 60E. incl. Water extensions.
68. Disposal Site.
70. Repair side walks.
~ Replace oldstone culverts.
Steel guard rail. Mass Ave. Waverly Rd.
'" 590
" 10h.
~elo'cate'FirefAlarm:Rou~e ~95. (Availab '~h~uds).
D. Mablln Ave. Concord St. sewe~ system.
From~ticles ~0A to ~0E, incl of 1961. 5~O00.00
'~AR~IO.Y~E ~, VOTED~to authorize the Town Treastu, er with
Salem St,.., from unappropriated avai~ ble ~unds
Any street in Town.
From available funds,to reduce tax ra~.
Overlay Surplus to Reserve FUnd.
,, . r, r, ,, (A~TICLES)
1,500..'00~. ,.,-
'~the s~un
GmA O T0 A , $2,5 8
the approval-of .the'.,..
to borrow money from time to time in antloipation of the revenue- of
.'~the .financial year beginning January. 1, 196h, and to issue a note o~'notes.
therefor, payal~le within on,e, year, ,and ~o_renew orrefun.d, say such note;
'notes. All as iorovided by '~ectton ~ and 17 of Chapter 44 oflthe G~n~Laws~.
', The vote was unanimous and so de,la, ed. .
ARTICLE· 8. No rBports were heard.
',.' T ZE: 9. VOTE~ the a~ticle be adopted, the annual compensation of the Boa~d
;;' · alth Physi~lan to be fixed at'$950.00. . .:~..
'. A~._T.ICLE 10. VOTED to adopt theI article, and to '
r~ise .and approprlate~ the snm
i o? $100'.00, to be' expended under the di4ectiom of the. Committee, f~r its
."P.urP,9.ses, said .Comm~ tree to consist of seven members.
ARTICLE~ 11. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 12. Una.n. imously VOTED ~to adopt the ar.ti'cie. ~' ': -'
:~A~: TICLE 15. Unanimously VOTED to adopt the. article and to raise and~APpropriate
· t.he sum of $15,500.00 for its purposes.
1~. VOTED to strike the article from the' warrant.
15. VOT~D t0 reject the article.
16. Unanimously VOTED' to adopt the article.
17. Unanimously VOTED TO adopt the article.
18. Unanimously VOTED to adopt the article.
19. Unanimously VOTED. to adopt the article.
20. Unanimously VOTED to adopt
of $~25.00' for its purposes, the article and to raise and
21. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
22. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 25. VOT~D to reject the article.
ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to amend the Zoning B -Law ' '
-~wz~ns~an~zn : ion, the provisions of on
vote wa ( sor ption as seotio= .51 thereo
¢ ~ ~zv~ au. A 2/5 majority.
ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to amend the 3onin . '
~.8~,^the following new seat · g ~B~:Law ~y'addlng thereto after'
The v~te was AFFIRNATI ion. _Secti~,,.5.8) ( sari ti ' ~e~tiom
· 57 . 15. a maj{ri ,as in art olo).
ARTICLE 26. VOTED to amend section 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law (as re-numbered
by the vote of the Town under Article 86 of the warrant for this meeting) by
adding thereto, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.41 of Said By-Law
(7) (Description as in Article. .
The vote: AFFIRMATIVE 522. NEGATIVE 55. A 2/3 majority.
ARTICLE 27. VOTED not to adopt the artlcle.
ARTICLE 28. VOTED to amend section 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law (as re-numbered
by the vote of the Town under Article 86 of the warrant for t~is meeting) by
adding thereto the following new paragraph:
(8) (Description as in Article.
The vote: AFFIRMATIVE 295. NEGATIVE 77- A 2/3 majority.
ARTICLE' 29. VOTED to amend section 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law (as re-numbered
by the vote of the Town under Article 86 of the warrant for this meeting) by
adding thereto the following new paragraph:
(91 (.'Description as in Article.
The vote was ~NANIMOUS.
ARTICLE. 50. VOTED to reject the article.
51. VOTED to reject the aPticle.
52. VOTED to reject the article.
55. VOTED to strike from the Warrant.
5~. VOTED to strike from the Warrant.
55. VOTED to strike from the Warrant.
56. VOTED to strike from the warrant..
57-' VOTED not to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 58. VOTED to adopt the article an~ that 'the sum of $2,000.00 be raised
and appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Se~ ctmen.
ARTICLE. 59. VOTED to re,Ject the article.
ARTICLE. ~0. VOTED t~o strike from the warrant.
ARTICLE 41. VOTED to adopt the article and that the sum of $525.00. be raised
and appropriated for the purpose of the article.
ARTICLE 42. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,600.00 for the pur-
poses of this article.
~ _ ~5- VOTED to adopt the articl~ and to raise and appropriat~e the sum Of
$~,~00.00 for its purposes, to be exp~nded under the direction of 'the Select~.
AR~ICLE'~J~. VOTE~D to' adopt the article and to raise and appropriat~ the sum of
$2,500.00 for its purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Seleot~m~.
'ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to reject the artic~le.
ARTICLE 46'. VOTE~ to reject the.article, funds
ARTICLE 47- VOTED to adopt the article, and to take f~om avallable~ the sumof
$1~025~00 to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers.
ARTICLE 48. VOTED to adopt the art~icle~and to raise and appropriate the sum of
$~,100.00 to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden.
ARTICLE','49. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of
$1~900.00 to be expended under the direction of
the roe ~arden.
~2~200.00 for its
'~ublic Works.
$1,~00.00 for its
Public Works.
$6,000.00 for its
P~$1ic Works.
VOTED .~o adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of
purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum 6f
purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
to reject the article.
to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate~the sum of
purposes, to be expended under thc direction of the Board of
ARTICLE 54. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 55. ~0TED to transfer from the unexpended appropriation under Article
25 of the 1962 Annual Town Meeting thc sum of $60,000.00 to be used to install
a 12 inch~ water main on Salem Street south easterly from Marble ridge Road and
to accept a like sum from the Federal Government under the p~ovisions of the
Accelerated Public Works Act for the same purpose and to authorize thc Board
Public Works, in the name and behalf of the Town of North Andover, to. make and
enter into such c mutract or contractional relations with the United States
Government or any agent thereof, with respect t~making improvements in the
water works distribution system, as will secure~ matching or contributory funds
from the United States.~under thc provisions of the Public Works Acceleration
Act (Public Law 87-658) or other statute or regulations to secure such
financial asslstance~ The vote was u~.~an~mous and so declared.
ARTICLE 56. VOTED to reject the article..
ARTICLE 57. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of~
$1,200.00 for its purposes, to be expended und er the direction of the Board
of Public Works.
ARTICLE 58. VOTED to adept the article and raise and appr~prlate the~ sum of
$1,700.00 for its purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Beard
of Public Works.
ARTICLE 59A. VOTED not to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 59B. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 59C & D. VOTED that the sum of $5,000.00 be taken from the amounts
raised under Articles ~0A to 40E, inclusive of the 1961 Annual Town Meeting
Warrant, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public~ Works,. f~
purposes of these articles: PROVIDED:
1.) That the proposed extensions shmll be subject to the assessment charges
provided for by Chapter 580 of the Acts of~ 1906, as amended, and
2.) That, as to the proposed extension on Mablin Avenue, (Article 59C,) the
construction of at least one new building to be serviced by such extension
shall have been con~nenced on or before said date, August 1, 196~.
ARTICLE 59~. VOTED not to adopt thcar~ticle.
ARTICLE 60A,B.C.D and E~ VOTED that the sum Sf $11,700.06' be raise~l and~ appr°-
priated, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public. Works for
the purposes of these articles; PROVIDED:
1. ) That the petiti~oners, or their nominees, shall, on or before A~ugust l, 196~,
make a guarantee,. acceptable to said Board, to pay 6% of the a'ctual cost of
construction as water rates,~ per year, for fourteen years, .and.~
2.). that, as to the proposed extensions on Morris Street (Art.60B). Martin~Ave.,
(Art.60C) and Mablin Ave., (Art.6OE) the construction of at lcas~t o~e'new
building to be serviced by such extension shall have been corm~enced on 'or
befbre said date.
ARTICLE 61. VOTED to reject the article.
to strike thc article frmn the Warrant.
not to adop~ the 'article.
to reject the article.
ARTICLE 65. VOTED to reject
ARTICLE 66. VOTED to reject
ARTICLE 67. VOTED to reject
the article.
the article.
the article.
ARTICLE 68. VOTED ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00, to be' e~pended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this' artici~.
ARTICLE 69. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 70. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00, tb be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this Article,
.provided that he'~shall,~ out. of this appropriation, do the work pro~o, sedby
~rticle 96.
ARTICLE 71. VOTED no~ to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 72. VOTED to reject the article.
'.ARTICLE 75. VOTED to raise and approprtate the sum of $2,000.00 to Seme~pended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this article.
ARTICLE 7~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $960.00, to be expended~
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this artlble.
ARTICLE 75. VOTED to raise and appropriate the'sum of $990.00, t'o b'e eXPended
und er the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of t~is article.
ARTICLE 76. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 77. VOTED that the sum of $10,000.00 be raised and appropriated to meet
the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90, Highwa~ Construction, ~or re-build-
ing of Salem Street only, and that the sum of $~0,000.00 be transferred fro~
unappropriated available funds in the To,~n Treasury to meet the State.and
County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursements from the Sta~e a~d
County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in
the Town Treasury.
ARTICLE 78. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 fob the purpose
of this article, to be 6xpended by the Highway Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the
General Laws, and, in addition, that the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from
unappropriated available funds to meet the States share of the cost of the wbrk,
the reimbursement from the State to be restored upon its receipt to unappropria-
ted available funds
ARTICLE 79. VgTED~unanimously to approprlate,.for the purposes of the Artlc'le,
all of said $1~,016.10.
ARTICLE 80. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 81. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 82. VOTED to adopt the article
ARTICLE 83. VOTED to raise and appropriate th~ sum of $500.00 to be expended
~under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 8~. VOTED to raise and ap~roprlate the sum of $200.00 for the purposes
of this article, and to give the Selectmen the authority sought thereby.
The votes was UNANINOUS. A 2/3 majority.
ARTICLE 8SA.VOTED to adopt the article.
" 85B.VOTED to adopt the article.
~( this
article was considered, out or order prior to Article 2~.)
UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article. A 2/3 majority.
UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article.
UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article.
UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article.
UNANIMOUSLY ~o adopt the article.
to adopt the' article.
A 2/3 majority.
A 2/5 majority.
A 2/5 majority.
A 2/5 majority.
ARTICLE 93. VOTED that the Town establish Walnut ~venue as a Town ~Vay by
accepting the Selcctmen's laying out of the same.
ARTICLE 94. VOTED the article be str~ken~from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 95. VOTED the article be stridcen from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 96. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 97. VOTED to~ reject'the Article.
ARTICLE 98. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the purposes
of the Article.
ARTICLE 99. VOTED to amend Section ll of Article IV of the General By-Laws of
the Town. by adding' at the end thereof the following: The Selectmen shall fix,
and from time to time by their order may amend, a schedule of fees to be~
charge'd~ for gas inspections.
ARTICLE'iO0. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of.$~,0OQ.00 ~obe expended
under~. the direction of the Board of Public-Welfare.'.for the purposes of this
ARTZCLE~IO1. VOTED to raise and appropriate_~the sum of $500.00 to be expended
un,er the direction of the Board of Pml~e We~a~.e for the purposes of this
article. , ' ' ~.:
ARTICLE 102. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00 to be expended
under the direction of the Selectmen for the purposes of this article.
ARTICLE 103. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to be empended
under the ~dlreotion of the Selectmen for the purposes of this article.
ARTICLE 10~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,1~8.22 for the
Reserve Fund, and to transfer to same Fund, also, the sum of $~,851.78 from
the Overlay Surplus.
ARTICLE 105. VOTED to take Ehe sum of $1~6,000.00 from available funds to
re'duce the tax rate.
Mr..William B. Dully made a motion and duly seconded that a rising vote of t.~.~.
thanks be given to the Moderator, Advisory Board and all others for a Job well
done. Richard Winning, Donald ~nderson, Erthur Drummond, John Cronin, Alston
Arold, Milton Howard, William Lafond, Robert Winters, William McEvoy and ~ames
Dewhirt assisted the Moderator~and Town Clerk in counting the hand votes.
58~ Registered Voters were checked by the Board of ~egistrars.
The meeting opend at 1:30 P.M., and adjourned at 6:45 P.M.
A true.copy; ATTEST:
~OHN J. LYONS, To~vn ~lerk.
To either of the Constables of the Town of North And over.
In the name of the Eommonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover
qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs to meet in the Yeteran's
Auditorium of the North And over High School on Monday Evening, April 1, 1963
at 8:00 P.M., and there to act on the following Articles:
~ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
Forty-Fiv~ Thousand ~ollars ($~5,000.00) to be expended under the direction of
the Board of Fire Engineers to purchase a new ladder truck for the Fire
Department: Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon.the recommendation
of the Board of Fire Enginmers.