HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-14SECTION 22. OTHER LEAVE Absences for pcrsona~easons may be changed to vacation leave upon applica- tion by the employee aud approved by his department head. Such absences, however, may not be charged to vacation ~ ave beyond that which the employee has earned at the time of such application. SECTION 23. PHYSICALZEXANINATION Before appointment to a position in the classification plan requiring~con- tinuous employment a candidate shall have passed~ a physical examina tlon satis- factory~to thc Board. The examining physician should be appointed by the Bcarc and the examination shall be at the expense of the Town. The examining physician shall advise thc Board as to whether or not, in his opinion, the applicant is physically qualified to perform thc duties of the position for which app.lication has been fade. SECTION 2h. CIVIL SERVICE LAW. · Nothing in this by-law shall be construed to conflict with Chapter 31 of the General Laws. SECTION 25. EFFECT OF PARTIAL INVALIDITY The invalidity of any section of this by-law shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof. OFFICER t S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote i~ Town Affairs and elections by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at five or more public places in each of the four ~recincts of the Town. Said notices having been posted not more ths_u fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting..~ Nor.th Andover, Mass. February 19, 196~ ~" CONSTABLE. ATTEST: ~~ WARRANT COMMOI~EALTH OF ~$.SSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS: To either of the Constables..of the Town of North Andover: GREETING: In th~ name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are~hereby ~ directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Ncr th Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet and assemble in the Veteran,s Audi3torium.of the-North Andover High School immediately following the adJourh-~ ment of. the Annual.'Town Meeting on SATURDAY, the ~Fourteenth Day of March, 1964 at 1:30 P.M., to act upon the following article: ARTICLE &. To see whether the Town will vo~e to ~pprove or disapprove the amount of debt (to wit: $3,250,000) authorized by the Greater Lawrence Regional Vocational ~echnlcal High School District Committee at a meeting held o2 February 18, 1964, for the purpos~ of constructing and equipping a regional vocational-technical · high school building. Amd you are directed to serve this'warrant by posting true and at=- ested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more~publlc places in'each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more fifteen days nor ~ ss than ten days 'before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, 'fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your d6ings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, ~the 24th day-of February in~ the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four. WILLIAM A. FINNEREN Board RAYMOND BR 9ADHEAD of FRED P. OAKES. Selectmen A true copy: ATTEST: North Andover, Mass. WILLIAM J. McCAR~i' Constable. March 2, 1964 OFFICER t S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified ~o vote in Town Affairs by posting ~rue and attested copies of warrant at five or more public places in each voting ~r ecinct of the Town. copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. WILLI~J~ J. McOARTy, Constable. March 2, 196k. ATTEST: Town Clerk. Le · 256 RESULTS OF T0~I~ ELECTION RELD ON MONDAY MODERATOR FOR ONE YEAR Blanks TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR JAMES J. M~KER Blanks TAX COLIECTOR FOR ONE YEAR JAt~ES H. DEWHIRST Blanks SELECTMEN FOR THREE YEARS ~'k~CD ~. DAI~S Blanks SELECTMEN FOR TWO YEARS RAYMOND BROADHEAD Philip Sutcliffe Blanks SELECTMEN FOR 0~E' ~ I~ILLIAM A. ~'INNEEEN Blanks PUBLIC WELFARE FOR THPk~R. YF~RS FRED P. 0APES Blanks PUBLIC ~VF_J~ARE. FOR TWO EARS i~AlrMO ND DEOADH2CAD PHILIR SUTCLIFFE Blanks PUBLIC WELFARE FOR ONE YEAR WILLIAM A .. PINNERAN Blau~.4 'HIGHWAYJSURV~0R FOR ONE YEAR 0LAS P. NICETTA .~ Blanks ~ BOARD, OF ErEALTH FOR TH~kM~. YEARS ,~,MITCHELL P. B00TMAN ."Blanks OR'FOR THREE YEARS Blanks PUBLIC WORKS FOR THREE JOHN~ J. WILLIS Blanks TREE~VA~DEN FOR ONE EAR LEO E. LAFOND Blanks SCHOOL COMMITTEE FOR THREE YEARS WILLIAM F. ROCK MICH~W.T~ B. CRONIN CYRIL R. KNOWIES STEWART P. WILSON BI anks GR.LAWRENCE REG~VOC.TECH.HIGH SC~00L' COMMITTEE ME~3ER JOHN J. CAFFREY VANCE C. PETERSON Blanks PLANNING BOARD FOR FIVE YEARS ~A~4ES M. BANNAN Blanks HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FIVE YEARS THOMAS L. FOULDS Blanks MARCH 2, 1964 7 P,.~M. to 7 P.M. , N~4BER 0P VOTES BY PRECINCT' ABVO ONE TWO THREE FOUR TCB AL ~6 B6-~ 1o~ 89----~ ~ 176 549 75B 87.5 766 1166 ~87 12~ 162 152 .180 ~02 ~l 685 810 70~ 1075 ~299 15 177 227 198 27~ 890 171~ 216 176 201 .... 75~ ~59 198 1 75 5o 7o5 802 709 16 z59 2~5 189 5o(, 508. k62 }o 47T 64o 515 lO ~7~ ~7 25 7~5 87~ z¢~ 5o~ 7}7 ,.1156'~- "}~" 261 . ~z9o...' .652 .691 207 19 261 ~02 25 256 296 270 lO48' .:,,.,,~2~ ~06 ~ '681 668 5Y4 ~.o,.. )~o .... 1165 16 ~97 .)4.22~88 45~ "1674 22 ~29 ~56 97e ~ ':1927 8 z~6 159 z~8 ':588 52 64~ 7k5 660 994 5077 lk ~16 e92 e~8 ~Se 111e ~4 667 798 725 2069 ~295 12 195 259 17~ 277 896 Town Election March 2, !96~. Con't. HOUSING ~/YTHORITY FOR 1 YF~ UN-F~ IRED TERM D. Mc AB 15 .72 ALVIN C. WA?S 21 2S4 Blanks l0 106 25,,7, 501 456 2116 CONSTABLES WILLIAm J. LACY 25 560 660 ~71 926' 2740 GE0~GE H. Mac~Z~ 27 ~50 660 621 92~ 27~y~ ~A~S D. MeCABE 956 290~. WILLIAM ~.McCARTY ~ ~ 56 901 2670 AUGUSTINE J. WALSH 20 552 575 956 2775 Blanks 97 1224 1624 1527 17~8 6020 ~QIIESTION # 1. Y E S 22 574 450 555 565 1746 ~ 0 17 .51~5 58O 55O 586 1652 BI~ nks 7 ~6~ 20? 215 ~95 79~ ~ ~ s ~7 568 ~;~ 5~7 577 ~ o aO 5~8 597 550 570 ~655 All the foregolng~offlcers were voted for on one ballat and check lists used. Th4 Board of ~egistrars declared the successful candidates elected to their re.spective offices. Al.ret'final action of Article l, the laid meeting was adJourne~by virtues of · Se.ctton~4, Article One of the .Town By Laws to Saturday March 134, 1964 at one thirty. P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of the Nc~th Andover High School at l:~0 .P;M., then and there to act on the remaining articles in the warrant. ADJOURNED TOVm MInd-TING MARCH 14, 1~64 The 'check lists, were used at the entrance and showed that 492 registered veters~were present. The Meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 1:50 PvM., Unanimous consent was voted to admit seven visitors. ARTICLE 2. VOTED 'to refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town of~ cots. nO~.i, required by law or by-law %o be otherwise chosen. AP~TICLE>~. VOTED to accept the. report of reclpts and expenditures as presented ~theSelectmen. ARTICI~ 4. VOTED that the folIowing appropriations and ac~unts be carried f~rward to Januar~ 1, 1964: T~wn Garage - Yard Survey - - ' ............ A~icle~ 2, 1961 ~ Land taking Ar~Ic'le 10, 1965 - Town By-Laws He%lth-~)epartmen~Expenses Article ~5, 19~0 -.Sewer Syste~ Article.40, 1961 ~ Sewers A - E. A~ticle 1, 4, 5,1 1962 - Sewers Article 29, 1962 - West Side Sewer Attic!e52, 19~9 ~ Chapter 90 Article! 58,. 19~0'- Chapter 90 Article 1962 - Chapter 90 ' Article 52, 1962 a Storm drain A~ticle 7~, 196~ ~ Salem Street Chapter 90. Article 16, 1962 a School Building Committee Scholol-Ground ~Exp~nses Article 59, 1961 Ice Skating'Rinks Civil Defense for 1961 Article-?0, 1962 Civil'Defense Article 25, 1962 ~ Renew ¥~ater'Service Amticle~25, 1962 - 12 inch Water Mains Article 5~, 1965 ~ Clean & paint water standpipe Civil~Defense - 1962 Article 55, 1965 ~ Salem Street water main Article 57, 1965 Water Main extensions U.S. Disability Assistance - Administration U~S~ Disability Assistance A~sistance U'.S. Old~$ge Assistance - Administration U.S. Old Age Assistance - A~sistance U.S. ~id to Dependent~Ohildren - Administration U.S. Aid to Dependent Children'- Assistance U.S.~Medical AssiStance for Aged - Administration U.S.~Medical Assistance for Aged - Aid North Andover Sch$ol Lunch North Andover High Athdetic AsSociation. School'- Public Law, 85-~6~ School - Public Law, 85-67~ TOTAL -- $1,97 . 6 · 1,220.k7 8~.8o 4 9 5.oo ,98k.81 1,5o8.~, 25,26~.79 1,926.0~ 5,502.1~ 5,177.o5 2,786.96 1,511.59 40,000.00 552.67 559.65 1,500.00 6,774.1~ 9 .16 1,96~.00 55,5k~.65 1,200.00 1,~d~0.16 1,212.90 5, o94.~o 21,17).52 Adjourned Town Meeting March 14, 1964 ~.~ ARTICIE 5. VOTED to fix the annual salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General LaWS:Board of Eelectmen - each ~m r annum ......... $700.00 Board of Public Welfare - each per annum ~00.00 Board of Assessors - each per annum 1,U00.00 Town Treasurer - per annum 7,035.00 Tax Collector - per annum 2,200.00~ Highway Surveyor - per annum 5,,765.00 Tree Warden - per annum 400.00 Moderator - per annum 50.00 Board of Health - each per annum 500.00. Board of Public Works - each per annum 250.00 ARTICLE 6. VOTED to approve items of the budget collectively as to the re- commendations of the Advisory Board with the exceptions of the .following chang~ Ztem 14, Board of Appeals (Planning) Expenses to be stricken out. Item ~(35)[] Street Lighting Expenses should be expenses not salaries-Wages. Item 42 Ch~) _Snow Re~m0val Expenses increased by $5~OOOfor a~ totaI or $65.000. Ite~-6~5) ,roup ~usurance expenses increased $1,571.90 for a total of $26,452.54 DEPARTMENT SALARIES AND t. Selectmen- Salaries Clerk Salary Expers es 2. Treasurer - Salary Clerk Salary Expen s e s 3.. Accountant - Salary Clerk Salary Expenses Tax Collector -' Sala~ ~Clerk .Salary Expert se s 5. Town Clerk - Salary Expense's 6.~ Assessors - Salaries Secretary Salary F.xtra Clerical Expenses 7. Elections & Registrars - Salaries Expenses 8. Town Counsel - Salary Expenses · 9. Moderator - Salary 10. Advisory Board -Expens es Il. Planning Board - Expenses 12. Board of Appeals -(Zoning) Expenses ~] Personnel Board -Expens es Town Building Janitor salary Expen se s 15. Custodian Tax Titles - Salary Expenses 16. Tax. Title Foreclosures - Expenses I~ License Commission - Expenses ' 19. - WAGES $2,100.00 5,985.52 ~,o~5.oo ,130.88 ~, 996.00 ,13o.88 2,200.00 4,200.00 5,55o.oo ~,400.00 ,k37.~8 5,030.80 875.oo 1,500.00 5o.oo 1,706.90 100.00 Annual Town Meeting - Expenses Police Dept. - Chief Salary 7,570.00 ~Sergeants 25,279.72 Patrolmen 7~,168.22 Regular reserves-specials U,500.00 Overtime - elections 1,500.00 Expenses Ba~hing Beach Police 800.00 20. Fire Dept. - ~hief Salary 7,~70.00 Lieutenants 25,100.88 15 Regulars 87,565.04 2 Engineers 1,709.00 Call and spare men. 1~,93~.0Q Vacations 4,934.26 Expenses 21. Forest Fire ~arden - Salary 250.00 22. F~rest Fire Expenses 23. D$~.0fficer - Salary 2~5.00 Expenses 2~. Civil ~efense - Director Salary 600.00 Expenses 25. Building Inspector - Salary 2,100.00 Clerk - Wages 400.00 Expenses EXPENSES $1,050.00 2,965.00 1,195.00 3,825.e0 625.00 4,707.00 7,620~00 520.00 250;00 ~00.00 00.00 975.00 5,825.oo ~5.oo 0.00 200.00 3,750.00 14,502.95 lO,455.oo 1,000.00 455.00 1,712.06 200.00 TOTAL $2~1ooXoo 3,985.52 1,050,.00 . 7,o35.~oo ~,130.88 .2,9~5.oo 4,130~.88 1,195.00 2,200.0'0 4,200.00 '5',825~o'o '5,~5o.oo ~25.oo 5;~oo.oo .4,~37.68 5,030.80 ' 4;70%00 ~75.oo .7,'620o00 ~.1,500,.00 ~2o.oo 5o.'oo 250.00 900.00 800.00 I 1975'.00 ,~06.90 5,~25.00 '100.00 ~5.oo -'40.00 200.00 5,750%00 7,5~0,00 25,279.72 '?~,168.22 ~,500.00 ~,500.00 ,'~o2.95 UO0.O0 7,370'.00 23,1oo.8~ 87,563.0~ 1,700.00 1~,93~.oq lO,~55;0o 250.00 1~000.00 ~5.oo 455.00 600.00 1,712.06 2,100.00 400.00 200.00 Adjourned Town Meeting March 1~, 196h Wiring Inspector - Salary." Empenses Sealer of Weights & Measure - Salary Expert se s Insect Pest ~Control. Suit's Salary Labor - wages Experts e s Poison Ivy Ciontrol Labor-Wages Expense s Dutch Elm Disease - Labor-Wages Expense s Brush Cuttin~ Labor - Wages Expenses Town Forest Labor - Wages Tree Warden Supt's Salary Lab or-Wage s Expen s e s Street ~Ight~ng - Expenses. Board of Health - Salaries Nurse Salary Physician Salary Extra Clerical Expenses Refuse Disposal. Labor-Wages Expenses Garbage Dispg_sal - Contract Sewer Maint.' Const. Ada. Salaries Labor - Wages Expenses ~!i Animal InspeCtor : Salary Highway Surv&yor Salary Streets, Gen~l Mntnce. Clerk Salary Labor - Wages Expenses 800.00 6oo.oo 1,050.00 .650.00 ~00.00. 10,886.52 900.00 5,508.56 950.00 55o.oo 51,500.00 2,~00.00 11,~00.00 525.00 5,%5.oo .4,210.52 42,177.~1 ?~i Snow RemovalExpenses ~Board of Public Welfare - Salaries 900.00 Welfare Administration - Expenses ~5. Infirmary: Supt~s salary 2,2~.00 MAtrons salary 1,9~4.12 Wages 1,926.56 Expenses ~6. Welfare Grants: 01d age Assistance Aid to dependent children Disability assistance General Relief M~dical Assistance aid T0tal'~elfare GrAnts. $91,000.00 1,250.00 500.00 47. Veterans ben~fits. Agent salary · ,. Clerk salary Expense s Cash grants 48. School Dept. Salaries Expenses 49...'Scho01 Crossing Gmards-Salarles Expense s 50..Stevens Mere' 1 Library. Head Librarian Ass%stants & Janitors Expenses 51. Playgrounds and Bathin~ meach -'~ Sup~~ s Salary Labor,' guards-caretakers Expen se s 52. Recreational Council - Salaries Expen se s 5.5. Parks, triangles, burying grounds ~ Supt' s salary Lab or - wage s Expense s 5~. School grounds, labor - wages Expense s ~56~ 'Essex County Retirement System. Con%ingent Fund 5~- American Legi,on Rental of qu,a, rters 5~. V. F. W. 210~ " 59. Veteran's Day 60. Memorial Day 61. ~nsuran ce 62. Group Insurance ~. Community Center .' Graves Registration 65.' Board Of Public ¥1orks - Salaries 758,515.oo 6,500.00 6,5~.oo 20,559.00 $20.00 10,541.00 2,688.00 25O.OO . 5,020.00 11,100.00 750.00 55o.oo 1SO.CO 2,555.0o ~00.00 1,100.00 100.00 2,115.00 58,525.00 9,~75-00 5,500.00 ll,~10.00 9,500.00 ~5,000.00 65,000.00 15,000.00 9,192.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 11,000.00 55,000.00 15o.oo 22,520.00 152,078.00 7OO.OO 8,950.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 700.00 5,0pO.00 62,0~O.07 5,000.00 6oo.oo 6oo.oo ~5o.oo 550.00 52,000;0~ 200.00 kSo.oo 259 800.00 550.00 ~oo.oo 15o.oo 5,81k. k 4,991.67 2,555.qo 525.~5 500.00 7,269.15 1,100.00 1,050.00 100.00 .650.00 ~00.00 lO,886.~ 2,115.00 58,52~.oo 900.00 5,5o8.~6 950.00 550.00 9,575.00 51,500.00 5,500.00 il,510.00 2,~00.00 11,~00.00 9,500.00 ~25.oo 5,765.00 . ,21o. 2 42,177.61 ~5,000.00 ~5,000.00 900.00 15,000.00 2,2~5.00 1,9~.12 1,926.~6 9,192.0o 15,000.00 15,000o00~ 15,000.00 il,000.00 55,000.00 1,250.00 500.00 15o.oo 22,520.00 758,51~.oo 152,078.00 6,500.00 709.00 6,52k.00 20,559.00 8,950.00 ' 'Sgo.oo 19,541.00. 4,000.00 2, 688.00 2,000.00 2~0o00 5,020.00 700.00 11,100.00 5,090.00 62,'0~0.07 5,'000.00 600.00 600.00 55u.o0 550.00 52,000.09 26,k52.Sk 200.00 450.00 750.00 66. Water Maintnce & Corm t. Adm. Salaries 12,600.00 Labor & Wages 39,900.00 Expens e s '.. Redeeming School Bonds Interest On School Bonds 69., Redeeming Water Main Notes 70., Interest on Water Main Notes 71. Redeeming Sewer Bonds 72., Interest on Sewer Bonds 77~i Redeeming Water Bonds Interest on Water~ Bond s ~ Redeeming Sewer Notes Interest on Smwer Notes Dis~unt on Notes Conservation Commission. t.. Interest on Fire Equipment Nc~ es eeming Fire E~uipment Notes i1.. Gas Inspectors - Salary 200.00 Expenses Industrial ~Oommission. 5., Land damage claims Vocational School · 1964 Adjourned Town Meeting March 14, 1964 ~2.,000.00 170,000.00 · 65,467.50 9,000.00 652.00 30,000.00 5,740.00 35,000.00 8,740.00 20,000.00 2,095.00 6,000.00 100.00 575.00 5,000.00 100.00 300.00 5,000.00 Budget 'Totals $1,343,587.96 $1,065,944.62 . AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED (ARTICLES 6A. 1963'Un~aid Bills. 12,232.75 10. Wage & Salary Adm., Plan. 17,~00.00 3,~00.00 11. Two new police cars' ~: 200 gallon ~rayer Disposal'Site. . 21. Replace old stone culverts 22. Sidewalk, Mass Ave-Waverly Rd-ChickeringRd. 28. Any Street. Chapter 90. 58. Gunite 1898 Reservoir · ~5. Water system on Martin Ave. water e ten ions. ~ Town. fire fighters accident i . 4th July Celebration · . Christmas Lighting. ~ To Reserve Fund Dale'Street open brook 70. Rose.~'iletti Reimbursement. 74. Surface drains on Wood Lane. ~ School str.eet sewer Sealer of ~eights ~& Measures. ~ ~nera~or. Uppe_r Elementary School. ~abil~zation ~mud · . 900.00 500.00 1,000~00 6,500.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 1,700.00 1,200.00 10,157.48 1,~00.00 ~00.00 5,g54.14 ~00;00 150.00 975.00 6' oo.oo ,000.00 12,60~'.00 ~9,900.00 42,000.00 170,000..00 '65,467.50 9,000.00 652.00 30,OgO'.O0 740.00 35,000~00 8,740.00 20,000..00 2,095.00 6,000~00 ~'100~00 575.00 5,000.00 ~r'200'.O0 100~00 300.00 5,000.00 $2,4o ,.532,58 'TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED &[APPROPRIATED (ARTiOLES~92,05~.78 · S U M M A R Y .AMOUNT TO BE RAISED & APPROPRIATED (BU"~'--~-DGET) $2,409.552.58 T 0 T A L. $2,501,590.36 'ART. 79. FROM AVAIIABLE FUNDS TO REDUCE TAX RATE. .. ~00 000.0~ TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE ,RAISED AND APPROPRIATED · ART. 27. Take from unappropriated available funds $30,000.00 to meet State · & County Shares, Chapter 90 Highway Construction. ART..28. Take from unappropriated available funds $1,000.00 to meet 8tatg '.~hare,,0~ oost of work, Chapter 90, any streets in Town. .ART. ~0. Takejfrom Article gS, 1960 sewer system Sg, 98g.81 and Article 40, .196i Sewers A E $1,015.19 to make the sum of $6,000.for article.. -ART. 59. $18,016.10 (1) to meet the Town. s share of Chapter 90 Highway ' construction of Salem Street as proposed by Article 27, the sum of $10,000~ · (2) For the re-surfacing and improvement of aohneon Street and of Hillside .Road (from the Andover boundary,, as the Highway Surveyor with the approval · of the State Department of Public Works may determine the balance of 'said 'appropriation. 'ART.' 65. TranSfer Trom Overly Surplus to Reserve Fund the sum of i.ART. 7~. TranSfer from Article 52 of the 1962 Town Meeting the sum of .$1,511.59 for~the purpose of the article. ~RT. 79. Transfer from available funds the sum of $100,000.00 to reduce the · 196g tax rate.. ~RTICLE 7. VOTED to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of t~e 'Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue ~of the financial year beginning ~anuary l, 1965, and to issue a n ' · thgrefor, payable within one year ~_~ ~ _ . ote or notes notes ail as .... , renew or rezuna an s ~o , ,~_ ~provmaed oy Se,orions 4 and 17 of Cha~ter l.I. ^~y~c~ note. or ARTICLE 8. Donald Smith, Esquire reported on the By-Law Study Committee as making good progress, and explaimd the five articles for this meeting. ARTICLE 9. VOT~D to adopt the article and to fix the annual compensation of the Board of Health Physician at $950.. ARTICLE 10. vu~.~u ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $17,500 for the purpose of the article and the new rates of compensation to become e~f..eotiv~e as of Jul 1, 1964. ARTICLE 11. VOTED to adop~ the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $3,800 for same. ARTICLE. 12. VOTED t~ereJect the article. $2~TtCLE 13. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $900 for same. ARTICLE 1~. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 15. VOTED 'to reject the article. ARTICLE 16. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 17. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 18. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for the ,purposes of the article. ARTICLE 19. VOTED to reject the articl'e. -- ARTICLE 20. VOTED to reJec~ the article'. ARTICLE 21~ VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purposes of the~ article. ARTICLE 22. V~ED to raise and 'appropriate the sum of $6,500 for the purposes of the ~rtlcle. ARTICLE 23. V02ED to.reject the artlcle,~ ARTICLE ~2~. VOTED to reject the article.. ARTICLE 25. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 26. VOTED to reJ~ebt t~e article. ARTICLE 27. VOTED' to take from unappropriated available fund~' ~H&'su~ of $]0,000L. t9 meet State and County share as per article and upon affirmative vote 'of Article 59 of this warrant the sum of $10,000'be takenifrom the funds apportioned ~o the Town under Section. ~' of Chapter 822 of the Acts of 1963. ARTICLE '28.. VOTED to adop~ the article and raise and appropriate $2.,000. ARTICLE 29. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE ]0. VOTED to reject the article ARTICLE~'31'~ VOTED to'reject the article. ARTICLE 32. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 33- VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE Ih. VOTED to strike from the V~arrant. ARTICLE ~4A. VOTED to strike from the Warrant. ARTICLE ~5- VOTED to raise and appropriate the stun of $1700 to be expended by the Board of Public ~orks for the purpose of th&~ article, subject to the fol~owing provisions: that on or before August 1, 196h, the petitiohers and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Publt6 Works of 6% of the actual cost of construction as water rates per year for a period of.fourteen years; and that on or before said date the construction of at least one addi=ional house to use the proposed extension shall have been started. ARTICLE 36. VOTED to reject the article. ARTIC~ '~7& VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE ]8. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate $6,500. ARTICLE $9- VOTED TO adopt the article and raise and appropriate $1,200. ARTICLE ..40. VO~TED to take.from Article ~5, 1960 sewe~ syste~m $~,98~.81 and artldte ~0,' 1961 Sewers A E $1,015.19 to make the sum of $~,000 for the purpose of~ this article. ARTICLE 41. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 42~ ARTICLE 44~ A TIC hS- Treasury by ARTICLE 46. Treasury by VOTED to reject the article. ~OTED to reject the article. VOTED to reject the article. VOTED to adopt the article providing said $9,000 be in the September 1~ 196~. VOTED to adopt the article providing said $8,500 be in the September 1, 1964 ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to adopt the article providing said amount of $~9,000 be in the Town Treasury by September 1, 1~6~. ' ARTICLE ~8. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE ~9. VOTED to reject the article.. ARTICLE 50. VOTED to reject the ~rticle. ARTICLE 51. VOTED to establish Glencrest Drive as a Town way by accep, ting the , Selectmen's ~ayin~ out of same. ~ .... ARTICLE 52. VOTED to establish Meadow Lane from Mass Ave., to Wood Lane as a Town way by accepting the Selectmen,s laying out of s~m~. · · ARTICLE 53. VOTED to amend Section 3.7,7 of the North Andover Zoning. By-Law by adding thereto the following new paragraph (10) description as in Article . ARTICLE 5~. VOTED~to amend Section 3.77 of the North Andover Zoning BY-Lawby ad~g thereto the following new paragraph (11) descriptions as in article, The vote under Article ~ was AFFI~.ATIVE 210, NEGATIVE ~2. " " " " " 176, " 5 · ARTICLE 55. VOTED the article be striken from the warrant without prejudice. ARTICLE 56. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 57. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 58. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 59. VOTED to adopt the Article', and to meet the full amount' statutory apportionment for its~purposes, as follows: · · (1) To.meet the Town,s share of Chapter 90 Highway Construction on Salem'St~eet as proposed by Ar~ticle 27, the sum of $10,000. ~ (2) For the re-surfacing and improvement of Johnson Street and ~f R~llside Road (from the Andover. boundary), as the Highway Surveyor with the approval of the State Department of Public Works, may determine the balance of said appropriation ...... ARTICLE 60. VOTED to reject thearticle.. ARTICLE 61. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 62. vOTED to adopt the article, and to raise and appropriate, the sumP'of $10,157.~8 for its purposes. ARTICLE 6~. VOTED to adopt, the article and to raise and appropriate the-.'A~um of $1,500 and to authorize and direc~ the Selectment to appoint a Comm,'tree of nine members ~o expend the appropriation. ARTICLE 6~. VO2ED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate-~t~e sum of $800 for its purposes, and to authoriz~e and direct the Selectmen to. exp~nd same. ARTIC.LE .65. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and. appropriate, the sum.of $5,25~.14 and take from Overlay Surplus the sum of $~,7~5.~6 to mak.e ~the amount of $1Q~)O0.00 for the Heserve Pund. ARTICLE 66. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 67. VOTED'to adopt the article~ ARTICLE 68. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate th~ sum of ~800 for its purposes. ARTICLE 69. VOTED article be Str~ken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 70~ V0~ED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the~sum of $150 for its purposes. ARTICLE 71. VOTED that the article be stricken from the Warrant. Article 72. V~ED to reject the article. ARTICLE 73. VOTED to reject the article. ARTIC.LE 74~ V.0~E~D~ to adopt the artlcle'and to me~ said amount of $~000, the amoun= of $2,~.~1 be raised and appropriated and take from Article ~52 of the 1962 Town Meeting the amount of $1,511.59. - · At this point of the meeting Mr. Ira D. Earty, Highway Surveyor asked to exPres his thanks and appreciation to the Townspeople for eleot~ him for 52 consecutive years and stating this would be his last year in ruffing for the office. Charles W. Trombly, Esquire arose and offered the following Resolution to the meeting of w~ich was accepted. WHEREAS, Ira D. Car~y has faithfully and conscientiously served the ~citizens of North Andover for thirty-one ~vears: and WHEREAS, Ira D. Carry is desk,us of r~ttring but has not Joined an~ contributory pension plan: and WHEREAS, the citizens of the Town of North Andover are appreciatiw~.'of his many years of devoted service and are de~sir0us:~of cooperating with his request to retired on pension if legal: and THERE~0RE, be it resolved that it is the wish and'desire of th~s meeting that the Selectmen take such asctlon as may be necessary to retire the said Ira D.Carty on an annual pension not to exceed twenty-five h~udred ($2500) dollars per a6num. ~7. VOTED to adopt the article providing said $19,000 be in the Town ~s~ry by September 1, 196~.. 48. ~0TED to reject the article.. / ~9. VOTED to reject the article. i0, VOTED to reject thearticle. ARTICLE Se lec teen~ ARTZbLE 52, Town way by ARTZCLE 55- adding thereto The vote was ARTZCLE 5k. VOT .D adding thereto the The vote. was ..~: VOTED to establish Gleencrest Drive as a Town-way by/accepting the laying out of same. / 0TED to establish Meadow Lane from Mass., Ave. to/VA'oDd Lane as a cepting the Selectee.ri' s laying out of the sameQ / to amend section 5-77 of the North Audo,ver~Zoning By-Law by following new paragraph (10) descript~l./,on as in Article. IVE 210. NEGATIVE 72. A 2/5' maJ6rity.' / _ amend section 5-77 of the North $~dover Zoning By Law by llowing new paragraRh (11) description as in Article. ~ 176. NEGATIVE ~5. A 2/5~Jorlty. . ARTICLE 55. VOTED the ,tlcle be stricken from the/Warrant without prejudice. / ARTICLE 56. :VOTED to re ~t ARTICLE 57. VOTED to re ARTICLE 58. VOTED to re ARTICLE 59. VOTED to adopt statutory, apportionment for (1) To meet the 'l'own's share as proposed by Article 27, the (2) For the re-surfacing and (from the Andover as State Department of Public ion., ARTICLE 60. VOTED TO REJECT THE the:. article. / the artlcle'. / article. / article, an~ to use the full snount of the poses,/as follows: ~90 Highway construction on Salem Street 000. ~t of Johnson Street and of Hillside Road Surveyor with the approval of the determine the balance of said appropriat ARTICLE 61. VOTED to reject th, e/article, k ARTICLE 62. VOTED to raise and appropriate ~ sum of $1o,157.~8 for the pur- pose of the article. /' ~ ' ARTICLE 6~.. Voted to adopt/the article .an.d tectal.s.c, and a~ppr, opriat.e the_s~c_of $I,500 and direct the Se,lectmen to appoint a Committee cz nine memoers ~o ex l~.nd ~the appropriation./ ARTIC'LE 64. VOTED to a~dopt the article and to r~i~ and appropriate the mm of $800 and direct the Selectmen to expend the same. ARTICLE ,65. VO~ED to adopt the article and to raise and appropri,ate, the sum of $5,254.14, and take/from the Overlay Sur. plus Account tt~e sum of $~,745.86 to make'the ..said amodnt of $10,000. / \ ARTICLE 66. VOTED to 'reject the article. ARTICLE-~7, V/OTED to adopt the article.. ARTICLE 68~/VOTED ~o adopt the article and to raise and ap riate the sum Of $800 for i~s purposes ARTICLE ~9..VOTED the article be stricken from the warrant. ART~IOL~/70. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropria~ the sam of $~/or its purposes. ARTICLE 71. VOTED the article be stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 72. VOTED to reject the article. · , ~/~T~CL~ '7~. '$~-t°-re-je~'t-the-ar't~i~' ~'I~ARTICLE 7L. VOTED to ad~op~t the article and to ra~ise and ?ppropr.i~ate the s~um of ~2,4~8.4i and to take from Article~ 52 of the 1962 Town ~eeting ~ne sum ox' .$1,511.591,to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this article~ " ARTICLE 75. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $975. to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Workds 'for the purposes of the Artic ARTICLE 76. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $100' for same. ART~CLE 77. VOTED to adopt(~the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $6000, for the purpose of this article. ARTIC~'78. VOTED to raise and ~ppropriate the sum of $10,000 for the purpose of the article.. ARTICLE ~9. VOTED to take the sum of $100,000 from available funds to reduce the tax rate.