HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-04-12 Adjourned Town Meeting March 13, 1965 L~a~w~
Article 87. VOTED to mmend Section 3-77 of the North Andover Zoning By~
by adding thereto the following new sub-paragraph:
(15) The land in North Andover, allas shown as in article.
Planning Board favorable recommendation.
Affirmati've vote was 202. Negative vote was 28.
ARTICLE 88. V~ED to reject the article. Affirmative 112. Negative 117.
ARTICr~ ~9- V~ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,878.89 and to transfer
the sum of $6,121.11 from OverIayReserve, bo~the to the Rserve Fund.
ARTICLE 90; VOTED to transfer fromavai~able funds the sum of $120,000.00 to
reduce.the 'tax rate.
WilllamB.~ Puffy made a motion ~ud duly seconded to extend to the Ad.visory
Board,, Moderator and all others for a fine Job done on the meeting.
John' Monterio~, Philip Miller, Milton Howard, ~ston Hc~ard,~ John Connors, John
Cr0nin, Robert Banks, David E~ans, ~illiam McEvoy and James ~ewhirs assis ~ed
The Town Clerk and Moderator in the hand voting. .
747 Seven hundred and forty-~seven registered voters were checked by Brd of Reg.
Meeting adjourned at 6~0 P.M.
At the SPecial Town Meeting immddiately following the Annaul Town Meeting ~he
following was voted:
ARTICZE 1. VG~ED to raise a~_d~appr?riate the,~sum of $1500, to be expended
underL the direction of'the ~oard c~ Public Works for the purpo.se of the Article
ARTICIE 2. VG~ED~ ~o adopt the article a6d to transfer $6000. for its purposes
from the unepeneded balances'of the amounts held over, for fiscal 196 from
the appr0pria ~ions made by. the, Town u~der Article s · 1, ~ and 5 of the
~o~ 1the Special Town Meeting~of'May i~, 1962.
ARTICLE 5~ VO~ED to a'dopt the article. ~ ~
A true copy: ATTEST: ~/JOH~.
To~ either 'of the Constables of the~ Town of North Andover:
· ~.~ .~°~In the tame of the Co~or~ealth of Massachusetts you are hereby
directed ~ to notify and warn the i~b-bitants of the Town of N~th Andover who
are quali£ied to vo~e in Town A~airs to meet and assemble in the Veterans'
Auditorium of the North Andover High School on Monday'evm~ing April 12, 1965
at 8 P.M. 'to act upon the following articles.~.~
ARTICLE 1. To see'If the Town will approve the cons truction of a new Housing
P~_~oJeo~ by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely a housing pr.o Jeer for
e~derI~i:~ersons pursuant to'the pr ovisions of Chapter 667~ of.Massachusetts
Acts~0f~i~5~, and Acts in amendment thereof and in' addtiti°ri'thereto, to be
knsw~ ~s ?~ate-Aided Housing Project. Petition of NO. And0ver Housing Ah~ho
ARTIclE 2~;~T6 see if the TOwn will vote to aecep~ the provisions of'Chapter
106 of~th~ Acts of~.1965, an act authorizing the es~ablishment~of a Reserve
Foroe~i~ the Fire ~epartment and removing the call department from Civil
Se~vi~?. ~ ~Petltio.n~of the~Board of Fire Engineers.
A~T~CLE~.~To see if the Town will vote to rescind the a~ thorized but un-iss~
~portlon~6f the loan~authorized under Article 48 of the Warrant~for the Town
Meeting held March 19, 1960 to ~rovide funds to install a 12-inch water zmin
on Great Pond Road. Petition ~. the Town Accountant.
ARTICLE 4. T0 see if the Town will vote ~o raise and ap~r0pr~ate the sum of
$299~0~ ~to .implemen~ Article 81 vo~ed at the ~st Annual Town Meeting relative
~to the inclusion under Schedmle A of the Personnel By-Law the title "Account-
and Assistants." Petition of the Town Accountant.
ARTICLE 5. TO see if the Town will vote ~o raise and ap~ opriate the sum of
$299~O~'to implement Article 80 voted at the l~st Annual. Town Meeting rela.tive
to the i~blusion under Schedule A 'of the Personnel By-Law the title
"Trea'sdreP Assistant." Petition of the Town Treasurer.
And you are 'directed to serve this warrabt'by posting true and attested copies
thereof, atthe Town Office Building and at five or more public p~a ces in each
voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not m~e than fifteen days nor ~ ss
than ten days before the $ime of said meeting.
Meteor, fail not, and make duereturn of ~his warran~ with your doings there~n
~tO the Town Clerk, at the time And p~a O~o of said me. etl~j~.
Given under o~ur^han_ds a~t North Andover, massachusetts, rune ~rd day of March
in the year cz our .~oro..one~ thousand nine hundred and sixty-five.
A tr~e copy: ~I~LZ~.M A.. FIN~RAN SELECTMEN. ~ /
Mar. 51,-.,1965. A TEST: